Chapter 14: Visitation
Wow. Took me a couple days to get this update out. But, I was just sitting here crying like a bitch, so I decided, "Now seems like a good time." We're just under 6K reads (10 more). 180 votes. Thanks for the reoccurring support. Means a lot.
BTW I'm kind of running dry on songs. So, feel free to leave names of songs that you'd like me to take a look at/possibly put at the top of a chapter, by commenting on this paragraph, and if I use the song you suggested, I'll give you credit for it.
Sorry if this chapter feels a bit short.
(Y/N) woke up in his bed. The sun was beaming through the windows.
(Y/N): Ugh! Go to bed, sun!
He looked over at his nightstand, opened it up and took out a picture. He looked at it for a couple seconds, then started breaking down into a laughing fit.
He grabbed his phone and took a picture of the photograph, then sent it to Callie.
(Y/N): Give 'em a good, early laugh.
He looked back out his window.
(Y/N): Okay! You win! I'm up.
He hopped up, then went downstairs.
(Y/N): I guess Marina and Pearl aren't awake yet... Must've had alarm problems.
He had a devious smile on his face as he started laughing.
He went to the kitchen, and grabbed a glass of milk. He hopped over the back of the couch, then turned on the TV.
(Y/N): Let's check what's on TV.
He was flipping through the channels when suddenly, something was buzzing at the front door. He got up, and looked through the monitor.
It was Callie and Marie. Marie was blankly staring ahead, at the gate, repeatedly pressing the button, while Callie was looking right into the camera waving at it.
He didn't know why, but he waved back.
He beeped them in. Then, after a bit of waiting, they were at the front door. He, of course, let them in, but not before...
(Y/N): *Peeking through the doorway* Who goes there?
Marie just pushed the door open, causing (Y/N) to fall to the ground.
(Y/N): Ah! I told them, we should've got a chain!
Marie and Callie were inside. Callie was just looking around.
Callie: Wow!
Marie: Callie, we were just here yesterday.
Callie: I know, but still. Look at this place!
(Y/N): Yeah. Nice ain't it.
Marie: You say that like it's yours.
(Y/N): I'm a potential share-holder.
Marie: Sure.
Callie: Hey.
(Y/N): I forgot your apartment's beauty, Miss High and Mighty
Callie: Hey.
Marie: At least I have my own place.
Callie: Hey!
(Y/N): Along with the dozens of floors worth of people, who live in the same building.
Callie: HEY!
Marie and (Y/N) both looked over at Callie.
Callie throws her hands in the air.
Callie: Where's the snacks?
(Y/N): Cabinet next to the fridge.
Callie walked, kind of fast, to go grab the snacks.
(Y/N) just had his arms crossed at this point.
(Y/N): How much did she eat on the way here?
Marie: Everything I brought.
(Y/N): Of course.
Pearl POV
Pearl woke up to the feeling that she had slept on rocks.
Pearl: If he ever comes in my room, and messes with my alarm clock again, he's going to be missing some fingers.
She walked downstairs, feeling thirsty.
Pearl grabbed a juice from the fridge, turned around and nearly shot it all out of her nose.
Callie and Marie were each leaning up against (Y/N) on the couch, while they were watching television.
Pearl hid behind the corner.
Marina: *Yawn* Hey, Pearlie, what's u-
Pearl threw her hand over Marina's mouth.
Marina yanked Pearl's hand off.
Marina: Pearl, what the-
Pearl: Shh! Look.
Pearl was pointing around the corner.
Marina looked around and was, also, surprised at the sight.
Marina walked out there, as if she hadn't seen anything. The three of them on the couch were laughing at something.
Marina: Hey! I wasn't expecting you two being here so early? What's that you guys are laughing at.
Marina leaned over the couch, in between (Y/N) and Marie. Marie looking a bit annoyed at this.
Pearl couldn't see what it was, but (Y/N) held something up for Marina to see. Marina, in reply, was laughing unbelievably hard.
Pearl: Okay, I've got to see this.
Pearl walked over there.
Pearl: What're you all laughing at?
She leaned over between (Y/N) and Callie, to see what it was.
(Y/N) showed Pearl his phone. On it, was a picture of Pearl, with feathers stuck all over her, looking like a chicken.
Pearl: What?! You got a photo of that?!
Marina: Team Chicken DID win.
Marina could be heard holding back laughter
Pearl snatched the phone out of his hand.
(Y/N): Hey!
Pearl then deleted the photo.
Pearl: There! Problem solved.
