S2C Chapter 63: Growing Pains
(Y/N) was walking through a crowd of people.
The festival brought out many people to see all of what it had in store. There we many stands for games, snacks, etc. So many fun things to do with one's friends.
Walking through them all alone though was (Y/N).
He looked down while walking among the people until he stopped and saw a group of kids playing one of the games at a stand.
(Y/N) looked a little sad about it before walking off and looking at all the other stands around.
Suddenly, he just stopped walking. He found a spot between a couple of stands and decided to just crouch down between them.
(Y/N): [Why did I even come here..? There's nothing for me here...]
He had his arms around his legs and put his head down and hid himself in his knees.
Marie POV
Marie was walking through the festival with her cousin Callie who was holding onto plenty of things they had either bought or won at the stands.
Marie: Are you sure you haven't gotten enough snacks yet, Callie?
Callie: Enough snacks? There's no such thing, Marie! When parents aren't around to stop you at least.
Callie's eyes quickly darted to her side.
Callie: Speaking of which, I just spotted something I need to get real quick. I'll be right back!
Callie then took off in a direction before even waiting for a reply from Marie.
Marie: Wait, Callie! Don't just run off like that! What if you get lo- she's already gone...
Marie sighed but then let out a chuckle at her cousin's antics.
She looked around at the stands while waiting for her cousin of never-ending hunger to return.
She spotted many people stopping to enjoy the stands and stand operators trying to pull in more people to their stands, but then she saw something that stood out from the rest of the scenery.
Between a couple of stands was a child who was all alone and had balled up into his arms and legs.
Marie looked over to see if Callie was done yet or not, but when she didn't see her cousin, she decided that she'd check what was wrong with the child hidden from everyone's sight.
???: Is something wrong with you?
He was surprised to hear someone suddenly so close to him and questioning him out of nowhere.
He raised his head to see a girl with short grey tentacles looking down on him.
(Y/N): I don't know...
He answered her before resting his head on its side atop his knees once again.
???: What do you mean you don't know? Are you stupid or something?
(Y/N): I'm not stupid!
He jumped his head back up quickly to defend himself on instinct like a child would.
???: Then why are you sitting over here?
(Y/N): I just... I'm all alone here...
???: Why didn't you just bring your friends with you then?
(Y/N): I don't have any friends...
The girl's eyes widened upon that realization.
???: Oh...
The girl thought for a moment.
???: Okay.
She began to walk away.
(Y/N) figured she was just asking him out of curiosity and now that she got her answers, she was leaving him there.
???: Well?
He looked up and saw she was standing there looking back at him leaving him confused.
(Y/N): Well what?
She sighed and then walked back over to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him along after her.
(Y/N) was confused as to what the girl was after.
She stopped in the middle of the area and turned back to him, letting go of his hands.
(Y/N): What're you doing?
Marie: My name's Marie.
(Y/N): Mine is (Y/N)..?
Marie was about to say something but was cut off by another girl who looked the same age as her but with longer black tentacles suddenly running up and calling Marie's name.
???: Marie! Marie!
Marie turned to face the other girl.
Marie: Callie, what took you so long?
Callie: I couldn't decide what to ask for so I ended up getting both instead!
She exclaimed while showing off the two things she got to Marie.
Just then though, Callie noticed the younger squid standing next to Marie.
Callie: Who's he?
Marie: Callie, this is (Y/N). He's going to hang out with us at the festival.
Callie squinted her eyes while looking him up and down out of curiosity which caused (Y/N) to get nervous of being rejected by the older girl.
Callie: Yeah, he'll do nicely.
She said while smiling at him.
Her reaction now left (Y/N) confused and with an eyebrow raised.
Marie was resting against a tree in a field reading the book she had brought to entertain herself with when the three came out together today.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was currently getting chased by Callie.
Callie: I will marry you!
Marie: It's just for a game, (Y/N). Tell him, Callie.
Callie stopped and looked at Marie without saying anything.
Marie: See?
(Y/N): Can't we play something else?
Callie: What could be better?
(Y/N): Um... I don't know.
Callie: Exactly.
Just as Callie was about to run after (Y/N) again, Marie stopped Callie.
