S3C Chapter 18: What Are They Up To?
It's been a while since I've written one of these pre-chapter messages. I haven't really had much interesting to say or not. I still don't. That said, I did want to put a message, and I want to thank all of you who read and enjoy this story. Every single comment, vote, or even read make me the happiest person alive. Seeing people enjoy this story in any way makes me happy to check Wattpad, and makes me happy and excited to write the next chapter, no matter how much I get stumped on what I should actually do for said chapter.
(Y/N) was sleeping in his room, happily willing to ignore whatever time it was as he felt the pain that was consciousness taking over him as his eyes fluttered open.
He was happy to feel the weight of his girlfriend lying beside him, face-down into the pillow, despite the fact that her pointy ears were poking his face.
He was less happy and more taken aback however at the realization that Shiver was standing over the two of them, sipping her drink.
(Y/N): Woah! What, uh... what're you up to?
Shiver: Waiting for one of you to wake up. You know ya really shouldn't let her sleep like that with the forehead she's got.
Frye shifted a bit lifting her head up while trying to get a look at the situation.
Frye: Who makin' fun a mah fo'head?
Frye then looked over and noticed Shiver.
Frye: What're you doing here?
She asked before proceeding to rub her forehead on the spot she had slept on.
Shiver: Was waiting to see if you'd sleep the whole day away despite what we've got to do today.
Frye: Got to do today?
She closed her eyes trying to think of what she was talking about before shooting her eyes open at the realization.
Frye: Oh that thing! That's today already?
Shiver: Sure is, so get up already. We can't all afford to sleep the day away and still look as good as you.
Shiver said mocking the bedhead and groggy look Frye had across her face.
Frye: Hey, I'll have you know this is how I wanted to look.
(Y/N): I'm confused, what's so special about today?
Shiver: Look at you, so nosey.
Frye: It's a surprise!
She said while covering his eyes for a moment before pulling them away.
(Y/N): Why do I never feel good when you two are keeping secrets?
Shiver: Because contrary to my best beliefs, you seem to have survival instincts.
She said with a snarky smirk while flipping her fan open.
Shiver: Now let's get going before we're too late.
Shiver commanded with a smile as she turned and started leaving the room.
Frye: Right behind you!
Frye said as she hopped up and ran after Shiver before tripping over herself trying to stop and go back over to (Y/N). She quickly planted a kiss on him before running back after Shiver.
(Y/N) was laughing at Frye's antics before he got up and walked out to see them off.
Big Man: Ay! (Don't forget what I told you guys!)
Big Man exclaimed without leaving his room.
Shiver: We know, Big Man!
Frye: Geez, that guy's gonna get a kick in the behind thinking he can boss us around just because he won that last Splatfest.
(Y/N): He did beat you two in every category after all.
(Y/N) said teasing them from behind.
Shiver: That's because those people were a buncha 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 weirdos.
Frye: Yeah, and you were on my team, so I don't see you making a difference!
(Y/N) just propped his hands up defensively against their verbal onslaught.
(Y/N): Okay, okay, I get, ceasefire.
He said while still laughing at how the two were still salty over their recent defeat.
(Y/N): So, Big Man's not coming with you for your big surprise?
Frye: Nah, Big Man's "busy".
She said with a tone of sarcasm.
Shiver: Y'know, maybe we should mess with him when we get back later.
Frye: Ooh! I've already got an idea!
Shiver: Tell me on the way so I can make the plan actually good.
She said as the two got on their jackets and left while (Y/N) bid them farewell as he was now left alone standing in the room he was in.
(Y/N): Welp... I wonder what Big Man's busy with that I can mess with him while he does it.
He asked out loud to himself as he made his way toward Big Man's room.
When he got to the door, he noticed it was locked.
(Y/N): Huh.
He said with an upset look.
(Y/N): How dare he want his privacy respected.
(Y/N) thought he could hear something from the other side of the door, so he poked his ear against the door and flattened it against the door to listen closely.
(Y/N): It sounds like..... singing?
He then backed up from the door and stared at it questionably for a moment before he got an idea.
He went off and grabbed something before walking back in front of the door.
He then proceeded to activate a Zipcaster special and squeezed his hand under the door as far as he could before zipping his hand up at the doorknob and lock on the other side a couple of times before it worked and he flipped the lock.
