S2C Chapter 50: Camping Trip

The chapter photo was once again created and provided by @Joobodooso all rights to it go to him. Seriously, he colored it on a phone, give him major credit.

As promised, the continuation from the previous chapter, the special 50th Chapter is brought to you in part by Marina's Tours™.


It was early in the morning, the sun had yet to rise, and (Y/N) was the first one to wake up. He looked over and saw Callie and Marie asleep in the bed next to his. He quietly got out of bed and opened the door to the conjoined room to see Pearl, Marina, Veronica, and Liz were all still asleep. He quietly shut the door.

(Y/N): (Guess I'm the first one to wake up. I'm surprised Callie didn't try and climb in bed with me.)

He decided to take a nice morning shower. So, he quietly shut the bathroom door behind him and got undressed and hopped in the shower. Luckily, hotel showers always seem to be quieter than a home shower; probably due to not wanting to wake up other guests.

Pearl POV

Pearl woke up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She saw the other three in her room were still fast asleep and the sun was just barely rising. She checked the other room to see Callie and Marie were sleeping in their bed, but (Y/N) was gone.

Pearl: (Where could he b-)

She then noticed the sound of a running shower and looked over to see light emitting from under the door. So, she went over towards it hearing him saying something in there.

Pearl: (Is he...singing?)

So, Pearl did what anyone would do: she took out her phone, started recording, and cracked the door open just a tiny bit. The curtain was see-through, but it was a material that made it too blurry to see anything private.

Pearl: (Is he singing Tide Goes Out?)

She was trying to cover her mouth to keep her giggles in, but it must have alerted him. He peeked his head out from behind the curtain and saw Pearl there. He immediately started blushing.


Pearl's eyes grew wide and immediately closed the door, fast. She was still giggling but trying to cover her mouth to stop it from being too loud and to finish it off, she posted the video online.



The seven of them had all woken up, gotten dressed, packed up their things, and were now driving to...wherever it was that Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina still hadn't told him, Liz, or Veronica.

The car stopped back at the Pygmy Mansion to see that a couple of boxes, which were quite sizeable, were on the front doorstep of the house. This confused (Y/N), and apparently Liz and Veronica, even more.

Pearl: Well? You four better help us pack the tent and junk.

(Y/N): Tent?

This seemed to make the three realize what was going on, and even made Veronica start looking exponentially happy.

Veronica: Camping!?

Marina just giggled and replied.

Marina: That's right.

Veronica squealed for joy even more. Then, they all hopped out of the vehicle and started lifting the boxes into it.

Once all the boxes were in, they were looking around, making sure they weren't leaving anything important behind.

Marie: Okay, make sure you all go before we leave because we're not stopping on the way.

She said while glaring at Callie.

Veronica: I have to go!

Veronica left while Callie stayed to address Marie's glare.

Callie: I don't have to go. So, what's with the glare?

Marie: Callie, you always have to go on the way. It doesn't matter where we're going.

Callie: Marie. I'm not going to have to go on the way.

Marie just rolled her eyes.

Marie: Whatever. You remember that.

Everyone who had to go went came back, then they left.


They all arrived at the campsite and got out of the vehicle.

Callie: Where's the bathroom?!

Marie: I told you to go before we left.

Callie: I didn't have to go then!

Marie: Well, I told you we weren't stopping on the way.

Marina: The bathroom's right over there, Callie.

Callie: Thank you!

Callie immediately ran off in the direction of the bathroom.

(Y/N): So, what're the details about this place?

Pearl: We have the whole place to ourselves, so we don't have to worry about any fans.

Marina: Yeah, and we're actually not that far from Camp Triggerfish.

Veronica: So cool.

Pearl: Yep, my dad owns Camp Triggerfish. I was actually the one who designed it.

Marie: [That makes a lot of sense. I remember it took forever to become public due to the design frequently changing.]

(Y/N): That's so cool! I love that stage!

Liz: I was hyped for so long waiting for the stage to be released to the public.

Pearl had her eyes close all humble with a smirk.

Pearl: Thank you! Thank you. I am amazing, aren't I?

Marina: Try not to get too full of yourself, Pearlie.

