S2C Chapter 33: Halloween Special
Kept you waiting, huh?
I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting so much, but at least you can be judge and tell me if it was worth it.
I bet you still had a thought that this might not even be the REAL chapter, huh?
All the pictures were done for the Squid Sisters and the Off the Hook costumes were done by @mellsomels on Twitter.
This is the longest chapter I've written since Chapter 9. Have fun!
P.S. Thanks for the 150+ votes.
Also, here's a picture of Marina and I hanging out in the Square. Just for fun... IS THERE ANYONE fresher?
And if you haven't seen yet, I have 2 chapters out for my new Splatoon book.
(Y/N) was lying on his stomach, on his bed. He was sprawled across the entire bed, with his head hanging off the side.
He now began to awake with his eyes slowly opening.
He had a pain through his entire head.
(Y/N): UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! Why does my head hurt so much?
(Y/N) looked below his head, next to the bed, where there was a bucket full of something he thought he'd rather not know.
(Y/N): And what's this bucket doing here?
He tried sitting up, but that and the sunlight caused the pain in his head to be even worse.
He covered his eyes and laid back down.
(Y/N): Oh god... Veronicaaaaaaaa... Veroooonicaaaaaa... VERONICAAAAA!
Veronica walked through his doorway, and into his room.
Veronica: Yes?
(Y/N): End me.
Veronica: What?
(Y/N): I don't know what happened last night, but I know that right now, I just want this pain to go away... End me.
Veronica sighed then kneeled over by the bed.
Veronica: I'm not going to "end you."
(Y/N) just looked at her with sad eyes.
(Y/N): Why?
Veronica: Three said you had too much to drink last night and that you would be a pain in the morning.
(Y/N) was looking off into space, not able to focus on what she was saying, due to the pain in his head. His eyes drifted to the bucket again.
(Y/N): What's in this bucket?!
Veronica: Three said you were going to need it.
(Y/N): Veronica?
Veronica: Yes?
(Y/N): Is Three here?
Veronica: Yeah?
(Y/N): Go ask her for something that will help with this headache.
Veronica: On it!
She stood up then left the room. She came back shortly after with a pill and a glass of water.
Veronica: She said to take this.
She said, handing him the glass and pill.
(Y/N) decided to ignore what he knew about Three and just took the pill without question, wanting to get rid of the headache.
(Y/N): Thank you.
Veronica: You're welcome!
She said with a smile on her face.
(Y/N) laid back down.
(Y/N): Now... What happened last night.
Veronica: I don't really know what happened before Three and I arrived, but the others are here if they know.
(Y/N): Wait. Everyone's here?
Veronica: Yeah, Three said we should take everyone here to make sure you were all okay. Three's out there with them, but none of them are awake yet.
(Y/N): I can help you with them when they wake up, just...
He rubbed his forehead some more.
(Y/N): Just give me a bit.
Veronica: Okay. Call if you need anything.
She waved as she left the room.
Three POV
Callie was waking up.
Callie: Ugh... I'm HUUUUUUUUUNGRY.
Elizabeth: No, Callie. You'd probably just throw it up.
Callie: Then just a snack; whatever.
Elizabeth: Here, just take this.
Callie: What is it?
Elizabeth: It'll help with the headache.
Callie immediately grabbed the glass of water and pill and took it.
Elizabeth just sighed.
Elizabeth: Eight! You should probably just get a glass of water for each of them... Also, we should probably clean out these buckets.
Veronica: Okay.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) came out into the living room, looking like one of the living dead.
Callie: Ugh... Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Hey, Callie.
Elizabeth: Have a nice night?
(Y/N): You tell me. I don't remember anything.
Elizabeth: Anything?
(Y/N): Anything.
Elizabeth: Hm. Interesting.
She said under her breath.
(Y/N) went to the kitchen and got himself some breakfast.
Callie: Ooh! Can I have some of that?
Elizabeth: Callie. No. You really should wait a little longer.
Callie: But he's eating and he's in the same boat I am.
Elizabeth: Yes, but I don't care what he does.
Callie: (Y/N), can I have a bite?
(Y/N): Yeah. Sure. Fine.
He said while rubbing his forehead.
Callie: Thank you!
She came over to the table and had a bite of his food.
Veronica: So, (Y/N), are you going to okay to go out later?
(Y/N): Huh? Go out later? What're you talking about?
Veronica: (Y/N)?! Really?!
(Y/N): Look, Veronica, I'm sorry. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning.
He turned back toward the table.
