S3C Chapter 24: Back In The Saddle

First, I released a new Splatoon 2 chapter for you all to read for those of you who may have not noticed that yet.


(Y/N) had entered the main room of the hideout to hear Shiver and Frye arguing about something.

Frye: Perfect! Babe, tell us. Which one of us is prettier: Shiver or me.

(Y/N) didn't even look over, assuming naturally it'd be another petty squabble like this.

(Y/N): You, of course.

He said with a smile while heading for the kitchen.

Shiver was blushing annoyedly.

Shiver: That doesn't count, that's impartial judging! He has to choose you. Don't you, (Y/N)?

Frye: Don't answer her! LALALALALALALALALA!

Frye tried yelling over her.

Big Man had wandered into the room to see what all the commotion was about which dragged him into the argument as well.

Shiver: Big Man! Tell us which one of us is the prettiest: Frye or me!

Big Man sat there with his mouth agape and a fin toward his face while he thought about it.

Big Man: Ay? :D (Me? :D )


Big Man: Ay... D: (I thought I was the pretty one... D: )

(Y/N) walked back out of the kitchen towards the two and sat down on the couch with them while he held a plate of nachos.

(Y/N): If you two stop this argument, you can have these fresh nachos.

The two girls looked at each other for a moment before getting close to him.


(Y/N) reeled from the two's screaming, guessing that this was also a valid way it could've ended.

Shiver: I bought these myself to eat!

She said while biting one of the nachos.

Frye: And I found these hidden in the kitchen myself to eat later when Shiver wasn't around!

Frye said while stuffing a handful of nachos into her face.

(Y/N) just sat there and smiled along at how his plan had still worked despite the two trying to act like they didn't just go along with what he suggested.

Shiver: Thanks for saving me the hassle of making them though...

Shiver said while looking away embarrassedly while eating some more nachos.

Frye: I guess I can thank you for taking the heat for me on taking her nachos.

Frye said while chewing a couple before planting a messy kiss on his cheek as she still tried to act tough.

(Y/N): Besides, shouldn't you two save any arguing for the upcoming Spaltfest?

Frye: We've got some time to get in some petty arguments with each other before the Frostyfest is ready.

(Y/N): You say that, but it's gonna sneak up on you like it always does. Remember the Splatoween Splatfest?

Shiver: I don't have any idea what you're referring to.

(Y/N) knew neither of the two would admit to forgetting about the celebration that snuck up on them, and that they were definitely going to forget about this one as well, so he just dropped the subject.

Big Man then walked over toward the couch the three were sitting on.

Big Man: Ay? (Can I have some nachos?)

Shiver & Frye: NO!

(Y/N): Of course you can, Big Man.

He said before offering out a couple to Big Man who came over towards them.

Shiver and Frye had subsequently gotten up in (Y/N)'s face, poking him or grabbing him.

Shiver & Frye: Who said these nachos are yours to hand out to everyone?!

He didn't even mind and just giggled at the two as they tried to act threatening to him.

After Big Man ate one, he hopped on the couch with the other three which caused the couch the crack underneath them, shocking them all as they suddenly got closer to the floor.

Everyone:  . . .

Big Man: Ay... (That was NOT me...)


Big Man and (Y/N) was huffing as they dragged the new couch they had went and bought into the room.

Shiver: I thought you boys were supposed to be strong, get a move on already.

(Y/N): It'd be easier if... ngh, you two would help!

Big Man: Ay... aay! (Or at least... weren't sitting on top of it while we tried to carry it!)

Frye: Always with the excuses, these two.

Shiver: It's so hard to find good help anymore.

She said while holding her fan in front of her face.

Shiver: we ARE helping. While you two are carrying it, we're already breaking in the new couch so that it'll be comfortable by the time it's in place.

(Y/N): Yeah... real helpful.

Frye leaned over the side of the couch (Y/N) was on and got close to his face.

Frye: Can't I just enjoy my boyfriend showing off how strong he is for me?

(Y/N) blushed while also tried harder to carry it better to impress her, earning a snicker from her.

Once they got it into the room where it was supposed to be, the two boys set the couch down and took a breather while the two girls hopped off of it.

