S2C Chapter 35.5: It Was Only Just A Dream

So, here is the special chapter as a thank you for over 100K reads, and for getting me over 600 followers!

I made this in a way to where it's canon but non-canon at the same time. You'll see what I mean if you haven't already guessed it.

Narrator POV

The seven main characters of our story were sleeping. They needed to be ready for their trip to the spectacular Wahoo World tomorrow. And how better to do that than to sleep.

While they might be asleep, their minds were not. So, let's see what kind of dreams their brains are thinking of.

Marie POV

Marie was sitting on her couch. She was thinking about things.

Marie decided she'd play some of her and Callie's old songs.

Marie: This brings me back old memories.

She looked around at all the walls in her house. She looked at the photos on the walls.

The first one she saw was the photo of Callie and Marie winning the singing contest back when they were kids.

Marie: This one might be my favorite photo here.

There was the photo from when Marie first met (Y/N), which she had taken with his phone, unbeknownst to him.

Marie chuckled.

Marie: I was surprised at how he hadn't deleted the photo.

She looked at the four photos of (Y/N) and her from the photo booth from when she first invited him to hang out.

She took one of the photos off of the wall and held it in her hands.

Marie: He might say otherwise, but I see this as being our first date.

She hung the photo back up on the wall.

She walked down the hall looking at some more photos. She stopped at the last one.

Marie: Scratch what I said earlier. This photo of the three of us is my favorite.

Suddenly, Callie burst through the front door.

Callie: Marie! I'm here!

Marie: Callie? How did you get here so fast?

Callie: You said you were making dinner.

Marie: Of course.

Marie said giving her classic smirk.

Callie: And besides, I'd never miss out on a chance to see (Y/N).

Marie just looked over at Callie and gave her a serious and annoyed look.

Callie: Geez, calm down; I'm just kidding... But if you don't keep your eyes on him, I can't promise I won't swoop in and take him.

Callie said smiling.

Marie raised her fist as if she was going to hit Callie, but Callie quickly ran away.

Marie sighed.

Marie: Just watch TV or something Callie, I'm going to be starting dinner soon.

Callie: What?! You haven't even started it yet?! Then, why did I run over here so fast?

Marie: That's your problem.

Callie looked down disappointed.


Marie was still cooking while Callie was watching the news.

Callie: Have you seen the new news idols, yet? What do you think about them?

Marie gave a slight laugh.

Marie: No one has ever been able to top us.

Callie: You're right about that.

Callie was smiling.

Then, the front door opened.

(Y/N): Hello, Marie? We're home.

???? *Gasp* AUNT CALLIE!

The little Inkling ran at Callie, as Callie stood up with her arms open to greet her.

The two hugged as Callie lifted the little Inkling into the air.

Callie: Aww, how's my favorite niece doing?

Callie set her back down.

Shima: I'm your ONLY niece.

Callie: Exactly!

(Y/N): Okay, calm down, girls.

Marie: Yeah, dinner's just about ready; come sit down.

(Y/N) gave Marie a quick peck on the lips as Marie blushed and went over to finish dinner.

(Y/N), Callie, and Shima all walked over and sat down at the table waiting for the food to be served.

Marie walked over with the now finished dinner and set it down.

Marie: So... Who's hungry?

The three at the table all threw their hands in the air.

Marie smirked.

Marie: (I wouldn't want this any other way.)

Marina POV

Marina and Pearl were sitting on Pearl's back patio. They were sitting, taking in the sun.

Marina: You know... I really do enjoy these relaxing days.

Marina said smiling.

Pearl: Yeah, you're always so busy nowadays. How is it that even after you're retired, you still are so busy.

Marina: Being a mother is the biggest job I've ever had. My family means everything to me.

Pearl: Yeah... I wonder what that's like.

Marina looked over at Pearl to see she looked kind of sad.

Marina: What's wrong Pearl? Why do you look sad? You're acting like you aren't apart of this family.

