S3C Chapter 33: Never Alone

Callie POV

Callie laughed on the phone.

Callie: Sounds like everything's back to normal then?

(Y/N) from the other side of the phone responded to her.

(Y/N): A new normal, but yeah. It's going well. Are you going to stop over here sometime?

Callie: How about you come over here if you want to gawk at me so badly?

She said with a joking attitude hoping to catch him off guard.

(Y/N): Eh, I don't really know about that just yet.

He said with an awkward tone, understanding what she was getting at.

Callie: Worth a shot, but you can't put it off forever.

(Y/N): How'd it go between you two?

Callie: As Marie would say, it went splatastic.

She said the end with her best Marie impression which got a small laugh out of the two.

(Y/N): That's good. I don't know what the world would be like without the Squid Sisters being together.

Callie: Don't wonder too much, that'll never happen.

She said confidently.

Callie: Well, I'll let you go now. Talk to you later!

(Y/N): I'll see ya, Callie.

He responded back as the two ended the calls.

Afterward, Callie let out a sigh, knowing what came next.

Callie walked back over to the room Marie was in.

Marie tried to contain her feelings as usual, but Callie could always read her, letting her know how expectant she was of what Callie had to say.

Marie: Well...?

Callie held her hands together with a reassuring smile.

Callie: He can't make it today, but-

Marie already looked down before Callie could manage to spin it into an okay statement for Marie.

Marie: But nothing, he doesn't want to see me...

Callie: That's not true! He wants to, but it's just taking him a bit to be ready for it. You should've seen him when I found him, he wasn't ready to see any of us again.

Marie: And now he's come back to see everybody but me. He always just "needs more time" and "can't make it today"...

Her annoyed expression turned to a sadder one.

Marie: And I deserve it for doing the same thing to him before...

Callie was upset at hearing her usually confident cousin run herself through the ringer.

Callie: Stop putting yourself down. You didn't do it on purpose, and he's not avoiding you. You'll get to see him and this will all just be a bad memory.

Marie still looked down.

Callie: He's just... He's just worried that we'll all resent him for what he did. He said as much to me and the others.

Marie: Well I don't, so can he just hurry it up already?

Callie didn't want to just tell her he needed more time again, so she decided instead that she'd just change the subject to something Marie would enjoy more.

Callie: Hey, what time is it? Isn't that show you love on TV right now?

Marie: Oh yeah, it is.

Callie happily grabbed the remote and changed the channel.


Pearl: Who that?

Pearl asked while not looking away from the screen she and Veronica were playing a game on.

(Y/N): Callie, again.

Pearl: Sweet, what she been up to? She coming over?

(Y/N): No, she was just checking up on me again and seeing if I was ready to see Marie yet.

Pearl: Ugh.

Marina gave Pearl a stern look before turning to (Y/N) with a more caring look.

Marina: You still haven't seen her yet?

(Y/N): I'm just not sure if I'm ready for something like that yet is all. It was easier seeing you three again than the others.

Marina gave a soft smile.

(Y/N): Aren't you three still upset at Marie anyway?

Pearl: Um, YES.

Pearl said with a matter-of-fact tone while pushing the buttons on her controller that she was waving around harder.

Marina: I'm not angry with her, more just... disappointed in what she did.

(Y/N): Veronica?

Veronica looked over for a moment, having been locked in on the game.

Veronica: Huh?

(Y/N): Aren't you still upset at Marie?

Veronica paused the game causing Pearl to yipe at the sudden stopping of their game, while Veronica curled her legs up to her chest and set the controller aside.

Veronica: I was really angry at first...

She said quietly into her knees, not liking to talk about bad feelings like those.

(Y/N): And now?

Veronica: I feel bad for her.

Pearl: Bad for her? What for?!

Veronica: When I looked at her, I could see how much she had been hurt too. And for so long with no one to talk to about her problems. Not even Callie, especially after Callie left her.

Marina looked down with a sad look listening to Veronica's words as she placed a hand on Veronica's back to comfort her, but Pearl still looked upset.

Pearl: But she made you ball up your feelings so you couldn't let out how you feel!

Veronica: And neither could she, for so much longer. That's why I know she was hurting so badly.

Marina: Pearlie, I know what she did may not have been the right thing for her to do, but you can't keep hating her forever-

Pearl: -Wanna bet?

