S3C Chapter 17: Re-fresh-er


Eva was trying to do some exercise in her small apartment.

Eva: Ow... Ow... Ow...

She kept saying every time she laid her head back down and hit her bed.

She was interrupted when her music stopped and she heard her phone start ringing.

When she picked up her phone, she was a bit surprised to see who it was who had called her, but happily answered the phone call.

Eva: Sup?

She listened to what they said.

Eva: Really? Yeah, I'd love to, I'll be there-

She was cut off by the person interjecting in the middle of her sentence.

Eva: You want to come here? I mean...

She hung on the last word while looking around her room for a moment.

Eva: Suuuuure. I'll send you the address.

The call ended and then she immediately rushed to clean up her room, which honestly wasn't too necessary due to the small size of her apartment, but she wanted it to be presentable and not embarrass herself.

Little Buddy even thought her cleaning up was a game at one point and was playing tug of war with one of her shirts before she contemplated just putting him away in the drawer with it before deciding against it and just letting him play with it for now while cleaning up other stuff.


Eva: For the last time, will you just... let... go!

She said trying to get Little Buddy off of the shirt which was the last thing she had to put away now.

However, she was interrupted by the knock on her door, which caused her to just put away Little Buddy along with the shirt in the drawer and shut him in there.

Eva then went for the door to open it.

Eva: Yo, glad you made it alright, Captain!

Captain: Hey. Also, you don't have to call me Captain when we're not on the job. Probably shouldn't either.

The Captain said with a slight chuckle.

Eva: Oh, then what, uh... what should I call you then?

The Captain just gave a smirk.

Captain: Liz is fine.



(Y/N) was sitting in his room, trying to read one of the books he had previously borrowed from Big Man, but he was honestly finding it hard to do so because-

He tried his best to just focus on the book instead of the notification sound of the phone that he had sitting out on the table behind him.

However, he couldn't help himself, and despite knowing what was waiting for him, picked up the phone off the stand behind him and looked at the phone knowing what painful outcome awaited him.

He stared at the screen and frowned before sadly putting it back down on the stand.

He took a deep breath and tried to go back to reading the book-

The chime sound went off again and he picked up the phone and looked at the screen again. He was annoyed at himself for looking at the phone once again despite what he kept telling himself. Looking at the screen just brought him more sadness as he set the phone back down.

He didn't even try and go back to the book this time as he just put his face down into his hands.

However, his moping was interrupted by someone barging into his room and startling him right then.

He jumped up to react to the sudden intrusion, but before he could, he already found himself in the arms of his girlfriend, Frye.

Frye: Heya, sweet stuff.

She said before letting him back down onto his feet.

Frye: You been hiding away in here from me all morning?

(Y/N): No, no! I'm fine.

Frye: I'm just messin' with ya.

She said with a playful jab to his arm.

Frye: Soooo, you just taking a slow day? Nothing to do?

(Y/N): Something like that, yeah.

He said with a nervous chuckle.

Frye: Theeeeen-

She started while getting close to his face.

Frye: How would ya feel about going out wit' the three of us someplace fun? Hmmm?

(Y/N) rubbed his neck and thought for a second before giving a slight glance in the direction of his phone which caused him to immediately answer Frye.

(Y/N): Yeah! I'd love to!

Frye: There's the energy I love to see!

She said before hugging and kissing him.

Frye: Grab ya shoes-ies and whatever else you need, we're leaving soon.

She said while leaving his room.

(Y/N) slipped his already-tied shoes onto his feet, grabbed a jacket just in case, grabbed his flip phone and some other essentials, then went to leave his room before hearing the chime again causing him to stop in front of the door.

He peered back at the phone on the stand for a moment. It pained him just to look at it from here without even checking the screen.

He took a deep breath, left his room, and shut his door.

He then, moments later, went back into the room, snatched up his smartphone. and put it in his pocket.



Liz was looking around Eva's apartment, which doesn't take long to do at all thanks to its size.

Liz: Cozy...

Eva gave a nervous laugh.

Eva: Gotta take what you can get.

Liz: It's not bad. Cleaner than I expected though.

Eva: Psssh, of course I'd keep my room clean.

Little Buddy kicked open the drawer behind her, popping his head out before she shut the drawer back on him.

Eva: Yup, just, uh... like to keep everything clean.

She said once more trying to play it cool.

Eva: So, why exactly did you want to come over?

Liz: I just wanted to hang out, that's all.

Eva: With me?

Liz: Yeah, something wrong with that?

Eva: No, of course there ain't, it's just. You're super cool, and you hang out with Callie and Marie all the time.

Liz: You're plenty cool yourself, you rode a shark into space. That's fresh as heck. I'd buy an album with that as the cover.

