S3C Chapter 16: Exhilarating Places
Eva was lying across her bed, hanging her head upside down off the side of it while having her legs kicked up on the wall. She was scrolling the internet on her phone to try and help with her boredom.
Suddenly, her brainless scrolling was interrupted by a text message popping up on her phone.
Eva happily clicked the text message, seeing it was from Frye, and when she opened it, she was a bit confused at the message but did reply back.
Frye: How quick can ya gather 4 peeps????
Eva: This isnt somethin illegal is it?
Frye: Nvm that
Frye: Ofc not jk
Eva: Ye i should be able to
Frye: Then get you're butt and those other 4 to meet us here
Frye ended the text conversation by sending the location to meet up with her and whoever else was with her.
Eva just sighed after having dealt with the impulsive idol she calls a friend, then proceeded to text some of her other friends before grabbing her stuff and leaving for the place she had been specified to go.
Eva had arrived at the location and saw that a couple of her friends were already there waiting for her.
Eva: What made you two get here so fast?
Hiro, an Octoling boy with some long locks on his head along with a pair of headphones and his button-down shirt greeted her first.
Hiro: Well you don't tend to message us spontaneously like that, so I figured it had to be something good.
Eva: Well, as long as you accept that those expectations aren't my fault and I take no responsibilities, we're good.
Anemone: I was just bored outta my mind, so I was more than happy to run over A.S.A.P.
Eva: Exactly! There's only so much I can relax on a Saturday.
Eva agreed with the Inkling girl who had bedhead to go along with her tacky sweater and glasses, and her oddly stylish red shoes that went against the rest of her outfit.
While conversing with the other two, her two other friends showed up. Tako, an Octoling girl with her hair up in tentatwists, and wearing a striped helmet, an outdoorsy vest, and a pair of boots, greeted her with a handshake upon her arrival. Meanwhile, Yarrwhal, and Octoling boy with a surfcurl haircut, round goggles, a red-shelled shirt, and a pair of red-toed shoes, proceeded to just give her a nod.
Anemone: So now that we're all here, can you please tell us what we're doing here already?
Eva: Actually, we're not all here yet.
Hiro: Who are we missing?
Eva: I'm not sure exactly who all we're missing, but I was told to just get four friends and bring them here.
Tako: This isn't some weird dark-web gameshow from an anonymous number, is it?
Eva: What? No! I know who invited me out here, I'm just not sure who else she's bringing and what exactly we're doing here.
???: I'm glad you asked!
Eva heard booming from behind her as she turned to see Frye, Big Man, and (Y/N) walking up to the group of five.
Anemone: Is that who you were talking about?
Eva: Yeah... [There's a pretty good chance they were hiding around here and she was actually waiting for the perfect time to pop out for dramatic effect...]
Frye went to say something but was cut off by her suddenly coughing.
Frye: Sorry, it was dirty back ther- I mean, it's dirty in here, ain't it?
Frye said while cutting herself off after proving Eva's thoughts correct.
Hiro: I must be seeing things. That's actually Frye, Big Man, and... some guy! Wow, it's so awesome to see you... three!
(Y/N): You could've just left it at those two... I was fine without a mention...
Eva's friends were split between excitedly greeting and getting to meet Frye and Big Man from Deep Cut and asking Eva how she knew the Deep Cut members.
Frye was gladly taking in all the praise while Big Man was embarrassedly shaking their hands while blushing. (Y/N), however, just walked over to where Eva held out her hand and the two clasped hands and kept squeezing to see who had the stronger grip while the two tried to converse.
Eva: Do you know why we're all here?
However, her question, and their mini-contest, were interrupted by Frye suddenly latching her arms around the two's necks.
Frye: I'm glad you asked, sista!
Frye then let go of their necks as she walked towards the chain-linked fence.
Frye: We're gonna go "sightseeing".
Eva: Yeeeaaah, the problem is that it's locked off.
Hiro: We checked when we got here.
Frye: Pfff, locks are for chumps.
She said before pulling out a pair of bolt cutters and cutting the locked chains that held the gate closed.
Big Man just sighed knowing where this was going while the other six all went immediately wide-eyed.