He squeezed his hand back out from under the door as the Zipcaster special ended. His arm was still sorta flat as he put his thumb in his mouth and blew as his hand popped back into shape.
(Y/N): That's more like it.
He then proceeded to calmly open the door and walk into the room.
Big Man was facing away from the door with headphones on as he was jumping back and forth from messing with his musical equipment and writing things down on paper.
(Y/N) merely didn't bring Big Man's attention to the intruder in his room, but instead just watched and listened from over his shoulder.
Big Man would try singing out a few lyrics and then stop and correct himself before trying again a few times, which would cause (Y/N) to nod his head in agreement at the better sound of the corrected version Big Man would come with.
After trying to sing a bit though, Big Man's throat got parched and he turned to his left to grab the water bottle he had, but in doing so, he noticed the Inkling standing behind him.
Big Man: AAY!
He screamed in shock before falling backward tripping on some of his equipment.
(Y/N): Ooh, careful there, Big Man.
He said while reaching out to grab Big Man's fin and pull him back up.
Big Man: A-Ay..? (H-How much of that were you listening to..?)
(Y/N): I've been in here for a while now.
Big Man: Ay. (I thought I locked the door though.)
(Y/N): Yeah, it was.
Big Man just glared at (Y/N).
(Y/N): So, what is this song you're working on?
Big Man: Ay? Ay! Ay? (Song? I'm not working on any song! Why would you think I'm working on a song?)
(Y/N) just raised his eyebrow staring at the Manta ray.
Big Man looked like he was buckling under pressure at (Y/N)'s stare.
Big Man: Ay, ay! (Okay, stop with the stare, I'll show you!)
(Y/N): Sweet.
Big Man grabbed out the music sheets that he had so far and fixed the few things he knocked over.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (I've been working on this song for a little while now. It's not done yet but I think it's going well so far.)
(Y/N): I'm surprised the other two haven't mentioned you've been working on another song to me yet.
Big Man sat quietly for a moment causing (Y/N) to take notice of his friend's sudden lack of speech.
(Y/N): And it seems that's because they didn't know about it either yet?
Big Man: Ay! (Please don't tell them!)
(Y/N): What, you trying to surprise them?
Big Man: Ay... (Something like that, yeah...)
(Y/N): Hmm... Fine, I won't tell them. Only because you're doing such an awesome job on it so far.
Big Man: Ay-! (Thank you so much-!)
(Y/N): On one condition.
Big Man was caught off by (Y/N)'s sudden proposal.
(Y/N): You need to let me in on any other secret music projects you've got cookin' up.
Big Man sighed after hearing his request, knowing how much trouble it probably is going to be.
Big Man: Ay... (Fine...)
(Y/N): Great!
He said cheerfully with a big smile while smacking his back lightly.
Big Man: Ayyy. (You need to stop hanging out with Shiver if you're going to start wanting a cut whenever someone's doing something.)
(Y/N): Let me call Shiver and Frye and tell them what you're doing then.
He said while pulling out his phone.
Big Man: Ay! (Ay! None of that!)
(Y/N) snickered while putting his phone away while Big Man dealt with (Y/N)'s teasing, mourning how (Y/N) is taking after Shiver and Frye's worst qualities for Big Man.
Frye and Shiver walked into the hideout calling out for (Y/N) and Big Man to come help them.
(Y/N) and Big Man exited Big Man's room, with Big Man making sure to lock his room behind him.
When they made it to the main room where Shiver and Frye were, they had a lot of bags with them.
(Y/N): What is this? Enough food to last Frye and I one day?
Shiver: Don't think about it. I don't need you exploding on the floor and walls.
Frye: Big Man, get ta cookin'.
Big Man: Ay? (You couldn't have gotten back earlier with all this?)
Shiver: You've got your stuff to cook with, don't you?
Big Man: Ay? (Did you at least get the white chocolate I asked for?)
Frye: Yeeees, Big Maaaaan. It's in that one.
She said while pointing at one of the bags.
Big Man happily went to the bag, took out the sweets, and put a piece or two in his mouth.
Shiver: Oi, snack later, cook now.
Big Man sighed but secretly ate one more piece before grabbing some of the other things.
