Chapter 7: Hero's quest.

At 6:00am, Saturday.

Callie's POV

The bright shone on me and it always wakes me up. I opened my eyes and saw Lai still sleeping soundly beside me. I smiled and cuddled him with my tentacles hair for a while, it warms my heart a lot. Then I'll try to wake him up by shaking him a bit, I'm still laying on the bed tho. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

Lai: Huh...?

Callie: Ah, Good morning, Lai~

Lai: Morning too, Callie... Did I disturbed you sleeping last night?

Callie: Nope actually, I'm having a good sleep. That's why I woke up early.

He stares at the clock...

Lai: It's 6:00am now, why don't we lay here for a while? Still too early for us to wake up at this hour.

Callie: Okay.. but first, can you help me tying up my tentacles to a large bow?

Lai: You sure?

Callie: Yes, wouldn't have offered otherwise if I'm not so sure.

Lai: Okay..

Callie: Oh yeah and leave the end long so it can dangle.

Lai: Got it.

We both sit up on the bed and I show my long hair tentacles to him. He slowly grabs it and start tying up.

Lai: Does it sensitive for you?

Callie: Yea, be gentle with it..

Lai: This will be hard tho, don't move.. Rapunzel.

Callie: Alright. *giggle*

A few minutes later...

Lai: There you go, Callie. Go take a look at you through the mirror.

Callie: *nod* Okay.

Lai: I think is it okay for you?

Callie: Yea I love it, thanks!

Lai: Glad it goes well, it was easy tho.

Callie: Had you tying up other girls hair before?

Lai: Nope you're the first one, why you ask that?

Callie: Well, because I kinda think that you're good at this.

Lai: Nah, its just simple and it looks cute for you, that's all. Plus I did my best so yea.

Callie: But still thanks, Lai.

Lai: You're welcome. Wanna lay back for a while. Time still early tho.

Callie: Okay.. *yawn*

We lay back on the bed for a while...

Lai: Actually its kinda comfortable for me to sleep here. (Although a little bit lack of space tho.)

Callie: Because you're able to get this close with your beautiful idol so that's why you'll be able to sleep well?

Lai: Don't tease me like that, I really meant that. Callie.

Callie: *giggle*

Lai: Geez.. *blush*

Callie: But thanks for staying with me in this whole night, It feels great tho.

Lai: Glad to hear that.. Well, I'll go back to my room and settle some things now.

He got off from my bed and I called out to him when he starts walking out from my room.

Callie: Wait!

Lai: Hm? What's wrong?

I got off and slowly walk up to him...

Callie: Here~❤

I moved my face to his and *Chu~❤". Planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened by surprise and a shade of pink appears on his face, leaving him confused.

Lai: Cal...Callie? *blush*

Callie: *smile and wink*

Lai: I...I'll go back right now..

Callie: Take care~

Lai's POV

What was that? Did she actually kissed me!? Oh my cod, my heart keeps pounding so hard and my face was burning red, I'm so confused because the weird feelings I just got from Callie but it just feels good and warm. I closed the door and rush to my room. I start to guess what is she thinking. She acts more than like an idol to me, like she had love interest or something else. Maybe I just overthinking.

Lai: *shook head* Cod...

I check the scroll if it was still in my room and yea, it's still there. "Should I hand it to Cap'n or keep it?" I thought to myself. I decided to hand it to Cap'n, maybe he'll need this. I put it in my backpack and got out from my room. I saw Callie just finish her showering and got out from the bathroom. She smiles at me..

Callie: How's my kiss feels?

Lai: It's kinda of heartwarming and sweet tho... *blush*

Callie: Hehe~

Lai: Is this your very first kiss?

Callie: Yup, not everybody can get this, even Marie, except you. So you're the first one...

Lai: ...Thanks Callie...

Callie: *smile*

Lai: Should we wake Marie up?

Callie: I'll go wake her up then I'll prepare breakfast for us.

Lai: Okay thanks again..

Callie: No problem!

