S3C Chapter 36: With Time
First things first, I wanted to point out that the next chapter (technically this one) is the 100th chapter of this story. Crazy to think I've written this much. I wanted to know if there's anything you would all like to see to celebrate it. It might not be literally the next chapter, but I feel I should do something special for the occasion, I just don't have any ideas on what would be suitable for it at the moment.
(Y/N) looked at the cards in his hands before smiling mischievously and placing it down in the center of the table that had (Y/N), Shiver, Frye, and Big Man all around the table.
However, the smile disappeared as Shiver placed a card that undid the "great play" (Y/N) thought he was making.
(Y/N): I hate Tableturf...
Shiver: Maybe you should try and play better.
She said with a smirk.
Frye: Y'know I can still help you get better, right?
She said as she put down her card.
(Y/N): No thanks. You're good at the game, but not so great of a teacher.
Frye pouted at his insinuation.
Big Man: Ay. (I've got a beginner's guidebook I can lend you.)
Big Man said while putting down his card.
(Y/N): Nah, I got this.
He said while carefully thinking about his next move before placing a card. Suddenly, Shiver slammed down her card on top of his immediately, with her having read his next move like a book.
(Y/N) glared at her while she smiled evilly at him.
(Y/N): You are such a jerk, you know that?
Shiver: Stay mad.
She said, unable to rid her face of her smile.
Frye: Are you sure you wanna keep playing Tableturf?
(Y/N): Of course, I do. I want to get better. Besides, what else is there to do right now?
Frye: Well... You could always tell us about what's going on between you and Pearl..?
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): I already told you three, nothing is going on between Pearl and I. We're perfectly fine.
Frye: Well, you say that but-...
Shiver: -Pearl has been kinda low contact recently.
Big Man: Ay. (And you've seemed kinda tense recently.)
(Y/N) laid his cards down on the table for a moment.
(Y/N): Look, it's stuff that happened a long time ago. It doesn't matter anymore. Pearl and I are different people from who we were, and that's all that matters. I've got no issue with Pearl. We're friends. Honestly, I was more surprised by the reveal that the girl from back then was actually a couple of years older than me. I thought she was in the same grade as me since we were about the same size.
Big Man: Ayy. (Then how come you haven't been hanging out with her since then?)
(Y/N): That's because she doesn't want to right now. She'll see it's nothing for us to give too much attention to and go back to normal soon enough.
Frye: And if she doesn't?
Shiver: Yeah, I know this is crazy for me of all people to be suggesting, but maybe you should do something more... proactive?
Frye: Yeah, can't you at least tell us about what it is that's got her all like this?
(Y/N) looked like he was thinking it over in his head for a moment, causing the three Deep Cut members to look at each other before looking back at him.
(Y/N): Fine. It's just-
Marie: Hey, are we late?
Callie: I got some snacks on the way here!
Marie and Callie walked into the hideout, causing (Y/N) to clam up.
Shiver: Ugh, couldn't you have waited another ten or fifteen minutes?
Callie: But... snacks?
Frye: Can't believe I'm saying this, but snack time came too early.
(Y/N): We were just in the middle of a Tableturf game. I think I'm getting better.
He said while smiling back at the two newly arrived Inklings who looked past him to see the three Deep Cut members each shaking their heads "no".
Callie ran over and sat down next to (Y/N) and looked at his freshly picked-up cards.
Callie: Are these all the cards you have?
Marie walked over and peeked as well.
Marie: You don't even have any Fresh cards?
(Y/N): Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have money to keep endlessly spending on random card packs.
Callie: But still... not even one Fresh?
(Y/N): No. I don't have any Fresh cards. How much do you have?
Marie: Actually, Callie and I were given free Fresh cards of ourselves in exchange for our likenesses.
Callie: Like she said! I looks totes adorable as a marketable trading card.
(Y/N) glared at the two before turning to the other three, who each flipped around three cards that showed they each had a card of every Deep Cut member.
(Y/N) sat silently with a pout on his face.
(Y/N): This game is pay-to-win...
Pearl POV
Pearl was scrolling through funny videos on her phone when she heard her stomach rumble.
She put her phone in her pocket before leaving her room and heading for her kitchen.
Upon getting around there, she noticed Marina and Eight talking to each other.
Pearl: Yo, what's up, you two?
Marina: Oh! Pearlie, how're you doing today?
Pearl: Meh.
She says while opening up a jar of mayonnaise and taking a bite.