Pearl looked over at Marina.

Marina saw the look on Pearl's face.

Marina: Don't look so shocked. There's always room in this family for your Pearlie... You ARE family.

Marina thought she was trying to hide it, but she could see a few tears welled up in her eyes before she wiped them away.

Pearl: So... Where is the little stink-brain?

Marina: (Y/N)'s taking Saki over one of her friend's house.

Pearl: What's wrong with her coming here?

Marina chuckled.

Marina: There's nothing wrong with your house, Pearlie. Although if there were, it may have something to do with the time she got lost in your yard.

Pearl: Not my fault. I told her she shouldn't go wandering off farther than the first hill.

Marina and Pearl both laughed at this.

Suddenly, the glass door slid open behind them. Pearl and Marina turned around to check what it was.

(Y/N) was standing in the doorway.

(Y/N): Thought I'd find you here.

Marina: And if I wasn't?

(Y/N): Then Pearl's fridge would be a little more empty.

Pearl: A little?

(Y/N): A lot.

(Y/N) walked over and sat down in the chair beside Marina.

(Y/N): Well, Saki's fine. She has all she needs, and we'll be picking her up tomorrow around noon.

Marina held his hand.

Marina and (Y/N) smiled at each other.

Pearl: I'm still here too; it's my house, so don't be getting any ideas into your heads unless you plan on involving me.

(Y/N) and Marina laughed at this, while Pearl sat there, as serious as ever.

The three of them sat on the patio until long after the sun went down, enjoying each other's company.

Pearl POV

Pearl: Are you sure we can trust Callie and Marie with Reagan? He's only a baby; do they even know how to take care of a baby?

(Y/N): They'll be fine. Besides, they couldn't be worse than we are.

They both chuckled at this.

Pearl: We could've seen if Marina could do it. I'm sure she's great with kids.

(Y/N): I didn't want to bother her. She has to do all the work because of you needing to take all this time off due to the kids.

Pearl: True, honestly, I'm surprised they're letting me keep on doing the news while I'm pregnant.

(Y/N): I wouldn't be. Based on what Marina showed me, the ratings went up super high after they saw you. You know how people are when a celebrity has kids; those kids are the center of every fan's attention, and the kids don't even know a thing yet.

Pearl: Can you blame 'em? Our kid is adorable!

(Y/N): That's because they came from a great mother.

Pearl: A baby is the sum of BOTH the parents, and we're kind of both amazing.

She said as she held his hand.

(Y/N) stopped the car, now being in front of Pearl house.

(Y/N) went to the other side of the car to help Pearl out. As he was helping her out of the car, she complained a bit.

Pearl: (Y/N). I keep telling you, you don't need to worry about me so much.

(Y/N): Pearl. I'm your husband. My entire job is to worry about you and our children.

Pearl just shook her head with a smile plastered on her face.

They walked inside and sat on the couch, Pearl made sure to do it slowly, as to not give (Y/N) a heart attack.

(Y/N) put his arm around Pearl as she turned on the TV.

Pearl: So, see anything you like?

He looked at her.

(Y/N): Besides you?

She looked up at him giving him the "really" look.

He smiled, giving her a peck on the lips.

This flustered her since it surprised her. He just pulled her in for a deeper hug.

They looked into each other's eyes.

(Y/N): Date night?

Pearl: Date night.


(Y/N): It's done.

He held out all the snacks he prepared for them as he now went to go start the movie.

(Y/N): M'lady.

Pearl: Ooh, such a gentleman.

(Y/N): Only the best, for the best.

Pearl: Aww.

She gave him a peck on the lips, which he returned.

They then both watched the movie, with Pearl eating most of the snacks alone, due to her eating for two, and ending with them falling asleep next to each other, in each other's arms.

Meanwhile, (Y/N)'s phone was blowing up.


Marie: (Y/N).

Marie: So, when are you coming to pick your kid up?

Marie: (Y/N)?

Marie: (Y/N)!

