S3C Chapter 27: Do You Wrong
Shiver POV
Shiver barely left her room since she returned to her home. She couldn't bear the thought of (Y/N) trying to speak to her after what she did.
She thought about how Frye and Big Man were probably already back at the hideout too with the holidays over, and she couldn't stand the idea of all her friends hating her for what she did.
She didn't even mean to kiss him, but she moved without thinking.
Shiver prayed that (Y/N) might've taken her pleading to heart and chosen to just pretend it never happened. Despite that being what she hoped had happened, it still hurt to imagine him just pretending like her feelings didn't matter.
She hated herself for feeling this way.
However, she knew it was probably a waste to imagine him doing that. He was too much of a goody-two-shoes to keep this from Frye entirely.
Suddenly, she was taken out of her thoughts by her phone ringing.
She grabbed it to see if it was (Y/N) who had called her again but was shocked to see Big Man was the one calling her.
Normally, she'd laugh off the possibility of Big Man manning up to herself or Frye, but after she had done such a thing to their friend, maybe this was the push he needed to do so.
She tried to calm herself down enough before answering the phone call.
Big Man: Ay? (Shiver?)
Shiver: ...Yeah?
Her voice was strained trying to get that out.
Big Man: Ay. Ay... ay. Ay. (Shiver, I know what happened. Frye is... not taking this well at all. She's locked herself in her room here and won't talk to me anymore.)
Shiver just listened to the calm-toned Big Man while she while lying on her side, still clutching the shark pillow to her body.
Big Man: Ay. (I think you should come and see her yourself.)
He said after a pause trying to affirm what he believed.
Shiver: Why would she want to see me right now, Big Man? Or ever again for that matter..?
Big Man: Ay. Ay. Ayy. (Shiver, it's not your fault. Frye will understand that. We're her best friends so we have to do this for her no matter the circumstances.)
Shiver sat silently not responding for a minute. How could he even say this wasn't her fault. That's entirely what this was. Big Man was probably just trying to make her feel better, which he really didn't have to do right now. It was probably because he felt guilty about knowing how she felt this entire time and had stayed silent with her.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Please, Shiver. Frye needs us.)
Shiver sighed.
Shiver: I'll be there in a bit...
She said before hanging up the phone.
She rolled onto her back and thought about the onslaught that awaited her when she got there. She reasoned that she deserved every bit of what Frye had to give right now, so there was no point trying to avoid her. Yet, could she really handle hearing such things from her best friend?
Shiver rubbed her eyes with her palms, annoyed at herself once again for doing this to herself.
She then got up and left her room to face the consequences of her actions.
Shiver walked into the hideout with her hands in her pockets and her head down, preparing for the worst.
Big Man spotted the incoming Octoling.
Big Man: Ayy. Ay. Ay. (Thanks for coming, Shiver. It's bad. She won't even eat anything.)
For Frye to not be eating anything, it must be serious. If it weren't a more serious situation, she might've let out a laugh at the idea.
Shiver: Just... take me to her, Big Man...
He led the way to Frye's room as she walked behind him anxiously.
Frye's room was in sight. Shiver was surprised that (Y/N) had even been willing to leave her side when she was like this, but she was glad he wasn't here. It was going to be hard enough for her to face Frye right now. If she had to look at him right now too, she didn't think she could do it.
Big Man knocked on the door a few times.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (Frye? I'm back.)
Frye: I said go away, Big Man...
Hearing the sadness-filled voice of her best friend had hurt Shiver more than any of the thoughts she had beaten herself up with over this. She wanted to give Frye whatever she wanted. Even if that was to be her punching bag.
Shiver: Frye, it's... I'm here too...
She spoke up hoping that would give her the willpower she needed to deal with this situation.
There was no response.
Shiver: I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but I... I don't care what it'll take to get past this. Even if it takes me forever to do that.
Shiver did her best to speak her feelings and intentions clearly.
Shiver: Even if you want to beat me up. I-I'll let you. Please, just... don't lock yourself away in there...
She had once again received no response to her pleas.
Shiver looked down, disappointed that she couldn't offer anything more to the best friend she had hurt.
Just then, the lock on the door sounded like it was undone, and Shiver looked up at the opening door to see Frye.
