S3C Chapter 25: Come To Light
Veronica POV
Marina: I just want to be accepted. I want to be somewhere I belong, where I'm not just "the weird one" but instead loved for who I am.
Veronica listened to the voice she recognized as the one she looked up to after the brella disappeared from her hands.
Now standing at the base of the tower once again, Marina walked up to Veronica while Pearl floated over as a drone before transforming back to her normal self.
Marina: Nice job on the run, Eight. By the way, did you hear anything after you completed this Palette?
Pearl looked at Marina confusedly over the question she asked.
Veronica nodded her head.
Marina: It wasn't anything embarrassing, was it?
Marina had some blush on her face.
Veronica just smiled at her and gave her a hug.
Veronica: I'm glad you're here.
Marina was surprised for a moment before realizing that Veronica definitely heard something embarrassing. Marina hugged Veronica back.
Pearl: Uh, am I missing something here?
Marina: Whenever Veronica completes a Palette here, she hears its owner tell their truest feelings.
Pearl: Wait, so when you completed my Palette that first time..?
Veronica nodded with a smile along with Marina.
Pearl: Ugh, I hope it wasn't anything too lame...
Marina: Of course not, Pearlie. You're perfect the way you are.
Pearl had a prideful smile on her face.
Pearl: Y-Yeah, duh, of course I am.
Veronica chuckled watching the two interact as she made her way over to the lockers to use the keys she just got.
When she opened the first locker, she discovered one of the other Palettes, but this one she stared at for a moment in shock within her hands.
Marina and Pearl saw Veronica interacting with the lockers and Pearl turned back into a drone before the two headed over to see what Veronica just found.
Marina: What in the world? This is Agent 4's Palette!
Pearl: Oh yeah, Agent 4! Uh, who was that again?
Marina: One of the New Squidbeak Splatoon members that Cap'n Cuttlefish introduced us to.
Pearl: Ohhh yeah, the one who was supposed to be such a big shot. Uh, what's Agent 4's Palette doing here?
Marina: Well, Palettes are actually a representation of part of someone's soul. I guess Order somehow pulled a part of Agent 4's soul into the Memverse, turning it into a Palette.
Pearl: What, for real?! Man, we better keep this with us. Wouldn't want anything happening to it.
Marina: I'm still getting signals from other Palettes in the lockers. Let's keep opening them as we find keys!
Veronica finally snapped out of it and blinked as she equipped the Palette.
Veronica: We have to do this one immediately.
Marina: You sure? We already did one today-
Veronica: -Right now!
Marina was taken aback by Veronica's sudden outburst but Marina thought about how this must be important to Veronica because of whose Palette it is.
Marina: Okay, Eight.
Pearl: We really going for a two today? No offense to Agent 4, but can't they wait?
Marina: Pearl, you know how important he is to Eight. Besides, aren't you at all curious too?
Pearl looked confused which is when Marina then realized what was going on and raised her eyebrows giving Pearl a "Really?" look.
Marina: Pearlie, were you just pretending to know who Agent 4 was earlier?
Pearl: Psssh, nooooo. But uh, just in case you think I don't know, why don't you run it by me so we're both on the same page.
Marina sighed.
Marina: Pearl. Agent 4 is (Y/N).
Pearl's eyes on her drone form grew wide.
Pearl: Ooooh... THAT WAS HIM?
Marina: You DID forget!
Pearl: Look, how was I supposed to remember?! To me, he's just (Y/N)!
Marina: I guess we did know him since before we even brought Cuttlefish and the others home where he revealed that (Y/N) was in the N.S.S. with them, but still Pearl.
Pearl: I'm sorry, alright?
Veronica had an upset look on her face at Pearl upon hearing Pearl talk so casually about such a thing.
Pearl was a bit taken aback by Veronica's expression.
Pearl: You okay, Eight?
Veronica: Can we just go do this already?
Marina: Yeah, let's get to it!
Marina and Pearl tagged along behind Veronica as they stepped back into the tower and entered the elevator.
Acht: Heads up. There's something on the next floor way past anything we've fought so far. Brace yourselves.
