S3C Chapter 13: Good Grief
Happy Valentine's Day to all! Side Order is now only a week away from release, and I couldn't be any more excited for the return of such classic and beloved characters. They also yesterday given the last bit of footage of Side Order before the release of the DLC, on top of the Fresh Season 2024 trailer. It all looks amazing and I can't wait to figure it all out for myself on release.
Also, if any of you haven't seen it, they recently held a Splatoon concert online live, and it was great. Seeing Deep Cut meet Off the Hook was such a treat and got me working in my head instantly on ideas. Also seeing Off the Hook's new outfits modeled and performing was great. Pearl's big hoodie design has to be an absolute treat of its own, and whoever designed that deserves full credit for that one.
Shiver POV
Shiver was sitting in the living room of the hideout. She had a large smile that hadn't left her face since the Splatfest had ended.
Big Man: Ay. (Glad to see you're still feeling chipper from your victory.)
Shiver: What? The great and always-correct me? Why, yes, I guess I am a little happy about that still. I hadn't noticed.
Big Man: Ayy... (I wish you wouldn't get this much of a big head over it though...)
Shiver: What did you say?
She snapped at him with a glare.
Big Man: A-Ay! Aay! (Uh, n-nothing! Just another congrats on the win!)
Shiver glared over at him for a few moments longer before returning back to her smile.
Shiver: Oh please, Big Man, you don't have to say that, it's embarrassing me honestly.
Big Man just sighed and rolled his eyes at her false modesty.
Suddenly, (Y/N) walked into the room.
(Y/N): What's going on in here?
His sudden intrusion caused Shiver to slip up for a second and start acting a bit more nervously.
Big Man: Ayyy. (Shiver was just going on about Team Rock's victory in the Splatfest again.)
(Y/N): Try and put up with it a little longer, Big Man? It is a big deal for her. I'm sure you'll win next time.
Big Man: Ay... Ay. (I guess... I'd be pretty happy too if it was my team that won.)
He said with a smile.
(Y/N): Congratulations on the win again, Shiver.
Shiver: Wha- Haha, no- it's nothing. I only won thanks to your help after all.
She said while nervously stammering over herself for a moment before collecting herself again.
(Y/N): Well if I didn't put in the effort, you would've probably blasted me on the live broadcast.
The two giggled.
Shiver: There's at least a decent chance that might've happened. Who's to say? Let's just make sure we never find out.
(Y/N): Well, I'm gonna head out. You two have fun here.
Shiver: You don't want to stay and play video games or something?
She quickly tried to think of something to ask him to do.
(Y/N): Sorry, I'm planning on doing some Turf Wars today. Maybe another time?
Shiver: Ah, alright then.
She said trying to still look happy.
(Y/N): See ya, Big Man.
He said as he waved to him on the way out.
Big Man: Ay! (See ya!)
He responded as he waved back to him.
Once he was gone, Shiver looked down a little sad that she couldn't get him to stay and hang out with her today.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. Ay! (You alright, Shiver? You must've really wanted to play video games. I can play with you if you want!)
He asked noticing her disappointment at him leaving.
Shiver: It's not that, it's just-...
She cut herself off, trying to think of what to say.
Big Man: Ay? (It's just what?)
Shiver looked like she was mulling over some thought as she swished her head around and looked left and right while making a thinking noise.
Shiver: OKAY! Big Man?
Big Man: Ay.
Shiver: I'm going to tell you something VERY important, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. ANYONE. Ya got that? DO YA?!
Big Man was leaning back as she got in his face with her intensity and urging her back with his flippers in front of him.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. Ay. Ayy. (Yes! Yeah. I've got it. You can trust me, Shiver.)
Shiver then sat back down more calmly and took a deep breath.
Shiver: Okay, ya ready?
Big Man: Ay. (One sec.)
He sat down and crossed his leg flippers while leaning forward to rest where his chin would be if he had one on top of his flipper so he was giving her his full intention.
Big Man: Ay. (Now I am.)
Shiver took another deep breath to prepare herself.
Shiver: Okay...
She went to start speaking but immediately stopped herself and stood up.
Shiver: One second.
