Chapter 46: Final Splatfest. (Callie Vs Marie) Part 1

10:00am, Friday..

Today's the day of the Final Splatfest, Callie Vs Marie. And it's a 48-hours Splatfest as well. Everyone was preparing with their best gears and weapons for their team so most of them went visiting Spyke the Urchin in the Back Alley for Re-Rolling their abilities or adding slots to their gear. But the problem is....

Back Alley in the Plaza...

Belladonna: What!? No more Sea snails for Re-Rolls!? That's bloody rubbish!

Spyke: Wot?

Tanrine: Yayyy! At least there are no more Sea Snails abuse for Re-Rolls!

Spyke: U wot m8!?

Suddenly, a loud-pitched scream spreads throughout the Inkopolis.. Everyone got shocked by it..

???: AAHHH!!!!!!

Belladonna: What was that scream?

Tanrine: I don't know... That scared me tho.

Meanwhile... At the Splatfest booth..

Everyone in Plaza were covering their ears from Whinter's screams.. Including Clementine, Lai and Callie. Also yeah, Marie in the studio as well.

Whinter: AAAHHHHH!!!!!

Clementine: Just choose already! You've been screaming there for 15 minutes!

Whinter: I can't!! They both are great!! I just can't!! And who came up this idea for the Splatfest anyway!?

Lai: Ask the Splatfest Team.. C'mon, it's not that hard actually.

Whinter: Then, why are you choosing Team Marie!? I thought you loved Callie too!

I scratch my head and stutters.. Callie sensed that one coming..

Lai: Ah! Well, it was-

Callie: It was my decision! I wanna support my cousin so I decided it for us and joined in Team Marie, and she went for supporting my team as well!

Lai: Yeah! And there'll be no misunderstanding since they both are on the opposite team.

Clementine: You're right! Whoever wins the Splatfest, both of the Squid Sisters will still gonna win! That's actually a great idea and no one would ever come up with this!

I added..

Lai: And only the real Callie would do that after all!

Callie entwins my arms as we laughed...

Callie: Thanks, guys! Since today's the last Splatfest. I wanted to cherish this moment with him and Marie! So that means, we'll battle together as much as we can!

Clementine: Same on me and Whinter! But now...

Whinter: AAHHHHH!!!! This is even worse!!! They both went to opposite teams!!!

We turned and look at Whinter who is still haven't choose his team yet and kept screaming at the Splatfest booth. She sighs...

Clementine: My boyfriend might be a disaster tho. *Sweatdropped*

Lai: Should we do something about him?

Clementine: Nah! I got a plan for the two of us!

Callie and Lai: ?

She walks up to Whinter and covers her whispering to his ear with both hands. After that, Whinter jumps in excitement and blows a kiss onto his girlfriend's cheek. Then, he smashed the button and joined in Team Callie without any second thoughts. The other couple got puzzled and Clem got back with a grin on her face.

Lai: So what's the plan, Clem?

Clementine: Well, if he chooses his team, then I promised I'll go to the opposite one.

Callie: You sure about that?

Clementine: Uhm... I think we'll only meet in the battlefield in that way tho.

Whinter: Let's do our best then! My inks are getting pumped right now!!

He rushed out from the Plaza, we all got sweatdropped by his reaction.

Lai: Looks like he's "Going all out" today...

Callie: Yeah, just like the 12th Splatfest theme said! Hehe~

Clementine: *facepalm* Why do I feel this is a bad idea?

Lai: I bet it won't. Because everyone's gonna do their best as well!

Clementine: Yeah, you're right!

Her phone suddenly rings... Callie checks the caller.

Callie: Oh, it's Marie! Give me a minute!

Lai: Take your time.

She turns around and picks the call..

Callie: Hey, Marie! What's up!?

Marie: Cal? Where are you? You know got work to do for the upcoming Splatfest.

Callie: Ah, sorry! It's just everyone was getting excited for the Final Splatfest tho!

Marie: *chuckle and smile* Yeah, me too. But remember, we had news to broadcast in this noon. So I hope you'll be joining me in the studio.

Callie: Yes ma'am, I will!!

Marie: See you in the studio then, I'll be waiting for you.

The call hung up and she turns back..

Lai: Who's calling?

Callie: It was Marie! And she just asked me to come back to the studio to help her out! See you later, guys!

Clementine: Bye!

Lai: See you later too!

She rushes her way to the studio just on the second floor. Clem sighs in depressed..

Clementine: *sigh* Just the two of us here. Man, I can't believe this is the Final one. Time flies too fast.

Lai: That's why Callie told us to cherish every moment we had. Especially during Splatfests tho.

Clementine: Then, what should we do?

Lai: Where's your team, anyway?

Clementine: Probably hanging out with the other teams.

Lai: Maybe we should do some warm up and get ourselves prepared for the Splatfest.

Clementine: Sounds a good idea! How many Super Sea Snails you had anyway?

Lai: Uhm... Let's see...

We showed all the Super Sea Snails that we're currently had to each other.

Lai: 5...

Clementine: Just 2...

