Chapter 44: A guy from Squidly.

Wednesday... At 12:00pm, Inkopolis Plaza..

I just exit out from the lobby after battling a lot of ranked matches..

Lai: Finally... Got my rank to S+!

My stomach starts rumbling..

Lai: Just in time.. Time to get something to eat.

I walked up to Cafe Cardamari and open the door to enter. I greet to the sisters, Vadelma and Kirsikka happily..

Lai: Hey Vadelma!

Vadelma: Oh hey Lai!

Kirsikka: You sound so happy and lively!

I show my ID to the sisters..

Lai: I just got my rank to S+! It was a bit tough but I made it out!

Vadelma: Congrats Lai! What would you like to eat to celebrate? It'll be my treat!

Lai: Really!?

Vadelma: *smile and nod* Yes!

Lai: Sweet then!


Vadelma: Here's your ramen! I added extra pork in it!

Lai: Thanks, Vadelma!

I start enjoying the food happily, savoring each bite of the noodles and the sip of the soup. Then, Vadelma sits in front of me with a pure smile on her face..

Vadelma: I'm glad things had gone so much better between the Captains after the Turf War League Match!

Lai: Yeah! No more rivalry or grudges like that. It might be our best day ever!

Vadelma: That's right!

Lai: Oh yeah, Vadelma..

Vadelma: Hm?

Lai: You got any progress between you and Marian?

Vadelma: Eh?? Why you ask me that so suddenly? *blush*

Lai: What? Just checking and concerning tho.. ^^

She nervously grins out, with a deep shade of red flushing on her face.

Vadelma: Uhm... We're just friends and I think that's enough for me!

Lai: What? You still haven't confessed yet? You really should make your move right now..

Vadelma: Maybe I'll do that in Valentine's day. ^^"

Her sister suddenly adds in..

Kirsikka: But you still didn't do it even when I put a mistletoe above you and Marian during the Squidmas eve!

Vadelma: Ehh??

She covers her face as she blushed even more after hearing.. I decided to help her a bit..

Lai: But what about you and Sorrel?

She looks up and started daydreaming as she's pouring the tea..

Kirsikka: Ah~! He's just like a real gentleman to me... Eh!? The tea!!

The cup got overfilled and she got shocked by that. Vadelma and I giggled a bit..

Vadelma: Thanks..

Lai: No problem..

*Door bell rings*

Lai: ?

We all look at the customer who just entered the cafe. It's just a Green Inkling kid wearing White Arrowbands, Shrimp-Pink Polo and Hunter Hi-Tops, his height was way shorter than us and his eyes are blue with yellow star pupils. But I never seen him before.. He said down on the seat just on the other side from us. Then, everyone noticed and started their gossip about him.. We both overheard it..

Inkling girl: Hey! Do you know this guy?

Inkling boy: Yeah, I heard that kid's a wreck. He doesn't get any splats during every matches and just run away or hide like a coward everytime when he encounters an opponent..

Vadelma: ...

Lai: ...

Inkling girl: But do you have any idea who his mother was?

Inkling boy: Uhm... No..

Inkling girl: Her mother was some kind of Superstar and I remember her last name was Squidly If I got it right..

We both got shocked...

Lai: Squidly? Wait! She means Janine Squidly!? I heard she was a Turf War Sport Superstar and the freshest Inkling of the last decade!

Vadelma: Yeah, I heard about it too. The same goes to everyone tho. Turf Wars were such a huge part of her life and she was a huge part of them too.

Lai: Oh cod... *drink a sip of the soup* I can't believe this..

Vadelma: Yeah me too..

Inkling boy: Really!? Are you squidding!?

Inkling girl: I'm serious, I saw her drop him off at the Plaza!

Inkling boy: So that kid is the son of the boss and the freshest Inkling of the decade? Really? Him? No way.. Just there's no way!

Inkling girl: Man, hard to believe it when his mother is Janine Squidly..

Inkling boy: Heh, seems guts doesn't run in the family.

The kid looks away as he heard someone was talking about him..

Lai: Well, I feel sorry for him..

Vadelma: Well, I wish there's someone who can help him out.

