Chapter 5. Act 3:An End to the First Adventure

The highways were littered with street lamps, green girders, red traffic cones, pots with bushes, and flashing red lights. Yellow and black construction barriers surrounded various areas, and towards the bottom of the area were multiple brick flats that were yet to be finished.

Kaze was currently running down a ramp and ran through a loop and curled into a ball as he began picking up more momentum and flew upwards after rolling up an upward ramp and landed on a seesaw with a spike ball on the other end of it.

Kaze: Hm?

The boy looked up and noticed it was falling towards the spot he was standing on so he jumped on the other side. Once it landed, it launched him in the air. He passed by three badniks that strangely resembled bombs.

They exploded once he passed them, Kaze made a mental note to himself to avoid those type of badniks if he can at all times.

Once he landed, he continued running. He then came to a stop as he noticed a green ball with eyes with yellow spike balls. The moment it spotted Kaze, it threw the yellow spike balls towards him.

Kaze: H-Hey!!

Kaze quickly sidestepped out of the way as he spin jumped towards the badnik as it made a *poof* sound as a little animal came out of it.

He then continued running through the area as he made it to a ledge in the air and found a blue chaos emerald sitting on the platform.

He immediately grabbed it and pulled out the rest of the emeralds he found throughout the other zones on the island.

(Authors Note:End the Music here)

Kaze: One...two...three...four...five...and with this one that makes six! I did it, I found them all-!

Kaze's celebration was short lived as he felt a flood of memories entering his mind.

"Kaze! Come here, I want to show you this new invention I made!"

"Kaze, if those brats ever lay their hands on you, kick their asses! You won't get in trouble if you do!"

"Hello Kaze, did you have a good day at school today?"

"Kaze! Why would you let them walk all over you like that?!"

"Kaze! Are you alright?!"

Kaze: I remember...I-I remember friends...oh god...!

Kaze fell on his knees as he felt tears in his eyes.

Kaze: Mom...Dad...Hina...Iwao...Amai...h-how could I forget about them?!

Kaze now fully remembered everything, but he also remembered what Dr.Ivo said to him beforehand.

"The humans were wiped out 10,000 years ago! For all we know you and I are the only ones left!"

Kaze: no no no...NOOO!!!

Kaze screamed as he slammed his fist in anger as he felt the tears in his eyes falling.

Kaze: I-I'm in hell aren't I? That must be it! I must've done something to deserve this if everyone I care about is gone!

Kaze felt lost...he didn't know what to do...once he beats the doctor and saves the island what's next after that? He had no idea what to do...


He continued sitting there until he felt a soft warm touch on his head...and heard a familiar voice...he recognized that belonged to his sister.

Hina: Don't worry Kaze...I know it's hard for you right now...but you have a job to do...Mom, Dad, and I will always be watching over you...and trust me when I say are not alone...and you'll find that out soon...we love you get up and keep moving forward...

Kaze: ...!

Kaze said nothing as he stood up and wiped his tears...and had a smile on his face as he looked at the ghostly figure of his sister smiling warmly at him.

Kaze: Yeah...I will...thanks for that Hina...and tell mom and dad I said that I love them alright?

Hina: Yeah I will...

Hina said as she started ascending upward and disappeared...

Hina: Remember Kaze you're not alone....

Closed his eyes as he placed his hands on his chest.

Kaze: Yeah...

He then looked at the six chaos emeralds in his hands as he smiled.

Kaze: I guess these things really are miracle gems.

Kaze then looked at the view with a determined look on his face.

Kaze: After all, if I have time to worry...or dwell on the past...then I just need to run!

Kaze sped off towards the distance. He destroyed every single badnik and bounced off every the walls of the surrounding area using his parkour. He then saw then saw three seesaws and the doctor floating above them.

Kaze: Hey Ivo!

Dr.Ivo: Hm?

The doctor turned around as he saw the blue 13-year-old behind him.

Kaze: It's over you got that?! I'm more motivated then ever to stop you and save this island!

Dr.Ivo: You...really are one persistent brat...I won't stop at nothing to see you dead at my feet...

Kaze: Well then...let's see you try it!

Kaze got into a battle stance as the doctor dropped spiked balls from his egg mobile. They landed on the three seesaws while the doctor continued moving around.

Kaze then jumped in the air as he intended to deliver a swift kick to the vehicle, but the doctor quickly launched another spiked ball towards Kaze.

Kaze: Really? I can just counter that and send right back at ya-!

When Kaze swung his foot, the spiked ball pricked Kaze's foot, it didn't help the fact that he swung his foot at it full force.

As he landed on the ground, he clutched his foot in slight pain.

Kaze: Ow...ow...ow...that really hurt! I know I just got my memories back but how long has it been since I followed my training regimen?

The doctor took this chance to attack the blue boy while he wasn't looking so he launched another spiked ball towards him, though Kaze quickly noticed and rolled out the way as he curled into a ball and skidded across the ground.

Kaze: *in his head* Come on...think...spin jumping isn't going to work and if I try kicking him, he's just going to launch another one of those balls at me...'