Callie and Marie then pulled out their phones to show they had a copy of the photo as well.
Pearl was now lightly punching (Y/N).
Pearl: You! *Punch* Sent! *Punch* Them! *Punch* The photo?! *Punch*
(Y/N): Ow! *Laughing* I'm sorry!
Pearl: Stop laughing!
The other three were watching and giggling at the situation playing out in front of them.
They were all now playing video games against each other, except Marina, she prefers to just watch.
Callie: Marie! Stop cheating!
Marie: It's not cheating; it's called knowing more than just button-mashing.
(Y/N): You hear that, Pearl?
Pearl: Shut up!
Marie: Hey, (Y/N)? Go get me a drink, will ya?
(Y/N) sighs, then stands up.
(Y/N): As you wish Master Marie.
Callie mumbled a joke(?) under her breath.
Callie: Talk dirty to me.
Pearl: Get me one, too.
(Y/N): Ah! "Get me one," what?
Pearl: Get me one, NOW.
(Y/N): Marina, you mind playing for me?
Marina: Huh? Oh, right, sure.
(Y/N) went downstairs.
Marina: So you two must be really close to (Y/N).
Marie: Yeah.
Callie: He's only interested in me for my body.
Pearl and Marina both looked over blushing.
Marie peeked over, then looked back at the game, smiling, letting out a chuckle.
Marie: She's joking.
Pearl and Marina both let out a sigh of relief.
Marina: So, how did you all meet?
Unnoticed by Pearl or Marina, Callie and Marie fumbled at this question.
Callie: Uh-
Marie: Him and I go way back.
Callie: *Under her breath* Way back to last week.
Marie elbowed Callie.
Callie: We met when Marie hit me in the face, with her charger.
Marie: Oh, right! THAT's what that mark is.
Callie started grabbing at her head.
Callie: WHAT?! There's a mark?!
Marie was just laughing while Pearl and Marina were trying to reassure her, that she's fine.
(Y/N): Hey girls, I'm ba- What's going on here?
Callie ran up to him, and hugged him, throwing her face in his chest.
(Y/N): Woah! Careful, I'm holding drinks.
Callie looked up at his face, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
Callie: Am I still beautiful? *Sniffle*
(Y/N): What? Yeah, you're fine.
Callie: Fine?! I AM disfigured.
She sounded like she was crying into his chest.
(Y/N): I mean, YES, you're beautiful!
He gave a nervous smile.
Callie then had a smile on her face.
(Y/N): Phew.
Callie turned around, perfectly fine, and the other three all saw how sly her smile was.
She sat down next Marie again. She looked over at Marie and stuck her tongue out.
Marie: Callie.
Callie: Yeah?
Marie: If you want to keep that tongue, you put it back where it came from.
Callie then covered her mouth with both of her hands.
(Y/N) then handed Pearl her drink.
(Y/N): Your highness.
Pearl blushed a bit at this.
He handed Marie her drink.
(Y/N): Madam.
He then sat down behind Marina.
Marina: Do you want to play, now?
(Y/N): No, you try. You look like you're having fun.
Marina: Nah, I'm not that good.
She said smiling, a little embarrassed.
(Y/N): No you're not. Here, look.
He grabbed her hands, and was showing her what to do. Too bad she was too flustered to pay attention. She was a blushing mess.
(Y/N): See? You beat all of 'em.
Marina: Yeah, thanks. *Under her breath* But it was probably because they were all focusing on us, not the game.
She said all this, still as red as a tomato.
Marie: You mind showing me how to do that?
Marie had a sly grin on her face.
(Y/N): Marie, you're better than I am.
Marie: Fine.
It was late now. It had been decided that Callie and Marie were going to stay the night. They all decided to just relax on the couch, and enjoy a movie.
(Y/N), of course, was sitting in the middle, Marie sat on his right, Marina sat on his left, Callie was laying across Marie and (Y/N)'s laps, and Pearl just sat on Marina's lap.
The movie was pretty interesting, but about halfway through, (Y/N) felt something hit his right shoulder hard. Marie had fallen asleep.
(Y/N): Okay, no one else falls asleep. I want to be able to sleep in my bed tonight.
Yeah, THAT sure went well. He was the only one who stayed up long enough to see the ending.
When Pearl had fallen asleep, she nearly headbutted Callie, when she fell over.
Marina was now holding down his left shoulder with her head.
And finally, Callie was already laying across (Y/N) and Marie's laps. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how she fell asleep.
(Y/N):Well... Shit.
1601 Words
August 17, 2018 - 12:10 AM
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