S2C Chapter 47: Valentine's Fiasco

First off, I want to thank @Joobodoo  for this absolutely STELLAR piece of fanart of Marie and I, made specifically for this chapter! Honestly, can't thank him enough for it.

Now, let's great straight on into the chapter.

Marina POV

Marina had woken up early today, and also made sure to set Pearl's alarm clock to go off a little later than usual. Marina went through her entire wardrobe to try and look as appealing to (Y/N) as possible; not that she'd admit that.

After she got dressed, she decided to put on some makeup, only a tiny bit though.

Marina heard the front door buzz, so she quickly went to it, as to not wake Pearl up. Marina let him in, then a couple minutes later, he knocked on the front door with Marina standing there, ready to let him in.

(Y/N): Hey, Marina, I'm here like you sa-

His eyes fully widened. He admired her full beauty, jaw dropped; he couldn't even form a sentence correctly.

Marina: So... Do I look good?

She said shyly.

After she said that, he closed his jaw and snapped to.

(Y/N): "Good"? You like fantastic!

Marina looked down a bit, holding her hands together, green ink rushing to her face. She smiled widely at him.

Marina: Th-Thank you!

(Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck while giving a slight chuckle.

Marina: Well, come in.

She held her hands up, motioning him inside.

(Y/N): Thanks.

He walked in and after Marina shut the door, they both sat on the couch.

Marina: So... did you have a nice morning?

(Y/N): Yeah... Where's Pearl at?

Marina: She's still asleep.

They sat in embarrassed silence for a bit until (Y/N) spoke.

(Y/N): Okay, so what should we do first? Do you have a plan?

Marina: Oh! Yeah! Okay, we can hang around here for a bit first, then we can go out and have fun!

She giggled.

(Y/N): Okay, sounds good, so like-

Marina: Like a movie, a dinner, and all that romantic stuff.

(Y/N): Okay, but if you really don't want to deal with all these guys harassing you, why don't you just not leave Pearl's house?

Marina: W-Well, be-because this way, i-if we do it right, then I-I don't have to worry about them again!

Marina gave a nervous chuckle.

(Y/N): Okay, then-

Marina: Now, let's get you dressed up all snazzy.

(Y/N): I mean, I always look good, but yeah... let's get me dressed up.


Marina was standing outside of the guest room, waiting for (Y/N) to get changed. She was leaning against the wall when she decided she'd check again.

Marina knocked on the door.

Marina: (Y/N), are you almo-

The door then cracked open a bit before fully opening to reveal (Y/N) dressed in a suit vest and matching dress clothes.

(Y/N): Well... I think you have a good eye for fashion.

He smirked.

Now, Marina was taking her time admiring him before she snapped out of it.

Marina: Yep! You look quite dashing!

(Y/N): Thank you, madam.

He said jokingly while doing a slight bow.

(Y/N): So, now what?

Marina: First, we get a nice commemorative photo! To let the people know what's up.

She said as they were both walking over to the couch and sat down.

(Y/N): Sounds good. Should I put my arms around you, like this? Or put my head next to yours, like this?

He said as he did so.

Marina: Y-Y-Yep! Th-Tha-at's perfect!

She was a blushing mess, and while he couldn't see it, he felt her face heat up a bit. She lifted her phone up and took a quick, cute photo of the two of them. She posted the picture with the caption, "'Bout to spend the perfect day with that perfect someone!"

The post received many different replies from "Perfect couple" to "NOOOOOOOOOO!"


Callie POV

Callie was looking over all of her things.

Callie: Yep! Everything's here! I'm going to have my chance now!


Callie turned towards her bedroom door at the sudden sound of Marie screaming. Callie ran out of the room and saw Marie on the couch in the fetal position.

Callie: Marie?! What's wrong?!

Marie just pointed towards her phone which was on the floor, upside down. Curious, Callie picked it up and saw Marina had posted a picture of her and (Y/N), and it looked and sounded like they were about to go on a date.

Callie: Calm down, Marie, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this.

Callie set down Marie's phone on the coffee table, then walked back to her room. After shutting and locking her door, she fell face first onto her bed and screamed as loud as she could into her pillow, which luckily muffled it.

Callie lifted her head, upset, and not knowing what she was going to do. She looked over at her nightstand when suddenly, an idea popped into her head.

She sat up, opened her nightstand, then opened it, taking out the coupons (Y/N) had given her for Christmas.

Callie: (I knew these would come in handy eventually... This wasn't the plan, (Y/N), but I'm afraid it is now.)