Pearl: Yeah, yeah.

Callie came out of the bathroom area, looking much more relaxed now.

Callie: Huh? The tents aren't even put up yet.

Marie: Callie, we just got here. We haven't even taken anything out yet.

(Y/N): Well, we better start setting up though.

Liz: True. Let's get the tents set up.

Marina opens up the back of the vehicle and they all take three boxes for the tents out.

(Y/N): Um. Are there only three tents?

Marina: Yeah, we figured since there are seven of us, it'd be better just to get three tents rather than four. So, you'll have to choose who you're going to be sleeping with since I'm sure we all have our sleeping buddies.

(Y/N): Fine. I'll decide later. Let's just get them and everything else set up.

Marina: I already started.

Marie: Get with the program, (Y/N).

(Y/N) goes over and starts helping them set up the three tents around the fire pit.


The tents are all now set up, and the seven of them are now taking a break, with Veronica even drinking a juice packet.

Callie: I've got all our sleeping bags set up. I put yours with ours, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sounds good. I'll move it if I have to later.

Marie: What's wrong? We don't bite.

(Y/N): ...I'm not sure that's entirely true.

Marie lightly hits him over the head.

(Y/N): Ow!

Liz: Anyways, that river over there looks like it's a great place for catching some fish. Are any of you interested in joining me?

Pearl: I'll show you how a pro catches fish!

Marina: Pearlie, fishing isn't like doing a Salmon Run shift.

Pearl: Oh... Well, I'm sure I'm great at it anyway!

Callie: Marie and I are going to get a bit of a tan, but we'll come over and watch.

Marie: Who says I don't want to fish.

Callie: ...

Marie: Yeah, you're right. I don't want to fish. But I'm going to read my book instead.

Callie: Suit yourself. I need to look good now that winter's over. I don't want to look all pale like a book worm such as yourself, Marie.

Marie lightly hit Callie over the head.

Callie: Ow! Sorry.

Liz: So, you in (Y/N)?

Liz asked while holding another fishing rod.

(Y/N): Sure. Sounds like fun.

Liz tossed him the pole and he caught it.

Liz: Veronica? Do you want to go fishing?

Veronica: I don't want to hurt the fishies!

Liz: Well, electricity isn't a problem since there are outlets over in that little pavilion near the bathroom, but I doubt we'll get wifi out here.

Marina: Oh, I know!

Marina goes over to the vehicle and gets out her laptop and a bag of filled with something. Veronica looked confused, so (Y/N) asked the question while grabbing chairs for them to sit in by the river.

(Y/N): What's in the bag?

Marina: I brought a bunch of DVDs so we can still watch movies without internet.

(Y/N): Oh, sweet.

Veronica: Yay!

Marina: And here, Eight.

Marina took off her headphones, letting her ears show, which doesn't happen often. She held them out in front of Veronica.

Marina: You can use these so the noise doesn't scare away the fish.

Veronica stood in awe just looking at the headphones for a moment before gladly taking them with a sparkle in her eyes. She put them on her head, looking up to Marina who just returned the gesture with a kindred smile. Marina then handed over the laptop and they all went down to the river now that Pearl, Liz, and (Y/N) set up the chairs.


After about an hour, Callie had fallen asleep, Marie was just enjoying her book behind (Y/N) while occasionally looking up to chat for a bit, Veronica was enjoying her movies, and Marina, Pearl, Liz, and (Y/N) were still fishing. Pearl was getting impatient.

Pearl: Ugh. How long does it take for these stupid fish to bite?

Marina: You have to be patient, Pearl.

Liz: If you keep being so loud, you're gonna keep scaring all the fish away.

Pearl crosses her arms, upset as she sat back down.

Just then, Pearl's and Liz both got a catch on their lines. Pearl was surprised and happy as the two started trying to reel in their lines.

Liz: Ugh. This thing is fighting back.

Pearl: Marina! Help me reel this thing in!

Marina stood up and started pulling back on Pearl while Pearl reeled.

Pearl: It's a big fish! I bet it's eight feet long!

(Y/N): I doubt that it's eight feet, Pearl.

