S3C Chapter 12: Why Deny It
(Y/N): So, why are we going to the mall?
He said while walking in the front doors behind Shiver, Frye, and Big Man.
Frye: To buy stuff? Uh doy.
She said jokingly mocking him.
Shiver: They're one of our sponsors. And this place also has basically everything.
(Y/N): I bet. My next question was going to be why this place was so massive.
Big Man: Ay... Aay. (Tell me about it... I got lost in here once.)
Shiver: Yeah, "once".
Big Man: Ay... (Or twice...)
(Y/N): Shouldn't you three be focusing on practicing more for your Splatfest performance tomorrow?
He asked changing the topic.
Frye: What's there to practice? We'll crush it.
Shiver: As Frye said, we're the best.
Shiver said while confidently flicking up her fan.
(Y/N) decided not to question it any further. They were confident if nothing else, and he had heard them play before and did think they had the skills to pay the bills.
(Y/N): You've got me there.
He said with a smirk and a nod of his head accepting their boasting.
(Y/N): So then what's with this mall trip exactly?
Shiver: Can't you just accept a little relaxing trip to the mall? Doesn't have to be anything special.
Frye: Yeah, just have fun looking around at all the things and just let loose.
(Y/N): I don't know if I'm willing to take your financial advice based on what I've seen of your situation.
Frye and Shiver looked over upset at him but didn't say anything back because they knew he'd back up anything else he said on that situation.
Big Man: Ayyy. (I think just seeing all the happy people go around the mall is nice.)
(Y/N): You are a treasure, Big Man.
Big Man: Ayy!
He said with a smile.
(Y/N): So do you three get anything in return for getting me to buy stuff here due to your sponsorship?
Shiver: Enough questions! It's shopping time!
She said as the three all started pushing him further into the mall.
Frye: So you've really never had a Tacticooler drink before?
She asked while holding her bite of ramen halfway to her face.
(Y/N): Can't say I have.
Frye: We're changing that right now. Big Man! Go get us some!
Big Man: Ay! (On it!)
He said as he got up to go get what she requested of him.
(Y/N): Is there something special about Tacticooler drinks?
Shiver: Who's to say?
Shiver said from behind her fan with a mischievous smile while looking over at Frye who was returning the look.
After a minute, Big Man came back with one drink for each of the four.
They all took one for themselves, but they waited for (Y/N) to drink his first.
Frye: Well come on, give it a go.
(Y/N) understood that the situation was suspicious but decided he'd go for it anyway. What's the worst that could happen?
He cracked open the can and took a sip, but Frye and Shiver made sure to hold the back of the can up so he'd keep chugging it.
This shocked him for a moment but he decided to keep going on his own while Frye chanted.
Frye: Chug! Chug! Chug!-
Until he finished the drink and set down the empty can before taking a breath.
He looked over at the two who were now chuckling while watching him, while Big Man had a slightly worried look on his face as he also watched (Y/N).
(Y/N) felt his stomach like it was rumbling before slowly feeling like everything was slowing down a little bit as he felt a rush go through him like he had a ton of energy.
Frye was laughing now as she also cracked open her can and chugged it and crushed it against her head, before Shiver and Big Man also followed along with chugging their drinks. Frye burped as she finished hers.
Frye: Do they really have to be so carbonated?
(Y/N) felt like his whole body was jumping around on the inside.
Big Man: Ay! (These things always leave me feeling a bit sluggish afterward!)
Shiver had a big smile on her face as she tried to remain as still as possible while laughing at (Y/N) who was struggling to keep all the energy contained in him.
(Y/N): What's in these things exactly?!
Frye: No clue, but people use these drinks as a buff during Turf War battles for a reason!
(Y/N) dropped his head onto the table at hearing this, but due to the energy almost instantly the moment it touched the table shot his head straight back upwards.
After a minute or so, the four finally started to wind down from all the energy.
