S3C Chapter 30: What May Be
I'm happy to be releasing this chapter on the story's 6-year anniversary. That number is crazy to me. I never would've expected this story to be where it is today back when I first started writing it, but here we are. It gives me much joy to write this story and for it to be enjoyed by all of you, so I hope to continue with that offering for the future to come. Thank you, all of you who are here to be reading this!
(Y/N) sat there, frozen in shock at the proclamation from the one who stood in front of him.
As he sat there looking over at her from the bed, through the tears, she walked closer toward him, collapsing to her knees as she crawled alongside the bed and reached for his shirt, gripping it as if she was afraid to lose him again.
(Y/N) didn't react as she placed her head in the bed, still crying as he could hear.
He snapped out of it and felt his heart rate spike.
How was he meant to react to this? It was all just one bombshell after another for him. Seeing her suddenly appear here scared him. He wanted to run away again, but... he couldn't.
Not when he saw the mixing of all that sadness on her face that she couldn't help but smile through.
She tugged on his shirt, but he still held himself back.
He had so many questions, so many fears, so many worries over whether it was just her or not.
(Y/N): W... Why are you h-here..?
He couldn't help but ask with a frightful tone, scared of the answer she would give.
However, instead, he heard her sniffle a bit with her head still face down in the bed before lifting her teary face, still with her big smile displayed to him.
???: You were always my hero, so... I wanted to be the hero who saved you this time.
(Y/N) felt his chest ache, taking in her answer. His own eyes beginning to water akin to her own.
She wasn't angry with him at all. She came because he needed her when he was at his lowest. He finally saw her, accepting her helping hand that laid outstretched to him.
As the tears fell down his cheeks, he looked down at her black hair before wrapping his arms around her head, pulling her into a hug close to him.
Callie POV
Callie: And she didn't say anything to me about this! For months! Why?!
Callie sat on the floor with her knees to her chest with tears falling from her eyes as her grandpa looked at her with a pitiful expression, sad that his granddaughters were going through such a hard time.
Cuttlefish: Callie, I'm sure your cousin, Marie, had her reasons.
Callie: What could be a good enough reason to keep something I care about that much from me?!
Cuttlefish scooched closer to her and placed a hand on his granddaughter's shoulder.
Cuttlefish: I'm sure she thought she was making the best choice she had available to her. She cares about you and would've taken that into consideration.
Callie: Well I don't care for her! Not after this.
Cuttlefish: Yes you do. But you're angry at her right now, and that's okay.
Callie: I'll never forgive her...
Cuttlefish: Now I know that's not true. I've never seen two squids closer than you two! I know you two will overcome this sooner or later, and I'm sure Marie will be happy when you do come back.
Callie sat silent for a moment.
Callie: What if I can't forgive her for this..?
Cuttlefish: I know you have the strength to do it. That's why I recruited you first, Agent 1. Don't tell Marie that though.
He said with a wink at her which caused Callie to chuckle and wipe the wetness in her eyes.
Callie: I don't know about that, but... if she tries... I'll try.
She smiled lightly at her grandpa which he returned in kind through his large beard.
Cuttlefish: You can stay here for now if you're not ready yet.
Callie: Thanks, Gramps, I just... can't go back for now...
Cuttlefish: So, what're you going to do now?
Callie: Is there anything I can do?
Cuttlefish: Aren't you going to try and find him?
Callie: I want to. I really do, but... how am I supposed to do that? He could be anywhere in the world thanks to it being that long ago now!
Cuttlefish patted her shoulder a couple of times before standing up and starting to walk away.
Cuttlefish: I'm sure you'll find some way to get what you want.
He said with a chuckle, leaving Callie there to ponder what there is for her to do.
Callie was sitting at the table, hunched over letting her chin rest on the table with her arms at her sides.
She hadn't gotten any closer to finding (Y/N) and was losing hope in ever being able to find him. She had nothing to go on, so what could she do? Marie hadn't tried to reach out to her either since she left.
Her phone started ringing, but she ignored it, placing her head face down on the table while groaning, hoping it would stop.
But when it kept ringing after, she budged and picked up the phone.
Callie: Hello?
She answered unenthusiastically.
Pearl: Yo, Callie, you good?
Callie: Define "good".
Pearl: Great, well I've got something that might make you feel better.
