S3C Chapter 21: Chaotic Concert
(Y/N) opened his eyes and slightly jumped at the surprise of seeing someone staring down at him before he returned to normal and shut his eyes again after seeing it was just Shiver.
(Y/N): Y'know you can just wake people up like a normal person.
Shiver: I could, but where's the fun in that?
(Y/N): What fun is there to have in this exactly?
Shiver: Trying to figure out how ya manage to sleep with her like that.
He opened his eyes once again and looked down to see how she was pointing at Frye who had her arms and legs completely wrapped around him locking him in place.
(Y/N): I can't exactly move when she does this so it's not like I have much of an option besides sleeping. Plus, it's comfy.
Shiver: Let me help you with that.
She bent over and leaned close to Frye's face before patting her on the face multiple times.
Shiver: Frye! Wake up ya silly squid. You remember what day it is, don't ya?
Frye groggily squinted her face up from Shiver's patting before groggily opening her eyes one at a time.
Frye: Huh...? My birthday...?
Shiver: Nooooo. I'll give ya a hint. What have we been looking forward to for a while now?
Frye: My... birthda-? Wait!
She shot her head upwards unlatching herself from (Y/N).
Frye: It's concert day, isn't it!?
Shiver: Ring-a-ding-ding.
Frye: YAYUH!
She exclaimed happily before putting her hand all across (Y/N)'s face, pushing herself up, hopping over him, and running out of the room.
Shiver was smiling at his disheveled and unenthused face.
Shiver: There ya go. Free of charge too.
(Y/N): My hero... whatever would I have done without you?
Shiver: I know, I am incredibly magnanimous.
She said before holding her hand out for him to grab ahold of and pull him up. While doing so, her phone rang causing her to let go of him and let him fall back down as she answered her phone. This earned her a glare from him.
Shiver: Speak quickly.
She waited a second to hear what the person on the phone said before responding.
Shiver: Love ta hear it. Keep it up. We'll be there in a while.
She said as she ended the phone call.
(Y/N) was now standing up on his own.
(Y/N): Who was that?
Shiver: Big Man. He's helping do some setting up at the place the concert's being held.
(Y/N): How "magnanimous" of you to allow him to do all the helping.
Shiver: Was that sass?
She asked while glaring at him and clapping her fan shut.
(Y/N): Noooo.
He said sarcastically.
Shiver: It isn't too late for you to have to pay for your own ticket, you know.
(Y/N): All hail Shiver, the most generous and kindest one around!
Shiver: That's more like it.
She said while opening her fan back up with a smile and now exiting his room with him behind her.
Frye ran up in front of them.
Frye: Big Man isn't here!
Shiver: Yeah, I could've told you that if you waited for me instead of running off immediately.
She said while smirking at Frye's antics.
Frye: Oh... so, uh... where is he?
Shiver: He's helping the crew there set up the concert before it starts later.
Frye: Good, I trust Big Man will make sure it's as epic as possible!
Shiver: But of course. Do you expect any less of your great leader, Shiver? I'd never let a Deep Cut show be anything less than spectacular.
She said while looking proud of herself.
(Y/N): Then why is Big Man doing all the work there and not you-?
He was shushed by Shiver holding her fan to his lips.
Shiver: I can't hear you! Shush!
Frye leaned in close to (Y/N) to whisper to him as Shiver continued to give herself praise.
Frye: I told ya she was just gonna get a big head when she won that splatfest on who was the best leader of Deep Cut.
(Y/N) nodded along with her.
(Y/N): Well don't look at me, I fought for your team.
Frye: Yeah, after I bribed you.
(Y/N): I don't know what you're talking about...
Frye: Mhm, sure ya don't.
Shiver: What're you two mumbling about?
Frye: Your big head.
Shiver: Better a big head than a big forehead.
Frye said before jumping at Shiver and causing a quarrel between the two.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) figured this fight would go on for a bit since Shiver made fun of Frye's forehead, so he decided to walk away from the two and grab something to eat instead.
(Y/N): Why do I feel Big Man went to help out there because he didn't want to deal with these two's energy before the show?
Big Man POV
Big Man was doing his best to help carry in some of the equipment but was also knocking some things over with his tail.