Marie: Why don't we play hide & seek instead?
Callie: Ooh yeah! Let's do that! Onetwothree NOT IT!
She screamed after quickly counting down before running off to find a hiding spot.
(Y/N): Should me or you be it?
Marie sighed like he was an idiot.
Marie: Sit down.
She said while pointing next to her.
(Y/N) listened to her and sat down next to her, confused as to what she was doing.
He was surprised when Marie reached around him and pulled his head down to rest on her lap.
He looked up at her both confused and embarrassed but she never looked away from her book, so he just went along with it resting with her.
(Y/N): What're you reading?
Marie: A story.
(Y/N): What's it about?
Marie: Want me to read it to you?
(Y/N): Okay.
Marie went back in her story and started reading to him while he just laid down and listened to it, enjoying the story as she read it.
Callie POV
Callie: Marie! That was a dirty trick!
Callie said while walking back up to the tree in a huff while having leaves all over her.
Marie looked over to her noisy cousin and held a finger to her lips calling for her to be quiet.
Which is when Callie noticed (Y/N) sleeping on Marie's lap. She looked up at Marie confused at the situation in front of her.
Marie simply just gave a victorious grin to her cousin causing Callie to pout more than she already was.
(Y/N) had waved bye to his two friends, Callie and Marie, and then ran off home with a big smile on his face.
When he entered the door and shut it behind him, his parents had heard him, causing his mother to speak up.
Mom: (Y/N)? Is that you?
(Y/N): Yes, mom!
Mom: I thought I told you to be home before it got too late.
(Y/N): I know but I was out with my friends.
His mom smiled.
Mom: Of course you were. What else would have my little man with that big of a smile on his face?
She said while putting on a baby voice and gripping his smiling cheeks playfully causing him to shake her off embarrassedly.
(Y/N): Moooom.
Mom: What? Why don't you tell me which one of the two it is that you like?
(Y/N): MOM!
He exclaimed with a blush on his face as he ran to his room.
(Y/N)'s Mom POV
Dad: Y'know you're just gonna upset him if you tease him like that, right?
Mom: I know, but I'm just happy that he's finally made some friends.
Dad: Yeah, I was worried he'd be alone forever.
She playfully hit him.
(Y/N) was nervous while standing in front of the door he was at until it suddenly opened revealing a beautiful woman with black tentacles.
(Y/N): I-Is Callie home?
The woman smiled down at the embarrassed boy.
Callie's Mom: Oh, Callie~! I've got a boy here asking for you~!
(Y/N) could hear the sound of something loud thud against the floor before seeing Callie and she ran straight at him, pulling him right into a hug.
Callie's Mom: So, I'm guessing this is the boy you're always talking about?
The woman asked her daughter with a smile on her face.
Callie nodded happily.
Callie: This is my boyfriend!
(Y/N): I'm not your boyfriend!
He exclaimed while blushing.
Callie: Yes you are!
She then proceeded to drag him along after her.
Callie: Bye, mom! We're gonna go find Marie!
Callie's mom just smiled and waved at her daughter who was dragging off the boy as she shut the door.
Callie's Mom: Don't stay out too late!
Callie POV
Callie: And that one?
Marie: That's Orion.
Callie: And what about that one?
Marie: That's Ursa Major.
Callie: And that big one right there?
Marie: Callie, you know the Big Dipper.
Callie giggled while the two were lying out in the field on their backs.
Callie: Okay, smart girl, what about that one then?
She asked confidently while pointing at one.
Marie: That's... that's... I know this one...
Callie: Oh, do you?
Marie: Yeah, it's- um... I don't know...
She said with an embarrassed look.
Callie: Let my mighty intelligence explain it to you then. That... isn't even a star. That's an airplane.
Marie: Wha- Ugh...
Callie was laughing at her cousin's embarrassment which earned her the ire of her cousin as she proceeded to lightly hit Callie a couple of times, but it didn't stop Callie's laughs.
Marie: Shut up, Callie...
Callie: Nope!
The two then heard a sound approaching them getting louder. The noise caused the two to raise their heads off the ground and look towards it.