Eva felt a little embarrassed getting complimented by the captain.

Liz: And besides, between you and me, those two idols are really good at pushing one's limits sometimes.

Eva: I'm sure they're not that bad.

Liz: You'd be surprised.

Eva: Well, if nothing else, they can't be as bad as Deep Cut can be sometimes.

Liz: Try me.

She said while sitting down on the edge of Eva's bed.

Eva: I was hanging out with Frye recently on top of Crableg Capital, that skyscraper that's under construction in the city? She nearly threw her boyfriend off the top of it and dangled him over the edge.

Liz was just wide-eyed at hearing this story but just shook her head in disbelief.

Liz: Okay, I'll rescind that challenge.

The two laughed at that.

Eva: So, there not been much Squidbeak missions to do?

Liz: Sorry, you got the usual Agent Welcomg: Drafted in during an exciting moment. There's a lot more downtime than there is big stuff to do, sorry.

Eva: So, did you come in during a big moment too?

Liz: Yeah, actually I did. 

Eva: Well don't leave me in suspense, tell me about it!

Liz staggered for a moment.

Liz: Okay, but it's nothing as cool as you did.

She said trying to lower Eva's expectations, while also still trying to seem cool in front of her.

Liz: Basically, the Great Zapfish and the other zapfishes had been squidnapped by the Octarians, led by D.J. Octavio so that he could power his army's Great Octoweapons. So, Cuttlefish recruited me from Inkopolis Plaza to be Agent 3. Partway through the mission though, he himself got squidnapped and Agents 1 & 2, Callie and Marie, assisted me through it to rescue the rest of the Zapfishes, the Great Zapfish, and, the then Captain, Cuttlefish.

Eva was just sitting with her legs crossed on the floor listening to every bit of the Captain's story, which just left Liz a bit more embarrassed, while still trying to act stoic in front of the new agent.

Eva: So, that's why Cuttlefish thought Octavio had stolen Splatsville's Great Zapfish when he recruited me?

Liz: Sure is. Octavio had tried that move a couple of times, so I don't blame the Captain- er, Cuttlefish for assuming he had done it a third time.

Eva: Third time? So, did you stop him the second time as well?

Liz: No, I was actually lost in an underground Metro station. Cuttlefish was with me before, so he actually got lost down there too, but we were split up, but luckily he was with an Octoling who had forgotten her memory, and he recruited her to be Agent 8.

Eva: Wait, Agent 8? Doesn't that skip a few?

Liz: Well, yeah, but it made sense in the context of the situation of why he chose the number 8. Anyway, do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?

Eva nodded and went back to listening.

Liz: She took on a ton of different tests down there that some dumb A.I. was promising would lead people to "the Promise Land".

She said while giving air quotes on that last part.

Liz: So, as you can guess, it was total bogus, and she and Cuttlefish were tricked into a giant blender and nearly sanitized.

Eva: Sanitized?

Liz: Oh right, well basically the A.I. was doing this stuff to brainwash and wipe test subjects clean to make his army that he even used in the tests. They were the previous test subjects.

Eva: That's... horrific. And sounds like a lot like what I had dealt with with what Mr. Grizz was doing, especially with the tests and all that.

Liz: Yeah, guess Mr. Grizz was just lazy and unoriginal with that idea.

The two sat silent for a moment sitting on that comment for a moment.

Liz: Luckily for them, I had saved them in the nick of time, but then, I uh...

She thought for a moment about how she knocked herself out doing it but thought that sounded uncool.

Liz: -I let Agent 8 take the lead in busting out of the facility while Cuttlefish stayed back with me.

Eva: What happened next?

Liz: Well, I um... the next part's kinda blurry.

She said nervously, still trying to hide how she was knocked out for that next part for a bit.

Liz: But, on her way up, she met up with ME!

Eva: Oh that's good.

Liz: But I was hypnotized and had my brain hijacked by the evil A.I.

Eva: Oh that's bad.

Liz: Agent 8 beat me. (cough) I wasn't myself so I wasn't fighting at full strength (cough).

Eva: So, what happened next?

Liz: I don't really remember. I was down after that fight. I'm pretty sure there was a big human statue or something. Also, the band Off the Hook was there.

Eva: ...Okay...

Liz gave a nervous laugh knowing how she left out the most interesting part.

Eva: So then who dealt with Octavio stealing the Great Zapfish again?

Liz: Oh, that was Agent 4. Basically, the same thing I did. Agent 2 recruited Agent 4 in Inkopolis Square I'm pretty sure, and Octavio also hypnotized Callie into joining his army.

Eva: ...

Liz: No questions about the story?

Eva: That's it?

Liz: That's not really a question.

Eva: That wasn't really a story.