She walked out of the room for a moment, confusing Big Man for a moment before he immediately was shocked by the sound of her screaming and the sound of a couple of things breaking too before it went quiet again.
Big Man was worried and was going to get up to see what had happened, but the next second, Shiver was walking back into the room calmly and with a smile again before sitting back down on the couch.
Big Man: Ay? (What was that about?)
Shiver: Nothing. Anyway!
She said dismissing his question.
Shiver: Look...
She sighed again clearly having to force out what she wanted to say.
Shiver: I l- yuck.
Big Man: Ay? (You luck?)
Shiver: No, just-... I l-l-liiiiii-...
She took another second to breathe.
Shiver: I liiiiikkkk- eck!
It's like the words were poison for her, and Big Man was getting more confused by the second.
Shiver meanwhile was getting angry at herself.
Shiver: NGH! Why can't I just say I like (Y/N)!!!
She screamed out of anger before immediately slamming her hand over her mouth and covering it with her fan too out of shock.
Big Man: AY?! Ayyy! Ay?! (WHAT?! Awwww, Shiveeer! You have a crush?! Are you alright?)
He exclaimed happily for her before having to suddenly make sure she didn't have some sickness or something causing all of this.
Shiver: Don't say it out loud! It's gonna give me a hernia at this rate...
Big Man: Ay. Ay- (Shiver, this is a wonderful thing. There's nothing better than lo-)
Shiver: NOT THAT WORD! I'm not ready to hear that word yet.
Big Man: Ay... Ay. (Okay... There's nothing better than caring about someone.)
Shiver: Really? Because this feels terrible.
Big Man: Ay. (That's because you're fighting it.)
Shiver just scoffed and gave him a questioning look.
Big Man: Ay, ay? (Look, you care about Frye and I, don't ya?)
Shiver: . . .
Big Man: AY?! (SHIVER?!)
Shiver: Yes! Yes, of course I do.
Big Man: Ay? (And you cared about (Y/N) as a friend, right?)
Shiver: I guess...
Big Man: Ay... (Shiver...)
Shiver: Okay, okay, yes, I do...
Big Man: Ayyy? (Then what's the problem with liking someone as more than friends?)
Shiver: It's just... weird and gross. You have to-
She shivers at the thought.
Shiver: -open yourself up to another person. Nothing good can come from that! Never leave open your weak points, Big Man! It's common sense!
Big Man: Ay! (You could also be up to a bajillion times happier for it too!)
Shiver: I physically don't think my body can contain that much happiness for another person. That number is already low enough.
She said with an unamused look while swatting the idea out of the air.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Well now you're just being difficult. I think you're just afraid of him rejecting you.)
Shiver looked offended at that remark from Big Man and snapped her fan at the thought.
Shiver: I ain't afraid of anything, Big Man!
Big Man: Ay, ay. Ay! (Mhm, mhm. Denial!)
Shiver pouted back into the couch.
Shiver: Is there really something wrong with being afraid of that...?
Big Man: Ay. Ayyy. (Of course there isn't. But not giving it the chance to get better is just going to make it worse.)
Shiver: Then what should I do? This is dumb!
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay. (First things first, you have to accept it, and say what you want to happen.)
Shiver: Uuugh. Do I have to?
Big Man: Ay. (Yes.)
Shiver: Fiiiine...
She said while sitting up now to collect herself as much as she could.
Shiver: I... l-... like him...
She had to take a moment to settle herself down.
Shiver: And I want to be... w-wiiiith hi-hi-himmm... or at least see how it goes...
She then breathed in deeply to relax as she had stammered that out.
Big Man was going to call out her indecisiveness at the end there, but quite frankly, he was surprised he had gotten that much that quickly, so he just accepted it.
Big Man: Ay! (Great job, Shiver!)
He said while clapping his flippers to support her, but Shiver couldn't help but take it in a mocking tone.
Big Man: (Now how do you plan on getting what you want?)
Shiver: I don't know. How do the weirdos who do these things do it? Can I just text him it?
Big Man: AY! (NO!)
Shiver: Why not?!
Big Man: Ay, ay? (Look, you want to do this right, don't you?)
Shiver: What are you talking about?
