Chapter 47: Final Splatfest. (Callie Vs Marie) Part 2

6:00am, Saturday.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I reached my hand to the clock and turn off the alarm. Then, I got out from my bed and exit out the room. Callie greets at me like she always did in every morning.

Callie: Ah! Good morning, Lai!

Lai: Morning too, Callie.

Callie: Here's your pancakes!

Lai: Thanks..

I fork out a piece of it and when I was about to savor the taste. I stopped as I realized... Callie notices it..

Callie: What's wrong?

Lai: How long I've been having pancakes till now?

Callie: Eh? Why you ask that in a sudden?

I stared at the pancakes...

Lai: It reminds me of how I met you two and how I ended up living with you girls under the same roof..

Callie: Yeah, things escalated pretty quick in that day tho.

Lai: Although it was a long time ago... But for me, it was just yesterday... I still remember it clearly.

In the flashback... When living with the Squid Sisters for the first day...

Lai: Man, No wonder they would like these. It's like you're making it with your love.

Callie: Ehh!? Is...Is that so? *blush*

Lai: I'm just telling the truth, don't get it wrong! *blush*

Callie: *chuckle* Well, glad you liked it and thanks, I'll feed Judd with some of these and I'll be right back!

Lai: Okay.

A flashback during in romantic morning...

Lai: *sigh* (Now I don't feel like wanna rest right now.)

He walked out from his room and then enters the kitchen. He heard Callie was humming the "City Of Color" during her cook. Then, he surprises her by cuddling her from behind.

Lai: Gotcha~

Callie: Ehh!? You should be resting in your room right now. Plus, I haven't take a shower yet. *blush*

Lai: But I don't feel like to rest tho..

Callie: Geez... I can't move if you keep sticking me like this.

Another one in after rescuing the Great Zapfish...

Lai just got out from the bathroom after shower.

Lai: Ah~ Much better now. Had you eaten yet?

Callie: *nod* Yup!

Lai: Glad to hear..

As he's about to have the pancakes, Callie stops him..

Callie: Wait!

Lai: Hm? What's wrong?

She forks a piece of pancakes and reaches out to him..

Callie: Here, say "Ah..."

Lai: *blush* Wha- What?

Callie: C'mon~ You don't wanna let a girl waiting for you. *smile*

Lai: This is embarassing... ><

Callie: *giggle* Say, "Ah~"

He reached his face and grabbed a bite from the fork. She can clearly notices a deep shades of red flushing through Lai's cheek. She couldn't help it but keep smiling and giggling his anxiety.. Callie forks another piece and reach to him again..

Callie: Here comes another one~

Lai: Seriously?! ><

Callie: C'mon, Lai~ ^^

Lai: *sigh* Okay. (I'm gonna faint if this keeps going..)

He grabbed the bite again from the fork.

Callie: How's it? Does it tastes good as usual?

He answers shyly while scratching his head..

Lai: Well... That was great I guess.

Callie: Hehe~ I knew you would say that~

She gives a peck on his cheek and winks at him before going to the bathroom..

Lai: Geez... 😶

And after rescuing the Turf War Superstar..

Lai: Wait! Wait! Wait!! I can explain this!

He started to run away from her as she tries to chase him down..

Marie: So this is the "Best day" you're talking about, huh!? I thought you just wanna take care of us! Never thought you would hit on someone else!

Lai: But I'm actually a victim here!! Please spare me, Marie!

Then, the noise awoke Callie and she saw them running around as she got out from her room.

Callie: *yawn* What's going on you guys?


Then, he completely got wrecked by Marie..

Marie: No waffles for you today!

Lai: *sob* Lai has learn his mistakes now! Please don't do this to me!

Flashback ends...

Callie: Oh.. Time flies pretty fast, right?

He places his hand onto his head..

Lai: *sigh* Yeah... I could still feel the pain from Marie but seriously... How much time had passed since the first Splatfest?

Callie: I guess it's like 10 months or almost a year tho..

Lai: ...Now I missed those days..

Callie: It's okay.. We both missed our good old time back in those days. But we have to keep going and at least we're still together..

Lai: Yeah.. Let's go check out the Plaza after this..