Marie: (Y/N), please.

Marie: I. NEED. SLEEP.


Callie POV

Callie's eyes were fluttering open as she was waking up. She struggled a bit from the arms that were wrapped around her.

Once she was out of the bed, she put on some clothes due to both her and (Y/N) being naked.

Once she was up, she walked out into the living room where she saw Marie sleeping there.

Callie was shocked by this.

Callie: Marie?! What're you doing here?!

She said while nervously looking over toward the bedroom where (Y/N) was currently naked.

Marie was still asleep.

Callie started shaking Marie, which caused Marie to wake up.

Marie: I'm up! I'm up. What's wrong?

Callie: How about you tell me. What are you doing here?

Marie: Simple. I just wanted to visit you two. Am I not allowed to anymore?

Callie: N-No, you can, it's just... Now's not the best time.

Marie noticed Callie giving slight glances back toward the bedroom.

Marie: What's in the bedroom.

Callie: Nothing!

Marie smirked.

Marie: Then, you wouldn't mind if I checked it out.

She stood up and started walking toward the bedroom, which caused Callie to jump up in shock and quickly go in front of Marie.

Callie: Marie, please!

Marie: Are you going to tell me what's in there?

Callie: Marie, I'll tell you later.

Marie crossed her arms and had one eyebrow raised.

Callie sighed.

Callie: It's (Y/N).

Marie: Mhm. And?

Callie: He's not exactly... How you say- clothed at the moment.

Marie just started blushing then turned around and was walking out of the front door.

Callie: Where are you going?

Marie: I'm out.

Callie: What do you mean?

Marie: I'm out.

Marie was then gone, leaving Callie a little confused.

Callie: Okay...

Suddenly, Callie felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

(Y/N): Good morning, Callie.

She started turning around to hug.

Callie: Good morning to yo- WHY ARE YOU STILL NAKED?!

(Y/N): Oops. I can go put something on if you like.

Callie: No! Ahem. I mean, Nah, it's fine.

(Y/N) was smiling.

(Y/N): Okay.

Callie sat down on the couch, unable to look away from (Y/N) as he prepared their meals.

(Y/N): Foods done.

Callie snapped back into control and ran over to eat.


It was late now, they were getting ready to go to bed, but Callie was thinking a lot over the movie they had watched. It was so sad but sweet at the same time, how the parent was willing to risk everything for their kid, even themselves.

They were laying down in the bed now as (Y/N) turned off the light.

(Y/N): Good night, sleep tight, Callie.

Callie: Good night.

She must've been just lying there in the dark for thirty minutes thinking to herself. She decided, screw it.

She started lightly shaking (Y/N) awake.

Callie: (Y/N)... (Y/N)... (Y/N), wake up.

(Y/N): Huh? What? Callie? What's going on?

Callie: Have you ever... thought about... having kids?

(Y/N) looked over at Callie.

Callie: I'm sorry. I just-

(Y/N): No, no, it's fine. And to answer your question of course I have; who hasn't?

Callie: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Callie: Do you love me?

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): Is that even a question?

She smiled at him.

Callie: I wanna have a kid.

(Y/N): Are... are you sure.

She just nodded her head.

He smiled.

(Y/N): So do I.

~9 Months Later~

Doctor: It's a healthy baby boy.

The doctor handed Callie the baby, to which she held it in her arms.

Doctor: Have you thought of a name, yet?

Callie: Yes... Hiro.

Elizabeth POV

Judd: And the winner in the finals of the tournament between the Blue Team and the Orange Team is... THE ORANGE TEAM!

Elizabeth and her team cheered as the Blue Team was left in their defeat.

Elizabeth: Yes! I knew we could do it!

O. Teammate1: Aw, yeah! Let's go out and celebrate!

Rest of the team: Yeah!


Elizabeth decided to split off from the rest of her team during the party.

After a bit, she heard a voice from behind her.

(Y/N): Congratulations on the win.

She smiled.