Her face was stained with tears. Yet despite that, Frye looked so angry as she focused on Shiver's face.
Seeing her look so angrily and intensely at her worried Shiver, causing Shiver to close her eyes as she waited for the barrage of whatever Frye had to offer.
Shiver could hear Frye start approaching her, knowing that it would be coming made it all worse.
However, what came wasn't the feeling of a fist, kick, or any other violent touch, but instead, Frye's arms limply wrapping around Shiver.
Shiver opened her eyes, shocked to see Frye had hugged her in an almost desperate fashion before Shiver could hear Frye start crying once again.
Shiver hadn't expected this kind of reaction and didn't know how to take it.
Frye: How-How could this happen? What did I do wrong?! Why did he do it..?
Big Man had joined in on the comforting hug around the two.
Frye's loud wails had torn at Shiver's heart, but the last question she had asked actually stumped Shiver and made her question what she could've possibly meant. What he did? But this was all her fault.
Eva was chilling playing her retro video games when suddenly there was some knocking on the door.
She got up to see who it was since she wasn't expecting anyone, and when she opened the door, she was shocked to see (Y/N). Even more shocked to see how terrible he looked. His eyes looked almost soulless and desperate.
Eva: Woah, what happened to you?
(Y/N): I need your help.
Eva: Get in here.
She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside and sat him down.
Eva: What happened to make you all like... this?
(Y/N)'s expression grew bleaker as he recalled what happened.
(Y/N) sat on the couch in the main room of the hideout. He had been contemplating what he would do about this whole situation.
He couldn't help but be reminded of the situations he had to deal with in the past.
He couldn't not tell his girlfriend something like this, but he also didn't want this to affect the two's relationship either. They're his friends and he didn't want to be the one that drives a wedge between them.
During his contemplation, he had zoned out so much that he hadn't noticed the Inkling sneaking up on him until after she had her arms around his from behind the couch and her head was beside his.
He jumped a bit having been shocked by her sudden entrance.
Frye: Woah, jumpy today, huh?
She teased him.
Frye: Did ya miss me over the break?
(Y/N): Of course I did, but-
Frye: Hey, you two didn't eat everything here, right? Cause mama's hungy for something to chow down on.
She said while checking the pantries.
(Y/N): Yeah, but I have something important I need to tell you first.
Frye: How important?
She said still looking for food.
(Y/N): Super duper important.
Frye looked over at him, then shut the pantry and walked over to him by the couch.
Frye: Okay, you've got my attention.
She said with a smile on her face, anticipating what sort of big news he could possibly have for her.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was nervous and afraid of what he had to tell her.
(Y/N): Well, you see, over the break...
She kept smiling and leaning in close to him.
(Y/N): Shiver and I went around and hung out with each other.
She leaned back a bit, slightly let down but still curious as to what he was getting at.
(Y/N): And at the end of the night, she took me to that special place with the view you three took me to that one time that cheered me up.
Frye smiled a bit more, remembering the time she thought he was talking about.
(Y/N): But then-
The moment seemed to drag on for ages as he contemplated the next words out his mouth carefully trying to figure out the best way to tell her what happened.
(Y/N): I... I-I kissed Shiver.
He spat out.
The two sat silent, him anticipating her reaction with worry while she seemed to just shut down as her brain tried to process what he said.
Frye: Hehe. Are you serious...?
(Y/N): I am.
He said, worried about how she would now react.
Her face seemed to not be able to sit still as she took that information in.
Her expression turned to one of complete anger as she raised a fist back to hit him.
(Y/N) flinched, waiting for the fist to collide with him. When he didn't feel his face smashed in, he opened his eyes and saw her there in front of him with her fist shaking, still raised as she had tears falling down her face.
She stood up and backed away from him and pointed at the exit.
Frye: Get out...
(Y/N) stood up and took a step towards her hoping to explain the situation better.
(Y/N): Frye, please let me just explain-
Frye: Out. Get out. Get out! GET OUT!
She shoved him back while pointing back to the exit and staring at him intently.
He didn't want to back down so easily. He cared about her so much and wasn't ready to just end it all right there.
(Y/N): Frye, don't do this. We can-
Frye started picking up what she could find and tossing it in his direction.