Callie: Sure!

She gives a peck onto his cheek before she goes to the bathroom..

Timeskip... In the park...

Marie: Why you two bring me here early in the morning?

Callie: Well, since the Splatfest is still ongoing. The three of us should take a stroll together as our memorable moment.

Marie: Seriously, this has nothing to do with the Splatfest..

Lai: But it's good for a warm up before starting a Splatfest match.

Marie: Ugh... I hate walking... Just a bit..

Callie: Come on! Cheer up Marie!

Lai: Oh my cod...

In the middle of their walking, Lai suddenly stops and the Squid Sisters almost bump into him.

Callie: Huh? What's wrong?

Marie: Hey, what's with the sudden stops?

Lai: Mind if you girls look over there? We might just discovered something unusual...

Callie and Marie: ?

The Squid Sisters turned to look where Lai was looking at and they all saw the Plaza was filled with a tons of people who were still there after the whole Splatfest night. Some of them are sleeping at the street and most of them are in their camp. They all got dumbfounded...

Marie: What the...?

Callie: Aren't they going too far just for this? *sweatdropped*

Lai: Let's just keep going and pretend we didn't see anything of it..

Callie and Marie: Agree...

They all going back to the Apartment without alerting the campers that they were here before.

Timeskip... 12:00pm at Inkopolis Plaza..

We came back again to Plaza to check out and it's now back to its usual state.

Marie: Finally, the Plaza turns back to normal tho. We should join the lobby quick before everyone do. You guys ready?

Callie: Alright!

Marie: Lai?

He looks around to confirm again, then replies to her.

Lai: Well, ready when you are.

Marie: I'll be going and find myself a team first. Hope we'll meet in the battlefield.

Callie: You bet we will!

Marie: *chuckle* See you two then.

Callie: See you too, Marie!

She smiles before she leaves to the lobby.. Callie suddenly grabs my hand and says cheerfully.

Callie: Lai.. Let's battle together, shall we?

Lai: Geez... You just stole my line. I was about to say that tho. ><

Callie: Hehe~🎵It's a yes then! Cuddlefish~ ❤ ^^

We both enter the lobby together...

Timeskip... 1:00pm, Turf War in Walleye Warehouse...


Lai: Ah! It's you two!

Inkling boy: Hey dude! How's it goi- Oh my cod..

Inkling girl: Callie!? Is it really you!?

Callie: Uhm... Lai? You knew this couple? ^^"

Lai: Yup! We had met in the Cafe once and I teamed up with them in some matches. To be honest, they both are fresh with their battle style.

Inkling girl: Eeee!!! He just calls us fresh! ><"

Lai: Ah! I almost forgot! The notebook!

He took out the notebook with the signatures and returned it back to the Inkling girl just as he promised.

Lai: Here you go.

Inkling girl: Wow! Thanks a bunch!

Callie: So what are their names?

Lai: Oh yeah! What's your name? Forgot to ask that, haha! ^^"

Callie: Geez... You know that's the basic tho.

Stella: Oh! My name's Stella! And this is Chuck! My boyfriend!

Chuck: Now you know it. Got it memorised?

Callie: Yeah! The match's gonna start soon! Let's do our best!

Lai: And Callie and I can do better than you both!

Chuck: We'll see then!





Callie and Lai start inking their way to the center and took their lead by claiming the tower first. Then, they start proceeding while the other couple are claiming the turf at both sideways. Lai had splatted 2 opponents in one sweep with his Hero Shot since it has the fastest rate of all shooter type, even faster than Aerospray tho. Then he throws a Burst Bomb to interrupt the Charger, giving Callie a chance to splat the enemy.

Lai: Callie!

Callie: On it!


As she just splats the Charger, a Roller user came out and he's about to attack, but Callie's attack speed was way much faster than his so she took the advantage of it and splat him in an instant. She replies back to her "Cuddlefish" cheerfully.

Callie: Team wipe!

Stella and Chuck: Whoa...

Lai: Now we can attack up to their base! Just don't let anyone sneak pass us!

Callie: Roger that!

The other couple got surprised and commented..

Stella: They're sure quite a pair tho. And fresher than us.