Liz was starting to understand that Eva was as much of a wisecracker as she herself was.

Eva: So, where are they now?

Liz: Where are who now?

Eva: Agent 4 and Agent 8.

Liz: Oh. That. Well, uh...

Liz looked down at her phone.

Liz: Oh, has it already been that long since I got here?

She stood up and did a stretch.

Liz: So, what exactly do you have that's fun to do around here in Splatsville?

Eva: Depends. Are you asking seriously, or as an aversion to the question?

Liz: Eeeeeh...

Liz just shook her hand in a 50/50 motion.

Eva: Well, I've got some ideas. Come on, let me show you around my turf.

Liz: That's all you had to say!

She responded with a smirk while following after her disciple, while a small part of her mind lingered on the question she hadn't known how to answer.



(Y/N) was sitting in the back seat of the car, peering down at the smartphone he had resting in his pocket that was making him so anxious.

He was broken out of his spell by Big Man, who had been sitting in the back of the car with him, tapping him on the shoulder.

Big Man: Ay? (Are you okay, (Y/N)?)

(Y/N): Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit distracted is all.

He said before looking out the window of the car and noticed they were on a bridge. Not just a normal bridge either, a big one, and basically all he could see was water.

He tried to think of what bridge they could possibly be on that could be this big and where it could be leading across this much water.

(Y/N) looked a bit uneasy thinking about whether this was what he thought it was before Big Man commented again on his uneasy look.

Big Man: Ay? Ayy... (Is it the bridge? Yeah, I don't really enjoy being on this bridge too much either after that one time...)

Frye: Ugh, Big Man, you're gonna need to get over that eventually.

Frye said from the passenger seat while resting her head on her fist while looking out the window.

Big Man: Ay! Ay?! (The wind blew me off of the bridge! How am I supposed to get over that?!)

Frye: Womp womp.

Big Man: Ay? (Did you just say "womp womp"?)

(Y/N) interjected in their conversation to keep Big Man from getting more worked up and because he was still feeling uneasy about the whole thing.

(Y/N): Hey, uh, this bridge... is it what I think it is?

Frye: Looks like he finally noticed.

Shiver: Secrets out of the bag. Yeah, this is Hammerhead Bridge. I guess you only remember it from Turf Wars since you chose to cross the desert instead of the bridge.

Big Man: Ayy. (You missed Shiver's death stare she was giving the toll booth worker.)

Big Man said while giving a little giggle causing Shiver to look in the rearview mirror at him.

Shiver: Big Man. I'd be happy to let you pay the toll out of your own pocket.

Big Man piped up at this comment from Shiver.

(Y/N) felt his stomach drop at the confirmation of what he had been worrying about.

(Y/N): Then... we're headed where I think we are..?

Frye: Yuppers! Be sure to keep us from getting lost in Inkopolis.

She said with a snicker, causing him to reply with a nervous laugh.

(Y/N): Yeah, haha...

Big Man: Ay. (We're actually specifically headed to Wahoo World.)

(Y/N): What made you three suddenly want to go there?

Frye: I was craving some ice cream, and I thought, "Where can I get the best Strawberry ice cream?" and then I realized "Hey Frye, ya big dummy dumb, ya still got that Wahoo World pass!" So I then passed the idea onto these two bozos and we all agreed.

Shiver: Did you just call me bozo, bozo?

Frye just smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

(Y/N) was just looking out the window by this point while grabbing the phone in his pocket now, holding onto it tightly.

On the way across the bridge, he even spotted the N.I.L.S. Statue.

Big Man: Ay? (Lookin' at that statue, ay?)

Big Man asked while leaning over to look out the window too.

Frye then also looked out her own window.

Frye: Oh yeah, that thing's so weird.

Shiver: Everyone kinda just ignores it now, but it's still sorta freaky.

Big Man: Ay! (Hey, look, they've got one of those boat tours right up by it right now!)

Shiver: Suckers.

She said while giving a snarky laugh and smirk before speeding up the car.

Frye: Ooh, I think I can hear a Turf War going on underneath us right now! Can ya hear it, (Y/N)?

He didn't hear her since he was distracted by the sound of the smartphone in his pocket, that he was trying to tune out.

Frye: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Huh? What?

Shiver: Ya good, man? You've been spacing out across the bridge.

Frye: He's probably thinking about being back in Inkopolis.

She said with a snicker.

Shiver: You hoping to get to see the Squid Sisters?

(Y/N) for a moment went a bit wide-eyed at the question that felt dragged right out of his thoughts.

Frye: Too bad, sucka! They're not in Inkopolis right now. And you've already got the most beautiful, most talented idols around with you!

Big Man: Ay! (Me!)