Callie: Did you find (Y/N)?
She asked carelessly of her wishes, as she couldn't think of anything else that would make her happy right now.
Pearl: Yes, actually.
Callie fumbled the phone as she was shocked by the sudden drama bomb.
Callie: YOU DID?!
Pearl: Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up. I know where he's been, but... I don't know where he's at right now...
Callie: What do you mean?
Pearl: Do you know the band that runs the Anarchy Splatcast over in Splatsville?
Callie: Deep Cut, yeah?
Pearl: Yeah, well, he's gotten... close with them and has actually been staying with them over in Splatsville.
Callie: WHA- HUH?!
Pearl: Yeah, but... something bad happened recently. Real bad, and they don't know where he could be at now. He ran away... again.
Callie: So... is he not in Splatsville anymore?
Pearl: Could be. That's the point. Right now nobody knows, but...
Callie: But what?
Pearl: I'd bet he's still there.
Callie: How come?
Pearl: Because I spoke with him.
Callie: YOU DID?!
Pearl: Frye left her phone at my place, and he tried calling her, not expecting me to be the one that picked up. He sounded... remorseful... And from what I found out that happened, I think he's hurting a lot right now, and I don't...
Callie: Want him to run away again? Pearl, what happened?
Pearl: If you find him, you can ask him yourself. Just... let me know if you do. Okay?
Callie was already standing up trying to slip on her shoes without untying and retying her shoes.
Callie: What makes you think I'd be going there to find him?
Pearl let out a little laugh.
Pearl: Please?
Callie: I will, thank you for telling me all this. Who else did you tell?
Pearl: No one yet. I tried to go and get him, drag him back if I had to, but then I found out he was already gone. Make sure you give him a kick in the butt for me for dragging me around like this, will ya?
Callie giggled.
Callie: I will, thank you for telling me this, Pearl.
Pearl: No prob. I'll talk to you later.
Callie: See ya later.
The call ended, and Callie grabbed her jacket and threw it on so quickly that she didn't even know it was on backward until someone on the train pointed it out to her.
The first thing she did when she got to Splatsville was get herself a hotel room. She didn't know how long it would take to find him if she even would find him, so she needed a place to stay right now. Especially since it was already late enough as it is.
There was no point trying to find him tonight she figured, so she slept for the night before trying to think of where to search.
At first, she started just screaming in the streets for his name to try and find him, but the locals didn't appreciate that which made it so she had to rethink her strategy.
She found the major hub that the Splatsvillians went to get all their freshest gear and do some Turf Wars, hoping he might show up.
Plenty of fans noticed her and asked for pictures which she couldn't refuse before she figured he probably wouldn't show up here if he was feeling as bad as Pearl mentioned he was feeling right now.
So, she tried to think of what she knew. Deep Cut wouldn't be any help right now since something went down between them and they don't know where he is.
She tried thinking of what other options she had available to her when she remembered one.
Agent 3 lived in Splatsville too! And Pearl didn't know her, so that'd be someone Callie could ask for help. Agent 3 was even close enough to Deep Cut that she might know (Y/N) too, but even if she didn't, it would help to have a Splatsville native like her for help.
Callie thought about how much Agent 3 had hit it off when they were saving the world, with Callie following Agent 3 around while she was on her mission. Callie then thought on how lazy the Cap'n and Marie had been just sitting at the base camp instead of coming with her after Agent 3, but that wasn't important right now.
Agent 3 had invited Callie over before, so she knew where she could hopefully find her right now and ask for her help, so she rushed to her place.
Callie walked up to Eva's door in the cramped apartment complex.
She grabbed the doorknob, hoping that Eva was home, and she assumed she must have been since, to her surprise, the door was unlocked.
She peeked in at first, making sure everything was alright before fully opening the door and walking in.
The first thing that caught her attention was the tiny smallfry that Eva kept as a pet on the bed squeaking at her until she noticed behind the smallfry on the bed laid someone else that wasn't Eva.
At first, she rubbed her eyes, believing her mind was playing tricks on her with the thing she wanted more than anything else, but then she was certain once the figure started speaking. There was no doubting it at this point, as unimaginable as it was.
The last thought she had before the tears started to fall was...
She had found him.
~Flashback Ends~
Callie sat across from (Y/N) in the booth seat of the restaurant they were currently at.
