S2C Chapter 60: Atonement


(Y/N): Hey Veronica.

He turned to leave back out the door he entered from, but Marie grabbed him before he could leave.

Marie: What did you do this time?

(Y/N): I don't know!

Pearl: Then why are you trying to escape?

(Y/N): Because I've gotten good enough at recognized when you're mad at me.

Marina: We're upset because you gave us no warning before you up and were gone who knows where.

He held up his arm looking for an answer.

(Y/N): Am I not allowed to just go off and do my own things sometimes?

Marina: Yes, but last time you did, you came back all bruised and completely exhausted, so of course I- we're gonna worry.

(Y/N): I left a note for you girls.

Marina: AND ALL IT SAID WAS "I left".

(Y/N): I left a heart at the end too.

Marie just stood their rubbing the bridge of her nose as Marina and Pearl looked unamused.

(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry then.

He said expecting that to be the end of it until Pearl interrupted.

Pearl: Nuh uh, you're gonna have to make it up to us.

(Y/N): What?

He looked to Marina for some support.

Marina: Don't look at me, I think I agree with Pearl.

(Y/N): Huh?!

Marie: It sounds fair to me.

(Y/N) was more or less just speaking jibberish at this point.

Callie: And he can help us too.

He sighed to himself realizing there was no getting out of it.

(Y/N): Anyone else want personal help?

He said not realizing at first he was jinxing himself.

Liz: Not really.

Veronica: I finished my drawing!

(Y/N): Oh... okay.

He said, not expecting that to be the response. Then he realized a question he didn't have until now.

(Y/N): Wait, how did you all even get in here?

Christian: I did!

(Y/N) screamed loudly as Christian popped up behind him.


Elizabeth POV

The group were all walking down the road in beach attire. Veronica was riding on Liz's back with Liz not even struggling, Pearl was fanning herself off due to the heat.

Marina: I told you you should've brought a sun hat like me.

Pearl I don't want it if it's not my crown.

Pearl saw Callie skipping ahead of them.

Pearl: Callie, how aren't you sweating in this heat?

Callie: Hm?

Callie turned around to reveal an ice cream popsicle she was eating.



Pearl ran after Callie chasing her down as Marina lightly laughed to herself nervously hoping Pearl doesn't do anything to end up getting them kicked out.

Liz: Hey, Eight, why don't you go have (Y/N) carry you for a bit?

Veronica: Okay!

She hopped down off of Liz's back and ran backwards to (Y/N) who was carrying all of their stuff and was clearly struggling.

Veronica: (Y/N)!

He saw her running right for him.

(Y/N): No. Veronica? Veronica. Veronica?! VERONICA!

She hopped up on his back causing his legs to shake as he struggled to not fall straight to the ground.

Veronica: Mush!

He started stepping forward, walking even slower than he was before.

Liz was watching from ahead just chuckling to herself at (Y/N)'s misfortune.

Marie: Pearl, Callie, stop fighting. We're here.

Callie threw her arms into the air and cheered as Pearl was trying to bite her.

Callie: Yay!


Marina: That table over there looks like a good place for us to sit. You can set our stuff down there, (Y/N).

(Y/N) collapsed right next to the table as she said that.

Veronica: Again! Again!

The rest of them all gathered around the table to look around for what they were going to do first with Marie pulling out a map of the water park. Callie was gazing intensely at the big waterslides.

Marie: Okay, so should we make a plan of what to go on first or split up?

Marie looked up to see no one but Marina and (Y/N) were left, the latter of which was only because he was resting in the chair.

Marie: I guess that answers that. Welp, I'm gonna go find the hot-tubs.

She said before she left.

(Y/N): You're not going to go off and enjoy the waterpark?

Marina: I will later, I'm fine with just sitting here and relaxing for a bit. Or do you want me to leave you alone here?

(Y/N): I don't mind having a buddy to keep me company.

He smiled as his back was still in pain while Marina chuckled.

Marina: Don't think that lets you off the hook though.

He looked up at her quickly, worried.

Marina: Don't worry, I don't need anything right now, but I can't speak for the others.

He sighed as he sat farther back into his seat.