Shiver held her fan to her chin with a thinking look with Frye beside her as they looked at the couch.

Frye: You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

Shiver: Yeah, this isn't a good spot for the couch. Okay, boys, hustle up, let's get the couch position right this time.

The boys annoyedly grabbed the ends of the couch and lifted it up.

Shiver: A little to the left.

They heaved the couch to the left as she commanded with the directing of her fan she pointed before they set the couch down.

Shiver: Hmm... no, back more to the right.

They lifted it back up and once again put the couch where she directed.

She thought about it again.

Shiver: Back to the left again, you two went too far.

The two were almost out of energy as they once again moved the couch where she directed.

Shiver sighed after looking at it for a second.

Shiver: They just don't get it.

Frye: Move over, boys.

Frye walked over and picked the couch up by herself and moved it without directions from Shiver as she plopped the couch down.

Shiver: Perfect!

(Y/N) and Big Man were just stunned by Frye showing she was able to lift the couch on her own the whole time and do as Shiver said with no complaints.

Shiver and Frye sat on the couch, now enjoying it being perfectly placed.

(Y/N) and Big Man just collapsed on the couch with them after all the work they were put through.

Frye was patting (Y/N) on the back to encourage him for how much he showed off for her.

Shiver: I've got the perfect way to celebrate such an accomplishment for us all.

She pulled out her phone and turned on its camera as she held it out to get them all in the frame.

Shiver: New couch pics!

She snapped the picture of the four of them on the new couch but was annoyed when she saw (Y/N) and Frye just kissing in the picture.

Shiver: Aaaand you two ruined it.

Frye looked over at the picture.

Frye: Nuh uh, we fixed it! Send that to me.

Shiver: Fine, whatever, just let's take one without you two face-sucking in half of it.

Shiver said with annoyance at the two's PDA.

Frye: Deal!

The four then posed for a new picture which Shiver was happy to have of the four's accomplishment.


Veronica POV

Veronica was sitting in the car with Pearl and Marina.

Pearl was stretching herself a bit to loosen up a bit after their performance.

Pearl: Finally, we get to settle down from the world tour.

Marina: I get what you mean. It was definitely one of the top five best things to ever happen to me, but it definitely takes it out of you.

She said while resting into her seat and taking a relaxing breath.

Marina: We really have to thank you again, Eight. You were such a big help during the whole thing.

Pearl: Yeayuh! If you ever need a favor, you come to me and I'll make it happen. No matter what it is! Even if it's illegal.

Marina: Pearl!

Pearl: Okay, okay, maybe not if it's illegal...

Pearl leaned in close to Veronica and whispered to her.

Pearl: Especially if it's illegal.

Veronica giggled at her friends' comedic back and forth.

Veronica: Thank you two. It was nice to be able to experience the world. And doing it alongside you two was the best.

Pearl: Yeah, experiencing the world is good and all, but I much rather prefer SAVING the world.

Marina: I don't know if I'd say I like the constant life-threatening enemies we go against, but being there with you two, and Acht as well, taking on the Spire of Order was kind of fun.

She said a little embarrassingly.

Pearl: Yo, speaking of Acht, what happened to her after that whole situaaation?

Marina: She actually made her way to the surface. She collected all those unpaid royalties of hers when she was mindless and making music under that "Dedf1sh" label, so she was able to get a place to live.

Veronica: So, we're able to visit her?

Marina: Of course we can. Actually, she told me she wanted a bit of help to continue making music of her own volition now.

Pearl: Tell her HECK YEAH we'll help her out! She's one of us now.

Marina: Besides, we could always visit her again inside the Spire of Order if we wanted to as well.

Pearl: That's good, she's part of the team now! She's contractually obligated now.

Marina: I wonder how li'l Order enjoyed the concert from the online stream.

Pearl: I'm sure it thought it was awesome. Y'know, because WE'RE awesome.

Marina: I'll have to check on it soon. We mostly stopped Order in the Spire, but I've still been getting some strange readings from within. But that can wait. We can take some time to relax fir-

Veronica: -Uh, Pearl?

Pearl: Huh? What's up, Eight?

Veronica: I think burglars are trying to break into your house.

Pearl: AYO, WHAT?!

