S2C Chapter 41: Midnight Release
So, I have been having a BLAST playing Smash Ultimate!... That's it...
Edit from future me as I've come back to actually write this chapter: I feel like trash...
(Y/N): Pearl?
Pearl looked over at (Y/N).
(Y/N): Why do we have to do this?
Marina: Yeah. No offense, Pearlie, I love this game too, but it's freezing out here, and it's not even 11:30, yet.
Pearl: Because. If I'm not the first one to get in that store and get Smash, then I'm going to lose it! I've been waiting for this game to come out for so long! And now... IT'S HAPPENING!
(Y/N): Pearl. You didn't even wait in this line to be at the front, you just paid someone to save it for you.
Pearl: You gotta work with what you're given.
She said throwing her arms out while giving a devil[f]ish smirk.
(Y/N): Then couldn't you have just brought us here five minutes before it released.
Pearl: Uuuuh-
(Y/N): Or bought a heater for us to stay warm?
Pearl: Listen. I was too excited to think ahead on this.
(Y/N): But if you've been waiting for this day to come, wouldn't you have been thinking everything over?
Pearl: OKAY! I get it! I'll do it next time.
Marina: Still... I really think this could've waited for the store to open tomorrow. We've still got work to do tomorrow, Pearlie.
Pearl: Yeah, but I'll be able to play it tonight!
Marina sighed.
Marina: Whatever. (At least I can try out Smash, too.)
The three of them were waiting out front of the game store, waiting for midnight to get their hands on the new Smash game. More of them would've been there, but...
Veronica had her bedtime, Elizabeth said midnight releases were dumb, and Callie & Marie said they needed their beauty sleep and would get it tomorrow.
Then, in no time, the doors of the store opened...
Pearl busted into her house.
Pearl: It's here! IT'S HERE! I'VE GOT IT! IT'S ALL MINE!
She hugged the case.
Marina: Okay, Pearlie, why don't you go put it in the Switch so you can play it before you have to go to bed.
Pearl teared up out of joy.
She hugged Marina then ran to her gaming room, leaving Marina and (Y/N) standing there at the door.
Marina sighed before smiling in the direction Pearl had run off to.
Marina: Pearl...
(Y/N) chuckled with her.
(Y/N): She's really something, isn't she?
Marina: She's the best...
Pearl screamed from across the house.
(Y/N) and Marina looked at each other.
(Y/N): Well. I don't know about you, but I wanna smash. Pun intended.
Marina slightly blushed and laughed as they walked to the gaming room.
Marina: Well...
Marina set down her Gamecube controller.
Marina: It's getting kind of late. We should really go to bed.
Pearl nearly dropped her joy-cons.
Pearl: W-What?! But- But I've only unlocked like THREE fighters!
Marina: It doesn't matter. We have work tomorrow, and it's late.
Pearl: UGH! This is so stupid! Why would they make it this hard to unlock fighters!? THIS IS GOING TO TAKE FOREVER!
Marina: It's probably to get people to try out all the fighters.
(Y/N): Yeah, besides, it gives the player a real sense of accomplishment to unlock a new figh-
Pearl: SCREW THAT! (Y/N)!?
(Y/N) looked shocked at Pearl.
Pearl: You can have ALL the cash in my wallet if you unlock more fighters for me while I'm at work tomorrow!
(Y/N): ...Okay...
Marina: Pearlie, that's no fun.
Pearl: I don't care! They should expect it when they make it that hard!
Pearl and Marina spoke as they walked out of the room to go to their bedrooms.
(Y/N): Yeah, goodnight to you girls too.
He said quietly to himself.
He looked at the screen and sighed.
(Y/N): Guess I'll turn off everything too.
He saved Pearl's game then turned the system and TV off. Afterward, he walked to one of the old guest room he used to reside in.
When he opened the door, he looked around the room.
(Y/N): Ah... Good times... Now it's time to sleep!
He hopped into the air and landed on the bed, flat on his back, causing the bed to make a really loud thud.
Pearl screamed from across the house.
(Y/N) then made sure he was quieter; he forgot how echoey Pearl's house was due to its size.
