S2C Chapter 42: Christmas Shopping

So, this will probably be the last chapter before the Christmas special chapter. The Christmas special chapter will (if everything goes according to plan) be released Christmas morning.


(Y/N) was shuffling in his sleep. He was having a cold sweat. He must've been having a nightmare. He then sat up quickly while breathing heavily for a few seconds.

(Y/N): Huh? What time is it?

He said quietly while rubbing his eyes. He saw Pearl, Marina, Callie, Marie, Elizabeth, and Veronica sleeping all across the couch as well. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was a little early in the morning; the sun wasn't even up yet. After he saw them, he calmed down a bit, rubbing his hand over his head while letting out one last breath to calm down.

(Y/N) stood up and covered the girls all up with a blanket.

He walked out of the gaming room and toward the kitchen. When he arrived there, he saw that the Cap'n was up and getting himself something to eat.

(Y/N): Cap'n? What're you doing up so early?

Cuttlefish: Huh? Oh! 4, it's great to see you up so early. To answer your question, you youngins sleep way too much. I get up early to start my day.

(Y/N): I see. (You do you I guess.) So, what're you doing?

Cuttlefish: I was gonna head back to Octo Canyon to get back to work, but I decided to get some breakfast before I left.

(Y/N): Ah. Raid their food before you leave. Smart move.

Cuttlefish: Thanks!

He spoke before digging into his food.

(Y/N) let out a short chuckle at this as he made a quick bowl of cereal and went to the living room couch and started watching TV.

Not too much later, the Cap'n started walking toward the front door to leave, causing (Y/N) to turn his head.

Cuttlefish: Well, I'll be seeing you, 4!

(Y/N): So long, Cap'n.

He gave a joking salute with one arm as he used the other to hold his bowl.

The Cap'n smiled, I think... It's hard to tell because of his beard, and left.

(Y/N) turned back to the TV and continued eating.


(Y/N) had suddenly been awakened by something heavy landing on his lap. His eyes shot open to see Pearl was sitting on his lap with a smile on her face.

(Y/N): Pearl!... What time is it?

Pearl: It's morning, of course.

(Y/N) looked around.

(Y/N): Where's everyone else?

Pearl started repositioning herself to lay across his legs on her back as she gave him her answer.

Pearl: Eight asked Marina if she could take her to go shopping for gifts and Three went with Callie & Marie to go shopping.

(Y/N): (Oh shoot! I forgot I need to get them gifts!)

(Y/N) looked down at Pearl.

(Y/N): Why aren't you shopping?

Pearl: I already got everyone their gifts.

She grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled herself up a bit.

Pearl: Don't worry, I didn't forget to get you a gift.

(Y/N): Pearl, you really didn't have to after you gave me all that money yesterday; in fact, you didn't have to give me the money either, I was just kidding when I said, "Deal."

Pearl: Don't be silly, I said I'd do it, and I did. Besides, not like that was a lot of money.

(Y/N): (Maybe not to you... Well, at least now I have enough money to buy them all presents... Presents... What do you buy rich, famous idols? They have more money than they can spend... This is going to be hard.)

~Later That Night~

(Y/N) was shaking in his bed. He was wavering left and right. Once again, he was sweating. He'd repeat words like "No" and "Please"; he sounded... scared... worried?

He shot upward, looking around the room with a few tears in his eyes. He blinked and rubbed them away.

His throat was dry, so he got up and got a small glass of milk from the kitchen. Afterward, he started walking back to his bedroom, but he stopped before he did and looked into Veronica's room to see she was asleep. He looked back into his room and saw how empty it was, then he decided to go into Veronica's room.

He lifted up her covers and got in the bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her and drew comfort from it. Unfortunately, this caused her to slightly awaken.

Veronica POV

Veronica: H... Huh?

She looked over and saw (Y/N) was lying there next to her, with his face down.

Veronica: (Y/N)?... What're you doing here?... What time is it.

He didn't respond or raise his head.

Veronica became a little more worried as she awakened a bit more.

Veronica: (Y/N)?...

She heard him sniffle.

This caused her to turn her whole body around to face him.

Veronica: (Y/N)... (Y/N)!... Look at me.

After a few seconds, he still didn't move; she was about to speak again, but then he looked up at her and she held her tongue.

In his face, she could see a large mix of emotions; from sadness, to worry, to longing... but for what?

She decided not to say anything, see he wouldn't/didn't want to speak. So instead, she just wrapped her arms around him tight, and one arm on the back of his head, in an attempt to console him.

They ended up falling asleep like this.

~In the Morning~

Veronica: Here you go, (Y/N). I decided to make you breakfast for once.

(Y/N): Oh! Thanks! How come?

Veronica: Well... you seemed like you needed it after... last night.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Veronica: Nothing.

She disregarded it with a nervous chuckle.

All morning, (Y/N) has been acting his usual cheerful self as if nothing had happened last night. Veronica was worried, but he was acting as if he had legitimately not remembered a single thing that had happened. This all worried her.

Veronica: W-Well... Are you sure I can't go with you?

(Y/N): Veronica, I told you. I have to finish Christmas shopping, and if you were there, it'd ruin the surprise.

Veronica: Okay, then...

She said disappointingly. She wants to go with (Y/N), to make sure nothing bad is happening. He had inadvertently made her worried for him and was basically refusing to let her help him, but she didn't want to go against his wishes.

Veronica: Well... I'll see you later, then.

(Y/N): Of course! See you later.

He left and shut the door behind him. The moment he shut the door, her smile turned to a frown.

Veronica pulled out her phone and decided the person she could always rely on to help her out.