Frye half-turned back to the others proudly holding the bolt cutters over her shoulder.
Frye: Any other questions?
Everyone just shook their heads and said no.
Frye: Good to hear! Now, everyone get moving! There's a lot of floors we've gotta climb up.
Frye happily stood on the top of the unfinished skyscraper taking in a look at everything before looking back down the stairwell and seeing everyone else basically out of breath, struggling to go up anymore, with Eva and (Y/N) even carrying Big Man.
Frye: I hope you're not all out of breath from just that!
Eva: How could we... not be?
(Y/N) just looked over to Eva.
(Y/N): Trust me, you'll get used to when being around someone with infinite energy.
Eva: Really? Then why are you breathing so hard too?
(Y/N) shook his hand to signal it was so-so.
(Y/N): You don't really ever get fully used to it, but it's really just because of carrying Big Man it's this bad.
Big Man who was barely conscious.
Big Man: Ay... (Sorry...)
(Y/N): Don't worry, it's not your fault, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay... (That's good...)
Frye: So who is ready for a Turf War?
All seven of the others groaned.
Frye: Fine, everyone can take a bit to rest and catch their breath first.
Everyone else: Yaaay...
They were all just messing around in the construction site atop the skyscraper in their own ways. Some were playing tag, some were climbing up as high as they could, and others were just sitting around.
Eva, (Y/N), and Frye were sitting on the edge of the building with their feet dangling off.
Frye: Didn't I tell you it was a great view from up here? You can even see Hagglefish Market from here!
(Y/N): I admit, it is really cool what you can see from this high up, but can't say I'm the biggest fan of heights.
Eva: Someone afraid of heights, I hear?
(Y/N): I'm not afraid of heights, but I can't say I like the idea of falling from this high up. You don't mind being this high up?
Eva: I've been higher.
Frye snickered at Eva's response before Eva stood up and leaned over the edge getting a look down the building.
Eva: It's an even crazier view like this though.
(Y/N): I don't know how you can be so reckless doing that.
Eva: Oh come on, it's not even dangerous. What Frye's doing is a lot more dangerous.
(Y/N) looked to his other side to see Frye bending almost all the way over to look down the tower.
(Y/N): Frye!
Frye: Huh? What? She's right, it's a cool sight you don't often see.
(Y/N): You two are both nutty.
Eva: You seriously going to be a wimp about this?
(Y/N): I'm not being a wimp, I just don't wanna-
He was cut off by the sudden shift in his movement as he found himself over the ledge of the building. He was suddenly so afraid of what had caused him to go over the ledge and he started screaming as he was facing right toward the ground seeing straight down the tower as he started crying a bit not understanding what was going on as he feared he would hit the ground soon.
Eva was completely taken aback by how Frye had suddenly grabbed (Y/N) and was holding him over the ledge of the tower.
Eva: Frye, are you nuts?!
Between her screaming, and (Y/N)'s confused screams, everyone was looking over and coming over toward them confused by the scene. They were all worried about what Frye was doing.
Frye: It's fine, I've got him and I won't let him fall.
Eva: What part of this looks fine?!
Frye then turned (Y/N) around to face her.
Frye: (Y/N), (Y/N), focus, I've got you.
(Y/N) had a bit of tears still in his eyes but he looked around a bit, no longer facing towards the ground but back toward them all on top of the building.
Frye: Look at me, (Y/N).
(Y/N) listened to her and focused right on her as he tried to collect himself.
Frye: Do you trust me?
(Y/N): Are you seriously asking me that while hanging me over the edge of a building?!
Big Man: Ay! (Frye, this is a bit too much!)
Big Man spoke up voicing his opinion and everyone else was still afraid of whatever it was that Frye was thinking.
Frye ignored Big Man and kept looking straight into (Y/N)'s eyes.
Frye: Do. You. Trust. Me?
(Y/N) was still breathing a bit heavy, still afraid of the dangerous situation he was in as he held onto her arm that held him up, while also making sure to keep his feet touching the edge of the building as he was leaned over so far.
(Y/N) took a second to focus on nothing but her eyes which were staring right into his as the only thing she focused on before he took a deep breath to try and relax as much as possible before he let go of her arm.
