Chapter 13: Important Meeting

So, good news and bad news. Let's start off with dessert. 5,000+ reads! And we've also reached over 150 votes! I can't get over seeing every time someone votes for a chapter, and especially to you who vote for every chapter (I hope you actually liked every chapter), and I absolutely LOVE reading EVERY comment posted! Now, onto the veggies. This upcoming Monday, I go back to school. So, these day-to-day/every-other-day updates aren't going to be happening for a while. You can expect at the very least, 1 update EVERY weekend, but I will most likely release an update randomly, in the middle of the week as well. But, I also procrastinate on homework a lot, so there's still a high chance I release at the same rate, and only slightly slower at worse. Do y'all like Twenty One Pilots?

Let's get started! Also, just remembered, I hope you all see the [adorable] pictures I also put along with every chapter. I don't choose them at random. I try to get the characters that you see/play an important role in the chapter, and sometimes even fit what happens. I don't own the pictures, and I'd love to give credit, but they're all photos I have saved previously under a folder for cute photos on my laptop. BTW, y'all remember Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School?

So, it's really late, and I don't really know how I feel about this. So, here we go.


(Y/N) woke up in the morning, with a big smile on his face. But suddenly, as he sat up, he felt his bed was heavier. He saw, sitting on both ends of the bed were Pearl and Marina. They were both holding their respective, preferred breakfast.

Marina: Are you hungry?

Pearl: We made you an EXTRA delicious breakfast this morning.

But something felt off to (Y/N). They were smiling a lot, weirdly. Like, if they stretched their face anymore, they'd have a face cramp.

(Y/N): Okay, what's up?

Pearl: What?

Marina: Why, whatever do you mean?

(Y/N): I mean, you two aren't fighting this morning, you're both smiling very worriedly, as if you did something wrong, and since you have the money to get whatever you two could want, you don't want something from me.

They both sighed.

Pearl: Listen, yo. We've got something very important happening today.

Marina: We received a call from the Squid Sisters.

This shocked (Y/N) a lot, to where they could both tell.

Pearl: Exactly! And they said they wanted to do a gig with, yours truly.

(Y/N): Okay, and how do I fit into this. (There's no way they spilled the beans to Pearl or Marina.)

Marina: Well, before we set up the gig, they wanted to come here, and meet us personally, first.

(Y/N) threw his shoulders and hands up, still looking visibly confused.

Marina: Now, don't take this too harshly, we love having you hear, but you. Uh...

Pearl: You're an acquired taste.

(Y/N) puts his index finger and thumb on his chin, thinking.

(Y/N): How... How much do you love having me here?

Pearl & Marina: This is serious! This is what we're talking about!

(Y/N): I'm joking. I'm joking. I see what you're saying. You don't want them to meet me, because you're worried I'm going to blow this opportunity for you two.

Pearl: Exactly!

Marina elbowed Pearl.

Marina: Listen, we don't mean to sound rude. We'll even get you backstage passes to meet them, but we can't mess this up. Especially when it's not even happening yet.

(Y/N): I see what you're saying.

Marina: That's good.

Marina and Pearl stood up.

Pearl: Well, we have to get ready now. They'll be here in a little while.

Marina: Don't let your breakfast go to waste.

Marina said as she closed the door.

(Y/N) started eating the food. Eating. Not inhaling it.

(Y/N): *Munch* They think I can't handle myself around people, eh? *Munch* Well. *Munch* They're right.

(Y/N) had a mischievous smile on his face.


Marina POV

 Pearl: Marina! They're here! Is the food set!

Marina: Yeah, it's all just sitting in the kitchen!

Pearl: And (Y/N)'s still upstairs?

Marina: Yes.

Pearl: Okay. Here we go.

Pearl opened the door to reveal the Squid Sisters.

Callie: Woah, this place is ginormous.

Marie: You're telling me.

Pearl: W-welcome to our home, yo!

Marina tried saying something, but couldn't form the words.

Marie: Are you okay?

Marina cleared her throat.

Marina; Yes! Yeah, I'm fine, please come in.

The Squid Sisters entered the mansion, and just looked around.

Marina: (The Squid Sisters are in our house! I'm so happy, right now!)

Pearl: Please, take a seat on our couch over here.

Pearl showed them to the couch, and they all sat down.

Marina; S-so... W-we...

Marina then once again struggled to form a sentence.

Callie: Woah! Calm down.

Marie: Yeah, you two look super tense. This isn't a job interview.

Marina and Pearl both calmed down and took a second to relax.

Marina: Sorry, we're just both huge fans, and having you here is a dream come true.

Marie: I'd say this house is a dream come true.

They all laughed.

Marie and Callie were then saying something. Marina was focusing for a bit, until she felt Pearl lightly nudging her. Marina looked over at Pearl, to see what was up. She was just nodding her head. Marina felt so confused. But Pearl just started nodding her head more. Marina, now understanding what Pearl was doing, looked to where Pearl was pointing with her head.

Behind the Squid Sisters, unknown to them, (Y/N) was walking down the stairs.

Marina pretended she was listening to what the Squid Sisters were saying for a second, then Pearl and Marina locked eyes for a second. Both could see the worry in each other's eyes.

