S3C Chapter 11: Match Mishap


(Y/N) entered the living room to see Frye and Shiver on the couch. Shiver was sitting on her knees relatively still, while Frye was moving all around, twisting and contorting her body.

When he got closer, he could tell they were both playing video games based on the controllers in their hands.

Frye heard him walking up and looked over briefly before turning back to the game that Shiver hadn't even turned away from.

Frye: Wassup? You just get here?

(Y/N): Sure did, but I see you're really into that game. Who's winning?

He asked walking up beside the couch on its side.

Frye squinted her eyes frustratingly at the question while still throwing her body and controller around.

Frye: Me in about just... one moment-! OH COME ON!

Shiver still didn't say anything or move much but (Y/N) did notice a smile form on her face at the sound of Frye's outburst.

Not long later, the game ended with Shiver's victory, which she bowed at before now finally turning to face Frye.

Frye had the controller raised up for a moment in anger before breathing out and letting her frustration go.

Frye: This game's rigged...

Shiver: No need to be a sour sport, Frye.

She said with a giggle in her voice.

Shiver: So, do ya care to go again?

Frye: NO!

Frye wasted no time cutting off Shiver's request, but Shiver just kept smiling and shrugged her shoulders.

Shiver: What about you? Care to get schooled in the nature of defeat?

She asked shifting towards (Y/N).

(Y/N): Maybe some other time. I was about to go out and do some Turf Wars.

Frye: Count me in!

Frye said while jumping up off the couch and immediately running to grab something from her room.

Shiver: Well, I guess if you're all too afraid of me, you can count me in for a match.

She said while carefully getting off the couch and standing up to go off and get something from her room.

On her way out of the room though, she did call out loudly.

Shiver: Big Man! Get down here! We're gonna go do some Turf Wars!

Big Man called out from his room.

Big Man: Ay! Ay... Ayy? (Okay! Give me a minute... Actually, have you seen my shoes?)

Shiver: Big Man, you don't wear shoes!

Big Man: Ay... Ay! (Oh... I knew that!)

(Y/N) laughed at the exchange as Frye came rushing into the room with a menacing figure now to her silhouette.

(Y/N): What is that monster?

Frye: This... is my boomstick.

(Y/N): Okay, but what is it?

Frye: It's my Splatana Stamper!

She said with a big grin on her face.

Frye: It's like the Splatana Wiper you've seen me use before, but this one packs a major punch.

She said as she swung it close to his face, causing him to back up a little bit.

Frye: Don't get too jumpy already. I won't be using it on you... this time.

Frye tilted her head up and looked downward at him with a dramatic expression as she said that last part, before returning to normal and laughing it off, causing (Y/N) to just smile and shake it off.

Shiver then returned to the main room with a giant bow in her hands.

(Y/N): Did I miss the memo or something on us all using huge weapons?

Shiver: Aw, it's okay, it's not the size that matters, don't be so insecure.

She said with a cocky attitude and grin causing (Y/N) to just jokingly roll his eyes.

Shiver: The Tri-Stringer is just an elegant weapon of form and grace. Something I've got plenty of.

Frye snorted at that last part causing Shiver to glare at her.

Frye: If you want a weapon with "elegance" a Splatana is much better.

Shiver: You mean how you brutishly swing it around like a club?

Frye: Don't be jealous of its power. It works with ease, but if I get serious, I'd really show you how it's done.

The three were now waiting by the door, still waiting on the fourth friend still missing from this picture.

Shiver: Big Man! If you don't hurry up right now, we're leaving you!

Big Man: Ay! Ay! (Alright! I'm coming)

He said with a shocked nature before soon after running over to them, ready to leave.

Big Man: Ay, ayy. (Sorry, I was having trouble deciding what weapon to bring.)

He said before showing off the magnificent weapon that he had taken so long to decide upon and reveal it was the- Tri-Slosher...

Shiver: Let's just get going.

Shiver said as she and Frye started walking out, not giving any appreciation to his weapon choice, leaving Big Man a bit saddened.

(Y/N) gave him a thumbs up and a smile though.

(Y/N): I thought it was cool, buddy.

This caused Big Man to become more chipper once again, and then rush out after the other three and (Y/N) who was now walking out ahead of him.


Shiver: So, what stages are up right now?

(Y/N): Isn't it your job for you three to announce the stages?

Shiver looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk and gave him a know-it-all look.