Big Man: Ay!... Ay... (I'm sorry!... Again...)
Big Man was bowing apologetically to the crew workers insistently.
Big Man: Ayy... (I'm sure this is still calmer than what the others are probably up to right now...)
(Y/N) was munching on some snacks he found hidden behind some boxes in the cupboard when suddenly he felt an overwhelming presence from behind him along with the lack of any fighting noises.
Frye: Are those my snacks I hid so no one else would touch them?
Shiver: Wait, have you been hiding snacks?
Shiver asked in the background still brushing herself off from the two's latest scuffle as Frye interrogated her boyfriend.
(Y/N) nervously looked over his shoulder.
(Y/N): Let's say hypothetically that they are, how would I know they were when you tried hiding them?
She didn't bother dignifying his big, fancy words with a response as she immediately latched herself onto him and bit him.
He was being thrown around by her as he tried to break free. Meanwhile, Shiver had walked over to where he was a second ago and picked up the snacks he had left sitting there as she proceeded to smugly eat them as she watched the two.
Big Man turned around to see Shiver, Frye, and (Y/N) walk up. Shiver and (Y/N) looking a bit roughed up.
Big Man: Ay? (What happened to you guys?)
(Y/N): I accidentally ate Frye's snacks.
Shiver: I ate the rest of her snacks.
Frye: I got more snacks!
She said while happily eating the snacks she had with her with a big smile on her face.
Big Man: Ay. (Let me just take you guys to the backstage room for us.)
Shiver: Thank you, Big Man. I'm glad someone knows how important it is that I look good during this show.
She said while slightly side-eyeing Frye who couldn't be any more oblivious.
Big Man had led the three of them to the backstage room for the band as they all plopped down in their respective spots as Shiver sat down to put herself together while Frye just enjoyed her snacks, along with the other food that was given for the room for free. (Y/N) just hung out with Big Man.
Big Man: Ay? (So, why do you have a bite mark on you?)
(Y/N): Frye has very big and sharp teeth. She almost ate my backstage pass.
Frye: Oh now you're just exaggerating! I'd never eat something like that... bit a chunk out of it, maybe.
She said questioning herself as she rubbed one of her fingers against her sharp teeth.
Frye: Better be careful though. You're a lot sweeter of a treat than my other snacks.
She said while jokingly putting her hands up like a monster looming over him.
(Y/N): I go down smooth, but I come out fighting!
He said defensively.
Shiver: Frye, no cannibalism. Big Man, how's the show looking?
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (Everything's set! I tested everything out myself.)
He said the first part with a salute, while the second part he acted all proud and giddy of himself.
Shiver: Love that energy, Big Man. (Y/N), how's our financials looking like with this show?
(Y/N): I... don't know? Why would I know that? Is that even something you know fully before the concert's even been done?
Shiver: Ugh, there's always a weak link...
She said exasperatedly while resting her head against her hand.
(Y/N): I'm not suddenly your financial advisor or agent or whatever! That's not my job!
Shiver: Then why do you get on our cases so much about our spending?!
(Y/N): Because you three are the rich idols who do stuff like perform big concerts and yet I still have to lend you money all the time!
Frye: So, you're a loan officer?
(Y/N): No, I'm just warning you about your spending so that maybe you can actually save up your money for important things!
Big Man: Ay. (That does sound like a financial advisor.)
(Y/N): I- Not like that!
Shiver: Ugh, what do we even pay you for?
(Y/N): You don't pay me!
Shiver: That explains the service...
Frye: Yo! Guys, check out this video posted of all the people outside waiting to get into here!
She commanded excitingly while holding up her phone for the others to see.
Shiver: Looks like it's going to be a packed house. Was there really any doubt?
She claimed smugly from behind her fan.
Big Man: Ay! Ay! (I'm so nervous! But also really excited!)
Does he always get like this before a concert?
Frye: Yeah, he's a big bundle of joy but also a nervous wreck.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (Am not! I mean, not the second part.)
Shiver: Oh really? Then just know, Big Man. This concert we will be showing off the Splatlands and how great they are for a huge audience, including online streaming. But that would never make someone like you nervous, would it?
Big Man had shrunken back into his seat.
Big Man: ₐᵧ... ₍ₙₒ...₎
Shiver snapped her fan shut causing Big Man to jump a bit.