Marina: If this Spire kept anything from my original design, then there should be a boss at 10F.
Acht and Marina warned Veronica and Pearl of the boss floor they had up next.
Pearl: So we're in for a real fight, huh? Stay on your toes, Eight, and don't push your luck!
When they got to the floor and Pearl and Veronica stepped out of the elevator, it looked different. It was clearly a different boss than the two had ever fought previously.
Across the whole area, she saw what looked like a mirror of her side of the arena and the spawn.
From the black ink residing at the opposite spawn rose what looked like an Inkling with a metal face and it spoke with an almost robotic voice.
It called out a word as others rose out of the black ink with it, but all the others didn't have any hair or ears as the first one did. They even had their own fake Pearl drone.
Veronica walked forward onto the lift to get this fight started.
Pearl: Those look a lot like us...but if they want a fight, we brought one!
As soon as Veronica left the spawn cage and started gliding down with Pearl's help, they heard an alarm as a cage from the other spawn came forward and dropped off one of the simpler-designed enemies with their own drone.
Veronica made quick work of it, splatting it made a defeated call.
After splatting the first one, this left her time to reclaim the turf around the arena briefly before the next one came in.
After splatting the next two simple enemies that dropped in, the drone from the second one summoned some of the smaller Jelletons to fight as well.
When it came down to the final wave, Veronica was briefly taken off guard as the enemy with the hair and ears came in the cage to fight alongside the other simple enemies who were already dropped in, but this one entered the arena with a Triple-Splashdown causing Veronica to have to get out of the way.
Upon seeing the enemy up close, Veronica couldn't help but feel that the machine looked so familiar to her, but she had no time to ponder that in the moment as she was fighting against these enemies.
Veronica dispatched the enemies, eventually splatting all of the final ones in this wave before making her way back to the center.
She couldn't help but think about this boss enemy. Why had it taken the form of Inklings? And it seemed so familiar with its appearance for some reason.
Veronica decided she'd question Marina on the enemy later and maybe get some answers. Or maybe Order, or Smollusk as Pearl liked to call it ever since they had beaten it into becoming small, if it was willing to answer her questions. It was still working against us, but it didn't seem as evil since it lost most of its power.
Marina POV
After defeating Order, or Smollusk as Pearl had nicknamed him, once more, the four were returned back to the base of the Spire once again.
Marina: Pearl, I know it's a little messed up, but Smollusk is just so cute when it's all small like that.
Pearl: I don't blame you, I just wish it would get with the program already and stop trying to be bad.
Marina: I'm sure it will understand sooner or later. Smollusk's attitude seems to be changing as if it likes all the change but is trying to hold face more than anything. It'll get there.
Pearl: I hope so. Smollusk is a funny li'l squirt.
Marina: Just like you?
She said quietly.
Pearl: What was that?!
Marina just covered her mouth and giggled causing Pearl to put on a pout.
Marina: Aw, I didn't mean it, Pearlie.
Pearl just pouted more.
Marina: Come oooon. Would figuring out what (Y/N)'s deep feelings are make you feel any better?
Pearl blushed a bit still trying to pout while looking away.
Pearl: Why should I care about that dork? He hasn't even come to visit us once since we got back...
Marina: I was hoping he'd have come over with Eight sometime, but it's been a while since we've been home. Things change. You taught me that.
Pearl: Yeah, well he better not have changed too much... Fine, let's hear what it was... ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ʰᵉᵃʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶠᵘⁿⁿʸ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ʰᶦˢ.
She said the last part under her breath before the two looked over to Eight and asked her what she heard.
They saw her facing away from them as the weapon in her hands disappeared into the air in front of her. She almost tried to reach after the weapon before it disappeared and she hesitated to lower her arms again.
Pearl: So, Eight, find out any juicy details from that Palette?
Pearl asked with a chipper look as the two approached behind her.
Eight turned her head to the other two with an apprehensive look on her face as her wide eyes had tears falling down the sides of her face.
Pearl and Marina were stunned by what could've happened to her as the concern immediately filled them.
Pearl was the first one who sped up to make her way over to Eight for support.