Shiver: I don't focus on the past, I only look forward.

(Y/N): You can just say you forgot...

Frye: OOH! It's Scorch Gorge! LET'S GOOO!

(Y/N): Is that a good stage?

Frye: I just like Scorch Gorge. I can have a lot of fun there.

She said with a devious laugh after it.

(Y/N): Should I be concerned?

Big Man: Ay. (Maybe.)

Frye: It's fine. I'll let you in on my amazing strat on the way, (Y/N). You can help me out with it.

(Y/N) just shrugged.

(Y/N): Sure, what have I got to lose?

Big Man: Ay. (Your life.)

Shiver: Your dignity.

(Y/N): I didn't need the commentary.

The three then searched for a match and made their way out to Scorch Gorge, with Frye filling (Y/N) in on the idea on the way over.


(Y/N) looked around the place, feeling the boiling heat on his skin.

(Y/N): Did they really have to drag us all out to the desert for this? It's so hot out here.

He said while turning back to the others, with Frye glaring at him.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Frye: If this is just you setting up a pun with my name again, I will hit you.

(Y/N) glared at her in a challenging manner.

(Y/N): Okay.

Frye then went back to her cheerful smile.

Frye: Good!

(Y/N): So what is this place?

Big Man: Ay! (It's a National Park actually!)

(Y/N): Honestly, not the answer I was expecting.

Frye leaned over close to him.

Frye: Just make sure you stay away from the souvenir shop... They won't let you leave without buying something.

(Y/N): Noted.

Just then, the match was about to start, so they all got into position.

Shiver had her game face on, Big Man looked like he was trying to just not fall off the spawn cube, and Frye gave a nod over to (Y/N) to make sure he was ready for their plan to commence, to which he returned with a nod of his own, and they all launched to the stage as the match started.

The match was going by without any major hitches. Shiver was mostly trying to hold the high ground in the center of the stage, she was staking quite the stance with her bow drawing it back as much as possible before releasing it. At one point, (Y/N) even saw her take out two people at once with one bow shot.

After making that shot, she called out to Frye.

Shiver: Like I said, elegant!

Frye: Just watch me!

(Y/N) watched as Frye rushed up to the enemy team's area, expecting her to do something reckless. However, when she got up to the enemy team's players, he watched as she dipped and dodged around their shots before getting in close and striking them down.

She was flowing like the wind just leading into her motions, which is what led her to look back at Shiver and give a sarcastic bow reminiscent of Shiver before suddenly getting splatted by one of the respawned enemies.

The enemies were now trying to push them back out of their area in the now final minute of the match before (Y/N) heard Frye call out "This way!" to indicate she was about to initiate the plan she discussed with (Y/N).

Frye had gotten her special back and had used it to activate her Zipcaster. She used it to climb up one of the big pillars with a cage on top of it. Once she had gotten inside the cage, (Y/N) recognized it was his time to super jump to her, which he did.

Once he landed in the cage with her, he admired how cool Zipcaster was.

(Y/N): I've gotta admit, you do look sick in that special.

Frye: Of course I do! Now check this out.

Frye used her Zipcaster to drop onto the enemies from a direction they didn't expect and instantly swatted them with the Splatana Stamper. Then when her Zipcaster ran out, she jumped back to her starting position and then back to (Y/N) who was still in the cage.

(Y/N): Now what?

Frye: What do you mean?

(Y/N): What do we do next? And how do we get out of here?

Frye:  . . .

She sat just blankly staring at him after he asked those questions.

(Y/N): What do you do the other times you do this strategy of yours?

Frye: This is honestly the first time I've done it. But hey, that worked pretty well, didn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah, until this point. What do we do now that we're in here?

Frye: ...It's pretty cool being up here, right?

(Y/N) and Frye tried calling out to Shiver and Big Man, but the two were focusing on not losing as the match was coming to a close. Big Man was inking turf while Shiver held back the enemies, annoyed and wondering where (Y/N) and Frye were.

Then the whistle had been blown and the match was over. Judd and Li'l Judd calculated the results, and called it a win for their team, but not by too much due to (Y/N) and Frye being out of commission for the end of it.

Shiver POV

Shiver was annoyed at how they had almost lost and was looking around for where the two had gone.

She saw Big Man sitting off to the side and resting now after the match, happy that they had won.

Shiver: Big Man, have you seen where those two got off to?