Pearl: So, what brings you here, Eight?
Eight: Marina told me she was worried about yo-
Marina covered Eight's mouth.
Marina: -I'm not worried, I just... thought you'd like having some friends around to hang out. You know. Play games, watch movies, talk about traumatic events of our past, normal friend things like that.
Marina said with a smile while Eight just looked up at Marina who was still covering her mouth.
Pearl: Sure, we can watch something I guess. Throw on something on the big TV. My account should already be logged in, 'Rina.
Marina: Great! Come help me set it up, Eight.
Marina said while dragging Eight along with her.
Eight: I thought you said we'd be doing talky-feely things.
Marina whispered to Eight.
Marina: We'll get there when we get there.
Once Marina and Eight were out of the kitchen, Pearl dropped her head facedown on the counter.
Pearl: Ugh...
She rolled her head over to look at the mayonnaise.
Pearl: Why did Marina have to find that yearbook..? And why did dad have to send that here? Next time he tries to make me take in my old stuff, I'm telling him to no.
Pearl lifted her face up, walked over to the stool in front of the sink, let her face sit under the flowing sink for a moment to refresh herself, got down off the stool, grabbed the mayonnaise, and left to go after Marina and Eight.
(Y/N) was in the kitchen with Big Man, cooking up some food for all six of them to eat.
Big Man: Ayy. (I'd have been okay making the food on my own.)
(Y/N): Don't worry about it, Big Man. You tend to be forced to cook for those two a lot already. The least I can do is help you since I can cook without setting the place on fire. Besides, gives me a little break from those four yelling at each other.
He said with a chuckle.
Big Man: Ay. (Well, as long as it's fine with you.)
Big Man looked like he wanted to ask (Y/N) something, but was a bit timid as usual.
(Y/N): What's on your mind, Big Man?
Big Man: Ay? (Huh?)
(Y/N): Can't fool me, Big Man. If you want to say something, go for it.
Big Man: Ayy? Ay? (How come you cut yourself off earlier when Callie and Marie showed up? What were you going to say?)
(Y/N) gave a light smile.
(Y/N): I was going to tell you three what happened. Like you were asking.
Big Man: Ay? Ayy? Ay. (Why'd you stop them? Were you embarrassed in front of that many people? I get like that sometimes too.)
(Y/N): No, not that. It's just...
He thought about it for a moment.
(Y/N): How about I tell you from the beginning?
He asked Big Man as Big Man nodded.
(Y/N) started the story for Big Man, telling him about how he met Pearl originally and more, all while someone else was listening in on the storytelling going on between the two men.
Pearl: So, why did you bring me out here?
(Y/N): What's wrong with Snapper Canal?
Pearl: Look, if this is just to hang out, let me know beforehand, don't waste my time.
(Y/N): Actually, I did bring you out here for a reason. I thought since my ears could use a bit of an easy time, and the equipment could too, you could try singing out here. Besides, the area means the acoustics might have a nice sound to it that your very own private impromptu home recording studio might not.
Pearl: Thems a lot of words.
(Y/N): Cool area makes singing sound cool too.
Pearl: Then why didn't you just say so?
(Y/N) got out some of the small equipment that he could manage to bring with him that had stuff ready on it beforehand. It didn't offer as good of quality as her high-quality setup at her home that they usually used, but he's learned multiple times the benefits of trying a less... compact area when listening to her singing.
(Y/N): Gimme a sec before you start... aaaand... okay, you're good to go.
Pearl started singing, and his ears definitely appreciated the different environment.
(Y/N) had to admit that she did actually sing pretty well, in a wild sort of way, not that he minded. However, she was hard to predict at times, and would occasionally even get so loud that some issues would arise when she let loose.
After she was done, she was smiling with a hyped face.
Pearl: I don't know what it is about this place, but my voice sounds even better than it usually does, don't it?
(Y/N): I already explained why that is, but yes.
Pearl: You think I could convince the people from the contest to hold it here instead?
(Y/N): I don't think they'll give you special accommodations just because you ask.
Pearl: Fair. What if my dad pays them?
(Y/N): That-... That would actually probably work, yeah. But you shouldn't do it.
Pearl: Why not? Everyone's happy if I do. Me and them both.
(Y/N): You ever think, sometimes, there's something better about not just paying to have everything you want?
He asked her with a serious face, but she looked at him like he was stupid.
Pearl: Uh, nope.
(Y/N) just sighed.