Chuck: Yeah.. Gotta admit it to them tho.

Game! 88.64% - 7.52%

Callie: Yay! I feel we're totally unbeatable, right Lai?

Lai: Well, I can't guarantee that if we match up against Marie's team tho. Anyway, let's continue till evening!

Callie: Sure!

Timeskip... Blackbelly Skatepark...


Lai's POV

We've been battling a lot of matches since we had entered the lobby in the afternoon and our winning streaks is now 20×. Every teammates that Callie and I got matched up with always got freaked out whenever they saw us were a thing and knew how our relationship are. To be honest, it kinda bugs me tho. I just wanna have a private moment with Callie in somewhere else, somewhere that just only the two of us know.. As I realized that we're in Blackbelly Skatepark. There is a place I do know and it's not too obvious for other people tho. When the match starts, I grab a hold of Callie's hand to stop her as the two other teammates are advancing to the center.

Callie: Lai? What are you doing?

Lai: You will know..

I brought her to a short hallway where it's just down below from the Spawnpoint. Then, I put an arm on each side of her so she can't move. She got surprised and start blushing madly..

Callie: Lai!? What are you doing!? The match just started!

Lai: Don't we deserve a moment with just the two of us? People always get freak out whenever we got matched up with them.

She stutters as she got nervous and looked away..

Callie: Well... I... I kinda agree with that...

Lai: But now we're alone. Shall we start?

She whispers to me but a bit loud..

Callie: Wait! Someone else might see us here! ><"

Lai: I'm already aware of it.. But I don't care... Because there'll be no second chance like this...

Callie: Lai...

We both are gazing at each other's eyes while our lips are slowly getting closer and closer in each second passes. Then, we heard some footsteps and the swimming noises are getting louder too. Suddenly, an Inkling boy just came here to check. He saw nothing but just a puddle of ink here.

Inkling boy: Hm... I wonder where are they.. They should be around here...

Then, he went back to the center and we turn back to Inkling Form. This time, Callie was sitting, leaning against the wall while my body was covering her with my arms are still on each side of her.

Callie: That was close..

Lai: At least he's gone for sure.

We both are still blushing... She asks while looking away.

Callie: Shall we... Shall we continue?

Lai: *chuckle* Of course, let's just cherish and enjoy our moment here...

Callie: Yeah... Sure..

I slowly run my fingers on her silky hair, then gently stroke her chin before pulling her into a kiss. She follows up as she felt the kiss and the passionate that I gave her. She moans a bit as she got turned on and start to breath a bit heavily. Callie knows that I'm being a bit forceful on her but she's enjoying it. Like somehow, she just felt safe with me and both of us didn't care about how people will think about us after seeing us doing things like this. We broke our kiss and rest for a while, her eyes was half-open and I could still see her blush and feel her soft breath. Then, she finally speaks up..

Callie: This is weird... My head suddenly feels light... And my mind's going blank and the only thing that I think about is just you...

Lai: Seems like you are really enjoying it, aren't you?

Callie: Uhm... Maybe... Ah! ❤

She moans a bit loud this time as I started to kiss her neck. I never knew she'd be that cute when it comes to this.

Callie: Uwah! ❤ My mind's going crazy if you keep up like this!

Lai: Don't worry, we're not doing that unless we're adults..

Callie: Is that so..? I'm relieved then...

After she just said that, she pulls me close to her by hugging me with her arms behind my back. Then, we decide to continue it until the match ends. And yeah, we lost the match and our streaks.


Inkling boy 1: Aw man! I thought we're gonna win this match with those two around.

Inkling boy 2: Yeah, but I wonder where are they? I've never seen them in the entire match tho.

Callie and Lai: *Stealth Super Jump escape*

Inkling boy 1: Forget about it! Let's go have a drink and battle again.

Inkling boy 2: Sure thing!

In the lobby...

Callie: Phew... Hope they don't notice us doing stuffs like that. *blush*

Lai: Yeah.. Sorry, Callie.

She suddenly smiles at me..

Callie: Don't say sorry. You might be right.

Lai: Huh?

Callie: Sometimes we really need a moment like that. Even though we're popular by everyone.