Big Man: Ay? Ay, ay, ayy... (Huh? Not really, uh, sorry, I'm just kinda tired after the match, I wanted to rest here in the shade for a bit...)

Shiver sighed and left Big Man to his rest.

Shiver: I bet Frye rushed him off toward the souvenir shop. Eh, it's whatever. We still won. I'll ask Frye what happened once they get back.

She was rationalizing the situation, but Big Man wasn't paying too much attention and was sort of dozing off now.

Shiver: I'm gonna head back, Big Man. You coming with me or...?

Big Man: Ay, ayyy. Ay... (Nah, I'm just gonna stay right here for a little while. I'll catch ya later...)

Shiver nodded and walked off to leave before smirking to herself.

Shiver: That was a sick shot I made earlier... did (Y/N) see it..?


(Y/N) and Frye were still trying to call out to Shiver as she was leaving the place, but she didn't notice, causing them to give up.

(Y/N): I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it.

Frye: It's okay, Big Man is still here!

(Y/N) walked over to see where she was pointing and then looked back to Frye a little unenthused.

(Y/N): Frye, I'm pretty sure he's taking a nap...

Frye: Oh... Well, it's fine. We can just hang out while we wait for him to wake up.

The two sat in silence for a moment.

Frye: Soooooo... wanna play I Spy?

(Y/N) just sighed.

(Y/N): Sure...

Frye: I spy with my little eye something... oooorange?

(Y/N): Is it the rocks?

Frye: How did you know?!

(Y/N): Well, that was a fun game.

He decided to just sit down against the pole while they waited for help to get out.

(Y/N): Wait, don't you have your cell phone on you?

Frye: You're right!

She checked her pockets and then found her phone and pulled it out and held it above her head in triumph.

Frye: Da da da daaaaa!

(Y/N): Yes! Now call someone!

Frye went to her contacts and placed the call, causing it to ring for a moment. (Y/N) waited in anticipation for a moment before the ringing stopped.

Frye: Heyo, squirt. What's Grandpa making for dinner today?

(Y/N) was just looking at her confused.

Frye: Uh huh. Hmm... That doesn't sound that bad.

(Y/N): Frye?!

Frye: One sec.

She held her phone away from her for a moment.

Frye: Yeah?

(Y/N): Forgetting something?!

Frye looked puzzled for a moment before coming to the realization and nodding her head with a smile.

Frye: How much did he make? My friend's kinda hungry too.

(Y/N): FRYE! We need help!


She went back to the phone call.

Frye: Before I forget, I need you to- Hello? Hello..?

She took the phone away from her ear and looked at it then over to him.

Frye: The battery's dead.

(Y/N) once again facepalmed.

Frye: It's fine, just make the call on your phone.

(Y/N): I don't have a phone!

Frye: Wha? How do you not have a phone?

(Y/N): I lost mine in the desert, remember? And I haven't had the time to get a replacement yet.

Frye: Well that's just insane. What if there was an emergency and we needed to contact you?!

(Y/N): Yeah, that would be really helpful right about now...

He just rubbed the bridge of his nose while Frye sat against the cage.

They sat in silence for a minute, not able to think of anything to say to pass the time before (Y/N) opened his mouth.

(Y/N): Those were really cool moves you had in the match... where'd you learn to be that awesome?

Frye: Actually...? From the dance lessons my family had me take...

(Y/N) raised his eyebrows not expecting that answer.

(Y/N): Well that's resourceful. If I had known something like dance lessons could help be that cool, I'd have taken some lessons.

Frye: I can give you some pointers sometime.

She said while giving him a soft smile from across the cage.

(Y/N) returned the smile before fanning his shirt collar due to how hot it was.

(Y/N): Big Man said this place was a National Park. How would you rate it?

Frye: It's pretty nice. A lot of people think of forests and all that gunk when they think of national parks, but we roll differently here in the Splatlands. There's tons of cool stuff to do here too like rock climbing and other cool trademarked stuff I can't remember off the top of my head.

(Y/N): Okay, I'm sold. I'll have to check it out sometime when we're not here for a match... or locked in a cage.

He said causing both of them to laugh.

Frye: Plus, there's always some cool facts about yours truly involving this place too.

(Y/N): Did you fall into a cave or something here?

Frye: Wha- NO! Why does everyone think that...? But anyway, Shiver, Big Man, and I actually starred in a movie that was shot here once.