Shiver: Great! That's the spirit, Big Man!
She said while smiling and pinching his cheek area while Frye snickered at Shiver's teasing.
(Y/N): You're gonna mess with him if you keep doing that to him.
Frye: Nuh uh, we've been doing this to him for years and he's fine.
(Y/N): That explains so much...
Shiver: It doesn't matter, we'll give an impressive performance no matter what.
(Y/N): So, what song are you three going to start with?
Big Man: Ay. (First song is "Till Depth Do Us Part".)
Frye: Sweet! I love that one.
Shiver: You love all of them, which, of course, since we're the best.
Big Man: Ayy? (You two didn't check the schedule and set list for the show did you?)
Shiver: Why would we? We've got you for that.
Big Man just sighed knowing he should've expected as much.
Frye: Ooh! They're letting people in now! I've got to go check out how it looks out there!
She said as she hopped up to go get a look at it all.
Shiver: At least wait for us so we can come see too.
Shiver said as she calmly sat up from her seat.
Shiver: Unless you two don't want to see it with us.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (I do! I love seeing the whole place fill up with tons of people.)
(Y/N): I'd like to see it too.
Shiver: Then get up. Frye's almost running off without us already.
Frye: Come oooon!
She said while jumping up and down by the door. When she saw the other three coming with her, she happily ran ahead to the stage to see.
They all peeked out their heads from behind the curtain and saw.
(Y/N) thought about how cool this was and how lucky he was to be able to see something like this. He looked up at the three of them smiling.
Big Man: Ay? (Something up, (Y/N)?)
Shiver: Ugh, he looks like he's getting all sappy. Frye, give him some loving or whatever you weirdos do.
Frye was still just watching the crowd and just waved her hand at the others.
Frye: After the show, after the show.
(Y/N): No, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for being here and doing things like this with you three.
Shiver hid her blushing behind her fan.
Shiver: Of course you should be.
Frye: Aw, ya big lug. Okay, a little bit of lovin's.
She said as she squeezed him with a hug.
Big Man: Ay! (To Deep Cut and their financial advisor!)
Shiver & Frye: Deep Cut and financial advisor!
The two followed suit with Frye throwing a fist in the air.
(Y/N): Please don't make the financial advisor thing stick...
He pleaded while still being hugged by Frye.
Shiver: Okay, this is fun and all but we should seriously start getting ready for when the show starts.
Big Man: Ay. (If they're letting people in now, definitely.)
Frye: Aw man, fine. We'll get to see the whole place light up with the glowsticks once we make our big reveal on stage anyway.
The music began to play and ramped up as the lights on the stage lit up brighter with the fog to reveal the three band members of Deep Cut as they each began to take their places before Frye started off with the vocals as the three began to perform "Till Depth Do Us Part".
(Y/N) meanwhile standing off the left side of the stage watching the three's performance from backstage.
He clapped and cheered with the crowd to their performances of their songs enjoying the wonderful performance that his three friends always managed to provide.
Frye: Now THAT'S how it's done!
Big Man: Ay! (Hey, everyone--Shiver and Frye are going to take a short break!)
Shiver: What?! That's news to me!
Big Man: Ay? (Did you not bother reading the set list again?)
Shiver just looked away pompously while Frye looked around confused.
Big Man: Ay. (Don't worry. I'll keep the crowd hyped while you're gone.)
Shiver: If you say so. Sit tight, everyone!
Frye: 'Cause we'll be right back!
Fyre exclaimed happily while waving out to all of the crowd. Shiver also joined in by waving her fan as the two walked off the left side of the stage.
(Y/N): So, what do we do now while you two take a break?
Shiver: I guess we just relax backstage for a bit before we have to perform some more.
Frye threw her arm around (Y/N).
Frye: Ya ever wanted to experience what it's like to be a grouper?
(Y/N): What's that?
Frye chuckled devilishly.
Frye: Don't worry, I'll show you what it's all about.
She said as the three walked back to Deep Cut's backstage room.
Big Man POV
Big Man was happily waving off his two bandmates as they exited the stage. In doing so, he didn't notice the person who had suddenly appeared on his other side until they started talking.
