S2C Chapter 35: Intervening the Interview

Quick question: Should I just make a book for updates and questions, so I don't need to post a new chapter of this story to ask you all something, or announce an update?

Other than that, I'm still wondering if there's anything special I should do once I reach 100K reads; answer questions, a special non-canon chapter of your guys' choice, what?

Also, thanks for helping me reach over 230 followers! (Right as I was about to post this, I just got 7 NEW FOLLOWERS! Geez!)

Almost forgot, who do you think was the one making out with (Y/N)?

Also, here's my Veronica and Marina. Aren't they adorable?


(Y/N) had already woken up and gotten himself ready for the day. He made himself some breakfast, and made a dish for Veronica, whenever she woke up.

Speaking of which, Veronica's phone buzzed a bit. Wanting to make sure it wasn't something important she was missing, he picked it up and checked it.

It was a message from Liz.

(Y/N): "From Liz: Hey! I need you to come here and help me with a few preparations." Well, I better wake her up.

He walked down the table to go wake her up. He stopped out from in front of her door.

(Y/N): This feels weird. I can actually go in here without risking my life.

He then walked in and went toward the bed. He started shaking her, not too much, to try to wake her up.

(Y/N): Veronica. Wake up... Wake up, Veronica.

Veronica: Hm?

She still had her eyes closed as she showed notice of his shaking.

(Y/N): It's time to get up.

Veronica: Mmm... No...

(Y/N): Come on. You ha-

He was cut off as he was quickly locked in her arms. He tried to escape but to no avail.

(Y/N): Veronica-

Veronica: Sleep...

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): Fine... Five minutes.

Veronica smiled at this, still having her eyes shut.

~10 Minutes Later~

Veronica and (Y/N) were sitting on the couch. Veronica was eating her breakfast at the coffee table.

(Y/N): Oh! I forgot to mention.

Veronica looked over at him.

(Y/N): Liz sent you a message. Something about needing to talk to you about preparations for something.

Veronica looked confused, so she picked up her phone and started messaging Liz.

After a bit, (Y/N) tried checking what they were saying to each other, but Veronica just tilted the phone away and pushed his face away.

A little later, Veronica stood up.

Veronica: Sorry, I need to go help her out. I'll see you later!

She said as she started leaving.

(Y/N): Don't forget your key this time!

She stopped and made sure to grab her key. Then, she started leaving again.

Veronica: Thanks!

(Y/N): No problem!

He then laid across the couch and tried just chilling out and having a lazy day.

After ten minutes of this, he realized that he was too bored for this.

Since he had just hung out with Callie and Marie yesterday, and Veronica was over Liz's house, he'd go and visit Pearl and Marina at Pearl's house.

(Y/N): Yeah. I haven't hung out with just them in a while.

He got up, grabbed his keys, then left for Pearl's house.


(Y/N) got off the shuttle bus leading to the front door.

He decided to just let himself in. He didn't see anyone around, so he thought he'd walk around, maybe see if he can scare them.

After walking around a little more, he eventually spotted Marina in a rocking chair, reading a book. She had a plain green t-shirt on, and a pink blanket covering her legs. She had her usual headphones on too, so she probably wouldn't hear him sneaking up on her.

He got really close to her, put his head close next to hers, and as she started turning her head from noticing something out of her peripheral vision, he quickly grabbed her shoulders before she could fully see him, shocking her and causing her to yelp.

(Y/N) was laughing while Marina was recovering.

Marina: Ugh. That is NOT funny, (Y/N)!

She said gently smacking him with her book a few times.

(Y/N): Oh, come on. It was pretty funny.

Marina just sat and gave him an upset face.

Marina: So... What're you doing here anyway?

(Y/N): What? A guy can't visit his friends? I haven't really spent much time with you two, alone, in a while. Thought I'd come by. Hang out. See what you two were up to.

Marina: Well, right now, Pearl's off doing an interview in the mansion somewhere.

(Y/N): Ah! You don't say.

He gave a mischievous smile.

Marina: No, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): What?

Marina: I recognize that smile. That's your "I'm-going-to-mess-with-them" smile.

(Y/N): You're just being paranoid.

Marina: I'm serious, (Y/N). This interview is for InkopoLife Magazine. It's very important.

