Chapter 20: A Good Night's Slumber
Thanks for all the support on the last part! I REALLY liked how I did Chapter 19, so I was glad to see the reoccurring support.
Random point: The only people I really ship in Splatoon is Marie and Agent 4. This has no impact on this story, I just wanted to say that.
Now, since my school has been called off tomorrow, and I am too poor to get this one game I want, I'll probabaly just end up streaming some RE7.
Marina POV
Marina was still asleep. She had her arms wrapped around (Y/N), just as she was in his clutches.
Pearl, was sitting on the chair just next to the couch, looking at the sight in front of her.
Pearl: Yo, good morning, Inkopolis. It's now five after the hour of six A.M. in the big cephalopod city. Temperature's a balmy sixty-five degrees, which is good news for you squids, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie on the couch, sleep in, or simply CUDDLE WITH SOMEONE IN YOUR ARMS!
Marina was woken up by Pearl's sudden screaming, causing Marina to fall onto the floor.
Marina: Ow! Pearl! What's wrong?
Pearl: Well, I was gone all day yesterday, and come home to THIS.
Pearl was motioning towards Marina and (Y/N).
Marina: I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Pearl: Um, I don't know, maybe the fact that you two were sleeping in each other's arms?
Marina: Pearl, it's no big deal.
Pearl: No big deal? You were basically clinging to him with your life.
Marina: Pearl, can you keep it down? You're going to wake him up.
Pearl: No I'm not.
Pearl stood up, walked over to (Y/N), and knocked a bit on his head. This caused him to just lightly swat around his head.
Pearl: See? Now. Tell me what happened yesterday.
(Y/N) awoke to Marina being gone.
(Y/N): Guess I woke up a bit late.
He got up, went upstairs, took a shower, got changed, and went downstairs to get himself some food.
He brought his bowl of cereal over to the couch as he turned on the TV. He switched to the news channel and saw Pearl and Marina hosting the show.
(Y/N): Yep, they left a while ago.
He finished eating his food. He was kind of bored just sitting there all alone, so he decided to text Marie.
(Y/N): Hey, what're you doing?
Marie: Nothing much.
Marie: Callie and I are just sitting at home.
(Y/N): Oh.
Marie: Why?
(Y/N): Nothing.
(Y/N): I was just bored and looking for something to do.
Marie: Well you can come here.
(Y/N): Okay.
(Y/N): Cool.
(Y/N): I'll head over, now.
Marie: Sweet. I'll be waiting.
Marie: Don't keep me waiting.
(Y/N), remembering what happened last time he let Marie wait, grabbed his phone, and got on his way, walking, to Callie and Marie's apartment.
On his way walking to Marie and Callie's apartment, he decided to plug in his earbuds and start listening to music.
And yes... he walked down the street like this.
He did do the dance in front of Callie and Marie's apartment as well.
He walked through the door, then started buzzing their apartment. Of course, Marie wouldn't let him up.
(Y/N): Come on, Marie! Just let me up already.
Marie: Nope. First, you have to say the thing.
(Y/N): Ugh...
Marie: Well? Get on with it.
(Y/N): ... I would just like to let everyone know, that I suck...
Marie: And?
(Y/N): And that I'm a girl.
Marie: What else?
(Y/N): And I like ribbons in my hair. And I want to kiss all the boys...
Marie: ...
The door then buzzed, letting him through.
(Y/N): Finally. I'm just not going to come here anymore.
He then got up to their room and knocked on the door. Upon opening it, Callie had basically tackled him through the door.
(Y/N): Ow! What was that for?
Callie: You have to be prepared!
(Y/N): I-
Callie: ALWAYS!
She then stood up, then returned to the apartment.
(Y/N) got up, then entered, seeing Marie standing at the door with her phone up.
(Y/N): Did you really record that?
Marie: Do you really think I'm done recording?
(Y/N): What does tha-
Callie through a pie at (Y/N), and hit him square in the face.
Callie and Marie were dying of laughter. They were hunched over with tears coming out of their eyes.
(Y/N): ...
He then just started walking away. After a couple of seconds, Marie noticed. At the same time, Marie was still recording.
Marie: Oh come on! It was funny! Where're you going?
He entered Callie's room and came out with her blanket, and wiped his clothes off with it.
Callie: Hey!
He then started heading for Marie's room, and Marie was suddenly done laughing.
Marie: Wait, why are you going in my room?
She was rushing down the hallway, not able to beat him to her room though.
Marie: Hey! Do NOT go into my room!
Marie opened the door to see he had shaken off all the pie, all over her room.
Marie was frozen stiff.
Marie: What. The HECK?!
(Y/N) had a smile on his face. He then was pointing at the camera, looking directly into it.
(Y/N): Remember. Never do a messy prank in your own house.
Marie then dropped the camera and jumped onto (Y/N).
(Y/N): Ah! Callie, please!
Meanwhile, Callie was looking into her room.
Callie: My blankets!
Callie came running over and jumped onto (Y/N) as well.
Marie POV
Now, Callie and Marie were sitting across from (Y/N). Callie was ogling the sight in front of her, while Marie was trying to avoid looking at him while taking slight glances. Both of them were blushing though.
Why was this happening? Because across from them, (Y/N) was sitting shirtless, holding an ice pack against his head.
(Y/N): You girls didn't have to hit me so hard.
Callie: I don't know. The end results seem very worthwhile.
Marie shoved Callie with her elbow.
(Y/N): Marie? Are you alright? You look pretty red, and you're just looking around the room.
Marie: I-I'm fine. Just...
She was motioning towards (Y/N).
Callie: Oh? Do you have a problem? Then why don't you go get him something to wear?
Marie's voice now sounded a bit worried.
Marie: W-What?! N-No! We c-can't!
