S3C Chapter 3: Important Work
So I'm writing this story because I'm really feeling that Splatoon kick again. There's plenty of stuff I want to do, but I'm really struggling to figure out how to start these chapters, I'm trying to power through it. Here we go!
(Y/N) was tidying up his new room, attempting to make it a better living environment. While doing so, he was still thinking about his morning interaction with the new trio of bandits he had the "pleasure" of now being stuck with.
~Flashback to this morning~
(Y/N) walked into the main room of the building to find the three getting their stuff ready, seemingly to leave someplace. Big Man was the first to notice him approaching them.
Big Man: Ay! (You're awake!)
Shiver: Oh good, you didn't try to run.
(Y/N): I've learned to just accept these kinds of things in my life.
Big Man: Ay? (What kind of life do you live exactly?)
Frye: Listen, we're going out, so you stay here and we'll be back later!
(Y/N): Is there anything to do here exactly?
Shiver then mischievously flipped her fan up in front of her face.
Shiver: I'm glad you asked. This place has been needing a bit of cleaning, so you can help yourself to do that for us while we're gone.
Frye: Thank you for your services, Alfred.
(Y/N): So am I just the cleaning lady around here then? You can't clean up your own home?
Frye: This isn't our home. Never do your bandit-ing where you live! This is a hideout that's close to our job, not a home.
Shiver: Besides, I'll put this towards the debt you owe us, so you have no reason to refuse.
(Y/N): How gracious, Miss Loan Shark...
(Y/N) spoke with an eye roll at her once again constantly bringing up the "debt" she placed on him again for not letting him die, even though it was all Big Man who chose to do that, not her.
Shiver flicked her fan, causing Big Man to jump back a bit and Frye to smirk. (Y/N) was confused at the reaction. "How much could she do with a fan?" he thought to himself before a giant shark quickly appeared coming towards him.
He instinctively jumped back a bit as the shark turned at the last second, doing a lap around them before stopping, giving (Y/N) the opportunity to get back up and get a better look at the large beast that just scared the ink out of him.
The shark had a thruster on each side of it attached to a bunch of wrappings around the shark. Also, a pair of sunglasses that didn't fit over its eyes weirdly enough.
Shiver then walked over to the shark.
Shiver: A loan shark, you say?
She gave a snark laugh to herself at her own pun and how surprised (Y/N) was at the shark.
Shiver: Don't be so afraid, Master Mega here is well-trained. I did quite a good job taming him, I'd say.
(Y/N) still felt a bit nervous at the giant shark that just casually appeared in the middle of the place, but Frye and Big Man had no problem approaching Master Mega with Shiver.
Shiver: If you don't want to clean up, do you have any other way you plan on being able to pay us back? Anything else you're good at?
(Y/N): I mean, I'm pretty good at Turf War, I'd say.
Frye: Ooh, really? Show us some skills!
(Y/N): I... don't have any weapon for doing it.
Shiver at this point had already hopped aboard Master Mega with Frye and Big Man now hopping up as well.
Shiver: So then you don't have another way to help out?
(Y/N)'s silence was all the answer Shiver needed to that question.
Shiver: Look, just clean up the place like a good little helper, and we might get you a Splattershot Jr. out in the Splatlands later if we happen to come across an abandoned one while we're there. It'd be better to have you pay back your debt with Turf War than this, but we're not going to go out of our way to do it.
Big Man gave (Y/N) a wink and a thumbs up after Shiver finished saying that.
Frye: Also, whatever you do, DON'T go into our rooms while we're gone! We'll know if you touched anything!
The three then sped out of the place on Master Mega, leaving (Y/N) alone now just to sigh to himself as he took a long look around.
(Y/N): Where do they even have any brooms around here?
~Flashback ends~
He finally finished cleaning up the place, or at least the main parts of the building then put all of the cleaning supplies (that took him a while to even find them). He sat on the couch in his room, bored, not knowing what to do.
He thought back to the last thing the trio said as they left.
Frye: Also, whatever you do, DO go into our rooms while we're gone! Feel free to touch anything!
~Flashback ends~
He sat there for a second.
(Y/N): Well, it'd be rude to disobey.
He said with a big ol' innocent grin on his face.
He got up and left his room, to which he then found himself standing in front of Big Man's room, contemplating for a second.