Pearl rolled down the window and held the top half of her body out of the car to see what was going on as they pulled up to the front of Pearl's mansion. Marina and Veronica looked out the windows as well.


One of the thieves shouted in surprise before falling off the gate on the other side of it.

Pearl: Waitaminute...

The thief who had fallen raised her head off the ground and rubbed it.

After getting a good look at the three, they noticed they knew these criminals.

Frye: Did you have to shout so loud?!

She yelled from the ground.

Shiver: We haven't even stolen anything yet.

Big Man: Ay! (I told you two we should've just waited for them instead of breaking in!)

Shiver: And yet you're on this side of the gate with us.

Big Man: Ay... (I didn't want to be left here alone...)

Pearl sighed.

Pearl: You three bums can just hop in the cars with us.

Frye: Free ride!

Shiver: Bums?!

Big Man started motioning his two comrades forward to their vehicle after the gate was opened, along with thanking Pearl for offering them the ride.

Pearl: So, what were you three planning on getting up to here?

Frye: Relaaaaax. We just wanted to come hang out now that your tour is over and you're back in Inkopolis permanently.

Shiver: Which means no chance of you abruptly crashing any Splatsville celebrations anymore.

Pearl: I don't crash anything, I make everything better.

Marina: I see, so when you last rode your bike, you just "made it better".

Pearl: I don't know what you're talking about...

Pearl said nervously.

Once the car had reached Pearl's house, the three members of Deep Cut all charged out the car with Pearl, Marina, and Veronica calmly following them out of the car to let all of them into the house.

Immediately, Shiver was looking around the place looking like she'd probably try and loot something, Frye began jumping on the couch, and Big Man looked like he was worried and wanted to apologize to Pearl for the other two.

Pearl: Cool it with the jumping on my couch, yo!

Frye kept jumping but looked at her confused.

Frye: You didn't have an issue jumping on the couch last time I was over.

Frye said with a snarky attitude.

Pearl: That's because I won't break it as easily if I do it!

Frye: Because you're small?

Pearl: I'm not small!

Veronica giggled while watching Pearl get all her buttons pushed by the group, as Veronica was able to understand that Pearl acted like one of them herself often.

Veronica noticed Marina with a moment of free time and wanted to speak to her privately for a minute about something that had been bugging her, so she walked up to her.

Veronica: Marina?

Marina: Hm? Yeah, Eight?

Veronica: Would it be okay if I talked to you privately for a bit?

Marina wasn't expecting such a request from Veronica so suddenly, so she happily agreed, wondering if her friend was alright.

The two found a quiet place to talk.

Veronica: I wanted to talk to you about something that happened in the Spire...

Marina was a bit nervous, hoping her creation hadn't caused an issue for her friend.

Veronica: When we beat the Spire and made it out, those Dualies I was using disappeared, but...

Veronica hesitated for a moment.

Veronica: When they disappeared it's like I could hear Pearl saying something, but when I saw Pearl, she wasn't saying anything to me.

Marina: Well... the Dualies were from Pearl's palette, and the palette is a piece of a person's soul. Now, this is just an educated guess, but I'd assume when you completed the palette, it freed that part of her soul... but as for why it seemed to speak to you...

She looked stumped for a moment.

Marina: What did you hear?

Veronica: She said, "I don't want the world to look down on me. Anyone who's got a problem with me and my friends is gonna need to step up so we can knock 'em down!"

Veronica quoted what she heard while putting on her best Pearl impression which had earned a giggle from Marina.

Marina: It sounds like a declaration. If I had to guess, you were hearing the soul's truest thoughts and intentions.

Marina thought on what that meant for a second before gushing over Pearl's true feelings.

Marina: Awww.

Veronica: So, then what about the other palettes?

Marina: That's... a good question. I'll need to look into that. But we can save that for another day though. The Spire can't pull anyone in unwillingly anymore, so we can deal with that when we've got the time.

Veronica: What about the other souls?

Marina: They'll be fine. It's not the person's whole soul that's been sucked in, only a tiny part of it. That's why Pearl was still herself without it.

Veronica: Does this unit have a soul?

Marina smiled at her and cupped Veronica's face in her hand.

Marina: Eight... the answer to your question is yes.

Veronica smiled.