Callie had ordered some fries for herself while (Y/N) just quietly asked for a drink.
(Y/N): Did we really need to come out to a place like this to eat..? Not exactly what I had in mind for your first thought when getting me out of that place.
Callie: I didn't plan on it, I was just hungry and this place looked nice when walking by. Looking for you is tough work.
She said casually, causing (Y/N) to feel guilty as Callie happily got her fries and drink.
Callie: Better question is are you not going to eat anything?
(Y/N): I haven't really been that hungry the past couple of days.
Callie: Huh?! When did you last eat?
He hesitated to answer that, which led to her pushing her fries over to him.
(Y/N): Callie, I'm really not that hu-
Calie cut off his excuses.
Callie: -None of that. You get some food in you right now. I'll keep ordering more until you eat something. I've got the money for it, so don't think I won't.
He was silent, believing her rash ultimatum before grabbing a fry and eating it.
Callie smiled at him eating the fries before she ordered herself some more, which the waitress quickly brought out for Callie.
Callie: So, what happened, (Y/N)?
(Y/N) choked on a fry for a second at the sudden questioning.
(Y/N): Hm? What're you talking about?
Callie: Don't play dumb.
She said while pointing a fry at him.
(Y/N): No, I just mean, uh... what specifically?
She gained a sorrowful face.
Callie: I promised you I'm going to help you, so that's what I'm doing. I'm gonna work backward with you until I've got the good ol' (Y/N) put back together again just how I like him: strong, happy, mischievous, handsome, and dopey. But to do that, I need you to talk to me.
He chuckled at the different faces she made for each of the different descriptors she used for him. The person she described felt like someone else, which left him feeling hollow, but he was already here, and she wasn't going to leave until that changed. He... trusted her.
(Y/N): Where should I start..?
Callie was thinking for a second before she placed a hand atop his, causing his hand to fidget a bit, almost instinctively pulling it back before he stopped himself.
Callie: Let's start with after you left Inkopolis.
She said with such gentleness in her voice.
Callie: Or at least how you managed to get yourself roped in with another idol group.
She said in a comically confused voice.
He giggled at her confusion.
(Y/N): Well, it started with me crossing a large desert, almost dying, nearly getting robbed, then saved by the bandits who tried to rob me.
Callie: Deep Cut?
(Y/N): Deep Cut.
She nodded.
(Y/N): We became friends and they made me feel like I had a place I belonged.
Callie felt happy watching the nostalgic look on his face as he warmly recalled his chaotic friends, while she took a sip of her drink.
(Y/N): Which led to Frye and I becoming... more than friends.
(Y/N) stopped briefly to gauge Callie's expression as she looked slightly confused.
Callie: Best frie-?
(Y/N): -Dating. We started dating.
He watched her expression once again as it held the same confused look until he saw the dusty, cobweb-covered gears in her head slightly turn as the shock finally set in.
Some of the other people in the restaurant looked over at Callie's sudden outburst before she sat back down.
Callie: How- You- Her- Why- Wha?
(Y/N): I met her family, she asked me out, and it kinda all just fell into place. I felt that the four of us could take on the world. I was happy with her.
Callie felt her heart shatter in her chest before her head fell onto the table, causing (Y/N) to worry.
(Y/N): Callie?!
Callie: I'm... so happy... for you both...
She said through her teeth.
Callie: So, then the boyfriend she always talked about?
(Y/N): Was me, yes.
Callie slumped into the back of the booth seat, letting her body fall as she listened to this, not able to hold her head up.
Callie: Okay, I'm very... happy... for you both, but where does the issue come from?
His face became one of distraught once again.
(Y/N): Over the holiday break, Frye had gone to see her family and Big Man had gone home, leaving just Shiver and I together. And at the end of the night, she... kissed me.
He said with a guilty face.
Callie looked shocked but interested.
Callie: And then what happened?
(Y/N): Well, I couldn't just keep something like that from Frye, so when she came back, I told her the truth... most of it...
Callie: Most of it?
(Y/N) took a breath.
(Y/N): I told her I had kissed Shiver...
Callie: Why would you do that?!
(Y/N): It seemed like the best option. I couldn't handle being the reason for causing a rift between the two. Not even just for Deep Cut, but for the two's friendship.
Callie: That's-
(Y/N): Stupid, I know...