Big Man: Ay. Ay. Ayy, ay, ay. (There's a moment. There's a moment you have to wait for. You set up the perfect atmosphere by having a great time getting along, and then when the time is right, you pop the question to him.)
Shiver: Oh I don't have time for this!
She said while getting up to walk away at this point, but Big Man cautioned her to stay and listen.
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay? Ay! Ay? (Hey, wait, wait, what are you doing? Listen to me! Look, you love this man, don't you?)
Shiver: Yes...
She said a bit uncomfortably at Big Man's use of the word "love" again.
Big Man: Ay?! (You wanna hold him?!)
Shiver: Yes.
She said embarrassedly.
Big Man: Ay?! (Please him?!)
Shiver: Yes!
At this point, she was just angry at him speaking in such an embarrassing way she just wanted him to cut it out causing her to shout at him.
Big Man: Ay, ay, aaaay! Ay! (Then ya got to, got to try a little tenderneeeess! He'll love that romantic crap!)
Big Man sang with a musical tone.
Shiver: Alright, cut it out! How do I find this moment?
Big Man; paused for a moment thinking about it.
Big Man: Ay. (This is going to be tough.)
(Y/N) had been on a hot streak with his matches, so he was easily in a good mood right now sitting in the lobby building.
He was suddenly interrupted by a phone call on his phone. When he picked it up, he saw Frye's contact was calling so he flipped it open and answered.
The two then went on for a minute.
Frye: Ah, good times. Anyway, ya doing anything important?
(Y/N): Just doing some Turf Wars, nothing major. Why you ask?
Frye: I've got something important I need your help with.
(Y/N): How important we talkin'?
Frye: Fate of the world importance.
Frye said with a deep movie voice before laughing.
Frye: Nah, just kidding. But it is very important to me. Can you help?
(Y/N): Sure, what is it?
Frye: It'll be faster to explain it in person on the way. Stay there, I'm heading that way.
(Y/N): Okay, see ya in a bit.
Frye: See ya!
They ended the call and (Y/N) made sure to stop his search for a match.
Frye showed up to the lobby building where (Y/N) was waiting outside.
Frye walked up and the two clasped hands and did a funny little handshake the two had memorized.
(Y/N): So, what's the mission?
Frye: Follow me, Secret Agent (Y/N).
Frye said with a joking old man voice with her hands clasped behind her back. She walked right over to the escalators next to the lobby and Anarchy Splatcast room, leading to the train system.
(Y/N): So where are we going that needs a train ride?
Frye: That one is a surprise.
She said with a somehow both mischievous and innocent smile on her face.
(Y/N): Hm... then what about the thing you needed help with?
Frye: I need your fixer expertise.
(Y/N): And you're sure it's something I'm capable of fixing?
Frye: I'm sure if you fixed that jukebox, this should be easy in comparison... I think.
(Y/N): Such words of confidence.
Frye: I promise it'll be fun either way though. How about that for a guarantee?
(Y/N) had an unsure expression on his face.
(Y/N): You being the one calling something fun means I should probably be worried.
She hit him in the arm playfully.
(Y/N): I deserve that.
The two laughed and then boarded the train. Once aboard, the two found two open seats. After grabbing a seat, Frye busted out a translucent Game Youth from her pocket.
Frye: Interested in a game along the way?
She said while shaking the Game Youth with a smirk on her face.
Frye: Bet ya can't beat my score.
(Y/N): Oh you are so on.
After a while, the train arrived at the stop Frye had been waiting for. It was (Y/N)'s turn and he hadn't been paying attention to the area, but she had suddenly snatched the Game Youth from his hands.
(Y/N): Hey, I wasn't-!
He noticed the train had stopped and he saw out the windows.
(Y/N): Where are we?
Frye was just standing in front of him in his seat while leaning forward and smiling at him to keep the Game Youth behind her back.
Frye: Come on, we gotta get going before the train takes off with us still on it.
(Y/N): Okay, but you better not be bringing me all the way out here to get rid of me.
Frye: Don't be silly. Taking the train would leave a paper trail if I did that.
The two walked off the train and she was still leading him through this place he had never been before.
After a little while of walking, the two approached a decent-sized building of sorts. It looked well-maintained and really old.