I grabbed my phone and check today's news in Splatnet. Nothing much but just the Splatfest will be held today.

Marie: Morning, Lai.

Lai: Morning too, Marie.

After having breakfast with them, I had to escort them to the studio as everyday's duty. After arriving the studio...

Lai: Alright take care, you two.

Callie: You too as well!

Marie: Stay fresh~

Lai: *smile and nod*

I walk up to the Plaza and check the time, it was just 8:00am only. I look around before running towards the manhole and enter it.


Lai: Cap'n? I guess he's still sleeping now.

I put the scroll on the table in the shack. I grab the hero suit and get change myself, I equip the hero shot and some Splat bombs in my pocket. I run and uncover the next kettle to get the next zapfish.


Lai: Here goes nothing..

I look around the first area and its a bit weird that no troopers around here. I travel down the ramp and saw a pill shaped mechanic called octopod.

Lai: Oh my cod!

I sprint too fast and didn't realize it can self-explode. It becomes angry and its going to explode. I quickly kick it and it explodes on the wall, along breaking some crates.

Lai: It can't be serious, gotta be careful this time.

I climb up the wall with my squid form, I saw there's four of octopods standing on the crates and a balloon fish in front of me. I quickly ink the fish and it cleans all the crates and octopods with the explosion of my ink color. Then, I advanced to the next area. I land on the platform and travel forward. I saw an octoball on the top of the crate.

Lai: Hm... What does it do?

5 seconds later... and I got covered just a little bit of purple ink on my suit.

Lai: Cod, it rolls like an pinball.

Then, I start advance and collect the power eggs. I turn left up to the ramp then three octoballs had appeared in my sight. I start shooting at them until they got splatted after they submerging in my ink color. I currently reach the checkpoint now then I saw a suckerfish on the wall and a scroll at the bottom right corner of the wall.

Lai: I can't damage it and it cleans my ink that sprayed on the wall.

I climb up and landed on the grated ledge to get the second scroll.

Lai: I should wake Cap'n up before starting a mission tho..

After arriving the final checkpoint...

Lai: Now there's the zapfish, guarded by two twintacle octotroopers on top of the wall.

I look around and there's a Ink cannon that used to ink the entire wall.

Lai: Sweet.


Lai: Alright, gotta be quick. The suckerfish is cleaning my ink right now.

Meanwhile climbing up the wall...

Trooper 1: Man, so boring here..... Why the boss had to choose us just to guard that fish?

Trooper 2: Wait, what's that sound?

Trooper 1: Huh, I didn't hear any...

I got up on the top and draw my gun.

Lai: Surprise!!

Troopers: Holy Zapfish!!!

*Splat* *Splat*

3 seconds later...

Lai: Phew, that was a bit fast.. *wipe sweat while holding the zapfish*

Lai: Well, prepare for a ride tho, little buddy.

*Super jumps back to the kettle*

Lai: Back to the valley.

*turns and jump into kettle*

At the Octo Valley...

Lai: Oh morning, Cap'n.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Holy Zapfish! When did you get here?

Lai: I got arrived here and saw you're sleeping in the shack. I tried not to wake you up so I got changed quietly and go on a mission on my own.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You fool! They're had the great octoweapons. Who knows what else they have in store for you.

Lai: Yea, I do really regret that, Cap'n. Sorry about that.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: It's okay, at least you got back safely with the zapfish. Impressive work, Agent 3. (A bit hasty tho.)

Lai: No problem but what kind of octoweapons they had?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I don't know but that's one of the reasons why they stole the great zapfish for. They're using it to power up the great octoweapons. I'll explain to you once you had encounter one of them.

Lai: Okay... let's just rest for a bit.

During the rest..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3?

Lai: Hm?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You remind me of Agent 1 and Agent 2 when they're young except you're alone. They're also go on a mission on their own without letting me know like you did. But now, they're busy with their investigation.

Lai: Oh... that's sad.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: That's what Agents do, even though they're my granddaughters tho.

Lai: Wait, are they your granddaughters?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yea..

