S2C Chapter 45: A Sickly Sight
Okay, so I MIGHT have not realized how long it had been since the last chapter came out, I'm so sorry. ;_;
Anyways, if everything goes to plan, I'll finally release the next chapter for my Bobble x Male Reader book next.
Thanks for 2,000+ followers and 220k+ reads; it means so much to me! Le's go.
Also, just finished writing this. I really love how this turned out, but I feel a lot of anger will be directed at me.
Callie POV
Callie walked out of her bedroom, still in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Her eyes widened when she realized she didn't smell the usual breakfast being cooked.
Callie went to the kitchen to see... no Marie.
Callie: (Where's Marie? She always gets up first to make breakfast for both of us.)
She decided to go check Marie's bedroom, but as she got closer, she heard groans and such coming from her room.
Callie: (Marie?!)
Callie burst in through the door to see Marie was still lying down in bed. Marie kept on groaning and looked awful.
Callie: Marie? Are you okay?
Marie felt like she was freezing, despite her sweating. Her nose and ears looked green from her heated ink in her face. She was practically thrown all across the bed with her hair in a mess and her arm thrown over her eyes.
Marie: No... I feel awful.
Callie: You look awful.
Marie: Hey-!
Marie tried to sit up and make a rebuttal, but almost immediately realized that was a mistake as she laid back down in pain, once again covering her eyes.
Marie: Callie... please... close those blinds.
Callie, seeing Marie didn't feel well, did as she asked and closed the blinds, making the room much darker and less lit up. Despite this, Marie still had her eyes covered.
Marie: I'm siiiiiiick...
Callie: Yeah, I can see that. Don't worry, I'll call off work and take care of you.
Marie: No, you can't... You said you had a really important scene to shoot today... You can't miss that.
Callie faltered at this, realizing Marie was right, as always. She couldn't let the workers down.
Callie: Yeah, I guess you're right... But I can't just leave you here alone.
Callie pondered of what her options were.
Callie: Oh! I know! I'll just call (Y/N) over to take care of you for the day.
Unbeknownst to Callie, Marie's eyes had shot open underneath her arm.
Marie: ( (Y/N)! No! No way. I don't want him seeing me like this.)
Marie tried to voice her opposition, but she was feeling too lousy to do it, and it just caused her sweating to increase.
Callie: Then it's settled. (Y/N) will take care of you today. Wait here; I'll go call him.
Callie then left the room with the sick Marie, so she could call (Y/N) to see if he was available. Once in the living room, she called him.
(Y/N) answered his phone.
(Y/N): Hello?
Callie: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Hey, Callie, what's up?
Callie: Are you free today?
(Y/N): I think so. Why do you ask?
Callie: Marie isn't feeling well, and she needs someone to look after her while I'm at work today.
(Y/N): Oh no, that's terrible.
Callie: You should see her. So, can you do it?
(Y/N): Yeah, of course. I'll be over in a bit.
Callie: Thanks, (Y/N), I love you!
(Y/N): I lo- wait, wha-
Callie hung up.
Callie walked back to Marie's room.
Callie: Good news, (Y/N) will be here in a bit to take care of you.
Marie put her pillow over her head.
Marie Uuuuuugh...
Callie: Stop whining. Think about it like this...
Marie raised one of her eyebrows.
Callie: You get to spend the WHOLE day with him waiting on your every call. Now... Doesn't that sound great~?
Luckily, Marie's face was still covered by her pillow, because she started blushing and looking over at the thought of this.
Marie: (My every demand, huh?... Yeah... I think I'll enjoy this after all.)
Marie: I guess...
Callie: That's what I thought.
Callie made a noise after that, sounding "matter-of-factly".
Callie opened the front door after hearing some knocks, revealing (Y/N); just as she knew it would be.
(Y/N): Hey, Callie!
Callie: Hey, (Y/N)!
Callie suddenly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside, then shutting the door behind them.
Callie: Now, Marie's in her room. I'll be back at about 7 PM; I've got a lot of important filming to do or else I would just take care of her myself, but instead, it's your job. Got it?
(Y/N) saluted.
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am!
Callie giggled.
Callie: Great!
Callie started picking up her bag and things before walking towards the door.
Callie: Well, I'll leave you to it. Also...
Just before the door was fully closed, she peeked through the crack.
Callie: Don't do anything I wouldn't do~.
She shut the door then left.
(Y/N): I'm not going to question that.
(Y/N) then decided to go check in on Marie and see what she needs. He walked into her room to see her, understandably, still in her pajamas. Her nose was green and runny. Her hair wasn't tied up into her usual style. She appeared to be sweating, despite obviously having a cold of some sort.
Marie POV
(Y/N): Hey, Marie... are you okay?
Marie: Yeah... I'm fi-
She was cut off by her own sneeze.
(Y/N): Yeah. That's what I thought. Is there anything you want?
Marie: (Y/N)...
(Y/N): Yeah?
Marie: Carry me.
(Y/N): Why?
Marie: Because I can't don't want to stay cooped up in my room all day...
She sneezed again.
Marie: Bring me to the couch.
(Y/N): Your wish is my command.
He walked over to the bed, then slithered both his arms under her, picking her up in his arms. She drew comfort by being snuggled up in his chest. Thankfully her face was already green or else he'd see how much she was blushing from being smothered in his warmth. Her feeling of serenity was almost undisturbed because she couldn't tell she was being set down so gently and carefully onto the couch.
(Y/N) looked around for a second, then he started walking away a bit to go grab the remote for the TV. He walked over.
(Y/N): Do you want to choose the channel or do you want me to just sit here flipping through the channels until you find something you like?