(Y/N): That stuff is messed up...
Frye was mostly back to normal, now eating her ramen again now that the burping had stopped.
Fyre: Oh don't be like that, the taste is actually pretty good.
(Y/N): Yeah... but I'm confused as to why they let people drink this stuff outside of battles.
Big Man was lying back in his chair at this point, a little sleepy even.
Shiver: Don't be such a wuss. Sometimes someone needs a little pick me up like that.
She said while enjoying her sushi.
(Y/N): If someone needs that as a pick-me-up, I don't want to know what they've been going through.
Frye snorted a laugh out at his complaint almost causing her to spit a little bit of her ramen out.
Shiver: You telling me you're not going to work yourself to the bone so that my team wins this Splatfest?
(Y/N): Not to the bone, no.
Shiver rested her head on her hand with a joking frown.
Shiver: Such unreliable help these days...
Frye meanwhile slurped up the last of her ramen and then slammed the bowl back down on the table.
Frye: Okay! I'm ready to get out of here now!
Shiver: Frye, calm down, some of us are still eating here.
Frye: Fiiiine. Let me know when you're done then. I'm gonna go check if they've got any cute keychains or anything else around here then.
Shiver: Okay, but stick to the shops around here. Don't go rushing to the other side of the mall and make us chase after you.
Frye: Anything else, mom?
Shiver didn't say anything, just pointed her fan away while she continued eating her sushi.
Shiver POV
The four of them had returned to the hideout after leaving the mall having barely caught Frye before she wandered farther into the mall than Shiver had told her to.
Big Man headed straight to bed so he could get plenty of rest for their big show the next day. Meanwhile, the other three stayed up a little late into the night.
Frye: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): What do you want?
Frye: Who says I want something?
The three in the room sat silent for a moment.
Frye: Can you make some snacks...?
(Y/N): Did you just eat at the mall earlier today? Shiver, please tell her. You ate there too.
Shiver: I could eat.
(Y/N) sighed and sat silent for a moment as his stomach grumbled enough for the other two to hear.
(Y/N): I'll see what's here.
He said as he got up and went to the kitchen.
Frye did a fist pump into the air before shifting her body to face Shiver on the couch.
Frye: Soooo?
Shiver: So what?
Frye: Oh come on, Shiver, don't do that. You know what I'm talking about.
Shiver sighed before smiling knowing that Frye could read her well enough.
Shiver: I'm a little too excited to feel tired tonight.
Frye put her arm around Shiver, pulling her in close.
Frye: Me too! Big Man being able to sleep right now is crazy.
Shiver: Part of me didn't expect us to make it this far exactly.
Frye: And the other part knew that we're AWESOME and would always have gotten here.
Shiver chuckled and smiled at Frye.
Shiver: But of course.
She confirmed as she put a hand on Frye's shoulder.
(Y/N): I got a bowl of nachos for anyone interested.
He said as he walked up to the scene of the two.
Frye: Don't just stand there, bring 'em on over here and sit down!
Frye said cheerfully while throwing her hand on the seat next to them for him to sit down.
Shiver: I love nachos. Very well, I guess you can be promoted to Snack Finder (Y/N).
She said while smirking at him.
(Y/N): Ha ha.
He said sarcastically while setting down the nachos between the three and sitting down with them.
Big Man: Ay! (Thanks for the help!)
Big Man said to (Y/N) as (Y/N) set down the piece of equipment Big Man asked him to help carry.
(Y/N): For you, Big Man, anytime. I'm just sorry this shirt I'm wearing couldn't be your team.
He said while patting his back.
Big Man: Ay. Aaay. Ay! (It's fine. Splatfests are supposed to be fun and no one should be judged for their team choice. Besides, I trust Team Scissors to do a great job all the same!)
(Y/N) smiled at Big Man's statement and cheerful attitude. (Y/N) expected Big Man to be nervous about this whole thing.