Marina: Pearl, she wasn't trying to-

Pearl: -Yeah, yeah, she told me all that when I first went to see her.

Pearl said dismissively as she stood up.

Pearl: You win, Eight. I'm gonna go get something to drink.

She stated as she walked out of the room.

Marina: Pearl!

Marina sighed as Pearl was already gone.

(Y/N): I feel bad for Marie if she wants Pearl to not be angry at her anytime soon.

He said with a nervous laugh at his joke.

Marina: It certainly won't be easy for her to get Pearl to change her stuck-in-her-ways decision if she does want that to change.

Marina said while rubbing the bridge of her nose.

Marina: So, what's taking you so long to go see her anyway? She's the only one you haven't made up with yet.

(Y/N): Actually, I haven't really made up with Liz either.

He said with a nervous sweat, deflecting from the initial question.

Veronica: But I thought you and her were friends again? You showed up with her and the other girl.

(Y/N): It's a bit more complicated than that... I think I'll go check on Pearl for now. Marina, why don't you go fill in for Pearl on the game right now? I'm sure she will want to come back to it once she's not so heated anymore.

Marina: Okay...

Marina reluctantly picked up the controller while watching him leave the room.

Veronica POV

Veronica and Marina watched him until he was gone.

Marina sighed.

Marina: I'm glad he opened up to us, but he still has a way to go...

Veronica: I want him to talk to Liz already though. They'd both be happier if they did.

Marina: I know, but we can't force them.

Veronica pouted.

Veronica: But it's what they both need.

Marina shook her head and smiled softly at Veronica.

Marina: You can't control a person's feelings like that, Eight. Feelings aren't something... rational. Someone can hurt the ones they care about. Someone can be afraid of the people they love. Someone can run from something they want.

Veronica: But why would someone do those types of things if they feel that way?

Marina: If feelings were that black and white, the world might be simpler, but feelings are many complicated things that make something up. A person can look back on a happy memory and feel sad about it, why? Feelings are the results of context.

Marina turned back to face the door.

Marina: And even when they're your own feelings, you can't always figure them out.

She turned back to Veronica.

Marina: So, for an onlooker, it'd be impossible. That's why all you can do for someone is be there to support them when they need it, whether they know they do or not. Do you understand what I'm getting at, Eight?

Veronica: I think so...

Marina smiled at her, which made Veronica feel safer and happier as if all would be alright.

Marina: So, want to play the video game some more?

Veronica smiled and nodded her head.

Marina: Okay, just know you're not going to have an easy match like you did against Pearl though.

Veronica: Bring it on!

Veronica quickly unpaused the game to try and surprise Marina with the quick start of the game, but it didn't shake her off and led to them both intensely pushing for victory in the game.


(Y/N) walked into the kitchen to see Pearl struggling to get the cap off of a bottle.

Pearl: Come on! You stupid little-! NGH!

She was upset and trying to hold it in different ways, but nothing let her be able to open it, just leading to her becoming more and more frustrated.

Eventually becoming frustrated and just threw the bottle which (Y/N) narrowly avoided as it bounced off the ground past him.

Pearl was left huffing and puffing in her frustration.

(Y/N): I could've opened that for you, y'know.

Pearl: To heck with that bottle!

(Y/N): Pearl, just calm down a little.

Pearl: I am calm!

(Y/N): Pearl, you're more riled up than a Chum when there are Glowflies.

Pearl: Why is everyone making me seem like the one weirdo who stands out?!

She said angrily but with glossy eyes.

(Y/N): Pearl, why are you so upset?

Pearl: Why?! Why are you even asking me that?! Why am I the different one here?! Those two just forgave her so easily and you're also acting like it's strange for me to be upset at Marie!

She poked him in his chest.

Pearl: She knew for months, hid it from us all, made Eight hide it, and she wasn't even doing anything to try and fix it either!

(Y/N): Pearl, I'm okay, I'm here now-

Pearl: That's not the point! Why can't you realize that?! I-

She sniffled and hung her arms down at her side as she just looked down and leaned her head into his chest.

Pearl: I thought you were gone, and there was nothing I could do about it. I thought you'd be gone for good, and I'd never be able to see you again...

She sniffled a couple more times before he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.