(Y/N): So, this is supposed to be your big surprise? A feast?
Shiver: Something like that.
Frye: Just help us put out some of these snacks.
(Y/N): I didn't hear a please.
Frye: If you don't want these sweets to be the only sugar you get from me for a while, help me out.
(Y/N): O-On it!
He said quickly running over to help put out some of the snacks on the table.
After a bit of helping them out, a confused Eva was walking into the place looking around.
(Y/N): Eva? What're you doing here?
Eva: Oh thank cod this is the right place. I thought Frye and Shiver were sending me to some random sketchy building as a joke.
Frye: We would neeever do that!
Shiver: Without a reason.
Eva just glared at the two.
(Y/N): So, what're you doing here?
He asked while turning from Eva to the others.
(Y/N): What exactly is the big deal here?
Eva: I actually didn't know you were going to be here. They haven't told you what's going on?
Frye: We were leaving it as a surprise for him.
Shiver: Yeah, we use this place, but he lives here, so I guess he got roped into this as an extra.
Eva: Is that alright?
(Y/N): Hey?
Frye: Yeah, it's fine, he's my plus one.
She said while wrapping her arms around his body from behind.
Eva: Eh, good enough for me.
She said before finally greeting (Y/N) with a fist bump.
(Y/N): So, again, I'm still completely in the dark as to what's going on here.
Frye: Fiiiine, since you asked.
She said with a goofy smile.
(Y/N): I've asked multiple times.
Frye: We're throwing a party.
(Y/N): That sounds worrying with it being you three throwing a party.
Frye: Hey!
She said as she squeezed his body tighter causing him to struggle a bit before she shortly stopped.
Frye: It's not a big one, it'll be fine.
(Y/N): I guess that doesn't sound too bad. Who all did you invite?
Shiver: Just a few friends. Don't worry. We don't want you embarrassing us in front of a ton of people.
(Y/N): I am not embarrassing!
Shiver: You realize Frye pulled your pants down, right?
(Y/N) looked down and saw his pants down and Frye laughing behind her hand before he quickly pulled his pants back up.
Eva: Nice undies.
She said while holding back a snicker of her own.
(Y/N): You shush!
He said before turning back to Shiver.
(Y/N): That's not even my fault! That's Frye's doing!
Shiver: Exactly.
Shiver said as she walked beside him and poked him with her fan in his chest.
Shiver: You're just too fun to toy with for Frye and I to help ourselves.
(Y/N) just grumbled a bit like a child before walking over toward Big Man who was in the kitchen.
Eva: I can't tell if you're just messing with him or if you actually can't help yourselves but mess with him.
Shiver: It's all about how much of a reaction he gives honestly.
Frye: Yeah, I ain't gonna let him get away from me that easily.
Eva: You two are both twisted.
She said with a smile jokingly.
(Y/N) was happily eating a couple of the cookies Big Man had made.
(Y/N): Y'know, I've had some good cookies in my time, but I've got to say, Big Man, your cookies are properly top tier.
Big Man: Ay. (Be careful, not all of those were made by me.)
(Y/N): Huh?
He looked around at the cookies and now felt like he was tempting fate if he grabbed the wrong one.
He closed his eyes.
(Y/N): A smart person would know the right decision would be to stop while I'm ahead...
He opened his eyes to see a cookie in his hand.
(Y/N): I am not said smart person.
He proceeded to take a big bite of the cookie expecting the tastiness of Big Man's baking. However, that is not what he tasted.
He started choking on the cookie due to it tasting like it was almost entirely made of sugar.
Frye looked at him struggling after taking a bite of the cookie as she walked over and grabbed the cookie from him.
Frye: It's just a cookie, don't be such a drama queen.
She said as she ate the rest of the cookie without a problem.
Big Man: Ay... (Frye, please stop putting so much sugar in your food...)
Frye: I did cut back on how much I put in them.
(Y/N): I've got to go to the bathroom!
He said as he rushed out of the room, much to the amusement of Shiver.
He rushed into the bathroom to wash his mouth out in the sink.
Frye POV
Eva: Did you really need to laugh that hard?
Shiver: Yes.
She said with a satisfied smile on her face.
Callie: You all didn't start without us, did you?
