S2C Chapter 32: Splatoween Results!

So, I wasn't going to make this until tomorrow when the Splatfest results came in, but it happened during the middle of me playing ranked for the first time, so I can make it now.

The only that sucks now, is you guys have to wait until the 31st to get the next chapter unless I can't hold it in and want to make it before then.

Three POV

Elizabeth woke up in the morning.

She looked around.

Looks like she was the first one up.

She was smiling.

She decides to quickly go and take a shower before anyone got up, so she could get on her way.

She finished her shower, got dried off, then got dressed.

When she exited the bathroom, she saw (Y/N) going into the kitchen. This brought her mood down a bit, remembering he was here.

She internally sighed to herself.

She got to the kitchen and saw he was making the three of their's food.

Elizabeth: I'm fine with making my own.

(Y/N): Okay.

He continued to make himself and Eight some breakfast.

Three finished making her own first, so she popped over into the living room and ate while watching TV.

Once (Y/N) finished making the other breakfasts, he went and knocked on Eight's door. Elizabeth was watching him, making sure he didn't try anything.

After a minute, she woke up and the two of them went to the kitchen to where they ate their food.

Eight finished her food first, and then went to take a shower.

Once (Y/N) finished, he came over to the couch and sat down.

Three scooted a bit away.

(Y/N) looked at the table.

(Y/N): You just gonna leave your dishes there?

Elizabeth: You could always go wash them.

(Y/N) just sighed as he carried her dishes to the kitchen to go clean them.

While he was doing that, Eight was done with her shower, and came to the living room, now being dried off and dressed.

(Y/N) then went and started taking his shower.

Elizabeth: Okay, Eight. Now that we're clean and done eating, let's go do some more Splatfest.

Eight: More? But you played a lot yesterday.

Elizabeth: Yeah, and I want to play some more. Don't you?

Eight: Sure, I guess.

Elizabeth: Great!

Elizabeth started walking towards the door, but she noticed Eight was going the other way.

Eight knocked on the bathroom door.

Eight: (Y/N)? Three and I are going to do some more Splatfest. Do you wanna come?

(Y/N)'s voice could be heard from inside the bathroom.

(Y/N): I'm- Uh- Kind of in the middle of something right now. You two just go ahead without me. I'll catch up later.

Elizabeth smiled at this; she didn't want him to ruin anything for her.

Eight: Okay. See ya!

(Y/N): See ya.

Eight ran back over to Elizabeth at the front door.

Elizabeth opened the door, waiting for Eight to go on ahead of her.

Elizabeth: Okay, now let's go 

Eight: On it!

Eight exited out the door, then Elizabeth followed her out, shutting the door behind the two of them.



(Y/N) finished his shower. He hopped out, dried off, but then he realized he had forgotten his clothes.

Luckily, the others were gone, so he could just go over to his room and get the clothes.

He exited the bathroom, then...

Went to his bedroom, got the clothes out he was going to wear.


His phone rang.

He went over, still in just a towel, and answered the phone.

(Y/N): Hello?

Callie: Hey! (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey, Callie. What's up?

Callie: are you doing anything today?

(Y/N): Not really. Why?

Callie: Marie and I are heading to Octo Canyon to visit Gramps in a bit, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come too.

(Y/N): Well, uh, I'm kind of naked right now, but sure! I'll be there in a bit.

Callie: Naked?... Well, maybe Marie can go visit Gramps, and I can come there.

(Y/N): I'll see you there, Callie.

Callie: With or without clothes?

He hung up the phone, then gave a little laugh.

Marie POV

(Y/N) hung up the phone.

Callie: I'll take that as "without."

She was smiling.

Marie: What did he say?

Callie: He said, "Yeah."

Marie: Okay. Give me a bit to get ready.

Callie: If we're supposed to be visiting Gramps, then how come we're inviting (Y/N)? Not that I'm complaining.

Marie imagined it in her head.

Marie: Gramps, I hope you don't mind, but I brought my boyfriend.

Callie: No! He's mi-

Callie was pushed off of the platform.