(Y/N): Frye, we're not going to trash this place, are we?
Frye: What kind of person do you take me fo-... I would never do that kind of thing... to this place... on purpose...
(Y/N) stared at her with one eyebrow raised for a minute before shrugging his shoulders.
(Y/N): Good enough for me.
The two then approached the door to which Frye knocked on it.
After a minute, the door opened to reveal a short Inkling boy with yellow ink and dark skin.
Frye: Heeey-
Then he shut the door in his face causing Frye to get angry. She knocked on the door louder this time but there wasn't an answer.
Frye: I guess I'm going to have to keep this Game Youth for myself then.
She taunted while holding the Game Youth the two had been playing earlier, causing the young Inkling boy to once again open the door again.
Inkling Boy: I KNEW YOU TOOK IT!
Frye ignored him while pushing the Game Youth into the boy's chest while walking past him and ushering (Y/N) in after her, to which he followed.
The situation was already confusing him, but he thinks he was piecing together the situation here.
???: Who was at the door?
They heard an old man from another room call out.
Frye: It's me, grandpa!
Frye's Grandfather: Oooh, you're back, Frye! Give me a second to get up now.
Inkling Boy: She also brought her boyfriend with her!
The young boy said while snootily glaring at Frye, causing her to snap her look back over at him.
Frye: Why you-!
Frye's Grandfather: WHAT? NOW I'M REALLY GETTING UP!
Frye: No he's not, Grandpa! He's just my friend!
It was too late for Frye's Grandpa had already arrived into the room to check out the situation for himself.
Frye's Grandfather: What're you doing bringing boys home without warning me?! You're gonna give me a heart attack!
Frye was groaning at this point dealing with the situation the young Inkling had now caused for her.
Frye: Grandpa, he's just my friend. I was bringing him here to help fix your broken record player for you.
Frye's grandfather then turned to look at (Y/N) now, eyeing him up and down.
(Y/N): Uh, h-hello, sir-
Frye's Grandfather: I don't need him to fix my record player! I can hire a repair man no problem. Send him ho-
Frye: Grandpa! You're being rude to my friend! Now stop being ungrateful. He was willing to come all the way here to do this, and the first thing you do is try kicking him out?
Frye's grandfather looked a little embarrassed to be chastised by his granddaughter.
Frye's Grandfather: I'm sorry, Frye, don't be mad at grandpops...
He said looking teary-eyed, causing Frye to sigh and hug him.
Frye: As long as you promise not to be rude to my friends anymore.
Frye's Grandfather: All of your friends, or-
Frye raised her eyebrow.
Frye's Grandfather: Kidding, haha!
He nervously chuckled.
Frye then smiled at her grandfather accepting her stance as he proceeded to walk back to the other room a little downtrodden.
(Y/N): Nice to meet you, sir!
He tried saying nervously despite the whole situation, but her grandfather just kept walking away mumbling something about "boys".
Frye then turned toward the young Inkling who was now fiddling with the Game Youth glaring at him.
Frye: I'll get you back for this later, bro.
Frye's Brother: Whatever you say.
He said with an eye roll and walked away.
Frye: A bit late now, but welcome to the Onaga Clan home!
She said hopping on one foot with her arms outstretched.
(Y/N): Well, at least I won't forget it.
Frye: The little edgy kid from the door is my little brother obviously. And you met my grandpa.
(Y/N): Yeah... I don't think he likes me though...
Frye: Nah, you're fine. He's just a little overprotective, and thanks to my little brother, he took you for a hoodlum.
(Y/N) didn't bother pointing out the irony in her grandfather's assumption of Frye and (Y/N)'s roles.
Frye: Also, somewhere around here are my little twin sisters too. Be careful, they can talk your ear off. They're not bad though, mostly just nosy.
(Y/N): Got it, keep watch for every member of your family.
Frye: Now you're getting it! Now come on. The sooner we get that record player fixed, the sooner I can show you around this place!
She said while doing a happy march through the place, to which he followed.
(Y/N): So, what about your parents?
Frye: Eh, no clue. They've been traveling the world ever since I was a kid. So it's my grandpa who raised us all.
