S3C Chapter 35: Old Wounds

Marina POV

Marina pulled up to Pearl's house as she took off her motorcycle helmet to see a big truck leaving her house.

Confused, Marina parked her bike and walked inside to see a bunch of boxes lining the area.

Marina: Um... Pearlie?

A hand popped out from behind one of the boxes.

Pearl: Over here, yo!

Marina walked over towards her while looking at the ton of boxes around her.

Marina: Did something happen? What's with all of these boxes?

A box fell over, spilling out a bunch of packing peanuts alongside a Pearl who was covered in them before she stood up and brushed herself off.

Pearl: Ugh. Yo, check this. My dad called me and told me I had to take a lot of my old stuff so he could make more space.

She said slightly annoyed while Marina just looked around at how much old stuff Pearl had just lying around at her father's house.

Pearl: I told him "Just buy another storage unit" but he wasn't buying that excuse again. So, here we are now. Boxes all around.

Marina: I'm surprised he didn't just get another storage unit, didn't think he'd be the type to say no.

Pearl: That's what I'm saying! But he's all like "I can't just buy a whole storage lot every time you get tired of your old stuff".

Marina: Okay, now I'm starting to piece it together.

She said, now understanding the mind of her rich friend.

Marina was peeking inside some of the boxes.

Marina: So, what's inside all of these boxes?

Pearl: I don't know.

She grumbled out.

Pearl: Could be anything this time. Depends what stuff he had packed up and what he didn't.

Marina: Do you mind if I check through some of them?

Pearl: Be my guest. Feel free to find some place to put them all too.

Marina rummaged through a couple of the boxes and pulled out such an odd array of things.

Marina: (What did she even need half of this stuff for? Then again, how much stuff did she have that couldn't even fit inside of a house, let alone a box?)

Marina then saw what looked like a book and was surprised she found one in Pearl's stuff.

Marina: (Huh. Didn't take her as someone who owned a book.)

Upon pulling it out and further inspection, it was a school yearbook.

Marina blushed at the thought of seeing a young Pearl and couldn't resist.

She looked over her shoulder toward Pearl, making sure she wasn't looking just in case Pearl didn't want her seeing that.

She didn't know what school year she was in for this yearbook so decided to just start at the beginning and ran her finger across the page of names hoping to find Pearl's embarrassing (oh let's be honest it probably is a photo she used a ton of money to look extra good in) school picture.

However, while reading the names across the page in a methodical order, she came across something peculiar and stopped scrolling before looking up at the picture above it.

Marina: Pearl?!

Pearl raised an eyebrow questioningly as she looked over from sitting cross-legged on the couch while scrolling through her phone.

Pearl: What?

She noticed Marina holding Pearl's old school yearbook, causing Pearl a disgusted look.

Pearl: What is it, yo? You gushing over my super adorable and perfect yearbook photo?

Marina: I was planning on i- I mean I was not. No, this!

She said holding up the yearbook and pointing at the picture even though Pearl was too far away to see it.

Marina: Why didn't you tell me you and (Y/N) went to school together?!

Pearl: Huuuh? Marina, the shell are you talking about?

Marina: Right there! That's him in your yearbook!

Pearl: Why would he be in my school yearbook?

Marina: Well, you're both from Calamari County so it's not like it was an impossibility.

Pearl: Wait, he is?!

Marina: Did you seriously not know?

Pearl: No!

Pearl, now believing Marina probably wasn't pulling her leg, stood up and walked over with a smirk on her face so she could see the picture Marina was talking about.

Marina: Right here, look.

Pearl followed Marina's finger to see what Marina was talking about, but upon seeing the picture that Marina was talking about, Pearl's smile faded and turned into a scowl.

Pearl: That's not funny.

Marina was confused by what Pearl meant as she spoke quietly, but before Marina could ask, Pearl was already walking off in a frustrated manner.

Marina: Pearl? Pearlie???

Pearl didn't turn around and just kept walking away, but Marina couldn't figure out what was upsetting her before Marina heard the echo of Pearl's bedroom door slamming shut.

Marina looked back at the yearbook in confusion at what secrets this yearbook held in place at a moment in time.


Pearl POV

Pearl laid on her bed with her arms behind her head and one foot over the other as she looked up at the ceiling.

Pearl had an upset but confused expression on her face as she thought about it all. The more she thought about it though, the more her eyes glared and her face contorted into a scowl.