Pearl: I care about you. A lot. And I thought you hated me and that'd be the last thing you ever thought about me. You'd never be there to pull pranks with, never be there to celebrate any holidays together, never be there to see whenever Off the Hook does something amazing again. You'd never be there again...

(Y/N) stayed silent, letting her vent all of her feelings now.

Pearl: If I had known sooner, I could've done something. I managed to find you not long after finding out you were gone, but when I showed up in Splatsville to get you, you were gone again. I thought you ran away again, and now with no way to find you again. All because she kept it to herself for so long.

Pearl looked up at (Y/N) with tears in her eyes.

Pearl: I only found out just shortly before the holidays, and I kept looking around hoping you'd pop out somewhere there to celebrate with us and be there, but you weren't. No smiling face to look to. I felt so stupid as I kept waiting, hoping you'd show up to open the gift I still got and wrapped for you...

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Pearl: You shouldn't be sorry. It's her fault. It's all her fault. It has to be, because if it's not her fault then-

The words struggled to leave her mouth for a moment, cracking up.

Pearl: -Then it's all my fault...

(Y/N) held her tighter.

(Y/N): It's no one's fault. You did your best to do what you felt you had to do, nothing less. And she did too.

Pearl: Then why haven't you gone to see her yet either?

(Y/N): Because... I'm afraid I won't know what to say... Can you imagine not seeing someone for such a long time, and not knowing the right things to say? Worried that the wrong words could destroy anything left that's there?

Pearl didn't respond, with the answer feeling obvious to her.

Instead, she just raised her arms to be wrapped around his torso.

(Y/N): You don't necessarily have to forgive Marie for it all, Pearl. Your feelings are valid... But you do have to forgive yourself.

Pearl was just silent with her face buried in his chest while still sniffling a bit as the two stood there for a minute.

(Y/N): So... you said you still got me a holiday gift?

Her sniffling was broken up by her letting out a snort of laughter.

Pearl: Were you hanging on that part of what I said the whole time?

(Y/N): No, no, of course not... But I'm still intrigued by what this special gift you really wanted me to see was.

He said while scratching his cheek with a finger nervously.

Pearl shook her head with a small smile as she left the room for a minute before coming back with a wrapped-up gift that she handed to him before moving to stand next to him as he opened the gift.

As he carefully unwrapped the gift, she rolled her eyes and tore the wrapping on the top for him, so he didn't try to stop it from getting damaged.

He looked at her to which she stared back before giving him a "come on already" look between him and the box while shifting her hand to direct him to the box.

He did as she pushed him to, opened the box, and took out the object from the box.

It was a picture frame that was hand-decorated with plenty of designs, with the main one being along the bottom reading "Together Forever".

However, the picture in the center wasn't present. In fact, there wasn't a picture at all, but instead a mirror.

In the reflection of the mirror was his own confused, smirking face with Pearl beside him.

Pearl: I, uh, made it myself... If you look into it with someone else beside you, they'll always be there for you. It does have the restriction though that you don't run away again.

She said with a nervous laugh before he lowered himself to latch himself onto her by wrapping his arms around her again affectionately.

Pearl: I did say I wanted to see your reaction to it after all. And with it, you can see how much happier you are with us around too.

She said while patting his back embarrassedly.

Pearl: I made it myself, so I can't return it if it's not good enough... Well, technically I could return the mirror itself, but-

(Y/N): It's perfect, Pearl.

She was happy to hear him react as such, which allowed to her respond proudly.

Pearl: Yeah, of course it is, yo.


Marie POV

Marie was in her home, watching TV shows.

Callie was trying her best to keep Marie busy and entertained, but even so, her mind kept wandering and thinking about the situation she was in.

She regretted everything she'd done, and she understood it was all her own fault too which made it all worse.

Her thoughts and Callie's attempt to do a standing backflip were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Marie immediately internally questioned whether it was who she thought it was before immediately cursing herself.

She knew it wasn't him. He even told Callie he wouldn't be coming, so why was she so willing to immediately believe any random knock on the door would be him?

She was trying to shake the idea out of her head, while Callie went to answer the door.

Callie: Hey! What're you doing here?

Marie: (Dang it, Callie...)

Marie snapped her view over to the doorway expectantly and was met with the shock of the person standing in the doorway.