Big Man had proclaimed while happily propping himself forward, but Frye had reached back around in her seat to shove Big Man back down into his seat.

Frye: Not you, Big Man! Me and Shiver!

Big Man: Ay... (Aw man...)

Frye had inadvertently helped (Y/N) relax a bit more, even if she didn't mean to, which caused him to breathe a sigh of relief and be thankful for what she said. He even let go of the phone in his pocket.

(Y/N) smiled while patting Big Man on the back.

(Y/N): Don't worry, you're very pretty and very talented.

Big Man: Ay! (Yay!)

(Y/N): So, you said you had a pass for Wahoo World?

Frye: Yeayuh I do! Annual pass! I'll let you use it too.

(Y/N) smiled at her offering to use her pass for him. He was still nervous as they approached closer to Inkopolis across the bridge, but he was going to try and enjoy the day out with his friends to distract him as he should've already been doing this whole time.


(Y/N) was looking out the window of the car at the city he hadn't seen in so long. He was holding the phone in his pocket and even gulped at the sight of everything outside the car.

Shiver: We're just about there.

(Y/N) snapped out of it, looking at the other three all smiling and getting hyped for their trip, and he let go of the chiming phone in his pocket, ignoring the sound, and smiling along with them.

Frye had even started chanting "Wahoo World!" to which (Y/N) and the other two all joined in as they pulled up to the Wahoo World parking lot, even causing a couple of the families heading toward the gate to look at their car at the four grown adults chanting while looking for a parking space.

Once they got a parking space, three of them had stopped chanting but Frye was trying to keep the chanting going a bit more, but the other three weren't going for it, so she sadly stopped.

The four of them got out of the car and started making their way toward the front gate of the amusement park.

(Y/N) stood back looking at the gate for a moment, taking in the sight. He started thinking about when the last time he came here was. While doing so, the chiming started going off again, and he shook his head and tried to ignore the thoughts and move headstrong through the gate, but was stopped by the other three calling out to him.

He turned to his side and saw them standing by the booth to be allowed entry into the park.

(Y/N): What are we all standing in line for?

Shiver: We've gotta pay to get into the park, duh.

(Y/N): Wha? But, Frye, I thought you said you had an annual pass.

Frye: I do! I've got an annual ice-cream pass!

(Y/N) just looked at her confused.

(Y/N): Wha-? Huh? But-?

Big Man: Ay. (Yeah, I'm not sure why it exists either.)

Shiver: Oh, you thought she had a normal annual pass for the park, I see. Yeah, no, she just did it for the ice cream.

Frye: It's really good ice cream. And I've got a pass to get you some!

(Y/N) just facepalmed and sighed at the situation, but he did laugh about it as well.

He was then soon after hit with another surprise as he was reminded how much it cost for an amusement park when he paid to get in.

Once they were all in, they started to look around and try and figure out where they should go first.

Frye hopped in front of the other three and faced back toward them.

Frye: Okay, I think it's only fair that since it was my idea to come here, I get to decide everything we ride!

Shiver: You can pick the first one.

Frye: Deal! Haha! Sucka.

Frye turned around, happy with herself, but then was face-to-face with the Fresh Fish mascot, causing her to instinctively punch them in the face, knocking the person in the outfit to the ground.

Shiver had started laughing hysterically at what Frye had done while Big Man and (Y/N) were shocked and went to help up the person in the costume.

Frye: Oops, my bad.

After (Y/N) and Big Man had helped the person back up onto their feet, and once they were, they walked off a bit wobbly trying not to fall over.

Big Man and (Y/N) looked over at Frye and she just had a blank expression on her face.

Frye: So... ride time...?

She said clapping her hands in front of her and started walking off for the ride followed by Shiver, which just left Big Man and (Y/N) to sigh as they followed after them.

After they walked in the direction Frye was leading them, (Y/N) spotted the carousel.

(Y/N): Are we not going to ride the carousel?

Frye: The what now?

The three turned to see the carousel.

Frye: Oh, you mean the merry-go-round? Isn't that a lil' dull?

Shiver: And for kids?

(Y/N): Yeah, pff, of course. Just... asking to mess with you three, haha.

Frye: Ah okay! Haha!

They started walking off again leaving (Y/N) to stare at the carousel again remembering the memories involved with it, getting cut off by the chime of the smartphone in his pocket, annoying him and causing him to shut his eyes and ignore it before he heard Big Man call out to him.

Big Man: Ay! (You better hurry up, they won't wait for you!)

(Y/N) opened his eyes again, faced back toward the group heading off, and joined back up with them, now noticing where Frye had been leading them.

Frye: Here's a real ride!

Big Man: Ay... (Of course you chose this one first...)

(Y/N): You not a fan of roller coasters, Big Man?