Callie: Well... yeah, but, I was going to say thoughtful... Still stupid though, yes. So, I assume that didn't go well?
(Y/N): No, she screamed at me. She was so mad with so many tears in her eyes that she couldn't even bring herself to hit me. She broke up with me and threw me out...
Callie: That explains why you were at Eva's home.
(Y/N): Yeah, she was all I had left. The only one left I could turn to...
He suddenly got a sad look on his face, trying not to cry.
(Y/N): She tried so hard to help me, but I wasn't strong enough to accept it. I shut her out.
Callie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, relax. It's okaaay.
She had gotten up and moved next to him to comfort him, pulling him in close.
(Y/N) got worried suddenly.
(Y/N): I left and didn't let her know where I was going! She must be worried, I've got to let her know.
He tried reaching around at his pockets, but couldn't feel his phone.
(Y/N) facepalmed.
(Y/N): I left it at her house.
Callie tried to reassure him.
Callie: It's okay, (Y/N). We can go see her after.
(Y/N): After what?
Callie: After we go see Shiver, Frye, and Big Man?
(Y/N) looked as if he got paler at the notion.
(Y/N): I don't know about tha-
Callie: (Y/N), you need this. Now I'm not gonna throw you straight into the deep end, but you do need to sort this out for your own sake. Trust them to understand and get past it.
(Y/N): But she's going to be upset when she learns the truth.
Callie: (Y/N), she thinks her boyfriend kissed her best friend. She's already upset.
He was silent at her claim, not knowing what other excuses he could make.
Callie sighed.
Callie: Look, you can just stand outside and listen while I go into the place and talk to them. If you feel like you can come in, then I ask you to try.
He didn't respond.
Callie: Can you promise me you'll try?
He waited a few moments before nodding.
Callie: Good, now let's finish eating, then we'll talk about what the game plan is.
She said as she munched on some more fries.
Frye POV
Frye had been lying face down on the couch ever since the four of them returned to the hideout.
After seeing (Y/N) had disappeared from Eva's house, Frye initially climbed out the window and tried to look nearby for (Y/N) before the others convinced her to stop so they could think of a better idea.
Eva had her face in her hands, upset that she had let this happen when she had been trying to help him.
Big Man: Ayy. Ay. (If we think about this rationally, he couldn't have gotten out of the city in such a short amount of time. And he doesn't have anywhere to go either.)
Shiver: There's no time to be rational, Big Man! Now is the perfect time to panic!
Callie: Y'all are acting funnier than usual, did something happen?
Shiver stiffened up a bit but went back to normal soon.
Callie: Eva, do you mind waiting outside for a minute while I talk to these three?
Eva: Sure...
She replied as she got up and walked outside.
Eva walked out the door, still feeling down over the whole situation that happened before she suddenly heard someone behind her to the side of the door.
(Y/N): Hey...
She snapped over to look at him before she immediately hugged him.
Eva: You! You...
She broke up the hug and hit him in the arm.
Eva: Idiot! Why'd you go and scare me like that?!
(Y/N): Ow.
He said while rubbing the spot she hit.
(Y/N): I didn't mean to, honest. Callie found me at your place, and I left with her. I wasn't thinking past that...
Eva just rubbed her hand over her face.
Eva: I'm just glad you're okay and didn't run away.
(Y/N) let out a little chuckle.
(Y/N): Now who would go and do something that stupid?
She rolled her eyes and smiled at him.
Frye POV
Shiver looked over to Frye who looked at her emptily.
Frye sighed.
Frye: Our friend ran away, and we can't find him...
Callie: That's terrible. What happened?
Frye was silent, contemplating what to say.
Shiver: I messed up, and now he could anywhere... He ran away.
Callie: What could've been that bad to make him do that?
Shiver was too embarrassed to answer that question, and Frye was still too sad to reply.
Big Man: Ay! (Shiver kissed Frye's boyfriend!)
Shiver: Big Man!
Callie was wide-eyed at the reveal being so open.
Shiver: Look, Frye and I already got over that, but we just want to find him now. He was staying with Eva, but now he's gone and we... miss him. Yuck.
Shiver said, almost spitting out the mushy words at the end.
Shiver: We just want him to be okay. Plus, I think Frye can't take any more hits after all of this the past couple of days.
