Chapter 49: Epilogue
6:00am in Squid Sisters Apartment...
Callie: Hey, wake up..
I slowly open up my eyes, seeing Callie was sitting on my bed, smiling at me serenely after waking me up..
Lai: Hm? Oh morning, Cal...
Then she asks me with concern..
Callie: Still okay from last night?
Lai: Yeah, I'm fine and I felt better right now after the sleep.
Callie: Well, wanna take a stroll with me to make you feel even better?
Lai: Sure, I'd love to.
Callie: Then I'll be waiting.. 💜
She gives a peck on my cheek before she leaves from my room. After breakfast, we both dressed up and ready to head outside for a walk like we always did in almost everyday. Callie sometimes leans herself against me while having her arm entwins mine as we walk along the street together. Then, I try to talk with her to break the silence.
Lai: Hey Callie..
Callie: Yes?
Lai: Did you sleep well last night?
Callie: Well of course! But it would be better with you around.
Lai: Now I wonder, how long we've stop doing that since the last time?
Callie: I don't know.. It's been like a few weeks. Sorry for not calling you over.
Lai: It's okay.. I guess that's enough for you as long as we live in the same roof.
Callie: Yeah.. But still need a remind for me some time.
Lai: Will do, Cal..
She inspects the pendant on her neck for a while..
Callie: The pendants looked so lovely and fit our colors perfectly. How did you find one of these?
Lai: Well, I'm glad the colors are adjustable. Or else it could be hard for me to find one of these. Make sure you don't lose it.
She chirps happily..
Callie: Then, I will treasure it and wear it everyday!
Lai: That's my girl..
She asks me in a sudden..
Callie: Hey, do you still hanging on that?
Lai: Hanging about what?
Callie: About when you're worrying about our future.. And when you cried about it..
Lai: Why would you say that?
Callie: Because I had realized how you were reacted in last night so that's why..
I scratch my head and look down a bit..
Lai: Yeah.. Sorry.. I couldn't help it but...
Callie: Shh... I get it.. I always wish that I could stay with you and Marie as much as possible or maybe forever with just the three of us..
Lai: Me too.
Callie: But if we're busy.. I'm sure you'll always stay by our side and support us, right?
Lai: Yeah, definitely will!
Callie: And I also curious about one thing..
Lai: ?
Callie: I know it sounds unfair but why Marie would chose you in the first place? I already found it fishy but I couldn't ask about that. Can you tell me about it?
Lai: Uhm... Well.. Marie wasn't picked me by pure luck. The fact is, she was worrying about you might be stressing out so she tried to find someone that could willingly spend his life with them. And that's how she picked me.
Callie: Is that so?
Lai: Yeah, she probably might be thinking the same thing too. Because she wanted you to be happy as well.
Her face sports up a grin..
Callie: It all make sense now... Thanks.
Lai: You're welcome..
After a while.. She asks with a bit disappointing..
Callie: Hey, do you think this will be our last stroll?
Lai: Don't say that. We always have time for this even though we're busy.
Then, she gives a peck onto my cheek..
Callie: Well, I'm glad not for you at least. And I knew you would say that tho. *smile*
I smile back to her..
Lai: I'll always stay by your side then..
We went back home after a long walk...
Timeskip... 12:00pm in the Plaza...
Everyone were gathered in the Plaza just to check out the result of the final Splatfest and they all are obviously nervous from that.. I'm now currently with Whinter and Clementine, standing at the center of the Plaza, all staring to the big screen nervously.
Callie: Now let's check out which team got the most popularity!
Marie: Reveal it! Reveal it!
Whinter started to half-cover his eyes, trying to see but doesn't have the courage to do it.
Whinter: Oh my cod...! I can't see the result!
Lai: I start getting the nervous tho.
Clementine: Yeah, no squidding around this time..
The results of the popularity pops up..
Callie and Marie: BAM!!!
Team Callie vs Team Marie
Popularity: 46% - 54%
Callie: Aw... My team lost.. But I'm on Team Marie so I guess it's a draw! ^^"
Marie: Yeah, no hard feelings either, Cal! Now for the battles...