Lai: Why you recruited them to the New Squidbeak Splatoon?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I don't know, it's been a long time tho but why you asked that?

Lai: No offense Cap'n. You're not worried about them? Letting your loved ones get involved in this dangerous event?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: ... *looks at Lai*

Cap'n Cuttlefish: *sigh* Because I trust them. I knew them well since they were kids. So that's why I recruited Agent 1 first then Agent 2.

Lai: Trust?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yea, they both shared a strong bond to each other. So that's why I recruited them, plus they're quite capable whenever they start working together.

Lai: I got the point now. Sorry for asking that, Cap'n.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: What about you? Don't you had loved ones?

Lai: ... Yes I have.

Lai: Just two sisters but not a biological one. Still, I had to look after them.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: What if they learn about that you're working here as a Agent?

Lai: They won't know... Cap'n, I swear.

Lai: They're busy as well as your granddaughters did. Plus, I think they can take care of themselves tho. I merely just their guardian or someone else. But...

Cap'n Cuttlefish: But what?

Lai: I love them and I don't care if they don't.. At least it's better than living alone by myself.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I see... so still wanna go on another mission?

Lai: Its 10:00am now. Still have time tho.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Great, proceed the third kettle then.

Lai: Roger that..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: One more go, you'll be able to access the boss kettle.

Lai: Then I'll fight the first one of the octoweapons?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Exactly, bucko..

Lai: Okay.. (Definitely not squidding around I bet.)

I inked the third kettle and entered it...

Some seconds later...


Lai: Alright.. time to move out.

In the beginning area, there's nothing but just four slopes and some power eggs along the way. I reached the first checkpoint and encountered two octotroopers rose up behind the crates.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Octocopters, splat 'em down!

Lai: Ow... don't shout, my ears..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Sorry, I lost my cool.

Octocopter 1: An intruder! Take him down!

Lai: Oh cod..

They both fire a burst of ink at me and I dodge it, preparing a counterattack for them.

*Splat* *Splat*

Lai: That was easy, but hard to hit.

I activate the ink rail and ride it. I jump at the end of the rail, I look up....

*Some copters and troopers are waiting in front of me.*

Lai: Oh carp..

I take a cover behind the wall and grab the canned Inkzooka special. Waiting for a chance to strike..

Lai: Better worth with every shot.

I open it and start returning fire at them.


Some minutes later....

Lai: Ah, a launch pad.

*Super jump on the next checkpoint*

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Thar she blows, the zapfish just dead ahead. Keep going, Agent 3.

Lai: Oh I see it..

Then a scroll on the right pillar but there's a glass in the bottom of the pillar so I can't reach there. I dash jump from the left one and obtain the scroll. Then, I advance to the final checkpoint. I saw the zapfish guarded by a large octarian.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: That nasty-looking scallywag is an octobomber. Watch out for its splat bombs.

Lai: Splat bombs huh? Close range will be disadvantage for it.

I swiftly dash forward and splat the bomber out before it reacts. I take out the sheild and got the zapfish.

Lai: Clear, mission acomplished, Cap'n.

*Super jumps back to the kettle and enters*

Back to Octo Valley...

Lai: There you go.. Cap'n.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Superb work, Agent 3.

Lai: Thanks, so what's the scroll about?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: The scrolls that you had collected so far are called "Sunken Scrolls*. These scrolls contains the knowledge about the great turf war or other secret stuffs. Feel free to read 'em.

Lai: Ah okay..

*The boss kettle opens*

Cap'n Cuttlefish: The boss kettle had opened, wanna keep on?

Lai: Maybe next time, its 12:00pm right now. Gotta go back to the Plaza for the Splatfest. See you tomorrow.

*Get changed back from hero suit and jumps into the manhole*

Cap'n Cuttlefish: And prepare yourself for the worst, bucko...

End Of Chapter.


*Lai reads the third sunken scrolls*

Lai: How the shell did they do that? If there's no engines in their vehicles, how did they possibly able to drive?

Lai: Geez... this doesn't make any sense.

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