S2C Chapter 29: Beauty Sleep

We did it! We did it! Lo hicimos! We hit 1K votes on this story! Not only that, we hit over 1.1K votes! Jeez, you guys are really smashing that vote button.

One more thing before we get started, I released the first part of my short story collection I'm making. If you have the time, feel free to tell me how I did on my first one. It's not Splatoon related, though.

Also, I lost my #1 spot in "Marie." T-T

Important, sorry, one more thing, I wasn't sure where this chapter was going, but I've got a couple ideas for a Halloween special. Should I release it around the time of the upcoming splatfest, or closer to Halloween? It will have a little to do with the Splatfest, that's why I'm asking.

Sorry, once again, but if this chapter feels a bit off, then it's because I didn't really know what to do. After a while, I thought of something, but then a mix of two things (1. It would make this REALLY long [Yeah, what's the problem] and 2. I thought of a better way to do it in a chapter or two.) But luckily, I got an idea for another chapter that I will release sometime in the middle of this next week.


(Y/N) woke up in his new bed, a bit before dawn. He wishes he could've enjoyed it, but there are probably bruises on his body after last night.

(Y/N) felt sore just thinking about it.

He hopped up to go take a morning shower. He almost walked into his closet, forgetting there is now no personal bathroom for him to use.

He grabbed a set of clothes for him to use, his towel, and then left to go clean up.

As he walked past Veronica's door, he saw Three sitting up against her bed. Tree was looking right at him with her Hero Shot Relpica in her hand. He noticed she looked REALLY tired.

(Y/N): (Did she stay up ALL night, thinking I was going to go into Veronica's room and do something to her?)

(Y/N) decided to just keep on walking and go get ready for the day.

After he was done with his shower, he dried off, brushed his teeth, then got dressed.

He went to go make himself some breakfast in his now FULLY STOCKED KITCHEN.

(Y/N): I want to make some pancakes, BUUUUUUT... I don't want to wait for it.

So, he made himself a bowl of cereal.

He took his bowl with him as he went to go check on Three.

When he got to the doorway, he first thought Three was still awake, but she wasn't moving besides taking in breaths of air.

He walked in to make sure she was okay.

He stood over her as he took a bite of his cereal. He leaned down and waved his hand in front of her face.


He held his hand in front of her face as he snapped his fingers.

She jumped at this and fumbled for her weapon as she grabbed for her Hero Shot.

She inked (Y/N)'s face out of shock.

(Y/N) just stood there, looking very unammused.

Three had an upset look on her face as she kept aiming at him.

(Y/N) left to go get a towel to wipe off the ink. Luckily, no ink got into his cereal.

Once he was done, he went back to Veronica's room.

Three readied her weapon.

Three: Stop! Get back!

(Y/N) threw his hands up.

(Y/N): Geez, I was just coming to wake her up.

He said pointing towards Veronica.

Three: No! I'll do it.

(Y/N): I'm not going to do anything to her, you know.

Three: Yeah, thanks to me being here.

(Y/N) shook his head then left to the kitchen, where he made the two of them some breakfast.

He went over to the couch to watch some TV while he waited for them. A couple of minutes later, Veronica and Three came out.

Veronica was happy to see the breakfast (Y/N) had made them, so she jumped into her seat and started eating immediately.

Meanwhile, Three nearly collapsed into the other seat at the table. She was taking small bites every once in a while.

(Y/N) finished his breakfast before them and went to clean off his dishes in the kitchen.

While he was cleaning the dishes, he looked over at them and saw Three was about to fall asleep. He quickly went over and caught her head before it landed straight into her breakfast.

When he did, she came to and started smacking his arms away, lightly.

Three: Don't touch me! I'm fine.

(Y/N): Fine. Whatever.

He said as he went back to cleaning his dishes.

He noticed there were more dishes in the sink.

He looked over and saw Veronica, with nothing in front of her, as she was talking to Three, who looked like one of the living dead.

Veronica looked over and smiled at him.

(Y/N) just sighed it off and washed her dishes too.

He went back over to the couch and sat down.

He flipped through the channels, looking for something to watch.

(Y/N): Ugh. There's nothing on TV this early.

He said to himself.

Then, he got an idea.

He started putting his shoes on.

Veronica: !

(Y/N): Looked up.

Veronica: Where're you going?

(Y/N): I'm heading to Pearl's.

Veronica: Ooh! I wanna come to!

(Y/N): Okay.

Three: And I'm coming too.

(Y/N): Fine. Get ready you too.

Veronica ran to her room, but Three just sat there.

(Y/N) stared at Three.

Three: I'm already ready.

(Y/N): Eh... For the most part.

After a minute or two, Veronica entered the living room, now out of her pajamas and in normal clothes.

Veronica: Okay! I'm ready to go.

They left then hopped on the subway.

Three would keep falling asleep on (Y/N)'s shoulder, to where he would keep pushing her back up, but she'd just keep falling back over every once in a while.

(Y/N) had to keep telling Veronica to not climb around on the subway.

After a while, they finally hopped off the subway and walked the rest of the way.


The three of them walked in through the front doors. Three immediately walked over to the couch Pearl was sitting on, where Three fell face first into the couch and fell asleep.

Pearl: What the?

Pearl leaned over and just poked Three in the head.

Three didn't respond other than just light grunts.

Pearl looked up at (Y/N) and Veronica.

Pearl: Ooh! (Y/N)! Perfect timing!

Pearl ran up to him with her headphones and phone.

Pearl: How does this sound for this little song I made.

Pearl slapped the headphones onto his head and pressed play.