Marina: We'll save the ones left soon, I promise.

Veronica nodded happily.

Marina: So, do you want to get back to the rest of them and hopefully help Pearl deal with the others?

Veronica: Actually... I was thinking about leaving. Something I wanted to do.

Marina: You want to go home and relax after the whole trip?

Veronica: No.

Veronica smiled warmly but had a hint of sadness in that answer which Marina noticed a flicker of that worried her.

Veronica: There's just something I've been wanting to do for a while since I got back to Inkopolis.

Marina: Well, okay. You know how to reach us whenever you want.

Veronica: I know!

Veronica hugged Marina before the two returned to the others at the entrance area of the mansion.

Veronica went for the front door and opened it to leave, but she looked back.

Marina was walking up on Pearl who was handling the three ruffians, but Marina leaned downward to hug Pearl.

Veronica smiled at the sight and left.

Pearl POV

Pearl: Yo, what's with the hugging alluva sudden?

Marina: I just felt you deserved it. You're not just a great friend, Pearl. You're the greatest friend. And anyone who knows you would say the same.

Pearl was confused by her friend's sudden praise, but Pearl didn't complain. She felt embarrassed at first, almost vulnerable with how the Octoling who was usually so awkward when it came to social stuff like this had suddenly seemingly read her like a book and said the kind of thing that she would always hope people would say about her.

Pearl played it cool though and relaxed with a big smile.

Pearl: Of course I am!

She said with a large smile just for her friend.

The lighthearted moment was suddenly broken up by the sound of a loud crash heard in the room.

Something was lying broken in the middle of the room between the other three.

The three stood there quietly for a moment looking at each other than over at Pearl before they all three pointed at one another.

Shiver, Frye, Big Man: IT WAS THEM!

Pearl was irritated at how quickly the three made themselves at home in her house, while Marina just covered her mouth and chuckled at the ruckus.

Pearl: Something funny about all this, Marina?

Marina: No, no, of course not, you're stuff should be respected. It's just... it's nice to see this place so lively with friends again.

Pearl looked at the three all bickering amongst themselves in a chaotic fashion before looking back over to Marina and giving a smirk.

Pearl: Eh, I guess it's not so bad, yeah.


Veronica POV

Veronica had walked up to the door of the familiar place she was in front of.

She knocked on the door nervously.

She received no answer, leading her to knock a bit more urgently once more.

Despite her more urgent knocking, she still received no answer.

She knocked a few more times, each with no answer, and just as she was in the middle of knocking once more, something surprised her.

Liz: Veronica?

The Octoling had heard the voice come from behind her, causing her to turn and face the tired-looking squid.

Liz: I didn't expect you of all people to show up here out of nowhere.

She said with a nervous chuckle.

Veronica: I figured you were probably back in Inkopolis when I found out Marie was back.

Liz: You saw Marie? Oh, let me let you inside so we don't have to talk out here.

Elizabeth POV

Liz made her way to the door that Veronica stepped out of the way of, unlocking it and letting herself and Veronica both inside the tiny place she called her home.

Veronica: So, how have you been?

Liz: Good, good. Very busy, you know how it is. N.S.S. duties. Hehe

Veronica: So, same as usual?

Liz: We did save the world again though. I was awake for it this time even.

Liz said with a smile, getting a laugh out of Veronica.

Veronica: Me too, but it wasn't too bad this time. A lot easier.

Liz looked confused, not expecting them both to have had another adventure in the meantime before ignoring it, understanding they were both just magnets for this sort of stuff.

Liz: We had a new Agent join the N.S.S. as well. She's the new Agent 3.

Veronica: Is she nice?

Liz: Yeah, she's chill. She lives in Splatsville though.

Veronica: I went to Splatsville with Pearl and Marina on their tour. We got to see the cool airport they had there too.

Liz: That's cool.

Veronica: Oh, we also met Deep Cut too. Pearl and Marina are friends with them all now too.

Liz: No kidding, huh? They actually helped the N.S.S. save the world too. After they tried to fight us.

Veronica giggled.

Veronica: That sounds accurate. I just left from Pearl's place too where they were there causing a ruckus.

Liz: Glad that's not my house.

