S3C Chapter 26: Just Friends
First off, let me say thank you to every reader who helped this book reach 1.2 million reads. Such an incredible milestone reached once again that I never would've expected and it wouldn't have been possible without all of your help, and I hope to keep writing something that you all enjoy enough as a thank you all.
Shiver POV
Shiver flopped onto the couch and let out a long sigh.
She still couldn't believe that Team Solo had beaten her Team Friends (or Team Family to a lesser extent). How could people be so simple? She had no answer.
Her team's victory wasn't the real loss she was mourning though. She was upset that while Big Man would get his solo holiday time and Frye would have her family holiday, her friends weren't there for her to enjoy the time with.
She let out another sigh as she flipped over onto her back and thought she at least would at least finally have an actual break from work for a while. But what was she going to do with all of her half-off coupons she had now for only herself?
She took her arm off her face and was shocked to see someone looking down at her.
(Y/N): Oh, so you know how this feels now?
Shiver: What're you doing here?
(Y/N): Am I no longer welcome here now?
Shiver: No, it's just- I expected you would be going with Frye to spend the break with her family.
(Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck.
(Y/N): I love her, and her family is nice, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to intrude on a family event like that.
Shiver rolled her eyes as she sat up, giving him room to sit down.
Shiver: I doubt Frye would've cared one bit since she probably considers you family by now anyway.
She said without care.
(Y/N): Maybe, but I was on Team Friends anyway, and you're the one who seemed to not be getting the holiday break they wanted. So, as kind as I am, I decided to let you enjoy my amazing presence and friendship.
He said with a jokey attitude.
Shiver: Since when do you act like-
(Y/N): -You?
Shiver: That's not what I was going to say...
She grumbled to herself.
Shiver: I have humility.
(Y/N): Yeah, and I definitely was on the winning team of that Frostyfest.
He said sarcastically.
(Y/N): So, what did you plan on doing with Frye and Big Man?
Shiver was still pouting away from him.
(Y/N): Come ooon, what were you planning?
He said while leaning closer to her, causing her to turn away more.
(Y/N): Tell meeeeeee.
He said while bumping her over and over, annoying her.
Shiver swatted at him with her fan before she reached into her pocket and pulled out the coupons.
Shiver: I had three half-off coupons for each of the things the three of us had history with.
She said spreading out the coupons for him to look at.
Shiver: The karaoke should be obvious for even a simpleton like you to get.
(Y/N): Hey!
Shiver smirked as she continued without giving him any attention.
Shiver: The bowling is because our second song ever was commissioned by a local bowling alley for a commercial.
He nodded, enjoying the Deep Cut lore being spouted.
Shiver: And the all-you-can-sweet buffet was for Frye's one Splatfest win... She hasn't had much luck with Splatfests with how people treat her, so I wanted to celebrate the win she had.
He smiled.
(Y/N): Awwww, you're such a softy.
Shiver: I am a fierce, cold-blooded shark tamer. I could feed you to Master Mega and not feel bad about it.
She pouted in his teasing.
(Y/N): No, you'd miss me too much. Besides, he'd probably spit me out. I don't taste that good.
Shiver: Maybe.
(Y/N): Wait, maybe to which one?
Shiver: Yup.
He glared at her non-answer before shaking it off with a smile.
(Y/N): So, want to have fun with your plans together? I may not be Frye or Big Man, but I'd say I'm at least a half-decent stand-in.
Shiver: You're above average.
She said with a smile while looking over.
(Y/N): Why, I'd say that might be a compliment from the Shiver Hohojiro herself. I should be honored!
Shiver: Yes, you should. I shall allow you to brag about it to anyone crazy person who can stand listening to you.
She said before letting out a cackle.
(Y/N): So, sound like a plan?
Shiver: Fine, I guess. But not today. Let's just have fun and do something relaxing today and we can do all of that stuff tomorrow together.
(Y/N): Sounds good to me!
He said lying back on his half of the couch with his legs kicked up over the side.
Shiver laid down as well but laid across and used his chest as a pillow causing him to break out the angry eyes.
(Y/N): Hey, ya got enough room there?
Shiver: Yeah, but using you as a pillow is more comfy, so DEAL WITH IT.
She said with a playful attitude.
(Y/N): Well, okay then.