(Y/N): Yes.
Frye smiled warmly at him before she looked around the view and he did the same. He was honestly still absolutely terrified, but he also understood Frye wouldn't have done this if she had seriously thought it was dangerous for him.
He did have to admit that it was such a unique view that you would never normally be able to get, but he was still upset at how she had surprised him by doing this to him and making him cry for a moment in front of everyone.
After a couple of more moments, Frye pulled him back up on top of the building and pulled him straight into a hug which had surprised him for a moment.
Frye: Ya know I wouldn't have done anything to hurt ya, right?
(Y/N): I know... but I'm still upset at you.
Frye: Well, then I guess I'll have to make it up to ya later, won't I?
Frye broke up the hug but (Y/N) was still pouting, not letting her know that it was a bit of a rush that he enjoyed after he realized he wasn't dying.
Frye then cheerfully turned around to walk away.
Frye: Now who's ready for that Turf War?!
Big Man and some of the others walked up to (Y/N) making sure he was okay, and asking what had happened, while Hiro just stood back with Eva who had been with the two of them when it went down.
Hiro: What the heck was she up to?
Eva: Honestly? I have no idea.
Hiro: Did she want him dead or something?
Eva: Nah, nothing like that. He's her boyfriend.
Hiro nodded.
Hiro: Ah, I see, he's her boyfrie- he's her boyfriend?!
Eva: Sure is.
Hiro just let out a breath of air.
Hiro: If that's what dating a celebrity is like, count me out.
Eva: Don't worry, I don't think any were lining up to get with you anyway.
Hiro huffed annoyedly at her remark before they walked off with the others to get set up for a Turf War.
Shiver POV
Shiver had walked out of the store she was at, doing the important thing she had set out to do.
???: Hello, miss, do you mind telling us where we can get something to eat?
Shiver sighed and turned around to face the person who had questioned her, but she was shocked to see some familiar faces.
Shiver: Boss Marie? Assistant la- I mean, Callie? What are you two doing here?
Callie, who had been the one who asked Shiver the question, giggled while Marie explained.
Marie: We decided to check out Splatsville some more while we're still here.
Callie: Do you mind showing us around?
Shiver: Hmm, how much are ya willing to pay for a tour?
Marie: Consider it a mission.
Shiver: Fine... but only because you're the boss. I guess it's only fair I show you two what a real awesome city is like.
Callie: Yayer!
Shiver: Let me just get Frye and Big Man over here.
She said before texting the two.
Shiver: Okay, Frye and Big Man are out with Frye's boyfriend having fun right now, so they'll meet up with us in a bit.
Callie was giving a jokey cry before pretending to wipe away the fake tear.
Callie: He better be treating her right.
Shiver: Yeah, she's more likely to get him killed or arrested, it'll be fine.
Marie just raised an eyebrow at this statement before Shiver urged the two to follow her to go get some food to eat while they wait for the others.
Shiver was chatting with, and bragging a bit to, Callie and Marie about a number of topics while the three were enjoying just a nice little snack. Except for Callie who had demolished her meal way quicker than the other two who were savoring their meal.
Frye: What's poppin' my Squid Sistas?
Frye said while running up to their table, with Callie greeting her with a fistbump.
Marie: Glad to see you two could make it.
Callie: I thought you were going to bring your boyfriend with you.
Frye: Nah, he stayed behind to hang out with Eva and some other friends.
Big Man: Ay. (I'm surprised you two are still together after what you pulled today.)
Shiver: What did she do?
Frye: Nothing, he was just a little afraid of heights and I was helping him realize it wasn't that bad.
Big Man: Ay! (It was the top of a skyscraper!)
Frye: It was safe.
Big Man: Ayy! (You hung him OFF the skyscraper!)
Shiver: You did what?!
Callie and Marie were just wide-eyed listening to the story.
Frye: Look, he's perfectly okay and happy still.
Marie: Are you sure this is an actual relationship and not you dragging him along?
Shiver: No, it's real.
Shiver answered with pensiveness in her voice, which Marie took note of.
Frye: Why's everyone got to judge me for the way I am?
Callie: I think you're cool, Frye.
Frye: I'm glad someone's on my side.
