S3C Chapter 34: Young And Reckless

Elizabeth POV

Liz was helping Veronica pack up her clothes.

Veronica was throwing her stuff into her bag without folding them, which resulted in Liz taking them back out to fold them so they fit.

Liz: You know if you don't fold them, they're going to take up more space and make them harder to fit, right?

Veronica: I'm sorry, I'm just... happy to be going back home.

Liz smiled, understanding how sad Veronica was before at having to live in her home alone.

(Y/N) suddenly walked back in, still talking on the phone that he went to answer.

Liz: I wish someone else was excited enough to help with the packing.

(Y/N): That plan sounds great, Frye. One issue. Say it out loud one more time?

He waited for a few moments.

(Y/N): Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay, I'll see ya later.

He then hung up the phone.

(Y/N): So, we packed up everything yet?

Liz: Not yet, so why don't you come help now?

She asked, to which he then happily went over to help out.

Liz: Not the underwear though.

(Y/N): I-I wasn't gonna.

Liz: Mhm, just making sure.

Veronica: What did Frye want?

(Y/N): She wanted to tell me about the "amazing" idea of splitting me literally in half.

Liz: Sideways or longways?

(Y/N): I- Why does that matter?

Liz just shrugged and went back to putting Veronica's clothes in the bag while Veronica just giggled.

Veronica: So, are you ready to go home, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) smiled at her warmly and nodded his head.

(Y/N): I am. I'm glad I'll be going with you.

Veronica smiled at him with a special shine in her eye at the thought of the two being back together.

Liz did a fake cough.

Liz: Ahem. Don't mind me. I'm just sitting here too.

Veronica and (Y/N) both patted Liz on each of her shoulders in-between the two of them to reassure her.

Veronica: I'm glad you're here with us too.

(Y/N): I wouldn't mind it if you came to visit more too.

Liz: I might make some time.

She said with a cheeky smirk.

(Y/N): Might? Then it's not my fault if we don't make enough food for you too.

Liz: Best I can do is a probably.

He raised an eyebrow.

Liz: Fine, definitely.

She giggled.

The three then continued to pack up and talk with each other for a while longer.


Veronica POV

The three were carrying the boxes when they came up to the view of their home.

(Y/N) hesitated and stopped moving at first before the two others noticed and looked back confused before he broke out in a smile and jog up to the house.

(Y/N): Race you there!

Veronica went to try and chase after him before Liz called out.

Liz: Don't drop the boxes!

Veronica looked back before tumbling over and nearly spilling out the whole box.

Liz quickly ran up after her making sure she was okay while (Y/N) didn't notice and was still going ahead to open the door first.

Luckily, the box didn't really spill out so Liz just helped Veronica back up and the two, quickly but more carefully ran after (Y/N) again.

Upon getting closer, Veronica noticed (Y/N) standing in the open doorway, not walking in, confusing her.

Veronica hurried up to make sure he was okay, which was then when she saw he had a worried look on his face before Veronica heard the sudden words coming from the house.

Marie: Welcome home, (Y/N).

Veronica peeked in past (Y/N)'s shoulders, along with Liz looking past on the other side.

The two saw Marie standing up in front of the three of them inside the house with her hands clasped in front of herself.

She looked worried while staring right at (Y/N), waiting for him to give any reaction.

Veronica looked over to (Y/N) and saw how he was freezing up, which only added to the worried face of Marie. So, Veronica decided to give him a little push.

He tried taking a step back but was caught off by Veronica pushing him inside the house more before she grabbed the doorknob.

Veronica: We'll be waiting right outside.

She made sure to try and say reassuringly for him as he looked back at her before she shut the door.

Liz looked over at Veronica.

Liz: You sure that was a good idea?

Veronica: No?

She shrugged with a nervous look.

Veronica: But it's what they both needed...

Liz: You're not wrong, but... eh, too late to stop it now.

The two sat there quietly waiting for a result to come of the sudden meeting of the two parties.

Liz: Should we... listen in on them...?

Veronica looked over at Liz who looked embarrassed.

Liz: Just to make sure they're okay, obviously!

Veronica: Of course, just to make sure nothing bad happens...

Veronica said equally embarrassed by the want to hear the drama that would go on as well.

The two then waited close by the door trying to overhear what was going on.