Kaze thought to himself until his eyes landed on the three seesaws that still had the spiked balls on them. After a few moments, Kaze had an idea.

Kaze: Let's hope this works!

Kaze then ran towards one of the seesaws and jumped on it, launching one of the spiked balls in the air. He then made it to the other side of the seesaw as the spiked ball landed,  launching the boy high into the air.

Dr.Ivo: What?!

Kaze was right above the madman, as he delivered three spin jumps towards the egg mobile. He bounced off of it and started spinning rapidly as he descended down at the doctor at high speeds and delivered an axe kick towards the egg mobile.

The attack was so strong that it broke the windshield and made contact with the Ivo's head.

Dr.Ivo: Ack!

Kaze: *in his head* Man! I need to use that move more...maybe the book dad gave me may have some tips on how to implement it...

Kaze then landed on the ground as he looked at the egg mobile heavily damaged as the doctor was flying away.

Kaze: Oh no! Not this time!

Kaze ran off and followed the doctor.

Dr.Ivo: This won't be the last you'll see of me! We'll finish this at my base!

The doctor flew off as he came to a stop to look at a building in the distance. It was the doctor's base of operations on the island, it was a polluted industrialized factory zone made of light gray metal built over some half-submerged ruins. Dozens of various industrial buildings with blinking red and yellow lights are visible in the distance, with thick gray smoke leaking from their chimneys and into the smoggy brown sky that dominated the background.

Kaze: ...

Kaze couldn't even say anything, he was speechless. The doctor made all of this? One thing was for sure that the madman sure knew how to plan ahead.

Kaze: Well this is let's get this over with.

Kaze then jumped off the edge and suddenly curled into a ball as he began spinning rapidly down the stone ramp. He began picking up momentum as he began rolling faster and faster, he rolled off the end of the stone-like ramp and uncurled as he pretty much launched himself towards the base.

(Authors Note:Start playing the music here)

Once he landed on the ground, he began running, and dodging pillars of fire that shot out from the ground as well as quickly jumping away from traps that would open the floor beneath him while he was doing it.

He then quickly pressed on a button and quickly curled into a ball to enter some sort of contraption that looked like an elevator with a round empty hole in it which was enough for Kaze to fit in.

Once he made it inside the base, he was met with electric shockers that were connected to the ceiling and floor which shot out electrical beams towards the boy as he dodged them and continued moving forward.

Kaze: This entire place is like a deathtrap! I mean yeah, I get he wants me dead and all but having a bunch of saws that move along ground and actually try to cut me in half is a little overkill!

After his little rant, he continued running through the area and soon made his way into a room with Dr.Ivo standing behind a barrier with a wicked smile on his face.

Kaze: Ok Ivo! Enough games, it's just you and me now!

Dr.Ivo: I beg to differ...I knew you'd follow me here, which is why I prepared a little 'something' for you.

Kaze: ...What are you-?!

The floor beneath Kaze suddenly opened as he started falling down a seemingly endless pit. The last thing he saw before the darkness completely took over his vision was the doctor smugly looking down at him while waving as to mock him.

When he finally made it to the bottom, he suddenly slid down a grey tile and came to a stop as he landed on some tiles that were floating...wait floating?

Kaze looked down as he realized the tiles he was standing on was floating on water.

Kaze: No...oh hell no!

Kaze quickly realized right then and there that he was in an area similar to that of labyrinth zone except this time everything was grey, and the water was purple. Kaze then started running as a grey gargoyle statue shot out a fireball, in response Kaze curled into a ball to dodge it.

Kaze: Hm?

The boy then looked down to realize that a badnik with a drill on its face popped out of the ground as he dodged it and gave it a round house kick, knocking the badnik towards a nearby wall and destroying it, allowing another animal to escape.

(Authors Note: End the song here.)

The floor then sunk in the purple water as Kaze grabbed his nose and held his breath. He ducked underneath a spike ball connected to a chain as he pressed a nearby switch that led to an exit, he jumped out of the water and fell on one knee to catch his breath.

Kaze: Hah...I'm so glad that's over...

He then looked around and found a set of red springs sitting right in front of him. He quickly got up and jumped on the springs which launched him out of the underground area and back to the area he was in before the doctor triggered the trap.

Kaze: Alright Ivo! Where are you?!

Suddenly out of nowhere, red lights began to glow all around Kaze. Without any warning, a huge hydraulic press came crashing down toward him.

Kaze: WHOAH?!

Kaze barely dodged out of the way, but didn't have a second to rest as the ground below him begins to rise and head straight for the ceiling. The entire room was literally four gigantic hydraulic presses trying to crush Kaze.

Kaze: Ok. This might not end well after all...

To make matters worse, every few seconds, turrets on the ceiling began to discharge bolts of energy that would target Kaze. Kaze barely dodged the energy bolts when another steel pillar would begin to rise.

Kaze: !!!

Dr.Ivo: I should've told you this sooner boy, but I'm the greatest scientific genius in the world. After our first few encounters, I studied you. The way you fight, the way you move. You're all about speed, but that doesn't matter when you're trapped like a rat in a cage! Without anywhere to run, how useful is your power really?