When they did, they saw (Y/N) was running up to them.
(Y/N): I'm here!
Marie: Finally. I thought we said earlier than this.
(Y/N): I know, but I had to find a good time to get out of the house first.
Callie: It's okay, you're here now!
Each of the two then grabbed one of his hands and pulled him down to the ground to lay down in the field with both of them.
(Y/N): So, was there some special reason you two wanted to make sure I made it today?
Marie: Does there have to be?
(Y/N) pretended like he was thinking for a moment which caused both of the two to quickly swat at him, making him laugh.
(Y/N): No, I'd have come no matter what.
Marie: That's more like it.
The three talked out under those stars for a while huddled up together.
Marie: Do you two promise not to laugh if I tell you two something?
(Y/N) and Callie looked over at Marie and didn't say anything.
Marie: Okay, good.
Marie seemed a little embarrassed to say what it was she was trying to say.
Marie: I... want to try to sing...
(Y/N): Like, right now?
Marie: No, like-! I like singing and want to try doing it...
Callie: Marie?!
Callie was sitting up on her knees now while looking down over at her cousin.
Marie: What?
Marie was a little nervous over what Callie would say.
Callie: Me too!
Marie: R-Really?
Callie: Yes! I've been thinking about that too!
Marie: What do we do then?
(Y/N): Why don't you ask your parents to help get you some lessons?
Callie & Marie: That's it!
The two hugged (Y/N) for a bit before Marie noticed and got embarrassed and let go, meanwhile, Callie was still holding him close to her, not letting go.
Marie: Callie, do I have to pry you off him again?
Callie: Just a little longer. We're gonna be singers!
Callie and Marie were hugging (Y/N) closely.
Marie's Mom: Girls, we don't want the train to leave without us.
Marie: Okay, mom.
Marie let go, but Callie made sure to get in one extra hug to him.
Marie: We're not leaving forever, Callie, we're just going to Inkopolis for the contest and we'll be back.
Callie: After we win it?
Marie: Yes, after we win it.
Marie smiled at her cousin.
(Y/N): Do you two promise you'll win?
Marie: We definitely will.
Callie: Who can beat us?
Callie's Mom: Girls, didn't she just tell you that you've got to get on the train?
Callie: Oh, right!
The two girls turned to board the train but stayed by the door after they got on.
Marie: And when we win, we'll let you tell people your friends with the winners of the first annual Inkopolis Youth-Folk-Singing Contest.
Callie: I'll be back soon, my love!
Callie's Mom: Where did you learn that phrase from? Have you been watching PG-13 movies without my permission again?
Callie: No!
Callie ran farther onto the train to find their seats while Marie stayed behind longer to wave goodbye to (Y/N) as the train door shut.
Callie's Mom and Dad waved with (Y/N) to them as the train went away.
Callie's Mom: Come along, (Y/N). We'll take you home now.
(Y/N) kept watching after the train.
She crouched down beside (Y/N).
Callie's Mom: You're not worried about their chances, are you?
(Y/N): N-No! They'll win for sure! They even promised me they would.
Callie's Mom: That's good because if you doubted their chances, I'd tell them.
Callie's mom looked around, confused as to where (Y/N) could've suddenly just disappeared to out of her sight.
Then she heard her car horn beep causing her to turn to the car to see (Y/N) in the car.
(Y/N): Come on! There's nothing to worry about!
(Y/N) shouted from the window of the car while already inside of it.
Callie's Dad: The moment you said that he was running.
The two giggled at the childish antics.
(Y/N) was sitting in his room, bored and his thoughts lingering on his friends.
(Y/N)'s Mom: Why don't you go play outside?
(Y/N): Callie and Marie still aren't back yet...
(Y/N)'s Mom: It's gonna be a bit longer, sweetie.
(Y/N): I know, but I want them to be back already... then we can celebrate them winning the contest...
(Y/N)'s Mom: I know you miss your friends, (Y/N), but people go their own ways sometimes. You can't expect people to always be with you all the time.
(Y/N): They'd never leave me. We'll be friends forever.
His mom smiled at him.
(Y/N)'s Mom: I know you will be, sweetie. But you want them to do well, right?