Frye: I don't want to see your face! I want you out of here! I want you gone! Out of here! As far away as possible! It's over!
She screamed at him with the tears falling down her face and going flying as she moved around so much only increasing.
(Y/N) was hurt by these words even more than the occasional pillow or other object she could find to throw in his direction.
He wanted to do whatever he could for this situation to not be happening. That this was all just some bad dream he hadn't woken up from yet. But hearing those words come from her, he understood that a dream couldn't hurt him that much.
Understanding that she had made up her mind and that he couldn't change her mind now. He reluctantly listened to her wishes, and turned and headed for the exit, feeling his eyes water up.
Seeing him leaving, she stopped throwing things and instead sat down on the floor, leaning against the couch as she hid her sobbing face in her knees, letting out hurtful cries.
After leaving the building, he tried wiping away his tears.
Big Man: Ay? ( (Y/N)? What's wrong?)
(Y/N) retracted his arms from wiping the tears on his face as he looked at the concerned manta ray.
(Y/N): Big Man, please, just... she needs you in there...
He said as he continued walking past him.
Big Man was worried as he looked back between (Y/N) and the hideout, not sure what to do before he entered the hideout to figure out what had happened.
~Flashback Ends~
(Y/N)'s figure entirely looked like he was struggling to hold himself up as he was sitting down and explaining what had happened with Shiver kissing him and then Frye's subsequent reaction to him telling her that he had kissed Shiver.
She felt bad seeing how bad of shape she was in but also annoyed at him.
Eva: You're an idiot.
(Y/N): I know...
Eva: No, clearly you need that ingrained in your head. Stop. Trying. To. Play. The. Hero.
She said while poking him in the head with each of those final words.
Eva: I'm mad just listening to it. You didn't need to put all of that on your own shoulders.
(Y/N): And do what? I didn't want them to hate each other. Or cod forbid, if it caused Deep Cut to break up, then that would all be on me. I don't want to be responsible for that. Not to mention the thousands of fans that would hate me over that.
Eva: And do you feel good about what you did instead?
(Y/N): No, but-
Eva: Exactly.
She sighed.
Eva: Seriously, there's a limit to how stupid someone can be. What made you think this was the right thing anyway?
(Y/N): I tried to think of what could cause the least harm. I didn't think there was some easy answer, and... I just wanted the best answer in a bad lot.
Eva: From where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like a harmless answer.
She said while worriedly looking at him.
(Y/N): Yeah, but at least those two will still be able to bounce back after this with each other there for them...
She once again annoyedly stared at him at how he thought taking all the blame for himself was a good idea and not caring about his own health in favor of those around him as if he didn't matter as much.
Eva: Look... I'm here for you. I still think what you did was the wrong move, but I'm here to help.
(Y/N): That's the thing, I... I could really use a place to stay for a while...
She looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
(Y/N): I've got nowhere to sleep but the streets now, and no one else to turn to...
She thought about his situation and how he had just lost all of his other friends, which reminded her of why he was even in Splatsville in the first place.
She aggravatingly rubbed the side of her head as she groaned.
Eva: I don't have a lot of space in here, you know.
She said referencing how tightly packed in they were already with her small-sized apartment.
(Y/N): I know, but it's this or the streets, so I have to at least ask.
Eva: I was already gonna say yes. You don't gotta keep trying to make me feel bad.
(Y/N): I wasn't-
Eva: -I know you weren't.
(Y/N): Thanks...
He said as his eyes began to water again and he tried to wipe the tears away before they got out of control again.
She pulled him in and hugged him to console him, which led to him breaking down his barrier just a tiny bit as he sobbed into her shoulder and let all of his weight fall onto her for just a little while.
Shiver POV
The Anarchy Splatcast ended for the day, which Shiver was thankful for because Frye noticeably hadn't bounced back yet after all she'd been through.
She did her job well, but she clearly didn't have the energy she usually did. She was frowning a lot and just looking a bit down in general.
Once it ended, Big Man placed a fin on Frye's shoulder which she put her hand over, thanking him for looking out for her.
Even some of the crew members looked a bit worried about Frye's well-being.
Shiver checked what people were saying about the broadcast online. A lot of people actually seemed to be worried about what was up with Frye. Many people were questioning whether it was her Splatfest loss streak finally getting to her, with many pledging to support her team next time to try and cheer her up.