Then, I heard some people are sighing loudly for the lost of the popularity, including Whinter..
Whinter: Aw man..! I lost!!
Clementine: It's not over yet.
Lai: Yeah, the battles still haven't in..
Callie: Now for the battles and the final results!!
Marie: Wait for iiiit!!
Everyone here got even more nervous than before, especially the people who joined Team Callie since they lost the advantage of the popularity. Then, the battle result and the score are in.
Callie and Marie: BAM!!!
Team Callie vs Team Marie
Wins: 49% - 51%
Score×6: 340 - 360
Team Marie won!!
As the final results are in, everyone gasp in total shocking, including the Squid Sisters..
Lai: We won, Clem!
Clementine: Yeah! We actually won the last Splatfest!
Whinter: AHHH!! I lost the Splatfest!!
Clementine: But it's still not over yet.
Whinter: *sob* Huh?
In the studio...
Marie: I won? I won!!
As Marie still shocked by the results that just got in. Callie smiles and runs into a loving hug with her cousin during the broadcast..
Callie: Yeah! You deserve all the glory, Marie!
Her tears start dripping as she got moved by her cousin, Callie. She hugs back and replies..
Marie: No, don't say that! You too Cal! You had done very well in my team so you deserve it as well! Thanks...! For being my best friend and supporting my team!
All: Aww!!! ❤
Everyone in the Plaza went awe by their actions and after hearing their words deep from their hearts. Callie releases from the hug and replies to her happy and cheerfully.
Callie: Well~? Did you forgot someone? Without him, that 20 winning streaks wouldn't be possible for me to do that!
Marie: Oh! Yeah right! And Lai too! Thanks!
Everyone turn and start staring at me, including Clementine and especially her boyfriend, Whinter. Most of them are just pouting from the jealousy and some of them got shocked and few of them just giving applause to me from the streaks. In result, I just got everyone's attention. I scratch my head and smile nervous and sheepishly from all the staring that people gave me.
Lai: Uhm... Is everyone doing okay? ^^"
Whinter: *Groan* Good for you... But not for me...
Lai: But we all winners in the end, right? Don't you think? ^^"
Whinter: I don't think so!
He starts chasing me first, then everyone went followed him as well.
Lai: But I'm agreed with it! Bye! *Super Jump escape*
Whinter: Hey!
In the studio...
Marie: Well, seems like he's not getting away from this. *Sweatdropped*
Callie: Our popularity are too overwhelmed for him. But I'm sure he'll be fine in the end. ^^"
Marie: Yeah.. And I'm still grateful for all of that, Cal.
Callie: Don't mention that, Marie! We're always the Squid Sisters and Squid Sisters forever!
Marie: Yeah, forever. And don't forget Lai.
Callie: Hehe... Yeah.. Team N.S.S forever then! *giggle*
Meanwhile... Somewhere on top of the building..
Lai: Phew... It should be safe here from them.
After their pursuits ended, I got a message from the Squid Sisters and they want me to meet up in the studio but in sneaky. They said there's something urgent that the three of us wants to discuss about. I super jump back to the Plaza without alerting Whinter and the others. Then, I sprint my way to the studio to meet up with them.
Timeskip... 4:00pm..
Callie: Eh!? Are you sure!?
Marie: Yeah, the last Splatfest got the best hit among from the others. And our career had grew bigger by it so we won't do any news broadcast from now on. I know it's great for us but..
Suddenly, they both stared at me with worried expression.
Marie: Are you okay with this?
I crossed my arms..
Lai: Well, If I still get to see both of you. I guess it's okay for me.
She sighs with disappointed tone..
Callie: But not with us together... And I might be hard to see Marie from now on.
Lai: C'mon, cheer up Cal. I promise I'll take care of you two and our home. And I'll be the messenger just for you two!
Marie: He's right. We still had a long way to go so at least we still haven't reached the end yet. And even it is, it still won't be the end for us.