Shiver: Well, if you three didn't take forever to get here, we... probably still wouldn't have waited.
Marie: Y'know, just because you're honest about it doesn't make it better, right?
Frye: Naaah, totally does.
Shiver: Besides, Eva already got here before you three, so we were good to start.
Liz: Well, at least that means everyone's here now.
Shiver: The old guy ain't here?
Callie: Nah, Gramps wanted to rest. He said something like "This is too small of a party for me to really let loose at anyway".
Marie: It's good to let him dream.
Frye: Also, I hope you don't mind, but my boyfriend's here too.
Callie: It's no bother to me! I want to see the sweet boy who swept you up off your feet!
Eva: I'm pretty sure she's the one who's sweeping him off his feet. Literally.
Marie: Is this "boyfriend" in the room with us now or...
Big Man: Ayy. (He had to step out for a bit since Frye basically tried to poison him.)
Frye: You can't poison someone with sugar, Big Man!
Big Man: Ay. (You can when you use at least a full bag of sugar.)
Marie: Well, at least I know to watch out for the stuff Frye makes...
Callie held her arm out in front of Marie.
Callie: No, wait... let her cook...
Marie: Callie, no.
Liz: You didn't happen to label which ones were made by her, did you?
Frye just crossed her arms and pouted.
Frye: Whatever. More for me anyways...
She then looked around and saw (Y/N) still wasn't back yet.
Frye: Hey! Are you still up there? It wasn't that bad!
(Y/N) heard Frye call out for him, as he finished drying his face after finally getting all that sugar out of his mouth.
(Y/N): Geez, I thought my body was about to ascend with that much sugar.
He then left the bathroom and started making his way back to the others at the party.
(Y/N): Sounds like more people are here now.
He said as he heard the sound of them all chatting away with each other as he got closer.
However, when he turned the corner, he froze as his eyes looked over the room and saw three people he hadn't seen in a long time, and the sight of them made his whole body feel like it was sinking.
Frye POV
Frye was chatting with Callie when Callie suddenly leaned her head over to see behind Frye as Callie stared straight forward past her.
Frye: Something wrong?
Frye asked as she turned and didn't see anything behind her.
Callie: No, I just thought I saw something move over there.
Frye: Over there?
She knew that way led up toward the area with the bathroom that (Y/N) had gone to to wash his mouth after he ate one of her delicious cookies.
Frye: Oh that was probably my boyfriend.
She looked around and saw he wasn't in the room with them.
Frye: Why did he go back?
Callie: Ooh, let's go see what's up!
Frye shrugged her shoulders.
Frye: Sure, he's making me look bad the more he makes it look like I'm making him up.
She said as Frye got up and led the way for Callie to follow after her.
Shiver then turned away from annoying Marie for a moment when she noticed Frye and Callie walking off.
Shiver: Frye, where ya goin'?
Frye: Lookin' for that doofus since he still isn't back.
Shiver: Count me in.
She said as she started hopping up from where she was sitting.
Shiver: Try not to miss me while I'm gone, boss Marie.
Shiver said with a cocky smirk.
Marie: However will I manage?
She said sarcastically.
Shiver then followed after Frye and Callie now on their mini adventure.
Big Man meanwhile caught Marie's attention now that Shiver had left her side.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (Boss Marie? I wanted to ask you about something.)
Marie: What is it, Big Man?
(Y/N) had run back to his room, hyperventilating a little bit.
(Y/N): Okay, think carefully. You knew this was bound to happen eventually with Deep Cut being so popular. Of course they would've gotten mixed up with... the Squid Sisters... eventually.
He spoke with a bit of hesitance, trying to keep his composure as much as he could. He had his head in his hands trying to rub his face and calm down.
(Y/N): It's fine, we can just hide up here until they're all gone. They won't even notice if I'm not there.
Just then he heard Frye not far from his room.
Frye: Hey, what'd you forget something in the bathroom? Everyone's here at the party now. What's the holdup?
Callie: Do you think he fell in?
Shiver: Um, the door's open you two. He's not in here.
(Y/N) jumped up so quickly when he heard Callie's voice that he knocked something over making a loud noise from it falling to the ground.
Shiver POV
The three heard of them heard a loud bang from a room close by.
