S3C Chapter 32: Guilty Conscience


Eva and Liz were still checking around the mansion, looking for the two Octolings.

Eva: How big is this place anyway?

Liz: Oh, Pearl is stupid rich. And with her small stature, I don't know how she deals with this place's size.

Eva held back commenting on how Liz wasn't very tall either so she did not upset her, but she did smile at her own joke in her head.

Eva: So, are you ever gonna tell me what's the deal with you and (Y/N)? Did you two used to date or something?

Liz was blushing and for a split second freaked out by such a statement but quickly held herself together.

Liz: What about you?

Eva: What do you mean?

Liz: I mean, when he was in trouble, he went to you for help, didn't he?

Eva just casually scratched the side of her head a little embarrassedly.

Eva: That was just because I was the only option he had left.

Liz: Is that the only reason you helped?

Eva: No, he's cool, it's just... I don't know. Nothing like "OOOH WOW!"

She said while making goo-goo eyes.

Liz chuckled.

Liz: It's better if you sort out what it is like sooner rather than later.

Eva: But you didn't answer my question.

Liz thought about it for a second.

Liz: When I first met him-

Eva: -This isn't some "love at first sight" story, is it? Because I think I'll puke if it's something like that, no offense.

Liz narrowed her eyes.

Liz: If you let me finish my sentence, I was going to say... When I first met him, I... resented him.

Eva cocked up an eyebrow at this.

Eva: How come?

Liz: When I first met him, he just seemed like some weird rando, but then I come to find out that he was actually the new Agent 4 that Marie and Callie brought in while I was gone. It felt like... It felt like they were replacing me, and I guess I just unfairly started taking that out on him...

Eva: Like what?

Liz: I beat him up a couple of times, messed with him, that sort of stuff.

Eva: Yikesss. Taking it a bit far, huh?

Liz was blushing out of embarrassment once again.

Liz: I know, don't remind me, I just... I just felt like I failed my job by not being there when I needed to be. And then even during that whole Underground Metro situation, I wasn't much help there either. I felt like I was messing up a lot back then. Agent 4 and Agent 8 were both around because I, Agent 3, couldn't do my job that I was trusted with.

Liz sighed.

Liz: And then he and Veronica started getting closer too. They even moved in with each other to their own place. So, I was losing this close friend of mine to him as well. I guess I was just subconsciously blaming him for all of the issues I was having, because otherwise... I'd have to accept I was the failure...

Eva: You're not-

Liz: I know, I know. Eventually, through some embarrassing misunderstandings, I actually realized that (Y/N) wasn't my problem and that he was actually pretty fresh, but after how I treated him, I just felt stupid. We became... pretty good friends eventually too.

Eva: Is that secret agent code for "fell in love with him"?

She asked with a teasing kissy face.

Liz: Cut that out.

She ordered with a blushing face.

Liz: We hung out together a lot past that, and he was someone I could rely on and trust.

She looked back on those times fondly with a smile.

Liz: But then when I got promoted to Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, my responsibilities became so much more. I couldn't hang out with most of my friends, I couldn't do my DJ gigs-

Eva: -You were a DJ?

Liz: Don't interrupt- And... after how I felt before, I just... I just felt I needed to get it all right this time. Even with how I messed up before, they trusted me to do this, so I couldn't let them down.

Eva: And you shut the others out?

Liz rubbed the back of her head guiltily at having been seen through.

Eva: Why don't you tell him that then?

Liz: Because-... That's lame. And cringe-y. I know he's still upset at me even now, and he's dealing with enough right now. He doesn't need me making excuses to him right now either...

Eva sighed like she was talking to a child.

Eva: Look, he told me about what happened between you and his roommate-

Liz: -Veronica.

Eva: Veronica. But he never said he was actually upset at you. More the opposite if anything.

Liz: What do you mean?

Eva: Geez, I know you're kinda my boss and everything, but why don't you ask him yourself and find out?

Liz was pouting at this response, but she didn't push back, knowing it was her own guilty consciousness that was just too afraid to do so that was causing her to be too afraid to confront him, looking for any excuse not to unless she knew the full picture, but she knew she had to eventually.

