S2C Chapter 43: Christmas Special
Veronica POV
Veronica was at her house, sitting on the couch with Marie. They were the only two home at the moment. Veronica was a bit teary-eyed
Veronica: I don't know what to do. Every night, he's making me worried, then he wakes up as if nothing happened. It's just... a lot.
Marie placed her hand on her shoulder.
Marie: There, there, don't cry; I'm sure he'll tell us in his own time.
Veronica: I get that! But still, not knowing what's going on with him is... it's hard to watch.
The two of them looked up as they heard the front door unlocking. Then, it opened to reveal (Y/N) with bags of items.
(Y/N): Okay, Veronica, don't look, I'm finally done Christmas shopping.
He noticed Marie sitting next to Veronica on the couch.
(Y/N): Oh, hey Marie. You don't look either, please.
Marie: I won't.
(Y/N) noticed Veronica looked like she was ready to cry.
(Y/N): Veronica? What's wrong?
Veronica: Huh?
She wiped her eyes.
Veronica: Oh, nothing, there was just... a sad thing on TV.
(Y/N): But... the TV's turned off.
Veronica: Uh-
Marie: Exactly, because I saw it was upsetting her.
(Y/N): Oh. Okay, then I'm just going to put these all in my room if you don't mind, sure.
He leaves and goes to his room.
Marie: So, you sure you're going to be okay?
Veronica: Of course. I just wish I could help.
Marie: You're helping him by just being there.
Veronica smiled at this.
Veronica: Thanks, for helping me through this.
Marie: No problem.
Marie stretched.
Marie: I better get going, too.
(Y/N): What? You're leaving already? But I just got here.
He walked back out into the living room.
Marie: Don't worry, I'll see you at the party, tonight.
(Y/N): Come on, stay a little longer. I was just about to make something to eat.
Marie put her hand up.
Marie: No, I don't want to intrude-
(Y/N): You're not intruding. Come on, I haven't seen you much lately.
He said as he put his arm around her, making her blush.
Marie: W-Well, I guess I can stay a liiittle longer.
(Y/N): That's the spirit!
He went to the kitchen to start making the food.
Marie: Well, thank you for the meal.
Marie started standing up, getting her coat and hat.
(Y/N): It was my pleasure.
(Y/N) stood up to help her out.
(Y/N): Seriously, I don't see you enough, anymore.
Marie: Well, you'll see me tonight and tomorrow, so you'll just have to wait.
She said as she booped his nose and gave her signature smirk.
(Y/N): Yeah, I know. See you there, Marie.
Marie: See ya.
(Y/N) shut the door behind her.
Veronica: So, what're we going to do until the party starts?
(Y/N): Well, we'll probably want to get there a couple hours early, but that still leaves us plenty of time.
Veronica: So, what do we do?
(Y/N): Movie?
Veronica gasped.
Veronica: A CHRISTMAS movie?
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Well, of course. What else would it be?
Veronica: YAY!
Veronica: (Y/N)? What're we waiting for? Didn't you say you wanted to leave early?
(Y/N): Yeah, but...
Veronica: But, what?
(Y/N): I kinda didn't think how I was gonna bring all the presents to their house. I don't really want to walk down the street with you and me carrying all our presents. I also don't see how we're supposed to carry them all.
Veronica gasped.
(Y/N): Calm down, Veronica.
He thought about it for a second.
(Y/N): Oh, this is easy... We'll just ask Pearl to send over someone to pick us up.
Veronica: YAY! Christmas is saved!
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah.
He jokingly ruffled her tentacles.
Marina POV
Marina walked into the room carrying a bowl of snacks.
Marina: What're you doing, Pearlie?
Pearl looked over from the top of the ladder.
Pearl: I'm hooking this whole place up with mistletoe.
Marina: Pearlie... why are you doing that?
Pearl: Yo, you set up the party YOUR way, I'll set up the party MY way.
Marina shook her head as she continued to set up.
Suddenly, Pearl started getting a phone call.
Marina looked from the phone to Pearl. Pearl was still just setting up the mistletoe.
Marina: Aren't you gonna get that?
Pearl: I'm busy. Can you get it, Reena?
Marina sighed and set down the things in her hands as she went over and answered Pearl's phone.