She said, referring to the squid who had refused to lift herself from the couch the entire time.
Callie: You must really want to find him, huh?
She said with her eyes looking off in a direction as if she was trying to see behind herself for some reason.
Big Man: Ay... (Yeah...)
Shiver: We really, really do. We just want him to be safe.
Callie: I'm sure he's perfectly alright.
Shiver: I wish I had something to make me believe that too. He's too stupid to be out on his own.
Frye snickered at Shiver's remark.
Big Man: Ay. (He's very danger-prone.)
Frye: Yeah, this one time-
(Y/N): We really don't need to be flaming me so readily like this. The most dangerous thing in this city is probably you three anyway.
Frye shot her head over in the direction of the voice she heard.
She immediately hopped over the back of the couch and started running for him, with Shiver also making her way over to him before Big Man pushed right past the two of them and picked up (Y/N) into a big hug.
Frye and Shiver looked at Big Man shocked before shrugging and hugging him too.
Callie also hopped into the hug which caused Shiver to be the first one to realize, other than Eva who had walked back in after (Y/N) and heard from him a minute ago.
Shiver: Wait, (Y/N)? You're fine with Callie being here? Seeing you?
Callie: Uh doy! I'm the one who found him at Eva's home!
Callie's smile was interrupted by the cold sweat she felt as Shiver and Frye glared at her.
Frye: You made us think he ran away!
Eva: I was so worried that I had messed up!
Shiver: You made Frye cry!
Big Man: Ay. (And you.)
Shiver: I don't know what you're talking about.
Callie: Uh... Oops?
She said with a smile and sticking her tongue out.
(Y/N) interrupted the two's frustrations.
(Y/N): Wait, so you aren't mad at me anymore..?
Frye just shook her face.
Frye: Of course not, dummy. Shiver told me the truth. I just hope you're not mad at... all the things I said...
She said meekly, remembering her past frustrations.
(Y/N): Of course not. I expected your reaction to be much worse.
Frye: Well next time don't lie to me!
She said with the happy tears still built up in her eyes.
(Y/N): I'm sorry, I just thought... it'd hurt less than the truth...
Frye rolled her eyes as she wiped the tears away.
Frye: You're so stupid.
(Y/N): I know, everyone keeps reminding me.
She giggled.
Frye: That's okay because I like you that way.
(Y/N) smiled nervously before looking at her a bit more seriously.
(Y/N): Then... what about us?
Frye's eyes grew wide as her expression was shocked to have to answer that so suddenly. She looked over to Shiver who tried to avoid eye contact with Frye to try and hide her feelings from Frye, but Frye was already aware now of her friend's full, true feelings.
Frye: We'll... talk about that later.
(Y/N) nodded, a little sad about that answer, but he understood.
Shiver then felt it was time for her to bring up the elephant in the room.
Shiver: So, the cat's out of the bag with your old friends?
Callie: It's just me. But I'm not going to stop until he's back to 100%. (Y/N), all your friends miss you and want to see you again. They miss you.
(Y/N) was nervous in the response.
(Y/N): It just feels a little too early... I'm not ready for that.
Callie: Will you ever be?
(Y/N): With all five of you behind me? Anything's possible.
Callie rolled her eyes with a smile.
Callie: I'll take it... for now.
Liz: You three fishsticks! I need your help, I-
Liz stopped in the entryway of the doorway as everyone looked at her.
Liz looked at the sight of all six of them in the room looking at her, and making eye contact with (Y/N).
Callie: Oh... or right now...
The other five all looked at Eva.
Eva: Wha- I didn't invite her!
Liz: Why- When-?
(Y/N) just tried his best by closing his eyes and giving a meek smile.
(Y/N): Hi... Liz.
He said with a slight wave at the old friend of his suddenly bursting in on the already ongoing reunion.
Liz: Hi?!
She started walking towards him.
Liz: You- The first thing you say is just "Hi"?!
(Y/N) felt worried as she approached him.
(Y/N): Liz, I'm sorry-
Liz got right in his face before she went right at him, causing him to flinch and close his eyes before feeling her wrap her arms around him into a tight hug.
Liz: That's better. I was so worried something happened with you when you weren't there when we got back...
Liz then let go quickly and cleared her throat in her hand.
Liz: Nobody saw that.