Lai: *smile* Well, I'm just glad that you understand it.

Callie: Thank you, Lai.. I love you.. 💜

Lai: I love you more, Callie. 💙

Before we entered the matchmaking room..

Callie: I wonder how's Marie doing right now?

Lai: Probably getting a tons of splats in every matches tho.


Whinter: Whoa! 21 splats! You're pro, Marie!

Marie: *chuckle* You flattered me..

Whinter: We're gonna win this for sure!

Marie: Yeah, for Callie.. I wonder how are they doing right now...

Timeskip... Kelp Dome..


Clementine: Hey guys!

Callie: Clem! Belladonna! I'm so glad you girls are with us!

Belladonna: Why you say so? Of course I definitely need a Charger here like Clem.

Lai: Yeah! Rollers and Chargers are always a good combination in every situation!

Clementine: Thanks! But what about Shooters? Don't they play a big role too?

Lai: Uhm... I don't know... Maybe they just a balanced type so they always go solo. ^^"

Callie: *pout*

Lai: Well, not "always". Ahaha! ^^"

Belladonna: So, what are our opponents, Squid kid?

Lai: Let's see... Ohoho! Now this is interesting!

Clementine: Let me see! Oh my cod..

Callie: What is it!?

On the other side with Marie, Whinter, Marian and Jonquil..

Marian: Ah! Callie, Lai, Clem and Belladonna are on the other side too.

Jonquil: Oh? So it's a Captain's friendly battle, huh? Ah, what a good reunion!

Whinter: So we're gonna battle with them!?

Marie: Yup.. This is gonna be interesting.

Marian: So who's gonna lead the team?

Marie: *chuckle* There's no need for that. Let's just..

Callie and Lai: Give it all you got!!

All: Yeah!!!

The match starts countdown..





Both of the teams start inking their turf as fast as they can. Callie and Belladonna rush their way to the center while Lai and Clem are securing the sideway where the other team will be coming at. As Whinter's special has been charged and rushing to the center with his unleashed Kraken Form. Callie and Belladonna had planned something.

Belladonna: You ready for this?

Callie: Yeah! Let's do it!

They hold their Rollers with two-handed, timing when Whinter comes up the tower.

Callie: 1..

Belladonna: 2..

A Kraken just climbed up the tower..

Whinter: Yay! I got here first!

Callie and Belladonna: Sayonara!!

Both of their Rollers strike on Whinter, inflicting a very huge knockback that causing him to fly straight out of bound. Lai and Clementine got surprised by that.


Whinter: WAAHH!!!

*Splat!* *KO!!*

Lai and Clementine: Whoa!

Callie: How's that?

Lai: Nice homerun you got there!

Clementine: I hope Whinter's fine tho. *sweatdropped*

Lai: He'll just respawn so don't sweat it.

Jonquil start his attack from on top of the ramp while Marian supporting him from behind. Clementine and I both take our cover behind the wall. As they are about to surround us. I perform a Burst Bomb combo on Marian and successfully splatted her. But Clementine and Jonquil both splatted each other out. Then, I quickly head to the center..

At the center...

Belladonna: Booyah! We're gonna win for sure!

Callie: Yeah.

A Charger suddenly splatted Belladonna and it startled Callie.

*Pow!* *Splat!*

Callie: Whoa!

Marie: Did you forget about me?

Callie dodges another shot and hides behind the tower.

Callie: Geez, Marie! That almost scared me! ><"

Marie: Well, Rollers are always a big target for the Chargers.

Lai: But Shooters always ambush the Charger!

I throw a Burst Bomb to keep Marie off from sniping. Then meet up with Callie.

Callie: So what should we do? Marie might pins us down.

Lai: She'll be vulnerable if we get close enough to her. But with her Splat Bomb and her Bomb Rush.. We just need a miracle.

Callie: *sigh* I should bring my Krak-On Splat Roller tho. Not with Suction Bomb and Killer Wail tho.

Lai: Wait, that's right!

Callie: Hm?


Marie: (Hm.. What are they trying to do? I don't see them anywhere..)

An Inkstrike start falling straight down on her and she quickly backsteps away from the blast.

Marie: Nice try, Belladonna.