He said while backing down and laughing with her.
Shiver: I'll let you up when I'd like for you to make me something to snack on.
(Y/N): You mean make us something, right?
Shiver: I guess that's fine too.
(Y/N): Ay, I didn't say anything about being your slave for the break.
Shiver: Yeah, but you're too much of a goody-two-shoes not to do it if I ask.
(Y/N): I don't know about tha-
Shiver: Shush, I do know about that.
She said before she went back to relaxing peacefully knowing that she wasn't going to be alone for the holiday break by herself.
Shiver looked at her outfit in the mirror from both sides. She dressed appropriately for the colder weather outside, but even though she might deny it, she wanted to look nice going out with him.
She thought she checked everything before leaving her room and making her way to the main room where she left him waiting for a while, partly because she wanted to make sure she was ready, and partly because she thought it'd be funny to make him wait.
She saw him resting his head on the couch while waiting for her. She could tell he had a coat on and was dressed to bear the cold weather.
He heard her approaching and turned to look at her, which caused a smile to grow on his face.
Shiver: Well..?
He looked confused for a second before he seemed to realize.
(Y/N): Oh, uh, you look great!
She smiled and continued walking past him.
Shiver: Good, you pass. I was about to call this whole thing off otherwise.
(Y/N): So, what's first on the list?
Shiver: Karaoke! I must let my soothing voice out.
She said with a proud look on her face.
(Y/N): Okay, but I can't promise that my singing will be any good.
Shiver: It's fine, I'll keep my laughing to a minimum.
(Y/N): That's not really that reassuring, but I'm also sure you'll laugh a lot.
She shrugged her shoulders while walking backward to face him with her cheeky smile.
The two entered the karaoke place.
Shiver was greeted by the stares of fans and people who recognized her which she didn't pay much attention to. There was only one person's attention she wanted today.
Shiver and (Y/N) walked to the front desk and she handed the person working there the two half-off coupons before paying the rest.
Shiver noticed the worker's look they were giving to Shiver and (Y/N) with them being a boy and a girl doing something like this alone together.
Shiver wasn't up to anything or doing any nefarious plots to try and steal her best friend's boyfriend... but the look did make her feel a little happy with how people saw the two of them right now.
She did as she always did and buried those feelings inside her, but she felt happy nonetheless, if not just for a minute.
The worker told them which room was theirs as Shiver locked her arm with (Y/N)'s and smiled happily as she forcefully dragged (Y/N) to the room they had paid for.
The two shut the door behind themselves as (Y/N) looked around the room, while Shiver was already sitting on the couch, cross-legged looking for a song to sing.
(Y/N): Already picking which one you want to sing?
Shiver: Nope! I'm picking which one you're going to sing.
(Y/N): Wait, what? Why me first?!
Shiver: Duh, because I want to hear your singing.
(Y/N): You're the professional singer here. Why don't you go first?
Shiver: Who likes to do something right after someone who's really good at it just did it? You'll act like even more of a scared baby then.
He grumbled to himself embarrassed that he was doing this.
(Y/N): Can't I at least pick the song?
Shiver: No, because I've already found the perfect one for you.
She said tapping a song and holding out the microphone for him, which he begrudgingly took.
Shiver was smiling satisfactorily at her embarrassed friend.
She didn't pick a song to mess with him. She picked an actually good one she thought would be good for him, but that didn't seem to help how embarrassed he was to try and sing in front of someone.
All that said, (Y/N) getting like this still amused her regardless.
Shiver: Come on, it's not that bad. Haven't you ever sung anything before?
(Y/N): Yeah, like, in the shower when I'm alone.
Shiver: Okay, then pretend you're in the shower.
Shiver: Okay, pretend you're back in the karaoke room.
(Y/N) nervously tried to psych himself up.
She listened to him try and sing the song, trying her best not to laugh and discourage him when he failed to hit a note as she wanted him to be open to doing this around her.
Once the song finished, she gave a slow clap.
Shiver: For an amateur, that wasn't bad.
(Y/N): You were holding back laughs, weren't you?
Shiver: Of course, but it wasn't terrible. Now, let me show you how a professional does i-
(Y/N): Hold up!
He said, snatching the tablet from her, confusing her.
(Y/N): You chose my song, now I get to choose yours.
