S2C Chapter 25: A Happy Reunion

Woah! Another chapter?! Is something special happening?! No. I just REALLY wanted to write this. Especially after the big reveal. This book is like an escape, especially since I can't play Splatoon anymore.

Also, leave some suggestions for Agent 8's name. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if there might be something better. I already have Agent 3's name chosen out though.


(Y/N) entered the living room, where Three, Eight, and Cuttlefish were sitting, with a couple of items in his hands.

(Y/N): Okay, I've got a couple of Pearl's coloring book that you can use, Eight.

He handed her the coloring books, which Eight took excitedly, and started coloring immediately.

(Y/N): I've got you a glass of orange juice, if you want it, Three.

He handed it to her, which she reluctantly accepted.

(Y/N): And I've got you two AA batteries, Cap'n since I see you've been trying to turn the TV on with a dead controller.

Cuttlefish just placed both of his hands on his knees.

Cuttlefish: I just don't understand some things, nowadays.

(Y/N) put the batteries in the controller, then turned on the TV for Cuttlefish. He handed the controller back to Cuttlefish and let him flip through the channels for something to watch.

So, now Three, (Y/N), and Cuttlefish were sitting on the couch watching the television, with Eight lying on her stomach on the floor, coloring in the coloring book.

Cuttlefish was still flipping through the channels, so (Y/N) thought he'd ask Cuttlefish a question.

(Y/N): Uh, Cap'n? Are you looking for anything in particular?

Cuttlefish: The news channel, thank you.

Cuttlefish handed (Y/N) the remote, to which he changed to the news channel.

Cuttlefish: Ah, I remember when my granddaughters did the news. I want to go see them, but from what I hear, Inkopolis Plaza is a ghost town, so I don't know where they'd be.

(Y/N): Is THAT what you want to know? That's easy. I can take you to them.

Cuttlefish and Three looked over at him while Eight kept coloring in her book.

Cuttlefish: Really? Can you, please?

(Y/N): Yeah, no problem. I can take you right now.

Cuttlefish: Great!

(Y/N) noticed the look on Eight's face when she heard that.

(Y/N): Here.

He handed her his phone and some earbuds.

(Y/N): You can play with my phone on the way there. Bring the coloring book too; you can use it when we get there.

Eight had a large smile on her face and gladly took the phone, to which she was already looking up videos.


The four of them were now walking through the city, making their way to Inkopolis Square. Three was in the front, making sure Eight didn't run into a wall or anything while she was playing with (Y/N)'s phone. (Y/N) was in the back with Cuttlefish.

(Y/N): So, Cap'n, where did Pearl and Marina find you three at?

Cap'n: Oh, Three and I were doing some business, but then I ran into Eight. Not too long later, we met Pearl and Marina over the walkie.

(Y/N): (That day Marina had the walkie-talkie!) That's- Hold on. Take a left turn up here!

He said to Three and Eight; Three simply nodded.

(Y/N): So, Cap'n, you mind explaining what's the deal with Three and Eight?

Cuttlefish: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well, neither of them talk, and Three seems to just act cold at everything.

Three: I can talk.

(Y/N) looked up in shock at the sudden announcement from Three.

(Y/N): Oh! Uh, sweet.

Three just returned leading the way.

(Y/N): (Well, I guess that works.)


After a little while more of walking, they finally arrived at Inkopolis Square.

Cuttlefish: This place is super fresh! So, Callie and Marie work here?

(Y/N): Eh... Sort of.

He led them towards the back of the Square where the grate was.

(Y/N): This way.

He turned into his squid form and hopped through the grate.


Marie POV

Marie was in the Cuttlefish Cabin, bored out of her mind.

Marie: (Maybe I'll message (Y/N) to come to hang out.)

She smiled as she started pulling out her phone.

(Y/N): Marie? Are you here?

Marie heard (Y/N) calling out from outside the cabin.

Marie: Hm? Looks like I got lucky.

She stood up to exit the cabin.

Marie: So, (Y/N), do you wanna-

She was cut off by the sight that was in front of her when she exited the cabin.

Marie: G-Gramps?! Three?!

Marie was speechless looking between Gramps and Three.

Marie ran up and started hugging Cuttlefish and Three but after a couple of seconds, she pulled (Y/N) into the hug, feeling so much happiness from being reunited with Gramps, she could've done without Three's bad breath, and for (Y/N) bringing them here.

She was still hugging the three of them when she opened her eyes to see an Octoling using a phone with earbuds plugged in, standing behind the three.

Marie ended the hug.

Marie: Uh... Does anyone want to explain to me what an Octoling is doing here?

Cuttlefish: Oh! You must mean Agent 8. She helped Agent 3 and I escape from a dangerous underground facility.

Marie: Oh! Well, welcome to the team.

She held out her hand to Agent 8 but was met with a confused look, quickly followed up by a face of realization, to which Eight started shaking Marie's hand.

Marie: Okay, okay, calm down.

Marie said laughing a bit.

Marie turned back towards Cuttlefish.

Marie: Well, as long as we're introducing new agents, this is Agent 4, as you probably already know.

She gestured towards (Y/N).

Three quickly turned her head towards (Y/N). Cuttlefish also looked over to (Y/N), but not as fast as Three had done.

Cuttlefish: Ah! Well, that would explain somethings. We could always use some more hands on deck.

Marie had a look of disappointment.

