Chapter 10: Worried Sick

Fuck. I was going to write this last night, but I got done writing "Chapter 10" and my friend messages if I want to play Splatoon. I come to write this in the morning some of the rankings have gone down a bit (Marina went up to #1 though, :3). My friend. She gon' learn today, I tell you hwat.

This chapter's a bit short, but still good. Get the next story bits started.

Thanks for all the new reads, the more votes, and for every new reader who comes across the story.

Callie POV

Callie: Hey, Marie!

Marie comes rushing out of the Cuttlefish Cabin, holding her umbrella like she's going to hurt someone with it.

Marie: What?! What is it? Did Octavio get out?!

Callie: Nah, he's still over there.

Callie points towards the snow-globe.

Octavio: Yo.

Marie: Phew.

Callie: Fresh Start is selling like CRAZY!

Marie: That's great news. We can't let our adoring fans starve. So long as someone doesn't get hypnotized.

Callie: Hey!

Marie: I'm kidding, but seriously stay away from strange glasses.

Callie: Hmph!

Callie crosses her arms and looks the other way. Her eyes then lower to see the book next to her.

Callie: Oh! Marie, I've been meaning to ask you, what's this book?

Marie: Oh, that? That's the Agent 4 Factopedia. You need any information on him, it's in there.

Callie has a sly grin.

Callie: Hmmm, ANY information.

Marie lightly taps Callie on the head with her umbrella.

Marie: Bad, Callie.

Callie: Ow!

Marie: Oh come on. I didn't even hit you that hard!

Callie picks up the book.

Callie: Times super-jumped. Time spent submerged in the ink. Salmon run down-rate. Hm? What's this?

Marie: Oh, I kept a log for everyday Agent 4 was here working. Noting how he was doing on these missions, or how he was acting.

Callie: So these are your diary entries.

Marie: No! That is NOT what I said.

Callie: But it's what you meant. It's okay, I am Callie, I speak for the Maries.

Marie: Ha ha.

Callie: "...Agent 4 is very caring. I can tell by the concern he has on his face. I forgive him for forgetting the job yesterday, but it's cute watching him profusely try to apologize, so I'm going to let this go on a little longer..."

Marie's eyes widened as she was listening to Callie read the book. She started blushing a ton. Marie quickly jumped through the air, trying to grab the book out of Callie's hands. Callie, however, was a little faster, expecting it to happen. They were both now on the ground. Callie holding Marie back with one arm, while holding the book out of reach of Marie's grasping fingers, with her other hand.

Marie: Callie give it back! That's enough!

Callie: "... I feel bad for what I've done to Agent 4, so I've decided to give him the day off. I'm going to take him out to dinner, see a movie, maybe some other things, and maybe, if I'm lucky, we can-"

Marie, her face now matching a fire-truck, put her entire body into her next pounce. This resulting in her success of grabbing the book.

Callie was now laughing, trying to grab the book back out of Marie's hands.

Callie: Ho ho, what was that Marie?! Aren't you the feisty one! Let me read it! Let me read i-

(Y/N): What's with all the noise?

Callie and Marie both stopped mid-battle, and quickly straightened up and just sat there in front of the Cuttlefish Cabin.

Callie & Marie: Nothing!

(Y/N): Sure. Okay.

He was now rubbing his eyes as he was getting off the couch.

(Y/N): Hey, how long was I out?

Marie: A couple hours.

(Y/N): Uh oh.

(Y/N) went to grab his phone out of his pocket, but suddenly felt a strong, stinging pain in his right shoulder.

(Y/N): Ack!

Callie & Marie: Are you alright?!

(Y/N): Fine. I'm fine. I was expecting this.

Callie: Expecting what?

(Y/N): My shoulder to hurt. A LOT. After I fired the modified Rainmaker, one-handed.

(Y/N) now SLOWLY went to grab his phone out of his pocket.

(Y/N): Yeah, I've gotta go, girls. I'll see you two some other time.

Marie: Okay, seeya.

