S3C Chapter 31: What Will Be
The four of them sat on the train, waiting for it to arrive at their destination of Inkopolis where- wait, four?
(Y/N): So, why exactly did you come along with us?
Eva: Well, I figured you'd need my help. You did come to me originally because I was "all you had left", aren't I?
She said while attempting to tease him, but it didn't work.
(Y/N): You wanna meet Off the Hook, don't you?
Eva: I can have more than one reason.
(Y/N): Are you sure it was okay for you to leave in the middle of a match like that though?
Eva: Yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine with just one disconnect.
(Y/N): Mhm.
Eva: Look, stop being so dang inquisitive like you're not glad I'm here.
(Y/N) smiled.
(Y/N): I am glad you're here.
Eva: That's more like it! Well, if you need me, I'm gonna be talking with Liz so I can know what to expect.
She said while happily hopping out of her seat and walking across to Liz's seat on the train.
Callie: So, when are you gonna talk to me about everything that started all of this?
(Y/N) was shocked both by Callie's sudden appearance next to him and her questioning.
(Y/N): W-Well, I- uh...
Callie giggled before growing a somber smile.
Callie: I'm just kidding, (Y/N). I'm not gonna force it out of you.
(Y/N): You're not?
Callie looked over at him.
Callie: I know you haven't... "forgiven", for lack of a better word, any of us yet to talk about it.
(Y/N) was surprised by her suddenly impactful statements that he had no idea of how to reply to.
(Y/N): Callie, I-
Callie: It's okay, (Y/N). I know you're not trying to be spiteful or anything like that. I'm doing this because you seemed like you needed this push. I'm not here to force you to do anything, I'm just here to help you take that first step. What you do past that first step is up to you.
A sad, glossy look in her eyes grew, but she kept smiling.
Callie: No matter what you decide, whether you want to be with us again or even if you don't want to see us ever again, I'll support you.
She turned back to him with a big smile and her eyes closed to hide the sadness behind her words.
Callie: But I know what I hope you pick.
When she opened her eyes back up, she saw how sad he looked.
Callie: I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-
(Y/N): No, no. Callie, I-... I'm not sure how to express how I feel about all this. Not just going to see Pearl, Marina, and... Veronica again, but even you and Liz...
Callie looked sad to hear that.
(Y/N): I do want things to be better between us.
She looked back up at him and saw the tears in his eyes.
(Y/N): I missed you all so much. But I'm not sure how to do this. I don't... I don't know how to change how I feel about all of this. Even before you found me, I always hoped one of you would reach out to me, but at the same time, I hoped to not have to hear from any of you again because of how I felt.
He wiped the little bit of tears from his eyes.
(Y/N): I wanted to come back, part of me didn't want to ever leave, but I just felt like...
He was struggling to figure out the words to say.
(Y/N): Like I was just left in a cage alone while everyone else was free as a bird to go do their own things, I-
He caught his words before he said anymore before he found them again.
(Y/N): Are you not mad at me for what I did..?
Callie looked confused all of a sudden.
Callie: What did you do?
(Y/N) was surprised by her seeming cluelessness.
(Y/N): I-... I let Octavio go. The evil Octarian general DJ guy who brainwashed you like... nine times?
Callie: Ooooooh, that's how he got out. Nah, it's all okay now.
(Y/N): Wha-? But Octavio's out because I let him.
Callie: Yeah, he's- well I don't want to say a "good" guy, but he's not actively up to no good anymore. We all ran into him. Eva took him down, and then he helped us save the whole world.
(Y/N): Really..? That grumpy old has-been?
He said with a slight laugh.
Callie: Yup. We didn't even lock him up after it. Not really sure where he's at now, but as long as it's not evil, it seemed like it all turned out okay. In fact, if he hadn't been let go, we couldn't have saved the world without him. So, really, you did a good thing by letting him go.
(Y/N) wanted to feel better about what he did, but he couldn't with how it's only with hindsight that it turned out to be a good idea.
(Y/N): Callie...
Callie: Hm?
She stopped her cheery look to go back to the more caring look she had before.
(Y/N): Where's Marie...?
Now it was Callie's turn to turn away and contemplate with a slightly annoyed look.
Callie: Not sure. Probably at her and my place. If not, no clue.