Pearl: Fine, what else is there?
(Y/N): Hm?
Pearl sat down along the ledge with him.
Pearl: What about you? You didn't want to be paid for doing all this work for me, so why do you bother helping me?
(Y/N): Oh, well, I, um...
Pearl smirked at him.
(Y/N): I just... like... helping..?
Pearl: Mhm. Whatever you say.
(Y/N): Besides, I thought you already understood I was just happy to work with all this equipment you have access to.
Pearl: I didn't mind taking that at face value at first. When someone does something stupid the first time, it's whatever. But you keep on doing the same stupid thing, so it just makes me curious what would make you want to do that.
(Y/N): I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Pearl looked at him, obviously not falling for his lies before rolling her eyes.
Pearl: It's whatever.
She stood up and stretched her hands over her head, causing him to look up at her.
Pearl: I'm sure I can already guess well enough what it is you're after anyway.
She said while looking up to hide her smile and slight blush that was growing on her face.
(Y/N): I doubt it.
(Y/N) whispered to himself while Pearl shook her head to go back to normal.
Pearl: But seriously, don't get too ahead of yourself. You're just a lackey after all. I could swap you out any day I'd want. I could pay for the best of the best, even. So, don't push yourself too much, just take it easy before you mess something up trying to impress me with your nerd skills.
She said with a smug smile, causing (Y/N) to grumble to himself.
(Y/N): Mhm, sure...
Pearl: This place is pretty cool though.
(Y/N): I told you it was.
Pearl: Nah, I already knew it was. My dad takes me here to ride my bike.
(Y/N): You ride a bike?
Pearl: Yeah? Why do you ask?
(Y/N): I just never see you riding one. You're usually just in some fancy car or whatever.
Pearl: I can't just like to ride it for fun?
(Y/N): No, you can, I just didn't see a bike around anywhere. Can you show me?
Pearl: N-No! I'm too cool to just be showing off my mad bike skills to the help! Don't ask such dumb questions!
She said, trying to hide her embarrassment that she still needs training wheels since her father's lessons haven't helped her too much for riding without them.
(Y/N): Right.
Pearl: B-But this place does have its downsides though.
She said, attempting to switch topics.
(Y/N): Like what?
Pearl: The ducks...
She said fully serious with the look in her eyes at him.
(Y/N): The ducks?
He chuckled.
Pearl: You think I'm joking? Those ducks are evil!
(Y/N): Ducks are so cute and funny though.
Pearl: Yeah, these ducks look adorable, but they're pure evil!
(Y/N): Pearl. They're ducks.
Pearl: They chased me to the car once!
(Y/N) was trying his best to hold in his laugh, very unsubtlely.
Pearl: I'm being serious! Don't trust them!
(Y/N): Right, right. Got it. How about you try and practice singing some more, and if any of those- pfft- monsters show up to attack you, I'll protect you.
Pearl was blushing.
Pearl: L-L-Laugh it up! I'll kick you to the curb the first chance I've got! Th-Then you won't be laughing so much!
(Y/N): Whatever you say, Pearl.
He said while resetting the equipment casually, much to her annoyance.
~Flashback Ends~
Pearl POV
The three girls were watching a movie that Marina had chosen with a pretty heavy-handed theme about friendship. Pearl just let it be and rolled her eyes while Eight was actually really engrossed in the film, focusing on the movie. Meanwhile, Marina kept looking over at Pearl during the movie as if Pearl would have some profound realization while watching it.
Eight, without taking her eyes off the screen, reached for the popcorn bucket but felt there was nothing left in it, as she looked over to confirm as much.
Eight: Marina, we're out of popcorn.
Marina: Oh, uh, well...
Marina looked back and forth between Pearl, the bucket, and Eight.
Marina: Fine, I'll quickly go make some more.
She said while grabbing the empty bucket and running off to quickly go and make some more and get back as quickly as she could.
Pearl: I don't blame you, Eight. I can't stand not having any snacks during a movie either.
Eight: You like the movie too?!
She said, with a pretty happy face.
Pearl: What? No, I didn't say that- Well, not that it's bad, it's just... really cheesy is all, yo.
Eight: No, the movie, not the popcorn. Not that I think the popcorn had any cheese either.
Pearl: No, cheesy is what you call a movie that's kinda cheap or so bad it's good.
Eight: What do you mean? What makes this movie "cheesy"?