Elizabeth: Congratulations on the loss.

He gave a slight chuckle and leaned up against the wall next to her.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. It was close though. You all just pulled ahead at the very end.

Elizabeth: Sure, save the whining for later.

(Y/N): You know, your team isn't going to be happy if they see you talking to me.

Elizabeth: They can shove it. Besides, what they don't know won't hurt them.

He smiled.

(Y/N): I doubt it'll be hard for them to find out when all they have to do is look over here.

Elizabeth: Then, let's get out of here.

(Y/N): What? But everyone's partying here.

She shrugged her shoulders.

Elizabeth: I'm not that big of a party person.

She stood up and started walking.

Elizabeth: Come on. Let's go.

He followed after her.


After a long walk, they got to Elizabeth's home.

She tossed her keys on the counter as (Y/N) closed the door behind them.

Elizabeth: Do you want a drink or snack or anything?

(Y/N): Sure, thanks.

Elizabeth: Cool, just wait on the couch.

He sat on the couch as he waited for her. He turned on the TV to see what was on.

Elizabeth: Her you go.

She said while handing him the drink.

(Y/N): Thanks.

He said taking the drink from her.

Elizabeth: You like this show?

(Y/N): Huh? No. It's just what's on.

Elizabeth: You know, you weren't half bad out there, today.

(Y/N): Thanks, you weren't so bad yourself.

She blushed a bit at his comment.

Elizabeth: So, if you don't mind me asking, what is the deal between you and Eight?

(Y/N): Veronica? We're just friends of course. Why do yo-

He was cut off when she suddenly planted her lips on his, and soon after, he returned the kiss.

When they stopped, she was panting looking directly into his eyes, both of them were blushing.

Suddenly, Elizabeth woke up from this dream and was breathing heavily. She was placing her hands all over herself to feel if she was awake.

Elizabeth: W-What was th-that?!

She tried to just lay back down, and calm down after what she had dreamt about.

Veronica POV

Veronica was feeling a bit lonely and afraid in the middle of the night, while it was raining outside, so she decided to climb into (Y/N)'s bed with him.

She crawled under the blankets and got close to him. However, this awakened (Y/N).

(Y/N): Huh? Veronica?

Veronica looked up into his eyes.

(Y/N): What're you doing in here?

He asked while he was sitting up. Veronica stayed laying down on the bed.

Veronica: I couldn't sleep.

(Y/N): Because of the rain?

Veronica nodded her head.

He thought for a second until it hit him.

(Y/N): You wanna do something fun?

She looked up at him.


The storm had picked up causing the power to go out, but it's fine since they weren't using any.

They were in the living room building a pillow fort.

Once they had finished, they were laying inside.

Veronica poked (Y/N).

(Y/N): Huh?

Veronica: What now?

(Y/N): Nothing really. It was just fun.

He was smiling.

Veronica just stared at him.

(Y/N): Plus it's like we live in our own little house.

Veronica: We already do.

(Y/N): Oh. Right.

She saw he was looking a bit disappointed.

Veronica: But... I guess it was kind of fun.

He looked back up at her; the smile had returned to his face.

Thunder crashed outside causing Veronica to jump. (Y/N) held her close, as to make sure she felt safe.

(Y/N): Let's just try to sleep in here, now. Nothing can get through these walls.

He knocked on the walls of the pillow fort, then tried to catch the wall before it collapsed.

Veronica looked at him skeptically, but his glee made her smile.

She nodded.

They took one of the pillows and one of the blankets that hadn't been used on the fort and tried to return to sleep.

After a few minutes, sadly, Veronica was still up due to still being afraid, but when she looked at (Y/N)'s sleeping face, it caused her to smile. She placed a quick kiss on his lips.

Veronica: I love you.

Not too much longer she was asleep. At the sight of this, (Y/N) opened his eyes and looked at Veronica with a sincere smile.

(Y/N): I love you too.

2952 Words

November 14, 2018 - 12:12 AM

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