Pearl: Yo, Eight, what's wrong?!
Marina: What happened?!
Marina looked worried for their friend as the two stood with her before Eight's stagnant expression started to shift to one of sadness as she started to bawl her eyes out and started falling to the ground with a wail.
Marina quickly made sure to catch Eight in her arms, suspending the Octoling's weight on her own as she knelt to the ground carefully with Eight still in her arms.
Eight had latched her arms around Marina tightly as she continued her typhoon of tears.
Marina, now on her knees holding the sad Octoling, looked to Pearl with a face of concern as Pearl also looked taken aback as she watched Eight's breakdown.
Pearl wrapped her arms around Eight from the other side as the Octoling continued to cry in the two's arms, leaving the two with nothing but confusion and worry for their friend.
They let her cry it out for a while, not wanting to pester her while she was in this state.
After a few minutes, she started to quiet down, while still sniffling and tears still flowing, but the sadness wasn't pouring out of her anymore as she just sat there in their arms still.
Marina: Eight..? Are you able to talk to us now..?
She didn't answer, only kept trying to stop her huffing and puffing.
Marina: Eight, are you alright..?
While still trying to wipe away her tears, she nodded her head.
Eight: Mhm.
She said with a guttural tone as she was still trying to stop all the tears and sniffling.
Pearl: What happened? If you go and suddenly break down on us like that, you're gonna scare us.
Eight: I'm sorry.
She said while letting out another wave of tears as she said it.
Pearl: It's fine! It's fine!
Pearl reassured Eight while Pearl held her hands out in front of herself.
Marina looked at the sad Octoling, heartbroken at what could do this to her.
Eight wasn't able to just outright explain to them what happened, so Marina had to think of what could've caused this.
After a moment, she suspected Eight's attitude toward (Y/N)'s Palette and how she reacted after we completed it, it surely must've been the cause for all this. Or at least it was tied to the cause.
Marina: Eight, are you fine with telling us what you heard when you completed the Palette..?
Pearl: Is now really the time for tha-
Marina glared at Pearl for her to quiet down.
Eight sobbed a bit more but then swallowed her breath in an attempt to be able to get her words out.
Eight: "I don't want anyone to forget about me. I know people have to move forward in life, but I want to be able to move forward too, not be left behind to pick up the pieces."
Marina and Pearl were shocked at the truth their friend had admitted to hearing come from the heart of the one that they had... left behind.
Marina believed she found the cause of Eight's breakdown. She cared so much because it wasn't her that was hurt.
Marina: Eight, I have to ask... I-Is... Is (Y/N) okay..?
Marina asked with a hint of guilt in her voice.
Pearl: Is he mad at us? I didn't- we didn't mean to upset him. Is that why he hasn't come to see us?
Pearl was looking down with frustration and determination.
Eight had begun to cry more at all the questions she was being bombarded with.
Marina: Pearl, calm down a little.
Pearl: Calm down? I want to know he's okay!
Marina: I know you do, but...
Marina shifted her head to point at Eight who wasn't doing so well right now.
Pearl relented, frustrated at the situation.
Marina looked back down to Eight.
Marina: Eight? Eight..? Can you please talk to us..?
Eight: I... I can't tell you...
This had shocked the two. Of all the things they were expecting her to say, this wasn't one of them, and they didn't know how to take it.
Marina: Why not?
Pearl: Does he not want to talk to us anymore..?
Marina looked over at Pearl, upset at her asking such questions before Eight had spoken up again.
Eight: I don't know...
Marina snapped her head back to Eight, feeling a pain in her chest. Was Pearl correct in her questioning? Did they push him away? Did he really want to not see them again? The thoughts clouding her own mind now were beginning to make Marina's eyes glossy at the prospect.
She looked to Pearl for reassurance now, but Pearl was facing away with her arms crossed, leaving her unavailable.
Marina had to ask more in a bid that she was simply overthinking it too far ahead.
Pearl POV
Pearl's eyes were beginning to water, but she didn't want Marina or Eight to see her do so.
Many times in her life did she find herself pushing people away from her. Whether because of her personality or the way she acted, not many people ever stuck with her for her to have many people to care about.