Pearl: Yo YO! It's ya girl, Pearl, MC of whimsy for OFF! THE! HOOK!
While Big Man had turned to his left to be surprised by the sight of Pearl from Off the Hook, he also missed the person making an appearance on his right side now too.
Marina: And I'm Marina, the group's DJ!
Big Man: Ay?! (Wait, why is Off the Hook here?!)
Pearl: Huh? Weren't you the one who reached out to Marina for a collab? We got some downtime from our world tour and happened to be in the neighborhood!
Marina: Pearl, usually when you work with someone you tell them first...
Pearl: Well, if it's a hassle, we can bounce.
Marina: Where did the others go?
Big Man: Ay... (Well, it's their break right now...)
Pearl hyped herself up after hearing this.
Pearl: Oh! Then I ain't candycoating this--we're staying put! No rest for the audience! Let's hit it!
She exclaimed as the music then started booming by starting the song "Candy-Coated Rocks".
The three were relaxing in the backstage room while Frye had her arms wrapped around (Y/N), smooching him up a bunch.
Shiver: How much are you going to do that?
Frye: Until I feel like stopping.
Shiver: And you're not getting sick of it either?
(Y/N): Not particularly, no.
Shiver: Ugh, you two are unbearably mushy.
She said before trying to zone them out. However, she suddenly started paying attention to the music she could hear from the stage.
Shiver: Wait, do you two hear that?
Frye: The music? Yeah, it's a concert. You're gonna hear music, Shiver.
Shiver: Yeah, but listen to the music.
Frye leaned her head to have her ear better listen to the music playing.
Frye: I don't recognize that song. of ours.
Shiver: That's not one of our songs.
Frye: Who's would it be?!
Shiver: Big Man, you better not have been scheming behind our backs again...
(Y/N) was also listening to the music.
(Y/N): Wait, this song sounds familiar... I think I know this song.
He said before suddenly standing up. He looked around the room and then found a TV in the corner of the room. He went over and turned it on so that it would show the broadcast of the show going on right now.
When he turned it on, the three all had shocked looks on their faces as they saw Pearl and Marina from the band Off the Hook performing at their concert.
Shiver and Frye's expressions quickly turned to ones of anger as they realized what was going on.
Frye: Those Inkopolis punks! They're trying to steal the spotlight!
Shiver: Big Man has to be behind this! And we're not getting paid extra for this either!
The two quickly started to leave and left the room as they proceeded to make their way towards the stage. Meanwhile, they had forgotten about (Y/N) who was just staring at the TV helplessly reeling from the shock of the two's sudden entrance in the middle of Deep Cut's concert.
Pearl and Marina were finishing up their song "Tentacle to the Metal" and letting the mood simmer back down.
Pearl: Way to rock it out there!
Marina got up from the piano and walked to the front of the stage with Pearl.
Marina: Hey, Pearl? We should really get going.
Pearl: Oop! That's right. We gotta shake a leg to Inkopolis Square.
Marina: Yep. We've got eight gigs lined up there! Plus, there's that side project you said you'd help me with.
Pearl: Oh yeah, the thing you were so eager to show me? See, I can remember stuff!
She replied to Marina before turning back toward the audience and waved them goodbye.
Pearl: Take it easy, everyone!
Marina: We hope to see you again sometime!
After the two made their exit, (Y/N) realized that the other two had left him alone back here.
His mind was still reeling from the two's surprise performance here at this place he was at, but he didn't want that to get in the way of enjoying his friend's concert, so he decided to put that off for now as he rushed back out to the stage area so he could continue to watch the rest of the concert from backstage.
He was rushing back to the stage area after the other two.
(Y/N): This is Deep Cut's day. The other two left already anyway, so I can just relax and enjoy the rest of the show now, and then interrogate Big Man on what happened later with the other two.
Big Man POV
Big Man walked back onto the stage after Pearl and Marina had left.
Big Man: Ay... (Thank goodness they left before Frye and Shiver got back...)
Big Man was shocked at the sudden scream from Frye filling him with dread, but was even more worried when the music started up and he saw the big screen above him show the banner for the song "Big Betrayal".
(Y/N) had caught up with the other two and proceeded to walk up behind the other two, but stopped before walking on stage obviously, and watched as Shiver walked out first while Frye was winding herself up.