Big Man: Ay. Ay... (No. Or at least not Wahoo World's...)

(Y/N): Why not?

Big Man: Ay. Ayy... (All the rides at Wahoo World are so outdated and don't get the care they should. It's so dangerous...)

(Y/N) was just blankly staring at Big Man.

(Y/N): R-Really..?

Frye: No wussing out now!

Shiver: You die with us if we do die!

The two said as they were dragging him by his hands to the line and he gulped, now worried about his safety.


While waiting in line, he once again, looked at the coaster and remembered going on it before, and once again hearing the chime with the phone going off. He had an easier time ignoring it this time though, since while looking for something else to focus on, he did notice that the ride did look kind of outdated and unmaintained just as Big Man had mentioned.

(Y/N) didn't have a fear of roller coasters but was now starting to understand those people as the front of the line opened up, and the other three had walked him up with them for them all to board it.

Frye led him to the very front cart, with Big Man and Shiver sitting in the cart behind them.

Shiver noticed the unease on both Big Man and (Y/N)'s faces and smirked as she decided to mess with them.

Shiver: Hey, have you guys ever seen that one movie that starts with the roller coaster breaking during the ride and they all-



Big Man and (Y/N) had both covered their ears with their hands the moment they realized what she was trying to do, causing her and Frye to both start laughing before all of them felt the coaster start moving.

As it started moving, the coaster slowly started chugging forward to start slowly moving up the big hill.

Frye had her arms in the air in anticipation and Shiver was right there with her but while Frye was cheerily looking forward for the big drop, Shiver was making sure to watch the other two's faces as they looked like they were going to ink themselves.

Big Man was giving some sort of prayer or something like that while (Y/N) just looked fearful until he felt something grab his hand and saw Frye had grabbed one of his hands and gave him a warm smile that, along with the comfort of the grip of her hand, convinced him it would be alright. So, because of that, he nervously followed her example and chose to raise his hands with her, causing her to giggle and smile even greater before she turned back to face forward.

Then, they reached the tipping point as (Y/N) and Frye, being in the front cart, got to look straight down the massive drop and see what was coming in just a second as the cart sped up suddenly.






Big Man was wobbling away from the roller coaster while Shiver looked satisfied, Frye was giggling her head off, and (Y/N) looked wide awake. All three of them had their hair stuck backward in the way it was when whooshing forward on the ride before they shook their heads to go back to normal.

Frye: See? Wasn't that fun?

(Y/N) rubbed his head with a grin.

(Y/N): Yeah, it was really good, I've gotta admit.

Shiver: So, what should we all do next?

Big Man: Ay? (Can we rest for a minute?)

Shiver: That honestly doesn't sound like that bad of an idea after waiting in line for that long.

(Y/N): Yeah, didn't you mainly come here for ice cream, Frye?

Frye: Oh yeah! Let's all go sit down for a bit and grab something to eat!

She said rushing off ahead of them as (Y/N) and Shiver each grabbed one of Big Man's fins to lead him with them after her to find a table to sit and eat at.


Shiver and (Y/N) had sat down Big Man at the table as he continued to just relax for a bit.

(Y/N): You save us all our seats, okay, Big Man?

Big Man: Ay... (Okay...)

Shiver and (Y/N) went over to the food stands where Frye was already in line at.

Frye: Oh good, what kind of ice cream do you guys want?

Shiver: You know I want some vanilla of course. And Big Man's obviously going to want his mint chip.

Frye: Gotcha. So what do you want, (Y/N)?

He looked over at the menu.

(Y/N): I'll take some vanilla.

Frye: You too? So boooriiiing.

(Y/N): You can't go wrong with vanilla, it's the original.

He said while shrugging. Meanwhile, Shiver just nodded satisfactorily behind her fan.

Frye: Whatever, as long as it's included in the pass and I ain't spendin' money on it.

They got their ice cream and headed back to the table, handing Big Man his own mint chip ice cream which seemed to perk him up a lot and make him forget how he was feeling before.

Frye was happily eating all the way through her strawberry ice cream like it was an edible mountain of ice cream in front of her.

Yet despite that, she still wanted to get a few more snacks.

Frye: (Y/N)? Would ya be so kind as to go up to the stands and get a few more other snacks while we're here?

(Y/N): More already?

Frye: It's just one thing of ice cream. That's not enough.

She said with pleading eyes.

(Y/N) sighed knowing he couldn't resist her pleading eyes, and he didn't disagree with her either.

Frye: Besides, it's fair food! Ya gotta enjoy it when you're at these kinds of places!

(Y/N): Why are you already acting like I accepted?

Frye: Because you fold easily.

(Y/N): Wha? No I don't!