So, he got undressed and slid underneath the bed covers, then he went to bed.
(Y/N)'s sleep was interrupted by Pearl jumping on him.
(Y/N): What the heck, Pearl! What time is it!?
Pearl: Morning! Smash!
She now held herself over him as he looked straight into her eyes.
(Y/N): ...Okay...
Pearl hopped up and ran over to the door.
Pearl: Come on! What're you waiting for!?
(Y/N): I'm not dressed...
Pearl, without breaking eye contact or moving a muscle [mussel], slowly reached her hand down from the doorknob and slowly started to turn the lock.
(Y/N): Pearl. No.
Pearl shrugged her shoulders.
Pearl: Eh. Worth a try. Now, hurry up!
She said as she left the room.
(Y/N) got out of the bed and started to put on some clothes, until he noticed the door was slightly open.
(Y/N): Pearl!
The door quickly shut.
Pearl: Okay, okay.
She said from the other side of the door.
He then heard her [tiny] footsteps walking away. He shook his head with a smirk as he went back to getting his clothes picked out.
Pearl was dragging (Y/N) toward the gaming room as they went past the kitchen. (Y/N) stopped, causing Pearl to be halted in her tracks.
(Y/N): Hey, Marina?
Pearl was trying to drag him onward but was failing at it.
Pearl: Smash.
He yawned.
Marina: Yes, (Y/N)?
Pearl: Smaaaash.
(Y/N): Can you please make me some breakfast as I go to help Pearl with her game?
Pearl: Smash!
Marina: Sure, no problem!
She smiled.
Pearl: SMASH!
She yanked him forward, causing him to get pulled forward, to which he now continued following after Pearl.
Marina: Pearl~! Come on! It's time for us to go!
Pearl: W-Wha-?
Pearl was looking back and forth between the TV, the door, and (Y/N). (Y/N), meanwhile, just shrugged his shoulders.
Pearl: But we still barely even got to play the game!
She said as she started stomping out the door.
She stopped before she fully exited.
Pearl: Don't forget. Unlock more fighters while I'm at work.
(Y/N) saluted.
(Y/N): I'm on it!
Pearl smiled and nodded her head, then she closed the door behind her. (Y/N) her the front door shut after the two of them had left.
He went back to playing Smash, which he did for a while until he got a text message.
Veronica: (Y/N)!
Veronica: (Y/N)!
Veronica: (Y/N)!
Veronica: Where are you?
Veronica: Are you okay?
Veronica: Why didn't you come home last night?
Veronica: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I'm fine. I stayed the night at Pearl's after we went and got the new Smash game.
Veronica: Ooh! Can I come play?
(Y/N): Sure. It's just me here right now though.
(Y/N): Pearl and Marina went to work.
Veronica: Great! I'll be there in a little while!
(Y/N) went back to playing but was soon interrupted by a phone all. He saw it was Callie, so he decided to answer it.
(Y/N): Hel-
Callie: Wanna smash?
(Y/N): ?!?!
(Y/N) started blushing and heard the sound of something getting hit.
Marie: Dang it, Callie! Hand me the phone!
Callie: Ow! Okay, okay! Here.
Marie: Thank you... Hey, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Hey, Marie.
Marie: As Callie was trying to say, do you want to come play Smash with us? She and I picked up the game when the store opened.
(Y/N): I'd love to, but I already promised Pearl I'd sit at her house and unlock fighters for her while she's at work.
Marie: Oh! So, you're at Pearl's?
(Y/N): Yeah.
Marie: Then, can we come there?
(Y/N): Sure. I don't think they'd mind. Besides, it beats sitting here alone playing this all day.
Marie: Great! One more thing.
(Y/N): What?
Marie: Do you mind if we bring Gramps over?
(Y/N): Huh? The Cap'n?
Marie: Yeah, he heard we were getting the new Smash game and talked about he used to love them, so he wants to play.
(Y/N): Um... Yeah, sure. That seems fine.
Marie: Great! See ya in a bit!
(Y/N): See ya!
The phone call ended, and he went back to playing Smash.
Marie: Hello? (Y/N)! Where are you?