Frye: His room, duh. He probably just wanted to grab something.
Callie: His room?
Frye: Yeah, he kinda lives here.
Callie: Oh my cod, Frye are you dating a homeless?
Frye: What? No!
Shiver: Why did you ask it like that...?
Frye: This is our hangout spot first things first. That said, we let him stay here and this is kinda just where he lives.
Callie: Aw, you got him a home? He better appreciate you good for that.
She said while putting her arms around the two's necks, but Shiver instantly was trying to squirm her way out Callie's grasp.
Frye: Yeah, he knows I'm the coolest ever.
She said looking smug with a twitch of her pointy nose.
Frye: Anyway, let's go get him.
They walked a short distance and arrived at (Y/N)'s room as Frye knocked on the door.
Frye: I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your girlfriend by coming in anyway!
She said before kicking the door open.
The three walked in, but they didn't see him anywhere.
Frye: I swear I heard the noise come from his room.
Frye said as she was checking behind some things.
Callie: Maybe the sound just echoed from somewhere else?
Frye: Nah, I'm almost positive I heard it come from here.
Shiver saw the window open and stuck her head out as she looked down at the ground. She didn't see anything there but as she went to bring her head back inside the building, she noticed the splotch of ink on the wall on the outside of the building to her side.
Shiver looked at it as she saw the ripple of a squid trying their best to hang onto the wall. In it, she saw the eyes of (Y/N) looking at her with a pleading look as he shook his head.
Shiver just nonchalantly stared at him for a few moments.
Shiver: Y'know, girls. I just remembered I texted him and asked him to go out and grab something important that I forgot to get earlier.
She said while looking right at (Y/N) before retracting herself back into the building.
Frye: Shiver! I thought you said we got everything earlier!
Shiver: Oops?
She said with a shrug.
Frye: Did you really have to send him out to go get it?
Shiver: Eh, he was an extra here so I thought it was fine to ask him to do it.
Frye: Come on, Shiver, you could've waited a bit.
Callie: It's fine, Frye. I'm sure he'll be back soon. After all, how could he resist coming back to you as fast as possible?
Frye rubbed her nose with a satisfied look at Callie's statement.
Frye: Yeah, you've got a point.
Shiver: [I'm glad compliments work on her so easily.]
She thought to herself.
Shiver: Alright, why don't we head back to the party now? We've been gone from it long enough. We don't want Big Man boring their ears off.
Frye laughed at Shiver's comment.
Frye: True, let's go help them out.
The three then started making their way back down to the party.
Callie: By the way, don't you have any pictures of your boyfriend, Frye?
Frye: Not really, no. I'm more of a "live in the moment" kind of squid.
Callie: Aw, but then you can't set pictures of the two of you as your phone wallpaper and gush over him.
Frye: Oh I've got one for that. Check it.
Frye flipped her phone out of her pocket.
Callie: You can't even see him in that photo?
Frye: Yeah, but he's in it.
Shiver: She likes using the photo to embarrass him.
Callie: And how come it's so bad quality?
Frye: I tried taking a photo of the picture after we got off the ride, but the worker blocked my camera, so I had to crop him out of the photo. They still made me buy a picture though...
Shiver: Was it really worth it?
Frye: 100%.
She said looking smug.
Shiver: How come you two are so weird about relationships?
Frye: Oh sweet, innocent Shiver. You'd understand if you had one.
Shiver just glared over at Frye before rolling her eyes and just giving a huff.
Shiver: Same for you, Callie? Ya gotta boyfriend back home in Inkopolis waiting for ya?
Callie just rubbed the back of her head with a nervous laugh.
Callie: Nah, I'm flyin' solo. I just like this sort of stuff.
Frye: Must be hard finding someone when you're a huge actress everyone gushes over, huh?
Callie just chuckled.
Callie: Yeah, it gets pretty complicated...
She said while sounding a little off before seeing Marie talking with Big Man as they entered the room, and Callie gained her peppy attitude again while running over to Marie.
Callie: Marie! How's it going down here?
Big Man jumped up when he was surprised by Shiver, Frye, and Callie's return.
Frye: You haven't been yappin' off the boss's ear, have ya, Big Man?
Big Man: A-Ay! (N-No, of course not!)