Marina and (Y/N) were both walking through Inkopolis, holding each other's hands, heading to the movies, figuring that they'd go there first. The whole way there, practically every guy who saw them gave (Y/N) a nasty glare, making him a bit uncomfortable. He felt that if he let go of Marina's hand, he'd be dragged off and splatted, causing him to hold her hand tight, which she didn't mind.

They eventually got to the movie theater. They bought their tickets, and as they were walking away from the ticket booth, (Y/N) swears he thought he heard the Inkling at the booth talk smack about him.

The two were now waiting in line to get their snacks and drinks. All the men were glaring at (Y/N) while all the females seemed to be staring, too scared to ask Marina for an autograph, but after a bit, they were generally left alone.

Marina decided while they were waiting, she'd take another photo of the two and post it online.

It turned out great and she posted it, but then she noticed Callie in the background of the photo.

Marina: What the-?

The two turned around and saw Callie standing there, smirking.

Callie: Photo-bombed!

(Y/N): Callie? What are you doing here?

Callie: You know, I was bored, so I decided I'd go to the movies and see what they had.

(Y/N) stared at her suspiciously.

Marina's phone went off. She looked at her phone.

Marina: It's Pearl. I better take this.

She said with a nervous smile, walking just abit off, but staying close by.

(Y/N) looked back over at Callie, still unbelieving of what she said.

Callie: Okay, fine... I...

She mumbled everything after "I".

(Y/N): What was that?

Callie: I wanted to hang out with you on Valentine's Day...

Callie was looking down at her feet, a bit embarrassed.

(Y/N): Callie, I'm sorry, but you should've just asked because I can't for a good part of the day. I promised Marina I'd pretend to be her boyfriend for the day to get all of their male fans from going after her.

Callie looked a bit disappointed, then she sighed.

Callie: I thought you'd say that...

(Y/N): I'm sorry I cou-

Callie: That's why I brought these.

(Y/N) looked confusedly at her until she pulled out the coupons he gave her for Christmas.

(Y/N): Oh no.

Callie: Oh, yes~.

She was smiling.

(Y/N): It says right on them that they can't break any pre-conceived promises, such as me helping Marina.

Callie: Of course! You think I haven't made sure to check everything about these out? I just want you to spend some time with me too.

She giggled.

(Y/N): Okay, then what do you want?

Callie hands him one of the coupons.

Callie: I want you to sit next to me in the theater.

(Y/N): Is that it?

She hands him two more coupons.

Callie: I want you to hold my hand the whole time, and I want us to share a drink and the snacks.

(Y/N): Fine... but you have to pay for the snacks it would take to feed both you AND me.

She slowly starts raising another coupon.

(Y/N): Really?!

She started laughing.

Callie: I'm kidding!

(Y/N): Phew.

Marina walked back over, putting her phone in her pocket.

(Y/N): Okay, Marina, Callie will be joining us for the movie.

Marina looked a bit confused.

Marina: Um... Okay?

(Y/N): So, what did Pearl want? Is she okay?

Marina stood there with a blank smile for a few seconds.

Marina: ...Yep... She's fine.

(Y/N) was sort of confused by how she responded, but just went with it.

(Y/N): Okay, then let's go.

The three of them waited in line, bought their drinks and snacks, and yes, there was a lot, then they went into the theater. The whole time during the movie, (Y/N) felt eyes burning into the back of his head; he understood why though. He was presumably dating Marina and was here watching a movie with her AND Calli,e from the Squid Sisters, and he was holding hands with both of them for the whole movie, no less.


They finished the movie then the three of them stood in the atrium of the theater. Marina was a bit annoyed (jealous?) after she saw him holding Callie's hand the entire time.

Callie: So, what now?

(Y/N): Well, I was going to go take Marina to a nice skating rink.

Marina: Really?

She grabbed his arm, happily.

Marina: That sounds fantastic!

Callie held up another coupon., which (Y/N) begrudgingly took. Marina saw this and understood what was happening now, but decided not to say anything.


They arrived at the place (Y/N) had said he was taking them to.

(Y/N): Here it is! Hopefully y'all are good at skating.

Marina: Um... (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Marina: I thought you said it was a skating rink?

(Y/N): I did; I said it was "an ice skating" rink.

Callie: OOOOoooh... I see. She thought you said "a nic-"

Marina: Yeah. We get it.

The three got their pairs of skates, then they headed out onto the ice. Callie seemed to be showing off by literally skating circles around them, while (Y/N) was trying to keep Marina from slipping on the ice by letting her hang onto his arm, and for good measures, they stuck close to the wall.