Marina and Pearl lightly whispered to each other.

Marina: What do we do?

Pearl: I don't know!

They were both still watching (Y/N), as he entered into the kitchen.

The Squid Sisters saw that Pearl and Marina's attention was being diverted some place else. They turned around, just as (Y/N) ducked behind the kitchen island, to open the bottom covert.

The Squid Sisters, not seeing anything, turned back around, just as (Y/N) stood back up.

However, Pearl and Marina saw (Y/N) had grabbed something out of the covert. It was plastic wrap.

Callie: Are you two alright? You seem... distracted.

Marina: No! No! We're paying attention, we just thought we saw a fly.

Pearl and Marina both locked eyes again, and they could tell they were thinking the same thing.

Pearl & Marina: (Plastic wrap?)

They continued with their conversation with the Squid Sisters, while also keeping an eye on (Y/N).

Suddenly, still in the kitchen, he started stretching the plastic wrap. He was going slow, of course, to be quiet. In the big opening from where the living room leads to the kitchen, he taped one end of the wrap to one side of the entry way, and then finished by attaching the other end to the other side of the entry way.

At that moment, Pearl and Marina knew what he was doing. He then left through the other exit of the kitchen.

Callie: I'm getting hungry. What do you two have to eat around here.

Callie started getting up to head for their kitchen.

Marina: No, wait!

Callie stopped, looking directly at Marina, Marie doing the same.

Marina: I mean, let me grab the food for you, while Pearl shows you where we record our songs.

Callie: Aw, but I want the food.

Marie grabs Callie's ear.

Marie: And you'll get your food. Now don't be rude.

Marie and Callie followed Pearl to the soundproof room. Marina, on the other hand, ran and tore down the plastic wrap. She then looked out the back kitchen exit, trying to see where (Y/N) went. But, he was gone.

Marina grabbed some of the snacks they made, and returned to Pearl and the Squid Sisters.

Marina: Here's some snacks.

Callie: Thanks! I was dying over here.

Callie started eating her newly received snacks.

Marina and Pearl then saw (Y/N) just go around a corner, behind the Squid Sisters. Pearl went running to go after him.

Marina: Okay now if you follow me-

Marina then saw Pearl, suddenly start sliding through the doorway. Once Pearl was through the doorway, and out of sight, a large crashing sound could be heard.

Marie: What was that?

Marina: Nothing! Let's continue on with the tour of the place. Let's check out the backyard. It has a GREAT view.

Marina rushed ahead of them a bit, so her body would block the doorway Pearl had slipped through. The Squid Sisters then exited through the back door.

Marina quickly checked on Pearl.

Marina: Pearlie! Are you okay?

Pearl had a very angered face. She then held up a bottle of non stick liquid for pans.

Marina: Wha?

Pearl: He put it ON THE FLOOR!

Marina: Are you okay?

Pearl: I smashed a couple things.

Marina: What do we do?

Pearl: Well, we can't let any of these pranks happen to them. This could ruin our entire opportunity!

Marina: I've got it! Pearl, you distract the Squid Sisters, while I get rid of all the pranks, and try to catch him.

Pearl: Good plan, because I'm not doing anymore of those.

Marina: Okay, go! I've got this!

Pearl went outside to deal with the Squid Sisters, while Marina went to stop whatever (Y/N) was up to.

She saw him turn down a hallway. She chased after him. She saw him open a closet door, and close it behind him. She opened it up super fast, knowing there was nowhere for him to go. But, when she opened it, a couple jars of peanuts fell all over the place.

Marina: What the heck! Peanuts?! Really?!

She then heard laughter a little ways away. She rushed after the laughter. It was coming from around Pearl and Marina's bedrooms. She got there, but there was nothing. She checked the whole room, but nothing.


(Y/N) was sitting in the kitchen, eating some of the food.

(Y/N): *Talking to himself* You know, maybe changing their alarms is a little light-hearted right now, but *Munch* I feel like it's going to pay off in the long run.

Marina POV

Marina: Where'd he go?

Marie: Where'd who go?

Marina jumped, and turned around to see Callie, Marie, and Pearl.

Marina: Uh, uh my slipper! I left my slipper around here somewhere. Where'd he go?

Marina gave a nervous chuckle.

Marie: Okay.

Callie: Come with us, Marina. Pearl is great, don't get me wrong, but we haven't heard much from you.

Marina: Sure. Okay.

Marina looked at Pearl. Pearl nodded and went off to deal with the rest of the pranks that could be around.

Marina showed them around a bit more.

Marina: And this here is the guest room.

Marie and Callie peeked inside.

Marie: So, what? Is this where you have your guests stay when you have boys over?

Marie gave a sly smile, while Marina just started blushing.

Marina: What? No! Nothing like that!

Callie: What? You're kidding me!

Marie: She's right. Look at you. I bet you could get any guy you wanted to.

Marina was left as red as a tomato.

Marina: W-well let's move o-onto the rest.

Callie: I'm pretty sure we saw everything, already.

Marina: Oh! Uh, what now, then?