Pearl: Just the writing and stuff, yo. I mean, look at the two main characters, they're just so fake. Real friendships aren't that simple. They're complex, dumb, and exhausting.
Eight: Including me..?
She said with a pout.
Pearl: No! No, not you. I just meant- it doesn't feel real in the movie. Friendship is hard...
Eight: Is that why you're not talking to (Y/N) right now? Because friendship is hard?
Pearl: No! Er- yes? Ugh. He and I are friends. It's just... hard to picture him as that same person from back then... and even harder to picture myself as that same person from back then...
Eight: I think you're both just acting dumb.
Pearl: WHA-? It's not dumb! It's very hard to just pretend like something this big is nothing! Does that sound dumb?!
Eight: Mhm.
Pearl: You're just saying that because you don't know the facts behind what happened, yo.
Eight: Can you tell me then?
Pearl: Fine. If it makes it so you understand why it's not that easy, then sure.
Pearl said before explaining how the two originally met and a bunch of the other stories of the two being together. And then, she reached the day it happened. The one that stuck in her memory and shaped her going forward.
Pearl: You know you didn't have to come, right? I didn't need your help.
She said with her arms crossed and face blushing through her pout.
(Y/N): Just like you didn't need my help any day before now?
Pearl: That was when I needed anyone to set up the equipment for me. The people running the Inkopolis Youth Folk-Singing Contest will do that for us today. So, really I'm not sure why you insisted on coming.
(Y/N): Then why'd you say yes to letting me come with you?
Pearl: I just felt so sad for you with how desperate you looked. I guess it can't be helped if you became a fan of mine and wanted to see the day I become a star. Just make sure to clap extra loud in the audience, otherwise, how would I even be able to hear yours over everyone else in the crowd?
(Y/N): Oh yeah, sure, I'll make sure to clap three times as loud even.
He said with half-seriously. She didn't notice his tone though and simply stared out the window of the car with a big, giddy smile.
She happily kicked her legs back and forth against the seat as they approached their destination.
Upon arrival, she tried to jump out of the car but was caught by one of her father's employees before being placed on the ground carefully, much to her dismay.
(Y/N) got out of the car on his own and was immediately looking around in every direction.
Pearl: Yo! Stay focused!
She said snapping for him to follow her.
(Y/N): Uh, R-Right. Sorry.
Pearl sighed.
Pearl: You should be. I don't want you making me look bad here. This is a big deal for me today. Don't mess it up, nerd.
(Y/N): Sheesh. I won't, I won't.
Pearl: Good, now make sure you don't get lost when following me.
(Y/N): I thought I didn't have to do anything today.
Pearl: I just want to know where you're going to be sitting is all.
(Y/N): Why?
Pearl: W-Why? You know, just to... t-to know where you're sitting. So I can make sure you're clapping loud enough for me like you promised. You better do it.
(Y/N): Fine, fine.
Pearl smiled as she led the way.
Pearl was sitting backstage, waiting her turn as other contestants were being called out for their turns.
Pearl was nervous but she couldn't tell why. She knew she was great and could do this. And she's not that shy of a person but she still couldn't tell why part of her felt so flustered this time.
Was it the big crowd?
No, she didn't think anything was wrong with playing in front of a large crowd. In fact, she's wanted to do that for so long and couldn't wait for the crowd to grow as she did (metaphorically and physically).
She thought about him out there in the audience and the feeling felt like it grew more. She instinctively looked down at her magenta dress, causing her to smack both of her cheeks in order to snap herself out of it, but careful not to knock her crown off of her head.
She felt happy though the more she thought about it. She always saw her doing this stuff alone, as she often had to do everything in her life since no one else wanted to be around her or hang out with her. They'd always be put off by Pearl with the way she was, but he didn't seem to mind. No matter how mean she acted or anything like that, he stuck around. And she didn't even have to pay him or anything, so he wasn't interested in her just for her money.
She thought for a moment about her father possibly paying (Y/N) behind her back to be her friend, but she shook her head at the thought that her father would do that.
Then, she stopped for a second as she realized the thought that crossed her mind.
Were they... friends?
She remembers what it was like trying to make friends when she was even younger, and how the other kids would all ditch her and wouldn't play with her. She thought about why she was always alone. She thought about why she always acted so pushy with (Y/N) in the first place. She thought that he'd eventually be pushed away from her just like everyone else, and she didn't want to be disappointed again.
However, he never did. Maybe he actually did... want to be her friend. Were they already friends and she just didn't want to say it?