She made an annoyed noise as she closed her eyes and turned to lie on her side with her head resting on her hand.

Pearl: Nnngh, this is so... I don't know...

She felt two parts of her fighting inside of her as she recalled the situation from her childhood in her head, unable to get the thoughts out of her head.


Pearl was in the music room at school, alone thanks to the teachers not wanting to scold her or get in trouble with her father.

Pearl looked at the instruments left out for her to mess with as she started to try and attempt to play them wildly with no rhythm or means. She technically didn't know how to play a single one of the instruments, but that wouldn't stop her.

She tried blowing into a tuba she couldn't lift with all of her breath until she turned red. She moved her fingers across the entirety of the keyboard with no rhythm. She flung her hand across a cello as if it were a guitar. There wasn't any instrument she wasn't willing to try and "play" in the room.

She got to one instrument but when she tried playing it, she couldn't get it to make any kind of noise.

At first, she tried asking the instrument to "be nice" to coax the instrument to start working, but when that didn't work, she hit it a couple of times hoping that the bad cop would work better, but still it wouldn't work.

She was frustrated for a moment and hit it once more, but this time, after doing so, she heard a loud "OUCH!"

She was confused and looked between her fist and the instrument.

Pearl: Oh no, I've brought it to life. Don't hurt me! I'm not ready for the consequences of all my actions yet!

A moment later, she was surprised to see a young Inkling boy appear from the front of the instrument while rubbing his head.

???: Y'know hitting it isn't going to make it work, right?

Pearl: Nuh uh! It works for the TV all the time! (And when it doesn't, a new one magically appears the next day.)

???: This isn't a TV though, this is a delicate instrument.

Pearl: Oh yeah? Then how would you make it work then, smart guy?

???: Like this.

He said plainly before moving his hand across the instrument and suddenly noises started to emerge from it.

Pearl: What?! How did you do that?

She grabbed his hand and looked around at his fingers.

Pearl: It's the fingers, isn't it? How much do you want for them?

He quickly yanked back his fingers and held the hand with his other, worried she might try and rip off his fingers.

???: It worked because I set it all up, which was why I was down there.

Pearl: And that worked?

???: Yeah, just fiddle with a couple of the doohickeys down there a bit first, and then it'll work (It was also unplugged which I noticed afterward, but that part isn't important.)

Pearl: Huh. So, you're some kind of nerd then?

???: N-No, I just know about musical instruments.

Pearl put her fingers to her chin as she thought for a moment before testing out the instrument herself and making some noise with it that she found exciting while the boy looked like he had to cover his ears before she stopped and turned back to him.

Pearl: How much you know about them?

???: A good bit? Why?

Pearl: How would you like to help me out with something then?

???: Illegal?

Pearl: Nah. My dad bought me a ton of top-of-the-line instruments but I'm not exactly sure how to set them up though, and it'll take a while before my dad can pay someone else to come and do that. So, you come and do it today after school for me.

???: Why would I do that?

Pearl: Because you're a nerd who loves this stuff and probably has nothing better to do with your time and have probably been waiting for this kind of moment to put your skills to work.

He looked partially embarrassed this time.

???: W-Who says I have nothing better to do?

Pearl: Because you're a smart little nerd who's here in the music room during lunch period, so you probably have no friends to hang out with, so what could you possibly have to do after school?

???: You're here during lunch too, so that means you don't have any friends either.

Pearl: Yup, I'm too cool for anyone else to be able to hang out with me, so I fly it solo.

She said trying to make such a sad-sounding situation sound like it was cool.

Pearl: So, you in or not, nerd? I can promise you that you're not gonna see any other equipment like I've got... probably ever again in your life if I'm being honest.

The boy was thinking about it for a moment, not sure what to choose but eventually, one side won over the other.

???: Fine, I'll help you out.

Pearl: Eh, I wouldn't say it's necessarily "helping me", really I'm doing you a favor more than anything. You'll never see equipment that'll make you nerd out like this ever in your life again, nerd.

???: Okay, but can you just stop calling me "nerd" already?

Pearl was leaning on top of the instrument.

Pearl: What's your name then, nerd?

???: It's (Y/N). Not nerd.

Pearl: My name's Pearl. Pearl Houzuki. Make sure to remember it, nerd. One day you'll be able to brag to someone you knew me before I was the star known 'round the world.

(Y/N) sighed at her calling him "nerd" still.

