S2C Chapter 31: Trick vs Treat!
First, I was confused why the rankings weren't here. They were just gone. But they returned, and I was #1 in Marie again... BUT WILL YOU FECKING LOOK AT THEM ALL! JAYSUS, I JUMPED UP IN EVERYTHING (That wasn't already #1)!
Second, I had something planned for this chapter, but I mixed up the original plan, to where this one will be about one part of it, and it will be concluded around Halloween. This chapter will have more to do with the Splatfest itself.
Now a little question, should I not to a chapter next week, and hold off for the middle of the week after? I know this feels like a no-brainer what I expect you to say, but since it's more Halloween themed (and it would have to be the next chapter after this), should I wait for the Halloween mood to set in? I swear, if you choose to wait, that if I think of something to go in between the two chapters (I've got a faint idea of something I may do), that I WILL release it next week.
Also, Jaysus you all hate Three.
Also, also, how perfect is it that this happened to be the 31st chapter?
(Y/N) was suddenly woken up violently, by shakes and a loud voice.
Veronica: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! It's Splatoween!
(Y/N) was rubbing his eyes.
(Y/N): What? No, Veronica, we went over this, it's not Splatoween yet, it's just the Splatoween Splatfest.
Veronica stopped jumping on the bed.
Veronica: Oh. Right.
She gave a nervous chuckle.
(Y/N): Now, please get out before Three comes in here and beats the carp out of me.
Veronica: Okay!
So, she left the room so he could get ready.
After a couple of minutes, he exited his room, towel, and clothes in hand, ready to take a shower.
When he went to the bathroom door, it had opened up to reveal Veronica in just a towel.
Veronica: Oh, hi, (Y/N)! You're up. Are you about to take a shower as well?
(Y/N) was blushing and looking away.
(Y/N): Yeah, I am. Veronica? Why are you only in a towel?
Veronica looked down at herself.
Veronica: Well, duh! I just got out of the shower, now I'm going to my room to get dressed.
(Y/N): O-okay! Well, uh, you... You do that.
He spoke nervously.
Veronica: Okay!
She walked past him and went towards her room.
As he looked over, he saw Three standing there.
Before she could do anything, he went into the bathroom and closed the door.
Three: Let me in there!
(Y/N): No can do! I'm naked.
This got her to stop.
He then took his shower.
After a few minutes, he finished, dried off, and got dressed.
As he opened the door, he heard Three yell from the living room.
Three: You better have left me some warm water!
(Y/N): Don't worry, I'm not evil!
He said, calling back to how she did just that to him.
Three then went to take her WARM shower.
After Three was done, she came back out to the living room.
Veronica then turned to (Y/N).
Veronica: Now can we go to Pearl's house?
(Y/N): Not yet.
Veronica: Wha-
(Y/N): I told you all this yesterday, Veronica. We need to go to the store and restock.
Veronica: Uuuuuuuugh! Fine.
They were going through the store. Veronica was following behind (Y/N) and looking at all the delicious foods and the other cool things the store had to offer.
(Y/N) stopped at the end of one aisle. The dental hygiene aisle. In it, Three was looking around it.
(Y/N): Whatcha lookin' for?
Three looked over at him then turned back.
Three: Nothing.
(Y/N): Oh come on, it can't be THAT hard to pick out toothpaste.
Three: I refuse to buy any dental products unless it's labeled with "Tartar Protection."
She said while still searching for toothpaste.
(Y/N): How come?
Three: Personal reasons.
He heard in her voice that she was serious.
(Y/N) continued off shopping.
(Y/N): Well, good. Because Marie was right.
Three looked over, confused.
(Y/N): Your breath smells AWFUL.
Three raised a fist, but (Y/N) quickly ran off, leaving Three in the aisle.
(Y/N) was paying for all the groceries he had gathered while Veronica was still just admiring all the candies around the counter.
Three then came up with multiple dental products. As she said, each one was labeled with "Tartar Protection."
The three of them arrived back at (Y/N) and Veronica's place.
Veronica: NOW can we head to Pearl's?
(Y/N): Hang on, we literally JUST walked in the door. Help me put away the groceries first, then we'll leave.
