S2C Chapter 40: Deck The Halls

So, everyone, give a thank you to @tyler (ocean man/cheese boi) [that's his Discord name] for giving me the idea for this chapter.

Also, I could NOT find a version of the original "Deck the Halls".

I'm going to say this chapter takes place a couple days after the previous chapter.


Veronica: Ooh! Look at that one! OOh! Look at THAT one! OOOH! Look at th-

(Y/N): Veronica.

Veronica: Oops. Sorry. It's just... I love all these decorations you have for the cold weather.

The two of them were shopping at the store for Christmas decorations, due to neither of them owning their own.

(Y/N): Veronica, we can't get EVERYTHING.

Veronica: I know, it's just... THEY'RE ALL SO GREAT!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): Don't worry, we'll have the best-decorated house out there.

Veronica: YAY!

Veronica kept piling all of the decorations she liked, which was all of them, causing (Y/N) to start heading for the checkout line to go pay for the decorations before Veronica made them lose all their money.

Once they arrived at the checkout, they got in line.

They sat there for a minute.

(Y/N): Geez, are you going to be done anytime soon?

He said to the people in front of him.

One of them stopped and turned around while taking off their hood.

(Y/N): Huh? Marie?

Marie: (Y/N)? What're you doing here?

She spotted Veronica.

Marie: Hey, Eight.

Veronica: Hello!!!

She said with a big smile on her face, followed by a wave.

Marie: Callie! Keep piling up the decorations.

Callie: Okay! Hey, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey. So, what are you doing here?

Marie: Same as you, buying decorations.

(Y/N): Yeah, but why? Shouldn't you two already have plenty of decorations saved up?

Marie: We DID, but...

She looked over at Callie, who was still putting the decorations on the check out line, but she looked nervous.

Marie: Callie broke everything-


She said as she turned away from the counter.

(Y/N): What happened?

Callie: Marie! You better no-

Marie: Callie got some lights strung around her feet-

Callie: MARIE!

Marie: And destroyed all of our decorations.

Callie was whining.

Marie: Calm down, Callie. It was pretty funny.

Callie: NO IT WASN'T!

Marie was laughing, and so was (Y/N), but they tried to do it.

Marie: Fine, fine, it wasn't funny, Callie.

Callie accepted this and turned around.

Marie leaned closer to (Y/N) and whispered to him.

Marie: It was.

(Y/N) chuckled.

Callie and Marie finished paying for all their stuff, and then they waited for (Y/N) and Veronica. They chatted with them while they were checking out their items.

Once they were done they all started walking out with their things.

(Y/N): Well, we'll see you two later.

Marie: You're going to walk?

(Y/N) looked and Veronica, then they both looked back at Marie.

(Y/N): Yeah?

Marie: It's cold outside. Also, with all those things, you two are going to get robbed. Hop in, we'll give you a ride.

(Y/N): Sure! Thanks!

(Y/N) and Veronica joyfully hopped in the car with Callie and Marie. (Y/N) sat in the front seat while Callie and Veronica just watched videos with headphones in the back.

(Y/N): That oughta keep them busy.

Marie looked into the rearview mirror, then back onto the road.

Marie: Yeah, it always works like a dream on Callie.

(Y/N) smiled at this.

Marie: So... Do you have anyone... special... you're spending the holidays with?

(Y/N) didn't notice but Marie was blushing a tiny bit.

(Y/N): Just Veronica.

Marie: Mm. That's nice.

(Y/N): And you all, if you're up to it.

Marie: Of course!

She smiled, looking over at him, then back at the road.

Marie: So... About Marina-

(Y/N): Ugh... Not you too. It's bad enough when Callie does it.

Marie: Fine. Okay. I won't bring it up. But, uh, there's nothing awkward between you two though, right? You two are cool?

(Y/N): Yeah. Of course!

Marie: Good. As long as there's no awkwardness it's fine.


Marie: Here we are.

(Y/N) leaned back and tapped Veronica.

(Y/N): Hey. Veronica. We're home.

Veronica: Oh!