Liz said with a laugh that almost made it seem like she was gloating before simmering back down and looking at Veronica warmly.

Liz: Seriously, you don't know how good it is to see you again...

Her smile had a hint of sadness in it that was overwhelmed by her warm nature of seeing her friend again.

That hint of sadness did bite at her though, so she fidgeted a little before taking a breath.

Liz: Have you been home yet..?

Veronica: That's where I saw Marie again.

She said looking down, keeping her cool.

Liz: Then... you already know?

Veronica couldn't say it so instead chose to just nod her head while still keeping herself collected.

Liz: Are you okay?

Veronica shook her head, causing Liz to frown.

Liz: Who all knows?

Veronica: Just Marie and I...

Liz: So, just us three then? [Unless you count Eva, but that's a different situation.]

Veronica shook her head again.

Veronica: Just Marie and I.

Liz was confused by what Veronica had meant by that. Was there something she didn't know? She thought to ask her about it, but thought she'd hold off for now.

Liz: I've... been looking for him, you know.

After Liz said that, she almost wished she hadn't said it. She knew that Veronica understood that if there was anything, Liz would have told her, but it was clearly a sort of instinctual reaction of how Veronica had quickly darted her eyes to look up at her with a hopeful look before she quickly swatted that down and went back to staring around the room.

Liz: Is there anything I can do for you?

Veronica: I...

She hesitated for a moment.

Veronica: Can I stay here with you overnight?

Liz smiled softly at her friend.

Liz: Heck yeah you can. I've missed being able to hang out with you. There's not that room, but I don't take up too much space, I promise.

Veronica: Because you're small?

Liz sighed, usually she would've been more annoyed by it, but seeing the silly smile on her friend's face encouraged her to let this one pass. Just once though.

Liz: Yes, because I'm small...

Veronica giggled.

Veronica: How small?

Liz: Don't push it.

Veronica playfully hopped on the bed.

Veronica: Can we order a pizza?

Liz: Sure, let me go order some.

She said with a smile as she grabbed her smartphone and walked a little away from Veronica who was already flipping through the TV to find things to watch.

Liz looked back at how cheerful Veronica looked now having her friend to hang out with her and stay with her again.

The thought put a bit of a frown on Liz's face for a moment before she took a more determined look on her face.

Before she placed the order for the pizza, she first opened up another app on her phone and started texting something.


She was sitting across from (Y/N) as he was telling his story.

(Y/N): And then, they had Big Man and I both carry it by ourselves. While they sat on top of the couch. The whole way! We didn't have a ride to use along the way.

Eva: Yikes. Me personally? I wouldn't have taken that.

(Y/N): Oh, it gets better.

He proceeded to talk about it more as she felt her phone go off.

She checked her messages and saw it was from the Captain, so she quickly decided to see what was up.


Captain: I hope I aint interrupting anything

Eva: Nthn much

Eva: Just sum yappin lol

Captain: Sorry but i gotta ask again

Captain: Have you found anything on agent 4?

Captain: I know it hasnt been that long since last i asked but circumstances have me askin again


Eva looked up at the source of the yapping in front of her before looking back down at her phone.


Eva: Nthn on my end

Eva: Did smthn happen?

Captain: No its just that agent 8 is back

Captain: I guess im just tryin to get a head count of everyone lol


(Y/N): Am I boring you?

Eva: Huh?

She looked up at him who had noticed she had been focusing on her phone.

Eva: Oh, yeah, dude all I'm hearing is waaah waaah.

(Y/N): Am not!

Eva laughed.

Eva: Oh my cod, there it is again.

(Y/N): You're such a good friend.

He said sarcastically with chuckle afterward.

Eva: Putting up with you and all the wackiness you all bring? I sure am.

(Y/N): Well, don't let me hold you back. You got anything you want to talk about?

Eva looked back down at her phone for a moment and looked back at him.

Eva: Yeah, actually.

She sat a bit forward trying to gauge his reaction.

Eva: Let's say your roommate, your old roommate, was looking for you. What would you do?

He was surprised by her questioning him with this so suddenly. He wasn't turned away by it, but it did catch him by surprise.

He rubbed a hand over his head taking a second to think.