Elizabeth: Eight? I'm here. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?

Veronica: Ah! Three! You're here, perfect. I need your help with something.

Veronica shut the door after letting Elizabeth inside.

Elizabeth: Okay, what is it you need help with?

The two of them sat down.

Veronica: It's (Y/N).

Elizabeth sighed.

Elizabeth: Of course it is... What did he do?

Veronica: Three, I'm serious!

Elizabeth could see in the way Veronica looked that she was being serious.

Elizabeth: Okay. I'm listening.

Veronica: Something's wrong with him.

Elizabeth looked like she was going to say something but thought better of it.

Veronica: I'm worried about him. Last night, he came into my bed and he looked frightened over something; he wouldn't say a word, and yet, this morning, he acts as if everything is fine and nothing had happened.

Elizabeth: Hm. And you're sure this isn't one of his pranks?

Veronica: THREE.

Elizabeth: Alright, alright!... Have you told anyone else about this?

Veronica: No. Just you.

Elizabeth: Maybe he actually just doesn't remember it.

Veronica: Three. How could someone NOT remember that?

Elizabeth: Okay then... Maybe he's just hiding how he feels?

Veronica: Why would he do that?

Elizabeth: I don't know. It depends on what it's about.

Veronica: Should I ask the others?

Elizabeth: How should I know... If anything, you should ask Marie. I feel like she'd be the one he'd most likely tell.

Veronica: Right...

Veronica pulled out her phone and looked for Marie in her contacts. Once she saw it, she pushed the call button.

Marie: You've got Marie; what is it?

Veronica: Hey, Marie, it's Eight.

Marie: Hey, Eight, how's it going?

Veronica: It's going... fine. Where are you?

Marie: Callie and I are at Pearl's why do you ask?

Veronica: I need to speak about something important with you.

Marie: Oh! Uh... Sure. That sounds fine.

Veronica: Great! I'll see you there in a bit.

Marie: Okay, see ya.

The call ended.

Veronica: We're going to Pearl's!

She said to Elizabeth.


Marina opened the front door.

Marina: Oh, hey! You two made it! Marie told us you two were coming.

Veronica: Yep! 

Marina let the two of them in and closed the door behind them

Veronica: Now, uh... Where is Marie?

Marina: Oh! She's just sitting on the couch on her phone.

Veronica: Thanks!

Veronica started walking over to Marie.

Marina: Wait!

Veronica stopped and turned back toward Marina as Elizabeth walked off to go hang out with Callie.

Marina: Do you... uh... Do you know if (Y/N)'s going to be coming over?

Veronica: I don't know; he's out Christmas shopping.

Marina: Oh... Okay. Well, have fun.

Veronica: Thanks!

Marina walked away, a little disappointed, while Veronica went back over to talk to Marie.

Veronica: Hey, Marie?

Marie looked over at Veronica, a little surprised, as she put her phone into her pocket.

Marie: So... What's up? What did you want to talk to me about?

Veronica was looking around the room. Pearl was putting up the tree and failing due to how short she was, so Marina was helping, and Elizabeth and Callie were talking as it appeared Callie was moving their conversation to the kitchen.

Veronica: Yeah, um, can we talk somewhere a little more private?

Marie sat up.

Marie: Uh, sure. Let's go.

They walked into the other room, away from the others, and Marie and Veronica sat down.

Marie: Now... What's so important?

Veronica: I have to ask you something... about (Y/N).

Marie blushed a bit and looked away.

Marie: Oh! W-What might that be?

She said with a smile on her face.

Veronica: I'm worried about him.

Marie's smile and blush went away.

Marie: Huh?

And so, Veronica explained the situation and what had happened to Marie.

Veronica: So, Three and I figured since you were the closest to him, we were hoping you might be able to tell us something about it.

Marie: You think I'm the closest to him? Nevermind- Thank you for telling me this, Veronica.

Veronica: So... Do you know what's up with him?

Marie: I'd love to help, Eight, but I had no clue this was happening until you just told me.

Veronica looked down a bit disappointed.

Marie: Do you know how long this has been going on for?

Veronica: No. I just found out last night.

Marie: Mm... And he won't answer your questions about it?

Veronica: Nope.

Marie: Then... You're not going to like it, but there's really nothing for you to do, sorry.

Veronica: What do you mean there's nothing I can do?!

Marie: Calm down, Eight. Look, I'd love to help him in any way I could, just as he helped me before, but... If you can't get through to him, all you can do is comfort him and help him through it when he needs it.

Veronica was saddened by this. She sighed.

Veronica: This stinks, but... Thanks for trying to help, Marie.

Marie: No problem.

Marie felt bad she couldn't be of more help to Veronica, and (Y/N) for that matter. Marie rested her hand on Veronica's shoulder.

Marie: Look... I'll try hanging out with him some of these days... I'll see if I can help in any way.

Veronica cheered up a bit at this and gave a tiny smirk.

Veronica: Thanks, Marie.

Veronica hugged Marie. Marie was a little reluctant at first but she hugged Veronica back.

Marie: No problem.


(Y/N): So... Would you rather watch... this? Or... this?

He asked Veronica, holding up two movies.

Veronica: Hmm... That one!

She said pointing at the first movie.

(Y/N): You got it.

He put the movie in, then walked over to the couch where Veronica was already under the blanket and got under with her as the movie started.

Veronica liked hanging out with (Y/N). She was laying against him as she looked up at him to see he was smiling. He didn't notice how she was just staring at his face.

Veronica: (I will help you...)

2137 Words

December 17, 2018 - 4:00 PM

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