Shiver appreciated the thought from the fans even if they were off base on what was wrong with her.
Shiver looked over to her friends as Big Man was trying to talk to Frye and make her happy but still struggling to do so much but slight laughs and smiles that she forced.
Shiver felt guilty staring at her friend, Frye, knowing Frye's understanding of the entire situation was wrong, and it was in fact Shiver who was at fault for this whole thing.
She wanted so badly to come clean, but how did she tell her best friend, "Hey, you broke up with your boyfriend for no reason, because it was me, your longtime best friend who stabbed you in the back"?
It ate away at her inside.
But what was worst of all was wondering what had happened to (Y/N). Big Man said he saw him leave the hideout as Big Man got there, but where could he have gone?
Her worry for him never went away, but she knew that she was the last one he'd want to see or hear from right now. She was the one who effectively ruined his fresh start.
Shiver looked back to Frye, deciding that for now she'd first focus on making sure she recovered first... Even if that comes down to telling her friend the truth of what happened, she'd do it.
She just hoped (Y/N) would be okay until she figured out how to fix everything on her side.
Shiver: Hey, what about we go get some deep-fried tofu from that old dinky shop today, huh?
Frye gave a weak smile.
Frye: Sure, that sounds nice...
It was a start, and Shiver was willing to take that for now.
(Y/N) was left alone at Eva's place.
She couldn't even sit up off of the bed. His body felt too heavy for him to carry, so he decided to turn the TV on in hopes something would distract him.
Unfortunately, while flicking through the channels, he noticed the Anarchy Splatfest.
He saw how Frye looked so... not like Frye. She wasn't hyper or expressive like she usually was. It pained him to see her like this and knowing that he was responsible for this.
The Anarchy Splatcast ended, and he felt so desperate. He reached into his pocket and grabbed hold of the phone he was looking for.
He immediately scrolled to Frye's number in his contacts. He stared at it for a moment before deciding he had to make this right, in any way he could.
He pressed call and waited a few seconds.
She hadn't picked up, and it went to voicemail.
He annoyedly ended the call and called again, pleading for her to answer, but his wish once again fell on deaf ears.
He gripped the phone again, hoping she wouldn't ignore him. He had to let her know he didn't mean to hurt her.
As it kept ringing with no answer, he realized she meant it when she said she didn't want to see him again, and he was about to start crying again. That is until he heard the call get answered.
(Y/N): Frye? Please, just let me talk to you for a bit.
His voice wavered a bit as he held back the tears.
Pearl: (Y/N)...?
His eyes shot open wide as he fumbled with the phone in his hands for a moment before he quickly grabbed his phone firmly again and ended the phone call, setting it down on the bed.
He was in the middle of one crisis, and suddenly his other past was now coming to haunt him and remind him.
He curled back up on the bed, trying to relax, but that was easier said than done. He held his eyes shut, hoping nothing bad would come of this.
Was he doomed to always lose the people closest to him? Would this happen any time he was happy in his life? What was the point of trying to be close to people if they would just leave him again? All he had left now for support was Eva, but would she eventually leave him with no one once again?
His fears and anxieties crept across his mind and refused to leave him be, causing him to merely ball up as much as he could to try and protect himself from the pain that came with them.
He didn't know how much time had passed with him like that, but he was not given any rest from it.
Pearl POV
Pearl was staring at Marina's room.
Marina hadn't shut herself in her room. She'd interact with Eight and Pearl still, but when she wasn't doing that, eating, or anything else like that, she was in here. Behind this door. And all Pearl could hear was the tapping of her computer.
Pearl sighed knowing Marina tried to play it off better than anybody else, but she was hurt to her core, and Pearl was angry that she couldn't fix that and help any of her friends.
But maybe that anger was just more self-directed anger that Pearl's body wanted to unleash.
She was still angry at Marie for keeping something like this from them all, even her own cousin, but she knew she wasn't wrong about everything, even if that did just make her angrier to admit.
Pearl was angry at herself.
She had time to reflect on how she hadn't seen or talked to (Y/N) in so long. Even before they left for their world tour, Pearl and them had just been too busy to be able to get back to him. Was it really that hard for her to take even just a couple of minutes every now and then to speak with him? To let him know she was there for him?