Shiver just pointed her fan right at Big Man, which unleashed the floodgates for Frye to then run up and dived right at Big Man, shoving him before she stumbled back to her place on the other side of Big Man as Shiver.
Big Man was now worriedly looking between the two as the two proceeded to start their onslaught of words in line with the music.
(Y/N) watched as Big Man helplessly tried to defend himself along with the performance.
(Y/N): Honestly, it's a really good song, alongside convenient to use if Big Man's gonna constantly do stuff like this behind the other two's backs. Making that song is really paying off.
The three had finished playing "Daybreak Anthem" after they got done with "Big Betrayal". I guess they got the anger out of their system after knocking Big Man down a peg with that song.
Big Man: Ay! (Thank you all for watching today!)
Shiver: I hate to say it, but the next song will be our last.
She said as she waved her fan to the audience.
Shiver: And the finale is...
Marina: Uh, Pearl, this doesn't seem like the exit.
Pearl had walked back up on the stage from the right side with Marina trailing behind her worriedly. In doing so, Shiver and Frye backed up a bit at the sudden shock of the spotlight hogs returning back onto their stage.
(Y/N) was left completely shocked by the return of the two since he thought the two had left earlier.
He backed up further backstage to be farther out of sight. He wanted to run away, but he also knew he couldn't just ditch his friends in the middle of their concert. He had to be there for them. So, he sucked it up for their last song and just tried to minimize his presence for them. The two would probably just be directed to the actual exit soon enough anyway.
Shiver & Frye: YOU!
The two shouted while pointing at the two who had just walked out on their stage, causing the other two idols to defensively jump backward.
Frye: Come back to mess with our big day even more, huh?!
Pearl: You sure you wanna step to me?
Pearl threw her response right back at Frye as the two leaned their heads and bodies toward the other to look intimidating.
After a few seconds of the two having their mean faces on looking at each other, the two seemed to back down with Frye no longer putting her teeth out like a growling dog, and Pearl nodding to Frye.
Frye: Heh... I see you don't back down.
Pearl: I was thinkin' the same thing, Fyre.
Big Man: Ay? (Can someone tell me what just happened?)
(Y/N) was thinking the same thing. He expected the two's personalities to clash for longer than three seconds.
Marina: Looks like they shared a moment.
Shiver: If you two don't mind...why don't we all do the last number together?
Marina: Really? You mean it?!
Frye made her stride across the stage over to Shiver shocked.
Frye: You're gonna give these clowns what they want?!
Shiver: Yeah! There's a bigger percentage in it for us!
Marina: I know every Deep Cut song ever written!
Big Man: Ay? (What about you, Pearl?)
Pearl: I can sing anything you put in front of me!
The tiny squid boasted while throwing her hands in the air.
Frye: Oh yeah? Think you can keep up with us?
Big Man: Ay! (The gauntlet's been thrown down!)
Big Man called out to the audience.
Big Man: Ay? Ay! (How about you out there? Will you sing with us?)
The crowd cheered, while Frye looked over towards (Y/N) backstage with a smile before being a bit confused at first as to where he was before noticing he was farther backstage. She was confused but he just gave a smile and a thumbs up, so she returned the smile before looking back out at the rest of the crowd.
Shiver: I think you all see the finale coming. And it goes like this!
Shiver then proceeded to do her dance and sing the lyrics that the crowd is meant to sing along with when the song gets to that point.
Shiver: "Yaa ra yaa rarayaaraa yara!" Got it?
Frye: They'll figure it out as we go!
Pearl: BOOYAH! Let's make some NOISE!
Frye: Then take it away, leader!
Shiver: Way ahead of you! Listen up! It's going down... We're ending this the only way we can!
Frye: Let's rock the heavens and the earth!
Big Man: Ay! (It's a smorgasbord of sound!)
Marina suddenly had a keyboard guitar as the song started and all five of them started rocking out.
(Y/N) was really worried as Pearl was the closest to him on the stage, so he hoped she didn't notice him over here to where he had backed up to.
The large collab of the two groups were performing the song and it was going great.
Pearl: I'm LOVING this vibe!
Marina: Let's amp it up even further!
Frye: This is the perfect way to close it out!