Pearl: Yo, what's up, Callie? Is Marie here?

Pearl was trying to look past Callie, which showed her that Marie was inside.

Callie: Yeah, why? What's going on?

Pearl: Nothing, I just wanted to... talk with her for a bit.

Callie: Well...

Callie looked back at Marie as to what she should do, to which Marie decided she had nothing to lose if Pearl wanted to shout at her some more, so she nodded to Callie to let her.

Callie: Okay, come on in.

Callie stepped aside to let the short squid in.

Once Pearl was in, she stood with her arms crossed before staring at Callie silently.

Marie: Callie, can you give us some privacy?

Callie suddenly realized why it was quiet after Marie had asked her this.

Callie: Oh! Rightio!

Callie left the room for the two to talk in private.

Pearl sighed now with the two being left alone now.

Marie: If you want to shout at me again, just get it all out of your system already.

Pearl: Oh will you just cut out the mopey woe is me attitude? Boohoo, you made a bad choice, get over it already.

Marie: Pfft, you're one to talk.

Pearl: I am over it! That's why-!

Pearl calmed down and let out a breath.

Pearl: That's why I came here to talk to you. I'm not angry at you for that stuff anymore. So, stop acting all lame already, yo.

Marie: How heartfelt.

Pearl: And can you cut it with the sass for a minute?

Marie: Look, why are you doing any of this?

Pearl rubbed her face with her hands.

Pearl: Cod, why do you have to be so difficult? I just wanted to say I'm sorta sorry for before, and to tell you I'm not angry anymore. Stop acting like you're the only one who's going through something and trying to take all the burden on yourself. We're all supposed to be friends, yet you just try and detach yourself from everyone else.

Marie didn't respond with a snarky retort this time, not having anything she could say.

Pearl: Eight feels sorry for you, and Marina doesn't hate you. So, I'm done being angry at you too. Why don't you try and stop being angry at yourself now too?

Pearl turned as if she was about to leave.

Marie: How has he been?

Pearl stopped for a moment before turning back to Marie again.

Pearl: He's doing a lot better now. Pretending like he's back to normal now.

Marie: Still doesn't want to see me though..?

Pearl: Yo, I'm gonna keep it real with you. I think you're the last one he wants to talk to and see.

Marie looked a bit down, wishing Pearl would've at least sugarcoated it instead of being so blunt.

Pearl: Not to say he's avoiding you or doesn't want to ever see you, but he'll find any reason to put it off.

Marie: Any reason why?

Pearl raised an eyebrow.

Marie: Any specific reason.

Pearl: You'd know better than me. He'd rather just act like he's perfectly fine, so it's up to you to figure out. Why don't you just... stop waiting for him? Do something about it all instead for once.

Marie was silent once again, and with Pearl saying all she wanted to, finally clearing the air between the two for friendlier relations once again.

Pearl: Yo, Callie! I'm outta here!

Callie came back in the room with a light jog up to Pearl.

Callie: You sure you don't want to stay longer?

Pearl: Nah, I've got stuff I want to do. But seriously, thanks for all the help.

Pearl put out her hand, pulling Callie into a frinedly hug for a moment.

Callie: No problemo. Glad you liked my surprise.

Callie said with a smile that got a small chuckle out of Pearl.

Pearl: Yeah, I sure did. Well, see you two later.

She said, making her exit, with Callie shutting the door behind her.

Callie: So, that went well.

Marie: You really think so?

Callie: There was a lot less screaming this time.

Marie: Yep, guess you're right there.

Marie sighed.

Callie: So, what're you going to do now?

Marie silently thought about it for a moment before laying her head flat back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling.

Marie: Probably something stupid...

Callie: I know all about that!

Callie said with a happy smile to counter Marie's nervousness.


Elizabeth POV

Liz was standing in front of her microwave as she warmed up the leftovers she had to eat.

She stopped the microwave before it was about to beep and reached for the bowl only to jump her hand back after feeling how hot the bowl was.

She grabbed it again carefully, letting it cool off a second before carrying it over to her couch quickly so she could let go of the hot bowl.

Upon doing so, she relaxed and sat down on her couch to instantly be met with the sound of knocking on her door.

She groaned and smacked her legs and pushed against them as she stood up to go answer the door.