Cuttlefish: What? No boy is good enough for my Marie!

Marie was done imagining the situation in her head.

Marie: I like things to be a bit dramatic sometimes.

She said under her breath.

Callie: What was that?

Marie: Nothing.



(Y/N) arrived in the Square.

He noticed Pearl and Marina were around their studio.

He decided he'd walk over and say, "Hello."

(Y/N): Hey, you two are here early.

They looked over.

Marina: Yeah, we have to come here early because of the forty-eight hour Splatfest.

(Y/N): Geez, late night and early morning?

Pearl looked pretty tired.

Pearl: Yeah, this sucks, yo.

(Y/N): I bet. Well, I'll let you two get to it, I don't want to bother you.

Marina: No, no, no, we've got time before we start. What's the rush? Trying to get some more points to help Team Treat?

(Y/N): Weren't you the one who said I'm not Team Treat?

Marina: Well, I'd gladly take the help.

(Y/N): Then, no. Callie and Marie invited me to hang out today.

Pearl was nearly asleep in her seat at this point.

Marina: Oh, then how about we celebrate the Splatfest results tonight after we announce them.

(Y/N): Sure. Sounds lovely.

Marina: Great! See you later.

(Y/N): See ya.

He then walked away, and once he was out of sight, he hopped through the grate into Octo Canyon.

On the other side, he started looking for the others, but all he saw was the Cap'n sitting in front of Octavio.

(Y/N) walked over towards him.

Octavio looked annoyed.

(Y/N): Hey, Cap'n. What're you doing?

Cuttlefish looked over.

Cuttlefish: Oh! It's you, Four. I wasn't expecting you.

(Y/N): Yeah, Callie and Marie invited me.

Cuttlefish: Well then; welcome!

(Y/N): So, what're you up to, Cap'n?

Cuttlefish: I was just kind of bored, so I decided to try my art skills out by sketching this one over here.

He said pointing over his shoulder at Octavio.

Octavio: When I get out of here...

(Y/N): Then I'll be here to put you back in. Or Three... Or Eight.

Octavio: How many of you agents are there?!

(Y/N): More than before. Oh! And Eight is an Octoling.

Octavio: AAAAARGH!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): He's too easy.

(Y/N) said to Cuttlefish.

Suddenly, Callie and Marie appeared out of the grate.

Marie: Hey, Gramps.

Callie: Gramps, we're here!

They looked over and saw Cuttlefish and (Y/N) near Octavio.

Callie: Oh! (Y/N)! You're already here... and with clothes.

Marie whacked Callie at the last statement.

Callie: Ow.

Cuttlefish: Girls! You're here! Great timing. What do you think of my drawing?

The two of them inspected the drawing.

Marie: Eh, it's ugly.

Cuttlefish: Well, then I guess I'll just chuck this out.

He crumpled up the picture and tossed it off the edge.

Marie: Woah! Gramps, I meant what you drew was ugly, not the drawing itself.

(Y/N): Do you think the police will trace that litter back to the Cap'n?

Cuttlefish: Oh. Well, too late now. Doesn't matter anyway. Not like the reference is going anywhere.

He said pointing over his shoulder at Octavio.

Octavio growled as he hit the glass.

Marie: Hey! Calm down over there!

They all went over and sat down in front of the cabin.

Callie: So, (Y/N), what'd you do to keep Three and Eight busy, today?

(Y/N): Nothing. Three took Eight with her to go participate in the Splatfest.

Callie: Sounds like you're off the hook for today, huh?

(Y/N): No, but I saw them earlier.

Callie didn't respond for a second, but then her face turned sour, while Marie was behind her, smiling. (Y/N) was also smiling to himself, happy of the joke he had made.

(Y/N): Speaking of Three, Marie, you were right.

Marie: Huh?

(Y/N): Her breath does stink.

Marie: Yeah, that was probably the best thing you had that she didn't.

Callie: I can think of something else he has that she doesn't.

Callie said quiet enough to where only Marie could hear her.

Marie quickly jutted her head over at Callie but looked back at (Y/N) as he spoke up again.