Marina: Thanks for helping me. I... I've never been ice-skating before.

(Y/N): Clearly.

He chuckled.

(Y/N): But it's fine; I don't mind slowing down for you.

She smiled up at him, to which he smiled back at her as he felt himself diving into the pools of ink that were her pupils, but it didn't last long because-

Callie: (Y/N)! Come skate with me for a bit, please?

She said as she was holding up another coupon.

(Y/N) sighed, but Marina just looked over.

Marina: It's fine; I know you have to do what she says with those slips or whatever.

He looks at Marina, upset.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I can just refuse t-

Marina: No, it's alright. I'll just try getting the hang of this on my own while waiting for you to come back.

(Y/N): Are you sure?...

Marina gave him a fake smile.

Marina: Of course!

He gave her a slight, care-filled smirk.

(Y/N): I'll be back before you know it.

She smiled as she held onto the rink walls, watching him skate away with Callie, which, as much as she hated to admit it, caused her a bit of pain in her chest.

(Y/N): Let's try to make this quick, Callie.

Callie: Aw, come on, you don't like hanging out with me?

(Y/N): It's not that, but I promised Marina I'd help her out today, but you're intruding on it, and it's making me feel bad.

Callie: Well, I'll have you know, it's not what I'm trying to do.

(Y/N): But you're doing it, none the less.

Callie came to a stop on the rink, followed up by (Y/N). She turned around to look at him.

Callie: I may not be your favorite person, but I still want to hang out with you.

(Y/N): Favorite person? What're yo-

He saw a couple of guys trying to hit on Marina while she was struggling to stand.

(Y/N): Hold that thought.

(Y/N) skated his way over to Marina. He lightly shoved past a couple of the guys, just so he was able to get through them, and skated up to Marina.

Inkling Male 1: Hey, buddy, what's the big idea?

Inkling Male 2: What? You trying to act like a man in front of her to try and win her over?

The disgust in their voices, and the disrespect in the word "man," was ever present as (Y/N) approached Marina and helped her.

Marina: Thanks, (Y/N).

She smiled.

(Y/N): No problem.

He gave a light smirk and chuckle.

(Y/N), with Marina hanging onto his arm, skated off towards the exit of the rink. The guys that were gathered around Marina followed him with their eyes. They were clearly both shocked and angry, which, without showing it, brought (Y/N) a little joy.

Marina: Seriously, thanks. Those are the kind of guys I hate fawning over me.

(Y/N): No problem. I'm just really sorry that it even got that far.

Marina: It's not your fault. Either way, besides right then, I've been having a good day.

She said giving him a true smile as he returned the favor.

(Y/N) looked over his shoulders and looked around for Callie; he saw she was looking around for him.

(Y/N): Then let's get some alone time.

He fast walked her over to the benches.

(Y/N): Quickly, let's get our shoes back on.

Marina: Um, okay.

They got their normal shoes on and quickly left the place. (Y/N) was walking ahead of her, holding her by the hand.

Marina: Where are we going?

(Y/N): I got us a nice reservation at a nice restaurant; it was a bit tricky to get on such short notice.

Marina: Really? (Y/N), you didn't have to.

(Y/N): It's nothing really.

Marina: I'm pretty sure I could've gotten it no problem.

(Y/N): I wanted to surprise you.

He said while walking backward in front of her, smiling.

Marina: Well, then I appreciate it, fully.

They smiled at each other and continued on their way.


Marina was still awe-struck by the place (Y/N) managed to get a last-minute reservation for.

Marina: How did you even manage to get this? And all last-minute.

(Y/N): With a lot of work, trying to do it without your, Pearl, Callie, or Marie's help.

Marina: I bet.

She was still admiring the place while he was looking at the menu until he noticed her looking around.

(Y/N): What're you doing?

Marina: Just admiring the place.

(Y/N): I figured you'd have been here before.

Marina: No; Pearl and I tend to stick to little places, fast food, or just making it at home.

(Y/N): Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Marina: Yeah, but I appreciate you taking me. More than you could know.

After a bit, the waiter came by and took their order, and Marina and (Y/N) were having fun, conversing with each other.

Suddenly, they both heard a voice.

Callie: Hey, guuuuuys.

Callie was standing there.

Marina: Callie?

(Y/N): Callie. What're you doing here? How did you get in?

Callie: I'm me; they practically let me in.

(Y/N): How did you find us?

Callie: I followed my heart.

She then spoke quietly so only he could hear.

Callie: After it was done feeling hurt...

Callie sat down next to him.

