S2C Chapter 51: Spring Time

This is NOT an April Fools chapter. So, enjoy. This will have to technically release a day after April 1st though, sorry.


(Y/N) woke up in his sleeping bag within the tent.  Callie and Marie were both in their sleeping bags, with the latter of the two snuggling close next to him, which caused him to smile. He got up slowly and quietly and exited the tent, seeing Marina already up and poking at the dwindling fire pit.

Marina: Well, good morning, sleeping beauty.

(Y/N): Good morning, Marina. Is anyone else up yet?

Marina: Nope. Just us.

He stretches.

(Y/N): Last night was fun.

Marina: That's because you weren't the one who had to console Eight after seeing Simba found his dad dead.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry about that.

Marina: You were gone for that segment. Where were you?

(Y/N): Callie had me go looking for Marie since she was gone for a while.

Marina: Hmm. Did you two do anyth-

Pearl exited her tent, yawning and rubbing her eyes, still in her pajamas.

Marina: Pearl, careful; you don't want to get your jammies all dirty.

She looked down, sleepily at her pajamas.

Pearl: Yeah, yeah, I'll get changed in here really quick.

She went back into the tent to do as she said she would.

Marina: Well, I better make sure this fire is out; I've got hiking and some other stuff planned later.

(Y/N): Need any help with that?

She smiled at his offer.

Marina: I'd love that, thank you.

(Y/N) walked over and started helping Marina out.


Marnia POV

They had all now gone hiking out on the trail in the woods. Pearl was walking ahead of them, trying to lead the group. Liz was making sure Veronica didn't get left behind with every time she stopped to look at an animal, a plant, or something else that caught her interest. Marina and Callie both kept looking back at Marie and (Y/N) who were holding hands, smiling, and chatting with each other. This left Callie and Marina both thinking the same thing.

Callie & Marina: (What happened between those two last night?)

Pearl was trying to climb up a rock but was clearly having trouble, so Veronica ran up to her.

Veronica: Oh, here, Pearl, let me help you!

She helped give her a boost and helped her get on top of it. Pearl now looked over and scouted out around them and saw what looked to be a nice spring of fresh, clean water for them to all go check out.

Pearl: Hey! I see an open spring or something with water over there! We should check it out!

Callie: That sounds refreshing. Yeah, let's check it out.

Pearl: Sweet! Marina! Help me down.

Marina: Sure thing, Pearlie.

Marina helped Pearl climb back down to them on the ground to which Peal immediately ran off ahead of them in the direction of the spring. When they all reached it, they all took a second to admire the beauty of the area.

Veronica: WOAH! This place is-

Liz: -Beautiful...

Callie: I don't know about y'all, but...

Callie started taking off her clothes to reveal her bathing suit underneath.

Callie: ...I'm going to take a dip.

Callie ran up and took a big cannonball into the spring. She popped back out the top.

Callie: Well? What're y'all waiting for?

The rest of them started getting into their swim-wear. Marina lightly hopped in, Veronica jumped in fast, Marie sat with her feet in, letting herself adjust to it, Pearl hopped in creating a splash.

Liz: You call that a splash? Watch and learn.

Liz ran up and hopped in to make a slightly bigger splash, getting a bit of it on Marie.

Marie: Hey, watch it, I don't want to be splashed.

(Y/N): Both of you two can't create a big enough splash as I can.

He got enough distance so when he ran up, he caused a ginormous splash, splashing Marie in the process, to which she growled at him

Marie: (Y/N)!

She looked down and saw him right there.

Marie: ...

(Y/N): ...

he suddenly grabbed her, pulling her into the spring with the rest of them, causing her to scream out her frustration and her shock. Once she was in, he let go of her and she popped up, wiping her face of the water. She looked at (Y/N)'s happy face and replied with splashing him in the face, catching him off guard. This caused her to giggle now.

Marina was watching (Y/N) and Marie's interactions with a slight bit of jealousy in her eyes.

Marina: (Are they...together? What happened between them that I missed?)

Callie suddenly hopped on (Y/N)'s back, surprising Marie and him.

Callie: Mush! This is a chicken fight!

Marie: Really, Callie?

Callie: What's wrong, Marie? Are you a chicken or something?

This seemed to flip a switch in Marie.

Marie: Chicken? Okay, fine. Marina, you mind being my bottom?

Marina snapped back to it.

Marina: Huh? Oh, yeah, okay!

