S3C Chapter 2: Same Squid, Different Adventure
Honestly, I don't know what's causing it, but I'm just feeling like writing more of this story again these past couple of days. I finally made the return to the story the other day, but there's more I want to write right now, I was just struggling to figure out how I wanted to do it, so here we go. Another chapter already!
I am going to be trying to see which way I like writing better right now, so I might write chapters in some different ways for a little bit to get a feel for it.
Narrator POV
An Inkling is walking over the dunes in a seemingly endless desert. Their footsteps in the sand going on across the desert and into the horizon.
As they reached the top of the large dune they were crawling over by the time they got up it, the beautiful sightline of Splatsville, the City of Chaos, in the Splatlands. The Inkling smiled taking in that their long journey had finally come to an end. And then the smile disappeared as they quickly jutted their head over at the sight of a train line through the desert that the Inkling had just finished their tumultuous journey walking, and at times crawling, through.
~Some time later~
3rd Person POV
(Y/N): I must be... the only person... dumb enough to... walk through this desert...
At this point, (Y/N) was just crawling around and rolling down the dunes. Suddenly, he saw an oasis with fresh water not too far, to which he got up trying to run so fast he kept tripping over himself. When he got to it, he was scooping up the water with his hands to drink it.
Unbeknownst to him, there were looming figures approaching him on the small hill just behind him.
???: What do we have here? Is someone hoarding goodies to himself?
The feminine voice spoke from behind her mask before the other masked woman spoke up.
???: Say it with sizzle... I'm Frye!
???: You think you're cool? Sharks call ME cold-blooded. But you can call me Shiver!
???: Ay! (Make money! Get fish quick!) Ay! (Big Man in the house!)
Frye: The Splatlands are OUR turf!
Shiver: Only WE may loot here.
Big Man: Ay! (Yeah!)
All three of them: We are... Deep Cut!
The three sat in silence as (Y/N) kept doing what he was doing before the yellow-masked Inkling spoke up once again.
Frye: Uh... I don't think he's paying attention to us... also why is he eating sand?
Hearing this, (Y/N) realized there was no water or oasis and it was just in his mind, as he spat up the sand trying to brush it all off of his tongue.
Frye: Oh never mind, I guess he could hear us, he was just ignoring us... ʳᵘᵈᵉ.
(Y/N): This is it, I'm going to just dehydrate here and die surrounded by stage clowns.
He said trying to cry himself, but he didn't have the tears to come out, so he just plopped face down into the sand, accepting his fate.
Shiver: Are you sure he doesn't have anything useful?
The blue Octoling questioned as the yellow Inkling was checking his pockets and patting him down.
Frye: Nada. He's broke.
Shiver sighed turning away from the desert bum while sighing.
Shiver: We wasted the intro and everything on someone with nothing to steal? I guess we should just call it a day with the bandit-ing and just head back to the hideout.
She spoke as she summoned Master Mega to appear to them.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (Should we help him? He doesn't look like he's doing so hot.)
Shiver: Nah, not our business. And besides, he couldn't afford our help. Just hop on Master Mega.
Big Man: Ay? (Frye?)
Frye: I trust in Shiver. She's a good moral compass.
She said as she hopped on top of Master Mega after Shiver causing Big Man to sweat a bit while questioning Frye's statement.
Big Man looked back at (Y/N) in the sand, still face down.
Frye: Hurry up, Big Man! We've gotta get back to the hideout so we can check out all of the loot we s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ found fair and square!
Frye said as she was checking out all the loot she was holding onto as she felt Big Man hop on the back of Master Mega, causing Shiver to command Master Mega to return to base.
Master Mega pulled in through the big loading door as they did a loop around the big main room of Deep Cut's hideout before the three hopped off and Shiver thanked Master Mega.
Shiver: Okay, before we do anything else, let's check out the loot.
Frye: Loot check!
The two dumped their bags of loot in the center of the room and started scrounging through the pile.
Meanwhile Big Man was walking away with his fins behind his back, which caught the attention of Shiver with a passing glance, causing her to glare at him and call out to him.
Shiver: Where are you running off to, Big Man?
Big Man: Ay? Ay? (Who? Me?)
Big Man was now sweating, and Frye was now also alerted to Big Man's suspicious nature.
Frye: Big Man, you're not hoarding some loot to yourself, are you?
Big Man: Ay? Ay! (What? Never!)
Shiver: Then you wouldn't mind showing us what you've got behind your back, would you?
Big Man: Ay, ay. (I don't have anything, just a cup to get me something to drink.)
Frye was now approaching on Big Man with Shiver doing so as well behind her.
Frye: You don't have anything or you have a cup? Which is it?
Big Man was now sweating profusely as the two got up close to him.
Big Man: AY! Ay, ay... (ALRIGHT! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's not loot...)
Big Man then proceeded to bring out the unconcious Inkling they ran into in the desert and set him down on the floor gently.
Big Man: Ay, ay. (He just looked like he was really in trouble, and I didn't want it on my concious if something bad happened to him.)
Shiver sighed as she put her fan in front of her face while Frye pouted.
Frye: So now extra loot?