Pearl: It's a big fish! That's all that ma-

Pearl's line snapped and then Liz was finally able to be reeled in, revealing that the two's hooks had been tangled. Marina set Pearl down as Pearl just looked at her fishing pole, disappointed as (Y/N) started laughing.

Pearl: Nngh! What are you laughing at?!

(Y/N): Don't forget to "stay off the hook."

Marie started hiding her face in her book as she started giggling.

Pearl just glared at Marie then sighed and smiled a bit while Marina was also giggling.

Veronica looked up and saw them all laughing and smiling and slid the headphones to her neck.

Veronica: What did I miss?


The rest of the day was mostly uneventful due to it just being the first day of their stay and they were just getting settled in. Now that it is night, they ran a bunch of extension cords to go all the way to the tents where they set up a projector and projected Marina's laptop, which was playing movies.

While watching the movie, they were all around the campfire, roasting marshmallows on the fire and making smores. Callie had already had three and the movie hadn't even reached act two.

Marie: I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute.

Callie: Okay, try not to fall in.

Marie just glared at her then walked away.


Veronica: Wait, so Scar just left Simba in the gorge?

Marina: Mhm.

No one wanted to tell her what was about to happen. Veronica gasped as she continued watching the scene.

Veronica: A stampede?! Is Simba going to be okay?!

Callie looked around then leaned over and spoke to (Y/N).

Callie: Hey, it's been like ten minutes, go check and see if Marie's okay.

(Y/N): Huh? Why me?

Callie: Because I don't want to miss the movie, and if she did fall in, I don't want to help her.

(Y/N): ...

Callie: Just go check on her. Please.

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): Fine. I'll be back in a minute.

Callie smiled.

Callie: Thank you!

He stood up and walked towards the bathroom, walked up to the women's bathroom door and knocked on it.

(Y/N): Marie? Are you okay in there?

There was no response.

(Y/N): Marie? Everything alright?

No response.

(Y/N): Marie? I hope you're decent; I'm coming in.

There was, again, no response, and he opened the door to see no one was there. This left him confused and worried. He exited the bathroom and looked around and saw footprints walking off in the direction of an opening in the trees. which had a rock that overlooked the river, and on top of that rock was the silhouette in the moon he was all too familiar with.

He looked over in the slight distance and saw none of them at the campfire was looking in his direction and he walked into the opening, which was out of sight from the camp and was lit up only by the moonlight.

He climbed up the rock, coming up to her.

(Y/N): Hey.

Marie: Huh?

She turned around, surprised.

Marie: Oh. Hey.

(Y/N): What're you doing over here?

Marie: I don't know. Thinking? I just thought it looked nice here, with the sound of the running river filling my ears.

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): There's some of that lyrical genius I know.

She looked up at him, giving a sincere smile.

Marie: Don't sell yourself short; Pearl showed me a video of you singing Tide Goes out in the shower this morning~.

(Y/N): Aw man, she told you about that?

He was blushing.

Marie: Don't worry. You sounded nice.

(Y/N): Thanks, but I prefer the original singer.

Marie: Aww, aren't you a charmer~.

The two sat in silence for a moment before they both started blushing and Marie was rubbing her arm.

Marie: Hey... remember where we left off yesterday? On the roof of the hotel...?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Marie: Well...I was wondering...since we were cut off...well, we didn't really...we were going to...

Marie's face was blushing almost full green at this point before (Y/N) decided he knew what she was trying to say.

He put his hand up to her face and moved it to her chin, causing her to look right up into his eyes. Both of their eyes were glistening with the light of the moon as the two inched closer, feeling each other's warm breath on their face, until finally...

The two held each other in their arms, letting their mouths couple with each other and let each of them enjoy the other's embrace for as long as they liked, as time felt like an eternity. It was clear that they had both been wanting this moment for a long time, but as all good things do, it had to end.

The two separated, breathing and taking in what the two had just done.

(Y/N): Marie...?

Marie was still looking up at him.

Marie: Yeah...?

(Y/N): So...are we...together now..?

Marie took a moment to think about it for a moment, then opened her mouth to speak.

2468 Words

March 31, 2019 - 11:13 PM

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