Suddenly, a Yellow Inkling boy just showed up to him. He grabbed his shirt and threw him on the ground. I feel familiar about this guy..

???: You're...!

Yellow Inkling boy: Remember me? You think you can just act nothing after dropping my rank from that lost!?

Kirsikka: Stop it! Or else I'm gonna call the police!!

He took out his Blaster and aimed at Kirsikka..

Vadelma: Kirsikka!

Yellow Inkling boy: Don't move! I still had a deal with this piece of carp!

I sighed, putting down the spoon and the chopsticks on the bowl gently and call out Vadelma..

Lai: Vadelma... Mind give me a sec and take care of my ramen? I don't wanna let him sprays everyone's food with his ink.

Vadelma: Wait! What are you doing!?

Lai: I don't have any appetite as long as he's there..

I stood up with both of my hands stuffed in pockets and walked up in front of him with annoyed looks. He then turns his Blaster to me.

Yellow Inkling boy: I said don't move!

He got shocked..

Yellow Inkling boy: You're...!?

Lai: My, my... I guess you still remember me even after that fight in the alley.. But this time, I'm gonna pound you out from this place before inking everyone's food!

Yellow Inkling boy: Die then!

Before he fires, I swiftly move my body to aside and grabbed his arm. I land a punch onto his elbow joint to disarm him. Then, he drops the weapon and screams in pain. I grabbed his arm with both of my hands then I lift him straight up in the air and swing him down smashing heavily on the ground. Leaving a crack on it and he got fainted. Everyone in the Cafe got shocked by that and started looking at me.

Lai: What? I just mastered the Dynamo with Belladonna yesterday, alright? It was hard and the weight is too heavy!

All: O- Okay...

Lai: Call the police, Kirsikka.. We can't let this guy off this time.

Kirsikka: Okay, I'm on it!

I let out a sigh as I sat back onto the seat where my ramen is and continue the food. Vadelma turns to me, still looking shocked...

Vadelma: Thank you for saving my sister and the Cafe..

Lai: You're welcome.. Glad he didn't open fire..

Vadelma: Do you know him?

Lai: Yeah, we got a little history back then. But now, he just ruined our day.

Vadelma: It's okay.. We won't be ended up meeting him anymore once the police got him.

As I enjoying the meal.. An Inkling couple in the Cafe walked up to us..

Inkling boy: Man, you're so cool! About what you did back then!

Inkling girl: Kyaa!!! Can I...! Can I get your autograph!? I saw you on the TV and it was amazing that you had survived in the first Battle Royale game in the island!

Lai: Ehh!? But I haven't finish my ramen yet!

Inkling girl: Aww...

Lai: Alright, I'm just pulling your legs. But please don't mention that again..

I grab the pen and the notebook from her and start writing my signature name in it. Then, I hand it both back to her.

Inkling girl: Oh, can I get the Squid Sisters autographs too!?

Lai: Don't push your luck..

Inkling girl: Pleeease?

Vadelma: Hehe.. You might upset her if you don't.

I sighed...

Lai: *sigh* There's no way for me to turn down a girl's request.

Inkling girl: Yes!!! My boyfriend and I will meet you here again tomorrow!

Lai: Okay..

I kept her notebook inside my pocket..

Inkling boy: Oh yeah, how are they doing? You know, since you're living with them.

Lai: Yes, they both are doing okay and I'm taking very good care of them.

Inkling boy: Cool man! I wish I can be like you!

???: Uhm...

We all turn to look at him..

???: Who are you? Please tell me your name!

Lai: It's Lai..

???: Please let me be your disciple!

I almost got choked after hearing it..

Lai: What!?! In all of the sudden!?

Inkling boy: Who do you think you are?! You can't just disturb him during his break!

Lai: Alright, cool down! He's a Squidly.. We gotta respect him!

He crossed his arm and sway his head to aside.. I cough a bit to clear my throat..

Inkling boy: Tsk...

Lai: Anyway, what's your name? This is the least I have to know so I might decide to keep you as my disciple.

Lee: It's Lee... Lee Squidly..