The three of them were then sitting in silence. Callie didn't look up at him.

The waiter came up with his and Marina's food, thankfully breaking the awkward silence. After the waiter placed all of their food in front of them, they left, leaving them with their food.

(Y/N) and Marina were eating their food when (Y/N) suddenly realized Callie was just sitting there with no food since she wasn't there when they ordered.

(Y/N): Oh! Callie, would you like some of my food?

Callie didn't say anything; she just slid one of his plates over in front of her and started lightly eating off it.

(Y/N) kept trying to talk to Marina, but he kept getting hit by tiny pieces of food flung at him. He tried to not let it bother him, and just ignore it.

After a while, (Y/N) pays the bill, much to Marina's protests, and Callie was just following along, still not saying a word.


Marina opened the front door, walking inside Pearl's home, followed by (Y/N) and Callie. Marina then shut the door after they were all inside.

Marina: Pearlie? We're home!

Marina and (Y/N) were looking around for Pearl, when suddenly...

Pearl: (Y/N)! CATCH ME!

(Y/N) instinctively looked up after hearing her above him. He only saw Pearl falling down towards him. He quickly threw his hands out to try and catch her, but she basically crushed him against the floor. (Y/N) instinctively tried turning into a squid in order to cushion her fall more.


Callie threw her hand up for a second in worry, while Marina started rushing over.


Pearl got up off of him, revealing she was wearing a tiny red dress, angel wings on her back, and a halo over her head.

(Y/N) was still a squid, and he couldn't see straight after he was crushed, but his vision was slowly focusing as he saw Pearl coming into view.

(Y/N): Is that an angel? Did I die?

Pearl blushed a bit.

Pearl: Thank you, but NOPE! You're still alive, thankfully.

She was cheerfully smiling.

(Y/N) turned back into his kid form.

(Y/N): Why... did you try to crush me?

Pearl: I wasn't trying to.

(Y/N): Then what were you trying to do?

She looked down a bit, blushing while holding her hands together behind her back.

Pearl: I was trying to be your fallen angel.

She said lightly.

Marina and (Y/N) both were clasping at their hearts due to how adorable she is.

(Y/N): I can't be mad at you.

Pearl she gave a big smile with her eyes shut, and a little sparkle in her smile.

(Y/N): Well, I should probably go. I need to take Callie home still.

Pearl: WAIT!

(Y/N) stopped as Pearl ran out of the room. A little bit later, she ran back with a box in her hands.

Pearl: Here...

She took a heart-shaped box of chocolates from behind her bag and held it up in front of her for him to take.

(Y/N): Wow... thanks, Pearl.

He smiled.

Pearl: I made it myself...

She said shyly.

(Y/N): Really?

She had her hands connected behind her back.

Pearl: I spent all night making them, and I kept them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh...

He hugged Pearl, surprising her for a second before she hugged him back, standing on her tip-toes.

(Y/N): Then, I'll cherish them.

They stopped hugging.

(Y/N) opened up the box of chocolates and ate one of them. He expected highly of it, seeing as she made it just for him, and spent a lot of time on it. Yet... he was still blown away by the amazing texture and taste of the heartfelt chocolate.

(Y/N): It's amazing.

Pearl quickly did a light, happy couple of stomps out of pure joy, along with another big smile.

Marina: Well, we shouldn't keep you. Thanks for the date.

She gave a sly smile as Pearl looked over at her.

(Y/N): Any time. Come on, Callie, let's get you home.

Callie stood up and they both walked to the door.

(Y/N): I'll see y'all later.

Pearl & Marina: See ya.

The door shut behind the two.


(Y/N) and Callie were walking in silence the way there. It was a bit cold outside, and (Y/N) could tell something was bothering her.

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): Okay, Callie... what's bothering you?

Callie: Nothing... I'm fine.

(Y/N): No you aren't. You were acting weird at the ice-skating rink too.

Callie: ...

(Y/N): Callie, please.

Callie: I know I'm not your favorite... 

She said quietly.

Callie: ...but that doesn't mean you can just leave me out!

(Y/N) stepped back for a second as they kept walking.

(Y/N): Callie... what are you talking about?

Callie: You ALWAYS try to be around Marina! But I want to hang out too! I want to be with you! I want to have fun with you! I want to be your friend too!... But you always lean towards the others; Marina especially.

(Y/N): Callie... you are my friend. I do care for you. If I made you feel unwanted or made you feel left out... I'm sorry.

A few tears started falling from her eyes.