Veronica: Yay!
She ran to the kitchen and helped put away all of the groceries.
Once they were all put away, she ran for the front door.
(Y/N): Ah, ah, ah! Hold it.
Veronica: Ugh, what?!
(Y/N): Aren't you forgetting something?
He said, waving a bag in front of his face.
Veronica gasped as she ran for her bedroom.
Veronica: My costume!
She came back out with a bag.
She opened her mouth to speak, but (Y/N) cut her off.
(Y/N): Yes! We can go now.
Veronica: Yay!
Three: I don't get why you're so worried about your costume, Eight. It's not like it's Splatoween.
Veronica: Yeah, but a lot of people are wearing their costumes to get in the spirit.
Three: Well, I'm not wearing my costume.
Veronica: I thought you might say something like that, so I got a little something for you that would go along with my costume!
Three: Great.
(Y/N): Hey! Anyone home?
Pearl came from the direction of the kitchen.
Pearl: Hey, wassup?
(Y/N): Nothing, we're just figured we'd hang out here until the Splatfest starts.
Pearl: Well, get comfortable. You've got a while. But right now, Marina and I are getting dressed up now.
(Y/N): Gotcha.
As Pearl was turning away to return to Marina, she felt a tug on her arm.
Pearl: Huh? What is it, Eight?
Veronica: Can I use one of your coloring books?
Pearl: What? No way! Those are mine!
Veronica was looking at Pearl with very sad eyes.
Pearl looked up at (Y/N), seeing him mouth the word, "Please."
Pearl: Ugh! Fine. Just don't color the pictures I've already started. And don't do all of them.
Veronica: Thank you, Pearl!
Pearl: Yeah, yeah. Don't get all sappy on me.
Pearl then returned to Marina.
Veronica started dragging Three away from the living room, leaving (Y/N) there alone.
(Y/N): Woah! I thought you were going to do some coloring.
Veronica: I wanna get in our costumes now. Do you want to as well?
(Y/N): No, no. It'll be easier if I put it on once we get there.
Veronica: Okay.
Three stuck her tongue out at him as she was being dragged away.
While (Y/N) was watching television, he heard Veronica and Three returning from upstairs.
Veronica: Come on, Three! You look fine!
Three: No! I look like an idiot!
Veronica: No you don't!
(Y/N) was smiling.
(Y/N): Come on, Three!
Three: You shut your face!
(Y/N) just laughed.
Veronica: Three, please just come downstairs. You're going to have to eventually anyway.
Three: ...
Veronica: Three.
Three: Fine.
Veronica was dressed up as a witch.
The one on the left, of course.
While Three, on the other hand. She was wearing a black cat hair band, with a black dot on her nose, and a couple of whiskers drawn on her cheeks. Clearly meant to be a witch's black cat.
(Y/N) burst out laughing.
Three: Why you-
Veronica: Three.
Three: Fine.
(Y/N): Sorry. No, it's great. I just never thought I'd catch you dressed up as a little kitty, Three.
Three was growling.
(Y/N): And your costume looks great too, Veronica.
Veronica just returned the compliment with a big smile.
Just then, Pearl and Marina entered.
Pearl: Now, be amazed at the amazing Splatoween Off the Ho-
Three and Eight turned around.
Pearl and Marina were trying to hold in their laughs.
Pearl: Yo, nice whiskers, Three.
Three: That's it! I'm taking these off.
Veronica then calmed Three down and stopped her.
The five of them then hung out at Pearl's house until it got late.
Three POV
Marina: It's getting a little late. I think we should head to the Square now.
Pearl: Yeah, you're right.
And so, they all headed down to the Square.
Once they got there, people started swarming Pearl and Marina as they were trying to get up to the stage. They pushed past the crowd and got into the area leading up to the stage.
Three, Veronica, and (Y/N) were now left alone.
(Y/N): Okay, well, we better go pick our team.
Veronica: Yes!
They walked over to the terminal.
Veronica chose her team first. She chose Team Treat.
Three then went next. She chose Team Trick.
(Y/N) was now choosing his team.