Just then, Shiver and Frye walked up to the two.
Shiver: Now, Big Man, you're not trying to bribe my team's members, are you?
Big Man: Ay?! Ay! (What?! Of course not!)
Frye: She's just messing with you, Big Man. We all know you're too soft for that.
Big Man: Ay...
Shiver: So, you're going to watch our first performance, right, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I'm not sure. I was actually more looking forward to battling in a Splatfest again. But I'll try and catch one of your performances tonight.
Shiver & Frye: WHAT?!
Big Man: AY?! (WHAT?!)
(Y/N): Hey! I'm just kidding! Of course I have to watch the very first performance!
The three of them quickly let out a sigh of relief.
Big Man: Ay. (I think I was about to cry.)
(Y/N): I'm sorry, Big Man. I didn't mean it. I'll always make sure to show up to every show you three do.
Big Man: Ay? (You promise?)
(Y/N): I promise.
Big Man was back to full cheerfulness again after (Y/N) said that.
Frye: You better not break that promise!
Shiver: Yeah, that's legally binding now.
(Y/N): I'd never want to break it. Now you three go on and get ready already. You don't have that much longer.
Frye: We will, don't worry so much.
Shiver: Do you even know where you'll watch the performance from?
(Y/N): They had your stage for you three being set up right at the end of the street at the bottom of the stairs outside the lobby, don't they? So, the top of the stairs would probably be the best place, wouldn't it?
Shiver: Well... that's where they are for now.
(Y/N) was confused as to what she could have meant by that.
Frye: Oooh, he doesn't know yet, does he?
Big Man: Ay. (Doesn't look like it.)
Shiver: Not a clue.
(Y/N) was just left even more confused now than ever.
Shiver got in close and pointed him over in a direction.
Shiver: I'd recommend the end of the street itself.
(Y/N): But wouldn't-
Shiver: Shush. Trust us. Got it?
She said as she held her fan against his lips to keep him from questioning more.
(Y/N) just nodded to tell that he understood, causing her to retract her fan from his mouth and back up from him now.
Shiver: Good!
She said while clasping her hands together, smiling, and closing her eyes in joy.
Shiver: Now get going into place and make sure we can hear your cheers above everyone else's. We've got to get stage ready now.
Frye: Wish us luck!
Big Man: Ay, ay. (Please do, I'm honestly a little nervous.)
(Y/N): You three don't need luck, you're the best.
He said mimicking what they always say and giving a thumbs up on his way out. Frye and Shiver reassured Big Man that the three of them would be fine, causing him to once again hype himself up.
(Y/N) had been waiting at around the street end that the trio had suggested to him for where to stand for almost a half hour now.
Suddenly the streets had quieted down as the lights went out now for a moment as everyone looked around. When the lights turned back on, he noticed Shiver on top of the stage in front of him but not the others. She looked at (Y/N) and gave a wink before the stage she was on... started floating?
She enjoyed seeing the absolute surprise on his face, causing her to show a bit of a sadistic smile before snapping herself out of it, as she got ready to perform as the music all started. With it, she began her song and dance, but not the one that all three did together that he had heard from them before, but a solo version of hers.
She was giving her performance with all of her energy put into it, and she looked down upon him with her usual cocky attitude and a smirk along with it while still continuing her performance.
She enjoyed watching his face of shock before he snapped out of it and started cheering along with everyone else who was already cheering loudly for their performance.
When he joined in the cheers though, she let it all out with her performance and it was as if she was shining. Her eyes were closed as she did her specific solo performance of the show that (Y/N) hadn't heard before.
He was stunned by it and how they just hadn't told him that the three were splitting up the performance.
Shiver's floating stage then began to move up the stairs leading up to the lobby area as the performance kept going, (Y/N) then saw Big Man on a floating stage coming from the area out of the alley down the main street towards where (Y/N) was, giving Big Man's own solo version of the performance.