When she opened it, she looked up to see (Y/N) standing in front of her.

Liz: Oh, uh, wassup? What're you doing here?

(Y/N): Just wanted to come over to see you. Is now a bad time?

Liz: No! No, I was just about to eat. Come on in.

She said while walking in to let him in as he shut the door behind him.

She plopped herself back down on the couch which he hesitantly followed after, sitting on the couch too before going to grab a piece of the food from her bowl before she smacked it from his hand.

Liz: Hey, you want somethin' to eat, you should've gotten something on the way.

(Y/N): Come on, it's just one piece, you might not even eat it all.

Liz: And you won't stop at just one piece.

(Y/N): No way to know for sure until after it happens.

Liz: Mhm, right.

She said with a joking eye roll and a bite of her food.

Liz: So, what did you come here for anyway?

(Y/N): Like I said, I just wanted to see you. Maybe talk a bit.

Liz: Talk about anything in particular?

She said while eyeing him with an inquisitive look.

(Y/N) was silent for a moment, choosing his words.

(Y/N): Why did you shut me out before?

Liz held her breath for a moment, now her turn to choose her words carefully. She knew this would have to happen eventually, which is why she practiced it in her head for a while now, trying to know what to say best to his questions.

Liz: I just... didn't want to ask for your help.

(Y/N): But you asked Marie for help-

Liz: Your help. You and Veronica both.

(Y/N) was confused by the statement including Veronica as well.

(Y/N): Why Veronica too?

Liz: Because... you two were able to save the day when I couldn't. I wasn't there to do my job, so Marie replaced me with you. And Veronica had to save the day too because I got knocked out and brainwashed...

(Y/N) let her spill her feelings.

Liz: You all seemed so sure of putting me in charge to replace Cuttlefish, but I wasn't sure at all... I had already failed twice in the past, which is why others needed to do it without my help. If I couldn't even do this without relying on you two, then why was I even an Agent? Let alone the Captain.

(Y/N): Then did you leave me behind to watch Octavio just to lock me down there then..?

He said with a worried face, which Liz was quick to try to reassure him.

Liz: No! No, that was Marie's idea. I get he's not that menacing or world-ending of a threat, but he is a troublemaker we have to watch out for. And Marie kept pleading with me to give you a job like that to do.

(Y/N): Why?

Liz: I'm not sure if it's really my place to tell that. Especially since it's not like I know what goes through her sarcastic head.

He looked a little disappointed again.

(Y/N): Then, are you mad at me that I failed to keep watch of Octavio?

Liz: Luckily, with it actually being a good thing he was free, I'm actually glad you did.

(Y/N): Callie said the same thing about it in hindsight...

Liz could tell he still held guilt of his own over the whole situation, but wasn't sure what to say to reassure him over it anymore.

Liz: You know, me feeling like a failure after you did what I couldn't is actually why I didn't like you when we first met...

(Y/N): Really?

Liz: Well, that and you were a little annoying.

She said with a smile which got a laugh out of him.

Liz: I don't remember if I ever said it before, but I'm sorry about how I used to act. I know what it feels like to fail, and feel like no one can trust you anymore. To feel like you need to take it all on on your own to prove your worth. So, just know that's not what anyone else thinks when they see you. No one is mad at what you did, and we all still trust you.

She said, too embarrassed to look at him.

Liz: I'm sorry I didn't see how much you were struggling, but it can just be hard to see when someone else is in trouble when you yourself are already drowning. Everyone else always seems like they've got it all figured out when you're the one freaking out... I should've trusted you more, but... hindsight is always 20/20 on a bad idea.

She finally took a peek over at him to see him with a soft smile looking right at her.

She tried to look back away from him with a blush on her face, but he hugged her, making the blush on her face grow brighter.

Liz: What's this for?

(Y/N): It's just really good to speak to you again...

Liz embarrassedly swallowed her pride and hugged him back.

She then heard the sound of him chewing to which she shot her eyes open and pushed him back to see he had reached for a bite of her food while they were hugging.

Liz: Oh my cod, you are insufferable.

(Y/N): I told you I only needed one bite.

He said with a big, dumb smile on his face that she just sighed at while he laughed.

(Y/N): So, one last question. If you didn't like the idea of relying on Veronica and I, then why was Eva different?