Lai: How are we gonna do with these?

Clementine: Ugh... I regret for Re-Rolling the abilities. It was such a waste..

Lai: *sigh* Never mind, let's just sharpen our skills in Battle Dojo.

Clementine: Sounds good, let's go!

She grabs her Splat Charger and I equipped with my Tentatek Splattershot as we start heading to the Battle Dojo.

Lai: Hey wait a minute! Did you wear any damage up abilities?

Clementine: I get the point so don't worry.. I'm not like my dad tho. Geez...

Lai: Good to hear then... ^^"

Timeskip... 12:00pm.. After done practicing and came out from the Battle Dojo.

Lai: Phew... I'm kinda pumped up right now.

Clementine: Ah! Great timing! The broadcast had just started! Anyway, where's Whinter?

Whinter: Hey!

Lai: Oh, he's here right on time.

Clementine: Where were you been, Whinter?

Whinter: I was gone for practicing with my team in Kelp Dome!

Lai: Let's just listen to the broadcast, shall we?

Clementine and Whinter: Okay!

At 12:00pm... The broadcast starts...

Callie: And the next Splatfest theme is... Wait for it..

As the Squid Sisters are about to announce it, we all standing still, waiting for the theme and the atmosphere was totally calm.. Then, Marie adds in as the theme got officially announced..

Marie: Who would you follow? Callie? Or Marie?

Clementine and I looked around to the other's reaction. Most of them are rubbing their eyes or wiping their glasses. We both shout out to snap them out of it..

Clementine and Lai: All of your eyes are fine, guys!!

All: Oh, okay! Thanks!

Whinter: Hah! Didn't get me because I already knew about it!

Clementine: ...

Lai: Gulp...

Then, here they announce about their joining teams...

Callie: Well, I'm on Team Marie! She's a great Charger and it just feel safe knowing that she's got your back!

Marie: And Team Callie for me! She's so skilled with her Roller and having her pushing the way make things so much easier for me.

After we all hearing it from the Squid Sisters, we could hear some people are shocking and the atmosphere slowly becomes a bit chaos..

Purple Inkling boy: This can't be true. This can't be true! This can't be true!!

Orange Inkling girl: Oh my cod...! I can't decide! I just.. Can't!

We looked at another one who are still calm but feel depressed by just squatting there, drawing circles on the ground..

Green Inkling boy: Who needs Super Sea Snails anyway?

Yellow Inkling girl: I... I do.. I used up all of mine but..

Blue Inkling girl: I can't pick....

Clementine: They forfeited this Splatfest. Can't believe this would happen... -_-

Lai: That's quite a disaster. *sweatdropped*

We both looked back at Whinter who's now squatting on the ground and wiping his goggles in anxious.

Whinter: Did I really chose the right team!? What if Team Callie or Marie lost this Splatfest!? How am I gonna explain to them!?

We both crossed our arms and took a deep breath.. Then, we shout out at top of our lungs at him that everyone can hear it, including the Squid Sisters..

Clementine and Lai: Your "GOGGLES" are FINE, Whinter!!! Just SNAP out of it!!!

Whinter: Eekk! Okay, okay! Geez.. You both are scary..

In the studio...

Callie: Ahaha... It's just a festival tho.. No need to be serious.. ^^"

Marie: *facepalm* Seriously, these guys are hopeless..

Callie: But we just gotta enjoy it, right?

Marie: Yeah, I agree.. Let's do our best!

Callie: Sure thing, Marie! ^^

Marie: Oh, let's grab our Hero Weapons too, it'll be more fun in this way.

Callie: Okay! I'll go grab Lai's too!

After their broadcast, the Squid Sisters grab their gears and weapons, then headed out to the lobby from their studio. They stopped as they saw a long queue from the lobby to the plaza. Lai rushes out to them..

Lai: Hey!

Callie: Lai? What's going on?

Lai: Uhm... You see, thing's getting very complicated right now..

Marie: Yeah we know... We could totally get the point from their reaction after the broadcast..

Callie: So what should we do right now?

Lai: Hm... Only we can do is to wait for the lobby to be cleared. Anyway, why you girls bringing the Hero Weapons?

Marie: We both decided to play it rough, don't you agree with that?

Lai: Really!?

Callie: And here's your Hero Shot!

She handles me the Hero Shot.. I grab it and got a bit excited..

Lai: Okay! Now we're talking! Let's win this Splatfest!

Timeskip... 3:00pm, after a long wait of matchmaking...

Team Marie in Urchin Underpass...

Callie: Ah, finally we're in a match!

The other girls are screaming...

Inkling girl: Ahh! It's the lovebirds! Can't believe we had met up with them again! And we knew you both are already a thing!

Lai: Geez... You both sure really got us tho.

Inkling girl: Can we have an autograph this time, please!?

Callie: Sure! Who's our opponents, Lai?

Lai: Let me check.. Just an Inkling couple.. Oh hey there's Marie too!

Callie: Really!?

Their screams become even louder...

Inkling girls: Marie too!? Aw cod! This is the best day ever!