Shiver scowled at his trickery, but she allowed him to do it. She would show how pointless it was trying to embarrass her with his song choice.
He smirked staring down at the screen and tapped one before handing the microphone over to her with a satisfied smile on his face.
She gladly took the microphone and stood up as she watched the words on the screen.
She heard the music start and was taken aback as she then saw the words appearing, realizing he had chosen a children's song.
She tried to not let it get to her as she tried to hold a calm expression as she gave her all to singing it as her face blushed a bit while he smiled happily at her.
Once the song ended, she tried to hold a prideful, satisfied smirk while the blush on her face tried to push through as he happily clapped.
(Y/N): Bravo! Encore! Encore!
Shiver: In your dreams!
She did a fake cough to collect herself to not let him see he had gotten to her.
Shiver: Why don't we make the next one a duet?
(Y/N): Oho? Are you sure you can hold yourself up to the standards of my voice of an angel?
Shiver: Voice of an angel, alright. But they ain't a singing angel.
He faked a gasp at her insult.
(Y/N): How rude.
Shiver rolled her eyes with a chuckle as she found a song for them both to sing and put it on as (Y/N) picked up the second microphone.
As they started to sing together, she could tell that (Y/N) wasn't as embarrassed this time as he was singing with her and not in front of her, which caused her to smile as she put a bit more effort into her singing.
He bumped into her lightly but on purpose to mess with her during the song causing the two to start playfully shoving each other during it to mess the other up and to try mess up the other by making them laugh or something else. But the two kept singing, enjoying the time together.
Once they reached the end of the song, (Y/N) flopped back onto the couch, a little out of breath.
(Y/N): How do you idols manage to do those concerts and Splatfests where you have to keep dancing while singing and doing all this for so long.
Shiver: I'm just great and built perfectly to handle the spotlight.
She said while taking a sip of the water they had in the room to cool herself off.
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah, you're perfect and great. I'm not though, so just give me a break before the next song.
She smiled at how doing the song had tired him out, so she let them have a little break for now before they did any more singing.
The two walked into the bowling alley with (Y/N) holding the door for Shiver causing her to playfully shove him as she walked past him.
(Y/N): So, how do you fare at bowling?
Shiver: I'm not bad, but Frye and Big Man are both better than I am.
(Y/N): Ah, so now it's my turn to school you at something?
Shiver: I would never do something like that.
(Y/N): In the last song you sang at the karaoke place, you made sure to overdue every high note just to show off.
Shiver: It got your attention though, didn't it?
(Y/N): That it did. I felt my spirit leaving my body after hearing such beautiful singing.
He said, overdoing his reaction to tease her.
Shiver walked up to the counter, and the two half-off coupons before they paid for the rest.
The two got their bowling shoes, Shiver looking disgusted at the shoes that other people had worn before her before reluctantly putting them on.
They chose their lane as they sat down.
(Y/N) went to pick out a bowling ball while Shiver set up the game and put their names.
He picked a bowling ball and waited for Shiver to finish setting up the game, upon which she gave a nod for him to go ahead and go first.
(Y/N): Now, watch a master at work.
He said confidently before going, releasing his ball, and hearing the pins get hit.
The two looked down range as (Y/N) was completely silent.
Shiver: A 7-10 split. Yikes. You hate to see it.
He looked down defeated before he gave his second go and only managed to knock down one of the two in the precarious position.
(Y/N): Well, at least a nine isn't too bad-
He cut himself off upon looking up at the score screen.
Shiver was giggling at his reaction like a child.
(Y/N): Really...? "Big Bowls"?
Shiver started laughing harder at his reaction.
(Y/N) then saw her own name.
(Y/N): "Shiver Striker"? Wow, I think I actually got the better of the two names.
Shiver: Shut up, it's perfect for a dinky place like this, and just terrible enough to be good.
(Y/N): Whatever you say. You're up now, "Shiver Striker".
Shiver: Your mocking only gives me strength.
She said before taking her turn, which resulted in her getting a good amount of the pins.
The two continued the playful game, taking potshots at both the pins and each other.
(Y/N): You sure you don't need the bumpers up?
Shiver: I'm not even doing that bad! I will slap you.
He snickered, knowing she was right, but wanting to mess with her after she threw a gutter ball.