(Y/N): Very important, you say?

Marina: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Alright, alright... I guess I'll just let it stay a boring, old interview.

Marina: Thank you.

(Y/N): Yeah, whatever... So, what'cha readin'?

Marina: A book.

(Y/N) giggled at this.

Marina just sighed.

Marina: Of course you'd find that joke funny.

(Y/N): I only laugh at good jokes.

Marina sighed.

Marina: If you say so.

Suddenly, they heard the front door shut, and then foot-steps getting louder as they got closer.

Pearl: Yo, Marina? Where you at?

Marina looked over at (Y/N) and saw he had another mischievous smile. She shook her head as he hid behind the corner.

Pearl: Marina? I saw you around here earlier.

She walked past the corner.

Pearl: Yo! There you are- AAAHHH!

(Y/N) had jumped out behind her and scared her.

Pearl was now blushing after screaming so loud.

(Y/N) was hunched over laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

Pearl, still blushing from being embarrassed, looked over and saw that Marina was struggling to keep her laugh in as well.

Pearl turned toward (Y/N), a little upset. She walked up to him and started smacking him, but he just kept on laughing.

Pearl: That's. Not. Funny!

(Y/N): It was PREEEETTY funny.

Pearl just gave up after a bit.

Pearl: So, why are you here anyway?

(Y/N): As I told Marina, I just wanted to visit you two since I hadn't in a while.

He rested his head on top of her head, causing her to blush.

(Y/N): That's not a problem, is it?

Pearl: N-No.

(Y/N): Good!

He said cheerfully as he lifted his head up off of her.

Pearl: That reminds me! Marina! (Y/N)! I just got Mussel Odyssey! We have to go check it out!

She dragged the two of them away, to the game room.


Callie POV

Callie's just been sitting in her room, bored. She tried messaging (Y/N) earlier, to see what he was up to, but he must be busy because he didn't see the message, yet.

So, Callie's just been going through her photos after she found out she had taken a lot when they were out celebrating the Splatfest.

Callie: Boring. Stupid. That one's not that bad. My hair looks awful here; I'll have to delete that one later.

Suddenly, Marie's voice rang from the other side of the apartment.

Marie: Callie, dinner will be ready soon!

Callie: Okay!

She continued to just look through the photos.

Callie: ... Wait...

She had to take a second glimpse at what she thought she just saw.

Callie: Is that-?

Her eyes grew unbelievably wide as her mouth nearly dropped to the floor.


Marie started running toward Callie's room.

Marie: Callie?! Are you alright?! Why are you screaming?!

Marie opened the door.

Callie: GET OUT! I'M FINE!

Marie immediately closed the door, worried something would be thrown at her if she didn't, then went back to making dinner for the two of them.

Callie: T-That i-is- N-No, it co-couldn't be.

She flipped her phone back over to see the photo again, and she almost immediately just flipped it back over.


So much was going through Callie's head after what she just.

Callie: I-I can't belie-eve i-it. H-He was making ou-out w-with m-

Marie: Callie! Dinner's done!

Callie: Coming!

She tried to sound calm, but it came out a little awkward.

Callie left her room and headed for the dinner table.

Callie was eating her food, but it felt awkward to her. She was trying to avoid eye contact with Marie, but when Callie looked up at Marie one time, she made eye contact with her. Marie looked worried.

Callie: W-What are you staring at me like that for?

Marie: Are you sure you're okay?

Callie: Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?

Marie: Your eyes are jumping all over the place. Like you're actively trying to avoid looking at me... Did you break something?

Callie: No! No. Like I said, Marie, I'm fine.

Marie: Then why did you scream earlier.

Callie: I was, uh, watching a scary video on my phone, and it scared me.

Callie threw on a fake smile.

Marie just looked questionably at Callie for a few seconds before accepting it.

Marie: ... Okay...

And Marie went back to eating her meal.

Callie let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Callie: (What do I do with all this?...)


Elizabeth POV

Elizabeth was holding her phone in front of her, nervous at what she was about to do. She looked up at Veronica, who could clearly tell she was nervous.

Veronica: Come on; just like we practiced. Tell this guy what's going on.