Shiver: Pretty sure we all just-
Liz: Nobody.
Liz then turned to Eva.
Liz: We can talk later.
Liz said calmly and clearly, trying to regain her cool and collected facade back.
Eva just nodded, worried that she was in trouble.
Elizabeth POV
Everyone was more or less acting like it was now a normal get-together, having fun and talking.
Liz had pulled Eva off to the side to talk with her one-on-one.
Liz: So, can you explain what happened?
Eva: I... knew he was here the entire time.
Hearing the answer caused Liz to feel slightly betrayed by her friend.
Liz: Why? Why didn't you tell me?
Eva: Well- You were just being so secretive! You wouldn't tell me anything. So, I wanted to confront him about it first. I pulled him aside, asked him what was going on, and he was being just as secretive as you were. However, he did make it clear enough how he felt on the matter. He felt abandoned by all of you and didn't want me to tell you he was here.
The feeling of betrayal from her friend, Eva, now switched to instead be a feeling of guilt as she turned to look over at (Y/N). He had asked her not to let them know he was here himself. Because of them leaving him behind. She hadn't meant to leave for so long, but she got so caught up with so many things.
She knew that despite her and (Y/N) being reunited now, they'd still have some issues in the future they'd need to work out.
Eva: In the end, he left it up to me to make the choice on whether to tell you or not. I didn't figure out what happened, but I saw how he felt about what happened. And that was enough for me to choose to trust in my friend. I'm sorry if you're upset, but-
Liz: No... No, I'm not upset. You... made the right choice. It just hurts for me to have to realize that...
Callie: Heeey, what're you two ladies over here chatting about?
Callie put her arms around the two, happily.
Liz: Better question: How did you find out (Y/N) was here before me?
Callie: Oh that? Pearl told me yesterday after she found out but couldn't find him. I wasted no time rushing out here to try and find him.
Liz: Yesterday? That little-
Eva: Heya, why don't I take the Captain here to go cool off a bit with something to drink?
Callie nodded and let the two walk off with Liz upset at how Pearl had waited to tell her unlike she did with Callie, but right now she was just focusing on the happier news of knowing where he was now.
Shiver POV
Shiver and Frye were talking with (Y/N) when Shiver suddenly remembered something.
She glared at him.
Shiver: You know what I just remembered, Frye?
Frye: Hm?
Frye and (Y/N) both looked confused at Shiver.
Shiver: How you and I were only told about some of what happened with (Y/N) before he came to Splatsville, but Big Man was allowed to know about the whole thing.
(Y/N) looked a bit worried now.
Frye: Oh yeah! What the heck was up with that?
The two girls both glared at (Y/N).
(Y/N): W-Well, you two didn't ask about all of it, so I didn't-
Shiver: -Big man already fed us that excuse! Why did Big Man get special treatment over either of us?!
Frye: Yeah! I was your girlfriend and I didn't get to know everything?!
(Y/N): Big Man? He's mah boy. Of course I told him.
(Y/N) said confidently which only caused the two's glares to grow stronger.
Shiver: What's Big Man's actual name then?
(Y/N)'s expression blanked as he stared at the two with wide eyes.
(Y/N): His... His name isn't "Big Man"...?
Frye: Oh, Manta!
Frye called out to the large manta ray, which he happily walked up for.
Big Man: Ay? (Yeah?)
Shiver: Why don't you tell (Y/N) here what "Big Man's" actual name is?
Big Man: Ay? Ayy! (My actual name? That's easy! Manta Tarou Kizaemon Munekiyo!)
(Y/N) looked mightily defeated by the realization he didn't know "his boy's" real name even this whole time. Big Man was confused by (Y/N)'s reaction, but Shiver and Frye were satisfied with the results.
Frye: Thanks, Manta, that's all we needed.
Callie suddenly walked up though, wrapping her arm around (Y/N) and bringing herself in real close to him which caused Frye and Shiver to both glare at her before looking at each other.
Frye: Shiver, I think now's a good time for us to have that conversation.
Shiver looked like she probably understood what Frye was getting at, and therefore followed after Frye when she led her away from the other three.
Frye: Okay, Shiver, I think we need to talk about how we handle the whole (Y/N) situation.
Shiver: You mean about the relationship thing?
Frye: Exactly.
Shiver looked worried at the implications and what Frye could want to say.