Liz: Maybe I will. Not now though.

She said as she checked the room in front of her to once again see no one inside it.

Liz: Okay, well I could be wrong easily, but I think we've checked every room and they're just not here. Let's head back.

Eva nodded and followed after Liz, seeing as how Eva had no clue how to get back from where they were. This place is like a maze due to its size.


Liz and Eva walked back into the room, surprised to see Veronica and Marina were already with him and Pearl.

When the two Octolings noticed the newly arrived duo, Veronica finally was willing to let go of (Y/N) and instead ran up to Liz and hugged her while thanking her.

Liz was embarrassed by the sudden display but comforted Veronica for a bit before she ran back over to (Y/N).

Liz just tried to regain her cool in front of Eva as the two walked over for Eva to be introduced to Marina and Veronica.


Elizabeth POV

The five of them stuck around Pearl's mansion, Veronica refusing to even leave (Y/N)'s side.

Liz could tell that Pearl and Marina wanted to ask (Y/N) about... just about everything. They knew roughly why he left thanks to Veronica telling them about what had been going on with (Y/N) beforehand, but it was different than getting an answer right from him.

However, the two didn't know how to start that conversation, or even if he was ready for it, so they instead opted for Veronica's route of just asking him about all the good things he's been up to since then, and what they've missed out on.

(Y/N): So, yeah, Splatsville is pretty cool and wild.

Pearl: Not as wild as Inkopolis is. At least not while I'm around.

She said with a smirk.

(Y/N): I don't know, Inkopolis is pretty mild in comparison. I mean, is there ever a risk of being dropped off a skyscraper here?

Pearl, Marina, Liz & Veronica: WHAT?!

Eva: You're pretending you were happy when that happened now?

(Y/N): Well... no, it was terrifying in the moment, but not like I got hurt in hindsight.

Pearl: Backup for a moment, you almost fell off of a skyscraper?!

(Y/N): Well...

Eva: Not exactly "fell off", more like he was dangled off the side by his girlfriend.

Pearl: She WHAT?!

Marina: GIRLFRIEND?!?!

Pearl seemed to realize something and then started to grimace as she did so.

Pearl: Riiiight... I left that part out.

Marina was looking back and forth from (Y/N) to Pearl, shocked at what she was hearing.

Marina: W-W-When did that happen?! Who is she?! Is she... pretty?

Pearl: Actually, you already know her, Marina...

Marina: Who?!

She was looking back and forth between (Y/N) and Pearl before looking over at Eva, questioningly.

Eva: D-Don't look at me! It ain't me! It was Frye! From Deep Cut!

Marina froze at the answer before plastering a smile and slightly turning to (Y/N).

Marina: I mean... Frye is... really nice, I'm glad you... found someone to be happy with.

Pearl: (She's taking it better than I thought she would.)


(Y/N) was a little nervous.

(Y/N): Actually, she and I are... broken up? It's complicated, but some stuff happened. We're not really together like that anymore.

Marina let out a breath without realizing how rude that seemed and immediately apologized to him.

Eva felt a little bad seeing (Y/N)'s attitude switch due to being reminded of that whole debacle, but he didn't seem too bad now that that storm had mostly passed.

Veronica wasn't paying it much mind and was still just hugging (Y/N) the whole time.

Pearl leaned down and whispered to Veronica.

Pearl: Yo, why aren't you flipping out over this?

Veronica: Over what?

She opened her eyes to look at Pearl confusedly.

Pearl: About finding out (Y/N) had a girlfriend.

Veronica: What's wrong with that?

Pearl: I thought you... y'know, liked him. Shouldn't you be running around and short-circuiting like Marina is?

Marina was leaning her head over, still cooling off over the revelation.

Veronica: Why would I? Doesn't he have lots of girlfriends?

Pearl: Wha-... What do you think a "girlfriend" is?

Veronica: A friend who is a girl?

Pearl facepalmed.

Pearl: That's a "girl friend" not a "girlfriend". You get what I'm getting at here?

Veronica: No.

She said with big eyes and confusion, looking up at Pearl.

Pearl: I'll explain it to you later.