(Y/N): Oh ri- Hey! Callie, I said you could have A bite!
Callie looked up at him, still eating (Y/N)'s food.
Callie: Showwy!
(Y/N): Ugh, whatever. I'll just get me some more.
Veronica: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Oh, right, sorry. Go on with what you were saying.
Veronica: Tonight is Halloween!
(Y/N): Oh yeah. It is, isn't it?
Veronica: YES! And you need to take me trick-or-treating.
Marina jumped up from her sleep.
Marina: Trick-or-treating?
The two of them looked over to see the now awake Marina. Callie, on the other hand, kept eating the food in front of her.
Marina: Did someone say "trick-or-treating?"
Veronica: Yeah, I did. It's Halloween.
Marina: Yay! I LOVE trick-or-treating!
She started shaking Pearl.
Marina: Pearl? You hear that? It's Halloween.
Pearl: Oh my gosh... Marina. Please don't shake me.
Pearl looked uneasy.
Pearl quickly looked over at the bucket.
Pearl: Too late!
She grabbed the bucket and threw up in it.
(Y/N): Oh I am SO glad I'm not eating right now.
Veronica and (Y/N) looked over at Callie, who was still eating.
Callie: What?
They just shook their heads.
Marina: You really shouldn't party that hard, Pearlie.
Pearl: I know my limits.
Marina sighed.
Elizabeth: I don't think you're one to talk Marina. You all seemed to have had too much to drink.
Marina was rubbing the back of her neck.
Marina: Well that's not fair. I really wanted to celebrate after winning two Splatfests in a row. I was kind of on a losing streak before.
Elizabeth just shook her head.
Marie: Will you all quiet down? I'm trying to die in relative peace here.
She said with her eyes still closed and laying on the ground.
(Y/N): Sorry, Marie. If I have to suffer, then so do you.
Marie let out a gust of air then sat up.
Marina stood up and walked over to Veronica.
Marina: So, what's this I hear about trick-or-treating?
Veronica: Well, I was just asking if (Y/N) was still fine enough to take me trick-or-treating.
Marina looked over at (Y/N) but started blushing when she saw him just staring at her with his eyes narrowed.
Marina: W-Why are you looking at me l-like th-that?
She said flustered.
(Y/N): How come you aren't as hungover as the rest of us?
Marina returned to normal.
Marina: Oh! I don't know. I guess I just get over it better.
(Y/N): Lucky.
Veronica: So, (Y/N), will you be fine to take me?
(Y/N): Huh? Yeah, I'll be fine to take you later.
Veronica: Yay! Thank you!
She said as she gave him a big hug.
(Y/N): Veronica?
He said sounding like he was running out of air.
Veronica: Oh, sorry. Too tight?
She loosened up on him.
(Y/N): No, I was going to say to hug me tighter. Hopefully, you'll kill me.
Marina: Well, I'll be coming too.
Marina grabbed Veronica's hands.
Marina: I know which houses have the BEST and BIGGEST candy.
The two were jumping with joy.
Pearl: Seriously, Marina. You're a grown woman.
Marie: Well, after you are all done with that, I hear there's a costume contest in the Square.
Marina: Oh right! I heard about that.
Callie: Yeah! They said you could even go as teams whose costumes go together.
Marina: Wait! Are you still going as a witch, Eight?
Veronica: Yeah.
Marina: Ooh, then I have an idea.
Marina whispered something in Veronica's ear, which Veronica returned with a smile and a nod.
Marie: Well, you and I are already going together, Callie.
Callie: Yeah! I can't wait!
Pearl looks around.
Pearl: Well screw you all too.
(Y/N): Pearl, what are you even going as?
Pearl: It's a surprise.
(Y/N): Then how is anyone supposed to team up with you?
Pearl just crossed her arms, looked away, and grumbled to herself.
(Y/N): Okay, you ready to go, Veronica?
Veronica: Yep!
She was already in her witch costume.
(Y/N): Good. Marina?
Marina: Yeah, but we need to stop at Pearl's; I left my costume there.
Pearl: Oh right! I'll go with you three since I left my costume there as well.
She turned towards Callie, Marie, and Elizabeth.
Pearl: I'll catch up with you three at... where exactly?
Marie: We'll just be hanging around at our apartment.
Pearl: Yeah, there.
(Y/N): And then all six of us will meet up at the Square for the costume contest?
Marie: Yeah, that sounds good.
(Y/N): Okay, everyone; roll out.
Pearl, Marina, Veronica, and (Y/N) then left to head to Pearl's house, while Callie, Marie, and Elizabeth left to Callie and Marie's apartment.