Marie: (That didn't go like I thought it would AT ALL. Well, I guess it's better if it goes more smoothly.)

Octavio: Oh, great. The old hermit is back.

Marie: Quiet you!

Three looked confused.

Three: Why does Octavio's snowglobe have a bandage on it?

Marie: How come you have a bandage on your head?

The two just stared at each other for a few short seconds.

Marie: Well, there's a reason we have a new agent. Octavio escaped and stole the Great Zapfish again.

Three: So, basically just a rip-off me.

(Y/N): Don't forget Callie being kidnapped, hypnotized, and saved.

He looked over at Three with a smug look. Three just looked back at him with annoyance.

Cuttlefish: Wait, what?!

Marie: Yeah, but don't worry, Gramps. Callie's safe now.

Cuttlefish: Where is Callie?

Marie: Oh, she's just off doing her job on her show.

Marie started walking back towards the cabin.

Marie: Now, let's have some food to celebrate. I've got that seaweed stew you asked for, Gramps.

Cuttlefish looked happy but Three, Eight, and (Y/N) had faces of disgust.

Marie: Don't worry, I'll make something else for you three.



After a while of them all hanging out around Octo Canyon, they all sat around the table and ate.

During the dinner, (Y/N)'s phone started buzzing, so he checked what it was.




(Y/N), holding the bite of food in his mouth, turned to his side to see Eight coloring in the coloring book, while eating her food.

(Y/N) let out a sigh and decided he'd deal with it when he went home.

There was chatting happening during all the eating. Three explained to Marie that Eight and she were staying with Pearl and Marina since they just got back.


Three POV

After a little while longer, they realized what time it was and decided to return home. Three was walking in the front, still guiding Eight since she was still playing with (Y/N)'s phone. Three would occasionally look back at (Y/N) and Marie in the back. They were chatting it up with each other and laughing at times. Three would just scoff it off.

After a while, they arrived at Marie's place. Eight didn't care because she was just standing there, still playing with the phone, but Three was just standing there, annoyed, waiting for (Y/N) and Marie to finish their goodbyes.

Eventually, they did...

Marie: Well, I'll see you later.

Marie turned to Three as she started walking off.

Marie: Bye, Three.

She waved bye.

Three: Bye.

(Y/N): Okay, let's get going.

Three: I don't know, you sure you don't want to go say a twenty-minute hello to Callie.

(Y/N): Come on.

They were still walking back, but Three was walking further ahead of Eight and (Y/N). Three was clearly annoyed at a lot of things: Marie replacing her, (Y/N) out doing her, etc.



When they arrived back at the mansion, they entered through the front door. (Y/N) was immediately welcomed by Pearl jumping at him, holding the collar of his shirt.

Pearl was shaking him back and forth.

Pearl: Where. Is. My. Coloring book!

(Y/N) was trying to speak, but would be interrupted by Pearl's shaking.

(Y/N): Eight... Please... Give her the book!

Eight ran up quickly and held out the book for Pearl.

Pearl hopped off of (Y/N) and grabbed the book.

Pearl: There.

She turned and looked back at (Y/N).

Pearl: Now, was that so hard?

(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief.

Pearl opened up the book looking at the pictures.

Marina just looked over Pearl's shoulder at the coloring book.

Marina: Hm. I didn't think I'd ever see a picture in this book that was actually colored inside of the lines.

Pearl: Hey!

They all just relaxed around the house from that point. Pearl and Eight were sitting around the table playing with cards.

Marina was sitting next to (Y/N) on the couch, using her laptop. She was occasionally looking up and smiling at Pearl and Eight. Eight not understanding how to play the game and Pearl getting flustered by her somehow still losing to Eight.

Three would look over at (Y/N) every once in a while with some agitated look on her face.

(Y/N) saw her doing it, too.

(Y/N): (What does she have against me?)


After a while, they all started getting tired and going to sleep.

Marina was carrying the sleeping Pearl in her arms as she herself started going off to her room to sleep.

Marina: Goodnight, Eight. Goodnight, Three. Goodnight, (Y/N).

(Y/N) waved to Marina.

(Y/N): Goodnight.

Eight enthusiastically waved her hand towards Marina. Three just gave a slight wave of her hand before looking up at Marina.

Three: Wait, Marina! Where are Eight and I sleeping?

Marina: Oh! Just use the other guest rooms. (Y/N), show them the other guest rooms whenever they get tired.

(Y/N): Okay.

He nodded towards her as Marina left the room.

They weren't going to sleep yet, so the three of them continued to stay in the living room.

After a little while, (Y/N) nearly fell asleep but he started feeling a tug on his pant legs.

He looked down to see Eight there, tugging on his leg.

(Y/N): What is it?

She held up the coloring book she had grabbed after Pearl fell asleep. Inside, there was a picture completely colored. He took a good look at it.

(Y/N): Wow! That's really good, Eight.

She smiled at him after he said that.

(Y/N) stood up.

(Y/N): Well, I'm going to bed. Come on, I'll show you your rooms.

Three, who was nearly asleep as well, and Eight then stood up to follow him.

The guest rooms were basically all next to each other.

Once he showed them their rooms, Three and Eight took a second to adjust to the rooms, then fell asleep. Meanwhile, (Y/N) had already fallen asleep while they were getting adjusted.


Callie: YOU FOUND WHO?!... Did you at least bring me any food home?

2005 Words

September 25, 2018 - 2:22 AM

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