She walked away from Marina's door knowing that at least for now, there was nothing she could do to give her what she wanted right now.
She heard a ringing sound and wondered whose phone was it that was ringing. She didn't recognize the ringtone as either of the three people here's phones, so she tried to follow the sound, but the ringing had stopped.
She thought that she wouldn't find it now, but not long after, the ringing began again, and she began her search again. As she felt she was getting closer, it once again stopped before she had found it.
Sometimes she cursed how long it took her to cross her house.
However, a third time, the phone started ringing, and now annoyed, she ran in the direction the ringing had come from, and eventually found some strange phone underneath a table.
She grabbed it and wondered what kind of weird phone this was. It flipped? Where's the touchscreen?
She didn't question such strange old things, but what did make her pause was questioning the screen of the device.
It read the name of the one she would do anything to find right now.
She questioned if what she was seeing was real or if she was just imagining what she wished would happen.
She remembered the call would soon stop and she immediately pressed the green button she assumed would answer the call before it had the chance to end.
From the other end of the call, she heard a voice, that made her whole body freeze.
(Y/N): Frye? Please, just let me talk to you for a bit.
She hesitated for a moment, recognizing this voice. She knew this voice. This was real. She only wished she could've thought of something better to say.
Pearl: (Y/N)...?
Quickly after, the call ended.
She freaked out with the old phone and tried to fiddle with it. That was him. She knew it had to be.
Pearl: Why is this phone so dumb?!
She looked at the phone screen and saw the picture that included Big Man, Shiver, and Frye of Deep Cut for her wallpaper. But what she also saw was on the right side with who Frye was kissing in the photo. She'd just chalk it up as the boyfriend Frye mentioned before that Pearl hadn't met, but looking at what she could see of his appearance and having received a call from him on her phone, she was positive it was (Y/N).
Pearl did it... She knew where to find him.
She couldn't sit still in this moment. She didn't want to tell Eight or Marina yet. If she found him, she'd bring him home. She wouldn't tell them and then be the one that let them down if she couldn't bring him back.
She grabbed her jacket, ran out the front door, and ran out as quickly as she could, summoning her driver and telling them to step on it, giving them directions.
Frye told Pearl before where she lives and the hideout where they all usually stayed.
She thought she'd check the hideout first as the more likely place to find them right now.
Shiver POV
The three were hanging out together at the hideout, trying to do all the things Frye enjoyed.
Shiver and Big Man did all they could, but it didn't seem to reach Frye.
Big Man was off cooking Frye's favorite meal, leaving Frye alone with Shiver on the couch.
Shiver felt nervous to say anything to Frye, but Frye was actually the one who broke the silence.
Frye: Y'know...
Shiver shifted her gaze to Frye, ready to hear whatever she had to say, no matter what it was.
Frye: When he said yes to be with me... I thought I finally had someone who chose me... but I guess I'll always be passed up...
Her face was tear-stained already as she looked downward, but no more tears were falling. She was empty.
Shiver didn't know what exactly she meant, but she understood well enough. She had to tell Frye the truth.
Big Man walked over, setting down Frye's favorite food in front of her to which she grabbed and lightly poked around but only took some small bites.
Shiver stood up and grabbed Big Man's fin, dragging him off.
Shiver: I need to talk to you real quick, Big Man.
She said before he had the chance to question her.
Once they were out of the room, Shiver let go of him and turned to him with her arms crossed and nervous.
Shiver: Big Man, I need to tell you something and I need you to not freak out. I need your help with figuring out how to do this.
Big Man: Ay? (What is it?)
Shiver took a second to breath before figuring out how to say it.
Shiver: I need your help to figure out how to tell Frye it was me that kissed (Y/N). Not the other way around.
Big Man gasped, but Shiver shushed him.
Big Man: Ay- (Shiver, how could you-)
Shiver: I didn't mean to! I didn't think about doing it. I was thinking about what you had told me back then when I first told you my feelings for him, and then while trying to bottle those feelings back up, he just started saying such sweet and heartfelt things that made me all blah, and the moment was so perfect, and then next thing I know, my lips were on his.
Big Man sighed after hearing what happened.