Marina: Hello? You've reached Pearl, Marina speaking.
(Y/N): Oh. Hey, Marina, can you do me a favor? Or at least ask Pearl to do me a favor?
Marina: Um, sure. What is it?
(Y/N): Can you or Pearl send a car or something to pick Veronica and I up with our gifts?
Marina: Oh sure, no problem.
(Y/N): Thanks, Marina, you're a lifesaver.
Marina giggled.
Marina: No problem.
Marina hung up the phone call.
Pearl: Who was that?
Marina: (Y/N).
Pearl nearly stumbled coming down the ladder.
Pearl: What did he want?
Marina: Needed a way to get here with all of his and Eight's presents.
Pearl: Just send a limo to his house.
Pearl said as she picked up the bowl full of mistletoe.
Marina: That's what I was going to do.
Marina starts calling a limo to go pick up (Y/N) and Eight.
Veronica: When is it going to get here? We've been waiting forever!
(Y/N): I told you it would take a little while; just sit down.
Veronica: Fiiiine.
She flops onto the couch next to him before a honk is heard outside.
(Y/N) gets up and looks out the window.
(Y/N): That's it. Let's go.
Veronica: Oh COME ON!
She threw her hands into the air before standing up.
The two of them carried a handful of presents out to the limo.
(Y/N): Cool, they got us a limo.
The two of them walked up to the limo with the driver standing there, ready to open the door for them.
(Y/N): Thank you, there's a few more inside.
Driver: No problem, sir. I'm here to help.
(Y/N): Oh. uh... Thanks.
Driver: No problem, sir, it's my job.
(Y/N): Okay, Veronica, you wait in the limo, I'll help the driver get the rest of the gifts.
Veronica laid down in the back, getting comfortable.
Veronica: You don't have to tell me twice.
(Y/N) and the limo driver carried all the gifts into the back of the limo.
Driver: Thank you, sir, but really I could've done it myself.
(Y/N): It's fine, they're my problem anyway.
He said as he got into the limo.
Driver: Well, time to take you to your destination now, Mr. Ida.
(Y/N): Yea- Wait, Mr. Ida?
The driver shut the door behind (Y/N), leaving him and Veronica in the back as she went back to the front of the of the limo to take them to their destination.
Pearl POV
Marina: Pearl? Don't you think you've gone a bit overboard?
Pearl: Now way, yo! There's no way I can miss my chance when there's one on every doorway!
Marina: And what is your chance, exactly?
Pearl: Y-You know, to prank (Y/N) of c-course!
Pearl gave a nervous chuckle.
Marina: Pearlie, have you really put one above the doorway, too?
Pearl hopped up to the front door.
Pearl: Duh, he won't even be able to see it coming. It'll be gre-
Suddenly, the door flew open and knocked Pearl away from the door.
Pearl: AACK!
(Y/N) walked in with a handful of presents. He saw what he had accidentally done, then quickly set down the gifts before running over to help Pearl up.
(Y/N): Oh my goodness! Pearl, are you alright?!
Pearl was lying on the floor.
Pearl: I-... Is there something above us right now?
(Y/N) looked up to see nothing above him.
Marina was standing to the side with her arms crossed and a little smirk on her face.
Marina: There isn't one there, Pearl.
Pearl: Then, I am NOT alright.
(Y/N) helped her up. Pearl shook it off then was back to normal.
Veronica was now sitting on the couch with the presents she brought in next to her on the ground. The limo driver was coming in and out of the house bringing in the rest of the gifts.
Pearl: Yo! Are these all for me?
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): They're my and Veronica's gifts for everybody.
Pearl looked over at him.
(Y/N): But yes... Yours are in there.
Pearl smiled at him.
Veronica POV
Veronica was sitting on the couch talking with Marina and Liz. (Y/N) was off talking with Marie out on the back patio. Meanwhile, Callie and Pearl were both trying to figure out how to lure (Y/N) under the mistletoe.
Currently, Pearl was standing just around the corner from the door leading out back.
Pearl: (Y/N)? Can you come here for a minute?
(Y/N) looked over and then he started walking toward the indoors, with Marie walking in ahead of him.