Callie: Yeah, (Y/N), come on. Are we gonna smash or wha- OW! Stop hitting me, Marie!
Marie: Stop deserving it!
Cuttlefish: Girls! Stop fighting!
(Y/N): I'm in here!
Not too long after, Marie, Callie, and the Cap'n opened up the door to the gaming room.
Callie ran over and flopped onto the couch with (Y/N).
Callie: Now, didn't I say we'd-
Callie and (Y/N) looked over at Marie, who looked like she was ready to hit Callie.
Callie: N-Nevermind.
Callie got closer to (Y/N)'s ear and whispered.
Callie: Later.
She giggled.
Marie: Hey, (Y/N).
Marie greeted as she walked over to the couch.
(Y/N): Hey.
The Cap'n walked up to (Y/N).
Cuttlefish: How's it going, Agent 4? Long time no see!
He spoke as he held out his hand, to which (Y/N) graciously accepted and shook it.
The four of them then sat down on the couch and started playing Smash.
Marie: Wow. Pearl really decked this place up for Smash, didn't she?
(Y/N): Yeah, she's crazy over it.
Cuttlefish: I don't blame her! I love this game!
Cuttlefish: I hate this game.
Marie: Calm down, Gramps.
Cuttlefish: These controls are terrible on this controller! How do they expect anyone to play it?
The doorbell rang.
(Y/N) clapped his hands together.
(Y/N): I'll go check who that was. You three just keep doing... whatever.
(Y/N) left the room and went to the front door to check who was at the door, and he believed he knew who it was.
He opened the door to reveal Veronica and Elizabeth.
(Y/N): Hey, girls! Come in, it's cold out there.
He ushered them in.
(Y/N): Callie, Marie, and the Cap'n are all in the back playing the game already.
Veronica: They're here? Sweet!
Veronica ran into the back where the gaming room was, leaving just (Y/N) and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: So, everyone was invited but me?
She said, looking at him.
(Y/N): No. Just usually when everyone is in one place, you always find a way to be there, usually because of Veronica, so I knew you'd come.
The two of them chuckled as they followed after Veronica.
When the two of them entered, the Cap'n looked over.
Cuttlefish: Ah! Agent 3! It's great to see you! It's been a little while!
Elizabeth: Yeah, sorry, Cap'n, I've just been a little pre-occupied out recently.
Cuttlefish: It's fine! Don't sweat it, squiddo! Now... Grab a controller!
Pearl: (Y/N)! I'm home! I hope you've unlocked me a ton of-
Pearl opened the door to the game room, Marina coming up behind her soon after.
Pearl: So, while I've been suffering having to work all day instead of being able to play my game, you've just been having a party at my house?
(Y/N): ...
Cuttlefish: Yo!
The Cap'n greeted from the back of the room.
(Y/N): Well... I got those characters you wanted.
Pearl narrowed her eyes but didn't break eye contact with me.
Pearl: Show me...
(Y/N) pulled up the fighter roster to show many were available.
Pearl: Woah! That's a ton!
She was smiling as she ran up to him and hugged him very tightly, much to the disliking of many of the other girls.
Pearl: Thank you SO much!
(Y/N): No problem, now... can you please let go? I can't breathe.
Pearl let go.
Pearl: Oh! Sorry, yo!
She chuckled.
Pearl: Well... a deal's a deal.
She took out her wallet from her back pocket and dumped all of its contents onto the flood, causing a small pile to form.
(Y/N): What the hell?! How does all that fit in there?!
Pearl: Things just go your way when you're rich.
She closed her wallet and put it back in her pocket
(Y/N) grabbed it all and laid in it.
(Y/N): I'M RICH!
Pearl: Now...
Pearl picked up her yellow joy-cons and put them in the controller port.
Pearl: Who's ready to get schooled.
They all looked at each other with a face that showed they were ready to battle as Callie, Marie, and the Cap'n grabbed their Pro Controllers, Veronica and Elizabeth grabbed some joy-cons, and Marina unwrapped her Gamecube controller.
Pearl gave a slight laugh.
Pearl: Great!
2193 Words
December 12, 2018 - 11:25 PM
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