Lai: And.... Oh shoot...

Callie: What's wrong?

As the moment as he saw the familiar name, his pupils start sparkling with vengeance.

Lai: I've been waiting for this...

Callie: Wait, what are you talking about?

Then, he rushes out first before the game starts..

Callie: Hey! Where you going!? The game hasn't start yet!

Meanwhile in Team Callie...

Marie: Just two Inkling girls over there and yeah no surprise.. Callie and Lai are there too..

Lee: Lai? Is he on the other side?

Marie: Uhm... Yeah.. Why you ask that?

Lee: He's the one who saved me from the bad guys!

Marie: Wait... What!?

Lee: I gotta meet up with him right now!

Marie: Wait, don't go over there!! The game hasn't start yet!

He starts rushing out from the spawn and Marie tries to stop him but it's too late for her.. She bites her fingertips in anxious..

Marie: (Oh carp! I shouldn't misunderstood Lai and done horrible things to him in that day! Hope that guy survive that... ><")

At the center...

They both shouting out to each other in excitement...

Lai: Lee!

Lee: Lai!

Before they both finally meet up, Lai's face suddenly change, from an innocent smile to a pure vengeance and his hair starts shining up as soon as he had charged up his special completely.. Lee senses his aura and start screaming in terror while turning back to escape from him, Lai unleashes his Bomb Rush. Throwing a huge barrage of Burst Bombs at him..

Lee: Waahhhh!!!! Why you do that!!?

Lai: Our relationship almost got ruined, thanks to you! Do you have any idea how hard I was to plead them to forgive me!? And I could have that waffles if you didn't try and expose me to the public! Is that how you repay me after I saved your ink sac, TWICE!? 💢

The Squid Sisters got sweatdropped and they can't do anything about them...

Callie: Wha- What just happened?

Her phone start ringing and it was Marie..

Callie: Hello? What's going on, Marie?

Marie: Uhm... Remember that day why I didn't gave him the waffles?

Callie: No way! But, I wasn't bothered by that at all and I didn't blame him actually.. *sweatdropped*

Marie: Yeah... Shouldn't have listen to him.. But now, there goes our match tho..

Callie: At least we can greet to our fans here. They said they want your autographs too.

Marie: Yeah sure thing, Cal..

Lee: Aahhh!!! Please stop this!!!

Lai: Get over here!! Omae wa mou SHINDEIRU!!!

Lee: Yamero!!!! (Stop!!)

*Boom!!!* *Splat!*

Judd: Meow... (*sigh and facepalm* Kids these days..)

Timeskip... 6:00pm in Inkopolis Plaza..

The trio just exit out from the lobby after battling a lot of matches...

Lai: *deep breath* Huff...

Marie: So are you cool right now? ^^"

Lai: Yeah, kinda... Sorry that I ruined the first match..

Callie: It's fine.. Kinda funny when you bombed him like that! ^^"

Lai: But c'mon! Do you still holding that, Marie? -_-

Marie: No.. I already let it go and forgive you.

Lai: *sigh* Let's just go have some dinner already.. You two will be busy to celebrate the Splatfest tonight.

Callie: Don't worry, I'll cheer you up after this!

Lai: *chuckle* Okay...

Timeskip... 8:00pm..

After the trio had their dinner and returned to the Plaza, the Squid Sisters had took their leave and went to their stage for the celebration of this festival. And Lai is now currently alone, sitting on the bench where he always sit at since the start.. Then, he stares at the night sky..

Lai: I wonder...

He starts to reach out my hand, trying to touch the stars in the sky.. He questions himself..

Lai: Is this really the last one?

Then, he heard a voice..

???: Yeah it is the last one!

Lai: Huh?

He looked around to check who.. Then, he saw Jonquil, Marian, Clem, Belladonna and the whole gang were here.. He got surprised..

Lai: Guys!?

Clementine: Hey! Did you forget about all of us?

Lai: But I thought you guys were going home..

Belladonna: No way, squid kid! We all deserve the fun after we all being veteran for so long!

Marian adds in..

Marian: Yeah she's right! Since this is the last Splatfest, we should enjoy it to our heart's content!

Lai: You guys...

Jonquil reaches out his hand to him..

Jonquil: Come on! Can't let you be alone by yourself after how you took a good care for the Squid Sisters!

Lai: Thanks..

He grabs the hand and Jonquil pulls him up from the bench..

Lai: Just like Callie said...

Clementine: Let's cherish every moment we have!

Lai: Yeah, that's right.

Whinter: Now everyone's here finally!

The Lappi sisters adds in..

Vadelma and Kirsikka: Let's party then!!

All: Yeah!!!

Lai: Thanks guys...

They all went celebrating the festival..

End Of Chapter...


In the middle of heading back to the Apartment... Lai was carrying them while they all heading back.. Marie was sleeping in his hoodie hat and Callie was in his arm..

Lai: This is why I need to wear hoodies tho.. You two had did your best for the Splatfest..

Callie and Marie: Zzz... Woo.. my...

Lai: Well sleep then..

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