Marie nodded toward Veronica as she was making her way inside. Veronica then stood up as she made her way to cut him off. Just before (Y/N) could walk inside, Veronica stopped him.
Veronica: Um... (Y/N)? Can I talk to you for a minute?... In private?
(Y/N): Sure, what about?
Veronica: Just come with me for a sec.
The two of them then walked off away from the door, earning an annoyed swear from Pearl.
The two stopped.
(Y/N): Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?
Veronica: I want you to tell me about your night terrors.
(Y/N): What're you tal-
Veronica: (Y/N)!
He was taken aback by this.
Veronica: Stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about!
She was clearly getting upset.
Veronica: You know what I'm talking about, and I want to hear the truth!
Her angry look slowly turned to one of sadness.
Veronica: I don't want to hear it anymore... I CAN'T hear it anymore... Every night, you scare me, because I'm worried for you, but then when I get up in the morning, you put on a face as if you're fine, but YOU'RE NOT FINE!... Just tell me the truth...
(Y/N) looked like he was at a lost for words.
(Y/N): Veronica... I'm sorry... I-I didn't know...
Veronica: Well... now you do...
She looked ready to cry.
(Y/N): You wanna know why I didn't tell you?
Veronica looked up at him, expectantly.
(Y/N): It's because I don't fully know why myself. I mean, I have some guesses, but I don't know the real reason. Maybe I was stressed from having to try and buy gifts for people who can get whatever they want whenever they want. Maybe I'm just not sleeping right, I don't know.
Veronica looked down, saddened at this answer.
(Y/N): But what I do know...
Veronica looked back up at him.
(Y/N): Is that when I need help, you all will be there to help me. Just like you have been without me even asking for it.
A tear or two fell out of her eyes.
(Y/N): Hey, look at me.
He lifted her head to look at him. He wiped her tears away.
(Y/N): Thank you...
She smiled and then the two became one as they hugged for a full minute, before going back inside, through another entrance might I add.
Pearl POV
Pearl: (Okay, Pearl, you're running out of chances. This has got to work.)
She thought to herself as she attached a mistletoe to a string to hang over her, attached to her back.
She went downstairs, and when she looked for (Y/N), she heard him around the corner, so she waited for him to come around. When he did, she jumped out.
Pearl: Hey, (Y/N)! (HA! Got him, now!)
(Y/N): Hey, Pearl.
Pearl was smiling confidently as she pointed up.
(Y/N): What?
Pearl: It's mistletoe... You know what that means.
She closed her eyes and puckered her lips. After a bit of nothing happening, she opened her eyes.
Pearl: Well?...
(Y/N): Well, what? Pearl, it has to be hanging above us, but it's only in front of me.
Pearl's heart sank and her arms and mouth fell.
Pearl: ... What?
She looked at it, seeing he was right.
Pearl: NNNGH!
She tore it off and threw it on the ground in defeat.
She turned away with her arms folded.
(Y/N): Hey, Pearl?
Pearl turned to see what he wanted but was shocked when he kissed her on the cheek. He was holding the mistletoe she had thrown on the ground above the two of them.
(Y/N) smiled as he looked at her shocked expression.
Pearl: Ohoho no...
(Y/N) looked at her confusedly.
Pearl: I have been waiting TOO long for just THAT!
She grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him in for a full-on kiss, surprising him at first, but then just going with it.
After a bit, the two separated, causing everyone but Pearl to look at her in disbelief, anger, jealousy, or straight up confusion.
Pearl: Woo! Now THAT was worth it.
Pearl then walked over to the couch where she hopped over and landed next to Marina, leaving (Y/N) sitting there in shock.
Once it got late, they all laid down in the living room and said their goodnights, waiting for Christmas morning to arrive. Pearl was laying close to (Y/N), much to others' dismay.
Veronica's eyes fluttered open before they were fully open. She gasped.
Veronica: It's Christmas.
She said quietly to herself.
She hopped up and started shaking each and every person in the room while yelling, "It's Christmas!"
(Y/N): Okay, we're up Veronica... We can open the gifts.
He said as he rubbed his eyes.
They all began opening their gifts from each other.
(Y/N): (Looks like Veronica liked my gi- OH MY-!)