She was fine with it as the people who did stick around were strong bonds she had. People that would stick with her to the end of the world and that she would fight for.
But now... even one of those people who she thought would always be there for her wasn't just gone... she had pushed them away herself.
Pearl didn't need to hear Eight confirm it. She was sure this had been the case, and it hurt her to her core to accept that she was capable of hurting the people closest to her without even meaning to.
Veronica POV
Marina: W-Why don't you know, Eight?
Veronica: I can't tell you...
Marina: Why not, Eight? I need you to tell me.
Veronica had looked at Marina who was now close to breaking the tear threshold.
She closed her eyes, thinking about whether to tell them or not. These were some of her closest friends. She had promised not to, but could she really let these two who had always been there for her stay like they are now? Bursting at the seams?
Veronica swallowed up as much of her sadness long enough to tell them, deciding they deserved to know. It was one thing when they were completely out of the loop, but to deny them any more information when they knew something was amiss.
Veronica: M-Marie made me promise n-not to tell you...
Marina's glossy eyes grew as her eyebrows raised in confusion. Even Pearl seemed to tilt her head back in her direction at this part.
Veronica: Sh-She said y-you'd be angry...
Marina: W-What about? W-W-What happened?
Veronica struggled to tell them the truth. She knew she had to, but forcing the words out of her mouth felt like she was dragging something out of her chest that hurt her so deeply.
She let out a few tear-filled huff and puffs before finally coming clean.
Veronica: H-He's gone... He's been gone... a long time. I-I don't know w-where he went...
She began bawling once again but continued explaining as Marina's face was that of horror, and Pearl had also turned back around and gotten close to listen with a shocked and angry expression.
Veronica: Liz has been looking for h-him, but... she hasn't found him...
She was letting out more tears as Marina tried to snap herself out of it.
Marina: How... how long has he been gone?
Veronica: He-He's been gone for m-m-more than a year. I found out when we returned for the m-midway break, but...
She sniffled once again, unsure if she should say the next part, but she couldn't stop explaining it all yet.
Veronica: M-Marie knew longer. She w-was there when I came h-home...
Marina was appalled at hearing all this. Pearl looked angrier than before, but she was trying to hold it back to not seem like she was angry at Veronica.
Veronica: Don't be mad... P-Please let me stay with you two... I-I don't want to go back alone.
Marina pulled Eight back into the hug, tighter than ever, as she stroked the back of her head in comfort.
Veronica had felt her shoulder get wet but didn't decide to comment on it, as she understood perfectly well how the two were feeling. She had time to come to terms with these feelings, and yet the pain still panged her heart. Now, it was their turn unfortunately to feel such a fresh wound.
Pearl placed one of her hands on Veronica's other shoulder.
Pearl: I've got you...
Veronica just closed her eyes and leaned into Marina's hug trying to finally relax herself after having drained all of her energy.
(Y/N) was in the lobby waiting for a game of Turf War to be set up. He was doing some solo searching today as his friends were all busy today, but it gave him some time to unwind by himself.
He saw the other players gathering around Judd and just petting or ogling Judd as he lazily slept on his pillow.
(Y/N) noticed Li'l Judd all on his own a bit away from that mess and looking over at them all.
He decided to go walk over and sit down beside Li'l Judd which had surprised the feline.
(Y/N) tried to pet the cat, but Li'l Judd had swatted his hand away from him when he got close.
(Y/N): I'm sorry, you seemed like you wanted some attention like he was getting.
He said referring to the bigger of the two cats.
(Y/N): You're not forgotten about. You're as important as he is, no lesser.
The cat looked up at him, but since (Y/N) didn't understand cats (I mean seriously, there are only two of them in existence, how is he meant to do that?) he was just left a bit perplexed before the cat sat down next to him.
He slowly reached downward for the cat, leaving him both surprised and delighted when Li'l Judd allowed him to pet him. Li'l Judd even let out a few purrs.
He heard the sound ding that the match had been set up. He saw the other Inklings and Octolings leaving Judd and heading for the terminal, signaling for (Y/N) to follow along.