Big Man: Ayyy... (I did think it was strange at first when Frye said it was (Y/N) who had initiated it, but she was adamant when she said it was him that did it...)
Shiver: I didn't know he told her something else. I was surprised when you two told me what happened from your perspective. I was afraid to tell her the truth and hurt her more, but I don't care what she does about me as long as she's happy.
Big Man: Ay... (She's not gonna be happy...)
Shiver: I know that Big Man! But she'll be happier than she is now, and she'll know the truth.
Shiver sighed, resting her fan on her head.
Shiver: So, give it to me straight. How do I tell her the truth?
Big Man: Ay? Ay. Ayy. Ay. (Honestly? I think you've just got to rip the bandage off. Tell her directly and clearly what happened and then hope she'll listen. She's your friend, she'll understand.)
Shiver: And if she doesn't?
Big Man: Ay. (Trust me.)
Shiver sighed.
Shiver: Okay, Big Man, I'll trust you. But if this fails, I'm never trusting you with anything ever again.
Big Man: Ay. (I can be trusted around people's boyfriends.)
Shiver: Not helping, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay... (Sorry, too soon...)
Shiver and Big Man walked back out to Frye in the main room.
Frye had eaten the food, but there was still a lot left, showing how bad she felt.
Shiver sat down next to Frye on the couch, facing her. While Big Man stood to the side of the two.
Shiver: Frye, there's something I need to tell you involving (Y/N)...
Frye stopped poking around the food and froze up for a second before slightly turning her face towards Shiver.
Shiver: I-
Shiver was cut off by someone barging into the place loudly, causing the three of them to face the sudden interruption.
Pearl: WHERE IS HE?!
She screamed while holding up Frye's missing cellphone open to Frye's homescreen.
Frye immediately started crying again.
Frye: I don't kno-o-ow!
She screamed back while sobbing, causing Shiver to coddle Frye and let her cry into Shiver's chest.
Shiver turned annoyedly to the short Inkling who chose the worst time to interrupt them.
Pearl looked taken aback by the reaction and stepping down her intensity after the reaction.
Pearl walked over, feeling awkward about causing this and confused as to what was going on.
Pearl: I, uh... I'm a bit lost on what's going on here...?
Big Man walked over to Pearl so he wouldn't loudly retell the story for Frye to hear over her sobbing.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Frye's boyfriend kissed Shiver. Frye has been devastated since he told her.)
Pearl looked over in Shiver and Frye's direction causing Shiver to look away shamefully.
Pearl: Is this him?
She asked while holding up Frye's phone and pointing at the part of the picture of (Y/N) and Frye kissing.
Big Man: Ay. (Yeah, that's him.)
Pearl looked down with a bit of a scowl.
Pearl: Do you know where he is..?
Big Man turned to face Shiver and Frye, with Shiver giving a disheartened look before Big Man turned back to face the tiny squid.
Big Man: Ay... (We have no idea where he is...)
Pearl looked down sadly. Shiver assumed Pearl wanted to beat up the guy who did this to Frye, but luckily for the innocent (Y/N), Pearl definitely wouldn't be able to pack a punch, unlike Frye.
Pearl POV
Pearl: Do you think any of you could call hi-
She asked out of hope she could get one of them to agree, but she was cut off before even getting it all out.
Frye: NO! No, I don't want to hear from him right now.
Frye had retracted herself from Shiver's chest to tearfully shout away the notion.
Frye: He can stay gone for all I care...
Frye said wearily before collapsing her face limply back into Shiver's chest.
Shiver, Big Man, and Pearl all looked hurt by the idea she screamed, but none tried to say anything else due to them knowing she was saying this from a place of pain.
Pearl realized she wasn't getting anywhere and handed Frye's phone to Big Man before speaking quieter so Frye couldn't hear.
Pearl: Can you... tell me if you find him? Pretty please..?
Big Man stared at her desperate look.
Big Man: Ay... (Sure...)
Pearl: Thanks.
She said without much emotion before turning toward Frye's direction.
Pearl: By the way, I found your phone because he kept ringing it...
Frye didn't react much to this. She held herself completely still.
So, Pearl understood that she had failed the mission she came here to do and took her leave, stepping out glumly.