Callie POV

Callie and Pearl stood at the base of the tallest water slide at the park in awe before they both glared at each other in full seriousness.

Callie: You ready for this...?

Pearl: I was born ready...

Callie: Good, because destiny's calling...

Pearl: Tell her I'll be home before bedtime...

Callie: What?

The seriousness was gone.

Pearl: What?

Callie: What do you mean?


Callie: YEAH!

The two charged forward with their arms in the air until Pearl was stopped by one of the park workers.

Worker: Sorry, ma'am.

She pointed at the sign.

Worker: You have to be tall enough to go on this ride.

Pearl: Wha- bu-

Pearl looked past the worker and saw Callie charging up without Pearl.

Pearl: My friend already went up without me.

Worker: I'm sorry, but the rules are the rules.

Pearl: You know who I am, right? I'm The Pearl Pygmy, from Off The Hook.

Worker: I know, I recognize you ma'am and I'm a big fan, but I still have to enforce the rules.

Pearl: Hmph.

Pearl walked off in the other direction.

Pearl: I'm getting on that ride. AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME-

She was cut off by noticing down below her in the stream of the lazy river was Liz and Veronica in rafts just floating off with them both wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Liz: SUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuup.

She said until she was completely past Pearl.

Pearl: That doesn't affect my plans so that doesn't matter.


Marie POV

Marie: Here we go.

She lowered into the hot tub and eased into it, enjoying the heat of it.

Marie: Ah, perfect.

She said as she put on her sunglasses to avoid going completely blind.

Just then she noticed (Y/N) and Marina walking by.

Marie: Hey! (Y/N)! Marina!

The two walked over.

(Y/N): Yes?

Marie: I couldn't help but notice you two passing by, so before you two get busy enjoying the park, (Y/N), do you mind getting me a drink?

He sighed.

(Y/N): Yeah, sure.

Marina: I'll wait here.

(Y/N): Thanks.

He said as he walked off.

Marina sat down on the edge of the hot tub, dipping her feet in.

Marina: So, you're just gonna chill out here?

Marie: That's the plan.

Marina: Don't you want to do anything exciting, like the big slides or anything?

Marie: Nope.

Marie noticed that there were a couple of guys across the hot-tub trying to get the two's attention by flexing or flaring their eyebrows towards them. Marie looked annoyed behind her glasses while Marina just gave a roll of her eyes.

One of the squids walked over and his friends encouraged him behind him, referring to him as Moto Moto.

Moto: Can I interest you girls in our company.

Marie: No thanks, just relaxing with my friend.

Moto: That's fine, we can relax together in the hot tub together.

He said as he sat in the seat next to her.

Marie: No thanks.

Marina: Come on, let's just go-

(Y/N) returned with Marie's drink.

Marie looks over at him and smirks.

Marie: Oh thanks, (Y/N).

She says before giving him a kiss on the lips.

Marina looked shocked but at the same time holding back a bit of a laugh as she knew why Marie had done it, and Marina looked at the men's shocked yet jealous expressions of anger.

Marie: Welp, I'd love to stay and chat but you all are bums.

She said before locking arms with (Y/N) as the three of them walk off, leaving the men alone in the hot tub flabbergasted.

Marina: I guess you did want a bit of excitement after all.

Marie: Shut it.

(Y/N): What? You're not that bad of a kisser.

Marie smacks him lightly, embarrassed as the other two giggle at teasing her about it but she started laughing with them after what they did to the jerks in the hot tub.

Marie: Just give me my drink now.


Callie POV

After waiting in line for what felt like forever, Callie was finally up next.

Worker: Okay, next.

Callie was so excited that she went down headfirst before the worker could stop her and tell her not to.

She cheered happily going down the slide with all the twists and turns giggling excitedly. She thought she felt a bit of a snag for a second but it was pretty quickly as she went around a bit corner and splashed right into the pool.

Callie flipped her tentacles back over her head until she realized that something awful had happened.

Callie: (WHERE'S MY TOP????)

She started looking around in the water for it while covering herself with her arms but she couldn't find it.

Callie: Oh no...


Pearl POV

Pearl: She won't be able to stop me now. Hehe

Pearl laughed to herself while also trying not to sweat seeing as she was in a big overcoat jacket in order to hid the stilts she's on.