Shiver: Frye, if you want to get back with him, it's okay-
Frye: No. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I'm sorry for what I did... We talked about that.
Shiver: Then what do you suppose we do?
Frye: I... am not sure.
Shiver rolled her eyes.
Shiver: Perfect...
Frye: I don't see you coming up with any ideas!
Shiver: Yeah, well...
Shiver blushed.
Shiver: I merely just think it's up to you to decide. Don't put this on me.
Frye: You don't have any idea either!
(Y/N) suddenly piped up as he had been walking past the two while getting something to drink, interrupting their "secret" conversation.
(Y/N): Ladies, there's plenty of me to go around for everyone.
He said, jokingly cocky.
The two just stared at him with each of them raising their eyebrow at him.
Frye started to get a thinking face though.
(Y/N): Frye, no, it was just a joke.
Frye: Buuuuut-
(Y/N): I'm gonna get out of here before you come up with something crazy-
He was trying to make an out for himself before Callie came along and pulled his arm in close to her chest, nearly making him drop the drink he had just gotten, before dragging him back away.
Callie: Come on, (Y/N). You've got to hear this story Big Man just told me.
(Y/N) smiled while being dragged away by Callie.
Shiver snapped Frye out of it.
Shiver: Okay, Frye, I think there's an obvious issue we need to address regardless of who gets him. We're outnumbered.
Frye: Yeah, there's boss Marie, Callie, Pearl, Marina, the Captain, his roommate... Do we count Eva?
Shiver turned and called over to Eva who was talking with Liz still.
Shiver: Hey, Eva! Do you like (Y/N)?
She said loud enough for her to hear across the room, causing Eva to get a blushing, embarrassed face.
Eva: WHA-?! NO! Why would I even-? I'd never-! Don't just spout some nonsense like that! Of course not!
Liz just casually patted Eva on the back in a knowing way with her expressionless face.
Shiver: Oh, okay.
Shiver and Frye looked at each other.
Shiver & Frye: Denial.
Frye: So that's...
Frye was holding up her fingers trying to count each person but was going pretty slow, struggling to find the right number.
Shiver: Seven of them and two of us.
Shiver said easily getting the number, cutting out Frye's struggles.
Frye: Yeah, that many!
Shiver: We're quite outnumbered...
Frye: We can't let any of them snatch him up from us. No matter what!
Shiver: Agreed. We're clearly the best, so it's up to us to make sure of that.
The two clasped hands, joining together to find a way to overcome this battle they dealt with.
The next morning, he woke up feeling something heavy on his chest. And not in an emotional way either, something heavy was on top of him.
He opened his eyes to see Shiver lying on top of him, smiling right into his face.
(Y/N): I don't remember you waking me up like this this closely before.
Shiver: Glad you noticed~. I hope you like it better this way.
Frye then groggily woke up next to him, still barely awake.
Frye: G'mornin', big boy~.
(Y/N): Frye, you're talking to a pillow.
Frye: I knew that...
She said while rubbing her eyes to wake up more.
(Y/N): So, which one of you two is going to explain this to me?
Shiver: We-
Frye: Ooh, let me do it!
Shiver: Fineee, go ahead.
Frye turned back to him happily.
Frye: We're gonna try and win you over to our side so you get with at least one of us, that's step one.
(Y/N): And step two?
Shiver: To be decided.
(Y/N): Then which of you two am I dating?
Frye: Neither? Both? Look, step one is just to make sure you come to us and not to any of those other babes.
Shiver: We're the best, so we know it'll be hard not to instantly choose us, but-
He cut her off in the middle of her self-praise.
(Y/N): What if I choose you two right now?
Shiver: I- That's- No, stop that. You're messing with the plan!
Frye: Stop messing with the plan!
(Y/N): I think you two need to figure out a better solution than this.
Frye: We're trying...
The two pouted up at his face with their crocodile tears.
(Y/N): Okay, okay, you two have fun with that. I'm gonna go get me something to drink.
The two both held him in place.
Shiver: If we let you go~.
(Y/N): May I go?
The two sat there for a few seconds.
Shiver & Frye: Fine...
He smiled as they let him go and he left the room, hearing the two argue over their "plan" as he left the room, causing him to chuckle.
Once he got downstairs, Callie was already sitting there eating a bowl of cereal.