Shiver: Good, it'd be a shame if you scared them off while we were out of the room, Big Man.
Shiver and Frye chuckled while Big Man gave a nervous laugh in return.
Eva: Are ya good, Liz?
Eva asked, breaking up the other's conversation when they all looked over to the Captain to see what was going on with her.
Liz was hunched over but trying to keep herself collected.
Liz: I think I ate one of Frye's cookies...
Frye just pouted upsetly while the others all gave a nervous look for Liz who had just been hit with a sugar bomb.
(Y/N) was just lying on the floor in his room with his arm covering his eyes.
He assumed it had been long enough that all the others had left but still couldn't take his mind off the situation.
Just then though, he heard someone walk into his room and walk over to him.
When he took his arm off of his face, he just saw Shiver who was looking down at him while she held one of her arms crossed while the other just sat with her fan.
(Y/N) just sighed and rested his arm back down on his face as he relaxed.
However, he then felt Shiver grab hold of his arm and pulled it to get him to stand up, which he did before she started dragging him off to who knows where.
He found himself being dragged up to the rooftop before she finally let go of his arm once they had arrived at said rooftop destination.
The two sat silently for a moment staring at each other for a moment before Shiver spoke up.
Shiver: Okay. Spill it.
(Y/N) pursed his lips as he nodded his head for a moment as he collected his thoughts.
(Y/N): Okay...
Marie POV
Callie, Marie, Liz, and Cuttlefish were all aboard the train system, making their way back to Inkopolis.
Callie was singing a little tune to herself.
Callie: I'm heading heading! Back back! To Ink-o-po-lis! I'm heading heading! Back back!
Liz: I'm glad she's excited.
Callie: And you're not? It's been a while since we've been back home! It was fun to explore a new place, but nothing beats Inkopolis.
Marie: I'm just happy that I'll be able to sleep in my own bed again.
Liz: I've still got N.S.S. work to do either way.
Cuttlefish: I sure don't miss that in retirement!... Mostly.
Callie: You've been too work-focused for a while now, Liz. You've gotta find the time to have some fun again!
Liz: Yeah, I'm aware... It's just hard to find the time... How do you handle all that work you've got to do as an actress?
Callie: Oh, Liz, it's never work when you love doing it.
Marie: If it pays you, it's work.
Callie: Don't be such a downer. Think of all the things we can catch up on again. Like all those shows you've been too busy to binge, Marie.
Marie smirked.
Marie: Now that doesn't sound too bad.
Callie: Or Liz, think about how we don't have to worry about watching Octavio anymore and make sure he doesn't escape!
Liz: I guess that's one load off, yeah.
Cuttlefish: Speaking of Inkopolis duties, I'd say it's probably best to check up on Agent 4 while you're at it too.
The three girls seemed to all react to Cuttlefish's words in different ways, unbeknownst to him.
Suddenly, the train dinged signaling they'd be arriving at Inkopolis soon.
The three of them fidgeted a bit, running with thoughts on being back in Inkopolis.
Cuttlefish had gone with Liz to settle in, so Callie and Marie had decided to do so themselves and had returned to their home.
Callie: Ugh, are you kidding me?
Marie: What?
Callie: My agent wants to see me now that I'm back in Inkopolis. Can't I at least get some time to unpack again first?
Marie: Their star client finally returns to Inkopolis to be able to more easily do their job again. I'm not surprised they want to speak to you already.
Callie: I guess, but I wanted to relax a bit first...
Marie: The quicker you go and see what's up with them, the sooner you can come back here and actually relax.
Callie: Ugh, why do you always have to be right? Fine, I'll be back later. Please have something good for us to eat when I get home at least?
Marie: Deal.
Callie: There we go! Now I've got the energy!
Callie exclaimed before grabbing what she needed and leaving again already.
Marie was now home alone, and she looked around their kitchen and saw how they needed to restock since it had been so long.
Marie: Guess we're eating takeout. I'll have to go out then...
She then started thinking about what was said on the train again.
Marie: Well... I guess since I'm already going out again anyway...
She put her shoes back on and left, locking the door behind her.
Marie stood outside (Y/N)'s house.