Marie POV

Marie pouted as she looked at (Y/N) in the room that was filled with silence, but he refused to even make eye contact with her, preferring to look away at the walls or floor instead.

Marie wanted to say something else to him, but she didn't know what would be the right thing to say and kept swallowing her words. She hoped he would take the first step, but it seems surprising him early with this meeting wasn't helping with that.

Callie had kept reassuring Marie that he was upset with himself more than them, so she wanted to think of something to reassure him that she wasn't angry, but the words slipped away from her.

Then, he started shifting his way back against the door and turning himself away from her entirely with his own body which hurt her to see him looking for a way away from her, shutting her out.

Marie: (Y/N), aren't you going to say hello..?

Her sudden questioning of him caused his body to stiffen up in response to her sudden question to him, just as her welcome to him earlier had done.

Marie: Don't tell me you really have forgotten me, have you..?

Again, no response from him other than his shoulders stiffening up and his head shifting lower.

Marie: You've already reconciled with everyone else. Don't I get my turn ever..?

She watched his body movements once again be the only parts of him that seemed fine to converse with her on how he felt.

Marie: I just want to hear what you have to say...

The continuous lack of responses made her doubts creep up on her more as she began thinking this stupid idea of hers was even more foolish than she already knew it was.

She had finally gotten to see what she always wanted of him coming through that door to see her, but was that really worth it if he never wanted to see her again?

She swallowed the breath she was holding and tried to think of the next thing to ask him before he actually finally cut her off with cold words.

(Y/N): Why don't you ever look at me..?

She was confused by what he meant. He was the one right now refusing to look at her, not the other way around.

(Y/N): Why don't you ever say anything to me..?

Wasn't that what she was trying to do right now? He was the one who wouldn't let her in.

Marie: I don't understa-

He turned around now to show her the streams going down his face that was flushed with anger.

(Y/N): I thought you'd always be there for me, just like I tried to always be there for you. I did everything you asked. Didn't I do a good job? What more did you want from me? Do I only exist when you need something from me?

Marie: Wha- No! Why would-

(Y/N): Then what is it?! You said you'd always be there, but you're always ready to pack up and disappear from my life on the spot! Every time, you can't even bring yourself to say anything to me. Not even look at me to give me a hint of what it was I did wrong. Didn't I do everything you asked of me?!

Marie: (Y/N), you didn't-

Marie was afraid of how angry his tone was as he refused to let her get any words in. Callie was wrong. He clearly hated her for what she did. She wanted to ask for his forgiveness, but he didn't offer her a chance.

(Y/N): Can't you at least give me an end to everything if that's what you want?! Why do you always just leave and leave me to ask what it was I did wrong?! I tried my best, didn't I? I thought I did a good job! I thought if I proved how helpful I was, you wouldn't leave again! I thought-... I thought you were proud of me...

Marie was struggling at this point to get a grasp of what he was asking her. He was throwing out so many questions and ideas that it made it hard for her to grasp and sort out each one he asked of her.

Marie: (Y/N), you didn't do anything wrong-

(Y/N): Then, why?!

He grabbed her by the arms now as he looked right at her with a desperate look.

(Y/N): Why do you just shut me out? Are you just hoping I'll be okay like a stray salmonid? Or do you just not care what happens after?! What was I supposed to do?! What did I do wrong?! I must've done something wrong. Callie at least was able to give me closure, but you-... what did I do to you? I thought I was given a second chance to make it right, but you did it again. Just tell me what I did wrong! What did I do wrong...?

He had at this point fallen to his knees, grasping at her like a beggar in the streets hoping for just a crumb of what they wanted. His eyes stabbed into the guilt that resided within her, making her realize that all this pain he was feeling, the core of it was her.

Marie: You did nothing wrong.

(Y/N): Then-

Marie: You were the strength that could lift the heaviest of burdens. You were the sturdy post that I could lean on. You were the light that could guide me in the middle of the night. You were the joy that could lift me up in the saddest times. You were everything I needed you to be... because I was weak. I was a coward who only thought of herself and didn't want to think about anyone else's troubles but her own...

His brows shifted from those of self-hatred to one of sorrowful pity as she cupped his cheek with her hand.