(Y/N): Y'know, I actually got to go to a Deep Cut concert as well. You two made quite the surprise entrance.

Marina: You were there?!

Pearl: I KNEW IT!

Pearl crawled up and grabbed him by the collar.

Pearl: I knew that was you I saw backstage! Why didn't you say anything?!

Marina: You saw him there and didn't say anything?!

Pearl: Uh oh... Well... I wasn't actually suuure. It was more like a glimpse than anything.

Marina glared at Pearl.

Marina: Mhm. So, why didn't you say anything to us while we were there?

(Y/N) was silent for a moment, making their stares at him feel much more intense than they actually were.

(Y/N): I was actually going to talk to Veronica when I saw her backstage too.

Veronica looked up at him, and something in his expression didn't sit right with her, even if he was trying to act normally.

(Y/N): But she ran off before I could, and I couldn't bring myself to do it. Thought you three had more important things to do, so I didn't bother.

He chuckled.

The three each wanted to say something, but didn't know how before he stretched his hands up and yawned.

(Y/N): It's been a busy day, huh? I really oughta get outta here and hit the hay.

Pearl: Nuh uh. You ain't goin' nowhere. You're staying here tonight.

(Y/N): But-

Pearl: Not buts. We just got you back and we're not risking anything right now. I've got more than enough rooms here as you should remember. You can sleep in your old room here if you really want to go to bed so badly.

(Y/N) pouted for a moment before he understood it was non-negotiable.

(Y/N): Fine, I'll stay here.

Pearl: You remember how to get there at least, don'tcha?

(Y/N): Of course I do.

He said with a smile before getting up, forcing Veronica to finally let go, allowing him to leave the five alone there in the room.

Marina looked to let go of a breath she didn't seem to realize she had been holding in.

Eva: So... is now a bad time to ask for autographs?

Eva said with a cheeky smile as Liz gave herself a facepalm.



(Y/N) began to feel off in his sleep, feeling uncomfortable for some reason.

Something on his cheek. Was that... sand?

He opened his eyes to an inexplicable sight. Everything was white with... ash covering the ground and buildings. Coral growing all around as well.

He stood up off the ground.

Was this some big-budget prank that Pearl was pulling off with her absurdly large bank account? If so... he was honestly impressed.

He looked down at the clothes on his body.

(Y/N): And what's with this outfit? It's got such unnecessary buckles on my shoulders and it's really riding my hiney.

Marina: It was the only thing I had modelled to give you! That or you could've taken Pearl's way too tiny of clothes or my outfit.

He looked over to see Marina who looked upset at his complaints while he was trying to pull on the skin-tight suit.

(Y/N): I get that you're basically wearing a bra for a shirt-

She was embarrassed by him calling out her outfit.

(Y/N): -But isn't the rest of it basically a suit that would've more or less fit me?

Marina: Yeah, but then we would be matching, which would just be- LISTEN! Aren't you curious about this place?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I guess I am a little bit.

Marina: A little-?

Marina sighed.

Marina: Why is it so hard to surprise you?

(Y/N): I am surprised. I've just got a plenty eventful life already. So, what is this place?

Marina: This is the Memverse, a digital world I created to try and help the sanitized Octolings get their memories back.

(Y/N): Did it work?

Marina waved her hand in a fifty-fifty manner.

Marina: It went a little rogue and tried to take over all of society.

(Y/N): Y'know, I could've pointed you to a literal uncountable amount of stories that would've told you that would've happened.

Marina: Shush you.

She said glaring at him which caused him to laugh and her to giggle along as well.

(Y/N): So, how and why am I in here?

Marina: Well, apart of the mistake of the system, I had a little friend help pull you into here so we could talk privately.

(Y/N): Little friend?

???: That would be me!

In front of (Y/N) floated down a tiny little white and black Octopus.

Marina: That's Smollusk, the A.I. that took over the Memverse originally.

Smollusk: I pwefer the name Owder.

(Y/N): Odor?

Smollusk: OWDER! NOT ODOW! I'm not stinky!

(Y/N): My bad, little friend.

Marina: Remember though, Smollusk, this is a one-time thing.