She was practicing what she'd say to him once she finally saw him again, which resulted in her getting some weird looks from passerbys, causing her to get embarrassed when she noticed.
So, she made her way to the door, held her fist out in front of the door for a moment, and hesitated for a moment before knocking a couple of times.
She once again tried to look casual waiting for him to answer the door before knocking again. Now she had gotten a little more anxious and knocked a third time.
However, no one was answering the door.
She got a little annoyed as she was left embarrassingly outside still.
She then looked around trying to think of what was going on before she remembered the spare key he hides outside. She struggled to think of where it was again that he keeps it so she had to check a couple of spots before she found it.
She had a smug look as she had succeeded in remembering and finding the spare key before she used it to unlock the door.
When she did, she walked in, but saw the lights were all off.
Marie: Um... hello...?
She reached around looking for wherever the light switches were, not able to find it before eventually flicking it and the lights coming on.
She was shocked by what she saw. The whole house was absolutely filthy and covered in dust.
Marie: It looks like no one's been here in ages...
She swabbed her finger on top of something and noticed the huge dust streak it left before she brushed it off her finger disgustingly.
Marie: (Y/N)...? Veronica.....?
She didn't get any answer, but she kept checking the rest of the house out, checking the other rooms.
She made it to his room and saw it was also just as empty. And even stranger, everything was still there. All of his clothes were still there and everything else important of his. The only thing that she hadn't seen was his phone.
She stepped out of his room and took out her phone, getting a bit worried she decided she'd maybe text him to see if he was okay. However, she was stopped in her tracks by looking at the messages she saw on her screen.
(Y/N): Hey, it's been a little while. You guys must be busy, huh?
(Y/N): I couldn't imagine doing this forever, this is torture lol
(Y/N): Is this how it works?
(Y/N): Am I doing this right?
(Y/N): Could really use a message thrown my way when you get the chance
(Y/N): Marie??
(Y/N): ?
(Y/N): Hey, are you all alright?
(Y/N): Did something happen to your phones?
(Y/N): I miss you.
(Y/N): I miss all of you.
(Y/N): Marie, I don't think I can do this anymore
(Y/N): Please
(Y/N): Marie, I don't want to do this anymore
(Y/N): Please don't leave me here
(Y/N): Marie
(Y/N): Please just at least let me know you're getting these
(Y/N): I'm sorry
(Y/N): I'm so sorry
(Y/N): I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry
Marie felt her heart beating out of her chest as she read all of his messages. Had she really just not responded to any of them? Did she really have such a lapse in judgement to do so? So many days he pleaded for a response from her. Even when she scrolled back far enough and saw messages she did respond to, they were short responses and so dismissive.
Marie: Did I really do this........?
She checked her call history and when she scrolled back in her call history, she saw plenty of missed calls from him.
She looked away from her phone, feeling both guilty and confused. Confused at how she could've done this. Confused at where he was. She just could look at her phone, she was looking all around her. And in doing so, she noticed the open door to her side.
It was Veronica's room. She almost ignored it without a second glance but she noticed something strange.
She walked into the room and looked down at the anomaly.
On her bed, resting against her pillow was an envelope.
Marie questioned the idea of opening it as it clearly wasn't meant for her. If it wasn't obvious by being on Veronica's bed, it even had her name written on it.
That said, Marie after mulling it over in her head, she decided she had to know what its contents were. She'd put it back regardless.
So, Marie swatted away the cobwebs attached to it and held it in her hands.
Marie: Sorry, Veronica, forgive me...
When Marie slid open the envelope, she took out the letter that rested inside it. And as she read it, her hands began to shake more and more, yet her face remained unknowable.
By the point she reached the end of the letter, she just let her hands fall to her sides, still holding the envelope and the letter in each.
After taking a minute to collect herself, she put the letter back in the envelope and rested it back in the same spot on the bed as it had been before.
She didn't make a noise as she stood there for an amount of time she hadn't even realized.
Marie was cleaning all the dust and cobwebs that had made this their home. She went over the whole house, making the place look better than new. She scrubbed the floors, vacuumed the carpets, and washed the drapes. Anything dirty, she cleaned.
When she was done she simply kneeled down a few feet back from the front door of the house as she stared at it patiently.
5594 Words
March 23, 2024 - 4:54 A.M.
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