S2C Chapter 49: The Hotel You've Been Waiting For
First, I'm sorry for this taking so long. Second, I couldn't decide between a chapter based on Knights vs Wizards Splatfest, or one of these two others that I had an idea for, so I made a bit of a mix. I hope you all like it. And once again, sorry.
Also, the picture above is a CANON Splatoon relationship chart. Low and behold, nothing in it discredits this story. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Finally, I have a book where I post about updates to my stories and where you can ask me questions about anything. I'd love for y'all to check it out, seeing as how the next thing I post there will pertain to what Veronica looks like exactly since I'm deciding between two looks for her and I want you all to decide what you like more.
Marina POV
Pearl: Uuuuuuuuuugh...
Pearl was lying face down in Marina's bed, a bit upset over the loss.
Pearl: I still can't believe Knights lost...
Marina was walking around her room, cleaning up and organizing her papers that have been left out.
Marina: Yeah, I honestly thought Knights had it in the bag due to all the times battles they were winning.
Pearl pushed her face up out of the bed.
Pearl: Exactly!
Pearl sat up and sighed.
Pearl: Whatever. I'll win the next one, just you wait and see.
Marina looked over her shoulder as she was making the papers in her hands neat.
Marina: This is the fourth time in a row you've said that.
Pearl: Yeah, but this time I can feel it. I know I'll win the next one!
Marina giggled.
Marina: I'm sure you will.
They heard a phone ringing from the other room.
Marina: Can you ge-
Pearl: I'll get it.
Pearl got up and walked out of the room to go answer the phone.
Marina: Thank you!
A few minutes later, Pearl came running back into the room and jumped up onto the bed.
Marina: Woah, someone's excited.
Pearl: You're dang right I am! That worthless agent of ours got us an actual gig!
Marina: That's great to hear! Where is it?
Pearl: Only the hottest place in Inkopolis Square!
Marina gasped.
Marina: You don't mean-
Pearl: That's right! New Albacore Hotel!
Marina walked over to the bed and gave Pearl a big hug.
Marina: Pearl! I'm so excited! When is it?
Pearl: It's in a couple of days.
Marina: That soon?!
Marina sighed.
Marina: We seriously need a new manager...
Pearl: Yeah, but it'll be fine. We're amazing!
Marina: True, but we still don't get much time to practice.
Pearl: Then we should probably get right on it.
Marina: Hang on, shouldn't we invite our friends first?
Pearl: Sure. Call Callie and Marie and get something set up.
Marina: You've got it.
Marina started dialing the number.
Marina: You know, after we do this gig, we should take a little vacation.
Pearl: If you're up for it, sure.
Callie and Marie answered the call.
Marina: Hey you two...
Veronica: Well? How is it?
(Y/N) was chewing on another dish Veronica had made, which has basically become routine at this point, while Veronica stood next to him, waiting for his response.
(Y/N): It tastes good. You're definitely making real improvement.
Veronica: You mean it?
(Y/N): Definitely.
Veronica jumped for joy at his words.
Veronica: Booyah!
(Y/N) chuckled a bit.
(Y/N): Okay, okay, calm down. You need to eat too. Sit down and have a bite.
He said while smiling.
Veronica: Right!
She sat down next to him with a plate of food and a drink for her. The two were both enjoying their meals as a phone started ringing.
(Y/N): I'll get it.
He set down his fork and stood up as he went to the other room to see who was calling. He picked up his phone, seeing that Marie was calling him.
(Y/N): (I wonder what she's calling about.)
He answered it.
(Y/N): Hey, Marie, what's up?
Marie: Hey, (Y/N). I'm calling to tell you about Pearl and Marina's gig coming up in a few days at New Albacore Hotel.
(Y/N): Like the stage, New Albacore Hotel?
Marie: That's the one. You and Eight are invited, and I've already told Three.
(Y/N): Cool. Well, thanks for letting me know.
Marie: No problem. Also, because it was a part of their deal, they're also being given two rooms to stay at overnight, so make sure you two pack enough clothes; that's including bathing suits.
(Y/N): I don't think Veronica has a bathing suit.
Marie: Then go and get her one, duh.
(Y/N): Okay, but I shouldn't need too many clothes just for the night, right?
Marie: Well, it's not just for the hotel.
(Y/N): What do you mean?
Marie: Nothing. I'll tell you later, just make sure you pack plenty of clothes.