(Y/N): What happened?
Callie looked at him and thought it over for a second on how to explain it.
Callie: Fine, I'll let you know so you don't upset Pearl by bringing it up since she's still a little sensitive right now about it all.
(Y/N) was ready to listen having been told that it was something bad enough to upset Pearl a lot over it.
Callie: When we got back to Inkopolis, Marie went to your place first. She found the note you left Veronica, and... didn't tell anyone. No one else, not even that you were gone. She... lied to me. She made me think you were too busy to see me. I thought- I thought that you were angry with me and just didn't want to see me.
(Y/N) felt bad that he had only left a note for Veronica, but at the time, she had been the only one left that he had to possibly let know what happened to him, if not for any other reason than just because she was his roommate.
Callie: So, when the winter holidays came around, I thought you weren't going to be able to dodge that and was happy to finally see you again. But then Pearl bust into our place, yelling at Marie about what she had done since she figured it out, trying to chew her out over it.
Callie rubbed her eyes a bit, remembering the painful betrayal she had felt.
Callie: When I heard it, I couldn't help it and I just ran away. I went to Gramps's shack. Pearl told me more about all that happened. Like I said, she was even the one who told me where you were after she failed to find you at Deep Cut's place too.
(Y/N): How did Pearl figure it out?
Callie: Well, Veronica went to your two's home at some point once she got back. And, apparently, Marie told her not to tell anyone either. It ate away at her enough until she eventually spilled what happened to Pearl and Marina.
(Y/N): Why did Marie do all that?
Callie crossed her arms.
Callie: Who knows?
(Y/N): Aren't you going to ask her?
Callie: I don't want anything from her.
(Y/N): Callie...
Callie: How could she do that to me? She lied to me all that time, and then she hasn't even tried to reach out to me either after it all!
(Y/N): None of you reached out to me either...
Callie snapped over to him.
Callie: That's- I- Ugh...
(Y/N): You told me it's about taking that first step. Making an effort to do something. Can't you ask her why?
Callie: I asked you why too and you didn't give me a full answer either.
She said with her cheeks puffed out.
(Y/N): It's... not easy to explain one's feelings, especially something so vivid to your feelings. But you understand that I don't hate you despite everything.
She pouted.
(Y/N): You don't have to forgive her, but can't you at least hear her out first before deciding?
She looked into his eyes for a moment before sighing.
Callie: Fine...
(Y/N): Don't act like some part of you doesn't actually miss her.
Callie: You're too soft on her. You're gonna make me jealous when you always give her special treatment.
(Y/N) smiled lightly.
(Y/N): I care for all of you a lot... Marie's exit was... especially painful, so she's actually the last one I want to see right now... But if you can try and forgive her, I feel like I can be strong enough to do so too.
He said with a look warm enough to thaw Callie's cold emotions involving her cousin right now.
Callie: Stop actin' all cute like that. Shouldn't you be more worried about what you're gonna say to those three when we get there anyway?
(Y/N): Oh I'm absolutely terrified.
He said with a laugh.
(Y/N): Pearl will probably try and beat me up too.
Callie: Probably. That reminds me, I did forget to give you a kick in the butt like she asked.
He laughed with her before he saw she was actually going to try, which he then ran from her for a bit, causing a ruckus for some of the other passengers. However, Eva and Liz were both smiling at seeing him more energetic than he had been so far.
Pearl POV
Pearl was glumly eating a jar of mayonnaise on the couch, watching some movie she found on the streaming service she was subscribed to when she was suddenly disrupted by the doorbell going off.
Pearl: Marina! Someone's at the door!
She didn't get a response and a couple of seconds later, the doorbell rang again.
Pearl sighed.
Pearl: Ugh, she's too far away to hear me...
Pearl grabbed her jar of mayonnaise with the spoon in it, and walked over to open the front door, only to be greeted by a familiar sight.
Pearl: Oh, what do you want?
Liz: Good to see you too. Callie wanted me to drop something off for you.
Pearl was confused.
Pearl: What is it?
(Y/N): Only the most handsome and amazing-est person to walk this planet.
He said with an awkward laugh as he walked out in front of Pearl.
Pearl stood there with her mouth agape as she dropped her mayonnaise jar a few seconds later.