(Y/N): Oh... well that's really kind of him.
Frye: Ain't it? Now if only he didn't force me to take all those lessons. Seriously, what a drag.
(Y/N): And I'm sure instead you were a well-behaved child in turn?
Frye scoffed at that before doing a fake cough to cover it poorly.
Frye: Oh yeah, completely. Ain't no kid more well-mannered than I.
She said with a nervous laugh, that added all the confidence in the world...
Frye: Okay, here's my room. You wait inside while I go grab the record player and bring it here.
(Y/N) No problem, but I hope you know I'm going to touch stuff.
Frye: Fine, just don't break anything or I break the finger that broke it.
She said with a fist in the air causing him to go wide-eyed. She laughed as she walked away, but he couldn't tell if she was serious or not still.
When he walked into her room, he looked for a nice place on the floor to sit down with open space so that he could work on it there.
When he looked around, he noticed some kind of instrument sitting on top of a stand and decided to pick it up.
(Y/N): What is this? Some kind of flute?
He tried blowing it a bit and when he did, he heard something scutter in Frye's room. When he looked around, he didn't see anything.
He decided to just set it down next to him as he looked to see if there was anything else to mess with.
Just then, Frye entered the room carrying the record player in with one arm.
Frye: You order a record player, playa?
She said while setting it down in front of him. After doing so, she spotted the instrument next to (Y/N).
Frye: Did you take that off the shelf?
(Y/N): Oh, yeah, was checking it out and tried playing it.
Frye: You tried playing it?
(Y/N): Yeah? Is there something wrong with that?
Frye: Did anything happen?
(Y/N): It made a sound, yeah.
Frye: Is that it?
(Y/N) tried thinking back on it.
(Y/N): I did hear something scuttle around, but I figured it was probably your little sisters or something else.
Frye: Interesting... Well, do you know what this is?
She said while picking up the instrument.
(Y/N): Some kind of flute?
Frye: Yes, actually. It's a pungi flute. And it actually has a purpose besides playing music.
(Y/N): Awesome! Can it control time? Control the wind?
Frye laughed at his whimsical suggestions.
Frye: No, but just watch.
She played the pungi flute which caused three giant yellow eels to reveal themselves before the two, causing (Y/N) to jump back for a moment.
At his reaction, Frye burst out into laughter.
Frye: What? Did you think Shiver was the only one who trained vicious animals?
She said while holding up her hands like claws and bearing her fangs before going back to laughing at his reaction.
(Y/N) was just sitting back upwards cautiously and giving Frye an unamused look.
Frye: I'm kidding of course. They're just a couple of sweethearts.
She said while bringing one in close and placing her forehead against its forehead.
Frye: So yeah, dance lessons weren't the only thing that took up my time when I was younger. I was also learning to train these li'l fellas.
(Y/N) couldn't help but be a little cautious toward them, but he did find them to be quite tame with how Frye handled them.
(Y/N): I guess they don't seem so bad.
Frye: That's not what it looked like a minute ago when you almost peed yourself.
She said while laughing causing him to pout a little bit before laughing a bit along with her.
She then petted each of the three and had them go back to where they were before, and set the pungi flute back down where it's meant to be.
When she looked back at (Y/N), she was a little confused.
Frye: What's with that smile?
(Y/N): Nothing, I just didn't expect you to have a gentle nature in there, so seeing you with your eels was nice.
Frye: Yeah, well don't expect to ever be treated as nicely as them.
(Y/N): Noted.
He said with a chuckle.
(Y/N): Now, ready to finally get to work on this thing?
Frye: Yeayah! Just let me know what tools you need when you need 'em, boss man.
(Y/N): Screwdriver.
He held out his hand as Frye handed him the screwdriver.
Frye: Screwdriver.
He used it on the record player to open it up.
(Y/N): Tweezers.
He asked holding out his hand as Frye handed him the necessary tool.
Frye: Tweezers.
He used them on the tiny pieces inside the record player.
(Y/N): Blowtorch.
Frye: Blowto-
(Y/N) was shocked as she started handing him a blowtorch.
(Y/N): Wait wait, I was just kidding. Why did you have that so ready?
Frye: You never know...