Shiver gave Frye a light smack with the fan.
Frye: Ah! Hey! I'm just saying, it's not the biggest haul today, I was hoping Big Man was holding out on us a bit.
Shiver ignored Frye as she went back to Big Man.
Shiver: Fine, Big Man, but it's your responsibility.
Frye: Yeah, we're not going to walk it or feed it or anything like that.
Big Man: Ay! (You can't just talk about him like he's a pet!)
Big Man exclaimed as he got a cup and filled it with water from the sink. As he went to give it to him, he realized he was still unconcious and wasn't sure how to get him to drink it. He started at first putting it towards his mouth before he just decided it was best to just poor it over his head.
(Y/N): Water!
(Y/N) quickly jumped up awake and drinking the rest of the water in the cup before looking around and seeing the sink, to which he immediately ran over to and started drinking right from the faucet.
The three members of Deep Cut all jumped back at his quick wake up.
He slowly backed up from the faucet taking his breath.
Shiver: Is tha-
He quickly shot back to the sink and drank even more.
Deep Cut: . . .
He once again broke away from the faucet.
(Y/N): Okay, I'm good.
Shiver: Are yo-
She was cut off by him drinking from the sink again. Shiver was now feeling her patience was being tested.
For a third, and hopefully final time, he stopped drinking from the sink and faced the three in front of him. No one in the room was saying anything.
(Y/N): So...?
Shiver: Is that all-!
(Y/N) ran back for the sink.
Shiver's anger started to flare. Luckily Big Man stopped him since he was getting a bit nervous at just how angry Shiver might get if this back and forth keeps going.
Big Man: Ay. (I think you've had enough for the moment.)
(Y/N): Sorry, sorry. I just walked across a WHOLE desert! I was a little thirsty.
Shiver: Why didn't you just take a plane?
(Y/N): Good question.
Frye: Why didn't you just take the train?
(Y/N): Good question!
Big Man: Ay? (Why didn't you bring any water?)
(Y/N): GOOD QUESTION- oh my cod, why didn't I bring any water..? IT WAS A DESERT! Look! I was on my way to Splatsville, I knew it was across the desert, and I didn't know there were planes that flew here, and I didn't see the train tracks... the entire way here...
Frye and Shiver busted out laughing at him.
(Y/N) was embarassed by his disease known as "lack of brain" and just continued speaking.
(Y/N): So where am I anyway? I've still gotta make my way to Splatsville.
Shiver: Well this is actually our secret hideout, located in Splatsville.
Shiver made sure to clap her fan when emphasizing "secret" and glaring at Big Man, causing him to nervous sweat and rub what would be his neck if he weren't a manta ray.
(Y/N): Wait, so I'm actually here finally...
Frye: So what brings you by our fair city in the first place?
(Y/N): I was in the mood for a... let's call it change of scenery.
Big Man gave him (Y/N) a hug.
Big Man: Ay! (Well you've made it here! It's an awesome place!)
(Y/N): Woah, quite the hugger, huh? But yeah, thanks. For the welcome and for not letting me die.
Frye: We would never let that happen.
Frye said while smiling and just standing next to Shiver, hiding herself behind her fan. Big Man meanwhile stared right at them remembering how they were both going to leave him in the desert.
(Y/N): It's been fun, but I'm sorta excited about actually checking out the city-
Shiver: Not so fast.
(Y/N) looked over confused at Shiver, but Frye and Big Man were pretty sure they knew where Shiver was going.
(Y/N): Is something wrong?
Shiver: Yes, actually. We helped you out when you were in need of it, so I believe we're owed some... compensation.
(Y/N): I was going to die though.
Shiver: But you didn't. You're welcome. So it's time to pay the piper.
(Y/N): Oh, uh, sorry but I don't have any money on me or anything like that.
Shiver: That's a shame, then I guess you're going to have to work off that debt, aren't you?
(Y/N): What kind of work?
Shiver: Anything we might need of you.
Frye: Besides, you know our secret hideout's location now, so we can't just let you leave. Or else we'd have to kill ya!
(Y/N) gulped at the last part.
Big Man: Ay, ay. (Don't worry, she's not serious... I think...)
Shiver: First off, where are you staying, so we know where to reach you.
(Y/N) gave a nervous laugh to her question.
(Y/N): I, uh... don't actually have any place to stay. I was planning on finding some place after getting here.
Shiver, Frye, and Big Man all just stared at him as if they were reading some complex question.
Shiver: So, you walked across the desert with no water and had no plans on what you would do when you even made it here and no money to do anything...
(Y/N): Well... when you say it like that, it sounds a little stupid, hehe...
Frye: Big Man, I think you interfered with natural selection.
Shiver: Well, I guess you're staying here in the hideout. We don't want you ditching town or dying in some alley until after you've paid us back. You can take the one room by Big Man's room upstairs on the left side. I'm pretty sure there's some old couch there.
(Y/N): Rolling out the red carpet, huh...
Shiver: It's an abandoned building. We've got plenty of unused rooms but we're not going to put needless furniture in them all. Just be glad we're giving you a place here in the first place.