Marie's eyes were closed, focusing on how nice she liked being waited on by (Y/N).
Marie: Mmm... just flip through. I'll tell you when to sto- ACHOO-p.
(Y/N) smiled.
(Y/N): I live to serve.
He just flipped through the channels, but every time she would just say, "No, not that one." Eventually, though, she found a channel she liked; it was playing a romance movie she really enjoyed. (Y/N) thought it was really cheesy, but he decided if she liked it, he'd sit through it and enjoy it with her.
After he found a channel for her to watch, he got up and got her a nice wool blanket to keep her warm. After that, he went to the kitchen, much to her dismay.
Marie: (Y/NNNNN)... Where are you going?... You're gonna miss the movieeee- ACHOO!
(Y/N): I'm making you a nice warm bowl of soup. It always helps with a cold like yours. Plus, there's just something so nurturing about it.
Marie: Fiiiiiine... (He's so adorable sometimes.)
She giggled at her own thoughts.
The entire time (Y/N) was making her soup, Marie would repeatedly go, "(Y/N)! Come on! Quickly! You're gonna miss it! This part's great!" Every time, he gladly stopped what he was doing so she could show him the part of the movie she wanted him to see.
After a little while, and many incessant calls from Marie, (Y/N) finished her bowl of soup. He brought it to her in the living room.
She sat up and took the soup as he handed it to her. He sat down next to her as she took a bite of the soup.
Marie: Mmmmmmmm~! Ohm ah got...
She swallowed the food in her mouth.
Marie: This soup is amazing! Thank you soooo much!
(Y/N): Anything to make you feel better.
Marie: It does... It really does.
They smiled at each other. Then, Marie glanced over at the TV. She forced his head to look at the TV.
Marie: OOH! This is the best part!
He chuckled then watched it.
After they had been watching a bunch of Marie's choices of movies: all romances, of course.
Marie and (Y/N) were both lying on the couch, underneath the wool blanket. (Y/N) was behind her, peering over her head at the TV while she was laying in front of him in his full embrace.
At this moment, there's nowhere she'd rather be than right here.
Marie: (He was right about the wool blanket too; so comforting.)
She smiled.
She looked out the window to see the snow still falling, like rain in slow motion, contrasting with the dark night sky and the lights of the city.
The movie was at the end and the two protagonists just realized they were in love with each other and were going to seal their love with true love's first kiss. They didn't tell each other they loved each other, but when they stared into each other's eyes, they realized they both felt the same. Their lips moved closer as they got mere inches when sudd-
The power went out.
(Y/N) and Marie were both shocked by this sudden power outage. They both sat up, shocked.
Marie: What the heck?!
(Y/N): The snow must've knocked out the power.
Marie: Okay, then there are some candles in the hall closet we can use to light the place up.
(Y/N): Okay, you wait here; I'll go get the candles.
Marie: Okay.
(Y/N) got up to go check the closet, looking for candles, leaving Marie alone on the couch.
Marie was left there looking around. She looked around, once again having her eyes see out the window. The coldness of the falling snow, yet the warmth of the light of the city somehow counter-acting the coldness.
She turned her head after hearing (Y/N) walk back with the candles. He started walking around the room, lighting all the candles. Afterward, he sat back down on the couch next to Marie.
(Y/N): Let there be light.
Marie laid across his lap on her back, looking up at him.
(Y/N): What are you doing?
He said while smiling down at her.
Marie: Getting comfy.
(Y/N): I see that.
Marie rested her arms behind her head.
Marie: You know, you make a nice butler.
(Y/N): I told you, "I live to serve."
They both giggled.
Marie rested up on her elbows.
Marie: The lighting's nice.
(Y/N): Nothing's better than the candlelight. It really sets the mood.
They both smiled at each other; (Y/N) looking down into her glossy orbs while she looked up into his eyes.
Both of their eyebrows slowly raise as their smiles slowly started going down as they started leaning towards each other. Their eyelids started closing as they got closer until they could feel each other's breaths. And finally.....
Callie: Marie, I'm home. Are you feeling be-
Callie opened up the front door to see them inches at from each other's faces, Marie sprawled across his lap, both of them staring wide-eyed at Callie's sudden intrusion. The ink was rushed in both of their faces.
Marie sat upward.
Marie: Oh! H-Hey, Callie!
Marie walked over to her cousin, wrapping her arm around her neck.
Callie: Marie?
Marie just kept on smiling.
Callie: M-Marie? You're kind of holding my neck a little tight there. Marie? Marie?!
Marie: My bad.
She tried saying it was fine, but it was apparent she wasn't.
Marie: I'm going to go lay down. Goodnight you two.
She gave a slight wave as she walked into her room.
Callie: Goodnight.
(Y/N): See ya.
He said half-heartedly.
Callie slid over onto the seat onto the couch next to (Y/N).
Callie: Sooooo~... Care to explain?
(Y/N) smirked.
(Y/N): Goodbye, Callie.
Callie stood up, shocked.
Callie: What? What do you mean "goodbye"?
(Y/N): Well, you're here now, so I was gonna go ho-
Callie grabbed his arm, holding him back.
Callie: No! (Y/N), it's freezing outside, it's late, even the power's knocked out. You're staying here for the night.
(Y/N): But-
Callie: No "buts" unless it's yours sitting back down on the couch to stay here.
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): Fine. Let me call Veronica first though.
Callie gave him a big smile.
Callie: No problem! You do that while I get the couch ready.
Third Person POV
It was the middle of the night. Callie was fast asleep while Marie and (Y/N) were both lying completely awake. Thinking...
Marie & (Y/N): (Dang it.)
2169 Words
January 28, 2019 - 11:15 PM
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