Callie: Stay fresh! *She said cheerfully, giving a big smile*

(Y/N): Bye.

He then left through the grate.

Callie: What was that about?

Marie: Probably his friends.

Callie: Friends?

Marie: Yeah. The two girls he lives with.

Callie thought she heard a slight taste of disdain in Marie's voice. This caused Callie to start smiling.

Callie: Oh ho! What is that, Marie? Was that jealousy I heard?

Marie: Wha-? No.

Callie: *Giggles* SUUUUuuure... He's got a nice butt doesn't he?

At this point, Callie swears you could see the steam coming off of Marie.

Marie: Callie!

Marie started speaking incomprehensible words, while blushing more than before. She then took a second to calm down, and collect her usual cool attitude.

Marie: Let's just go home. It's getting late.

Callie: Okay!

Callie said this so cheerfully, as if she didn't even hear what she had even said before.



(Y/N): Why are my ears hot? Eh, who cares.

(Y/N) was walking down the dark streets of Inkopolis, walking back to Pearl's mansion. Taking the same road that overlooks the city, he stopped for a second to admire the view of the lights of Inkopolis when the sun was down, and the city was alive.

He took a deep breath and then continued walking.

After a little while, he arrived at the front gate. He started beeping the the buzzer, profusely.

(Y/N): *Looking repeatedly to his left and right* Come on. Please be up. I don't want to see the weird people who hang out in front of celebrities' houses at night.

The gate then buzzed, letting him.

(Y/N): Oh thank goodness.

He walked in, then made his way to the mansion. He then stepped through the front door. He closed the door behind him then was greeted to an upset Marina, and a tired Pearl.

Marina: Where HAVE you been?!

Pearl: Marina. I don't know what's going on, but *Yawn* why'd you have to wake me up for it.

Marina: Look at what time it is! And he's just now getting here!

Pearl: So?

Marina: So?! SO, he didn't tell us where he was, and we haven't seen him at ALL today! What if he had gotten hurt!

Pearl: Then that would have sucked. For him.

Marina: PEARL!

(Y/N) saw the opportunity to get out of there, so he tried to sneak past them and get up to his room.

Marina quickly snapped around, pointing directly at him, causing him to jump in fright.

Marina: Where do you think you're going?! You have some explaining to do, mister!

Pearl was now asleep on the couch, drooling.

(Y/N): Fine.

Marina: Where were you?!

(Y/N) I fell asleep at my friend's and I only woke up about an hour ago.

Marina: And you didn't text me or Pearl?!

(Y/N): I thought it'd be better if I let my arm rest for now.

Marina: What does THAT mean?!

She sounded more worried than angry, there.

(Y/N): I hurt my shoulder, and now it's sore.

Marina: Are you okay?

(Y/N): I'm fine. It just needs some time.

Marina: That's good. You really worried us!

(Y/N) looked at the sleeping Pearl, Marina was gesturing towards.

(Y/N): Right. Well, I'm sorry.

Marina: And not even hearing from you today, other than that note. Don't do that!

(Y/N): Okay! Okay. Sorry.

Marina was now worryingly looking at his shoulder.

Marina: You really need to be more careful. How did you hurt yourself?

(Y/N): Eh, you know. Working.

Marina: Ugh. You and your "working." Anyways, get some sleep. It's late.

Marina then cradled Pearl as she carried her up to her room.

Marina: Goodnight.

(Y/N): Goodnight, mom!

Marina: Don't call me that!

(Y/N) looked around the corner towards where she just left, then quickly went into the kitchen.

(Y/N): *Already grabbing snacks* A couple snacks won't hurt.

Marina: Ahem!

(Y/N) looked over and saw Marina giving him a "really" look, still holding Pearl.

He took ONE snack, giving Marina a nervous smile, then left to go up to bed.

(Y/N): Goodnight!

Marina: *Sigh* Goodnight.

They all then went to bed. Until tomorrow... Because that's how sleeping works

1408 Words

August 11, 2018 - 1:38 PM

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