(Y/N): Okay, I will. See ya, Marie.
Marie: See ya.
The call ends.
(Y/N): Well, Veronica, we're going shopping later.
Veronica: Yay!
(Y/N): Let's finish eating first though.
Veronica: On it!
She took another big bite off her plate.
(Y/N), Liz, and Veronica were all walking through the mall, looking for a clothes store.
(Y/N): Again, thanks for coming, Liz.
Liz: Well, I couldn't let you do this alone, you'd probably choose a skimpy bathing suit.
(Y/N): I would not!
Liz: It doesn't matter. It won't happen with me here.
(Y/N): Fine.
Veronica: Ooh! There's a store, there!
She dragged the two bickering Inklings by their hands to the store as she ran inside. After a bit of looking around, they all gathered a couple of bathing suits and gave them to Veronica as she went to the changing room to try them on while (Y/N) and Liz waited right outside.
(Y/N): Let's agree that we only get her one we both agree on.
Liz: Sounds good to me.
Veronica walked out wearing one of the bathing suits.
(Y/N) nodded while Liz punched him in the arm and shook her head. Veronica understood and walked back into the dressing room to try on the next one. After another minute, she came out in the next one.
Liz smiled and nodded her head while (Y/N) gave a half-hearted shake of the head. Liz rolled her eyes as Veronica went back into the dressing room once again.
Another minute passed of Liz and (Y/N) waiting and they heard her speak out from the dressing room.
Veronica: Okay, I really like this one, but I'm not sure...
Liz: I'm sure it looks great.
(Y/N): Yeah, come out here and let us see it.
Veronica: O-Okay... But don't laugh.
Liz & (Y/N): I'd never.
The dressing room door opened to reveal her in the new one she's trying.
Veronica: Well...? What do you think?
(Y/N) and Liz looked at each other, nodded, then looked back at her.
(Y/N): It looks amazing.
Liz: That's the one.
Veronica: Yay!
(Y/N): Go get changed back into your normal clothes, then we'll go pay for it.
Veronica: Okay!
She went back into the dressing room.
(Y/N): I thought it would take longer to come to an agreement.
Liz: Honestly, same.
The two giggled.
The three were on there way back now, with Liz deciding she was going to hang out at their house for the day.
Veronica: Are we going to pack our things now, once we get home?
(Y/N): No, we have a couple of days before the concert, it'll be fine, Veronica.
Veronica: Okay!
Liz: So, who wants to play some games when we get there?
(Y/N): I'm down.
Veronica looked at him confused.
Veronica: But you're (Y/N).
(Y/N): No, I mean I'm... it means I'd like to play.
Veronica: Oh. Okay!
(Y/N) and Liz laughed off her misunderstanding.
~A Couple Days Later~
Callie and Marie had driven Liz, Veronica, and (Y/N) to the New Albacore Hotel; Pearl and Marina, of course, were already there.
They got out of the vehicle, and the valet gladly took all their luggage to their rooms for them.
When they got up to the room, Pearl and Marina were in there waiting for them.
Pearl: Hey, you all made it!
Marina: Glad to see it, and your things are all packed.
(Y/N): Yeah.
Liz: Why did we need to pack all of our stuff anyways?
Callie: We'll tell you later.
(Y/N): Fine.
Veronica: Can we go swimming now?!
Marina: Go right on ahead.
Veronica: YAY!
Veronica ran to the bathroom to get changed into her swimsuit.
(Y/N): I guess we'll all take turns getting changed.
Marie: Looks that way.
(Y/N): Well, I'll go look through my stuff for my swim trunks.
Marie: No need, I bought you a nice speedo.
(Y/N) looked over at her with a "really" look, to which she replied with a giggle hidden behind her hand.
Marie: I'm kidding; although I'm sure you'd look great in one.
(Y/N): That ain't happenin' though.
Marie just shrugged.
Veronica came out in her swimsuit, then walked up to Marina.
Veronica: So, how long are we going to be here?
Marina: All day and we leave whenever tomorrow.
Veronica just responded with a happy smile.
Veronica: Then let's all go swimming all day!
Pearl: Sure! We'll swim and play in the sand until we have to perform.
Callie: Then what are we waiting for?!