Shiver: Yes you do.

Big Man: Ay. (It's true.)

(Y/N) frowned knowing how weak he is with these sorts of things.

(Y/N): So what do you all want?

They already responded with what they wanted, and he made his way to each of the stands waiting to order and get each of the snacks that the four of them wanted.

After a bit of ordering and waiting, he returned to the table and saw his ice cream on the ground with seagulls eating at it.

Frye: We're so sorry, they came out of nowhere!

Shiver: It was truly a dreadful battle we had with the birds...

Big Man: Ay. (I shall remember the horrors I saw forever.)

(Y/N) just stared at them all blankly.

(Y/N): You were all too distracted with your own ice cream to notice the birds were taking mine, weren't you?

Frye: Yup.

Shiver: Pretty much.

Big Man: Ay. (Sorry.)

He shooed away the seagulls as he handed out all the snacks. to everyone.

He had the snacks in his hands, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want the ice cream, something Shiver seemed to have noticed.

Shiver: I think I'm done with the rest of my ice cream. You take it.

(Y/N): Really?

Shiver: D-D-Did I stutter?

(Y/N) chuckled and happily took the last of her ice cream that she was offering and enjoyed it, which caused Shiver to blush as she ate the new snacks he had brought her and the others.


Big Man had stuffed himself so much that he was just sitting at the table basking in the sun while the other three went off to throw away all the trash they now had and were discussing other things while doing it.

(Y/N): So, what ride should we go on next? Something easy to deal with since we just ate a lot?

Shiver: I've got it.

She said with a mischievous smile that made (Y/N) worried.

(Y/N): Which is..?

Shiver: I think it's time we go on the death drop.

Frye: Yeah!

(Y/N): I said something easy...

Shiver: Don't be a wuss.

(Y/N): That ride is literally perfectly made for bringing the food back up our throats that we just ate...

Frye: Let's take a vote. Who says we ride the Death Drop?

Frye and Shiver raised their hands.

After a moment, (Y/N) turned to notice his own hand up and looked defeated.

(Y/N): I thought I at least had my own vote...

Frye: It's decided!

The three then were making their way back over toward their table and noticed Big Man was getting mobbed by fans.

(Y/N): I guess everyone loves Big Man, huh?

Frye: Yeah... we should go ruin it for him.

Frye said with a mischievous chuckle before Shiver stopped her.

Shiver: Hang on a second. Look.

Just then one of the workers who collected money from the stand orders walked up with the bill for their lunch, to which Big Man happily signed while dealing with the happiness he had with all of the fans around him.

Frye and Shiver were laughing evilly.

(Y/N) just shook his head at the two as the crowd around him started dissipating and the three of them made their way back over to him.

Big Man then noticed them approaching.

Big Man: Ay? Ay! (Did you three see that? I have so many fans!)

Shiver: Yeah, that's great to see, Big Man.

Frye: Now get up, Big Man. We're gonna get on the next ride now.

Big Man: Ay? (Don't we still have to pay for our lunch?)

Shiver: Don't worry, it's already been paid for.

Big Man: Ay! (Oh, well that's good!)

Frye: It sure is, Big Man.

She said while putting a hand on his back with a devilish grin.

(Y/N) just shook his head at them not telling him he had treated them all to the meal on accident.

Once they all reached the Death Drop, Shiver and Frye looked up at it with wonder, while Big Man looked fearful knowing what would probably happen after eating that much.

(Y/N) just felt sorry for Big Man knowing the doom these two were leading them all to.

However, he was again reminded of the memories attached to the ride. He looked down to try and not think of them, but that didn't work as the chime sound once again rang out as he tried to put it out of his mind before the others pulled him out of it.

Frye: Come on, (Y/N)! The line's super short! We can get on quickly if we hurry!

She was already dragging him for the four of them to not waste time and let the line grow.


Shiver POV

The four of them were spread out around the area, not able to control how upset their stomachs felt after riding the ride.

Frye: How could we have known this would happen?!

Big Man: Ay! (I kept telling you this was exactly what would happen!)

Shiver: Ugh, why didn't someone we'd have listened to warn us?!

(Y/N) was just face first in the ground behind them dealing with it.

Frye: I ain't gonna throw up, I don't need that right now... (Y/N) and I still have to go on the Tunnel of Love first, ugh...

She said trying to prop herself up on the fence to stand upright.

Shiver: Frye, you would probably shut that ride down if you went on it right now...

Frye: Nuh uh... I just... I just need a minute... What about you, (Y/N)..?

Frye said while turning around to look for the face-down Inkling.

Frye: (Y/N)? Where'd he go? He was just dying right there a second ago.

Big Man: Ay? (Did someone kidnap him?)