Lai: Lee, huh? Let's go have a practice after this!

Inkling boy: You serious, dude!?

Lee: Are... Are you sure?

I put both of my hands behind my head..

Lai: Well, I can't be just slacking off in the Cafe nor in the Plaza.. I have to work out my income tho.

Lee: Uhm... Sure..

Lai: What about you two? Wanna team up with us?

Inkling girl: Of course!

She turns to her boyfriend and grabs his hand..

Inkling girl: Dear! Can we play with him!? I want to see his action during turf war!

Inkling boy: Uhm... Sure, if.. If you say so, babe..

Inkling girl: Yay!! Thanks! You're always the best! *kiss onto his cheek*

Inkling boy: *Blush*

Lai: Alright, we're off then. Thanks for the ramen, Vadelma!

Vadelma: Have fun you guys!

Before all four of us going outside, I purposely stepped on his body. The other three followed me and went up stepping on him as well.

Lai: Sorry, didn't see you there.

Then, we exit out the Cafe and start heading back to Inkopolis tower for some regular matches...

Yellow Inkling Boy: Why's my life so hard!!???

Some random dudes just replied to him...

"Because you suck! Get a life man!"

Vadelma: Well, I kinda feel bad for that guy tho.

Kirsikka: Yeah, me too sis...


Lai: Alright, back to the lobby!

Inkling boy: Are you sure you wanna do this?

Lai: What?

Inkling boy: You heard about that boy and his mom, aren't you?

Lai: Oh don't worry, I'll carry the team if something happens. Anyway, what weapons do you guys equip on?

Inkling boy: Just a handy-dandy Splash-O-Matic!

Inkling girl: My freshly New Squiffer!

Lai: Good old Splattershot Pro! And you? What weapons you on?

Lee: Uhm... Splattershot Jr..

Lai: I guess that's okay.

Timeskip... 3:00pm..

After some regular matches with Lee and a random couple who I haven't ask their name yet.. We all exit out the lobby with only me exhausting from all the matches we've been in this afternoon.

Lai: Ugh... Finally..

Inkling boy: Told you not to carry too much.

Lai: Yeah but, how is he doing so far right now?

Inkling girl: Well... He's not doing okay. He keeps run away as we said.

He fiddles his finger..

Lee: ...

I walked up to him..

Lai: Is something wrong?

Lee: No.. I'm just afraid.

Lai: You know you can tell me, right?

Lee: I can't..

Inkling boy: Maybe you should give up that one.

Lai: No..

Inkling boy: Huh?

Lai: I mean he's a Squidly. How's he gonna run his family if he keeps running away like that?

He shrugs..

Inkling boy: Suit yourself..

Lai: What about you two? What're you gonna do next?

Inkling boy: I think we had enough Turf War for today.

Inkling girl: Wha-!? You're not coming with us?!

Inkling boy: I just wanna go home and rest.

He suddenly left from the Plaza first..

Inkling girl: Geez... Don't be such a meanie! Wait for me!

She turns to me before they both start leaving from the Plaza..

Inkling girl: Oh yeah! Don't forget the autographs!

Lai: Oh... Okay... *sweatdropped*

They both left.. Lee asks me in sudden..

Lee: Do you actually live with the Squid Sisters?

Lai: Uhm... Yeah..

Lee: Did you used to take care of them all by yourself?

Lai: Yeah but not literally all.. Just doing the house chores, escorting them to the studio in the morning and fetching them in the evening.

Lee: Oh...

Lai: I guess you probably wanna ask about that guy earlier in the Cafe, right?

Lee: Yeah.. How do you end up knowing him?

Lai: Uhm... How should I say.. I got into a fight with him and his brother in order to protect the Squid Sisters.

Lee: Why?

Lai: Because those girls are precious to me, and I can't let those guys hurt anyone else nor my friends as well like what happened in the Cafe. So that's why I fought back. I guess you had someone that precious to you, right?

Lee: Just my mom.. But she always works a lot in her career and I'm so glad she didn't know that I play like a total loser here.

Lai: You know you're just not brave enough to do that.