(Y/N): Wait, really?

Frye: Yeah, so you can be happy that you know even bigger stars than you thought you did.

She said looking up and proud of herself.

(Y/N): What was it called?

Frye: Huh?

(Y/N): The movie. What was it called?

Frye: Oh, I uh... don't actually know.

(Y/N): How do you not know the movie you three were in?

Frye got a little nervous.

Frye: Well, actually, we didn't... star in it, more like... could be seen as extras in the backgrounds in one scene... hehe...

(Y/N) just nodded, thinking about how that made more sense, but didn't want to say it out loud.

(Y/N): Any other starring roles of yours?

Frye: Depends if you count any of our music videos or not.

(Y/N): Any stand-out ones?

Frye: Ooh! You know Mincemeat Metalworks?

(Y/N): Yeah?

She was already cracking up to herself remembering it.

Frye: We shot a music video there once with crazy pyrotechnics. They blasted so much dust all over the place that Shiver still complains about finding more dust.

(Y/N) was chuckling at the thought.

(Y/N): Really?

Frye: Well, if you promise not to tell, sometimes when I find some dust, I just secretly drop it on her head and she gets so annoyed about it thinking that's what it is.

The two let out a haughty laugh at her trickery.


(Y/N): Let me guess. Red Sea Snail Man?

Frye: Well, he's technically called Sea Snail Man Love, but yes. Man, you're good at this game.

The two were playing 21 Questions.

Frye: I'm starting to suspect you're cheating!

(Y/N): Frye, you've just done different Sea Snail Mans this whole time... and I haven't even seen the show or whatever Sea Snail Man is from before now.

Frye: WHAT? Aw, we've gotta change that. When we get out of here, we're binging it all together.

(Y/N): Sell me on it.

Frye: Okay, so basically it all started when Sea Snail Man-

She started going off on a large tangent before (Y/N) saw past her and noticed something, or rather the lack of something.

(Y/N): Um, Frye? Frye??

She stopped.

Frye: Yeah?

(Y/N): Do you notice anything?

Frye: No?

(Y/N): Exactly. Where did Big Man go?


Shiver POV

Shiver was trying out a practice dish in hopes of becoming better at cooking.

Shiver: Okay, just like Big Man taught you.

She opened the oven to reveal a tray of some cookies that were sort of misshapen but didn't look too bad.

She smiled at her work just as Big Man walked in.

She looked over.

Shiver: Oh hey Big Man, you're finally back!

Big Man: Ay, ay. (Yeah, I didn't mean to take that long of a nap but it was just so cozy.)

Shiver: Are Frye and (Y/N) not with you?

Big Man: Ay. (I thought they came here with you.)

Shiver: Nope, I have no clue where they are. I was hoping you three might come back together though.

Big Man: Ay. Ay. (Huh. That's strange.)

Shiver: Yeah, it's getting late. If they don't get here soon, these cookies I baked are gonna get cold.

Big Man: Ay, ayy? (Ooh, have you been trying out that recipe I taught you?)

Shiver: See for yourself.

Big Man walked over and looked at the tray of cookies. They were odd sizes and not exactly... round? But that didn't really matter so he decided to try one of the least misshapen ones.

When he took a bite of it, he smiled, causing Shiver to look up expectantly at him.

Big Man: Ay, ay. Ay? (They could use a bit of work, but they taste pretty good. Can I have another?)

Shiver would take that as a compliment since she's come a long way since she wasn't able to cook anything.

Shiver: You can have one more. I still want to try one, and we gotta save some for the other two doofuses. Wherever they are.

Shiver reached for the most misshapen cookie before stopping herself. She decided she'd save that one for (Y/N). Then she reached for another one and enjoyed her handiwork.


Frye POV

(Y/N): How is it fair for deserts to be so hot in the day and this cold at night?

He had his arms crossed across his chest to try and stay as warm as possible despite his shivering.

Frye had moved to sit down right against his side.

(Y/N): Did you get lonely over there?

He said with a slight chuckle in between his shivers.

Frye: You've gotta huddle together to stay warm.

(Y/N): You know any more survival tips?

Frye: I know the Splatlands. Now wrap your arm around me. I don't have any sleeves and it's leaving me really cold...

He put one arm around her and she leaned further into him. He could feel her shivering a bit, but they became more infrequent after a minute causing her to relax more once again now that she had warmed up.