She had a big smile on her face as she thought about how nice it felt to finally have a friend. She didn't have to hide who she was either. He enjoyed her for who she was.
Thinking about all of this, she felt like she was on top of the world and couldn't stop smiling. To the point that she didn't notice the contest worker was calling her name.
Announcer: Pearl Houzuki!
Pearl: Over here!
She said, smiling as much as she could as she got up and walked out on that stage, showing everyone just how adorable she was before she blew them all away with her amazing singing voice.
She couldn't bring herself to look in (Y/N)'s direction right now. She was happy enough as it is, but she needed to stay focused. She decided that she'd instead make sure to give him an amazing experience so her voice could reach him, even if her eyes couldn't.
She started singing and letting out her voice. She knew that her voice had a unique sound to it with the pitch she could reach, and right now, she knew her voice could do what no one else's here could do. And with how happy she was feeling, it was almost uncontrollable as she let out her singing voice.
Normally, she'd try to not go too over the top since she knows it can get a little too loud, but she couldn't help it right now. And this was the contest, so she needed to go big or go home.
However, this decision was bound to cause issues, as it inevitably did. Everything held out for as long as they could but eventually, her voice was too much for the equipment to handle before a lot of them started to break and cause the audience to react to such.
Pearl heard the equipment start breaking as she looked over and saw pieces sparking or broken apart. One of the speakers even was busted out entirely with its electrical wires hanging out.
At first, Pearl was impressed her voice managed to do something like that before she saw the faces in the audience of shock, worry, and some even... laughing.
They were laughing at her.
Pearl gripped her dress as she looked into the audience that looked down on her.
Pearl thought it was incredible what she did, but everyone else mocked her.
One of the announcers made their way out and rushed Pearl offstage, causing Pearl to reel more over the crowd's reactions before she looked over in his direction to see he... wasn't there?
Not too long ago, she was feeling like she was on top of the world, but now she was feeling like she was in the deepest hole they could find.
Pearl immediately ran off to try and find him, looking around but not being able to spot him anywhere among the crowd who were joking about her performance.
Surely he just got up to try and get to her, right? If no one else could understand how good her performance was, he would, wouldn't he? He was her friend after all, wasn't he?
She had to find him.
Pearl checked around the whole place but couldn't find him anywhere there. She decided to head outside and look around there to find him. Maybe he was waiting for her at the car?
When she got there, he wasn't anywhere around still.
She was frowning widely right now as she kept looking around before seeing a figure sitting on the nearby hill.
She headed toward the hill, eventually making out that it was him after all, and she settled down a bit.
Right now, she needed to talk to him. She needed him to reassure her that she did do a good job like she thought. She needed it from him. He was her friend after all, wasn't he? He held the key for what she needed right now.
She walked up next to him which he hadn't noticed.
Pearl: Yo! I was- looking for you- everywhere. Hehe.
He turned to her, now realizing she was there, but his face was that of a frown as he was sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees that were up to his chest.
Pearl: I, uh, didn't see you there when I was going off the stage. Where were you?
(Y/N): I was off doing something...
Pearl: Oh. Right... You saw my performance though, right? 'Cause it was awesome! Don't you thi-
(Y/N): Pearl, I don't care how your performance went. If you just want to brag about it, can you bother someone else?
Pearl's words were stopped in their tracks as she listened to the words he said.
Her lip quivered for a moment as he spoke in such a way right now. She was in a weak state and she came to him to try and help her, but all he did was break it even more, which caused her to get such petty anger up inside her.
Pearl: W-Well, I didn't realize it was such a burden to just listen to me. I'm sorry for bothering such an important person such as yourself that you can't even talk to me now.
(Y/N): I'm sorry I don't want to listen to your annoying purports about your greatness for the millionth time. Do you ever get tired of talking about yourself or can you actually do it forever?
Pearl's sadness and anger grew more with each hurtful word he said. She knew she wasn't helping matters with whatever was going on, but she wasn't thinking straight of why he would talk like this to her.
Pearl: And what else would I do? Talk about you? The most boring person around who has trouble even just watching someone else's performance? What did you even come here for then?
(Y/N): Why does it matter? It's not about you, so I doubt you care about it at all.
Pearl: I just thought-
(Y/N): Thought what? We're not friends. You've made that more than clear every time we've been together for all of these months. So, why do you care? Do you really need someone around just to purposefully stroke your ego that much? How long has it been and you still refuse to even call me by my name?