(Y/N) was happy to see Big Man had surpassed his nervousness now and wasn't having an issue giving the performance that was rousing all of the cheers everyone was currently shouting out. (Y/N) also made sure to cheer loud enough for Big Man to hear him which caused Big Man to give a happy smile towards him as he continued performing.
(Y/N) then knew what to expect as he watched Big Man's stage go up the stairs before he turned back to the street and watched Frye on her own floating stage give her unique dance and solo performance.
He thought all of them were great and didn't think any of them were necessarily better than the other, but he had to admit, from a lot of the music in general that (Y/N) has listened to, Frye's dancing and singing had a unique feel to it all, along with the beat that (Y/N) thinks Big Man is responsible for. If so, Big Man did a great job encapsulating it.
(Y/N) remembered how Frye told him about how her family made her take dance lessons and figured their traditional dancing and other lessons were probably what Frye was taking inspiration from with her solo performance.
Frye never holds back and always makes sure to give 100% in everything she does, and (Y/N) could tell that's once again what she's doing now. So, he made sure to clap his hands high above his head with his cheers so he could express how good her performance was going already.
She had a large smile on her face and even took a moment to pose for him to show she had seen, heard, and appreciated his cheers.
Shiver POV
The three kept going around the area looping as they finished their first performance for the Splatfest. He kept cheering for all three each time they passed by each time. Once the three had finished the round of the performance, they all took a bow and waved and smiled at all of the fans around.
The Deep Cut member who ended the performance close to (Y/N) was Shiver, probably because the stages were set purposefully to begin and end at the same time by whoever set it all up.
During all that, she looked over to (Y/N) who was giving her a big smile and a thumbs up, she actually returned it all with a smile. Not a sarcastic smile, or a cocky one, or anything like that; a real smile. She couldn't hold back how happy she was to be here with all her friends.
Since now the three were just going to be repeating the same performance for the rest of this first night, she decided to bow her head at (Y/N) one more time and waved him off with her hand in the direction of the lobby to encourage him to go participate in some Splatfest matches and their team some wins and points.
He nodded his head with his big dopey, adorable smile that she couldn't help but enjoy seeing as much as she hated to admit it before he ran off towards the lobby, leaving her there watching after him as she heard the music start again and she prepared to repeat her performance a couple of more times before they were good to go and commentate for the matches instead for the night and call out winners of 10x, 100x, and 333x battles.
The four of them had arrived back at the hideout for the night after the first night of the Splatfest had been stopped there for the night.
Shiver was enjoying boasting about how helpful (Y/N) was for winning the x battles for her team to annoyingly rub it in the others' faces with a snicker.
Frye just brushed Shiver's cocky boasting off talking of how Team Paper would still be able to pull through even without (Y/N)'s help.
Shiver: Big Man, ya mind getting us all something to eat?
Big Man: Ay. (Sure thing.)
He said while getting up and going to cook something.
Frye: I'm gonna grab something from my room while the food isn't done yet. I'll be back in a bit.
Frye said while hopping off the couch and rushing to her room to look for what she wanted while she had the chance.
Shiver laughed enjoying all of this going on right now.
(Y/N): Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as I did on that stage tonight.
Shiver: You should see me after the results come back that we'll have won tomorrow.
(Y/N): Not afraid you'll jinx it?
Shiver: I know what I'm capable of.
She said while leaning over onto him.
Shiver: And I see how hard you were working to get those wins too. And you're not gonna start putting in low effort for tomorrow, are ya?
(Y/N) just smiled.
(Y/N): No way, you'd kill me if I did.
Shiver: Maybe, but then I wouldn't have anyone to order around like I do with you.
She said while closing her eyes and just lying down across his lap and the rest of the couch so she could take all the space while Frye and Big Man were up.
(Y/N): You don't get that from Frye or Big Man?
Shiver: Nah, they're my friends. You're more like... a minion.