After about 20 minutes, (Y/N) attempted to close up the record player and see if it worked.
(Y/N): Okay, Frye, attempt the record...
He said as she got one of her grandfather's old records out of its cover and placed it on the track.
Frye moved the needle onto the track and waited to hear anything. At first, the two heard a slight noise come from the player before it started playing the music.
(Y/N): & Frye: IT WORKED!
The two exclaimed with their hands up.
Frye: And now we're good to turn off grandpa's old people music!
She said as she immediately stopped the record player.
Frye, after setting down the record, hugged (Y/N).
Frye: Thank you, (Y/N)! I really wanted to fix this thing for my grandpa. It's been broken for a while, and while he always complained about it being broken, he also never took the time to get it fixed.
(Y/N): I'm glad to help any of you all out when you need it.
Frye stood up and smiled while rubbing her knuckles into the top of his head.
Frye: Yeah, like the sucker you are.
(Y/N) brushed away her noogie with a little chuckle.
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah, I'm a sucker, alright.
Frye: Not that I mind that one bit. I like you the way you are.
She said with a wide smile causing (Y/N) to blush a bit.
Frye: Now, let's go show grandpa the good news!
She picked up the record player in one hand again and started leading the way.
Frye was walking around trying to figure out where her grandpa was exactly until (Y/N) saw her sniff the air and then started rushing towards a direction, being a little careless with the record player even, to which (Y/N) was trying to shadow guard so he didn't have to fix it again.
When they got to where Frye had been leading him, he saw it was the kitchen and her grandpa was cooking dinner.
Frye: Grandpa, check it out! We got your record player working again!
She said as she set it down and started playing the record she was carrying.
Frye's Grandfather: That's wonderful! I've missed doing a little funky jig to my tunes so much. Thank you so much, Frye.
Frye: Please don't say "funky jig" ever again please. Also, it was (Y/N) who did the fixing.
Frye's Grandfather barely turned to face (Y/N)'s direction, but spoke to him quietly.
Frye's Grandfather: Thank you for your help...
Frye: That's more like it, grandpa!
She said while placing one arm around his back onto his shoulder, and the other on his close shoulder so she could hug him.
Frye: Glad to see you putting in more of an effort now.
(Y/N) smiled watching how she interacted with her grandfather.
Frye: Now, when's dinner going to be done?
Frye's Grandfather: In just a couple of minutes. Go say goodbye to your friend, then we can-
Frye: Goodbye? Grandpa, he's staying for dinner.
Frye's Grandfather: He is?
(Y/N): I am?
Frye: Duh. It's a long way back and I dragged you all the way here to help me with something. Of course you can stay for dinner.
(Y/N) smiled while Frye's Grandfather looked like he had been hit by an attack.
Frye's Grandfather: I'll get more dishes...
Frye: Thank you, grandpa. You da best!
She said hugging him one more time which made him happier again before Frye went back to (Y/N) and grabbed his hands while dragging him away.
Frye: Hurry up, let's head to the dining room! Grandpa's food is the best!
(Y/N) smiled enjoying how energetic and happy she was to include him in something like all of this here with her family.
When they got to the dining room, Frye's literal brother was already sitting in one of the seats playing his Game Youth while waiting for dinner.
Frye: Move twerp.
Frye's Brother: Why?
Frye: My friend's sitting there. Get up and scooch.
Frye's Brother: Why do I gotta scooch over? I was here first. Just make him sit in one of the open seats.
(Y/N): I can just sit somewhere el-
Frye: No, you're fine. It's this little urchin that needs to learn who's boss.
She said while grabbing his ear.
He hollered out trying to keep in the chair.
Frye: Did you hear him say "cut it off" too, (Y/N)? Who am I to deny my little brother what he wants?
Frye's Brother: FINE! Cod, just let me go! I'll move!
Frye was smiling as she let his ear go, and he moved over to another seat.
Frye: There ya go, now I got your seat all ready for ya, right next ta me!
She said with a smile and thumbs up.
(Y/N): Thanks, Frye.
He said with a nervous chuckle.
As (Y/N) was sitting down with Frye, Frye's grandfather walked in with the finished dinner for the night.