She took off the headphones and grabbed some of the decorations, while (Y/N) grabbed the rest.

(Y/N) stopped by the side of the car.

(Y/N): You two can come in if you like.

Callie: Sure!

Marie: Callie. No.

She turned toward (Y/N).

Marie: Sorry, but we've got plenty of our own decorations to put up.

(Y/N): Okay, see you, girls, then.

Marie: See ya.

Callie: Bye~!

Callie waved as the car drove off.

(Y/N) then followed after Veronica, who had already gotten out of the cold and into their house.

Once he was inside, he set down all the decorations he was carrying next to all the ones Veronica set down.

(Y/N): Okay, so do you want to get started now?

Veronica: Of course!

(Y/N): Okay then.


After an hour or two of decorating, they liked what they had done.

(Y/N): So... what do you think?

Veronica: I like it, but...

(Y/N): But?

Veronica: It just feels like something's missing... THE TREE!

(Y/N): Well, of course, I didn't plan on carrying a tree back with us. We'll get a tree some other time.

Veronica was pouting.

(Y/N): Aw, come on. Don't pout. It won't be that long, just not now.

Veronica: Fine...

(Y/N): Besides...

He looked around the house.

(Y/N): I think we did a pretty good job.

Veronica smiled up at him.

(Y/N): See? There's that smile!

This made her chuckle.

(Y/N): So, what do you want to do?

Veronica: It's too cold outside; let's watch a movie!

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): Sure a movie sounds nice.

So, the two of them put a movie on the big TV in the living room.

Veronica got a blanket for the two of them.

The two of them sat down on the couch. Veronica covered the two of them with the blanket, then she laid up against him, and the two of them watched the movie.


The two of them were a good way through the movie when (Y/N) noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that Veronica was looking right up at him. So, he looked down at her, visibly confused.

(Y/N): Why are you staring at me?

She started smiling as she closed her eyes.

Veronica: Can you make me some hot cocoa?

(Y/N) sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

(Y/N): Did you have to wait until the middle of the movie?

Veronica looked down acting a little timid.

Veronica: I didn't think of it until now.

(Y/N) once again sighed.

(Y/N): Fine.

He took the blanket off of himself, then stood up and walked to the kitchen.

He started getting the ingredients to make hot cocoa when he suddenly got a phone call.

He looked over at his phone to see Pearl was calling him.

He answered the phone and continued to make the hot cocoa while talking.

(Y/N): Hey, Pearl. What's up?

Pearl: Yo! What'chu doin' right now?

(Y/N): Ver-

Pearl: Doesn't matter! Get over here! Marina and I need help decorating the house; it's too big!

(Y/N): Well, Veronica and I are watching a movie right now, so we'll head over there once we're done.

Pearl: Fine. Whatever. Just get over here once you two are done. We could really use both of your help.

(Y/N): Sure, no problem. I'll text you when we're on our way.

Pearl: Great! We already invited Callie, Marie, and Three over too.

(Y/N): Are they there now?

Pearl: No, not yet.

(Y/N): Okay, well, I'll see you later.

Pearl: See ya~!

The call ended, and (Y/N) finished making the hot cocoa and brought it out to Veronica. She graciously took the hot cocoa.

Veronica: So, who called?

(Y/N): Pearl.

Veronica: What did she want?

(Y/N): Wanted to see if we could go help them with putting up their decorations.

Veronica: What did you tell her?

(Y/N): I told her we would after we were done with our movie.

She smiled then lifted the hot cocoa close to her lips.

(Y/N): Careful!

She stopped and looked at him.

(Y/N): It's hot.

Veronica smiled.

Veronica: Then, can you blow on it for me?

(Y/N): Really?

He said with one eyebrow raised.

She just stared at him, holding the cup out beggingly.

(Y/N): Fine.

He grasped her hands and pulled the cup closer to him as he blew on it lightly to cool it down.

Once he was done, Veronica retracted her hands and brought it back to her face as she took a nice sip of the cocoa.

Veronica: Thanks.

She said with a blush on her face.