Marina walked over, letting Marie hop on top as Veronica, Liz, and Pearl started setting up, watching Callie and Marie trying to wrestle each other off while (Y/N) and Marina were giggling.

Marina: How do I get myself roped into this stuff?

(Y/N): I don't know, this is just the stuff that usually happens.

Marina: True.

Pearl: Get 'er, Marie!

Liz: Knock 'em down, Callie!

Veronica: Go, team!

Marie got one last good shove off on Callie, causing her to start falling backward, letting Marie think she had won, but Callie quickly grabbed onto Marie's arm, pulling her down with her, letting them both fall into the water.

Callie & Marie: AAAAAH!!!

The two had risen out of the water; Callie was giggling while Marie was looking unamused at her stolen victory.

Callie: Come on, don't be like that, Marie.

(Y/N) walked over to Marie.

(Y/N): Yeah, you almost won, so no need to be a sour puss.

Marie giggled at this.

Marie: Fine. Good game.

Marina was just watching the two almost immediately going back to exchanging their thoughtful interactions until Veronica had come over to Marina.

Veronica: You tried, Marina!

Marina: Yeah, it was fun though.

Veronica: It looked like fun. A lot of the games I'm learning up here are really fun!

Marina: Yeah, when I first came here, there was a lot of nice people I met.

Veronica: People?

Marina: Oh! I mean games. But yeah, people too.

Marina looked over at all the others, focusing on Pearl, then onto (Y/N).

Veronica: Yeah... the people are my favorite part about being on the surface.

Marina smiled then lightly splashing Veronica, causing the two to giggle.


Callie POV

They had eventually finished up in the spring, remembering where it was so they might return later. They continued to do stuff back at the camp to keep themselves busy until the night sky reigned again. They had started the fire back up so they can have a major light source.

(Y/N) was sitting close to Marie who was using the fire to read her book, but was having trouble doing so with the light of the fire. Callie was just watching the two.

(Y/N): Having trouble there?

Marie: The fire is a bit annoying for reading light.

(Y/N): Need some help?

Marie: It wouldn't hurt, but I think I might need a better light source.

He leaned over trying to read her book with her.

(Y/N): Yeah, I see what you mean. You want to just head into the tent and read it there?

Marie gave her signature smirk.

Marie: Sure, I'd love to.

(Y/N): Then let's go.

The two stood up.

(Y/N): We'll see y'all in the morning. Good night.

Marie: Good night.

The rest of them wished them good night as well as the two walked over and went into the tent. Callie was left watching after the two as they left.

Callie: (Maybe I should've gone and found Marie on my own.)

Pearl was nearly asleep by this point, lightly drooling on Marina's upper-arm. Veronica was basically rounded up like a cat in her seat, asleep next to Liz, who was just enjoying the fire cackling by this point.

Marina tried standing up while lightly laying down Pearl's head.

Marina: Well, it's getting late, I'll take Pearl to bed now. Good night, to you all.

Liz: Yeah, Eight's already asleep, I'll just lie her down in the tent real quick. Good night you two.

Callie: Goodnight, Marina.

Marina took the now sleeping Pearl to the tent to go to sleep, and Liz came back a minute later after lying Veronica down in the tent. Callie just kept looking at the fire, a bit bummed.

Liz: So, what's bothering you, Callie?

Callie: Huh? Nothing's bothering me.

Callie was surprised by the sudden questioning.

Liz: Then you're at least contemplating something, so why don't you tell me? It usually helps to speak out your feelings.

Callie: Fine, but don't tell anyone this.

Liz: I'd never.

Callie sighed and waited a few moments before speaking.

Callie: Have (Y/N) and Marie been acting close to you? I mean closer than usual.

Liz: Um... I'm not sure; I haven't really been paying much attention.

Callie: It seems to have started since I asked (Y/N) to go check on Marie last night, and I'm... kind of regretting having him doing it instead of me if this is the end result.

Liz: You're just being paranoid, Callie. They're just two close friends having a fun time together.

Callie: You really think so?

Liz: I'm sure of it.

Callie smiled at her.

Callie: Thank, Liz.

Liz: No problem.

Callie: Well... I say it's probably time for me to go to bed about now.

Liz: Yeah, I'll go to bed too.

Callie: Then I hope you have a good night, Three, and, again, thanks for the help.

Liz: No problem. Good night.

The two entered their tents and let the fire slowly die into the night.

1687 Words

April 2, 2019 - 1:01 AM

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