(Y/N): If it were Veronica...? I don't know honestly... Y'know, I actually saw her at that Deep Cut concert a while back?

Eva: Ya did?

(Y/N): Yeah. She was there, right in front of me. I was actually going to walk straight up to her. I didn't even know what I was going to say, but I was going to say something. But once I had taken just a couple of steps, she ran off the opposite direction before she ever even saw me.

Eva: And you didn't chase after her?!

(Y/N): In the moment, it just hurt watching her run away. I knew it wasn't because of me, obviously. But in the moment, it felt real in my chest.

Eva: Cod, you're so dense, dude...

(Y/N) chuckled at her attempted inflammatory statement.

(Y/N): I've gotten that a lot before. But, Shiver told me before that... sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish.

Eva sat there and saw the smile on his face before she sighed.

Eva: Yeah, that sounds like something she'd say. Although I don't think you should be as selfish as she is.

The two chuckled.

(Y/N): Shiver isn't actually that selfish. She's really great and is there for her friends-... for me a lot when I need her.

Eva: "What happened then? Well, in Splatsville they say that the Shiver's small heart grew three sizes that day."

(Y/N): Laugh it up, but you can be a bit of a grinch yourself.

Eva: Yeah, but I do it ironically. I'm hilarious.

(Y/N): Eh, you're okay funny.

Eva: You think you're funnier than me?

(Y/N): Oh, I'm a clown.

Eva: If you believe that, you might be.

The two sat silently glaring at each other for a moment.

(Y/N): Want to go prank some people around the city?

Eva: You read my mind.

The two smiled evilly as they made off to go search for their victims.


Callie POV

Callie was at home with Marie who was currently just serving dinner to her cousin.

Callie: Food! Food! Food! Food!

Callie happily chanted while slamming her hands on the table to the beat.

Marie: Calm down, Callie.

Callie: How am I supposed to calm down? Me hungyyyyyyy!

Marie smiled at her cousin's wackiness which would bring her happiness.

Marie: Then you'll be happy to know I made your favorite today.

Callie gasped and her eyes grew large with excitement.

Callie: Marie!

Callie's eyes watered a little bit at the sight of her favorite food before she leaned her head over onto Marie's shoulder after she sat down next to Callie to eat her own portion.

Callie: I... I love you.

Marie: I love you too, Callie. Now get to eating before it gets-

Callie started eating the food happily with big bites, but taking the time to savor each one.

Marie: -cold.

Marie shook her head with a giggle before eating her own.

While the two were eating, they heard their front door buzz.

Marie: NOT IT!

Callie: NOT I- Dang it...

Callie got up and went to the door and pressed the button to speak into the machine.

Callie: Who is iiiiiiit? 

Frye: Yo, Callie! It's us!

Shiver: Let us in!

Big Man: Ay? (Please?)

Marie could hear their voices from where she was eating and went wide-eyed.

Marie: Oh great, they've got our home address now?

Callie was happy to hear it was Deep Cut and immediately buzzed them in.

After about a minute, they heard the knock on the door that signaled they had made it up to their place.

Marie: NOT IT!

Callie: NOT I- How are you ready for that?!

Callie once again got up to open the door for the three.

Frye happily strode into the place, immediately giving lifting Callie up off the ground in a form of hug.

Callie giggled at how high up she was.

Big Man looked out of breath as he walked in while carrying Shiver.

Marie: What's wrong with you, Big Man?

Big Man: Ay... ay... (She made me... carry her up all the stairs...)

Marie: You three didn't take the elevator?

Frye: Huh, guess there was an elevator.

Shiver: I told you there was probably an elevator.


Frye: Doesn't affect me either way.

Shiver hopped out of the big manta ray's fins and stood up and walked over towards Marie, eyeing up her plate of food, to which Marie glared at her while she pulled her own plate back for its safety.

Frye sniffed around after finally setting Callie down.

Frye: Ooh, did you two already make dinner for everyone?

Marie: I just got done cooking dinner for us a little before you three got here.

Marie said defensively as Shiver still was sneaking glances at Marie's plate.

Frye had already gotten one bite off on Callie's plate though before Callie went to grab back her own plate.

Callie: We do have some leftovers if you three want any.

Frye: Leftovers?