Smollusk: I know, I know. This is my way fow making it up to you when I couldn't teww you where he was befowe.

(Y/N): So, he's an A.I. you made in charge of this place?

Marina: Not really.

Smollusk: I was an accident that came to wife fwom the dweams of my cweator!

(Y/N)'s eyes went a bit wide.

(Y/N): Marina, did no one teach you about protectio-

Marina: -It wasn't made like that!

(Y/N) laughed off her upset reaction.

Marina just shook her head, knowing how he can be like this, but wanting to get down to what she really brought him in for.

Marina: Smollusk, can you give us some privacy?

Smollusk: Of couwse!

He started floating away.

Marina: Actual privacy too! Don't listen in on us in some other way!

Smollusk: I-I would nevew!

He floated away faster.

(Y/N): So, what did you bring me here for.

Marina: Remember how I said I didn't have enough time to model you some clothes in here?

(Y/N): Hard not to when I'm wearing this. I feel like I'm naked with this on.

Marina blushed.

Marina: Isn't it strange to you how I had a body modelled for you despite that?

(Y/N): I figured that just came naturally with being dragged into here. Kinda tech magic stuff. I don't know, this is straight out of a movie.

Marina: No, it's because... I already had a body made for you...

She looked embarrassed by her saying it.

Marina: When we were on tour, I modelled you into the system. I was even going to try and use a virtual version of you as the head of security for this place before Smollusk happened and repurposed it...

(Y/N) was silent.

Marina: Do you understand what I'm getting at...?

He was silent for a moment longer as she held that blushed face with her eyes trained on him.

(Y/N): How detailed is this model you made yourself..?


She said with the blush growing more vibrant on her face at such a question.

Marina: What I'm trying to make you realize is... I never... I never forgot about you... I'm sorry I didn't notice the struggles you were going through, and I wish I had done something back then, but... I never forgot about you. I was so busy with... everything. From the Memverse to the Tour. I almost messed up the first performance of the tour thanks to staying up too late working on the Memverse and had to put it on hold.

She said, sounding a bit ashamed as she confessed her own shortcomings.

Marina: But you were still one of the first things I made to be put into the Memverse, because... you're that important to me. Even when you weren't actually there with me, I wanted you to be some way.

Smollusk: Does that make him my fathew?

Marina was shocked by the sudden intrusion of the tiny octopus again before turning her embarrassed face around while calling out to the void.

Marina: You weren't made like that! And I thought I said to actually give us some privacy!

Smollusk: I did! Thewe was actuawwy a weason I intewupted you!

Marina: What reason?

Smollusk: Someone ewse is hewe.

Marina: Someone else? Who-?

Pearl: I knew I'd find you in here!

A pink drone slowly flew down towards the two's location before turning into a bright light in-between them and revealing Pearl in her normal body.

(Y/N): Were you just a drone?

Pearl: I was! It's sick, right?

(Y/N): Totally sick!

Marina: Pearl, what are you doing here?

Pearl: When you didn't come back, I figured you were up to something. So, when I found you hooked up to your computer, I knew instantly what was up and plugged myself in after you.

Pearl turned back toward (Y/N).

Pearl: (Y/N), I'm sorry I can be a little self-centered sometimes.

Marina: A little?

Pearl: Ngh, fine. A lot self-centered, but the reason I didn't talk to you much while the tour was going on...

Marina: You were too excited?

Pearl: Well, of course that! But no! I was gonna say, I didn't want to make you feel bad. I know you couldn't come with us because those other doofuses left you with guard duty or whatever it was, so I didn't want to seem like I was rubbing it in your face when I knew we couldn't bring you with us.

Pearl was looking up into (Y/N)'s eyes with a pleading expression as she took off the sunglasses she had on.

Pearl: If it weren't for that, of course I would've invited you along to come with us, but when you couldn't, I didn't want to make you feel bad about not being able to come with...

Marina: Pearlie...

Pearl's expression was getting sadder as she looked like she was trying to cough up the next words she had to say.

Pearl: And it's not Eight's fault she stopped talking to you, it was mine...

(Y/N)'s eyebrows moved as if he was hurt.