Pearl made her way back to her ride and hopped in, telling the driver to return home.
Pearl sat leaning her head on her arm while looking out the window.
The raindrops started to fall against the glass mimicking the water droplets that started falling down her face.
Pearl: Why... why did I have to be too late? Please don't run away again... Not when I've finally gotten close to finding you... You wouldn't know how many people still care about you...
She thought out loud as she started to let out quiet sobs like a child at her failure.
Shiver POV
Shiver realized that it was no longer a good time to tell Frye the truth. Big Man gave Shiver a look that said he agreed.
Frye had stopped crying but was still sniffling and still close to Shiver for support as Shiver stuck with her to comfort her.
Shiver felt bad that if Frye knew the truth, she'd be even angrier with Shiver doing this for her, but Shiver didn't care. Frye was still one of her best friends and she wanted to do whatever she could right now to help her. Even if she knew that soon enough, she'd be telling her a truth that would hurt her.
Marina POV
Marina had been trying what she could to find a way to track where he could've gone by his digital footprint but had ended up down many unsuccessful avenues.
She was annoyed she had no better way to track him down.
She sat with her head against her hands which had her fingers crossed thinking of other options.
Marina: Why was I born a 3D woman? This would all be so much easier if I was a 2D woman...
Just then, the lightbulb lit above her head.
Marina: Or a computer program.
She immediately began typing on her computer before she found herself locking in on her laptop before suddenly, her vision shifted with a digital wipe.
The next moment, she was back in the familiar, ash-covered version of Inkopolis Square she was responsible for creating.
Marina looked around for a moment thinking about how she could get the one's attention she was seeking.
Marina: Smollusk!
She shouted for the tiny computer program, hoping it would show itself to her.
Marina: Smollusk, show yourself! I know you can hear me! I just want to talk!
She once again got no response but then thought about it and sighed.
Marina: Order, are you there...?
She said, reverting to Smollusk previous name it had originally given itself.
Smollusk: Oh hiya, Mawina. What do you need?
The tiny program that now resembled a tiny octopus appeared down to her.
Smollusk: If you want a fight ohw to fix a pawette, you gonna need to fight me in the towwa, you know da wules.
Marina: I'm not here about that. You were able to suck people's... souls? Whatever. You could bring people into the Memverse by force. So you can find any individual?
Smollusk: Hmm, I don't know about dat.
It said coyly.
Marina glared a bit at him.
Smollusk: Okay, okay, MAYBE I can do dat, ohw MAYBE I can't. Why do you want to know?
Marina: I just want to know if you can find one person for me. I'm looking for my friend, (Y/N).
Smollusk: (Y/N)... (Y/N)... Sowwy, that doesn't wing any bewws.
Marina: Are you sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure that Parallel Canon enemy in the tower uses the model I made of him for the Memverse! And I believe I can tell you copied my creation of that without asking for all the side goons.
Smollusk: Uh, uh... No, I would neva pwagiawise anything! I am powaful enough to make my own cweations with no need fow infewia cweations!
Marina: I don't care about that. You know who (Y/N) is. (Y/N). Agent 4.
Smollusk: O-Oh! Agent Fouw! Why d-didn't you say so? I mewely didn't know him by dat other name!
Marina: Sure you didn't... So, can you find him?
Smollusk: Pewhaps. But why awe you wooking for him?
Marina: He's missing... He ran away and I want to find him...
Smollusk: Which is it?
Marina: Huh?
Smollusk: Weww, did he go missing ohw does he not want to be found?
Marina: Does it matter? Just tell me!
Smollusk: Awen't you the ones who keep fighting me because you think fweedom to make choices wike that is impowtant? Awe you asking me to take away someone's fweedom?
Marina: No! That's not the same thing! We're just concerned for his safety!
Smollusk: And that's why I did what I did! I saw aww of youw feaws of you aww! You aww feawed change and feawed fow others awound you! My owdew gwew out of dat feaw. My owdew was made to pwotect people and keep them safe.
Marina was silent at how Smollusk rationalized the beliefs that she knew already came from her and the other engineers of the Memverse's fears of change.
Smollusk: You know, he was actuawy afwaid as much as you wewe too. He's stiww too chaotic and fwee fow my wiking, but he had da wight idea befowe those othew peopwe awound him twied to hewp him and teach him change was good.