(Y/N): Nah, I'll respect his privacy.
He then made his way over to the "girls" side.
(Y/N): How am I supposed to know which rooms are even theirs..? Guess I'll just have to check them all.
He then checked the doors, finding plenty of empty rooms filled with discarded junk and the sort. But then he found a door that was locked, and he was pretty sure based on how the door looked, it actually saw some use.
(Y/N): Oh come on, how are you going to entice someone with the idea of being told not to go into your room when you lock it anyway?!
He tried to yank on the door some more to no avail, which left him pouting.
(Y/N): I guess I'll have to keep looking for the next one.
He walked and checked another room or two before finding another door that looked like it had gotten some use. He grabbed the handle but hesitated a second.
(Y/N): Please, universe, be kind to me here.
He said while closing his eyes and looking up before turning the nob and noticing... it worked.
He gasped with excitement, slowly opening it, seeing the light shine out of the door before hearing a loud noise suddenly getting closer outside, causing him to look over.
(Y/N): Maybe, it's just a loud car.
He then heard the sound get so close that he could tell it was now inside of the building before it settled.
(Y/N) then jumped and quickly pulled the door shut and ran carelessly trying to leave the area and rush downstairs to them.
(Y/N): Oh hey, you're all finally back. Did you all have a good time looting?
He gave a nervous chuckle.
Shiver: I don't feel like figuring out why you're acting so suspicious, but you're in luck. While we were out in the desert, we just so happened to randomly come across a Splattershot Jr. you can use.
Big Man: Ay! Ay! (Fresh from the desert and are still working! You'd be surprised how many of these we find out there.)
(Y/N) took the Splattershot Jr. being handed to him by Big Man.
(Y/N): Thanks, I appreciate it.
Frye: Y'know, it's a shame he can do Turf War now, I don't think I've ever seen the hideout this spiff and fancy-looking!
(Y/N): I just did a light cleaning.
Frye: Woah woah woah, slow down with all the fancy talk there, you're losing me.
(Y/N) sighed, now sure that those cleaning supplies here had never been touched before.
Shiver hopped off of Master Mega, which he then left, no longer needed right now.
Shiver: Not a bad job. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm a bit tired from all the work we did out there today. Frye, you and Big Man can go through the things we found yourselves, I'm gonna rest for now.
Frye: Awesome! But don't be mad if I get to pick out all of the best stuff myself!
Shiver: Yeah, yeah.
She waved with her fan as she headed to her room.
Big Man was still by (Y/N) while Frye was dumping out the loot they found. Big Man went over to help Frye sort through all of it, while (Y/N) left to go back to his room and check over his new Splattershot Jr. he had to work with.
(Y/N): I'm impressed. This weapon works as well as new. It's just a Splattershot Jr. so hopefully I can upgrade to something else soon enough, but now I can actually see how the Turfing scene here in Splatsville is with this and make some money. Sure it'll mostly be going to these three, but I've seriously gotta thank Big Man again for getting this, it'll make it a lot easier to make it all.
Just as he said that he heard walking nearby outside his room, so he checked outside his door to see Big Man was about to go into his room for the night, so he called out to him.
(Y/N): Hey! Big Man!
Big Man: Ay? (Huh?)
(Y/N) walked out to chat with him real quick.
(Y/N): I just wanted to say again how thankful I am for you getting this Splattershot Jr. for me. It's basically in perfect quality despite you guys finding it out in the desert.
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay. (No problem, but it's not me who's deserving of that much thanks for it. It was Shiver who put the work into finding one that worked that well.)
(Y/N): Shiver? But I thought you- She said she would only do it if you three happened to come across it.
Big Man: Ay, ay. Ay. (Don't tell her I told you this, but while we were out there, she was putting in more effort than usual to find it. She threw out a couple that worked even because they were a bit rundown. That's why she turned in early today.)
(Y/N): Huh... I guess she must really want me to be able to pay her back with the money I'll make then.
Big Man just smiled and shrugged as he finally went into his room, leaving (Y/N) to return to his own room.
As he walked in, he went to toss the Splattershot Jr. onto a table, but then he stopped himself, looking at it for a second before carefully setting it down on it.
He gave a single lighthearted chortle before going back to the couch.
1733 Words
December 20, 2023 - 5:21 A.M.
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