When she gets back to her sniping location. I sneak up on her.


Lai: Here!

Marie: !!

She drops a Splat Bomb to prevent me from chasing her so she can get enough distance from me. I simply dodge the Bomb and evade her charge shot. Then, Whinter tries to ambush me from behind. But Callie splashes him immediately. We both kept chasing her but Marian and Jonquil super jump to Whinter's Squid beakon where Marie is. Jonquil throws out a Splash Wall and both Captains start returning their fire on us. We stop and fall back to the center asap.

Lai: Ugh! Almost got her tho!

Callie: Let's try something else!

Clementine: Leave them to us!

Belladonna: You guys go on!

Lai: Okay!

Callie and I proceed to where Marie is while the Captains start clashing up each other. Clem is now battling against Marian while Jonquil is against Belladonna. We saw Marie is on the grate, trying to snipe us from above. I call up to Callie..

Lai: Now!

Callie: Okay!

She unleashes her special, Killer Wail. And it shoots a huge ray through the center. When the special ends. Both of us disappear from her sight.

Marie: What the-!?

She takes a quick look around her. Then, we both ambush her from below and she falls down from the grate. She quickly uses her Bomb Rush to keep her distance from us. We run through the blast as fast as we can until her special ends. Then, we successfully surround her at the corner.

Lai: Looks like we're gonna win for sure.

Marie: *chuckle* This is just getting started.

She drops a Splat Bomb and we backstep away. She quickly aims at Callie with her Charger but I tackle her to aside to miss the shot. Then, I started to dash straight to Marie. She takes another shot but I jump to the wall and dodge the first shot. Then, I step onto the wall and jump once again to dodge another one. But she suddenly aims at the spot where I'm landing at and I can't change my direction during in mid-air. In result, she got me...

Lai: Oh shoot!!!

As she releasesd the shot and I was about to land. The bullet got deflected by Callie.

Lai: Thanks!

Callie: You're welcome!

Marie tries to escape but I slow her down with Burst Bomb. Then, she runs out of ink as she tried to charge up.

Marie: Ah.. You guys got me..

Lai: Well, good game Marie.

Callie: Yeah. It was a good match. Can't believe that Killer Wail actually works!

Marie: Well done, you two sure had quite impressed me with your teamwork.

Lai: Well, let's call it a draw. We all are winners in the end anyway.

Marie: Yeah... Fair point... Let's go have dinner after this!

Callie and Lai: Alright!

When the three of us had finally got reunion, I got splatted by Whinter with his sneak attack before I could even react. The Squid Sisters got terrified and they both shouted out loud...



Callie and Marie: LAI!!!

Whinter: Phew! I got him finally.. Oh hey! Callie and Marie! How are your doing?

Both of the Squid Sisters shot a death glare at him, preparing to splat him out for sure.

Marie: You..

She aims at him with her Charger which had got Whinter surprised..

Whinter: Wait wait wait!!! You know there's no friendly fire on this mode, right!?

Marie: Like I care!!!

*Pow!* *Splat!*


When the match just ended.. I still have my Bomb Rush Special on and I immediately unleash it on Whinter. Throwing a huge barrage of Burst Bomb at him non-stop..

Lai: Damn you, Whinter!! We're all being cool at there and you messed it up big time!! How could you do that to us!!

Whinter: I thought you all were battling at there!!

Marie: *sigh* There we go again...

Callie: But he deserves it this time.. *sob*

The Captains got sweatdropped..

Marian: What's going on there?

Clementine: Beats me..

Jonquil: Me too..

Belladonna: Me three..

Marian: Hey! Let's go to the Cafe and have some drinks tonight!

All: Sure!

They all left the lobby except Whinter..

Whinter: Hey! Wait for me!! I'm stuck in here, help!!

End Of Chapter...


Marie: You alright, Lai? That splats almost scared Callie.

Lai: Still a bit frustrating by that.. Sorry.. But I'll get him next time!

Callie: Well, let's just forget about it.. Let's go follow the Captains and have some drinks before celebrating tonight's Splatfest!

Marie: I think that might cool us down..

Lai: Yeah.. All this shooting makes me thirsty..

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