Marie: I can't excuse what I did, because when I see that person in the mirror who could do the things she's done, I hate her. She's self-centered and the pain she feels is the only one she can notice and care about. I was unreliable and toppled when dealt my just desserts. I was blind to everyone else's issues around me that didn't revolve around me. I was too weak to stand the test of any trials thrown my way.

Her eyes watered as she guided his hand up to her cheek and felt the warmth from him that she didn't deserve as his tearful eyes looked up at her shocked.

Marie: I've always relied on others to help me because I could never be anything on my own.

She sobbed out her replies as she aimed his feelings right at her.

Marie: I didn't ever think for a second that the one strong enough for me to rely on could possibly be hurt just like I could.

Getting out that last note of hers, the sobs broke down into full-blown howls as she just wanted him to understand her mistakes. She didn't even care if he hated her, but another second of him hating himself for her selfish deeds hurt her more than anything else. At least if he was angry at her, she knew she'd deserve it and he'd be happier.

She felt the hand of his she held to her face pull away from her face as she sat there with the tears falling from her closed eyes. She wanted to try and stop him from pulling back from her, knowing that that would probably be the last of this all and where this all ends but she knew she didn't deserve it.

(Y/N): Marie...

She braced herself for whatever he had to say as she had no way to guess any way this could go.

(Y/N): Do you... want me to hate you..?

Her eyes opened at this as she looked up at him with a sad expression.

Marie: No... No! I... I don't want that. I want to be there beside you, but... I don't deserve to be either. I always end up making mistakes and pushing anyone close to me away. When even Callie left me, I thought I finally had ruined even the one bond I thought I couldn't break... I want to be with you! I want to be able to talk with you! I don't want everything to be us to be stuck to just being memories, but... I can't be trusted to know I'm doing the right thing...

(Y/N): Marie, I don't want to hate you... I've always just wanted to be useful enough for you so you wouldn't leave me behind again...

Marie shook her head.

Marie: You never needed to be "useful" for me to want you around, I was just... always a bad friend.

(Y/N) looked like he wanted to refute her statement, but she didn't give him an opportunity before she grabbed his hand tightly.

Marie: I don't deserve it, but if I can just be selfish one last time, I'd like you to give me one more chance to be better...

(Y/N) still looked unsure about everything she said, but was forced to focus on specifically what she just said.

(Y/N): I don't want to lose you from my life...

He said as he squeezed the hand that wrapped around his own.

She let out a laugh that was mixed with a sob and some more tears.

(Y/N): Are you okay?

Marie: I just... can't stop crying right now.

She said while embarrassingly trying to wipe away the tears before he pulled her hand in order to bring her into a comforting hug as he leaned back against the couch.

The tears of hers became stronger for a moment as she gladly dug her face into his neck to feel strong with the help he offered that she oh so always relied upon.

The tears she had held back for so many months took their time to dry up, but she pulled together the strength to let them finally meet their end while in his arms.

She retracted her face as she looked back up at him.

Marie: Don't tell anyone I cried that much...

He chuckled but didn't say anything, causing her to pout a bit before smiling at his cheerful face.

Marie: I-

Her next words were cut off by the front door suddenly slamming open next to them causing Marie to suddenly break apart from the hug with (Y/N) to look at what had caused such a loud ruckus.

Frye: Check out this swanky place!

Shiver whistled at the impressive place.

Big Man: Ay! (You two aren't supposed to just barge in!)

Shiver: It's fine, Big Man, he knew we were coming.

Frye: Yeah, everything after that is really his fault honestly.

Marie: Oh great...

(Y/N) stood up to greet the three who had just arrived, followed shortly after by Marie rising to her feet as well.

(Y/N): You three are here earlier than I expected.

He said happily greeting them.

Shiver: We wanted to check this place out for ourselves.

Frye: Also, you've got some strays outside your home by the way.

Liz: You three already know who I am.

Liz said as she stuck her head in through the door.

Veronica: A-And I live here!

Veronica said, sticking her head in from the other side of the doorway.

Frye: Oh, so you're his roommate! Nice to meetcha!

Shiver looked Veronica up and down.

Shiver: Eh, I can take her.

Veronica: I already met you three.

Shiver: That doesn't sound familiar.

Big Man: Ay ay. (She's the girl who was with Off the Hook at that concert we did.)

Frye: I'm pretty sure I'd remember something like that.

Veronica pouted before Big Man happily greeted her, remembering her which made her happier.

