Chapter 18: Sushi
Hey, look! Another chapter!
Made you look... Oh wait...
BTW, I go off a bit off of how something works in the game (not story wise), but I wanted to do a chapter like this with both groups, so I decided to just make it happen with both, so you don't have to read two chapters that are sort of similar.
(Y/N) woke up, in his bed, with the sun on his face.
(Y/N): AGH! I will end you, sun!
He stood up, and got some clothes on. He walked downstairs. Marina was just looking at the TV, while Pearl gave him an annoyed look.
(Y/N): What?... You're not still made are you?
Marina: What's he talking about, Pearl?
Pearl: I have NO idea.
(Y/N): Oh come on. I said, "I'm sorry." What else do you want?
Marina: You to learn your lesson.
(Y/N): Come on! I can't LEARN. You've gotta admit, it was pretty funny.
Pearl: Not when people spam you online with videos of some squid getting THROWN AT THE WINDOW!
Pearl said, as she threw her phone up in his face.
(Y/N): Come on! How can I make it up to you girls?!
Pearl started thinking. She started blushing, and Marina smacked her hand.
Pearl: Ow! Fine. I've got it.
(Y/N) walked up to Pearl and Marina, who were on the couch, holding a tray with their drinks sitting on them.
Pearl and Marina were trying REALLY hard to hold their laughs in, it being obvious.
(Y/N): Your drinks mistresses.
Marina: *Snicker* Thanks, *Snicker* (Y/N).
Pearl: Yeah. *Snicker* Appreciate it. *Snicker*
(Y/N) was walking away, when he stopped. Without turning around, but looking behind him, he said.
(Y/N): I don't know what you girls are laughing at.
He smacked his butt.
(Y/N): I look GOOD in this maid outfit. [I don't know why I heard this line being read like something Will Smith would say.]
Pearl and Marina started blushing so hard, Marina had to wipe the blood from her nose.
(Y/N): Can I get you two anything else?
Pearl: No, that will be all.
She said, sounding all high and mighty.
Suddenly, Callie and Marie came in through the front door.
Callie: Wassup?!
Marie: Hey.
Pearl and Marina were blushing (not that hard this time), due to the situation they were in with (Y/N).
Marina: W-what are you two doing h-here?!
Pearl: H-how did y-you get in?!
(Y/N) walked up.
(Y/N): I buzzed them in a while ago, while you two were laughing.
Callie and Marie were surprised by what they were now seeing. Marie, was blushing very hard. She turned around and stood in the corner trying to compose herself. While Callie, on the other hand, had a more straight forward reaction.
Marie hit Callie on the head.
Marie: Callie!
Marina now had her face buried in the couch, not wanting to ever come back up.
Marie: What's going on?
(Y/N): Don't look at me. Ask them.
He pointed to Pearl and Marina.
(Y/N): They REALLY wanted to see me in this outfit.
He said, sounding all innocent, but if you listened closely, you could hear the mischievousness in his voice.
Marie looked over at Pearl and Marina, who still had her head buried in the couch, with one eyebrow raised. Callie, on the other hand, was ogling (Y/N).
Pearl was struggling so hard to think of anything. She couldn't even form words. It all just came out as a jumbled mess, with her pointing at (Y/N).
Marie: Anyways.
Marie walked over to (Y/N).
Marie: Here's your backstage pass.
(Y/N): Cool!
Marina, finally lifting her head out of the couch, was shocked.
Marina: Wait. Backstage pass? Does that mean...
Marie: Yep.
Callie: Our show together is ALL hooked up!
Pearl: Yes! This is going to be OFF the hook!
Marie: Yeah, it's going to be sometime soon.
Marina, now sounding a bit worried, started talking.
Marina: W-well, we need to start practicing, Pearl! We need to have our songs ready! We-we-
Callie: Woah! Calm down. You need a break.
Marina: B-But-
Callie: No "buts!" We're all going to go calm down a bit.
(Y/N): Okay. Have fun girls.
Suddenly, Callie grabbed (Y/N).
Callie: Oh ho, you're not getting out of this. I said ALL of us.
(Y/N): Ugh! Fine. Can I change first?
Callie was looking him up and down.
Callie: Mmmmmmmm FINE. Hurry up.
(Y/N) went upstairs, and got changed back into normal clothes.
The five of them were now in the Square, but they were being discreet, as to not draw attention to four of the biggest idols.
(Y/N): So, Callie, are you going to tell us what exactly we're doing?
Callie: Right! We're going to do a Grizzco job.