Elizabeth POV
Callie, Marie, and Elizabeth were all just sitting around the living room table in Callie and Marie's apartment.
The three of them were doing a mix of watching horror movies on TV, catching up (since they haven't really done it yet), and just conversating.
Elizabeth: I missed this while I was out with the Cap'n.
Marie: Yeah, I didn't miss your bad breath though. Although it seems like you fixed that.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I couldn't help but do it after what happened.
Callie: I bet.
Marie: Hey, maybe now that your breath doesn't stink so bad that it puts Salmonids to shame, maybe you'll ACTUALLY get a boyfriend.
Elizabeth started blushing and brushing it off.
Elizabeth: W-What? No! Me? N-N-Never!
Callie: Oh. My. Goodness. YOU LIKE SOMEONE?! Who is it? Tell me everything! His name! How does he look? Everything!
Elizabeth: NO I DON'T!
Marie: Calm down, Callie. But it IS obvious you like someone, so tell us about him, or else we'll just pry it out of you.
Elizabeth: No.
Callie: Come on! We're not asking for much! Just some basic details!
Elizabeth: ...
Marie: Come on...
Elizabeth: Nnnnnnng FINE...
Callie and Marie leaned in closer so they could hear it all.
Elizabeth: I don't know his name. And I don't know what he looks like.
Callie and Marie looked shocked.
Marie: What? Did you meet this guy over the internet?
Elizabeth: NO! I met him during the Splatfest. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a knight costume.
Callie: Ooh! A knight in shining armor! How romantic.
Elizabeth: I told him my name but I forgot to ask him his. And neither of us has the other's number. I tried going back to find him in the Splatfest the next day but we didn't get matched up together.
Marie: Well that sucks.
Marie said resting her head on her hand.
Elizabeth: Tell me about it.
Elizabeth said looking into her drink.
Callie: So, how are you supposed to find him?!
Elizabeth: I don't know. I don't know what he looks like, his name, or even what he sounds like thanks to his helmet...
Elizabeth just sighed.
Elizabeth: The only way I'll ever see him again is if he sees me.
Marie & Callie: Aww.
They consoled Elizabeth and put their arms on her shoulders.
Elizabeth: Thanks, you two.
Elizabeth put her arms up on their shoulders as well and looked at them with a smile.
Elizabeth: I mean... It could be worse. I could always be fawning over (Y/N), 24/7.
She said giving them a smirk as they yanked their arms back with blushing faces.
Marie: I do NOT fawn over him!
Elizabeth: Sure. You two may as well have been going through the desert for days. Pearl and Marina aren't any better.
Marie: Why you-!
Suddenly, a buzzer started going off by the door which was followed by a voice.
Pearl: Ey yo, check it! It's Pearl, AKA MC Princess at the door! Let me in!
Marie stood up, walked over to the door, then hit the button, letting Pearl up.
A minute or so goes by, then there's a knock on the door.
Pearl: Yo, let me in!
Callie stands up and lets Pearl into the apartment, then shuts the door behind them.
Pearl's costume was stunning. She looked like the queen of the world.
Callie: Wow, Pearl! Nice costume!
Pearl: Thanks!
She said as she did a twirl.
Pearl: Now, what's going on here?! Where are your costumes?
Callie: Marie and I can go get our costumes on now if you'd like to see them.
Pearl: Go ahead! It's not a fun Halloween night if you don't wear a costume!
Marie: Fine.
Marie stands up then follows Callie towards their rooms to go change.
After a minute the two come back out.
Elizabeth and Pearl had their jaws on the floor.
Pearl: Yo! You two look great! I have NO chance alone.
Pearl was looking downward.
Marie: Quite thank you.
Pearl slowly started looking up with a grin.
Pearl: Good thing I'm not alone.
Callie and Marie looked at her with confusion.
Callie & Marie: What?!
Marie: Who's your partner?
Pearl: (Y/N).
Callie: Your costumes have to go together to be a team.
Pearl: Oh, they do. Don't you worry your sweet little head on that.
Marie and Callie looked slightly upset but they kept their cool. Marie, as always, doing a little better than Callie.
Pearl: So, why aren't you wearing your costume, Three?
Elizabeth: I'll put it on later.
Callie: What? No. You've GOTTA put it on now.
Elizabeth: No I don't.
Marie: Come on, don't be a party pooper.
Elizabeth: Fine.
She goes into one of the back rooms to get changed.