Marie: Maybe we should go now. You and Pearl seem VERY preoccupied

Marina: *Sigh* Listen, I'm sorry about all of this. Something's just going on right now, and it's got both Pearl and I worried. We'd gladly like to have you over again.

Marina sounded almost desperate at this point.

Callie: Calm down. If something's got you worried, then it's no problem. Deal with your problem first. That's more important.

Marie: Yeah, we'll come over some other time, tomorrow even. We've already seen your whole place, so then we can actually hang out.

Marina: Thank you both, so much for being understanding and all.

Marie: No problem.

Callie: It was fun!

Marina walked them to the front door.

Pearl came up to Marina. Marina noticed that Pearl had some feathers stuck to her.

Pearl: What's going on?

Marina: They're leaving.

Pearl: What? No!

Marina: It's fine, Pearlie. They're coming back tomorrow, they just noticed something was up so they're letting us deal with our "problem."

Marina looked like she could strangle someone when she said that... and she still might.

Pearl: Oh, thank goodness.

Pearl let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, they both noticed, above the front door, was a bucket of ink.

Pearl & Marina: Oh no.

They both quickly rushed over as the Squid Sisters were about to open the door. They grabbed them out of the way, letting the bucket of ink just spill in front of them.

The room was dead silent.

(Y/N) came walking into the room.

(Y/N): Oh, COME ON! I was THIS close!

(Y/N) was holding his index finger and thumb very close.

Pearl and Marina were about to yell at (Y/N), but they were cut off.

Marie: (Y/N)! What the carp?!

Callie: You could've gotten that all over us!

(Y/N): Well, that was kind of the plan.

Marina and Pearl were just standing there dumb struck.

Marie: You need to be more careful.

(Y/N): To be fair, you somehow missed the bucket sitting on top of the door.

Callie: That's not the point!

Pearl: Wait! Hold up! What the heck is going ON around here?!

(Y/N): Oh right! Marina, Pearl these are my friends, Callie and Marie.

Pearl and Marina's mouths were jaw-dropped.

(Y/N): Wait, how did you two even figured out I was here?

Marie: Well, first, I've picked you up at the gate before. Second, Callie found a video of you getting dunked in a pool by these two.

Marie pointed at Pearl and Marina.

Callie: You look GREAT shirtless by the way!

Marie hit Callie over the head, lightly.

Marie: Callie!

Marina: Hold on, so these are your friends you talk about all the time.

Marie: Don't feel bad. He didn't tell us about you either. So, it was all fair game.

Marina: "Fair game?"

(Y/N) walked up to Marie, and started hugging her and doing a really obvious fake cry into her shoulder.

(Y/N): Oh, Marie, it was AWFUL! They were too embarrassed for me to be shown around company! Oh, what a world, what a world.

Marie looked over at Pearl and Marina, while they were just rubbing the back of their necks.

Marie just started patting the back of (Y/N)'s head.

Marie: Aww, poor you... I don't blame them.

(Y/N) lifted his head up from her shoulder.

(Y/N): Hey!

Marie and Callie were just laughing.

(Y/N): So, I'll see you two tomorrow?

Callie: Yeah, we'll be back here tomorrow. Right, girls?

Callie said to Pearl and Marina.

Pearl & Marina: R-right.

They still had the jaw-drop effect at this whole situation.

Callie: Cool!

Marie: Well, we'll see the three of you tomorrow.

(Y/N): See ya!

Callie: Stay fresh!

Pearl & Marina just lightly waved their hands.

Marie closed the door behind them. This caused a second bucket of ink to fall directly onto Pearl and Marina.

(Y/N): YES! Now THAT one was hard to plan!

(Y/N) then grew VERY terrified as he saw the anger and flames in their eyes.

(Y/N): ...I'm sorry.

The fear in his voice was obvious.

Pearl: Oh you're GONNA BE! What the HECK!

Marina: I thought you wouldn't do anything to ruin our chances with them?!

(Y/N): I said I understood what you were saying. And besides, they're my friends. I knew I could get them to go through with the gig. I wouldn't do anything to actually hurt your chances for something that could help your career. That's just cruel.

Pearl: And that's the OTHER thing! You didn't tell us you were friends with THE Squid Sisters!

(Y/N): You never asked! Now... I hope we all learned a lesson about not making your friend act like they don't exist.

Pearl: Actually, from what I heard, all your friends agree that's what we should do.

Pearl and Marina slowly just started laughing, slowly getting louder and louder. (Y/N) nervously chuckled along with them.

(Y/N): What, uh... What's so funny?

Marina: *Laughing* You better get a broom, because you're the one cleaning up the place.

(Y/N) grabbed the broom, from the broom closet.

Marina and Pearl then heard him a couple rooms away.


Marina: So, what's with the feathers?


Marina: Okay... You know... It was kind of fun.

Pearl just gave Marina the "really" face.


Marina was fast asleep. It was the middle of the night. Suddenly...


The alarm clock was going off.

Pearl and Marina: (Y/N)!


(Y/N) was laying down in his bed, with his eyes wide open.

(Y/N): Make me clean up my own mess, without any help, will ya?

2859 Words

August 15, 2018 - 12:51 AM

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