Liz: Oh, well, that's because I already felt that you and Veronica had already proven yourselves above me. And besides, being the Captain now, it felt like I had my own Agent who was looking up to me.

She said slightly embarrassed.

(Y/N): Oooh, is that why you don't act as edgy anymore and try to play everything off super cool now?

Liz: I-I don't know what you're talking about...

(Y/N): IT IS! I was wondering what was up with how relaxed you were acting! You wanted Eva to think you were super cool!

Liz: Sh-Shut up! What's the problem with wanting to be looked up to anyway?! Not that that's what I wanted or that I was acting any differently!

(Y/N): Nothing's wrong with it, you were already super cool. Whether you try to act more edgy than you actually are or you're trying to act more calm than you are.

Liz: Thanks, but I was actually pretty lame during the whole Alterna fiasco... I was too nervous of making a bad impression to where I almost didn't say a single word to her during the whole event. I had to have Marie basically be my interpreter.

(Y/N): So, the issue before was that you were an Agent at the same time as us, but you were the boss and she was the Agent now.

Liz: I just didn't want to run her off or anything like that. I'm not really that much of a talker anyway.

(Y/N): Yeah, you and Veronica are both pretty shy. Unlike this cool guy.

Liz: Sure, but I seem to recall Marie telling me how during your times as an agent, you never liked to stop talking. Sounds like being quiet might've been the better of the two.

(Y/N): You all would fall apart without my yapping.

Liz: I don't know about that, but I like having your yapping around... most of the time.

(Y/N): Was that last part really necessary?

Liz: No, but you deserved it.

She giggled, which he just shook his head jokingly at.

Liz: So, are we friends again now?

(Y/N): Of course we are. But I hope you don't mind that I'll have Eva know that Agent 4 is actually the coolest, not the Captain.

He said with a joking flex which she interrupted by poking him in his stomach, catching him off guard.

Liz: Sure, we'll see about that. But are you going to head out now that you asked all you wanted to?

(Y/N): Unless you wanted me to leave, I wanted to just hang out with you for a while.

Liz smiled at him.

Liz: You won't hear any complaints from me. But I might ask for your help to water my plants.

(Y/N): Sounds fair to me. I'll help you whenever you need it.

Liz: Good, because I don't feel like getting up for a while now. I just want to relax.

She said while leaning back on the couch happily while stretching herself out.

Liz: And stop reaching for more of my food.

She said without even looking over at him to see him doing it.

(Y/N): I wasn't!

He said while retracting his hand.

(Y/N): I was just... reaching for the remote.

Liz just happily shook her head with a smile plastored on her face as the two continued to talk with each other for long after that.


Marie POV

Sitting on her knees, she waited in front of the door.

The door she had sat in front of many times before, waiting for the scene she imagined in her head to play out.

Like most days, from the time when the lights shone in the windows from one wall all the way until they fell on the opposite wall before disappearing.

The scene she imagined of when that door would finally open and show what she had always wanted to. She may as well have lived inside that dream for a time with how she longed for that moment.

But that moment never came.

No matter how many days she sat in front of the door, it never opened to show the person she hoped it would. It always showed someone else waiting behind the door.

Perhaps that same reoccuring disappointment was why she didn't believe the outcome she imagined would ever play out in the real world, even now as the doorknob was being unlocked and turned.

And yet every time she still had that small part in her chest raise up and freeze the rest of her body in the shallow hope that this would be the time. She couldn't help it, no matter how much she tried to plead with her body to not expect something that would never happen.

Maybe that desire for her body to stop trying to trick her is why she didn't believe the sight in front of her was real at first, thinking it was just her stepping back into that dream she longed for.

However, after a moment of the scene being stopped in front of her very eyes, she finally had the moment of realization that this wasn't just the dream she played over in her head time and time again, but something that actually was in front of her this time.

No false hopes, no tricks, there wasn't someone else than who she expected standing in front of her, but instead it was all real this time.

Despite knowing how different that dream was from reality, and being able to know this was all real, this time felt better to her than the dream ever did. Which is why she struggled to even let a single sound leave her mouth of what she had always hoped to say to him once this finally happened.

Marie: Welcome home, (Y/N).

5137 Words

June 20, 2024 - 10:24 P.M.

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