Shiver: Sorry, she's never heard that term before.

Shiver turned to Frye as she explained it like she was explaining it to a child.

Shiver: Leftovers is when you don't eat all the food you have so that you have some to eat later.

Frye: Isn't that just food you haven't cooked yet?

She asked not even noticing the way Shiver had spoken while explaining it to her.

Shiver: No, it's food you cooked but you didn't eat all of it, so you save it for later.

Frye looked dumbstruck as the gears in her head struggled to turn.

Big Man: Ay. (I don't think she's gonna get it.)

He said while walking up with a plate for the three of them that he got for each of them and handing them each one.

Callie: So, what brings you three here?

Marie: And how did you find our house?

Shiver: We were visiting Off the Hook, so we decided that since we were in the neighborhood, we'd check up on you.

Frye: Her house is a lot nicer than yours.

Marie: I know.

Frye: Like a LOT nicer.

Marie: I'm aware. We've been there.

Marie spoke plainly at Frye who was insulting them on accident.

Big Man: Ay? (You two know Off the Hook?)

Callie: Off the Hook and us are tight.

Callie said while crossing two of her fingers.

Callie: We're besties for life!

Frye: You should come with us to visit them sometime then.

Shiver: Yeah, you two would serve as a nice distraction.

Big Man: Ay. (Shiver.)

Shiver: Whaaat? I'm not planning anything bad. Relax, Big Man. You're so paranoid.

Big Man eyed Shiver, knowing she was definitely giggling maniacally quietly behind her fan that she held in front of her face.

Marie: If you three let us know next time you're in town, we can hang out.

Frye: You've got it, boss!

Marie: You don't have to always call me "boss", y'know?

Shiver: It's just easier to call you "boss".

Big Man: Ay. (Boss is boss.)

Marie sighed.

Callie: Why don't you come party with us here during the upcoming Frostyfest holiday?

Marie looked a little taken aback by the mention of the holiday season which Callie noticed.

Callie: Marie, you didn't forget to plan for the holiday, did you? It's okay if you did. You've still got time to buy me all the presents that Santa doesn't bring me!

Marie: Mhm, I'll be right on that.

Marie said sarcastically after recomposing herself.

Shiver: Count us in! So long as you're catering!

Frye: If there'll be food and presents, I'll make time to visit!

Big Man: Ay! (It'd be rude if I declined, so I'd be happy to join!)

Callie: Ooh, maybe we can get Pearl to hold the party at her place again!

Marie just nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

Marie: We can ask, sure.

Callie: It's been a while since we all were together to celebrate the holiday. Now I'm so excited that it feels so far away!

Marie: Settle down, Callie.

Frye: Just wanna make sure, do we have to bring a gift?

Big Man nudged Frye causing her to turn to him and nudge him back.

Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Let me know the details when you've got it all set. I'll make sure these two are ready.)

Shiver: You think we can't remember ourselves?

Big Man: Ayy, ay. (I could tell when those two mentioned the holiday, you two already forgot after being reminded this morning.)

Frye and Shiver looked away and tried to change the topic like they hadn't heard Big Man.


Callie was in her room on her phone, giddy with excitement already at the idea of everyone being back together for the holiday.

She thought about the snow, the music, the jolly atmosphere, the decorations, and getting to celebrate with all her friends.

She settled down a bit as her smile went from giddy to warm as that train of thought led her to another idea.

Callie: He can't be too busy to see me even then, can he?

She had a blush on her face as she couldn't help but keep the smile adorning her face.

Marie POV

Marie was in her room, worried while on her bed.

She knew this would be the point she couldn't keep the charade going past.

How was she supposed to handle this? Everyone's back in Inkopolis... except the obvious one missing one.

She thought about Veronica's reaction when she found out that Marie had kept the information that he had been gone from her for months. How would the others react? Would they understand? Would they... hate her?... Would Callie hate her..?

She was doing what she thought was best with what she had to go on. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but she was hurting so much. Would they be able to see that? Would they understand why she did it?

Marie didn't have the answers she wished she had. If she did, she wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Marie turned off of her back and onto her side, looking out the window.

Marie: Please come back...

5521 Words

May 9, 2024 - 12:16 A.M.

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