Kaze: *in his head* Damn it! He's right! I can't fight like this, I don't have any room to move around and those pillar things are to thick for me to burst through either!

Kaze then dodges another energy blast but was almost crushed by another pillar. Right now he doesn't have any breathing room and there's nothing for him to attack directly.

Kaze: This isn't good!

For the first in his life, he felt completely helpless. He doesn't have the advantage anymore. Right now, he's fighting for his life and he's losing.

Dr.Ivo: It's no use! Give up? Hahahahaha!

Kaze: Rgh...Ivo...!

In a brief moment of weakness, Kaze is caught off guard and a steel pillar came crashing down on top of him. The pillar pushes down on Kaze, seemingly crushing him.


Dr. Ivo who just revealed himself as Doctor Ivo Robotnik started going crazy with laughter at having seemingly killing Kaze. Robotnik's victory was cut short however as he heard some grunting coming from beneath the pillar.

Dr. Robotnik: What's this?

Kaze by some miracle, was not crushed by the hydraulic press and was using all the strength in his legs to keep it from crushing him.

Kaze: Rrrrrrrrrgh...I'm not... done yet...

Dr. Robotnik: You're still alive? Just give up it up boy! IT'S OVER!

Kaze: I... I can't stop here...!

Kaze: *in his head* Crap. I don't know how long I can do this. My legs are going to give out soon, what do I do? I can't run from this! C'mon Kaze... think!

The strength in Kaze's legs were about to give out, everything froze for him as he remembered everything that's happened up to this point. His family, his friends, the island and the animals, he then remembered the words of his sister...

Kaze: Rgh! No! I can't... be stopped here. I WON'T be stopped here! I have too much riding on this. And I need to see if my friends are still alive, and I can't do that if I'm dead!

Suddenly a blue streak of electricity appeared as Kaze began to build up more and more lightning, growing stronger and stronger. He then manages to push back against the force of the hydraulic steel press.



With all the power Kaze now had, he quickly thrusts the hydraulic press back upwards, causing the machinery powering it to malfunction. Kaze was finally free.

Dr. Robotnik: IMPOSSIBLE!

Kaze then quickly used rapid spin attacks and spin jumps to destroy the other three presses in the room. The turrets on the ceiling fire at Kaze, but he simply deflects them, causing them to bounce off and Robotnik's forcefield. Now, the entire room was beginning to malfunction and explode. as a result, the barrier protecting Robotnik shut down.



Kaze then regains his confidence and stood atop the destroyed machinery, a bit scuffed up but crackling with blue lightning, as alarms began blaring.

Robotnik could only look on in shock and disbelief at the powered-up boy that stood before him.

Dr. Robotnik: *in his head* This shouldn't be possible, especially for a human! Super speed and now this?!

Dr. Robotnik: What did you say your name was again boy...?!

Kaze: My name is Kaze...Kaze Sokudo! 

Dr. Robotnik: That name sounds familiar...this may have been a minor setback, but this won't be the last you'll see me Sokudo, I swear it

Robotnik then escaped in his Egg Mobile as it was transported somewhere else. Kaze's first thought was to chase after him but then realized that the entire base was shaking and exploding.


Kaze: Whoa! No time for that now, I need to get out of here!

Without a second thought, Kaze began making his way through the now crumbling fortress as it began to fall apart. Finally, Kaze made it through just before the exploded and began running back to Green Hill, the very place his adventure started.

As he ran through every single zone, he looked back at his hand. The electricity has since died down as he wondered what exactly happened. He wondered if it was another ability that he awakened during that situation where he nearly got crushed to death. He brushed it off as he continued running, unaware of the six glowing chaos emeralds that he was currently holding.

He soon made it back to Green Hill, it was surrounded by all the animals he saved from Robotnik. He soon came to a stop as the six chaos emeralds suddenly flew out of his hands and circled around him.

Kaze: Wow...

Kaze reached his hand out to touch the green emerald, he touched it and it gave him a vision. It showed all six of the chaos emeralds flying in the sky and suddenly a seventh emerald joined the group, making it seven chaos emeralds in total. All seven gemstones were heading towards an island in the west.

Once the vision ended, Kaze stepped back in shock as the emeralds then flew into the sky and simply disappeared. 

Kaze simply smirked and rubbed his nose a bit.

Kaze: So, I just need to find a way to get to that island huh? Well maybe then I'll actually be able to get some answers as well as possibly reunite with either Amai or Iwao... I remember they were placed in pods just like I was.

Kaze then jumped into the air and curled into a blue ball and sped off into the distance as he ran back to the little house he made when he woke up. Before anything, he wanted to get a better grasp at his speed and learn and improve more on his black leg fighting style and train as he would need it in his next adventure.





In an empty area with tropical trees surrounding the said area, we can see a pod with a blond boy. The pod opened as the said boy fell out with...two fluffy tails?

The boy then slowly opened his eyes as the said pod spoke with a computer-like voice, similar to that of an AI.

"Analysis complete, Amai Yasahi, Age: 11, Year:12,020. Good morning Amai..."

The boy then stood up and looked around his surroundings.

Amai: I?


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