He got up and went to leave.
Li'l Judd: Meow. (Good luck.)
(Y/N) smiled at the cat before continuing after the others.
Marie POV
Marie was reading on the couch while Callie was clicking away at the tablet loudly.
Marie: Callie, if you keep hitting the keys that loudly, you're gonna break them.
Callie snapped out of it and looked over at Marie.
Callie: Oh, sorry, was I doing it again?
Marie: You sure were.
Marie said with an unenthused voice.
Marie: Are you playing another one of those rhythm games?
Callie: Noo~. I'll have you know, I just found the perfect present for a certain favorite sour puss cousin of mine.
Marie smiled.
Marie: Why haven't you introduced us? I think the one I got is defective.
Callie: Hey! You better hope I don't get you a defective gift for that one.
Callie said while the two were giggling.
Callie: Shouldn't you be worrying about getting gifts for everyone?
Marie: I am, I just... I just hope I have some more time before it comes to that...
Callie: You shouldn't procrastinate so much or else they'll be out of everything good. Then you'll look really bad compared to all the great presents I got.
Marie: Are you really one to tell someone about procrastinating?
Callie: Duh, I'm an expert at it.
She said matter-of-factly.
Callie: But I like to make sure for stuff like this, during this time of year, everyone has something to look forward to. Next is going to be a tricky one though.
Marie: Why's that?
Callie: Because of someone being too busy to catch up with me. I don't know what he has or hasn't gotten in all the time since I last saw him.
Marie's smile faded as she realized who she was talking about.
Marie thought about it for a minute and knew she was going to have to break it to her sooner rather than later. But how was she to do it? Maybe she could lean her into the idea.
Marie: Yeah... When, uh, was the last time you saw him?
Callie: I don't know, a long time ago. Even before we left Inkopolis, I had just been so busy with everything going on at the time... Did I even say bye to him..? I can't remember.
She thought to herself having slowed down her keyboard taps to think about it before she snapped out of it.
Callie: But that's why this one needs to be extra perfect! You've seen him plenty of times since we've been back (lucky), can you help me out with this at all?
Marie: I... also haven't really seen him in a while...
Callie: Oh, right, that's why you stopped going over his house a while ago...
Callie sat silently again, looking defeated at the tablet.
Callie: Marie, he is going to be here, right..? What's he been so busy with that he can't even say hello to his favorite person in the whole world ever for?
Marie gave a warm smile hearing she was still chipper enough to talk like that in the second part of that question.
Marie: He's just...
She struggled to find a good thing to say.
Marie: He's been looking for something.
Callie: It better not be a girlfriend, or else I'm gonna...
She grumbled out until it got too quiet to hear.
Marie giggled lightly and then returned her face to a more serious one of contemplation.
Marie: Callie, there's something I want to tell you...
Callie: Yeah?
She raised her head back off of her hands and looked at Marie.
Marie looked at her cousin, the person who was always there for her and understood her better than anyone. If anyone, she would get why Marie had done the things she had done... right?
Marie was holding her breath due to how nervous she was.
Marie: I... I can't enjoy my book too much with your loud tapping on your tablet. Do you mind doing that in another room, please? That way I don't find out what you're getting anyone either so I can one-up you.
Callie gasped.
Callie: You wouldn't!
Marie: Aren't you the one who said I had to make sure to not be shown up by you?
Marie said with a smirk.
She ran out of the main room and into her bedroom.
Marie snickered at her cousin's foolishness but then regretted that she couldn't bring herself to tell her.
Marie worriedly looked out the window and kept hoping that (Y/N) would just pop up out of thin air and return and come to her rescue as he had before. But miracles like him don't come into your life so often.
Suddenly, there was banging on the front door.
Marie got up to see who it was that was making such a ruckus.
She opened the door just a bit then, as it came from below her sightline, she hadn't expected when the tiny squid barged her way into her home,
Marie: What? Pearl? What're you on about?
Marie: I didn't force her, I just told her-
Callie: Marie..? Is that true....?
Marie turned worriedly to Callie standing at the other side of the room to see her eyes welling up with tears.