(Y/N): Then which way do we walk to your home after school then?

Pearl: Walk?

She proceeded to laugh out loud at the idea.

Pearl: We're not gonna walk, dummy! My dad will have a car pick me up. I'll make sure we wait for you so that you can hop in.

(Y/N): Starting to think this was a bad idea.

Pearl: Nah, it's a nice car. Don't worry 'bout it. It'll be cool.

(Y/N): If you say so.

Pearl: Now, while we've still got lunch period, help me out with some more of these instruments.

(Y/N): Fine, but only because I'm worried you'll break them all otherwise.

Pearl: That's the spirit!

She said as she picked up another instrument in a dangerous manner.

(Y/N): Careful!


Pearl had the front doors open in front of her, walking in first with (Y/N) following in behind her, admiring the view of the large place.

Pearl: Try not to gawk too much.

He said while turning to look at it all.

(Y/N): It's just... so big in here.

Pearl: Eh, it's not that big. We like to stay modest here.

(Y/N): Are you kidding me? This play is-

He accidentally bumped into something before turning to see it was an adult squid towering over him.

(Y/N): -Huge...

Pearl's Dad: Who is this kid? Did you follow my adorable daughter home?

(Y/N): Uh-

Pearl's Dad: What have you done to my daughter?!

(Y/N) was looking nervous and didn't know what to say before Pearl threw him a lifeline.

Pearl: Dad, I need him awake to help me, and you're about to make him pee his pants and pass out.

Pearl's dad's expression changed to a hearty one as he let out a light laugh with a smile as he walked up to his daughter.

Pearl's Dad: Hehe. Sorry, sweetie. I was surprised to see you bring someone over, so I had to mess with him just a little bit.

Pearl: That's fine, just keep it easy. He's a bit of a spaz.

(Y/N): I-I am not!

Pearl's Dad: Would you mind letting me talk to my daughter in private for a minute, son?

Pearl: My room is down that way and then the one at the end on the left. Just wait for me in there.

(Y/N) nodded and followed the directions she told him, leaving the two alone.

Pearl's Dad: Soooo?

Pearl: So what?

Pearl's Dad: Out with it, Pearl. You never bring anyone home. What's this about? Is that boy your friend?

Pearl: He's just some kid from school. He knows all that technical stuff with setting up all those instruments you bought me, so I'm having him help me get it all started.

Pearl's Dad: Interesting. Resourceful. I like it. Is that all though?

Pearl: What you gettin' at, daddio?

Pearl's Dad: You never bring anyone over for anything. I was getting a little worried even.

Pearl: I told you, I don't do that because none of those other kids are cool enough to hang out with me, that's all.

Pearl's dad gave a face that he didn't believe his daughter was being fully honest with herself, even if he didn't necessarily disagree with the notion in the way she worded it. However, he didn't want to push his daughter to tell him about it.

Pearl's Dad: Fine. Just know even if you do find someone "cool enough" to hang out with you, I still won't let anyone go out with my daughter that easily. It's the one thing I won't give you even if you ask for it.

Pearl: EW! GROSS! I'm going to my room now. Try to knock that gross mushy stuff out of your old head.

Pearl's Dad: I'm not that old.

Pearl: Then stop acting senile, old man.

Pearl's dad laughed as Pearl walked away to her room.

Pearl grumbled to herself as she approached her room.

Pearl: Crazy old man. I'm gonna have to put him in a nursing home one day.

She then opened her door to see (Y/N) poking something on her desk.

Pearl: Hey! Watch the hands, bub.

He quickly retracted his hands back.

(Y/N): Sorry, sorry. Wasn't sure when you'd be back.

Pearl: Very reassuring excuse. So, welcome to my house and my room. Ready to get this over with?

(Y/N): Fine by me.

Pearl: Good, follow me.

(Y/N): Of course, otherwise, I might get lost.

Pearl led him out of her room and to the room that laid all of the musical equipment.

(Y/N): Woah.

Pearl: Told ya. Now, do your music magic.

(Y/N): Right to it I see.

Pearl: Uh doi, that's why you're here.

(Y/N): Anyone ever tell you that you should be less rude?

Pearl: No one who my dad didn't deal with.

(Y/N) gulped before clapping his hands together.

(Y/N): Okay then, let me just... get started on this stuff.

He then started to take some of the equipment out of the boxes and hooking them up all while Pearl sat on her phone. Occasionally, she would look up to see how he's doing, and asking a simple "What are you doing?" even if she didn't understand his answer.