Shiver: Big Man, don't ask crazy questions... someone has to be valuable to get kidnapped.

Frye: Ugh, now we have to find him before I can even ride the Tunnel...

Shiver: That's it... Everyone get up and stop dying. We gotta split up and find our moron...

Frye was still propping herself up with the railing while Big Man was trying to get back up on his flippers.

Shiver: We find him and then just meet up back outside the Tunnel of Love.

Frye: On it...

Big Man: Ay... (Gotcha...)


Shiver had checked around the food court to see if he had gotten hungry again. She did see Frye trying to order more ice cream while she was there, but not (Y/N), so she moved on to check elsewhere.

Shiver was passing by the merry-go-round when she thought she saw him sitting in a seat on it while it was spinning.

She waited a second for it to spin back around and she was almost positive it was him now and cut the line of children waiting in line.

Shiver: Sorry, kids, I forgot someone on the ride.

The children's parents heard her say that and they looked appalled and started questioning how a parent could forget their child on a ride like that.

Shiver: He's not my- Ugh, whatever...

She just ignored them and made her way onto the ride and tried not to trip over at first before making her way to his seat.

When she approached, she noticed he was looking down at his old smartphone that she had repaired for him. She was confused as to what was going on here, but he hadn't noticed her approaching yet.

Shiver: Something interesting going on there?

She asked while standing over him now, causing him to finally notice she was there and put his phone back in his pocket.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there.

Shiver: Yeah, I can see that obviously.

She said while sitting down in the seat next to him.

Shiver: So, what's up?

(Y/N): What? What do you mean?

Shiver: You were just face down on the ground one moment and then just gone the next, and then you're just sitting here staring at your old phone like something bad happened. And you've been repeatedly spacing out the entire time too like you're only half there sometimes.

(Y/N) just looked upset before snapping his vision onto his pocket with the phone in it and grabbing at it for a moment.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for worrying you...

She moved her body over towards him, and he thought she was going in for a hug, but he was shocked when she immediately backed away with his phone now in her hand.

Shiver: I know, which is why you'll let me see what's going on.

She looked at his phone to see what was going on with him today, but she honestly didn't expect what she saw.

Shiver: There's nothing here... No messages, no calls, no notifications at all.

She looked over at him with one eyebrow raised, but she saw he looked even worse after she said that.

(Y/N): I guess I'm just not that popular...

He said with a half-hearted chuckle, but she understood he was just trying to defuse the situation with humor, but he quickly went back to his depressed look afterward.

Shiver looked down for a moment trying to gather herself.

Shiver: (Y/N), what's going on?

(Y/N): I'm sorry, it's just when Frye mentioned the Tunnel of Love, it was just too much...

Shiver: You don't want to go on the Tunnel of Love with your girlfriend?

(Y/N): What? No, it's not that, it's just... Tunnel of Love, this place, Wahoo World, Inkopolis, there's just a lot of memories here... so much that's just... gone.

Shiver actually felt bad for him right now.

Shiver: And the phone?

(Y/N): It's just paranoia... I know it's not going off. I know no one wants to talk to me, but-...

She saw the tears start rolling down his cheeks.

(Y/N): I thought someone would try...

Shiver had pulled him in to comfort him. For his own sake, and so he wouldn't see her try and hide the tear that she had shed just for him.

Shiver: They're not gone...

(Y/N): Huh?

Shiver: They're not gone. Those memories you have are a gift and the rewards for all you've done. Even if the people in them leave later, those memories will always be with you. Enjoy them for what they are.

(Y/N) thought about what she said. The memories he kept thinking back on were such happy memories.

Shiver: I'm not going to pry into your business too much. Just know that while you can't change the past, nothing is stopping you from enjoying your life for what it is now. It's all about what you make of it.

(Y/N) thought about how Frye had also said something similar to him before about change.

Shiver: And besides, if you keep acting like this, I'll start taking it personally and thinking you just don't find it fun hanging out with us.

Her saying this caused him to let out a laugh that was out of his control, which put a smile back on her own face before he came out of the embrace she had been holding him in.

(Y/N): Well I certainly wouldn't want to do that.

Shiver: You really wouldn't. If not me, Frye would destroy you for taking us for granted so much.

(Y/N): I'll never take you three for granted. You three have been really good to me...

Shiver: And I'll be there the next time you're feeling down too. You got that?

(Y/N) smiled at her acting tough and pushy as a joke when saying that last bit.

(Y/N): You promise?

Shiver: I promise.

Park worker: Hey, you two have been on the ride for a bit now, uuuuh... do you think you're ready to get off now?

Shiver: We're having a moment here!

The worker just backed off and didn't say anything else as the two laughed with each other.

(Y/N): So, what now?