(Y/N) chuckled at Shiver and Frye's randomness.

Frye: Hey, it's boss Marie! Didn't expect to see you here!

Frye and Shiver happily ran up to her, overwhelming the tired squid.

Marie: Yup, it was a surprise for all of us.

She said as she was staring at (Y/N).

Frye: And (Y/N), you sonuvasquid, why didn't you tell us this was where you lived before?!

(Y/N): Huh? B-But I already told you I lived in Inkopolis before-

Shiver: This isn't Inkopolis though!

Frye: You live outside the city! We even had to take the train past the border zone!

(Y/N): W-Well, really it's all the same kind of metropolitan area, isn't it? Hehe.

Frye: You made me worried I was in love with an Inkopolitan. This is way easier to swallow.

(Y/N) just nervously laughed.

Liz walked up to Marie and whispered in her ear.

Liz: Soooo, when you told (Y/N) you "want to be with him" what did you mean by that exactly-?

Marie: I-I-I didn't-

Marie immediately interjected in a loud tone before taking a moment to recompose herself and whisper back to Liz.

Marie: I didn't mean it like that...

Liz just smiled at Marie's blushing face.

Liz: I figured neither of you two realized your wording on that particular par-

Marie: Wait, were you listening in on us?!

Liz: No...

Marie glared at Liz as Liz tried to look as casual as possible.

Liz: You got pretty poetic in the middle there, huh?

Marie: Oh my cod. Shut it!

Marie said while trying to cover the snickering mouth of Liz.

Liz: Hey, Veronica was listenin' in too!

Marie: You two...

Marie hid her embarrassed face in her hands at the understanding she was never gonna live this down, at least not from Liz whenever she needed a way to tease Marie.

However, right now, even that couldn't fully bring down Marie's mood at having accomplished what she wanted to.

Things still felt awkward for her and she didn't know how to approach him easily, but she knew that she'd try regardless of it all.

She nodded as she walked up beside (Y/N) and continued to speak with him as the two had smiles plastered on their faces interacting with each other after so long, along with all the others here as well.



The seven of them were having fun hanging out at (Y/N) and Veronica's house when suddenly (Y/N) got a call from Callie, to which he stepped away to answer it.

(Y/N): Hey, Callie, what's up?

Callie: ¡ɐʎᴉH

(Y/N): Your phone's upside down.

Callie: Oopsie! I just wanted to check up on you. Y'know, make sure everything's alright?

(Y/N) thought he understood with the tone of her voice what she wanted to ask.

(Y/N): I met Marie.

Callie: Really-?! Ahem, I mean that's... how'd it go?

(Y/N): It went... good enough.

Callie: How're you doing?

(Y/N): Fine, but uh, Marie might have a ways to go.

He said while looking over his shoulder to make sure Marie wasn't paying attention to him. Luckily, Deep Cut was taking up her attention right now, while also testing her patience.

Callie made a thinking sound on the other end of the line.

Callie: I was worried that might happen.

(Y/N): You were?

Callie: Well, yeah. When I do something stupid, it's to be expected, but when Marie does something stupid something's definitely wrong.

She said proudly.

Callie: But if I can rely on your help to be there for her along with me, then I think she'll be okay in the end.

(Y/N): Of course I will.

Callie: Thanks.

He could hear her cheery smile from over the phone call.

Callie: So, what's going on right now?

(Y/N): Well, Deep Cut interrupted us, so now those three are messing with Marie, and Liz and Veronica are also here and we're all just hanging out here.

Callie: WITHOUT ME?!

(Y/N): Weren't you purposefully avoiding coming here to give Marie the chance to see me?

Callie: Yeah, but that's over and done with now! I'm on my way!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): Should I start a timer to see if you can beat your record for getting here?

Callie: Uh duh! I can make it this time!

(Y/N): Okay, Callie, good luck.

He said as he heard the sound of wind from the phone due to her forgetting to hang up the phone as she already started running.

He shook his head and hung up the phone call.

He turned around to walk back to the rest of the group before he was met with Shiver and Frye who were leaning in his face as they proceeded to push him backward and drag him away.

He was just left to accept it and wonder what the two were planning now before they dragged him far enough away that they stopped.

(Y/N): Okay, do I need to ask what you two are plotting?