It was night and Pearl and Marina are on the stage above the water, performing their songs. All the people were cheering for them from the main "beach" section of the resort, while Callie, Marie, Veronica, Liz, and (Y/N) were on top of the restaurant, looking down at the performance. Liz was trying to show Veronica and Callie how to play shuffleboard, while Marie was sitting at one of the tables, enjoying her drink while watching them, until she looked over and saw (Y/N) leaning on the rail, watching the performance. She decided to go over and talk to him.
Marie: What're you doing over here alone?
She said as she started leaning onto the railing right next to him, with her drink in her hand.
(Y/N): Just enjoying the show. And my life in general right now.
Marie, still smiling, looked at him a bit confused. (Y/N) noticed this so he decided to explain.
(Y/N): It may not be much to you, someone who's used to performing on the stage, and getting into V.I.P. areas all the time, but I had a pretty normal life before I met all of you. No offense when I say this, but you know I didn't even know who any of you were when I met you all. I guess, what I'm trying to say is that... I never saw my life turning out as amazing as this... and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Marie sat there for a second, taking in all the things he was saying, then had a big smile plastered onto her face.
Marie: I guess... what you're trying to say is "thank you."
(Y/N): Thank you?
Marie: You're welcome!
(Y/N): What? Why would I-?
Marie: Okay, okay, I see what's happening, yeah... you're face to face with greatness and you're forgetful.
(Y/N): What're you talking about?
Marie: I'm just trying to say that none of it would have happened if I hadn't recruited you into the Squidbeak Splatoon, your life would've gone a whole different way.
(Y/N) thought about it for a second and realized how right she was.
(Y/N): (She recruited me, which in turn caused me to meet Callie when I saved her, and I met Pearl and Marina because they helped me after I passed out on the street from doing the missions in Octo Canyon, then I met the Cap'n, Liz, and Veronica because they were all apart of the Squidbeak Splatoon...)
He smiled.
(Y/N): You're right.
Marie: Aren't I always?
(Y/N): I don't know how I could ever repay it to you.
Marie: Well... remember when you were taking care of me when I was sick?
It took him a few seconds to understand what she was getting at. They were both smiling at each other while looking into each other's eyes...
Callie: Wow! Isn't this performance great?!
Callie came in between the two, wrapping her arms around the two while looking down at the performance. Meanwhile, Marie was just rolling her eyes as she rested her head on her fist as she looked the other way, letting out an exhale. (Y/N) just gave a little laugh then went back to watching the show.
The seven of them walked into the two conjoined rooms.
Marina: Wow! That show was great!
Pearl: Yeah, but my voice is a little sore now.
Callie: You just need to let your voice rest then.
Liz: I think it'd be best to rest in general. It's late, and I'm tired.
(Y/N): Okay, how are we going to split the rooms?
The seven were all silent for a moment.
Veronica: I'll go with Marina!
Marina: And I'll go with Pearl.
Liz: I'll stay with Eight.
Marie: Oh. That was easier than I thought. Then, I guess it's Callie, (Y/N), and I in the other room.
Marina: Well, good night you three.
Everyone said their goodnights and went to their rooms. When Callie, Marie, and (Y/N) went into their room, they noticed a problem.
(Y/N): There are only two beds.
Callie and Marie immediately glared directly into each other's eyes, appearing as if they were having some sort of psychic battle or dispute, which was interrupted when (Y/N) spoke.
(Y/N): Well, you two share that one on the left, I'll take the one on the right.
Callie and Marie both sighed and agreed.
Callie: Well, I've got to get changed into my jammies!
She ran off to the bathroom with her bag.
Marie: Aren't you going to go get your pajamas?
(Y/N) looked at her.
(Y/N): I usually sleep in nothing but my underwear.
This caused Marie to start blushing.
(Y/N): But I guess I'll sleep in a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt.
Marie was begrudgingly a little disappointed.
(Y/N): What about you?
Marie: I just sleep in a t-shirt and my undies. And I'm not changing that just because you're here.
(Y/N) started blushing super red.
(Y/N): N-Noted. I'll just look away.
Marie: You don't have to.
She gave her signature smirk.
(Y/N): Again. Noted.
Marina POV
Everyone was laying in their beds trying to sleep; Liz and Veronica in one bed and Pearl and Marina in the other.
Pearl quietly sang the New Albacore Hotel theme song under her breathe.
Pearl: ♪Al-Al-Albacore, the hotel you've been waiting for!♪
Marina immediately sat up, angrily.
Marina: Oh my GOD, Pearl!
2523 Words
March 26, 2019 - 8:00 PM
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