Shiver: I'm always on your side, Frye, I just think you shouldn't spring something like that on someone. Even if he wouldn't have died from it, it still must've been scary for him.
Marie: I'm surprised you can have that sort of reflection for another person.
Shiver: I can care sometimes.
Frye: Anyway, if we're all done judging me, we can get this troop on the move.
Marie: Sounds good to me.
Frye, Shiver, and Big Man started to lead the way with the Squid Sisters following after them.
Big Man was talking with Marie, while Callie ran up beside Frye and continued questioning her on her romantic endeavors.
Callie: So, how did you meet your boyfriend?
Frye: He was basically nearly dead of dehydration out in the desert.
Callie: And you saved him?! Aww.
Frye: Yeah, somethin' like that...
She said with a nervous smile on her face while Big Man looked over at Frye with an eyebrow raised when he heard that.
Callie: Did he romantically ask you out after you saved him?
Frye went to answer her but Callie cut herself off and started spiraling out her own story.
Callie: Ooh! But then- but then, you said no, but he just kept asking over and over until you said yes?
Callie was gushing over having a gal pal to talk about this sort of stuff with.
Shiver: Well I can definitely see why she's an actress with that love of dramatics.
Callie: I can't help it!
Frye: No, actually I brought him out to my family's home and asked him to go out with me.
Callie: Just that simple?
Frye: Just that simple.
Callie thought about it for a second.
Callie: That doesn't make a lick of sense... just asking worked?
Frye: Don't overcomplicate things.
Callie was just left confused by such a simple approach.
Shiver: Can we leave this whole conversation behind already? There are other things to be talking about here in Splatsville other than Frye's poor choices.
Frye: Is not! I mean- no they're not!
Callie: Fine! I'll stop. But then you'll have to find something fun around here to keep me entertained then.
Callie was singing her lungs out into the microphone in the karaoke room they were all in when her song finally ended.
Big Man and Frye cheered for her while Marie and Shiver were clapping for her.
Callie bowed in a silly manner before plopping herself down back on the seat and taking a chug of her water.
Callie: It really works up a sweat, doesn't it?
Marie: Callie, you've done tons of concerts, you shouldn't be surprised.
Callie: I know, but there's a difference between doing it for a job and doing it for fun.
Frye: I'd say both are fun no matter what though.
Callie: True that, Frye!
The two of them gave each other a high five.
Frye: So are you two leaving Splatsville after today?
Marie: What? No.
Callie: Psh, if we were leaving tomorrow, we wouldn't have only gotten together on accident.
Marie: Yeah, we'll make sure you remember us as the coolest and strongest idols around before we head back to Inkopolis.
Shiver: I don't know about "coolest and strongest" but you two are good, I admit. Otherwise, we wouldn't have made you our boss.
Shiver said with a giggle behind her fan.
Callie: We promise before we leave, we'll all get together for a party then. You three, us, the Captain, Agent 3, all of us. Even Gramps! As a real celebration for our victory from before. How about that?
Shiver: As long as you two are paying for it, we're in.
Marie sighed while Callie happily agreed.
Frye: By the way, do you two mind paying for this karaoke session too?
Shiver, Frye, and Big Man all put their hands up in front of themselves begging for them to accept.
Marie: This is going to become a reoccurring thing, isn't it..?
Marie shook her head before agreeing to pay for it.
Marie: Fine...
Frye: Sweet! I'll start ordering the food!
Shiver: I'll add more time for us in this room!
Big Man: Ay!
Marie: What're you trying to wring me dry?!
(Y/N) was at the hideout, using Big Man's laptop when Frye walked in.
(Y/N): Heya, where's the other two?
Frye: It's Friday night, you know Big Man has to do family stuff on Saturdays, so he went home.
(Y/N): And Shiver?
Frye: She said she had something to pick up on the way back, so she split off. So, now...
She dived over the back of the couch, basically right into him.
Frye: It's just the two of us for a little while.
(Y/N): Oof, careful where you aim your dives.
He said getting a chuckle out of her.
Frye: Never. It's my fastest way to get back to you.
She said while already cuddling up against him.
(Y/N): Then I guess I can take it.