Shiver looked at the scoreboard and seeing how he was winning by a bit.
Shiver: Just so you know, if you even think about letting me win, I think I'll actually vomit.
(Y/N): Don't worry, I wasn't planning on letting you win anything, Your ego is big enough as it is.
Shiver: There's no such thing. My greatness knows no bounds. Be enthralled by my presence.
(Y/N): Yes, oh great and mighty Shiver Striker.
She playfully smacked him upside the head for the sarcasm, earning a snicker from him.
Shiver: It's your turn, get going.
He happily did as she said and went to take his turn while she was poking at the screen trying to check to see if there was any way for her to manipulate the scoreboard.
(Y/N): You still pouty after losing the bowling match?
Shiver: I'm not pouty.
(Y/N): You're the one who said you didn't want me to let you win.
He said cheerfully.
Shiver: I stand by that. If you were any sweeter, I'd get a cavity.
(Y/N): Well that's too bad, because of where we're at now.
Shiver looked at the place they were walking into.
(Y/N): Don't act like you don't like sweets.
Shiver: Of course I do, but I'm not an eating machine like Frye. I can't eat an infinite amount of sweets and not get sick.
(Y/N): Just think of this as a celebratory snack for my victory, and I'll make us something to eat later when we go back to the hideout. That sound good?
Shiver: Don't pretend like I didn't notice you sneaking in that gloating in the middle there. But yes. That sounds acceptable.
She got a slight bit more pouty before getting pumped up.
Shiver: Fine, let's get to snacking down this place. But not for your little kiddy bowling game. For Frye, since that's why I got these coupons.
He chuckled.
(Y/N): For Frye!
They walked in, gave the coupons, and paid the rest as they were shown to a table they could sit at.
The two then walked around the place together as they searched for all the sweets they were ready to consume and give themselves a sugar rush.
A child saw Shiver and ran up to her with a happy look, as Shiver recognized the kid was a fan.
The child's parents were apologetic for their daughter doing so, but Shiver reassured them it was fine before the kid asked for a photo with her, which Shiver agreed to.
Shiver handed (Y/N) her sweets before picking up the child, letting the child's parents take a photo of them, and then setting the child back down.
The child was so happy as she hugged Shiver's legs before going back to her parents.
(Y/N): Still weird seeing how good you are with kids.
Shiver: I'm good at everything due to how elegant I am.
She said proudly.
(Y/N): Not bowling.
Shiver: Bowling isn't elegant.
She said through her gritted teeth.
He chuckled.
The two went back to gather all the sweets they could, even making sure to grab some extras in their pockets for Frye and Big Man when they came back from their break.
The two went back to their table with everything they had grabbed.
They chatted it up with each other, telling jokes, and enjoying each other's company as they gobbled down the sweets.
Eventually, Shiver felt she had enough.
Shiver: If I have any more of these, I think I'm going to be sick.
(Y/N): Ha, weak.
He said moments before feeling he himself couldn't eat anymore.
Shiver: You were saying?
(Y/N): I am weak... Well, I guess it's good if we have room to eat later.
Shiver: Now you're talking. Actual food.
The two stood up, deciding they'd had enough (and snuck out enough for the other two) before they left.
The two were walking back to the hideout, but suddenly Shiver turned a different direction, leaving (Y/N) confused.
(Y/N): Shiver? That's not the way back.
Shiver: I know. Who said we're going back yet?
He was confused by her statement before quickly running after her.
He caught back up to her.
(Y/N): So then what is there left in store for us?
Shiver: Those three things we did today were stuff I planned to do with Frye and Big Man. I am grateful for you accepting to do them with me in place of them, but I don't think it's fair as I didn't plan something for you, someone who's one of my friends too.
(Y/N) listened closely to the words she was saying.
Shiver: So, I decided to come up with something I picked out just for you.
He smiled at how thoughtful she could be despite her attitude, but he was now instead curious about what she had chosen for him.
After some more walking, she had begun to get a bit cold despite her jacket due to the sun starting to set on this desert city.
So, he wrapped an arm around her to keep her warm.
She looked away from his head with an embarrassed look but didn't think to even try pulling away from him as she kept leading them both to the designated spot she was taking them to.
Shiver: Well? Here we are!