Lee: But I just can't.. Plus, I've made up my mind today. I'm gonna tell her that I could never be the kind of superstar she was.

Lai: ...

I went silent for a while...

Lai: You sure you wanna do that?

Lee: Yeah, I know it'll break her heart but I have to! She'll be hurt even more if this keeps on!

Lai: You know you're the one who asked me to keep you as my disciple.

Lee: But it didn't work at all.. I still keep on running away like usual.

Lai: And you just gonna give up like that?

He looks away...

Lee: No.. I just realized that Turf War isn't suit enough for me..

Lai: *sigh* So what're you gonna do right now?

Lee: I guess I'll go home and talk to her if there's a chance.

Lai: See you then..

He went to train station as I waved him off from the Plaza..

Lai: *sigh* Guess his family is gonna be disappointed..

Timeskip... 4:00pm in the Cafe... Currently stirring the tea with the spoon while leaning my cheek onto my other palm. Vadelma asks in concern..

Vadelma: So how's it going?

Lai: Not too well..

Vadelma: What's wrong?

Lai: That kid gave up in the end. He said Turf War isn't fit for him.

Vadelma: Oh that's bad.. How are you gonna do?

Lai: I don't know... I can't help him that much.

My phone suddenly vibrates.. I took out from my pocket and it was Cap'n, I wonder what mission he's gonna assign me in. Then, I answer the call..

Lai: Hello?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh Agent 3! Something bad happens!

Lai: What's wrong?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Meet me in the shack first!

Lai: I'm on it.

I drank the tea quickly and stood out as the phone call ended..

Vadelma: Oh, you're going out?

Lai: Something's cropped up really fast. I need to go right now.

Vadelma: Take care then..

I rushed outside the Cafe and headed to the manhole in the Plaza.

In the Octo Valley...


I rushed to the shack as soon as possible and then open the door, Cap'n notices me with urgent looks.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You're here!

Lai: What's wrong?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I got a report from the security and found out that the Octarians had squidnapped someone from Inkopolis!

Lai: Who?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: She's a green adult Inkling and they're now heading to Saltspray Rig through the pipes! Use the manhole to get there!

Lai: Okay!

I changed to my Hero Suit and grabbed my Hero Shot before start rushing back to the Manhole and heading to Saltspray Rig as well.



I looked at the time as I just got arrived at Saltspray Rig..

Lai: Better be quick.. Time's tickling now..

I started proceed slowly and took a peek at the Octarians as I sneak behind the containers. Then, I climbed onto it for a better view. Seeing a woman that matched to what Cap'n had described about, but she's all tied up at the corner.

Lai: There she is..

As I try to wait for a chance to strike. But unfortunately, I saw someone familiar. Someone with green..

Lai: (Lee!?)

Then, I overheard their conversation..

Octoling: Well well well, what do we got here? A little squidly waltzing onto our turf.

She pushes him down to the ground.

Lee: Ooof!

Janine: No! Don't hurt him!!

She aims at his head with her Octo Shot..

Octoling: I wish there were more of you. I've been itching to splat some squids for days.

Janine: Don't do it! Please!!!

Octoling: Any last words, little twerp?

Lee: Guess I'm wailed in!!

He throws out a pole and it activates the Splash Wall in front of him, then he starts inking and running away from them as fast as possible..

Lai: (Now!!)

I jump out the container and start taking some of them out as all of their attention were drawn to him. Then, they all noticed and turn to me.

Octoling: It's the Age-!

Lai: Don't you dare expose me!!


Lai: Phew... Almost got me..

Lee: Lai!?

Lai: If you wanna save someone you loved! Don't run away! I want you to watch this!

Octarians: Gun him down!

Lai: Heh...

I brush my nose with my thumb before start dashing to them.. Splatting some troopers in one sweep with my Hero Shot.

Octoling: Take him down!

Some Octolings start chasing me and I run straight towards the pole. I performed a pole stunt by grabbing it, jump and swing myself back to them, splatting them after they all surprisingly caught off guard.

Lee: Whoa...

I walked straight to her fiercely..

Octoling: Wait! I think we can talk it out!