Shiver: Let's wait for this round of the merry-go-round to finish, then let's get you over to the Tunnel of Love where your beautiful girlfriend is waiting for you.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Should we really make her wait anymore?

Shiver: Meh, she could always use a patience lesson.

(Y/N) laughed at her comment once again, which kept her smile on her face.


(Y/N) and Frye were now onboard the Tunnel of Love and their boat started off into the tunnel, leaving Big Man and Shiver outside the ride to wait for them to finish.

Big Man: Ay. (I'm sorry you couldn't ride it with him.)

Shiver: Like I would even want that...

Big Man: Ayyy. Ay. (I understand why you're trying to act like that even if I'm not sure it's the best way to go about it. That said, I do want you to know one thing.)

Shiver turned to Big Man, questioning what he was talking about before he turned to her with one of his classic Big Man smiles.

Big Man: Ay. (You're a great friend, Shiver.)

She didn't respond to him, but instead just faced away from him and put up her fan in front of her face.



The four of them had all boarded the Ferris Wheel and sat down in the seats. (Y/N) and Frye sat on one side with Big Man and Shiver on the other side.

Big Man: Ayyy? (So what was that picture you ordered outside of the Tunnel of Love that you've been clinging to so much, Frye?)

(Y/N) looked embarrassed while Frye looked giddy and super proud of herself for it.

Frye: I'm glad you asked. Try not to gawk too much at it.

She held out the photo for the other two across from her to see it.

Big Man: Ay? (Were you trying to suck his soul out of his face?)

Shiver: Ya can't even see him in the photo you're so latched onto him. Why did you even spend that overpriced amount on that?

Frye held her thumb up pointing at (Y/N) who looked super embarrassed over the photo.

Frye: That right there is why.

She said before giggling about it.

The four of them found themselves getting closer to the top of the Ferris Wheel and they could see Inkopolis's skyline.

Frye: It's so pretty- Uh, I mean, yeah, it's aight, I guess. I could see one or two reasons why you might look back fondly on Inkopolis, (Y/N)...

She held her ground on the matter of Splatsville's superiority.

Shiver chuckled at Frye's stumble.

Shiver: It's a beautiful city, but it lacks the charm and character of Splatsville.

Big Man: Ay. (I think it's cool.)

Shiver elbowed Big Man.

Big Man: Ay!

(Y/N): I'm glad you three like it so much.

He said with just a smile on his face, enjoying the three of them's company more than any other sight.

Frye: We should all come back here again!

Shiver: I wouldn't mind doing this again with all of you.

Big Man: Ay! (You two will probably still make us sick again, but I would still like to come back!)

(Y/N): As long as I've got you three with me, I'm down for anything.

Big Man gave him a cheer for his kind words and reciprocated the same.

Shiver nodded before putting up her fan.

Shiver: Well said.

Frye: I'm glad we're all in agreement. Especially because more than anything else, I really like the ice cream here!

The other three laughed.

Frye: No, for eels. I really like the ice cream here. Let's come back really soon.


(Y/N) was on the couch in the hideout as the other three came into the building with Frye all mopey before kicking a box near the entrance.

Frye: Those flippin' Salmonids! There just HAD to be a Big Run happening at Wahoo World!

Shiver: The worst part is that they're probably going to count those upcoming Big Run days as part of the year in your annual ice-cream pass.

Frye: They will! I take every even slightly nice thing I said about Inkopolis! That place stinks! BUMS!

(Y/N): You upset?

Frye: Yeah...

She said while walking over to put her face in his chest for support through these troubling ice cream-less times.

(Y/N): Then you'll be happy to know...

He pulled out from behind him a tub of Strawberry ice cream and handed it to her.

(Y/N): After seeing the newscast earlier, I figured you'd probably react like this, so I went out and bought some for you to have.

Frye's face lit up as she peered out of his chest and saw the ice cream tub and snatched it and the spoon in his hand and immediately put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth with tears of joy running down her face.

Frye: Fank yoo fo muff! I... I luf yoo...

Big Man looked a bit disappointed and Shiver was about to say something before he grabbed two more tubs, showing them one was mint chip and the other was vanilla.

Shiver retracted the statement she was about to make as she and Big Man both happily reached for their own tubs and spoons.

Next, (Y/N) grabbed the tub of ice cream he bought for just himself as the four of them all dropped down onto the couch to all sit together and eat their ice cream.

(Y/N) looked next to him at Shiver's tub of ice cream.

(Y/N): You've shared some with me before. Can I get some ice cream?

Shiver ate the bite she had on her spoon before answering him.

Shiver: Only a spoonful.

(Y/N) then gave the most evil smile possible.

7257 Words

March 15, 2024 - 5:25 A.M.

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