S3C Chapter 19: Trouble is Afin
Happy late Easter and Happy early April Fools Day!
Marie POV
Marie was patiently kneeling in front of the door, staring at the door as if to try and make what she wanted to see materialize. When that didn't work, she would start to look down sadly.
Just then, she jumped at the sudden noise of the doorknob being turned. She had to make sure she was really seeing it, and when she realized she was, she expectantly got up on her two feet and stood there holding a breath of air in without realizing it as the door opened.
Just then, the door opened up to reveal someone Marie was very familiar with standing there and smiling at Marie at the sight of her.
Callie: Aw man, I was hoping to surprise you two in the act.
Marie: Callie?! What are you doing here?
Callie happily walked past Marie and was looking around the house as she explained.
Callie: Well, I got home ready to happily hear the good news with you, but you weren't there. So, I'm just left wondering, "Where the hey is she?" And then I realized, "She's probably over at (Y/N)'s without me again." And since every time I say I'll come over, you always try and stop me saying, "He's not home right now," I figured you can't stop me if I don't tell you I'm coming over.
Callie was still peering into some rooms.
Callie: Speaking of which, where is (Y/N)?
Marie: He's not here right now...
Callie: Are you kidding me?!
She quickly checked his room to see he wasn't in there either which made her sigh. Callie turned around back to face Marie, but she also looked over into Veronica's room where she saw a letter resting on the bed that caught her eye before Marie shut the door in front of Callie.
Marie: So, what was that "good news" you were talking about?
Callie: What? Oh yeah! Don't tell me you seriously forgot, Marie.
Marie: It looks like you just forgot for a minute as well.
Callie: Shushy! Now, do I need to remind you of that thing we've been working on for a little while now? The thing that finally comes out today..?
Marie then looked like she realized what Callie was talking about and put her hand on her forehead as she looked down at how forgetful she had been.
Marie: "Liquid Sunshine". Right, I'm sorry, Callie.
Marie then smiled at Callie.
Marie: So, should we listen to it now?
Callie: Well, we cooouuuuld, but this wasn't just a Squid Sisters song, and "Ian BGM" will be heading by our studio to celebrate with us.
She clarified while putting up air quotes with her fingers when she mentioned "Ian BGM".
Marie: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go meet him there.
Marie said while heading toward the front door.
Callie: Well, we're already here, should we wait for (Y/N) to come back and bring him with us?
Marie: No... he won't be back for a while...
She said while looking a bit sullen before she snapped herself out of it and threw a smile back on her face.
Marie: Let's skedaddle now.
Callie: If you say so.
Callie replied while rushing out the door in front of Marie, while Marie looked back into the house for a moment while standing in the doorway.
Callie: Marie, are you coming or what?
Marie: Yeah, right behind you, Cal.
She said before shutting the door.
Shiver POV
Shiver was stretching her arms as she walked into the main room of the hideout.
She saw Frye lying down across the couch while using Big Man's laptop.
Shiver: Did Big Man let you use his laptop?
Frye: Not sure, he wasn't here to say no.
Shiver: He's not? Where's he out today?
Frye: I don't know. He didn't even say he was going anywhere, so I thought he was just reading in his room when I went to snatch- ask to use his laptop.
Shiver: Well, that's good, because-
Shiver interrupted herself by taking the laptop out of Frye's hands.
Shiver: -I need to use the laptop right now.
Frye: Hey!
Frye got upset and stood on top of the couch ready to snatch the laptop back from Shiver.
Frye: I had it first!
Shiver: Well I've got it now.
She said with a smug smirk which was quickly interrupted by Frye diving at Shiver knocking both of the two to the ground.
Shiver: Frye, cut it out!
Shiver snarled as she was using her hand to try and push Frye's face to get her off of her.
Frye: How about you wait your turn, huh?
Shiver: Never!
Frye: Then you have chosen DEATH!
(Y/N) had come out of his room upon hearing another of the two girl's brawls and was now just standing over the two on the floor.
(Y/N): What are you two fighting about this time?
Frye: She took the computer from me!
Shiver: Yeah, but I really wanted it!
Frye: Then you shall pay the pri-! Oh hey, new Squid Sisters song just dropped.
Shiver: Ooh, really?
The two got up off of each other and then both looked at the laptop screen.
(Y/N): I'm glad to see your fight has been resolved.
He said calmly as he started to walk away.
Shiver: What's it called?
Frye: "Liquid Sunshine". It's a collab with someone called "Ian BGM".
Shiver: Who the heck is Ian BGM?
Frye: How should I know?
The two then locked in on the picture of the three song artists, especially as the two narrowed their eyes on this third person with the Squid Sisters.
Once the two were done staring at the screen, they stared back at each other.
Shiver & Frye: THAT TRAITOR!
(Y/N) was stopped in his tracks as he shut his eyes and sighed.
(Y/N): And they just got done fighting...
He said to himself before turning back around and going over to the two raving women.
(Y/N): I know I probably shouldn't ask, but what happened?