Lai: You heard her.. Now cheer up Cal.. We should keep moving forward. Even it's hard for us to move on.
Her heart lights up..
Callie: Yeah, you're right... So what should we do now?
Lai: Well, let's get everyone in the Plaza and have a memorable picture of it!
Marie: Everyone? With who?
Lai: Sean, Sheldon, Jelfonzo, Annie, Spike, Cap'n and of course, Judd! They might wanna bid their farewell for you girls!
Callie: Sounds great! Let's do that!
Marie: Is Whinter still playing chasing games with you?
Lai: Yeah! But they all had lost sight of me so better make it quick! They probably still try to find me tho.
Timeskip... 6:00pm
As everyone are still searching for me and no one were in the Plaza, the three of us had gathered all the shopkeepers including Cap'n, Judd and Spike the Urchin at the center in the Plaza to take a picture. Yeah, of course I'm the one who'll be the photographer. I stood at the place where I can fit them whole inside the frame. Moe suddenly blurted out words like he always did to any Inklings.
Moe: Can't you just hurry up, yer nerd!?
I smirk as I quickly took out a Splat Charger and aim at Annie's head where the clownfish is. Sean got shocked..
Sean: Whoa! Calm down, Lai!
Lai: Wanna be splatted? You know I can shoot down an "Apple" from Annie's head.
Moe: Oh heck no, don't you dare do that!!
Lai: That's more like a clownfish will say that.
He went quiet as the others start laughing out loud. I lower my weapon and grab my camera. Then, I went back to camera mode and ask them to be ready before pressing the button.
Lai: Alright! Say cheese!
All: Cheese!!
After some pictures capturing... The Squid Sisters packed up their belongings from the studio and ready to say goodbye to them before leaving the Plaza.
Lai: So what you guys gonna do without us?
Jelfonzo: Well, I'll still running my business around here. The lobby will still open anyway.
Lai: Sheldon?
Sheldon: Ah! Same as Jelfonzo! But I'll plan to move out if there's a new place for my business!
Callie: What about you, Sean?
Sean: Well, I might be moving out as well to open my own business career!
Lai: Annie?
Annie: Oh uhm... I might try to open an online shop tho.. So we don't have to do face-to-face interrogation, you know...
Lai: I get it...
Moe: Yeah, then beat it, loser!
*Charger cocks*
Lai: Want me to do that again? ^^💢
Moe: Alright! Alright! I'll shut up!
Marie: Well, Spike?
Spike: I'll just retire from my career since I got enough dough for that from all the trading..
Marie: Oh that's great then. (Now I wish I could be like him...) (Author's note: She's on Team Money, remember?)
Sean: Well, I wish you two good luck in the future!
Callie: Thanks Sean! You too!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Well, remember to pay me a visit tho! My dearest grandchildren..
Marie: Will do, gramps.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3? Make sure you take care of them as well.
I nodded happily..
Lai: Always!
Whinter: There they are! Let's get their autographs while we still can!
All: !!
We all looked at the entrance where everyone were and they start to rush up to us.
Lai: Oh shoot! Here they come!
Callie: Wait for me!
Marie: Gotta go fast then!
The three of us super jump at the same time, leaving a stream line of ink with Pink, Blue and Green. The shopkeepers waved their hands to bid their farewell to us.
Sean: Goodbye you three!
The crowd went stopped as they saw us super jump away.
Whinter: Damn it! We lost them!
Callie, Lai and Marie: Stay Fresh everyone!
The three of us had escaped from the crowd and headed straight back to our Apartment.
End Of Chapter...
9:00pm, Outside the Squid Sisters Apartment...
Judd: Meow. (Ah finally got a frame for this.)
He wipes the dust of the photo frame and set it on the table.
Judd: Meow. (This might be the "second" best one in my room. Now for the first real one is here.)
He sets the photo on the table that the three of them had took from the tower.
Judd: Meow. (*sigh* I'll miss those good old times in the future.)
Then, he growls one more time before he went to sleep.
"Goodbye, Splatoon."
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