Callie: Oh? Why not?
Marie: B-Because nothing we h-have would fit h-him.
Marie leaned over to whisper in Callie's ear.
Marie: Unless you want to return his jacket, you sleep in.
Callie's face became worried, and more blood rushed to her face.
Callie: Well! You heard it (Y/N). We don't have any clothes you could wear.
(Y/N) just gave a confused grunt.
They sat there for a moment, in complete silence.
Callie: I've got it! Let's have a sleepover!
Marie and (Y/N) just looked over at Callie.
Marie: What?
Callie: Think about it! You can't sleep in your room tonight! My blankets are dirty! And (Y/N)'s already losing clo-
Marie hit Callie over the head.
Callie: Ow!
(Y/N): Sleepover? Sounds fun.
Callie and Marie looked over.
Callie: It's decided. Now let's have fun.
Marie: What're we going to do, Callie?
(Y/N) dropped down behind the couch, next to Marie.
(Y/N): What's the situation?
Marie: She's got us pinned down. I can't get a shot.
(Y/N): Marie?
The foam darts were still flying over and around the couch.
Marie: Yeah?
(Y/N): If we don't make it. I want you to know...
Marie: Yes?
(Y/N): I-
He was cut off by Callie shooting him in the back.
Marie: No!
Callie was now aiming at Marie.
Callie: What a shame. See what you've done Marie? You should've accepted my terms.
Marie: I never would've accepted those terms.
Marie suddenly rolled to her right and hit Callie right in her chest with a foam dart.
Callie: Ack!
Callie then collapsed on top of (Y/N).
Marie: No! What have I done?
The three of them were sitting around the dinner table eating the food Marie had made.
Once they were done eating, they all walked over and collapsed onto the couch.
They turned on the TV and sat there for a minute or two.
Suddenly, (Y/N) got a notification on his phone. He went to grab his phone, but Callie snatched it from his reach.
(Y/N): Come on, Callie. Can I please have my phone?
Callie: Ask nicely.
(Y/N): I said "please."
Callie: Oh... then, no.
Callie checked what it was, then took a picture of the three of them.
She then sent a message and handed (Y/N) the phone.
He then checked what she did. Once he saw the messages, he sent some more in reply.
Marina: Hey.
Marina: Where are you?
(Y/N): *Insert image of Marie, behind (Y/N), (Y/N) shirtless, and Callie in front of (Y/N), taking the photo*
(Y/N): Sorry, he can't come to the phone right now. He's having too much fun staying fresh with his FAVORITE idols.
Marina: WHAT?!
Marina: (Y/N)?!
Marina: ANSWER ME?!
(Y/N): I'm fine, Marina.
Marina: What's going on?!
(Y/N): I'm at a sleepover with Callie and Marie.
Marina: I'm coming over right now!
Marina: Pearl says she's coming too.
(Y/N): Please bring me clothes.
(Y/N): Pearl and Marina are on their way, and they're bringing me some clothes.
Callie crossed her arms.
Callie: Not like shirts are THAT important.
(Y/N) didn't notice, but Marie was pouting a bit after she heard that.
After a little while, they decided they'd play a horror game on the big TV. Marie had just buzzed Pearl and Marina up a second ago, so they should be on their way up.
Callie was basically right up against (Y/N); not as one of her flirtatious moves, but because she was scared.
Marie took the opportunity to throw some jokes Callie's way, as revenge for always teasing her.
Callie: It's not funny, Marie!
(Y/N) was trying to hold in his giggles, but Callie noticed. She lightly hit him in the arm, while she was blushing.
Callie: Stop laughing, (Y/N)!
There was suddenly knocking on the door, so Marie stood up, and went to open the door.
Callie decided to take another sip of her drink. Once she had done so, it was empty, so she just set it on the table in front of them, but it fell over.
Marina and Pearl entered the apartment.
Pearl: Yo, it's Pearl! Aka MC Princess, aka The Baroness of Bars, aka MC Foreign Policy.
Marina, on the other hand, was shocked looking at the situation in front of her. Marie was walking back over to the couch, where (Y/N) and Callie were sitting, with a bottle on the table, which landed on (Y/N), who was still shirtless.
Marina: Are you three playing spin the bottle?!
Marie and Callie spoke at the same time.
Marie: No.
Callie: Yes.
Callie then tried to grab (Y/N), but Marie was holding Callie back.
Then, (Y/N) grabbed a shirt out of the clothes bag Pearl and Marina brought.
Pearl and Marina then walked over and sat down. Pearl decided to sit on (Y/N)'s shoulders, earning a glare from Marina. Marina just sat down in front of (Y/N), on the floor.
They all continued to play the horror game, taking turns between them all.
Callie was going really slow, and would jump everytime something scary happened. Marie would casually walk on, not caring about the scary things, while laughing when Callie would get scared. Marina played pretty well, but was staying close to (Y/N). A couple of times, (Y/N) had to keep Pearl from falling off his shoulders.
Eventually, they brought out some snacks and drinks, and set them out on the table.
They ended up eating all the snacks and drinks, leaving them all a bit tired.
Marie left the room and came back with a few sleeping bags. They all moved the table and couches out of the way, then laid the sleeping bags on the ground. Marie made sure hers was close to (Y/N)'s.
They all went and got changed into pajamas, then returned back to the sleeping bags.
Marina then chose the other sleeping bag close to him.
After everyone had chosen their sleeping bags, (Y/N) was basically surrounded.
They didn't all go to sleep immediately, they chatted a bit. Callie tried to get them to all start a game of truth-or-dare, but Marina looked really nervous about it. Seeing how Marina was acting at this, he denied the idea.
Though, eventually, they all one-by-one, drifted to sleep.
2117 Words
August 5, 2018 - 12:23 AM
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