Hearing him say the words that they're not friends... it broke something inside of her. She was angry before it, and they were fighting, yes, but she thought friends just did that, but... I guess they weren't friends after all. She couldn't even decide whether she was more angry or more sad, but one of them needed to come out now, and she couldn't control either right now.
Pearl: You're right. We're not friends. You're nothing but a useless squid that I could replace whenever I want! You're talentless, boring, and you're a grubby little know-it-all! Why I even bothered putting up with you in the first place is a mystery to me! I wish you'd just disappear forever! I hate you!
(Y/N): Then why haven't you?! Because I'm sure if someone was getting paid for it, they might be able to put up with you for five minutes then!
He said, now standing up to be face-to-face with her.
Pearl: Do you think I won't?!
He said before going quiet once again.
(Y/N): I don't care what you do... I'm done with music. I'm done with all of this. I'm never doing any of this again. So, you'll be happy that you'll never have to see me again either...
He said while starting to walk away before she grabbed his arm.
Pearl: Where do you think you're going?! You can't just stop working with music! You're just a big music nerd, so you can't just forget about it!
(Y/N) yanked his arm back.
(Y/N): I don't care. I only learned about music for one reason, and I'm done with that now. I don't need to-... I don't want to be involved with it ever again.
Pearl: W-Wha? But why though?!
(Y/N): Why do you even care? It doesn't involve you... and it never did... I did it for my friends.
He said before walking away, leaving Pearl there on her own.
She wanted more than anything to stop him from leaving. To stop him from leaving... her. But it's too late... She already said too many hateful words back and forth with him. And he was right after all... all she ever did was tell him that they weren't ever going to be friends. But that's not what she actually wanted. Couldn't he understand that? That she was just trying to preemptively protect herself? Couldn't he just see that she never meant any of those hurtful things?
However, as much as the sad part of her wanted to chase after him and not let him leave, the angry part of her was still in control and didn't want to let him get away with saying all of that to her until he felt even a fraction of the pain she had. She thought maybe if he apologized, she might be willing to forgive him. But he'd have to apologize first before she forgives everything he said.
She walked to the car upset and angry at him before her dad's employee opened the door for her and let her hop in and sit in the back before she told them that (Y/N) wasn't riding back with them.
The whole drive home, she kept looking out the window, thinking about what she could've done to make him stay. How she could've been better. How she could've helped him. And then she realized the sad truth of the entire thing. It didn't matter what she had done back then, it was already done. So, she tried to think of what she could do to get him back. However, that made her realize an even sadder truth that the sad part of her already knew earlier, but wasn't allowed to reach through all of her anger.
The moment she let him go and left without him was when anything they had was gone forever.
Upon this realization, the angry side of her finally relented control to the other side of her. Her face grew wet with the tears rolling down her face as she began to wail loud enough for all to hear her cries of anguish ring out.
~Flashback Ends~
Pearl: Now... do you get why this isn't such an easy thing to figure out, Eight?
Pearl said with a pout.
Eight: No.
Pearl: WHA-? NO?!
Eight: I understand even less now.
Pearl: That whole situation shaped my life going forward after that, yo! That's why I did such angry metal music for such a long time! I was using up all that anger and throwing it out there, because of him.
Eight: Oh, really?
Pearl: Yes! You ever heard of the band SashiMori?
Eight: Oh, yeah! Why?
Pearl: I used to be the lead vocalist of that band, but they ditched me too and replaced me... with a ten-year-old!
Eight: Ouch.
Pearl: Exactly, so what don't you get about all of this?
Eight: Well... First, why didn't you just tell Marina about any of this when she asked?
Pearl: WHY?! Did you hear anything I told you?! I was a... terrible friend... the worst. No one wanted me around because of how bad I was... Marina was the first person who didn't ever leave me... but would she if she knew how bad of a person I was..?
Eight: That sounds like as dumb of an idea as why you don't talk to (Y/N).
Pearl: It is not! Who would want to be friends with such a mean person like Pearl? That's what people would normally think if they heard that story. And I'm sure that's what (Y/N) actually thinks remembering who I am now too...
Pearl said while looking down and gripping her crown.
Eight: But... I don't think that. And we're friends, aren't we, Pearl?
Pearl looked up at Eight.
Pearl: Yes, we are.
Eight: So, what's different about them? If you can trust me to not hate you. Can't you trust the people who know you've changed to believe you have changed?