Veronica was so excited, she ran right for the Splatfest arena.
Three, in response, ran after her to make sure she was okay.
The two of them hopped into a match.
The two of them went up against each other.
On Veronica's team, there was someone dressed as a vampire, a zombie, and someone in an Anglerfish Mask.
On Three's team, there was one person dressed as a ghost, while the other two just wore Li'l Devil Horns.
At the end of the match, the winner was Veronica's team.
Three was upset because they probably lost due to the person in the ghost costume repeatedly just tripping over their costume.
Once the next match started, Three had been separated from Veronica.
On Three's team was someone in a hockey mask, someone with the Li'l Devil Horns, and someone in a suit of armor.
This if you were wondering.
The match started.
Three was running straight up the middle taking them straight on.
She got to an area with two enemies.
They started shooting her way.
As Three came out of her cover to take the two on, they were gone, and the man in the knight suit was standing there.
He shrugged, then spoke with his muffled voice, due to the helmet/mask.
Knight: What? If you're just going to take a break behind cover, then I'll be taking these splats.
He then ran off.
Three: (Oh, so it's going to be like that, eh? Alright.)
Three went around to ambush three people, but just before she could, a friendly splat bomb rolled at the three of them and took them out.
Three: Ugh!
Knight: Sorry! I guess they couldn't handle my explosive personality.
Three: (Great.)
Three was about to get splatted, but the man in the knight suit took them out.
Three looked over, then he reached his hand out.
Knight: Come on.
She took his hand, begrudgingly.
She rode the grind rail, but then it ran out of ink halfway through, causing her to fall.
Three was so annoyed at how this match was going.
At the end of the match, Three's team had won, but she was annoyed that she was second from the bottom, while the knight guy was at the top.
The man in the knight suit walked up to Three.
Knight: Good game.
He held out his hand.
Three didn't shake it.
Three: I'll do better in the next match.
He let out a slight chuckle.
Knight: We'll see, Whiskers.
Three then became flustered and started blushing as she quickly wiped all of the cat makeup off her face, and took the cat ears off and put them in her bag.
The next match started, and Three was doing much better. She was bragging a bit more as well, saying stuff such as, "Oh I'm sorry, was that YOUR kill?" and more.
When the match ended, Three was at the top of the team, just above the man in the knight suit.
Three: Ha! Take that! Boom! Who's at the top? I'm at the top!
Knight: Yeah, yeah, I went easy on you this time because I felt bad for how you did before.
Three: SUUUUuuuure.
Knight: I did!
Three: Then prove it. Let's see who does the best next match.
They kept on going on and on. Every time one of them would lose, the loser would call for another match. As it went on, they were still rivaling each other more and more, but it was becoming more friendly as time went on.
However, it was getting REALLY late. So, they had to stop.
Knight: Hey, so, uh, I've gotta go.
Three: What? Is this just because you're tired of losing?
Knight: No, I'm just getting tired. I'll come back tomorrow and kick your butt.
Three: Bring it.
The guy in the knight suit started walking away but then turned back.
Knight: Wait. What's your name?
Three: My name?...
Three thought for a second.
Three: It's Elizabeth.
Knight: Elizabeth... Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Elizabeth.
Three: Yeah. See ya.
She waved bye to him.
She then went to hop into her next match when she realized.
Three: (Wait! I didn't ask him what his name was. And we didn't give each other our numbers, so how am I supposed to find him tomorrow?)
Three decided she'd worry about it tomorrow.
She played a couple more matches, but it wasn't really as fun alone. So, she decided she was just going to go "home."
She used the key that they hide on top of the door frame and unlocked it.
When she entered, she saw a plate of food on the table in the living room, the TV on, and (Y/N) asleep on the couch.
She walked over to the couch, stood there for a second, then rolled him over to drop him onto the floor.
(Y/N): Ah!
He looked up at Three.
(Y/N): What the hell, Three?
Three leaned down to him.
Three: You're on my bed.
He stood up and went to his room while rubbing the back of his head.
Three then laid down on the couch, closed her eyes, then fell asleep thinking about the man in the knight suit.
2435 Words
October 19, 2018 - 9:18 PM
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