Lai: Turn around and don't try to resist.

Octoling: Wha-?

I turn her around nicely, facing a troop of Octarians who was about to attack us. I kept shooting them while using her as a shield. The course is now cleared and she shivers in fright as I held her close to me.

Octoling: *Gulp*

Lai: Don't be bad anymore, okay? And I don't wanna hurt any of you to be honest.

Then, she replies back to me obediently..

Octoling: Okay...

I released her and walk up to Lee's mother, Janine who's still tied up with ropes. Then, I untie her and she rushes to her son.

Lee: Mom!

Janine: Lee!!

They both ran and hugged each other happily. As they got reunion. I asked the Octoling nervously..

Lai: Can I walk you home? I wanna get away from them so I don't get expose..

Octoling: Uhm... Sure.

My eyes lit up as I didn't expect she would say that. Then, I smile at her..

Lai: Thanks, I know you Octolings aren't really bad after all.

She got blushed by that..

Octoling: Thank you..

We both took our leave first and headed to the other pipe. Before we entered, she ran into a hug with me. I got surprised..

Lai: Wha- What was that about?

Octoling: I.. I thought you're gonna splat me.. But you hesitated.. So I think you Inklings aren't half bad as well.

Lai: Oh yeah? So why are we fighting anyway? We could be friends instead of enemies.

Octoling: I... I don't know.. I just being ordered around as a soldier tho.

Lai: So how about you should move to Inkopolis and play Turf War. There's a girl like you had been living there for a long time.

Octoling: You sure the Inklings will accept us?

Lai: Uhm... Yeah I mean, she already got along with the Inklings so I think you can! You're welcome to visit there anytime!

Octoling: Hehe... Thank you..

Lai: I guess this is the far as we walk.. I'll see you again next time!

Octoling: Bye then!

She entered the Manhole first before me and we got separated through the pipes, she went back to the base and I head back to the shack in Octo Valley. Meanwhile...

Janine: Who was that guy that just saved us from the Octarians?

Lee: Oh! I'll tell you everything once we get home!

Timeskip... 6:00pm at the Plaza...

Callie: Hey Lai!

Lai: Oh hey, girls!

Callie: How's your doing today?

Lai: Pretty well, I just got my rank to S+!

Callie: Ooh! That's fresh!

Marie: Well, I'm impressed. I thought you would be stuck at A rank.

Lai: Nah.. Not anymore.. But I think today's the best day after all for me.

Callie: ?

Marie: What do you mean?

Lai: Well, let's just say.. A lot of things had happened but it all gone to the right ways. So yeah why not?

Marie: Geez... I'm curious right now.

Callie: Well, let's make it to the best! Shall we?

Marie: Having chips again as dinner?

Callie: Ahh! You got me! ^^"

Lai: I think that's okay.

Marie: Seriously, Cal. You should stop that right now. And Lai, you'll spoil her if you keep pampering her like this.

Lai: Yeah, yeah. I get it..

We both laughed and headed back home happily...

End Of Chapter.


The following day...

Marie suddenly bursts inside my room and I got rudely woke up by her..

Marie: Lai!? Mind telling me what's going on!?

Lai: *yawn* Hm? Oof!!

She throws the newspaper straight to my face. Then, I caught it and start reading it..

"The Turf War Sport Superstar, Janine Squidly says: There's the newest and the freshest Inkling of the decade!" "Then her son adds in. He says: It was Lai! I'm sure I saw him how he dealt with those bad guys!"

Lai: Oh shoot...

Marie: Mind telling me right now?

Lai: Wait! Wait! Wait!! I can explain this!

I started to run away from her as she tries to chase me down..

Marie: So this is the "Best day" you're talking about, huh!? I thought you just wanna take care of us! Never thought you would hit on someone else!

Lai: But I'm actually a victim here!! Please spare me, Marie!

Then, the noise awoke Callie and she saw us running around as she got out from her room.

Callie: *yawn* What's going on you guys?


Then, I completely got wrecked by Marie..

Marie: No waffles for you today!

Lai: *sob* Lai has learn his mistakes now! Please don't do this to me!

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