Frye's grandfather spoke to Frye's brother.
Frye's Grandfather: Where are your sisters at?
Frye's Brother: Probably thinking about the next way she can flirt with her boyfriend.
(Y/N) was a bit embarrassed by how he kept teasing her by calling him her boyfriend.
Frye: Shut it already!
Her brother just stuck his tongue out at her.
Frye's Grandfather: You know what sisters I'm talking about, don't you play dumb with me.
Frye's Brother: Sorry, grandpa...
Frye's Grandfather: Girls! Dinner's done! Hurry before your sister eats it all again!
(Y/N): Have you really done that before?
Frye gave a nervous chuckle before her brother chimed in again.
Frye's Brother: It's like seeing a whale just scarf it all down. It's going to make her fat one of these days.
Frye threw a tiny bit of her food at her brother causing him to quickly grab for a piece before their grandpa interrupted him.
Frye's Grandfather: Stop antagonizing your sister. And you, no throwing food.
Frye & her brother: Sorry, grandpa.
(Y/N): I wouldn't blame you if you did eat it all. I love to eat a lot too, and if this tastes as good as it smells, I'd make that double.
Frye giggled at his comment her brother made barfing motions.
Frye's Grandfather: GIRLS! Where are you two? Your sister's already eyeing your plates!
Just then, Frye's two little sisters ran in and quickly got into their seats.
Frye's Sister 1: Why're you sitting there today?
Frye's Brother: She wanted to be able to get all lovey-dovey with her boyfriend over there.
Frye: He's not my-
Frye's Sister 2: You have a boyfriend?
Frye's Sister 1: How long have you two been dating?
Frye's Sister 2: How long have you two known each other?
Frye: Will you two-
Frye's Sister 1: Were you one of her fans?
Frye's Sister 2: You're not one of those creepy fans, are you?
Frye's Brother was just smiling while eating his food.
Frye finally made sure to cut both of them off.
Frye: He. Is. Not. My. Boyfriend.
The twins went silent for a couple of seconds.
Frye's Sister 1: Why not?
Frye's Sister 2: Is he too afraid to ask you out?
Frye's Sister 1: Are you too afraid to ask him out?
Frye's Sister 2: If you marry our sister, does that make you our brother?
Frye's Sister 1: Are you a better brother than our brother?
Frye's brother looked over at them insulted, but he didn't say anything.
Frye's Sister 2: Are you gonna take our sister away from us?
Frye's Sister 1: What happens to her room when she's gone?
Frye: Grandpa!
Frye's Grandfather: Both of you two stop with all of the questions and eat your food. You two spit out so many words, you've gotta make sure you replace at least some of them by putting food in.
Frye's Sister 1 & 2: Yes, grandpa.
The two then start eating.
(Y/N) was just chuckling quietly to himself enjoying the chaotic family dynamic around him, never really getting the chance to experience something like this. He ate with friends often, but a family feels different.
Frye finished all the food off of her plate already as she laid back enjoying all the food she just ate.
Frye's Brother: See? She's done before anyone else is even close to-
He was interrupted by the sound of (Y/N) putting down his fork since he had just finished eating all of the food given to him as well, causing Frye to give him a fist bump.
Frye's Brother: Oh cod, they're perfect for each other...
Frye's Grandfather: [At least the boy has good taste in food...]
Frye: Come on, (Y/N), let's go wash these off then we can go find something else to do.
Frye and (Y/N) both picked up their dirty dishes and left the room to go wash their dishes. On their way out of the room, Frye's brother made a mocking kissy face at Frye causing Frye to flick some of the leftover dirt on her plate at him before giggling while leaving the room, causing him to jump back and wipe it off.
After the two got done washing their dishes, Frye led him out to the area where she'd practice taming her eels.
It was nearly dark out now with the sun barely creeping out over the horizon.
When they got there, Frye called out her eels.
Frye: Come on over here.
(Y/N): By the eels?
Frye: Yeah, it's fine, they don't bite... well... that's not true. But it's safe.
(Y/N): You know, I apologize, but you're not doing that great of a job convincing me it's safe.
Frye: Look, do you trust me?
(Y/N): ... Yeah...