Marina shot her head up.
Marina: Other people? Who are you talking about?!
Smollusk: His othew fwiends. He was sad and afwaid fow a wong time. I awmost thought that I could convince him to give up his fweedoms and join me wiwwingwy. He was pwetty stwong aftewaww. I got that fwom your notes and fwom my own findings.
Smollusk sighed.
Smollusk: But sadwy, the peopwe he met wewe nice to him and tweated him kindwy enough fow him to fowget that feaw of his and made him feew too happy to notice how scawy change could stiww be and how it would stiww come fow him eventuawy! So, I just instead made an awtificiaw version of him and have just been copying him fow the towew. Well, it was a fun fight, wasn't it?
He seemed cheerful about the end part, unaware of how Marina felt from the rest of what he said.
Marina: So, he's doing alright... even without us... without me around...
Smollusk: Oh, caweful now, you wouwdn't be feewing wike owdew is a good idea again now, woooouuuld you?
Marina shook her head.
Marina: No, freedom and change and choice... they're important. And... if he's happy like that, then... I'm fine with that... even if it's not with me...
She said with her eyes filling up with glossy tears, catching Smollusk's attention.
Smollusk: But you miss him, don't you?
Marina: With all my heart... But if he's happy, then... I have no right to take that away.
Smollusk: Happy? Did you not wisten to anything I said? Change wiww always come, and is always scawy! His fwiends distwacted him fwom that feaw, but it stiww came! And he's misewabwe again! I sweaw, you owganics wiww never understand, no mattew how much I twy to pwotect you.
Marina: Wait, what? Is he alright?!
Smollusk: No, he's a vewy sad pewson wight now.
Marina: Where is he?!
Smollusk: I aweady towd you, I can't teww you. I wouldn't want to change who you awe and make you a hypocwite.
Marina: Oh will you-!
Her eyes started crying and she fell to her knees in frustration, letting her tears fall to the ashy floor.
Smollusk came over toward her to inspect her crying self.
Smollusk swam through the air a couple directions at first, seemingly contemplating something and almost having an inner dispute with himself, before his form fell downwards and sauntered through the air closer to Marina.
Smollusk: It huwts me to see my cweatow wike this... Aww I want is to pwotect you and keep you safe and happy... I'ww teww you whewe he is...
Marina bobbed her head upwards at him in shock.
Marina: R-Really..?
Smollusk: Yes, now pwease stop cwying. I wiww hewp you fow fwee this time. But you shouwd weawwy give owdew a shot.
Marina wiped her face and stood up with her hands clasped together in front of her chest expectantly as she looked up hopefully at Smollusk as her floated upwards as he seemingly had the data in the air blink around him as he was bringing the data together to find his location.
Smollusk: Now wet me show you why I am youw gweatest cweation as I hewp you wit- Uh oh...
Marina's face turned to worry as the data stopped and Smollusk slowly floated downward.
Marina: Uh oh? Why uh oh? What's uh oh?
Smollusk rubbed one of his tentacles on the back of his head.
Smollusk: This is gonna be a funny stowy buuuut... he has wocation tuwned off on his phone. Soooo, I actuawwy can't find his wocation... heehee...
Marina blinked a few times.
Marina: What.
Smollusk: I'm gonna send you out of hewe now! Don't fowget how I twied to hewp you out of the goodness of my code!
She was pulled out of the Memverse and back in the real world in the middle of her angry screams.
She noticed her angry shouts were too late and he had already sent her out of the Memverse.
She grabbed her laptop shut and proceeded to shake it angrily and was about to slam it on the ground out of anger before noticing Pearl standing in the doorway with a concerned look.
Marina: Oh... hi, Pearlie...
She said nervously as she set the laptop back down calmly on the table.
Pearl didn't respond, she just stared at Marina with worry on her face and a pout.
Marina walked over to Pearl.
Marina: Pearl, I don't know how to say this, but... (Y/N)'s in trouble... He's hurt and in a lot of pain.
Pearl still didn't say anything, just looked at Marina with the same sad, pouting face she had the entire time since Marina came out of the Memverse.
Pearl: I know...
6791 Words
May 21, 2024 - 4:24 A.M.
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