Big Man: Ay. Ay! (It's not so bad when you get used to it, it's actually pretty cool. That's why we made it our secret hideout!)
(Y/N): It beats sleeping next to a dumpster, I guess.
Frye: Well, if Shiver's got all that settled out, we can get back to the loot now.
Frye spoke up as she gave a wave behind her while walking back to scavenging the loot pile.
Shiver: Big Man, you get him acquainted with his new facilities.
Shiver told Big Man as she headed back to the loot pile with Frye.
Big Man: Ay, ay! (Come on then, let's get you familiar with the place!)
Big Man said while giving a wave to (Y/N) who follow him.
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay. (This place was an abandone factory or something, I'm not really sure, but it means we've got plenty of stuff across the place. Frye and Shiver sorta keep the right side of the place as the girls side while the left side here is for the boys. There's bathrooms on both sides so everyone isn't crowding to get into it.)
(Y/N): Convenient. But from experience, there'll probably still be some issues that are run into.
Big Man: Ay, ay. (There aren't as many showers or baths though of course with it being a place.)
(Y/N): There it is.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (Don't worry, it just means it's more like a locker room for boys and another for girls for the basics of the place kinda, so there's no worrying about anything bad happening. I do realize I'm not going to have one to myself now though... no more long bubble baths for me...)
(Y/N): Bathtubs in a locker room?
Big Man: Ay. (Well it's not like we haven't renovated the place or anything to make it more hospitable.)
(Y/N) nodded understanding that he's probably not the first person that blue-haired Octoling has probably gotten a ton of money out of
(Y/N): [What have I gotten myself into exactly...]
He thought to himself realizing he's basically going to be under constant watch and scrutiny from a loan shark now. He sighed.
Big Man: Ay! Ay, ay. (This here is my room, feel free to ask me for help if you need any any time! As for your room, feel free to take any of these couple alongside it here.)
(Y/N): Thanks, I'll just take this one here then.
Big Man: Ay, ay! (Good choice, the others are haunted.)
(Y/N): Wha- really?
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay. (I don't know, but it's a big, spooky, abandoned building, I wouldn't put it past the idea of seeing a ghost or something.)
(Y/N): I've been noticing, you're a nice guy and kinda get nervous around the other two a bunch. Do they force you to do all of this stuff?
Big Man: Ay? Ay, ay! (What? Not at all. Sure, they can be scary sometimes, but they're actually really nice and my best friends.)
(Y/N): You do remember the blue Octoling who just extorted me in a life or death situation, right?
Big Man: Ay? Ay, ay. Ay. (You mean Shiver? She really likes money, but we're still bandits. Honor among thieves sort of things. Like Robin Hood.)
(Y/N): I'll take your words for it, big guy.
Big Man: Ay. (It's Big Man, not big guy.)
(Y/N): Sorry, didn't mean it like that. Well, I guess I'll check out my... new room.
Big Man: Ay, ay! (I'll get you some spare sheets and blankets to make it more comfortable.)
Big Man started running off to get the items he mentioned, but quickly stopped himself.
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay. (Oh, I almost forgot, but do you have a phone?)
(Y/N): I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I lost it somewhere out in the desert.
Big Man: Ay. (Uh oh.)
(Y/N): Why "uh oh"?
Big Man: Ay, ay. (Either it's never being found, or we find it and Frye and Shiver will probably sell it.
(Y/N): Yeah, that figures...
Big Man: Ay, ay. Ay. (If it makes you feel any better, if it was still on you, Frye probably was already going to steal it anyway. I'll try and see if I can find it before they do while we're out there.)
(Y/N): Yeah, that does help a bit. Thanks, Big Man. You're a pretty cool dude.
Big Man gave a wink and shaped his fin like a thumbs up before running off to go fetch the items he said he'd get.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) finally entered the room he had chosen out for himself. It was basically empty and slightly run down, but at least there was some cheap small two-seater couch that looks like something you'd find in an office.
(Y/N): Well, if nothing else, I've got something to sleep on.
He proceeded to plop his rear onto the couch and rest his head in his hands for a minute before looking outside the windows. There wasn't really much to be seen with how crowded all the buildings were in the city, but he could get a bit of a view of the city from an angle as the sun was setting outside.
(Y/N): Okay, maybe the journey wasn't that great, but maybe the destination itself will be better... after I'm not being haggled out of any value I've got. How's the old addage go? It's not about the journey, it's the destination that matters? Yeah, yeah, pretty sure that's how it goes.
He rested his arms and head on the back of the couch while still enjoying the look of the city from the window.
(Y/N): Well, I wanted to meet new people and have exciting new adventures. At least this is sure to not be boring, and Big Man seems like a cool dude at least if nothing else.
He sat his head up, refusing to let it all get to him day one in this new place.
(Y/N): Yeah, what am I doing. I can make this work! It's too early to let everything get to me.
Now with rejuvinated moxie, he laid back onto the couch.
(Y/N): Tomorrow is a new day!
The setting sun was shining a bit into his eyes from the window causing him to block the light from his eyes.
(Y/N): A new day to get curtains...
2952 Words
December 18, 2023 - 1:52 A.M.
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