(Y/N): Uh huh...
(Y/N)'s Mom: Then all you can do is go be happy until they come back, then you can be ready to greet them when they return.
(Y/N): We can be there at the station for them when they get back, right..?
His mother smiled warmly at him.
(Y/N) was at the station waiting for Callie and Marie's return alongside his and Callie's parents.
Callie's Mom: You don't need the sign. It's only been a few days. They haven't forgotten you.
(Y/N)'s Dad: We tried telling him that too, but he insisted.
(Y/N): Just in case they forgot, they'll know by the sign who I am.
Callie's mom and his own mom both found it adorable with him standing there with the sign.
He continued holding the sign up as the train entered the station.
The train came to a stop which then allowed for the doors to open up.
On one side of the door stood two young girls, one holding a trophy while the other held up a certificate, and on the other side of the door was a young boy holding a sign that read "Inkopolis's top singɘrs' best friend".
Marie was the first one who ran up and gave (Y/N) a hug which he returned.
(Y/N): I thought Callie would've been the first one to hug me.
Callie was making her way over to the two.
Callie: It's easy when she's not the one holding this massive trophy.
She said it like it was an excuse but she also seemed like she just wanted to brag about the trophy.
(Y/N) then pulled Callie into a hug for the three's group hug.
Callie's, Marie's, and (Y/N)'s moms all made sure to get pictures while "Aww"ing at the three.
Today had been an amazing day. Callie and Marie came to his house super early today. Because of that, they got to play so long today and did almost everything they could think of today.
They actually stayed there later than they usually did which would probably get them in trouble, but he didn't mind so long as he got to be together with his two best friends.
Marie and Callie were a bit quiet on the way back. He couldn't tell if it was because they had just been so tired from hanging out the entire day or if it was because they were worried about getting in trouble with their parents for staying out so late.
(Y/N): Are you two worried about getting in trouble for staying out so late too?
The two stayed silent causing him to feel a bit sad that they were worried. Would they not be allowed to have snacks for a while for coming home late today?
He didn't know what to say exactly, so he tried his best.
He grabbed both of their hands causing them to be surprised his his sudden action.
(Y/N): Today was the best day ever. Let's do this again sometime!
The two looked at him with widened eyes for a moment, but then suddenly they were cut off by someone calling out to them.
Marie's Mom: Marie! I told you to be home early today!
Marie: Sorry, mom!
Marie was a bit nervous and she slipped her hand out of his and started running home.
(Y/N): Bye, Marie!
He waved happily after her.
Marie stopped running for a moment and stood there, but she didn't turn around or say anything. She just stood there for a moment before she continued running off to go home. How rude.
(Y/N) turned to Callie, but just as he was doing so, she enveloped him in a hug.
He figured she was taking advantage of Marie being gone so that she could hug him all she wanted now, but her hug was very strong. The last time she hugged him anywhere near this strongly was when the two left to participate in the Inkopolis first annual Youth-Folk-Singing Contest, but this was much stronger and she felt like she didn't want to let go.
He was a bit confused now as to what had brought this on before she spoke up.
Callie: Yeah, let's do this again sometime... Do you promise?
(Y/N) was confused at her suddenly responding to his statement, but his smile grew larger once again.
(Y/N): I'd never say no to that!
Callie broke the hug up and then ran straight home.
Now being alone after such a long day, he prepared to head home himself to which he'd probably get a scolding for staying out so late.
~The Next Day~
(Y/N) went to Marie's house early today to grab his two friends just as the two had done to him yesterday. Callie did say she wanted to do it again after all.
However, he was confused when he knocked on the door and no one answered.
He knocked again to be sure but once again there was no noise from inside. He figured Marie and her parents were sleeping in today, which he couldn't blame her after Marie had been out playing with him and Callie all day yesterday.
He decided he'd go get Callie who always has energy and the two of them would come get Marie when she was awake.
He got to her house and at first there was no answer and he was worried something might have happened to them, but soon after he heard footsteps approaching the door.
Callie's mom was the one who opened the door and she was surprised by his appearance there.
Callie's Mom: (Y/N)? What're you doing here?