Pearl: Yeah, she didn't tell you either?! He's been gone for who the heck knows how long time AND SHE KEPT IT TO HERSELF!
Marie: I didn't want you all to get angry-
She exclaimed with sarcasm.
Marie: I didn't want you to be angry at yourselves...
Pearl kept her angry determined look on Marie, but there was a moment of falter.
Marie turned to Callie and tried to calm her down.
Marie: I just- I didn't- I wanted to try and protect your feelings, Callie. I kept hoping he might be back before it came to it, but... he never came back. I knew I was going to have to tell you before the holidays, and I did try and tell you, I was just so worried how you would take it.
Marie was concerned about Callie and tried to reach for her as she looked like she was ready to blow, but Callie pulled back before Marie could reach her.
Callie turned away and ran to her room.
Marie: Callie!
Pearl: How could you do this to us?!
Marie: I know it wasn't the best idea! What would you have done?!
She snapped back at the tiny squid.
Marie: Tell her he's gone and it's our fault?!
Pearl was taken aback by Marie's sudden veracity.
Pearl: You could've told us that he's gone at least-
Marie: Great idea!
Marie pretended to mimic doing a phone call.
Marie: Hey! I know you all are on your big world tour that you can't put off! By the way, (Y/N)'s gone and we have no idea where he is! Have fun with that knowledge! GOOD LUCK WITH THE PERFORMANCE!
She ended while pretending to end the fake phone call.
Pearl was trying not to back down, but at this point, the dam that Marie had bottled all of her own feelings up behind had broken and was spilling out on the unfortunate one before her.
Marie: I checked his whole house! There was nothing to go off of! He left everything there! He could be anywhere! Three can't find him! WHAT MORE DID YOU WANT ME TO DO?!
Pearl was silent as Marie huffed out her frustrations. Marie was trying to breathe steadily while Pearl just stared her down.
Pearl: Help.
She answered spitefully before taking her leave.
Marie stood there annoyed, trying not to cry.
Callie's bedroom door made a sound indicating it had opened, causing Marie to shift her head to look.
Callie walked through the room like she was on a mission and didn't even look in Marie's direction.
Marie: Callie..? Callie, wait.
Marie was reaching out to her, but Callie didn't turn, she left without any hesitation, leaving Marie now alone in her home in the mess she set herself up for.
She kept holding back the tears. She promised herself she wouldn't cry, no matter how much it hurt, because she knew something like this would inevitably happen.
Marie: (Y/N). I really need you to come back now. More than ever... I messed everything up again.
(Y/N) walked into the hideout, knowing he had the place all to himself today, so he was allowed to do (almost) whatever he wanted.
First things first, he'd get himself something to eat for dinner after being out all day, so he opened the fridge to get something to eat.
When he did, he heard some rattling noises coming from somewhere.
He turned around to check if he could see what was causing it but didn't see anything.
He popped the food in the microwave, not wanting to cook today, especially when it was just himself.
After waiting for it to ding that it was now heated up, he took it up, passing it between his two hands due to the food's heat.
(Y/N): Ow! Ouch!
He made his way over to the couch and tried to think of something to do so late now.
(Y/N) shrugged his shoulders as he set the food on the table.
He turned on the TV and then went over and started looking through all of their [LEGALLY ACQUIRED AND OFFICIAL] DVDs for a movie to watch.
He heard a strange rumbling sound.
Once again, he looked around the room to try and guess where the sound was coming from, but to no avail.
He went back to searching for a movie, eventually picking a winner of which DVD with the name of the movie written on the blank disc with a sharpie that he would decide to watch.
He went back to the couch and grabbed his food off of the table as the movie started.
(Y/N) breathed the smell of the food's aroma, enjoying how good it smelled before slowly taking a bite and savoring its taste.
When he opened his eyes, there was a face right inches away to his side causing him to jump back out of sudden fear.
(Y/N): AAAAAAA-wwwhat are you doing hereeee? Hehe.
He asked trying to play it cool off of the [VERY MANLY] scream he let out.
Frye was right beside him.
Frye: Please let me have a bite.