Soon after, Callie, Marie, and Pearl are greeted to the sight of Elizabeth dressed up as a pirate.
Callie: Wow! I LOVE it, Three! You're going to catch all the boys in that outfit.
Marie: A ninja would've been cooler.
She said under her breath.
Pearl: Yeah, nice costume, Three.
Elizabeth: Thanks.
She says shyly at their responses, mostly Callie's.
They continued to just watch movies and conversate for a while until Pearl received a text from Marina stating that they were done trick-or-treating and would be heading for the costume contest. So, the four of them made their way to the costume contest and waited for the other three to arrive.
As the four of them were standing around, checking out the rest of the contestants' costumes, Marina walked up to them.
Marina: Hey, girls! Glad we found you. It was a GREAT haul this year.
Pearl: Um, "we?" Marina, the other two are gone.
Marina looked behind her.
Marina: Oh, right. They had to use the bathroom.
Marie: Well, your costume sure does look great Marina.
Marina: Thanks! It'll look even better when Eight is here in her witch costume.
Not much later, Veronica walked up in her witch costume.
Veronica: Wow! There are so many great costumes here!
Callie: Right? Marie and I are still going to win though.
Marina: Oh ho, I hope you don't actually believe that.
Pearl: (Y/N) and I are going to be the winners, yo!
Elizabeth: Then where is he?
Pearl: A-Around! H-He'll be here! Just you wait!
There was now a voice booming through the speakers, announcing the beginning of the contest.
After a while, Marina and Veronica were called to the stage.
Announcer: Careful, if you don't applaud loud enough, these two ladies may hex you.
They moved their arms around as if they were casting spells.
Their witch costumes were met with applause.
Pearl was looking around for her partner.
Next, Callie and Marie were called to the stage.
Announcer: The Squid Sisters joining us in their classic opposite themes that still go together. What goes better with an angel than a demon, and vice vera.
They came out and did their classic pose together, which brought them even more applause than Marina and Veronica.
Pearl looked like she was really worried now.
Then, Elizabeth was called to the stage.
Announcer: Careful, for one of the fiercest captains on the high seas be here, argh. And if you do her wrong, she'll cut you up and make you walk the plank.
Elizabeth drew her fake sword.
She as well was rewarded with many applause.
Elizabeth walked back behind the stage.
Pearl looked like she was about to have a panic attack.
Pearl Where is he? Where is he?
Elizabeth: What, Pearl? Your partner not here? Just goes to show you have to choose better people to rely o-
(Y/N) ran up.
Elizabeth's mouth was dropped wide open, and left speechless.
(Y/N): I am SO sorry, Pearl. You would not BELIEVE how hard it is to go to the bathroom in this thing.
Pearl and (Y/N) were called out.
Pearl: Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's our time to go out there, so let's go.
Pearl dragged him onto the stage, leaving Elizabeth just sitting there watching them.
Announcer: You have the princess of all the land, but what is a princess without her knight to protect her?
Pearl then pretended to faint into (Y/N)'s arms.
This left the crowd cheering loudly.
The two of them stood back up, bowed, then went back behind the stage.
Elizabeth was still just standing there in shock. She had her finger up pointing at (Y/N).
Elizabeth: Y-Y-Y-Yo-
(Y/N): What? Are you okay, Liz?
Elizabeth started gritting her teeth, then reeled her fist back, then punched him really hard in his arm.
(Y/N): OW! What the hell?
Elizabeth: That's for not telling me you were the guy in the knight suit!
(Y/N): You never asked!
Elizabeth: And you didn't bother to say anything related to it to me?
(Y/N): I don't know. There never seemed to be a good time to mention it. Until I left the Splatfest, I didn't even know you didn't know it was me.
Elizabeth reeled back her fist to hit him again, which he cringed at, but she didn't hit him. She instead just let out a breath of air.
Elizabeth: Whatever.
The first place winner ended up being two children dressed as Callie and Marie. Second place was Callie and Marie themselves. Third place was Pearl and (Y/N).
Now, they all returned to (Y/N) and Veronica's home.
They decided they'd just make some popcorn, get some other snacks, some drinks, pop on some horror movies to celebrate the ending of the spooky holiday.
The seven of them were laying around the living room, sitting on the couches and floor.
Elizabeth was just looking over at (Y/N), unbeknownst to him, thinking about how she felt about him now.
And honestly...
She didn't know.
3323 Words
Written: October 25, 2018 - 12:19 AM
Edited: October 27, 2018 - 12:16 PM
Published: October 31, 2018 - 3:45 PM
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