(Y/N): Y'know you could help me at least a little bit?

Pearl: But you're so good at it though.

She said without looking up from her phone.

He rolled his eyes.

Pearl: Besides, I wouldn't want to take away your chance to interact with all this luxury equipment.

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): (She'd probably be crushed if she tried to lift some of this anyway.)

After a while longer of him setting up the equipment, she got off her phone and watched him put together all of the equipment, looking in awe at the equipment and in his ability to know how it all works. She actually stuck to watching him do the work for the rest of the time until he was done with the last one.

He wiped his forehead.

(Y/N): There. All done.

Pearl: Heck yeah, man. Now this place is looking like a real music studio. Thanks, bro.

(Y/N): No problem. But now that it's all hooked up, how are you planning to actually... use all of this equipment?

Pearl: What do you mean? I'm gonna use it to make music.

(Y/N): No, like, how are you going to use this? You need someone to know what to set some of this stuff to and how to mix the audio levels outside of just playing the instruments.

Pearl was silent as she stared at him for a minute.

(Y/N): You didn't even think about that part, did you..?

Pearl: I don't even know how to play any instruments...

(Y/N) just blinked at her a couple of times.

Pearl: Look! I may not know how to play an instrument or run the equipment to make any of the music, but that's not necessary! I've got heart, and with that, I'll be able to make the music that reaches millions of people!

(Y/N): How are you going to do that?

Pearl: Step one is that I'm gonna join an Inkopolis Youth Folk-Singing Contest. Once I do that, I'll win that contest and use it to launch my career thanks to my infinite potential.

(Y/N) paused at the mention of the Inkopolis Youth Folk-Singing Contest. He thought about it for a second and seemed as if he had come up with an idea.

(Y/N): What if I help run the equipment and all of this for you?

Pearl: Huh?

(Y/N): I mean, I've studied how to run it already, that way all you have to do is focus on singing. Sounds like it all works out.

Pearl: For how much?

(Y/N): Huh?

Pearl: Usually people only offer to do something for me when I promise to pay them a lot of money.

(Y/N): I already did all of this for free, didn't I?

Pearl: Yeah, but I thought you were just a sucker for falling for it the first time. But now you've willingly accepted to do it a second time on your own. Smells fishy.

(Y/N): Can't I just want to help? You seemed lost anyway. Would it really be so bad for you to accept my help with this?

Pearl mulled it over for a minute before agreeing.

Pearl: Fine! But this don't make us friends. You're my lackey who does the background stuff for me. Capeesh?

(Y/N): Works for me.

Pearl: Then you've got yourself a deal, nerd.

She put out her hand with a smile which he wearily took before she shook.

Pearl: My dad says you always close a deal with a handshake. Easier to pull someone in close for a headbutt if you need to do it.

(Y/N) raised his eyebrow questionably at her statement but shook it off.

(Y/N): Okay, I'll help you with the music so you just focus on singing.

Pearl: With this angelic voice? Ain't nobody gonna be able to rise above me!

She said with a proud smirk as she hopped on the spinny stool and spun across the room, nearly knocking over some of the equipment he set up, causing him to sigh.

(Y/N): What did I get myself into?

~Flashback ends~

Marina POV

She sat waiting a minute as the phone rang that she waited to go through.

After a couple of rings, the call went through.

(Y/N): Wassup?

Marina: (Y/N)? What are you doing right now?

(Y/N): Right now? I'm just chilling with Marie at her place. Why?

Marina: I need to talk to you about something important. Can I come over?

(Y/N): Uh, hang on a minute... Marie said it's fine. What's this about?

Marina: I'll tell you once I get there. I've got to question you more than anything.

(Y/N): Okay? Totally not ominous but sure, no problem.

Marina: Great, I'll be there soon.

(Y/N): Cool, see ya.

She hung up the phone call and then grabbed a few things before heading to the door of Pearl's house.

She looked back inside hoping Pearl would be fine on her own as she went to get answers about what was wrong with her.

Marina: Pearl! I'm going out for a bit! I'll be back later when I hope you'll be more okay to tell me what's going on!

She waited for a moment, hoping she might get a response back from Pearl, but unfortunately, Pearl still stayed quiet, keeping to herself.

Marina shook her head before shutting the door behind her and hopping on her bike before taking off.