(Y/N): I came to get Callie. Is she up yet?
She had a pitiful look on her face.
Callie's Mom: Did Callie not tell you? Of course she didn't tell you...
She answered her own question before (Y/N) could even ask what she meant.
Callie's Mom: Uh... Callie and Marie moved away...
(Y/N): But you're right here.
He stated in confusion.
Callie's Mom: They moved to Inkopolis with Marie's parents... I'm sorry they didn't tell you.
(Y/N): W... Why did they leave..? W-W-Was it something I did..?
He began to tear up at the realization that his only two friends were gone and had left him alone.
Callie's Mom: Nonononononoooo, of course not.
She crouched down to comfort him as he was trying to wipe away his tears.
Callie's Mom: They wanted to learn to get even better at singing, but... they couldn't do that here, so they had to go to Inkopolis to achieve their dreams.
(Y/N) was still crying but had been listening.
(Y/N): W-Why didn't they t-tell me they were leaving..?
She didn't know what to say to comfort him, but she tried her best.
Callie's Mom: I don't think they wanted to say goodbye as much as you did... Are you gonna be alright?
(Y/N) was still trying to wipe tears away.
(Y/N): Mhm...
He squeezed out in his voice that didn't want to do anything more than cry right now.
Callie's mom looked sad knowing how hard this was for him, but there was nothing she could do.
Callie's Mom: Are you sure?
He nodded his head a couple of times with his watery eyes.
Callie's Mom: Good because they wouldn't want you crying after them, would they? They'd want you to be strong, right?
(Y/N): Mhm...
He got out through his sniffles.
(Y/N): Bye...
Callie's Mom: See ya.
She felt bad as he started walking away and she shut the door.
(Y/N)'s Mom POV
She knocked on (Y/N)'s door before opening the door.
(Y/N)'s Mom: What're you doing?
(Y/N): Practicing.
He answered without ever looking away from what he was doing.
(Y/N)'s Mom: Don't you want to go play with your friends?
(Y/N): My friends are miles away in Inkopolis.
(Y/N)'s Mom: You still haven't made any new friends yet..?
(Y/N): I don't need new friends. I have the most amazing friends ever. And I've got to make sure that when they become super duper famous people because of their amazing talents, I can show them that I worked hard to be amazing too and can still be right there with them.
His mom looked at him with an expression that thought she believed what he was doing was sweet and worrying.
(Y/N)'s Mom: Okay, sweetie. I love you.
(Y/N): I love you too, mom.
She closed the door and let him continue "practicing" whatever it was he was up to.
(Y/N)'s Mom: (Y/N) said he wants to take up something new.
(Y/N)'s Dad: What now?
(Y/N)'s Mom: You know him. Whatever new thing he discovered and wants to try.
(Y/N)'s Dad: Don't you think he's piling up too much on himself? I'm still concerned that he doesn't have any friends.
(Y/N)'s Mom: But what are we supposed to do? He's got perfect grades and he's keeping up with all of the hobbies he's learning.
(Y/N)'s Dad: But he needs friends.
(Y/N)'s Mom: We just have to trust that he'll be fine. We can't force him to make friends.
(Y/N) entered the room so he could walk through so he could get something to drink.
(Y/N): I have friends.
His parents looked at each other with concerned looks due to how even after these years, he keeps insisting he still has the only two friends he needs.
(Y/N): Andddddd DONE.
He happily put down his pencil on his desk and proceeded to spin away his chair and accidentally rolled it into his bed causing his chair to get stuck in place.
(Y/N): And it's only... Oh my cod, it's that late already?
He rubbed his hands over his face.
(Y/N): Ugh... why do I put myself through all this extra work..? I knew I'd be cutting it close with five other lessons today before I got my schoolwork done even... Why did I even decide to do this to myself with all this extra work?
He got up and decided to go and get something to drink before he'd get ready to go to bed.
On his way there, he saw his mom was still awake.
(Y/N)'s Mom: You still doing your schoolwork?
(Y/N): Just got done.
(Y/N)'s Mom: That's good. Do you have any plans to hang out with your friends this weekend..?