(Y/N) gave a slight snicker.

(Y/N): I spoil you.

This caused her to laugh.


After the movie, Veronica was almost asleep on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

(Y/N): Come on, Veronica. We promised we'd help Pearl and Marina put up their decorations.

Veronica: Ugh...

(Y/N): Fine. I'll help them, and you can sleep on Pearl's couch. How does that sound?

Veronica: Mmmmmmmm, Fine.

He started getting their things to go.

(Y/N): Come on, Veronica, put on your shoes and things.

Veronica: Mmm. Can you do it?

(Y/N): Fine.

Veronica held her feet up so he could put her shoes on and tie them for her too.

(Y/N): Now, let's go. Put on your jacket and hat.

Veronica: Fiiiiiine.

She did so, and once they were ready to go, they left and made for Pearl's house.


Once they were walking up Pearl's driveway, they saw Pearl putting up the lights on the outside of the house.


Basically like this, lol.

(Y/N): Hey, Pearl!

Pearl: (Y/N)! Eight! You two are finally here!

Veronica just walked away from the two and walked into Pearl's house.

Pearl: What's up with her?

(Y/N): She's... tired.

Pearl: Okay... So, then I'm guessing it's just you who's helping?

(Y/N): Yep. At least for now.

Pearl: Then let's get to work! Go get some lights from Marina inside.

(Y/N): Gotcha.

He went inside. First, he saw Veronica passed out on the couch, lightly snoring.

(Y/N): (How adorable.)

He smiled.

Next, he returned to his mission of trying to find Marina, who apparently had all the Christmas lights.

Marina POV

Marina was hanging up the lights on the back patio of Pearl's home. She was humming Christmas carols, or at least she was before someone screamed, "Boo!" behind her, causing her to scream.

This was then followed up by Marina turning around to reveal (Y/N) laughing.

Marina: Ugh! Seriously, (Y/N)? You nearly made me drop all these lights!

(Y/N) spoke in between laughs.

(Y/N): Sorry. It's just- It was too good not to.

Marina: Geez. One day, someone's going to hit you in the face.

(Y/N): Yeah, but that's future (Y/N)'s problem.

Marina: But- Ugh... Whatever.

(Y/N): So, mind if I take some of these lights to hang up?

Marina: Nope. Go ahead.

(Y/N): Thanks!

Marina: (This is way better than how things were before.)


Marina wiped her forehead with her arm.

Marina: Woo. I think we've got them a-

She was cut off by a snowball hitting her in the back.

Marina: Hey! What was-

She was cut off by another snowball hitting her.

Marina: (Y/N)!

Another snowball hit her.

Marina: Okay! Now you're getting it!

She started forming snowballs behind a chair.

Marina popped her head up for only a second before immediately going back down to dodge an incoming snowball.

Marina: HA!

She threw a snowball, hitting him right in the face.

(Y/N): Ack! You hit me right in the eye!

Marina stood up.

Marina: Oh my gosh! I'm so sor-

She got hit by one of his snowballs again.

Marina: COME ON!

(Y/N) then started running through Pearl's house with Marina chasing after him, throwing snowballs around. (Y/N) was laughing while this was happening.

Once they got to the living room, (Y/N) accidentally ran into a corner.

Marina: Nowhere to go!

She got ready to throw a snowball, but (Y/N) had quickly picked up the sleeping Veronica on the couch and used her as a shield.

This has woken Eight up, causing her to start shaking.


She looked around to see (Y/N) and Marina covered in snow. The two of them ran out the front door being chased by Veronica.

Once they got to the front yard, Pearl had noticed them, and once she realized what was going on, she joined in on the snowball fight.

Then, Callie, Marie, and Elizabeth were walking up the driveway, and see what was going on, they joined in as well.

All seven of them were laughing while setting up barricades of snow or making more snowballs to throw.


After the snowball fight, they had all gone inside, taken off their snow clothes, and all relaxed on the couch eating warm food and enjoying each other's company in the season of giving.

2168 Words

December 3, 2018 - 11:41 PM

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