Pearl: Don't be mad at her. It was all me. I kept dragging her around to do more things and check out cool things, causing her to forget. So, if you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me. Eight only forgot about you because of me, and Marina was just going along with what I did.

Pearl looked worried like a child who was expecting to be scolded by a parent.

Pearl: It's all my fault, so just take it out on me and forgive them...

(Y/N): Forgive you..?

Pearl braced herself for whatever hurtful words he had to say as she looked down at the floor to avoid seeing him looking so upset at him.

(Y/N): But aren't you all angry at me..?

Pearl looked up at him to see he looked as afraid as she did.

Pearl: What? No!

Marina: Why would we be upset at you?

(Y/N): I made you all so worried because of how selfish I was being. You three just did something amazing and had the time of your life, but I had to go and mess all that up for you...

Pearl: You didn't mess anything up, yo. I'm just... too dumb to see you were hurt and didn't help you at all...

She said while wrapping her arms around him to hold him tight.

Marina: We weren't angry at you over anything like that, we were just so worried about you. We just wanted you to be okay.

(Y/N): Marina, there's also... I let Octavio out.

Marina was surprised to hear him say something like that.

Marina: Is... Is he doing something evil again...?

(Y/N): Well... no, but he's an evil guy you were forced to work under, weren't you?

Marina: If I'm being completely honest? He actually wasn't too bad to work for. He hated the Inklings of Inkopolis, yeah, but he really wasn't too bad to the rest of us. It was more an issue that none of us knew what life outside of the caves was like.

(Y/N): But-

Marina: (Y/N), I'm not angry with you over that. I'm sure you've beaten yourself up over all this in your head too many times to count, but we really do just care about you and want to make sure you're okay.

She said while wrapping arms around him with Pearl still doing the same thing.

(Y/N): So... do you two forgive me?

Marina: There's nothing to forgive. Having you back is a thousand times better than going on some world tour. Right, Pearlie?

Pearl: I don't know about a thousand times-

Marina: -Pearl!

Pearl: But yes, still better. Do you really gotta take all the good lines for yourself, Marina? I don't get to say any cool emotional lines before you've already worded it perfectly.

Pearl turned back from Marina to face (Y/N).

Pearl: But like she said, I just missed my chaotic friend. Please don't leave me again...

(Y/N) wrapped his arms around the two.

(Y/N): I won't ever leave you...

Marina POV

Just then, he faded out of the Memverse, leaving the two behind, nearly falling over each other.

Pearl: What? Where'd he go?!

Marina: Smollusk!

Smollusk: Don't ask me! It wasn't my fauwt! It had to be something in the weal worwd!

Marina: Ugh.

Pearl: When's the next time we're coming in to fight him?

Smollusk:  !!!


Veronica: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!-

He was being shaken awake from the sleep in his bed.

(Y/N): Veronica? What? What's going on?

Veronica: I know what a girlfriend is now! Why didn't you tell me?! That's no fair! No fair! No fair!

She pouted while lightly hitting his chest before he just smiled and pulled her into his chest, catching her off guard.

Veronica pouted at his dirty move before she hugged him as well.

Veronica: This is no fair either. I'm supposed to be upset at you...

(Y/N): Should I stop hugging you?

Veronica: No, no takebacks...

She said while not looking at him before turning her head up to look him in the eyes from so close.

Veronica: But you have to promise me you'll never leave me again if you want me to forgive you.

(Y/N) smiled and held up his pinky.

(Y/N): I promise.

She held up her pinky and only after the two grasped each other's pinkies did she stop pouting and smiled at him instead.

Veronica: Now you can never break the sacred pinky promise.

(Y/N): I'd never dream of it.

He chuckled.

(Y/N): So, do you forgive me now?

Her expression changed from a smile to a bratty pout after being reminded why she was upset.

(Y/N): Didn't you just promise you'd forgive me?

Veronica: I didn't promise that, you only promised to not leave me again.

(Y/N): Veronica.

Veronica: I guess I can let it slide for now, but only if you keep hugging me.

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): Can do.

He said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

3830 Words

June 14, 2024 - 8:20 P.M.

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