Callie: You should be upset with me... I should've told you how I felt instead of using those coupons you gave me to ruin, not just your day, but Marina's too...

(Y/N): I do wish you wouldn't've used the coupons that way...

Hearing this made Callie sadder.

(Y/N): ... but I don't care about that right now; I just want you to be happy.

Callie looked up at him, expectantly.

(Y/N): You're one of the best friends I have; don't forget that. I care about how you feel, so tell me how you feel next time, okay?

She wiped her tears away and smiled looking up at him.

Callie: Okay.

Without realizing, they were at Callie and Marie's house.

Callie: Well... this is my home.

They both chuckled.

Callie went to unlock the door and go inside, but stopped and turned around.

Callie: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

She holds out her LAST coupon.

Callie: Can I... I.... I-I...

(Y/N): Can you what?

Callie slightly chuckled.

Callie: It'd be a boring Valentine's Day if I didn't end it with a kiss...

(Y/N) walked up close to her, grabbed the coupon, but pushed it back towards her.

(Y/N): You don't need it.

He grabbed her chin, lifted her head as he lowered his head to let their lips introduce themselves. They sat there for a good minute before separating.

Callie looked up into his eyes expectantly as he looked down into her soft, sunshine-yellow eyes.

(Y/N): Save the last one for when you need it.

Marie was standing right in the doorway, looking at the two wide-eyed.


Callie and (Y/N) were looking at Marie, scared, wide-eyed, and embarrassed.

Marie dragged Callie inside, then came back outside and was yelling at (Y/N) so much in such a manner that he couldn't even understand her incessant ramblings, until (Y/N) stopped it the only way he could think.

(Y/N) gave Marie a light peck on her cheek, causing her to immediately stop yelling, and talking as a whole, as she put her hand to her cheek, and she herself could feel the heat growing in her face.

Marie snapped out of it.

Marie: I'm not counting that.

She shut the door, leaving him out there alone now.

(Y/N) gave a nice little chuckle before he left to go home.


(Y/N): Veronica? I'm home!

He shut the door behind him. It smelled like something was burning in the house.

Veronica: Hey, (Y/N)!

Veronica came out of the kitchen, with some smoke coming out.

(Y/N): Veronica... Is the house on fire?...

Veronica: No! I'm making your Valentine's gift!

She was smiling.

(Y/N): Is it going well?

Veronica: Yep! I just need a minute.

(Y/N): Okay, I'll wait here.

Veronica: Three came by and left you something too; it's on the table.

(Y/N): Okay, thanks for telling me.

Veronica: No problem!

She went back to the kitchen to finish her gift.

(Y/N) sat on the couch and grabbed Liz's gift. It was a small-ish box. When he opened it, there was chocolate and a note. He took a bite of one of the pieces of chocolate before starting to read the note.


The note reads: "Hey. I walked past a shop with chocolates, so I decided I might as well get some, because why not? Don't think too much into it. You weren't here, so I decided to just leave this note.



P.S. There's a picture on the back of this letter."


He flipped the note over and found a picture of her hand, holding up the middle finger. He laughed at this.

Veronica: (Y/N)! It's done!

He set the rest of the chocolates and the letter down, then walked to the kitchen.

(Y/N): Okay, what do you have in store for me, Veronica?

Veronica: Sit down; I made you food ALL by myself!

She was smiling very wide.

(Y/N): That's cool. How'd you do it?

Veronica: I tried using a cookbook online for something that looked good; we didn't have everything it needed, so I just used things that also tasted good.

(Y/N): (I'm worried I might die now, but I'm still going to try it because she tried hard to do this for me.)

She sets the food she made for him in front of her, using the oven mitts.

He had to admit, she looked super adorable in an apron and oven mitts.

She stood there with her hands connected in front of her, watching him, expectantly.

He looked at the food then over at her, then back at the food. He lifted the fork, grabbed a bite.

He looked over at her and saw her leaning closer a bit more. He then put it up to his mouth, causing her to nod her head at it. Finally, he put it in his mouth.


It was really bad... Despite that, he still tasted the love and effort she put into it, so he was able to swallow it without much resistance from his body. He shivered a bit after swallowing it though.

Veronica: Well?...

(Y/N): It's amazing!

Veronica hopped up and down in joy, then walked over to him and gave him a big hug, causing her face to rub her face against his. She then let go.

Veronica: Well, don't let the rest go to waste.

(Y/N) sighed looking down at the rest of it on the plate.

(Y/N): Happy Valentine's Day...

He then proceeded to eat the rest of it.

4440 Words

February 14, 2019 - 8:32 PM

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