He quickly shut the box he was opening. He looked all around the room at all the girls, then checked who it was from.
(Y/N): (Callie... Oooof course.)
Callie looked over, and the look she had showed that she knew he just opened her gift. She walked over and sat down next to him.
Callie: Like your gift?
(Y/N): Callie, did you really just put your-
Callie: No, here's your real present, although, you can keep both if you like. I just wanted to see the face you'd make.
(Y/N) unwrapped the gift to reveal a picture of Callie and Marie both blowing kisses, signed with a note in the bottom that read, "Here for you, always. - Callie & Marie".
(Y/N) looked over to see Marie and Callie both looking at him.
Callie: It's from both of us.
He wrapped his arm around both of them, giving them both a hug.
(Y/N): Thanks. I love it.
(Y/N) then looked across to see Liz had just opened the gift he got her. She was holding a Tentatek Splattershot in her hand.
(Y/N) sat down next to her.
(Y/N): You don't like it?
Elizabeth: Huh? No! I love it.
(Y/N): Then, what's wrong?
Elizabeth: Nothing, just...
He was stunned for a moment, unable to move, when she had suddenly hugged him.
Elizabeth: Thanks...
(Y/N): No problem. Really. You're my friend and I thought you'd like it.
She stopped hugging and ACTUALLY smiled at him, can you believe it?
He was caught off guard when suddenly the sound of a Splat Bomb going off occurred.
He looked up and saw Pearl's face was covered in ink.
Everyone was shocked but he was holding back the laughs. This caused everyone to look over at him, including Pearl.
(Y/N): I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it in. I got the idea from watching you two on the news.
He was laughing so hard it hurt, now. Pearl started getting ready to stand up in retaliation when he stopped for a moment and handed her another present.
(Y/N): Sorry, here's the real one.
She wiped the ink off of her and grabbed the present. Pearl was a bit suspicious of it, but when she opened it, she was paralyzed. She set the gift down, walked over to (Y/N) and hugged him.
Pearl: I love it...
(Y/N) was hugging her back.
(Y/N): I knew you would...
Pearl stopped and walked back over to her seat. She took the gift out of the box. It was a pillow with a picture of him and her with the words "Together Forever".
The others opened their gifts. (Y/N) had gotten a record of Marina's favorite album. He got Marie a Chirpy Chips poster. He got Callie a couple of cards that each said "1 Free Favor" on them.
They all thanked each other for the gifts. Veronica put on her coat and hat and left, while the rest of the set up a movie on the couch; Pearl was snuggling her new pillow.
Marina: So, anyone have a preferred Christmas movie?
They all started shouting out their favorite Christmas movies, causing Marina to have a sweat drop go down her face as she giggled.
Veronica's POV
Veronica: Thank you for letting me speak to him.
Cuttlefish: No problem, Eight. Just be careful.
Veronica smiled.
Veronica: I will.
The Cap'n went back into his Cabin. Veronica turned and walked over to the snowglobe as she kneeled onto the ground in front of him.
Octavio: Well, well, well, would you look at this. One of my own Octolings that have betrayed me, and even joined the enemy for that matter.
Veronica: I kind of expected you to be more mad.
Octavio: Anything's better than Agent 4. He's so annoying. He comes here every once in a while just to sit there and laugh at me.
Veronica: Mmm... Well, I came here for a reason.
Octavio: Then... State. It.
Veronica: I wanted to tell you that I was sorry. I'm sorry for leaving your army so unceremoniously. You deserved more than that, but as I said, for what it's worth... I'm truly sorry.
Octavio: What use is a sorry? A "sorry" isn't going to set me free. A sorry isn't going to bring my army back.
Veronica: Well, then maybe that's a good thing!
Octavio was shocked by the Octoling's sudden outburst.
Veronica: People are happy living in Inkopolis! They aren't as bad as you told us they were! As we speak, Octolings and Inklings are celebrating together! And that's an amazing thing!... If you can't see what's so good about that, then you never will.
Octavio: ...
She stood up and walked away from the snowglobe, thanking the Cap'n for letting her speak to him, then she left.
3135 Words
Written: December 25, 2018 - 12:42 AM
Published: December 25, 2018 - 5:42 AM
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