(Y/N): Are you sure Big Man did that?
Shiver: He even tried to hide his identity by using a pseudonym! And it's just an anagram for Big Man!
Frye: He also tried wearing a disguise in the picture too!
(Y/N): Okay, I take back my objection...
He felt a little bad about giving up on defending Big Man so quickly, but he could see Big Man brought this upon himself.
(Y/N): Wait a minute... can you play the song?
He asked after coming to a realization causing Shiver to pause for a moment and consider his question.
Shiver: Are you sure you want to listen to a Squid Sisters song?
She asked while placing emphasis on the "Squid Sisters" part.
Frye: Oh, because of what happened last time we played a Squid Sisters song?
Shiver: Yeah, yeah, because of that.
Shiver said while looking away.
(Y/N): I'll be fine, I just want to see if I'm right about something.
Frye: Well... if you're sure... plus we have to see exactly how mad we should be at him.
Frye said before she hit play.
The three were listening to the song. As it went on, Shiver and Frye got more upset as they recognized Big Man's iconic "Ay"'s throughout the song, but (Y/N) also was listening carefully and came to his own conclusion.
(Y/N): Big Man, you big liar!
Shiver and Frye both looked at (Y/N) confusedly as they had expected each other to be doing what he was doing, but not him.
Shiver: Wow, you're really upset for us, huh?
Frye: Aw, you care so much about me. Don't worry, we'll make him pay.
She said while coddling him.
(Y/N): What I mean is, I know this beat he used in this song. I caught him making this song, but he told me he was making it as a surprise for you two, so I shouldn't tell you two!
Shiver & Frye: WHAT?!
Shiver: Oh we're surprised alright!
Frye: He's really gonna get it now!
Shiver: He probably got out of here in anticipation of us finding out!
Frye: I bet he's out with those snooty Inkopolis idols right now!
(Y/N): Do you think he'll even be back here today?
Frye: Oh he definitely will, he forgot some of his stuff here that he needs, so he'll be back.
Marie POV
Callie: Cheers, to a successful song debut!
Callie exclaimed while holding up her drink for the other two to clink their drinks.
Marie: Yeah, we're grateful for you coming up with this idea "Ian".
Big Man: Ay? Ay! (Come on, can you two stop making fun of that? It's a safety precaution!)
Callie: Come on, Shiver and Frye aren't that bad, they're sweet angels.
Big Man: Ay. (You can see how much of angels they are if they ever find out I did this.)
Marie: How could they possibly find out? You did such a great job covering up your involvement.
She said with a sarcastic tone that Big Man didn't notice.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (I know, but they could still find out. It's like they can tell when I'm lying somehow.)
Marie: Noooo.
Marie once again spoke with sarcasm that went over Big Man's head.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. Ayy. (It's true! Also, Frye's boyfriend did listen to me working on the song. I had to convince him it was a surprise I was working on for the other two so he wouldn't tell them.)
Callie: Ooh, yeah, you messed up, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay?
Marie: Yeah, expecting him to keep it from his own girlfriend? You've signed your life away with that move.
Big Man: Ay. (I'm sure he wouldn't tell them.)
Marie: Would they not punish him if he kept it from them?
Big Man: . . .
Marie: That's what I thought.
Big Man: Ayy. (It's fine, I don't think he even likes to listen to Squid Sisters music, so he won't tell them.)
Callie: He WHAT?! That is NOT fine! He's definitely not good enough for her!
Marie: Settle down, Callie.
Callie: How am I supposed to do that? What beef does that uncultured-...
Callie stopped to look at Big Man for his guidance.
Big Man: Ay. (Squid.)
Callie: -That uncultured squid have against us?!
Marie: Callie, you realize there's probably tons of people who don't like our music.
Callie: No way!
Marie: Ugh... can we just go back to celebrating the song's release?
She asked having tired of sarcastically listening to Big Man's worries about his two bandmates.
Callie: Okay, but you make him listen to this song when you get back, Big Man!
Big Man: Ay?! (Did you not hear how that would be a death wish for me if I did?!)
Callie: It was great having you here, Big Man.
Marie: Yeah, and again, thanks for doing this collab with us.
Big Man was blushing embarrassedly.
Big Man: Ay. (Oh, it was nothing. Hehe)
Marie: And just remember, Big Man...
Big Man was listening happily.
Marie: If they find out and try to kill you, don't lead them back to us.
Big Man gulped.
Big Man: A-Ay... (I-I'm sure it won't come to that...)
Big Man POV
Big Man peered into the hideout trying to see if he could see Shiver or Frye inside the main room.
Luckily for him, neither of the two friends of his were in sight or even (Y/N) for that matter.
He then crept his way inside.
Big Man: Ay... (If I can just make it to my room, grab my stuff, and get out, I'm good...)
Just then, he was blindsided by someone appearing right in front of him causing him to jump out of fright.
(Y/N): Whoa, a bit jumpy today, aren't you, Big Man? Something wrong?