She said with pleading eyes.
Eva: Well there goes the surprise.
Shiver: Nah, it worked well enough, even if not how it was intended.
Big Man: Ay. (I still don't get why we had to do that to him.)
Shiver: Comedy, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay. (I'm not sure what type of comedy that counts as.)
Shiver: Schadenfreude, Big Man. Look it up.
(Y/N) was letting his heart rate jump back down as he watched as the four suddenly appeared around him.
He then noticed Frye's big pleading eyes were becoming strained as if she was about to pop a blood vessel if her eyes grew any more, so he held out the food for her to have some with him.
She happily ate some.
(Y/N): I thought you all were busy today.
He stated in confusion now.
Big Man: Ay. (We made time.)
He said with a big smile.
(Y/N): Why didn't you all let me know you'd be coming then?
Frye: I lost my phone!
She exclaimed happily while Shiver sighed.
(Y/N): What about the others?
Big Man: Ay... (I didn't think about it...)
Shiver: I did, I just thought scaring you would be funnier.
Eva: I ran into these three on the way and just rolled with it.
(Y/N) rolled his eyes jokingly while smiling.
(Y/N): If you all had told me beforehand, I could've put some food on for us all first.
Frye: Dang it!
Eva: You're the one who's already got food in her mouth right now anyway.
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm surprised you managed to stay silent while there was food in the room.
Shiver: When you opened the fridge, I had to cover her mouth.
Big Man: Ay ay. (I had to hold her back from jumping out.)
(Y/N): That makes sense why there was that rattling noise. But what about the monstrous rumbling sound?
Eva: Dude, ya left the food unattended. That was her stomach rumbling.
She said with an almost disbelief that a person's body could make sounds like that.
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): So, anything in particular you three came here to do?
Shiver: Can't we just have a nice day where we just hang out and do simple stuff together?
She asked while pulling up on the couch next to him.
Big Man: Ay! (It's not often these two allow us all to hang out in a relaxing way!)
Eva: And I wasn't going to say no when I was invited to tag along.
The four were all packed on the couch now.
Eva: Ooh, and I had to see what this couch situation was all about.
She said as she started scooching her butt on it getting nice and comfortable.
Eva: Yeeeaaaaah, this is a good couch...
She said relaxing in the back.
Shiver: Buuut, since you offered, I wouldn't mind that food you offered to put on for us all.
(Y/N): Considering Frye's eaten most of what I made for myself..? Sure, why not?
He said while hopping up.
(Y/N): We all good on popcorn?
Shiver, Frye, and Eva: YES!
Big Man: AY! (YES!)
(Y/N): That's what I thought.
He said while walking away, but stopped after a moment.
(Y/N): Can one of you pause the movie while I'm in here?!
Eva: Ya snooze, ya lose!
Shiver: Consider it an incentive to hurry up with the food! Frye's finished the appetizer and she's looking at Big Man like he's next!
Big Man: Ay! (Hurry!)
Shiver laughed at Big Man's fearful wails.
(Y/N) merely shook his head and did his best to save Big Man from becoming the entree by getting the popcorn ready for them all, and getting them just the way they each liked their's too.
Once he finished that up, he walked back into the room with the five popcorn bags.
(Y/N): I hope that wasn't too long for anyone's liking. I also take no responsibility for any possible undercooked popcorn.
Big Man: Ay! (She bit me!)
Shiver: You're fine, she didn't even get a chunk out of you.
Big Man grumbled to himself as (Y/N) handed him the plain popcorn he liked.
Frye: Did you put the extra butter on mine?
(Y/N): Sure did.
Shiver was about to ask something, but he cut her off before she could.
(Y/N): And I got yours salted the way you like it.
She smirked and nodded after popping one in her mouth.
(Y/N): And the final one before I'm allowed to watch the movie I picked out too.
He said while holding out the fourth popcorn bag for Eva before she took it.
He then sat down back in his spot on the couch, enjoying the movie with his four friends. So much so, that he didn't even notice the times when both Frye and Shiver would take some of his popcorn.
5582 Words
May 14, 2024 - 4:19 A.M.
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