???: Was she eating just straight mayonnaise from the jar?
The squid Pearl didn't recognize asked without receiving an answer.
(Y/N) looked worriedly at her as he got a bit closer to try and snap her out of it.
(Y/N): Pearl...?
She snapped out of it and instantly kicked him in the shin, causing him to lean forward and grab his shin.
(Y/N): Ow! Pearl-
He was then cut off by her taking advantage of him being hunched over, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck.
Pearl: You...!
(Y/N): Idiot...?
He said with a half-smile.
Pearl: I was gonna say, "-still have such bad jokes".
She said as she started crying, but hiding it by hiding her face in his chest.
A second later though, she started pulling on his neck with the arms she had wrapped around it.
Pearl: But yeah! You're an idiot too!
(Y/N): Ack-!
Pearl started dragging him into her home as he tried to not be tripped up as he had to bend over so much to be on even height with her.
Pearl: Marina! Eight! Get yo butts out here!
Liz: I'll go bring them out here.
???: I'll go with you.
Pearl: Hol' up, who she?
Eva: My name's Eva, big fan by the way.
Liz: She's the new Agent 3.
Pearl: I thought you were Agent 3.
Liz: I got promoted a while ago, so she's the new Agent 3 now.
Pearl: Okay, I get it now.
She doesn't get it.
Liz and Eva walked off to explore the mansion and look for the other two, leaving Pearl and (Y/N) on the couch in the living room.
For a while, Pearl kept going back and forth between hitting him and hugging him repeatedly.
Eventually, she tuckered herself out and just let herself fall forward with her face in his side.
Pearl: Why'd you go and do something so stupid like that anyway?!
(Y/N): I...
Pearl could tell by his face and voice that he wasn't trying to keep anything from her, but he couldn't bring himself to answer her, even if that's what he was trying to do. It was like when someone tried to talk while crying and the words got stuck in their throat.
Pearl rubbed the back of her head before hugging him again.
Pearl: I'm just glad you're back. You... scared me...
He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back tightly as if he'd drop her if he let go.
Just then, the front door opened to reveal someone trying to walk in with a pile of groceries in front of their face.
Marina: Seriously, Pearl, must you insist on buying in bulk? Eight's out there trying to carry all of the rest in one go, insisting she can do it.
Eight: I can do it!
Eight called out from the outside of the house.
Pearl: I've got more important things than to constantly pay someone to go and get me more groceries so often.
Marina: That's why you end up with so many expired goods. What could be more important than having what you need to survive? You even asked me to go get you more mayo.
Pearl: I've got to be here to entertain any guests.
Marina: What guests?
(Y/N): It'd have been awkward if none of you were here when I got here.
The pile of groceries Marina was carrying nearly crumbled under her own weight as her legs nearly gave out at the sudden voice she heard.
Marina turned sideways to get a look over in the direction of the familiar voice that answered her question, and when she did, her eyes began to get watery as she quickly looked around her in a manic manner to find a place to set down the bags.
Once she got them set down, she quickly made her way over toward the couch and pulled him into a hug as the tears threatened to spill out from her eyes. Even her tentacles were wrapping themselves around him.
Pearl: Geez, someone's a bit emotional. Heh.
She gave a snarky laugh.
(Y/N): I don't know, you were even more emotional than her-
Pearl: -I don't know what you're talking about.
She said with her arms crossed.
Marina: How- When- Where were you?!
(Y/N): Um, Splatsville?
Marina: I know that part! You-
She pulled him back into her chest to hug him tightly again, nearly suffocating him.
Eight: Almost! Got all of the groceries! In!
The bag in her left hand ripped, causing the groceries in the bag to fall out.
Eight: Dang it!
Eight looked over in their direction.
Marina: Oh my cod, Eight. Eight, get over here!
Eight looked confused in their direction before Marina released (Y/N) from the tight hug for Eight to realize.
Eight stood there with her mouth open as she dropped the bag in her right hand as well.
Pearl: (I hope the mayonnaise wasn't in one of those bags.)
(Y/N) shook the sense back into himself and looked over to realize what was going on.
(Y/N): Hey... Veronica. Hehe...
Veronica's breathing became rapid as the tears began quickly flowing down her face like rivers.