(Y/N): I take it you've already familiarized yourself with all of the food cabinets?
Callie: Sure did!
She said as she munched on the bite she had.
(Y/N): I don't remember you being one to wake up this early before.
Callie: You're right, I don't. You wake up this late now.
(Y/N) was a little embarrassed by being called out like that.
(Y/N): In my defense, I had two distractions this morning to keep me longer.
Callie: That better not be a euphemism.
She said while glaring at him while pointing her spoon at him.
(Y/N): No, it's not. No funny stuff happening here.
He said while walking up beside her.
Callie: Good. No funny business on my watch, funny guy.
She said while poking him with the spoon a couple of times before taking another bite.
He got himself something to drink.
Callie: So, let's talk about the plan for today.
(Y/N): What plan?
Callie: My next step in helping you.
He groaned.
(Y/N): Didn't I do well enough the first day? Six in one day was already more than you planned. Don't lie.
Callie: Yes, but why stop while we're on a role? If you can get to six on the first day, imagine how easy day two would be!
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): Who do you have in mind? Marie?
Callie: No.
She almost spat that out, which caused (Y/N) to be confused and nearly questioning her until she started speaking up again.
She turned to face him.
Callie: (Y/N)... I couldn't have found you at all without Pearl's help. She tried to find you herself, even coming here, but couldn't do it. She begged me to bring you back if I did manage to find you. She needs to see you.
(Y/N) felt hesitant. With Shiver, Frye, and Big Man, that was at least an issue he caused and resolved, so it was more his fear of being rejected that made him distance himself. That was easy to deal with. Eva, was just a minor accident, again no issue. But when it came to Liz, he was completely unprepared for that, and couldn't yet come to terms with it fully. He feels he has his foot in the door with her, but has a long way to go. Even Callie, he's only gotten this far by her coming to save him at the perfect time.
Having to actually face others of his past now head-on and try to figure out how to handle it was another challenge of a completely different level.
(Y/N): If it's Pearl, then that also means Marina will probably be there too...
Callie: Veronica too. She's been living with those two recently.
(Y/N): She liked being with them that much after the show, huh..?
Callie swatted him with the spoon.
(Y/N): Ow!
Callie: Stop making assumptions on reasonings! If you want to know why someone does something, try asking them instead of just making up your own mind about it.
(Y/N) silently listened to his words.
He couldn't help but have his mind jump to conclusions he felt were logical, but he'd try to at least believe there could be some other reasons.
(Y/N) wanted to see Veronica so bad. He almost tried to once before, but was held back by fear. He didn't want to do that again. Especially not when he had friends to stand behind him this time for support.
(Y/N) thought about that birthday that just him, Veronica, Pearl, and Marina spent together.
He knows it wasn't their choice to leave him, and it was more a matter of circumstance. He was hurt by it, but he knows it wasn't their fault.
He tried rationalizing it all in his head like this to motivate him to take that next step.
(Y/N): Fine, Callie... I think I'm-... I'm able to do this. If I have your help.
Callie smiled at him with cereal still in her mouth before swallowing the food.
Callie: You know I won't let you do this alone.
Liz: Count me in too.
The two looked over at the couch to see Liz sitting watching television.
(Y/N): How-... How long have you been there?
Liz: I've been here since before Callie got here.
(Y/N): Why didn't you say anything to me when I walked in?
Liz: Why didn't you greet me "good morning"?
(Y/N): Touché. Okay, then you're coming along with us?
Liz: Yeah, I can at least be here for you and Veronica during this. Besides, I've got some words to say to Pearl as well.
Callie: That's the spirit! :D
Liz: So, we ready to leave right now?
Callie: I am!
(Y/N) looked nervous, but nodded his head all the same to the two old friends in front of him, ready to see this next set of events through with him in order to gain back those he had lost before.
(Y/N): I'm ready.
The three left the hideout, heading for Lemuria Hub, the train station, to take the next ticket to Inkopolis.
His unease never left his mind as their destination grew near, but having these two with him on both sides helped quiet his worries and gave him hope that if these two had taken him back, he could see the best of his old life come back together with his new life.
Was he greedy for wanting that?
Maybe. But what's wrong with being a little greedy sometimes?
6494 Words
June 2, 2024 - 12:00 A.M.
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