He said while smiling.
Frye was then silent for a moment while looking over his shoulder at the nonsense he was getting up to on Big Man's laptop before thinking about what the others kept saying to her earlier.
Frye: Hey... I just want to say... I'm sorry for what I did to you earlier at Crableg Capitol... I didn't mean to hurt you or anything like that.
(Y/N) was surprised by her sudden apology, but gladly smiled and hugged her more into him.
(Y/N): I know you didn't. I was really scared, but it's not like I would've died or anything too bad if something did go wrong. Perks of us having no bones. Just... please don't ever surprise me with that kind of thing ever again.
Frye: If I had asked you to do something like that, would you have?
(Y/N): Pfff, nope.
He laughed it off while happily typing away on the laptop.
Frye: Then I guess you're just gonna have to put up with my spontaneousness now and again.
(Y/N): Yeah, well... I do love that about you as much as it frightens me.
He said while wrapping one of his arms around her.
(Y/N): Plus, I knew with your strength, I know there was no way of you letting me go or dropping me.
He said with a chuckle as she proceeded to flex.
Frye: You know it! Care to arm wrestle?
(Y/N): Not right now, I need my hand to be useable for the foreseeable future.
Frye: Wiiiiimp.
(Y/N): Fine, but only one game.
Shiver POV
Shiver was happy that the shop had gotten the job done so quickly that she was smiling a bit as she entered the hideout.
When she got there, she saw (Y/N) was icing his hand in the kitchen which left her confused.
Shiver: What happened to you? And where's Frye at?
(Y/N): The Arm Wrestling Champion has gone to bed.
He said plainly while still supporting his hand.
Shiver: Well, that's very sad for your small baby hand, buuuut, I have a surpriiiise for youuuu~.
She said with a whimsical tone at the end to build up suspense for his surprise.
(Y/N): Is it a new hand?
Shiver: Nope!
(Y/N): Have I won the lottery?
Shiver: No.
(Y/N): Is it fear itself?!
Shiver: Wha- no, why would I-
She just coughed and ignored his questions.
Shiver: No more guesses.
She held out his old smartphone.
(Y/N) looked a bit confused.
(Y/N): What's...?
Shiver: I've been looking for a shop around Splatsville that could fix your phone for you, and I finally found one that could do it!
She was smiling satisfactorily at her achievement before getting a bit embarrassed.
Shiver: N-Not that I went out of my way to do it or anything. It wasn't that bad.
She said with a nervous laugh.
(Y/N) was just silently staring at the phone like the world had gone numb.
Before Shiver had the opportunity to question it, he slowly reached for the phone and grabbed it from her.
He was looking at the phone.
(Y/N): It... really works...?
Shiver: Yeah, I checked to make sure it turns on. Not that I went through it or whatever...
(Y/N): I... I really appreciate how much you care, Shiver.
Shiver: Wha- No, I don't-
She was surprised when he suddenly turned away from her, but she could also hear him tearing up a bit, so he clearly didn't want her to see his face when he did it. She tried her best to be caring to him patting him on the back to comfort him in an emotional moment.
(Y/N): I really am thankful for how you look out for me, Shiver.
He said without turning around to face her and leaving to head to his room.
Shiver: I'll always be there for you.
She said quietly, too embarrassed by the words to say them that loud, but she still felt proud of herself for managing to get them out at all. That said, she quickly tried to snap herself out of it, remembering that she shouldn't be feeling this way about him.
(Y/N)'s eyes still had a few tears in them, but even with them partially obscuring his vision, he kept his eyes trained on the phone.
But now without Shiver around, he doesn't think he can hold his smile any longer, as he now found it turning into a frown.
He had set the phone on the stand while he just sat on the bed staring at it, deciding his next course of action.
He carefully weighed his options, but he couldn't help his curiosity, so really, he only had one option in the end.
He grabbed his phone and took a few moments to psych himself up enough to turn the smartphone on and check it. Then, he finally did it as he stared at the phone's screen.
After looking through his phone for a minute, he couldn't hold back the waterworks anymore as the tears started flowing.
(Y/N): What else did you really expect...?
3915 Words
March 12, 2024 - 2:30 A.M.
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