(Y/N): Vero-
She transformed into her Octopus form and quickly swam over to him before hopping up and transforming back right into his arms.
She was sobbing and the tears only flowed faster the more she did.
Veronica: I'm sorry... I'm so sorreh...
(Y/N) began to tear up, seeing how Veronica had been holding in her own guilt the entire time over his departure. It's no wonder she eventually broke down and revealed to Pearl and Marina what happened after Marie had forced her to hold it in.
Veronica's sobbing only continued to get louder as she was clinging to his shirt.
(Y/N) was almost completely holding her up at this point.
Her sobs were halted for a moment as a small laugh exited his mouth, causing her to open her eyes and look up at him in her stupor.
(Y/N): You remembered me.
he said with a smile while the tears stained his face.
Veronica cried even louder than before as she put her head in his chest, getting his shirt all messy.
Marie POV
Marie set down the plates at her dinner table before she remembered she didn't need to put out a second plate for Callie as she was so used to.
She kept doing this, and she wasn't sure if it was just her forgetting out of habit or if she was just hoping Callie would come back and be hungry for dinner.
Marie sat down in front of her plate which didn't have much food on it.
While enjoying a lonely meal, she heard a noise at the front door, to which she sighed and got up to check who it was, but she was surprised when she saw the person was already in the house.
Her cousin, Callie, stood there with her arms crossed.
Marie: Callie- I... are you hungry?
Marie offered out of confusion.
Callie: Starving.
Marie wasted no time quickly getting the second plate she had put back and placed a large helping of food out for Callie.
Callie sat down without saying anything, still with her arms crossed. She only uncrossed her arms when she started to eat a lot of the food in front of her quickly, but still having her upset expression on her face.
Marie: So... what brings you here? Are you coming back?
Callie: I don't know about that.
Marie: Then what is it?
Callie breathed in and out for a moment.
Callie: I want to hear what made you think it was okay to lie to me for that long.
She said conclusively.
Marie gulped and was nervous.
Marie: Callie, I'm sorry. I-I didn't know what to do when I found that letter of his. I didn't want to hurt you, I wanted to protect you from how you would feel if you found out.
Callie: Cause that worked so well.
Her eyes were watery, but she also kept eating her food.
Marie: I know it wasn't a good idea, I just... didn't know how to tell you. And the longer it went on, the harder it became. I was just hoping he'd come home and you wouldn't think anything of it then.
Callie: But he didn't! He's back because I went and found him. If we did things your way, he'd never have come back. Or worse!
Marie: You wha-?
Callie: Is your solution to everything just to ignore it and pretend like everything's alright?! Anytime something goes wrong, you pretend like everything's alright and don't confront the issue!
Marie: Callie, wait, you found him?
Callie: And brought him back! No thanks to you! You didn't care to tell any of us to try and fix things, and you didn't-... you didn't even care to chase after me when I left! Does it not matter to you? No matter who it was that ran away, would you have just done nothing and not tried to help?
Marie: No, of course not-!
Callie: But that's what you did. For both him and me.
Marie: You were angry with me. Did you want me to chase after you when you left? If I had done that, you would've pushed me away even more. And him, he wrote a note about how we- how I... caused him to run away...
Marie's face was in her hands.
Marie: He ran away and I was a cause of it. I tried to do what I thought was best, I know it was a mistake, but I tried, and all it did was cause another of the closest people to me to leave me again... Am I just that terrible that no one can stand to be around me?
Marie didn't make any noise but when she lifted her face from her hands, Callie could see the stains on her face of the tears that marked their way down her face.
Marie: I want you back. I want him back. But am I just- just gonna push you away again without meaning to..?
Callie's empathetic face threatened to unleash its own tears in response to her cousin's words. Marie hadn't just kept the secret of what happened to (Y/N) from them all, she had to keep the emotions and feelings eating her up inside from everyone.
Marie: I don't want to hurt you, Callie...
Callie walked over toward Marie to give her a hug, causing Marie to reach out to her like a child reaching out for her mother.
Callie: You don't have to keep how you feel to yourself. Not from me, Marie... We're the Squid Sisters. When the world is against you, I'll be there by your side. So, don't shut me out when you're hurting, Marie...