Callie: Pearl! Hey!

Pearl looked over and saw Callie right on the edge of the pool by herself.

Callie: Come here!

Pearl: Nah, don't worry, Callie. I'll be right behind you.

She said as she took off towards where the bottom of the stairs.

Callie: Pearl, no, please!

The worker from before looked up over and saw Pearl walking up.

Pearl: Hehe, she doesn't suspect a thing.

She went to walk past the worker but was stopped by the worker.

Pearl: Huh?

Worker: Miss Pygmy, please, I can't let you on the ride.

Pearl: Miss Pygmy? That's not me, why would you think something like that?

She said trying to make her voice deeper.

Worker: For starters, you're trying to go on a water slide in an overcoat and a hat. Secondly, that mustache is clearly fake. It's very hot out, how are you even standing in that?

Pearl: I always wear this.

The worker looked expressionlessly at her.

Worker: Why don't you try going up the stairs then?

Pearl: Of course I will.

She walked up the the bottom of the staircase and sat there for a few seconds trying to think about her options before turning around and walking away, mumbling to herself.


Marina POV

The three were having fun just hanging out with each other in the wave pool, mostly just talking with each other and splashing a bit.

Marie: Not the hair. NOT THE HAIR.

Before the others could splash her, she forgot about the waves as one hit right into her, getting her hair all wet.

Marina and (Y/N) laughed as Marie sat there upset.

Marie: Ha. Ha.

She said sarcastically.

Suddenly, Marie noticed off on her own was Callie over on the edge alone.

Marie: Hey, is that Callie over there?

The other two looked behind them to see Callie.

Marina: Looks like it, but what's she doing all alone over there?

(Y/N): Let's go check it out.

He said as he started swimming over, followed by the other two.

Callie POV

Callie: (ThisissoembarrassingwhatamIgonnadoIneedhelpnooooow)

Marie: Callie, what's up?

Callie nearly jumped out of shock, making sure she still kept herself covered tightly.

Callie: Psh, yeaah, of course. I've never been better buuut....

She was stumbling over her words and was blushing incredibly hoping Marina and (Y/N) didn't notice.

Marie looked Callie over and noticed that she was specifically covering a certain part, and knowing enough about Callie, Marie understood the problem.

Marie stood in front of Callie.

Marie: Hey, (Y/N), I need you to go get me somethi-

???: Oh my gosh, you're the Squid Sisters and Marina from Off the Hook!

It was the worker at the bottom of the big water slide from nearby.

Worker: Today just keeps getting better! Can I get an autograph?

Marie: Of course, but do you mind getting us a towel?

Worker: Sure! One for each of ya?

Marie: No, one is fine, thank you.

Worker: I'll be right back!

She says as she runs off to fulfill the idols' requests.

Meanwhile Pearl was giggling as she went up the staircase to the top of the water slide.

And not too much later, the worker came back with the towel and a clipboard, paper, and pen for the autographs.

Marie: Thank you.

She says as she takes the towel and handing it to Callie before taking the other supplies to sign and pass to Marina, then to Callie after she's wrapped herself up with.

Worker: Thank you all so much!

She goes back to her post at the bottom of the slide, leaving the four of them to do their own things.

Callie: Thanks for helping me, Marie.

Marie: I always will, you don't have to worry about that. But I think I'm done with the water park for today.

Callie: Me too.

Marina: Oh hey Pearl. What happened to you?

Pearl walked up in the pool smiling with her tentacles stuck straight backwards.

Pearl: Nothing, just livin' the good life.

She gave a big, cheeky smile.


Veronica POV

Veronica and Liz were still floating down the lazy river with their shades.

Veronica: Three, I enjoy our time together. I'm not sure if I ever told you directly, but you're my best friend, even when we're doing something mundane like floating around this stream with each other, enjoying each other's company makes this worth it. Don't you agree?... Three?

Veronica pulled her sunglasses down a bit and looked over at Liz to see her still in the exact same pose. She was confused at first before Liz let out a loud snore.

Veronica sighed but smiled as she went back to relaxing in her tube floaty.

2425 Words

August 28, 2020 - 3:18 AM

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