At first, he looked confused until it hit him how he recognized this spot.
This was the spot Shiver had taken (Y/N) to when the four of them were out adventuring in Spaltsville. When he was feeling down about the life he once had, this was where she took him to and made it clear how much she, and the others, cared for him. Even if she wasn't able to say something that direct to him.
He was looking out at the desert and how it even met the sea, remembering how beautiful the scenery was now just as it was back then.
Shiver grabbed his hand and made him face the other direction for him to notice the lights of the city shining now that the sun had gone down.
It was a sight he couldn't see last time, but this time, with a different look of the scene, added a new perspective that gave him more to admire about this place.
His eyes grew and sparkled at the view, putting a bit of blush on Shiver's face as she admired him.
She snapped herself out of it, once again reminding herself how wrong these feelings were, but it felt... so hard to do so despite how long she's been doing this.
She thought about what Big Man had told her all that time ago when she opened up about her feelings to him before.
She knew there was no point in thinking about what if situations, but she couldn't help but wonder that if Frye wasn't with (Y/N), would this be what Big Man had told her about? About finding the perfect moment to express how you feel to someone. Everything about this moment and everything that built up to it, how she feels and how they've acted with each other, it pained her thinking about something that couldn't be.
It hurt her but she was trying to push those feelings back down inside her as she had done so many times before, and instead just admire the moment as a great moment with a friend, but before she could even finish doing that, (Y/N) had interrupted her internal process.
He turned to her and gave her a look that just felt like it turned her to mush.
(Y/N): Shiver, I want to tell you how great it's been to meet you. Even if you did try and leave me for dead when we first met.
Shiver thought about how it was so jarring how that was how they met.
(Y/N): You're a friend I couldn't live without in my life, and you've been there for me when I've had my low moments. You reminded me of what it feels like to have people who are there for you and I can never thank you enough for giving me back something that precious back to me. You-
He was cut off by something that had shocked both of the two that neither had seen coming.
Shiver had pressed her lips to his and was kissing him.
She had her eyes closed and enjoyed the sensation she had for so long lied to herself saying she didn't, or couldn't, have. Time felt as if it slowed down.
This wasn't even an action she had thought about doing. Her body had moved on its own like it was thinking ahead of her brain, and now her brain wasn't thinking about anything but this moment they were in right now.
Or at least, that was until (Y/N) had separated the two of them.
She opened her eyes, realizing he had just pushed her away from him.
She felt so angry, so sad, so jealous, so-
She saw his face of worry, confusion, and shock, and it was in that moment, it finally struck Shiver what she had done.
Her face turned to one of shock, finally understanding the gravity of the situation, and how she had done the thing she had not ever wanted to do to the people she cared about.
Shiver: D-Don't tell Frye!
(Y/N): Shiv-
Shiver: Shut up!
She had closed her eyes and turned away from him as the tears started forming in her eyes. Despite the scowl on her face, she looked so sad as she tried to think about the mess she had just caused.
She had started speed-walking away to try and get out of there as quickly as she could.
(Y/N) tried to come after her, but she had shot her arm up backward in a swipe back at him, letting him catch a glimpse of the agony she felt all over her face.
(Y/N): Shiver, please-
Shiver: Leave me alone! Just pretend none of this ever happened!
(Y/N): Shiver, don't-
Master Mega appeared in front of him this time while baring his teeth right at (Y/N), causing (Y/N) to fall back in shock at the unexpected entrance made by the giant shark.
Shiver with the tears falling from her face had climbed on top of Master Mega.
(Y/N) had gotten off the ground and had tried approaching her and the fearsome giant shark again, but Master Mega was already taking the Octoling he listened to on his back away as she commanded.
Shiver just looked forward to try to keep her composure as Master Mega took them as far away as possible right now while the wind blew in her face causing the tears falling from her eyes to go flying back off the sides of her face in the direction of the Inkling she cared so much for, but was never meant to express such feelings for, and had been left behind.
Why did she have to do this to herself? Couldn't she have just been happy as things were? Why did she have to mess everything up like that?
She became angrier at herself as her sadness grew in tandem with it, and there was nothing she could do to stop it anymore. She could only run away from it all. From the place she had left him, from her feelings, from everything.
4292 Words
May 18, 2024 - 11:52 P.M.
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