Big Man: Ay? Ay? Ay! (What? Me? No, of course not!)
(Y/N): It's fine, calm down a bit, Big Man. You're acting like you did something wrong.
Big Man: Ay! Ay? (I would never! Also, where are the others? Are Shiver and Frye here?)
(Y/N): No, those two got bored and went home earlier today.
Big Man: Ay. (Phew.)
(Y/N): Speaking of which, where have you been today?
Big Man became nervous at this line of questioning.
Big Man: Ay... ay. Ayy! Ay! (Oh you know... around, hehe... Anyway, I've got to grab something from my room real quick! See ya!)
Big Man said to smoothly dodge his further questioning before heading off toward his room.
Big Man: [ Ayy. Ay? Ay. Ay. (That was close, he nearly masterfully got everything out of me. How does he do it? At least the others aren't here. I can get in and get out.)]
Big Man entered his room and quickly started looking around for his things.
Big Man: Ay? Ay- (Where are they? I swear I left them right-)
Shiver: -Here?
Big Man's eyes then shot open wide, but he was too stunned to immediately turn around to face the people who were waiting behind him by the doorway.
(Y/N): Sorry I lied to you Big Man, but they were so surprised by that song you were making for them that they wanted to show you and they wanted me to keep that a surprise for you.
Big Man: A-A-Ay! (W-W-Wait, you guys, I can explain!)
Shiver: Get him, Frye!
Shiver said while pointing her fan toward Big Man causing Frye to charge at him before he could try and run far.
Big Man: Ay! (Wait!)
Frye didn't stop at all and dived onto Big Man's back and pulled him down to the ground for Shiver to also sit on his back.
Frye: Did you really think we wouldn't find out, Big Man?!
Big Man: Ay! Ay! (I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do anything wrong!)
Shiver: Do ya seriously expect us to buy that lame excuse?!
Big Man: Ay! (Please, I'll make it up to you two somehow!)
Shiver and Frye mischievously smiled at each other at hearing these words.
(Y/N) and Frye were stuffing their faces full of the buffet food to see who could eat more food faster while Shiver cheered them on back and forth for who she thought was winning at the given moment.
Big Man: Ay? (Can I take a break from writing, please?)
Shiver: Hmm... How's the song going so far?
Big Man: Ay... ay? Ay! Ay! (I mean... it's going? It's a song! I can't write it overnight!)
Shiver: Sorry, Big Man, no can do. Deep Cut needs their next hit song.
She said while evilly giggling.
Big Man: Ay?! Ayyy? (Isn't it bad enough that you two are making me write my own diss track?! Can I at least have some of the food from this buffet that you dragged me to, to stuff your faces while I work on this song?)
Shiver: Of course you can, we're not cruel, Big Man. You're the one paying for this buffet after all.
She said with an evil smile on her face while he just accepted the punishment the two were dishing out to him.
Shiver: Frye, pass Big Man some food. He'll need it to stimulate that brain of his to get the creative ink flowing.
Frye still had a bunch of food in her cheeks while she passed a bowl over to Big Man.
Frye: Okay, buh it counfs to mah numbuhs.
(Y/N): Thaf's no faiw!
He chimed in while his mouth was also still full to call out her trying to cheat.
Big Man just shed a tear while taking a bit of the upsettingly delicious food he was treating the four to.
Big Man: Ay... (Thanks for at least giving me the bandage for my face after you two knocked me to the ground...)
Shiver: Aw, of course, Big Man. Y'know how much we care about you. We just want you to show you care about us too.
She said with a devilish grin.
??? POV
The woman was sitting at a tiny table in a room while working on a laptop.
???: No, it wasn't like that, it was more like... yeah! That's it.
She said while using the tablet to shape it right.
???: But what about... no, his eyes should be more like...
She grew a bit of blush on her face thinking about it as she messed with the tablet a bit more in order to get it the final details right.
???: Yeah, it's perfect...
She said as she rested her head on her hands, feeling her tentacles drip down over her hands as she looked at the model she had been making on her laptop. She smiled at her handiwork and thought of how happy staring at the now-completed model made her.
???: You're based on someone strong I know, so I just hope you can have at least a fraction of his strength so you can protect this little world of mine~.
She was cut off by the sound of someone knocking on her door causing her to jump up embarrassedly at how she had been gushing over her creation.
???: Hey, 'Rina, you still awake in there?
Marina: Y-Yeah, Pearl, I was just doing something a bit before bed, but I'm done now.
Pearl: Okay, just checking on you before I clocked out for the night. We got a show tomorrow after all.
Marina: Okay, good night, Pearlie.
Pearl: Night, yo.
Marina heard Pearl walk away from the door causing Marina to let out a breath of air along with a tiny giggle.
Marina looked back at the laptop and smiled.
Marina: Maybe a little more work wouldn't hurt.
She said before going back to typing more on her laptop to get some more work done.
2785 Words
April 1, 2024 - 3:21 A.M.
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