Big Man: Ay. (You've really got the chops, Off the Hook.)
Shiver interrupted Big Man's praise to bring the other four all to attention.
Shiver: Alright, the song's not over yet!
Shiver, Frye, and Big Man then went back to it and started this bit of the song how they usually did.
Shiver and Frye then swapped sides of the stage.
They continued to perform the song until all five started moving in sync with the dance moves for a bit before all going back to their own moves.
Pearl and Marina soon after started to cross the stage only to meet in the center with Big Man while Shiver and Frye went farther out to the sides of the stage they were at.
When Frye came close to the side of the stage (Y/N) was at, she quickly ushered for him to come closer to the stage but she saw he seemed a bit put off by it. She didn't understand what was up with him, but she then went back to performing while Pearl and Marina were still performing their part of the song.
Pearl and Marina's part ended with the music getting more bombastic as Shiver shouted out to the audience.
Shiver: Sing it, everyone!
Everyone: ♪Yaa ra yaa rarayaaraa yara! Yaaraa yaararayaaraaraa♪
Big Man: Aaay! (All together now!)
Frye looked over to (Y/N) to see he hadn't been singing along with the rest of the crowd.
Pearl: That's the loudest you can go?! MORE!
The crowd did it once more, but (Y/N) still hadn't joined along in it.
Marina: Now we hear you!
The crowd did it once again, but Frye looked over and saw (Y/N) still wasn't going along with it, not wanting to risk drawing attention to himself from the other performers.
Frye called out to the audience but made sure beforehand to stare (Y/N) seriously in the eyes with a pleading look before exclaiming outward to the audience.
Frye: Here comes the big finish!
(Y/N) knew he couldn't let Frye down, so he decided to scream out the lyrics with the rest of the audience, but just before it started, Frye and Pearl once again swapped places. He was worried but he still couldn't bear to let Frye down so kept going along with it.
So, he sang along still anyway and just hoped for the best.
Luckily for him, Pearl didn't seem to notice. Perhaps too busy with the song or not being able to hear him specifically to her right over the rest of the crowd.
The five performers finished up the song and ended up meeting in the middle of the stage before yelling out--
Shiver, Pearl, Frye, Marina, & Big Man: SPLATOON!
Once it was all done, the five relaxed and enjoyed the performance they had just done with some of them waving to the audience.
Big Man was the first to turn around and walk off the back of the stage, followed by Shiver and Marina. This left Pearl and Frye on stage as the others were all walking off.
The two squids eyed each other down before smirking and bumping elbows. The two then walked off stage together, both with a fist in the air.
(Y/N) was clapping with the rest of the audience at the performance, but once the five of them had walked back off the stage, it cleared his view to the other side of the stage where he saw behind the curtains on the other side was a familiar Octoling.
(Y/N) froze his clapping without realizing it.
There stood his roommate, Veronica who was looking off to where the five performers had walked so she hadn't seen him.
She was wearing a purple-ish/black t-shirt along with a black, fuzzy band on each of her wrists.
He thought about how her hair looked like it had grown longer since he last saw her.
He was hesitating on the situation and thought about walking right over to her, but if he did... what would he say? He wanted to see her, and there she was, right across from him.
For a second, he decided he'd swallow his feelings and walk right over to her, but after taking one step, she ran off backstage without her ever knowing he was even there.
He brought his foot back and looked back down sadly. The thought crossed his mind to chase after her, but... he couldn't do that anymore. Perhaps it was for the best she never knew. He then thought about meeting up with Frye, Shiver, and Big Man before realizing they were off with Pearl and Marina.
He was alone.
He put his hands in his pockets and turned around before walking away on his own.
He gave a smile filled with melancholy while talking to himself lowly.
(Y/N): It was an amazing show.
Frye POV
Shiver was trying to talk up Marina about how much money could she expect Off the Hook to net Deep Cut for this show the two had barged in on which led to Marina giving a nervous smile and brushing off the interrogation she was now under.
Frye was chatting up Pearl who she had quickly taken a liking to when suddenly a random Octoling ran up to the group of idols.
???: That was such an exhilarating show!
Shiver: Woah, hold up, we can't have fans just running up to us after a show.
Pearl: Chill, Shiver, she's with us.