Shiver: Nothing~. What would li'l innocent Shiver and Frye possibly be scheming~?

Frye: We'd never be doing anything sneaky~.

(Y/N) just raised an eyebrow at the two who looked like devils more than the angels they were pretending to be.

Shiver: Okay, fine, we wanted to talk to you privately for a minute.

(Y/N): Obviously. You quite literally dragged me by my arms specifically to do that.

Frye: Well, we figured out the perfect solution to our little issue.

Frye said while motioning to Shiver and herself, and then looking back at him.

(Y/N) was nervous over what new "genius idea" the two could've possibly come up with to make them seem this confident, especially when their last "great idea" was for him to be split in half.

(Y/N): And what have you two come up with this time?

He asked curiously.

The two both looked at each other slightly nervously before they whisper argued with each other, letting him hear "You say it" and "No, you say it" phrases go back and forth.

Frye: Fine! Ahem.

She cleared her throat as she had a hint of blush on her face, which wasn't something Frye usually was prone to doing, which made him even more worryingly anxious over it.

Frye: Look, we get you've got... options-

Shiver: -Somehow.

Frye whisper-yelled back at Shiver.

Frye: You want to do this? You're insulting yourself too anyway!

Shiver turned slightly away, blushing behind her fan.

Frye: So... We were thinking-

Veronica: (Y/N)! There you are!

Frye and Shiver were shocked by the sudden entrance of the Octoling.

(Y/N): What's up, Veronica?

Veronica grabbed his hands.

Veronica: You have to come see this!

(Y/N): Well, hang on, Frye and Shiver were trying to tell me something real quick.

Veronica and (Y/N) were both staring back at the two now who were tripping over themselves trying to collect their thoughts.

Frye: Uh, we just wanted to ask-...

Shiver: -You'll still come to Splatville sometimes, right?

(Y/N) smiled at the two.

(Y/N): Of course. You three don't live at the hideout either, but you stay there a lot. Now, I'll just be doing the same as you three.

Shiver and Frye smiled lightly at his reaffirmation that he wasn't leaving them for Inkopolis now.

He also turned to Veronica to get her reaction on hearing that since she was his roommate, but she didn't seem to have any problem with that either and still looked as happy as ever.

Veronica: Okay, can you come over here now?

(Y/N): Yes, yes, calm down.

He said with a little laugh as she dragged him away.

Frye POV

Shiver and Frye were left to themselves for now.

Shiver sighed behind her mask as she shut it, while Frye was just left scratching her head.

Shiver: Smooth.

Frye: How is that my fault?! I don't see you speaking up!

Shiver: I meant your brain.

Frye: Then have fun being the one that tells him it yourself.

She said pouting.

Shiver: No, you agreed you would.

Frye: Then don't get on my case about messing it up. Or do you have a better way to tell him he should go out with both of us?

Shiver: You're his ex-girlfriend! If I'm the one who tells him the idea, it looks like I'm just forcing the idea for myself.

Shiver said with a big frown.

Frye: We'll find a time to tell him, and we'll both tell him. We just need to find the PERFECT MOMENT.

She said the last bit while wiping her hands in front of their faces as if unveiling the perfect moment.

Shiver: And when is that?

Frye shrugged.

Frye: I don't know.

She mumbled out.

Frye: Just pay attention and find a good time.

Shiver: I'm gettin' sick of that being the answer everyone gives me for this kind of stuff.

Frye stuck her tongue out and blew it at Shiver.

Frye: Too bad, tha's 'bout as good as it gets.

Shiver: Lame.

The two walked back to the main room to join back with the others.



They were all chatting it up when there was a knock on the door, to which (Y/N) went and opened it up to reveal --Actually, he wasn't expecting this-- Pearl and Marina.

(Y/N): Oh, hey, you two are early.

Marina: We found the time to make it over earlier than we expected.

Pearl: Were you expectin' somebody else, yo?

(Y/N): Yeah, actually. Callie said she was racing her way over-

Callie: I'm here!

The two girls turned around as (Y/N) and the two both looked to see Callie running over.

Callie: Outta my way!

She tried squeezing past the two girls, nearly falling over.

Pearl: Yo, that's rude!

Callie: Sorry! But- I'm in!

She said as she reached her foot in the doorway.

Callie: Time?

(Y/N) checked his phone.