(Y/N): Really?
Callie: What?
(Y/N): That's your idea of "calming."
Callie: Just hurry up.
Once they arrived at Grizzco, they went into the changing rooms (separated by gender), and got changed into the Grizzco "uniforms."
The five of them, plus an extra, random Inkling were all riding the boat, waiting for the boat to reach the destination.
(Y/N) was just sitting at the back of the boat, while the other four were off chatting and such. As for the Inkling, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
The Inkling walked over to the back of the boat, where (Y/N) was. He was clearly nervous, with sweat dripping down his face.
Inkling: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
(Y/N): Are you alright?
Inkling: Am I alright?! We're on a boat with the Squid Sisters AND Off the Hook!
(Y/N): Yep...
Inkling: They're even hotter in person.
(Y/N): Ye- Wait, what?
Inkling: Especially Marina. Her body is AMAZING.
(Y/N) was getting angry at what the Inkling was saying.
Inkling: They're all drop-dead beautiful. I'd love to wake up to a body like the Squid Sisters next to me.
Steam was basically coming off of (Y/N) at this point.
Inkling: Well, except Pearl. She looks like a goblin. Her forehead is HUGE. How could ANYONE stand to look at her.
Grizz: Okay, we're here. Are you six ready?
Marina: I think we're missing someone.
They all started looking around, but the Inkling was nowhere to be found.
Callie: Where could they have gone?
(Y/N): Probably fell off the boat.
Grizz: Doesn't matter. There's more than enough of you for this job.
They were all getting ready to super jump to the area, but (Y/N) saw Pearl was looking a little down. He was going to say something, but they all started hopping over to the area.
They started getting everything ready. The egg basket popped up. The salmonids started coming out of the water.
Callie: Let's go!
It was the final wave now. They only needed a few more eggs. Marina and Pearl were off getting eggs on the one side of the area. (Y/N) and Marie were guarding the area around the egg basket. Callie was down, screaming for help, on the other side of the area.
Marie: Ugh! I told her not to run out there alone.
Callie: Marie! What's that one trick we came up with?!
Marie: What? Oh!
Marie had a face of realization.
(Y/N): What?
Marie then activated her inkjet. She shot a blast of ink at Callie, which got her up. Then, she went off and grabbed the far off eggs with her inkjet.
Pearl and Marina then returned to the center, each with an egg.
Marina: We got the eggs.
Pearl: Where's Marie?
Suddenly, Marie then returned back to where she was, in front of the egg basket, before she used her inkjet. She then turned in the egg she had in the basket.
Marie: That's it, we got all the eggs.
Soon after, all the salmonids started returning to the water.
The five of them then super jumped back to the boat.
Marina: Ooh! We did it!
Marina then started giving Pearl a big hug.
Callie: Aw yeah!
Callie then threw her hand up, waiting for (Y/N) to give her a high five, which he did.
Grizz then returned them back to the Square. Callie and Marie soon returned home, after saying their goodbyes. Then, it was just Pearl, Marina, and (Y/N) back in their home.
(Y/N) was feeling pretty tired, so he decided he was going to go to bed early.
(Y/N): See ya girls. I'm going to go crash.
Marina: Goodnight.
Pearl just grunted.
He entered his room. He turned off his lights, and started to take off his shirt, when suddenly, the lights turned back on.
He quickly turned around in shock, to see who it was.
(Y/N): Oh! Pearl. What's up?
She didn't say anything. She just walked over and sat on his bed.
He was starting to get a bit worried.
(Y/N): Pearl?
Pearl: I heard what that guy said about us. About... me.
(Y/N) was then worried, and then he felt sad, knowing what she was talking about.
(Y/N): Listen, Pearl. Don't worry about what he said. He's a jerk.
He then sat down on the bed next to Pearl.
(Y/N): That guy doesn't know what he was talking about. He doesn't even know you-
Pearl then cut him off by hugging him. He heard Pearl start sobbing.
(Y/N) started hugging her back; easily able to tell she needed it.
Pearl: Thank you...
(Y/N): Anytime...
Marina: Hey, Pearl, are you in th-
Marina then walked into the doorway, interrupting the two of them hugging, and Pearl having tears in her eyes.
Marina just put up her hands, and back away.
Pearl then stood up, wiping her eyes.
Pearl: Well, I should probably get going. Let you get some rest.
(Y/N): Yeah... Goodnight, Pearl...
Pearl: Goodnight...
She then turned the lights off, and shut the door.
1658 Words
August 28, 2018 - 6:52 PM
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