(Y/N): You know I don't have any friends, mom. I'm too busy for that stuff.
He said casually while pouring himself a glass while she looked a little disheartened at him.
(Y/N)'s Mom: Okay, just make sure you aren't overdoing it at least.
(Y/N): I will.
He said with a smile on his face at how overly worried his mother was.
(Y/N): Have you ever seen me struggle?
(Y/N)'s Mom: No, but it doesn't matter if you can do all the things you can if you don't have anyone to enjoy them with.
(Y/N): There are only three people I need to enjoy all of the things I love with: Me, Myself, and I. I enjoy doing it. Does there need to be anything more than that?
She gave him a warm smile.
(Y/N)'s Mom: As long as you're happy.
With (Y/N) being done with school, he didn't know what exactly to do anymore. There was no more schoolwork, no more extracurriculars, nothing.
He was left just sitting in his room and trying to figure out what he'd do with his life now. He's learned so much but didn't have an idea of what he wanted to do with any of that now.
He was scrolling through his phone out of boredom, something he hadn't experienced in so long, and saw a video of people Inking entire areas. Something they called "Turf Wars". He watched a full match of it and then became curious about this new discovery he made.
He looked up about it online.
He stayed up almost all night researching it, and by the morning, he found that Turf Wars seemed like such a thrilling sport. The issue was that people didn't really hold Turf Wars out here. They're all relegated to the big populated areas like Inkopolis where tons of people gather to do it. And from what he saw, it was almost like every Inkling did them.
Had he missed out on such a big cultural event by being too busy? How could he become a part of it? And the fact that it made good money helped a lot as well.
He went to look up some more important details to answer those questions of his, but noticed how tired he was.
(Y/N): When I wake up... I'll look it up... when I wake up.
He said as he proceeded to pass out face down into his bed.
Since he had gotten off the train, he had stepped into the middle of Inkopolis Square and watched his first live Inkopolis News broadcast where the idol duo seemed to mostly just ignore that the Great Zapfish and another idol had gone missing.
He only took about three steps before...
(Y/N): [HUH?! Who's that mysterious squid back there? It almost looks like... No, she'd never hang out in a place like this. And those clothes... Yeah, must be someone else........ Screw it. I'm going to check it out.]
He started walking toward the squid, but when he got close, she disappeared into ink.
He thought about walking away as he eyed the food truck that could satiate his hunger, but then he noticed a note left on the ground where the squid had just been.
The note read "Follow me."
He rubbed the bridge of his nose.
(Y/N): Well this couldn't go wrong.
He said before transforming into his squid form and hopping through the grate.
After what felt like forever, he finally exited the drain.
There were a couple of trees and some decorations across the area.
He then noticed the shack in front of him with a squid standing in front of it.
???: Hmm... The Octarians... Hey... You showed up! As soon as I saw you aimlessly wandering around the square, I knew you were the one.
(Y/N): [Should I run?]
Marie: I'm Marie. I know you're probably a bit starstruck, but I need you to get over it. Yes, I'm THAT Marie.
She said while striking a pose.
(Y/N) opened his eyes to see Marie standing in his room grabbing Callie by the scruff of her pajamas.
(Y/N): What're you two doing in here?
Marie: Don't mind me, I just found this one ditching me for what she assumed to be a more pleasing roommate.
Callie: See?! The moment I'm no longer in the bed, he woke up because he couldn't handle not being around me!
She pleaded while directing her hands openly towards (Y/N) as if she was using it as proof to a claim she made before (Y/N) had woken up.
Marie: Mhm, sure, Callie.
(Y/N) sat there watching the two's antics first thing in the morning and began to smile. He couldn't ask for anything better.
The two saw him smiling.
Callie: What's up with him?
Callie pointed with her thumb over toward him while looking at Marie, causing Marie to shrug.
(Y/N): We should spend the whole day doing something together.
Callie: You don't have to ask me twice!
Marie: Beats sitting around all day. What do you have in mind?
(Y/N): I don't know... But we can do whatever we think of together.
The other two began to smile along with him. The idea felt perfect to all three of them.
4659 Words
May 5, 2024 - 11:46 P.M.
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