Frye: Thanks...

(Y/N) just smiled as he looked around eventually looking up at the night sky.

Frye noticed eventually and looked up at him before looking over to wherever he was looking.

Frye: Do you see something?

(Y/N): Just the stars.

Frye: They are pretty, aren't they..?

They spent a while longer just talking about anything they could think of together, having a little one-on-one time.

Before she had even noticed, he had fallen asleep and was resting his head on top of hers.

Frye: Dumb lug.

She said laughing to herself before enjoying the view for a little while longer until she closed her eyes to rest.


Shiver was watching TV while she ate some breakfast.

Suddenly, Frye and (Y/N) walked into the building.


(Y/N): We got stuck in a cage at Scorch Gorge. Overnight.

Shiver: Oh my cod... why didn't you two call me or anyone?

(Y/N) looked over to Frye, but Frye just nervously chuckled.

Shiver: So then how did you two manage to get out?

Frye: Well...


One of the park employees had noticed the two asleep in the cage and was calling out to them eventually waking up Frye and then (Y/N).

After they had explained they were stuck, emergency services were called out to cut open the cage to get them out, helping them down with a large crowd around looking at the situation.

Frye: At least they gave us some blankets, right? Could've used some of these last night.

(Y/N) and Frye were standing next to each other now with the blankets wrapped around each of them.

(Y/N): I can't thank you all enough for getting us out of there. We were frying inside of there.

Frye then went wide-eyed and had an angry expression on her face before punching him in the shoulder.

~End of Flashback~

Frye: I don't want to talk about it...

Shiver: Well if you two want... I made some cookies for fun last night that you two can have. They're not hot now, but they're still good.

Frye: Heck yes! I'm STARVING right now!

(Y/N): I didn't think about it until you mentioned it, but so am I.

Shiver: Then come on, you two. Lumpy cookies for everyone!


(Y/N): YAAA- Wait, lumpy?



(Y/N) was relaxing in his room after the day he had yesterday

He heard a knock on his door.

(Y/N): Who is iiiiit?

Frye opened the door and walked in nervously.

(Y/N): Hey, Frye, what's up?

Frye: I just wanted to say... I'm sorry... For getting you in that situation, and then for wasting my phone battery and getting us stuck in that crummy situation even longer...

(Y/N): It's okay, it was just an accident. You didn't mean for it to happen. Buuut... the phone call situation was a little frustrating, I'm not gonna lie. But it's okay.

Frye looked a little sad for a moment.

Frye: I know...

She then changed her expression into a lighthearted smile.

Frye: But that's why I'll make sure it won't be a problem ever again.

Frye had had her hands behind her back the whole time, looking a little shy or embarrassed, but she revealed that she was actually holding something behind her back.

(Y/N) noticed it was a box and opened it to reveal a Sea Cucumber Phone.

(Y/N): You got this for me?

Frye: Like I said, I felt really bad for what happened. And I was actually concerned when I brought up how we might need to contact you some time. So I talked with Shiver and Big Man and we all pitched in to help get you one. It's nothing fancy, but it's so we can always stay connected.

She said with an innocent smile.

Frye: And we already took the liberty of putting our numbers in it too.

(Y/N) opened the phone to reveal messages from each of the three that they had already sent him. Big Man's message was a happy congratulatory message, Shiver's was a jokey message telling him to get with the times already, and Frye had sent him a happy photo of the three of them.

Frye: Well, anyway, let me know if you ever want to hear my next Turf War strat I came up with.

She said with a wide grin on her face before running off.

(Y/N) was surprised by her sudden comment before he laughed it off and went back to checking out his new phone. It wasn't a smartphone like his old one, just a cheap flip phone, but he didn't mind one bit.

He smiled at the photo of the trio once again and immediately set the picture as his home screen.

Frye then shouted once again from outside his room.

Frye: Oh, by the way, (Y/N)! I could really use your help with something that I definitely was not the one who broke it!

Shiver: FRYE!

Frye: I said it WASN'T me!

Big Man: Ayy? (Can we please not scream across the whole place?)

Shiver & Frye: SHUT IT!

Everything went quiet again for a moment.

Frye: But seriously, (Y/N), it's bad!

(Y/N) just smiled at the happy chaos he lived before closing his new phone and getting up.

4026 Words

February 5, 2024 - 6:06 A.M.

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