(Y/N): Sorry, you were just short.

Callie: That's no fair! If those two weren't in the way, I'd have made it in time!

(Y/N): Let's see what the council decides.

(Y/N) turned to face behind him as Callie looked past him to see Veronica and Liz.

The two girls both held up their arms in a crossed "X" form.

(Y/N): Sorry, the council has denied legitimacy.

Callie: Rigged!

Marina: Um, can we come in yet?

Pearl: Yeah, we're just getting shoved around out here.

(Y/N) moved out of the way as Callie ran in and Pearl and Marina both walked in as well.

Pearl: Yo, you three are here too?

Frye: Fo' sho', playa.

Frye said as she walked up and punched Pearl in the arm, causing Pearl to rub where Frye had punched her.

Marina hugged (Y/N) before looking over and seeing Marie was there.

Marina: What's Marie doing here?

(Y/N): Actually, she was here when we got here. We had a messy reintroduction, but... all's good now.

Marina: Are you sure?

(Y/N): Mostly, yeah.

Marina: Mm, okay. Let me know if want to talk about anything.

(Y/N): Of course.

He said with a light chuckle.

Marina: Good.

She smiled at him before walking over to talk with Marie and Big Man.

Pearl POV

Pearl: So, we haven't talked much since everything happened. You and (Y/N) are cool now?

Frye: Basically, yeah.

Pearl: And your relationship..?

Frye: We're still working that out right now, but we're still friends for now.

Pearl: Cool, cool.

Pearl was moving her eyes back and forth between (Y/N) and Frye.

Pearl: Sooooo, did you two... do anything..?

Frye didn't look over to Pearl, just kept looking forward as her smile grew and her eyes became smaller slits as she had a mischievous look on her face.

Pearl: Yo, what's that face mean?

Frye didn't do anything but keep the evil smile on her face, even after Pearl tried grabbing Frye's arm and shaking her.

Pearl: What's it mean?!



After a while, it had gotten pretty late, and (Y/N) wanted to just relax by sitting on the couch.

Veronica ran up, preparing to sit beside him until Frye and Shiver quickly snatched up both sides of him with the faces of predators as they had a satisfied look on their faces.

Veronica pouted while (Y/N) had an apologetic smile on his face.

Veronica stopped pouting as she sat on his lap with a big smile.

Frye and Shiver looked cross with how Veronica seemingly snuck the win out from under the two, but she didn't notice.

Everyone else gathered around to relax as well, having all enjoyed all being together again for the first time in a long time.


Callie POV

Callie was looking for Marie as she had snuck off at some point without Callie noticing.

Eventually, Callie noticed Marie was standing outside on her own and had come out to join her cousin, albeit Callie was covering her arms with her hands as it was a bit cold out.

Callie: What're you doing out here?

Marie turned back to her cousin.

Marie: Oh, Callie. I just wanted to get some fresh air out here for a minute.

Callie: I don't know how to can enjoy it like this outside, but then be so against being out in the sun.

Marie smiled and gave a small laugh.

Marie: And I don't know how you can enjoy being burnt by that sun's rays.

Callie giggled along with her cousin now.

Marie took in a fresh breath of air before looking up at the moon.

Marie: I wanted to thank you, Callie.

Callie: What for?

Marie: For never giving up on me, Callie. Even when I've got nothing left, I can trust you'll be there to help me build back up what I've lost.

Callie walked up beside her cousin and put an arm around her cousin.

Callie: That's because even when you're a bit mean or bossy at times, I will always know that the great Marie that I love is in there and deserves the world.

Marie smiled.

Marie: Say "the Great Marie" again.

Callie: Nah, your ego doesn't need that.

Marie: Then how about saying it again as a price for the fact that you're obviously this close to me because you're using me to stay warm?

Callie giggled.

Callie: How about the best cousin in the whole wide world?

Marie smiled while leaning closer to her cousin to help her get warmed.

Marie: Yeah... I like that one more, even if it's your title.

Callie leaned into her cousin for warmth and comfort as well.

Callie: Y'know, I'll give you some credit, the moon is really pretty.

Marie: It is, but it can only shine thanks to the sun.

The two stayed out for a few more minutes while staring at the moon, enjoying its glowing view that illuminated the world in its darkest of hours.

4924 Words

June 27, 2024 - 7:33 P.M.

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