Elizabeth nodded her head then started making the phone call.

After ringing a few times, he picked up.

(Y/N): Hello? Liz?

Liz: Yeah, it's me.

Elizabeth turned toward Veronica who was giving her thumbs up.

(Y/N): I didn't ever expect to see you calling me.

Liz: Yeah, well, uh, listen... I was wondering...

(Y/N): Yeah?

Liz: Well, I... It... Eight and I are going to Wahoo World tomorrow and she wanted to see if you wanted to come with us.

Elizabeth looked over and saw Veronica was sort of flipping out.

(Y/N): Sure, that sounds nice.

Liz: Cool! Well, we'll see you there.

(Y/N): Okay, see ya.

Liz: See ya.

The phone call ended, and Elizabeth turned toward Veronica.

Veronica: YOU BLEW IT! Why did you include me in there?

Liz: I panicked! I didn't know what to say, and I thought, "Well, maybe if I say it'll be more than just me, the more likely he'll say yes."

Veronica just face-palmed.

Veronica: Well, now we need to get THREE tickets for Wahoo World.

Liz: It's fine.

Veronica sighed.

Veronica: So, if I'm going to be there, can you at least tell me who it is we're going with?

Liz started fumbling her words.

Veronica: Whatever, I'll see tomorrow.

Liz: Yeah!

Elizabeth chuckled nervously.



The phone call ended, and (Y/N) walked back into the gaming room, where Pearl and Marina were, and sat back down.

Pearl: Yo, what did Three want?

(Y/N): Well, her and Veronica are going to Wahoo World tomorrow, and they invited me.

Marina: Three invited you?

(Y/N): Yeah, but the way she put it, it was more Veronica's idea.

Marina: Wait! Pearlie, don't we still have those tickets to Wahoo World, from when we performed there?

Pearl: Yeah, I'm sure they're somewhere around here, yo.

Marina: Great! We can go too!

(Y/N): Su-

He was cut off by his phone ringing again.

Pearl: Ugh! Who is it now?

(Y/N) looked at his phone and saw Callie was calling.

(Y/N): Just keep on playing, I'll be right back.

Once out of the room, he answered the phone call.

(Y/N): Hey, Callie, what's up?

Callie: Nothing much, I was just wondering what you had planned tomorrow.

(Y/N): Oh, a bunch of us are going to Wahoo World, why?

Callie: Too bad! Tomorrow we're- Wait. Wahoo World? Yeah. Yeah, that'll actually work better!

(Y/N): What're you-

Callie: Marie and I will be coming as well.

(Y/N): Oka-

Callie: And on all the rides, I'll be right next to you.

(Y/N): I mean, maybe, but it's whoever gets the seat first.

Callie: Then, you'll save me the seat, right?

(Y/N): As I said, it's whoever gets the seat first.

Callie: Hmm. Then, what if I show this to everyone?

(Y/N): What're you tal-

His phone notification went off. He checked what it was. It was a picture from Callie?

He opened the picture and what he saw shocked him.

(Y/N): Callie! What is this?!

Callie: Just a little something I found from when we were all out celebrating the Splatfest the other day.

(Y/N): Callie, you HAVE to get rid of this photo.

Callie: Oh I will, but first, you have to do what I say.

(Y/N): Are you blackmailing me?!

Callie: No. I'm just using this picture, that you probably wouldn't want to get out, to get what I want from you.


Callie: Oh! Then, yeah. But don't worry, I will get rid of it, but you're going to save me that seat next to you, right?

(Y/N): ...Yes.

Callie: Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N).

(Y/N): See ya, Callie.

The phone call ended.

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): Ugh... Callie.

He said shaking his head.

He walked back into the room with Pearl and Marina. He was shaking, clearly nervous over the idea of them, or anyone for that matter, seeing that picture.

(Y/N): (Just... Ugh... I don't even remember doing it... I really hope Callie doesn't make me do anything TOO bad.)

Marina: Are you alright, (Y/N)? You look a little nervous.

(Y/N): Me? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Let's just continue playing the game.


Callie POV

Callie was just laying on her back, on her bed. She had a mischievous smile on her face.

Callie: This is going to be fun.

2348 Words

November 10, 2018 - 12:21 PM

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