(Y/N) was shocked and had to immediately grab his ears due to the loud shrieking in his ears.

He took off the headphones. He looked down to see Pearl look up at him with anticipation, holding her hands together.

Pearl: So, what do you think?

(Y/N) didn't want to say anything to hurt her feelings.

(Y/N): Uh... Well. It-eh. It sounds great! I love the volume of your voice. Sounds like a really cool metal song.

I will post the link in a comment attached to this for those of you on mobile.

(Y/N) was worried for a second at the face she made.

Pearl wrapped her arms around (Y/N) REALLY tight, knocking the wind out of him and hurting his back, which was already sore.

Pearl: Thank you SO much! That was EXACTLY what I was going for.

Pearl let (Y/N) go.

Pearl: So, what're you all doing here?

(Y/N): There was nothing on TV and I was bored. I figured there's be something around here to do.

Pearl: Eh, sorry. Marina has me going out and getting a few things for this thing she's working on.

(Y/N): Oh, well I'll go see what she's up to.

(Y/N) left Veronica there with Pearl and the knocked out Three.

(Y/N) was just outside of Marina's door and had a mischevious smile on his face.

Marina POV

Marina was sitting at her desk.

Marina: No... I did bounce pads LAST time. What can I-

Suddenly, the door flew open with large bang, scaring Marina, and in turn, cuasing her to fall out of her seat. Marina also let out a quick shriek

Marina was now on the floor next to her chair. Her leg was still over the chair.

Marina was then surprised to hear laughing.

She opened her eyes to see (Y/N) standing there, wiping the tears of laughter out of his eyes.

Marina stood straight up, a little annoyed.

Marina: That is NOT funny, (Y/N)!

Marina then started sitting back in her seat to conitnue with her work.

(Y/N) walked over and was leaning on his arms against the back of her chair.

(Y/N): Oh come on, Marina. It was PRETTY funny.

Marina didn't respond with more than an annoyed face, not looking behind her to see him.

(Y/N): Whatcha' doin'?

Marina: I'm working on the next Shifty Station for the next Splatfest coming up.

(Y/N): Oh, right! That. Can I see? Get a little advantage against those other people.

Marina thought about it for a second.

Marina: No.

(Y/N): What? Why?

Marina: Because.

She looked him up and down.

Marina: You're on Team Trick.

(Y/N): What?! No I'm not! I haven't even CHOSEN a team yet.

Marina: Yeah, but you're going to be on Team Trick.

(Y/N): What makes you say that?

Marina just gave him the "really" face.

(Y/N) then put his head right next to Marina's, causing her to blush.

(Y/N): Come on, Marina. Please?

Marina: N-No can d-do.

(Y/N) retracted his head, causing Marina to feel a sense of relief and yet sadness.

(Y/N): Fine. Fine. Whatever. Do you need any help?

Marina: No. Pearl's already ordered me the things I'll need.

(Y/N): Ugh! Then I guess I'll just have to find something else to do. See ya, Marina.

He waved bye to her.

Marina: See ya.

She waved back.

He left the room.

Marina looked back towards her work and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.



(Y/N) re-entered the living room to see Veronica holding in her laughter as Pearl was close to Three's face with a marker.

(Y/N) just stopped in the doorway and placed his hands on his hips.

(Y/N): Really?

Pearl looked up with her signature smile before doing a quick little hand sign.

Pearl: Team Trick-ed, b!

She whispered.

(Y/N) let out a slight laugh, then went over to enjoy the fun prank.


(Y/N), Pearl, and Veronica were all sitting out on the back deck playing a board game.

Some time later, Three came out the back door.

Three: Oh there you are.

The three outside were trying to hold in their laughter.

On Three's face were multiple things: Toothbrush, stink lines, "Shortie," etc.

Three: Ah! You three are playing a board game? I'll kick all your butts!

She sat down in the fourth chair around the table.

Veronica was holding both her hands over her mouth. Pearl was banging her fist on the table, barely holding any of it in. (Y/N) gave nothing more than a smirk as he looked at Pearl and Veronica, thinking they're being unprofessional.

Three: What's going on?

Pearl couldn't hold it in any longer; she let all her laughter out. This, in turn, caused Veronica to let out her laughter.

Three looked over at (Y/N) with confusion all over her face.

(Y/N) looked back over at Three.

(Y/N): I think a mirror would answer your questions.

Three still looked confused, but she went inside to go find a mirror.

After a few minutes, Pearl and Veronica's laughter was finally calming down.

But then, Three came bursting out of the back door, anger filling her face.

Three: You three! I'll- I- Eh!

She was so upset that she couldn't even think of what to say.

This just caused the laughter to start back up again.

Three snapped her head over towards Pearl.

Three: And what's "Shortie" doing on MY head?! You're shorter than me, Pearl!

Pearl: Hey!

(Y/N) leaned over to whisper something into Veronica's ear.

(Y/N): Yeah, just about the only person she's taller than.

Veronica snickered at this.

(Y/N) saw how Three and Pearl were now staring daggers into each other.

(Y/N) stood up.

(Y/N): Okay, okay. Let's all just calm down and enjoy some nice board games.

The two grudgingly sat down and played the game. This evetually changed as they played these games for the rest of the day. Making snacks for the four of them to eat.

They invited Marina to come play with them, but Marina wanted to focus on her work first.

Pearl: Yep, classic, Reena. Always focusing on work before fun.

(Y/N): Wow, I guess she should really...

He slowly turned towards Pearl.

(Y/N): Treat herself.

He had a big grin, while Pearl just sat there with a look of, "Why do you exist?"

2200 Words

October 14, 2018 - 6:45 PM

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