(Y/N): Luckily, something must've changed her, since she was adamant on getting many dental products at the store yesterday.

Marie: Oh thank goodness! Maybe now I can actually talk to Three.

The two of them laughed.

Callie: So, Gramps, have you seen my show yet?

Cuttlefish: Not yet. I'm afraid I can't figure out that newfangled TV over there.

He said pointing towards the TV over by the couch and tree.

Callie: Don't worry, Gramps, I'll record it and bring it over for you to watch one of these days.

Cuttlefish: Sounds good!

Marie: So, Gramps, think I did a good job at finding a new agent while you were gone?

Cuttlefish: From what you've told me he's done, I couldn't have picked a better agent myself.

Cuttlefish turned towards (Y/N).

Cuttlefish: Yep, Marie went on and on about you. She told me all about you, and what you did.

Marie: GRAMPS!

Cuttlefish: What?... You did.

Marie was trying to cover her red face.


After a while of them hanging out around Octo Canyon, (Y/N) helped fix the TV.

Cuttlefish: Amazing! What do we watch?

(Y/N): Well, first I need to check the news. They should be announcing the Splatfest results any second now.

Not too much longer, the news came on with the announcement that Team Treat had won.

(Y/N): Well, that's my cue to leave. I'll see you three some other time.

Marie: What? Where're you going?

(Y/N): I promised Pearl and Marina we'd go out and celebrate the Splatfest results.

Marie: I'll join you.

Callie: So will I!

The three of them gathered their stuff and went over the grate.

Marie: See ya, Gramps.

Callie: Bye, Gramps, see you later! Oh! And check out my show! It's usually. on channel 24!

Cuttlefish: Okay!

He waved bye to them from his couch in front of the TV.

The three of them then hopped through the grate to leave.

Cuttlefish: ... How do I get to channel 24?


Three POV

Eight and Three were playing Splatfest nearly all day.

They had to stop once it ended.

Eight was excited to find out her team had won, while Three didn't really care as she was just upset that she couldn't find the man in the knight suit.

While Three was sitting there upset, Eight was messaging someone on the phone Pearl had gotten her.

Eight: Come on, Three.

Three: What? Where are we going?

Eight: Pearl, Marina, Callie, Marie, and (Y/N) are all out celebrating the results of the Splatfest.

Three: Fine.

Three agreed, seeing as there was near no chance of finding the man in the knight suit.



They were in a little restaurant. Whatever you'd like to call it.

There were booths where people were sitting and ordered their food and drinks. There was also a bar for other drinks.

Many people in the restaurant were at the bar and up and about in general due to hearing the results of the Splatfest.

Callie, Marie, and (Y/N) walked in through the front door.

When they got in there, he saw Pearl and Marina at the bar, each with a drink.

They walked up to the two.

Pearl: Oh hey! (Y/N)- *hic* You're here!... And you brought others.

Marina: Sorry, she tends to start the party a little before when she loses.

Pearl: I did not *hic* lose.

Marina: Pearlie, we just read the results not too long ago.

Pearl turns to Marina, crying.

Pearl: I lost?

Marina: No, no, no, Team Trick won, Pearlie!

Pearl turns toward (Y/N).

Pearl: See? *Hic*

(Y/N) just shook his head, went to the bar, and ordered himself a drink.

He turned toward Callie and Marie.

(Y/N): You two want any?

Marie: I'll have a little.

Callie: I'll just have some of yours.


Three POV

Eight dragged Three to the restaurant.

Eight: This is the place.

Three: Finally.

They opened the door to be met with loud people partying all across the restaurant.

Three: Eight, let's split up to look for them. Just remember, don't eat or drink anything anyone gives you.

Eight: Okay!

They split up to search for all of them.

After a bit of searching, Three saw in a booth, was (Y/N), but he wasn't alone. Someone was sitting in his lap, but not only that, he was making out with someone.

It was...

Ooh WEE! Ain't that a cliffhanger? See you in a week and a half.

2209 Words

October 22, 2018 - 1:09 AM

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