Pearl: I... I don't know... I- If there was some kind of sign to tell me, maybe, but I'm not- I'm not strong enough to do it without a push-
She was interrupted by her phone notification going off.
Eight: Who is it?
Pearl read the message before sighing.
Pearl: Fine... I'll talk to him...
Eight: Really? Yay!
Eight said while hugging Pearl.
Pearl: Yo, alright! I can't call him if you've got my arms pinned like this.
Eight: Right, sorry.
She said while letting go and watching her call him.
Pearl: I'm still not sure about this, but... I trust you, Eight.
Pearl said uneasily, but Eight just smiled at Pearl, knowing she'd be all right.
Pearl sat with her knees up to her chest on the hillside as she watched the orange sunset.
She was taken out of her thoughts by the sudden approach of someone sitting beside her.
(Y/N): Hey, Pearl.
Pearl: Oh! Uh, h-hey...
(Y/N): Pretty... nostalgiac spot, huh?
Pearl: I've been thinking about it a lot recently.
(Y/N): What about?
Pearl: Yo, the shell do you think?
He chuckled at her obvious question.
(Y/N): I meant like, what specifically?
Pearl: Like... how to be a better friend?
She looked disappointed, but it was all to herself that she felt that way.
Pearl: I wanted to stop you that day. I didn't want to lose you, but I was just so... so angry that I couldn't see reason. It wasn't until the car ride home that I realized exactly how badly I had already messed everything up. And how even before that I hadn't shown how much I actually wanted to be friends.
(Y/N): It's not like you were the only one. I'm sorry I never cared to try and be friends in the first place.
He was lost in thought for a moment.
(Y/N): Pearl?
Pearl: Yo?
(Y/N): How did your performance go? I never actually got to see it or let you actually talk about it... I assume it went awesome?
He said with a chuckle.
Pearl had a smirk that showed she wanted to be prideful, but she wanted to be honest with her friend even more.
Pearl let out a laugh.
Pearl: It was terrible.
(Y/N): Haha. Really?
Pearl: Yeah...
Her smile became more melancholic as she just wanted to be open with it all.
Pearl: I got too excited and my voice destroyed a ton of the equipment.
(Y/N): That excited to go up on stage finally?
Pearl: Well, yeah, but also... I was thinking about you...
(Y/N): Me? Well, I do admit, my handsomeness is hard to get off of the mind-
Pearl shoved him with a laugh.
Pearl: Not like that. It was... I was finally coming to accept that someone might've finally been friends with me, despite how... I am- was.
(Y/N) frowned, understanding how he messed up as well.
Pearl: Yo, I never did get to know. What happened to you to make you sit up on this hill all alone and sad instead of being there to watch the contest?
(Y/N): I had the opposite issue of you actually.
She looked over at him.
(Y/N): I realized my friends were never coming back...
Pearl leaned over, bumping into him while blowing a raspberry.
Pearl: I guess we were just two of the world's biggest dummies with the worst timing. We could've been good friends if we both weren't so stupid.
(Y/N): But it all worked out in the end anyway. We are good friends now. And you are the great, world-famous musician that you always wanted to be.
Pearl: Yeah, but I'm just sad with how much time we lost.
She said while leaning her head on his shoulder.
Pearl: I didn't think you'd be so ready to talk about all of this, yo. Thought you'd be more against it with how you've been acting.
(Y/N): I was never against talking to you. We're friends and this was never going to change that. It's just... I only just got you back, so I didn't want to risk losing you already. I didn't care to make it a big deal of what we once were rather than who we are now.
Pearl: Heh. Guess I'm the idiot there then, worrying so much over it.
(Y/N): No, it's only natural to have regrets. I did too about all of this when I heard of it. I just didn't want to let regrets of the past come before the happiness I found now. But I know just ignoring it wasn't the best way to deal with it either. I just thought it was too soon to be dealing with this after everything else that just happened.
Pearl: Next time we have some big issue that brings up some old trauma, how about we come together first and we split the difference in our answers?
(Y/N): Next time.
He said as the two chuckled.
(Y/N): So, did Marina finally convince you to talk to me then?
Pearl: No, it was actually Eight and Frye.
(Y/N): Frye?
Pearl: Yeah, she overheard you talking with Big Man about what happened and gave me a quick idea of your ending point on how you felt.
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): Of course she was spying on us. I should be used to it by now.
Pearl: You dated her, so you can't be too shocked anymore, yo.