Marie: I'm sorry, Callie... I want you back home with me. I've missed you so much since you left. I've been all alone. I've had to deal with all of this on my own.
Callie stroked her cousin's head to comfort her.
Callie: I guess you know how (Y/N) felt, huh?
She said with a light giggle, but this caused Marie to snap out of it for a moment.
Marie: (Y/N)! You said you found him?
Callie: I did. I dropped him off on the way here.
Marie stood up.
Marie: Where?! I've got to see him! I've got to tell him how I feel, tell him I'm sorry.
Callie: Calm down, he's at Pearl's mansion right now. He's dealing with enough right now. He needs some time before he's ready to jump into more emotional turmoil. Plus, Pearl hasn't fully forgiven you yet either.
Marie nodded while wiping her tears away.
Callie: Besides, you look like a meeeeess.
Marie: Callie.
Callie: I'm sorry, but we're gonna need to put you back together before you're ready for that too. Both emotionally and physically. You don't even have your hair up, and you're just wearing your pajama shirt.
Marie grumbled at Callie of all people lecturing her on this subject.
Callie: No grumbling. Let's just... hang out for a while, just you and me. I'm here for you again now. You can talk to me about anything in the meantime.
Marie: Then, how has (Y/N) been?
Callie: He wasn't doing so good when I found him, he was in some trouble, but everything's all good over there now. Before that? He's been doing real good all this time. Which, he must since he was DATING FRYE! FROM DEEP CUT!
Marie: WHAT?!
Marie immediately snapped out of it and these words.
Callie: I KNOW! I take my eyes off him for a little while and he goes and ties the knot with some other girl?! How could he do this to me?!
Marie: Callie, you're acting like he cheated on you.
Callie: He basically did! Did my proposal to him mean nothing?!
Marie: Callie, you were both children.
Callie: That should still be verbally binding if nothing else! Besides, aren't you upset too?!
Marie: If it's what he wants, I don't have any issue with it...
Callie: Pffft, yeah alright. Then I guess you don't care to know that right now, the two are broken up so he's back on the market now.
Marie: I never said that...
She said while raising one of her eyebrows in Callie's direction, and having a very subtle look of relief upon hearing that.
Marie: But before that, the real question... Is he still upset with me?
Callie: I... don't know. To tell you the truth, Marie, he's... still not ready to open back up to any of us yet, I don't think. I just wanted him to be able to open up when he's ready by bringing him back... He's upset at himself more than any of us though. On the train ride over here, he had this look on his face when asking me something. He looked so afraid of me as if I would snap on him... It hurt me to see him look at me that way.
Marie looked sad that what she had done to him had such a trickle-down effect to make it so traumatic for him, or even worse if it was something he already felt that they had drawn out of him, which meant he'd kept something so vulnerable like that hidden away from them.
Callie: I told him, if he chooses to not want to see us again, I'd be okay with that, but... I don't know what I would do if he chose that, Marie...
Marie pulled Callie into a hug this time.
Marie: He won't, but... he'll need our help, and we'll need to be there for him when he does... Let's just hope Pearl and Marina don't break him before we get the chance to though.
Callie giggled, causing the growing watery eyes of hers to cease before they could start.
Callie: Yeah, they're not as tactful as us.
Marie: You better not let Pearl hear you say that.
Callie: What she doesn't know won't hurt her- get that smirk off your face, don't even think about telling her I said that.
Marie giggled with her cocky smirk.
Marie: Fine, but only because I'm the best cousin ever.
Callie: I don't know about tha-
Marie: -Nice enough to let you know your food is getting cold.
Callie: My food!
Callie rushed back over to her plate and started scarfing it down, causing Marie to giggle like she hadn't since before Callie left her alone.
Marie: Callie?
Callie looked up from her food at Marie with a confused expression.
Marie: It's good to have you back.
She said, not with her usual cocky smirk, but a warm smile that she genuinely meant.
Callie gave a big smile back to Marie, showing off the food she had in her teeth.
Marie was glad to have her other half back together with her. With Callie, Marie was confident she could take on any challenge, no matter how tough. And with what's ahead of her, she would need that strength now more than ever.
Marie put her arms around Callie and rested her head atop her cousin's head happily.
4230 Words
June 9, 2024 - 12:12 P.M.
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