He then cautiously walked over towards her.
She carefully aligned herself up behind him, grabbing the back of his hand and guiding it towards the eels.
(Y/N): You have done this before, right?
Frye: Of course, I have... y'know, with Shiver and Big Man... after they had gotten used to them after a long time.
(Y/N) gulped but let her keep going.
When his hand got close, the eel he was reaching for came a little closer to let (Y/N) pet it. The smoothness of the eel was a funny feeling.
He did get a bit scared when he suddenly felt a second eel right up against his torso that Frye had called over while (Y/N) wasn't paying attention.
He looked over to Frye, and she just laughed at how he was obviously nervous and even looking a bit paler, but he kept his smile up and allowed her to do it despite the nervous sweat going down his face.
Frye leaned her head against him to help him calm down a bit more before whispering to him.
Frye: You know, Onaga children do this all the time. I'm not sure if I've ever seen someone this scared doing this before.
She gave a mocking giggle, while (Y/N) just gave a sarcastic laugh.
(Y/N): It would be quite easier for someone who lives around eels, wouldn't it?
Frye: Whatever you need to tell yourself.
She said with a teasing smile looking right in his face so he could see her cockiness.
While the two were still up against each other looking into each other's eyes with the eels around them, suddenly a loud noise went off, causing the eels to quickly scatter, Frye to look around bewildered, and (Y/N) to look like he nearly inked his pants.
Frye found the source of the noise first with (Y/N) quickly finding it next.
It was Frye's brother who was now laughing loudly falling over onto the ground and pointing over at them.
Frye's Brother: Sorry, did I ruin your big romantic moment with your boyfriend? My bad!
Frye got furious and started running towards him before he quickly got up and ran back, still laughing.
Frye: I'm gonna splat you!
Frye's Brother: Grandpa! Frye's mad that I ruined her and her boyfriend's big kiss!
Frye: We did not kiss!
Frye didn't bother chasing after her brother anymore at this moment as he had gotten back, but they could now also hear her grandfather.
Frye's Grandfather: Just leave your sister and her boyfriend alone already! Or else don't come complaining to me later when she gets you back for it!
Frye was walking back over to (Y/N) now, calling back her eels to return to their places. She had her arms crossed upset by her little brother.
Frye: I'm sorry about my brother...
(Y/N): It's fine, I know you wouldn't have let me get hurt. He's just a kid messing around.
Frye: A kid who's about to get messed up really soon...
(Y/N) could see she was still pouting over her brother ruining the moment.
(Y/N): If it makes you feel better, I was really enjoying that. I've never done anything even close to that before.
Frye smirked a bit now at that.
(Y/N): And I'd like to do it again sometime.
Frye having heard that was now out of the little funk her brother put her in and smiled at (Y/N).
Frye: Ya liked it that much?
(Y/N): Yeah. As long as you're there with me.
Frye: Yeah, otherwise you might actually ink yourself.
(Y/N): I wasn't that scared.
Frye: Well you weren't the one looking at you the whole time.
The two laughed.
Frye: I'm sorry you've had to put up with all of my family today... I just thought it'd be fun to introduce you to my family... but between my grandpa's protectiveness, my sisters' endless questions, and my brother's constant teasing about being a couple... he's probably never going to stop either...
(Y/N) placed both of his hands on her arms to calm her down.
(Y/N): Frye, it's fine. I've really enjoyed being here today. Your family has their quirks but I think they're wonderful and fun to be around them, and especially you.
Frye was wiping her eyes a bit with a smile on her face.
Frye: Thanks... I was worried this had gone the opposite of how I intended... but seriously, my brother is annoying.
(Y/N): It's just a little teasing though, it's no biggie. I don't mind if he teases me by calling me your boyfriend. Sounds like I'd be a lucky man if that were true.
He laughed at his own statement, but Frye had started blushing and had a smile on her face at his words.
Frye: We could always actually start dating...
(Y/N) looked at her as she asked this.
Frye: Just kidding...!
She topped off with a nervous laugh that also caused him to join in too before Frye had stopped deadpan and looked right at him again.
Frye: But seriously though.
6015 Words
February 14, 2024 - 3:00 A.M.
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