(Y/N): Yeah... So why not Marina?
Pearl: I never had any friends growing up. You were the closest I ever got, and you see how that ended. Marina was the real first friend I had that made me feel like I wasn't meant to be alone my whole life. So, I was afraid if she learned of how bad of a friend I was in the past, she'd hate me.
(Y/N): Y'know Marina adores you, right? She'd never think that.
Pearl: I know you're probably right, but it doesn't change how I feel about it all...
(Y/N): I hope talking with me has at least helped you with that.
Pearl: Yeah, it did. I've felt for a long time I've changed and wasn't that person, but I never wanted to trust myself. After all, I'm the one who would always cause all of my problems, so why would I trust my worst enemy?
(Y/N): But you don't have to trust yourself. You can trust your friends. Us. All of us.
Pearl looked at him for a second before laughing at him, catching him off guard.
Pearl: Sorry, sorry, yo. That was just so clam cheesy.
(Y/N): I know, but it sounded nice in my head...
Pearl: It's fine, I like you the way you are.
She said with a smile before turning to a bit more of a neutral expression.
Pearl: I really like you the way you are...
He chuckled.
(Y/N): I appreciate it, Pearl.
Pearl sighed and felt her heartbeat in her chest as she rested on his shoulder, trying to say what she meant clearly.
Pearl: I love you, (Y/N).
(Y/N)'s eyes grew wide at those words with blush blooming on his face, while Pearl kept a calm expression (albeit with a bit of blush growing) as she looked out into the sunset.
(Y/N) just nervously looked forward at the sunset with her as he rested his head atop hers.
Pearl POV
Marina: Hey! Are you okay?
Marina suddenly rushed away from Pearl's side while Pearl was checking her phone and sipping her drink.
Pearl looked up to see Marina crouching somewhere off in front of her, causing Pearl to walk up after her, confused as to what had gotten her attention like that.
Pearl: Yo. What's goin' on?
Marina spoke with a worried tone.
Marina: I-I don't know. He just... collapsed.
Pearl looked at what Marina was talking about before seeing the knocked-out Inkling boy lying on the ground in front of Marina.
Pearl: Is he alive?
Marina: He's breathing.
Pearl: Oh good! Then we can go home now.
Marina: We can't just leave him in the middle of the Square!
Pearl paused for a few moments at Marina's outburst.
Pearl: Why not?
Marina looked shocked and not sure how exactly to respond to such an uncaring question, but she was trying to think of exactly what to say.
Pearl rolled her eyes and looked at the boy on the ground once again. Something about the way he looked didn't sit right with Pearl. It made her angry almost, in the way that she used to feel whenever she played any of her metal music.
However, despite the angry feeling she got from his look, something also felt softened up to his face. She didn't think she recognized him, so she was confused as to why. She wanted to ignore it, but some subconscious part of her seemed to refuse to let her leave him here right now on his own, so she budged, but she decided she'd blame Marina for any of it.
Pearl: Ugh... Fine. Let's grab him and go.
Marina: Huh?!
Pearl: You're going to give me your worried face. I'm going to fall for your sad face. Then, you're going to ask to bring him back with us, and I'll have to say yes.
Marina gave Pearl a big, thankful smile to Pearl.
Pearl: Yeah, yeah... Put him in the car.
Pearl said as she grabbed his feet and Marina grabbed his shoulders.
As they carried him, Marina swung his head around and hit it against the side of the car as they tried to get him in the car.
Pearl: Careful, 'Rina!
Marina: Sorry! Also, I thought you didn't care what happened to him.
Pearl: I-I don't, but seeing his face facing me from here... just don't give him brain damage, or else we're probably liable for it, yo!
Marina: Okay, I'll be careful, Pearl.
She said as she set him on the seat while Pearl made sure his feet were in.
Pearl sat there for another moment now looking at his face, trying to think about what about him makes her feel so funny when she sees him.
Pearl sighed.
Pearl: (Probably just Marina's goody-two-shoes nature rubbing off on me... He ain't half-bad lookin' though... In a stupid sorta way.)
Marina: Earth to Pearl?
Pearl: Huh?!
Marina: You zoned out. Are you getting in the car or not?
Pearl: Y-Yeah! Totally!
She said before quickly hopping in the car, and shutting the door behind her as the car drove back to Pearl's home with their new(?) guest in tow.
~Flashback Ends~
6996 Words
July 6, 2024 - 3:17 A.M.
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