Marina: Yeah, this is Eight.
Frye: Eight? The heck kinda name is Eight?
Eight: It's sort of a nickname that just stuck.
She said with an innocent smile.
Frye: Well, nice ta meetcha "Eight".
Marina: It's not a problem that we brought someone else with us back here, is it?
Shiver: Nah, we brought our own baggage. He's somewhere back here.
Pearl: What, ya got a servant with ya here?
Shiver: Something like that, yeah.
Frye: He's my boyfriend!
Pearl: Ain't no way you're pullin' a boyfriend with that big of a forehead.
Pearl teased with a cocky grin.
Frye: Look who's talkin'! I can see my reflection in that thing!
Frye's remark caused Pearl's face to grow a bit red.
Pearl: Why I oughta-
Shiver: Cool it, you two. The show's already over. Any other entertainment we'd have to reschedule and make money off of another time.
Marina: Yeah, plus we still have to get going, Pearl. Those other gigs aren't gonna wait.
Pearl: What if I pay them enough?
Marina: Pearl, no. Come on, Eight. Can you carry my keytar?
Eight: No problem!
She said while giddily taking the keytar from Marina before messing around with it as if she knew how to play it while following after Marina.
Frye: Check in with us some time so we can hang out some more.
Frye said while holding out a fist.
Pearl looked at the fist then up at Frye before smiling and fistbumping her.
Pearl: Ya better have some good entertainment in the Splatlands to show us next time we're here.
Frye: Way better than some dinky Inkopolis.
Frye said with an equally cocky grin as the two continued to push their fists against each other harder.
Marina: Pearl, we've gotta go!
Pearl: Oops! I'm on my way!
Pearl said while charging after Marina and Eight and giving a two-fingered salute back to the three.
Shiver: Okay, now where did our idiot run off to?
Big Man: Ay? (Probably waiting in the backstage room?)
Frye: He better be, I'm gonna need to talk to him about his lacking performance he was giving during the finale.
She said with her arms crossed.
They opened the door ready to celebrate with him but they saw no one there.
Shiver: Ugh, he can never make things easy, can he?
Big Man: Ay? Aay? (Where could he be? He was there for the final performance, wasn't he?)
Frye thought about how weird he was acting during that last song when she looked at him off stage. She doesn't get what was up with him.
Frye sighed.
Frye: You two go on ahead, I can find him.
Shiver: You sure?
Frye: Yep, I know him like the back of my hand.
She said while holding up her hand before noticing a spot on her hand.
Frye: Ooh, that's new.
Shiver: Right... Well, if you can't find him, call us and we'll hunt him down together.
Frye: I'm sure I can sniff him out on my own.
Big Man: Ay? (How are you gonna sniff him out?)
Frye: I've got a nose for treasure.
She said before sniffing the air and leaving the two on their own.
Shiver: Weird. Welp, let's get going, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay!
Frye was sniffing around the area following where it was leading her when she finally saw him.
She went to happily jump him but then noticed something about how he was carrying himself didn't seem right.
He was sitting down facing away from her with sunken shoulders while looking down kicking his feet.
She had stopped herself and thought about the situation.
(Y/N) was just sitting alone, no one there with him. However, this had suddenly changed when he felt two arms slither around him like two firm eels along with feeling someone's head resting atop his own.
He looked up to see it was none other than his girlfriend, Frye, before he looked back down worriedly.
(Y/N): I'm sorry I wasn't giving it my all for most of the final song, Frye.
Frye didn't say anything.
(Y/N): But hey, I did well during that final part of the song though, huh?
He said with a fake smile.
Frye still didn't respond or move her arms or head.
(Y/N): It was an awesome concert you all put on. Y'all rocked the house!
He said while turning his head upward to try and pass off his fake smile while looking right into her eyes.
She did nothing but look right down at him with a pitiful look.
Frye: What happened, (Y/N)..?
Seeing the concerned look in her eyes as she asked him such a simple question broke a barrier inside of him that he was holding back and before he knew it, he had begun crying.
Frye didn't say anything, but instead comfortingly squeezed the arms she had around him to let him feel it was okay to let it all out because she was there for him.
5597 Words
April 17, 2024 - 6:56 A.M.
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