Marina walked into the the Squid Sister's home. She still can't help herself but to fangirl internally whenever she thinks about that. However, she kept it together so she could get this whole situation under control.

She set down her motorcycle helmet and her bag as she found a seat that Marie offered to her.

Marie: Can I offer you something to drink? Tea?

Marina: Ooh, that would be lovely actually, yes, thank you.

Marina said with a smile.

Marie nodded and walked to the kitchen and got Marina her tea while Marina was making small talk with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Now, I don't mind the chit chat of course, it's always fun to hang out, Marina, but didn't you say there was something important you needed to talk to me about?

Marina quickly stopped sipping her tea.

Marina: Right! I have questions for you.

(Y/N): Okay?

Marina: What happened between you and Pearl?!

Marie put her hand to her face.

Marie: What have you done now?

(Y/N): Nothing! Pearl and I are all good! Nothing bad has happened between us recently!

Marina: You're right. Nothing recent is what I have questions about.

(Y/N) looked confused while Marie's interest was piqued.

Marina: What happened between you two back in school?

Marie looked shocked by that question before turning to (Y/N) who was now even more confused than he was before.

(Y/N): What're you talking about? We didn't go to school together.

Marina: Yes you did. You two were both from Calamari County.

Marina turned to Marie.

Marina: Well, you did too, but that's not relevant here.

She turned back to (Y/N).

Marina: I found Pearl's old school yearbook and found you were in it, and when she saw your picture, she got upset and shut herself away in her room.

Marie turned from Marina now back to (Y/N) as she followed along with this big drama bomb.

(Y/N): That's impossible. There was no one named "Pearl Pygmy" in my school.

Marina's eyes shut to slits as she stared at him like he was stupid.

(Y/N): What?

Marina: (Y/N), you know Pearl's last name isn't actually "Pygmy", right? That's just a nickname/stage name she sometimes uses.

(Y/N) sat still for a few moments, blinking a couple of times.

(Y/N): N-No, of course, I didn't think that.

Marina sighed.

(Y/N): Just so we're all on the same page, so I know we both know her last name, why don't you repeat it for Marie so she knows too?

Marie glared at him as he used her as an excuse for his own ignorance.

Marina: Her last name is "Houzuki". Pearl Houzuki is her full name, (Y/N).

Now his eyes widened at the answer being told to him.

(Y/N): No, that's not... that's not possible.

Marina: I brought the yearbook so you could see for yourself.

Marina reached over for her bag, after which she pulled out Pearl's old yearbook. She opened the book and flipped through it a bit to find Pearl's picture.

Upon finding the page, she pointed at it and held it up for him, and Marie who was looking onward, to see for himself.

(Y/N) looked shocked as he looked at the picture of the short squid with long tentacles, pale skin, a big beak, a cute dress, and a crown to top it all off. He was also able to see how her picture clearly had a lot more money and pizzazz put into it than any other picture on the page, probably the whole book.

Marie: You couldn't tell that was the same Pearl? She even looks the same size as she does now.

(Y/N): I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about those times!

Marina: And then when I showed her your picture here-

She flipped the book back to the younger grades so that she could show the first picture of (Y/N) that she showed to Pearl earlier.

Marina: -She just got upset and slammed herself shut in her room and wouldn't come out and talk to me when I tried asking her to.

Marina then flipped through the pages once again.

Marina: I tried flipping through the book some more info about what happened since Pearl wouldn't talk to me, and the only thing I could find was this.

She held up the picture that had the two of them in the school's music room. (Y/N) was playing the instrument with a small smile on his face while Pearl was there singing her heart out.

Marie: I'm surprised they put a photo in where the camera had broken glass.

Marina: I was more surprised to see (Y/N) seemingly playing an instrument like that. I didn't know you knew much about musical instruments. Why didn't you ever tell me? I'd have asked to hear you play. Oops, getting a little off topic, sorry...

Marina looked at (Y/N) who was reaching for the yearbook, which she let him take hold of as he looked at the picture with a contemptuous look.

He snapped out of it and looked at Marina and Marie looking at him with a questioning and worried look. He hung his gaze on Marie for a moment before looking back at the picture in the book.

Marina: What happened back then, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) kept looking at the picture for a few moments longer before slamming the book shut, catching Marina off guard at how quickly but calmly he seemed to close the yearbook.

(Y/N): Nothing good.

4224 Words

June 30, 2024 - 9:51 P.M.

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