She said looking up at him with her wicked smile as always.
(Y/N): Oohoho, is that it, huh?
He said in a sarcastic, joking tone.
Shiver: Sure is. Ya gonna do something about it?
(Y/N): Maybe I'll have to see if I can get them to exchange my Splatfest tee for a different team's shirt. I hear Team Paper is looking to accept some strong players right about now.
Shiver: I'd never let you. You're locked down. Ride or die. I guess you're just going to have to accept your place. But... if you play your cards right, maybe you can get promoted to sidekick.
(Y/N): A sidekick? To the great Shiver? Say you aren't joking! Wowee!
Shiver: That's more like it.
She said while lightly pinching his nose and tugging it jokingly.
He just laughed at her joking attitude she was messing with him before he smiled at her sincerely again, which caused her to be taken aback for a second before turning over so he couldn't see the blush she had growing on her face. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the face that kept making her feel like she was tripping over herself.
Just then, Frye had come back with a movie she had in her room she wanted to watch with the others before they all went to bed to enjoy the night a little more and hopefully die down all the excitement they were all feeling.
Frye: Hey, Shiver! What's up with you? Pouty or something?
Shiver: Wha? No, of course not.
She wasn't expecting Frye to come back then and catch the embarrassment on her face she was trying to hide from herself.
Shiver: Is that movie what you were looking for?
She asked to try and change the topic as she sat back up off of (Y/N) and the whole couch and retreated to hide behind her fan which she always relied on.
Frye: Sure is! This is how you end this first night of our awesome night of our new life!
She cheered as she put the movie in before running back to the couch and sitting on the other side of (Y/N) causing (Y/N) to scooch over a bit closer to Shiver to give Frye a little more space.
In turn, this caused Shiver to scooch over a bit more away too so she didn't get embarrassed in front of them again. She didn't know how or why it happened, but without him even trying, he just knew how to push the buttons that caused Shiver to feel whatever way this is she felt when he did these things.
Just then, Big Man came in with the food and set some down on the table in front of the couch for each of them.
Big Man: Ayy! (Eat up, everyone!)
He said before sitting down on the other side of Frye, causing them all to squish up next to each other more, and to Shiver's embarrassment, (Y/N) closer to her.
Shiver thought she must be hungry and that's why she was acting all like this, so she quickly sat up to eat some of her food, but as (Y/N) grabbed his food too and smiled at her as he ate some too, it caused her to blush once again, and at this point, she felt like she wanted to hide her face in the plate of food.
She felt happy, really happy of course, there was no doubt about that. She had all of her best friends right here and just had an amazing night together with all of them. So, what exactly was this weird way she's been feeling when she saw his smile, when she sees him cheer her on, why did it make her feel like she had enough energy to run a marathon?
She didn't want anyone to see her acting in such a lame way, but at the same time, she also felt she wanted him to keep giving her that smile that made her feel this way.
Big Man: Ayy? Ay. (You three mind scooching over a bit more? Kinda cramped over here with my size.)
(Y/N): After making this great food, Big Man? Whatever you want, you can have.
He said with a laugh, and Frye nodded in agreement while her face was stuffed with food.
This however did cause (Y/N) to be against Shiver, causing her to just sit there for a moment like this weird feeling would take her over again before she just decided to try and face it head-on and lean into him while she continued to eat.
Shiver: [Sorry, body, but I'm the boss here. You don't get to tell me how I feel, I decide that. I'll make you accept that what I say goes.]
She thought to herself a bit smugly as she thought she'd overcome this weird feeling of hers, but then she looked up at (Y/N). He was confused as to why she had the look she did on her face but he just smiled at her before turning back to the movie and continued eating his food.
Just then, at that moment there she had to look right into his eyes with the curiosity she had, Shiver thought she realized what was going on with this strange new feeling she had.
Shiver: [Oh no...]
3924 Words
February 11, 2024 - 6:40 A.M.
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